HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 8, 1927. PAGE THREE BOARDMAN Sorrow once more entered oar com munity when death came suddenly on Tuesday, Nov. 29, to Charlei H. Atte bury at a result of heart trouble. Mr. Attebury had been in apparently good health and with hia brother Ves wai loading a car of hay at Board man. He complained of a pain in the region of his heart and when the bales of hay ceased to come into the car Ves stepped out and found his brother unconscious. At first it was thought he had fainted but ceath had come suddenly and without pain. Mr. Attebury was 60 years of age the 13th of November. He was born in Fairfield, 111., coming west twenty three years ago and coming to Board man about ten years ago with his two brothers, Ben and Sylvester and families. Several years ago ha be came a convert to the Adventist church and was a devout member of that faith. His widow, a step-daughter, Mrs. Nottingham of Portland, two brothers, Ben and Sylvester, a sinter, Mrs. Ella Lewis of Illinois and Mrs. Clam Tilley of Bakersfield, Calif, two nephews and a niece are left to mourn his passing. Funeral services were held Thursday from the Ad ventiBt church, in charge of Elder Thompson of Walla Walla and Elder Watson of McMinnville. Pallbearers were F. A. Fortier, W. A. Price, Chas. Dillon, J. F. Gorham, R. Rands and Mr. Raley. Mrs. Ingaard kobo came home last Wednesday from Portland. She is getting along nicely after a recent serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Marschat motor ed to Heppner Thursday to get little Nicholas Muller who was at the hos pital there with a bad case of blood poisoning. His hand is entirely healed and young Nicholas came home with a fine new outfit of clothes pur chased for him by the B. P. 0. E. of Heppner. Paul M. Smith was elected director from this part of the county of the Umatilla Dairy Improvement asso ciation which was organized last week at Pendleton. This is a cow testing association and is a step in the right direction in a dairying section. While Mr. Smith was absent a telegram came telling of the serious illness of his father, Oliver Smith at the Ellensburg hospital. Mr. Smith left the next morning for Ellensburg but another telegram came immediately after his departure telling of his father's death. The body was Bhlpped to California for interment. The de ceased was about 75 years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Macomber and daugh ter and son of Grandview, Wn., came Saturday for an overnight visit at the home of Nate Macomber. On Sunday all went to Condon tjp visit at the Albert Macomber home. Glen Carpenter was here for' a few days last week. He and his family are living in Corvallis. Glen Hadley and Earl Cramer mo tored to Heppner Sunday. C. Fowler and wife of Rufus were dinner guests Sunday at the J. C. Ballenger home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Imus were pleas ed to have Mr. and Mrs.. Ray Howk and two children and Mrs. Gerber of Eugene visit them on Monday and Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Howk and Mrs. Gerber are nieces of Mrs. Imus and it had been twenty-one years since Mrs. Imus had seen her niece Mrs. Gerber. A good show was given Saturday night at the Boardman theater. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Launts of The Dalles were visitors at the Geo. Gross home Sunday. Mr. Launtz is the own er of the Albright ranch. Services .will be held on Saturday night at 7:00 o'clock in the Adventist church by Elder 1. H. Martin of Spo kane. His subject will be "The Only Remedy for Existing Evil." Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Johpson and two children left Monday evening for their home in Spokane after visiting at the Ves Attebury home. They were called here by the death of Mrs. Johnson's uncle, Chas. H. Attebury. The meeting of the Home Econom ics club which was to have been held last Wednesday was postponed be cause of the death of Mr. Attebury. It was held Tuesday of this week at the Chaffee home. v If plans materialize the next meet ing of the P. T. A. will be held De cember 13. Everyone is requested to bring a pie. It is unfortunate that we cannot get a crowd without re freshments but it is undeniably true; hence everyone is asked to bring pie. AIbo the money for your annual dues. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Feleq and R. Wasmer motored to Lexington Sat urday and visited at the Harry Schrie ver home. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spring made the trip. Mrs. B. B. Lewis and Mrs. R. S. Smith were visitors Friday at The Dalles. Miss avelle Leathers and Miss Alice Falk were dinner guests Thurs day evening at the Hereim home. John Koeki visited overnight at the Olson and Hango homes.'lgoing on to Pendleton Sunday. Charlie Harrington was found dead in his bed Sunday morning, Dec. 4, by Carl Ayers, a neighbor, at about nine o'clock. Mr. Harrington was a bachelor who farmed on the west end of the project. He had lived here since 1918, coming from Portland. He was born in Maryland and was 63 years of age at the thne of his death. Two brothers, William, of Boardman, and Frank of Portland, and his moth er, Mrs. Homer Cason of Boardman survive. Coroner Case took the body to Heppner and it" was shipped to Portland for interment. v Mrs. Chas. Nizer who has been hav ing trouble with her ankle for about three months, is slowly improving. Their dog bit her and the wound has caused much pain. Chas. Hango returned home Sat urday from- Portland, Astoria, May gar, Kelso and other places of inter est where he visited relatives for about ten daye). Mrs. Amos Nottingham who came last week to be with her motherMrs. Chas. Attebury, will remain for a time with her. Mrs. Nottingham came up to attend the funeral services but was forced to return immediately af terwards. Earl, Clifford and Ray Olson were home over Sunday. They are all em ployed with the signal crew of the Q.-W. at various points along the line between here and Portland. W. A. Price and son Billie motored to Heppner Monday. Shane Bros., of Arlington, who have been running sheep on the island, sold the band recently to a man from Yakima. There were about 1600 in the band. J. C. Ballenger has been loading hay from Blalock island. The grange will meet December 10, this Saturday, instead of next. This meeting will be in the form of a home coming with a pot-luck supper served promptly at seven o'clock at Root's hall. There will be election of officers. Mrs. Nickerson and daughter Edith went to La Grande Monday for a few days' visit. Mr. Nickerson and his nephew Milton Brown have gone to Butter creek to work with Wester feldt's baling crew. The annual ladies aid bazaar was held Friday night at the school house. Chicken dinner was served by Mrs. L. G. Smith and her able committee consisting of Mesdames Boardman, Blayden, Price, Spring, Rands, Chaf fee, Ballenger and Johnson. The crowd was larger than anticipated so some of the late comers lost out on the chicken part of the dinner. The Fortune Telling booth with Miss Henry as the seer or seeress ,was ex ceptionally popular as was the "Hit the Nigger Baby" concession. .Mrs. Marschat arranged both these con cessions. Kenneth Boardman and Buster Rands were- in charge and this was a popular feature. The Ser f-vice Station with Mrs. Root and Mrs. Messenger in charge was a very busy place. Mrs. Faler, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs, Macomber and Mrs. Allen had charge of the fancy work booth. Mrs. Marschat took care of the little folks in the sewing room and games of various sorts were played and they all had a delightful time. Proceeds were about $86 with some expenses to be deducted for use of the schoolhouse, etc. Dr. McMurdo of Heppner has con sented to come to Boardman on Fri day of this week to perform tonsil operations for the children of Board man, many of whom are in sore need of having it done. We are so stiuat ed, away from a doctor, that we have tendency to neglect such needed at tentions. Dr. McMurdo will make a special rate which all will be able to meet and it is planned to use the school house for a temporary hospi tal. The physician who made the phy sical examination of the children last year found 40 children with bad ton sils, a deplorable condition. Parents of the children were interviewed and with only a few exceptions were will ing to have their children cared for either here or elsewhere. Tonsil ectomy is not a fad many children go through life seriously handicapped from diseased tonsils. If a child's tonsils are all right it would be folly to have them removed, but if they are enlarged or diseased or if on ex maination the doctor thinks they should be removed the opportunity will be presented to have it done at this time at a reasonable price. Alfalfa seed for sade. Inquire A. T. Hereim. M. K. Flickinger was a Heppner visitor Tuesday. It is probable that a representative of the Wheeler studio of Pendleton will be in Boardman one day in Jan uary to give Boardman folks an op- portunity to have photographs made. The ladies of the Methodist church will hold their annual Chistmas Ba zaar on Saturday, December 10, in the parlors of the church, beginning at 2 o'clock p. m. Come and buy your Christmas gifts, 34-tf. TURKEYS Giant bronze, for sale. Toms $10, hens $6. Mrs. F. Bur roughs, lone, Ore. 33-40 Will the party who last borrowed our electric finnr polisher kindly re turn the Bame? Peoples Hardware Company. LOST Eastern Star club napkins. Will finder please leave at Gordon's. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTT I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. Before Selling Your Wheat SEE FlIT rt Representing BALFOUR- W I llfriPf GUTHERIE CO, T At Heppner, Phone K2 I (4-OOOR SEDAN, F. O. B. DETROIT FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT) rOK : ' AMERICA'S FASTEST AND x FINEST FOUR Nowhere else, at near this price, can you buy so many qualities' that owners have learned to value most: ' . . ', Speed leadership mile-a-minute performance! Sure, swift pick-up 0 to 25 miles per hour, through gears, in less than 7 seconds! ( The longest springs in this price class! .. 25 miles to the gallon at 23 miles per hour! A five-passenger car in fact as well as in name yet to expertly designed that you can turn in a 38-foot street and park in less than half that space! Smart individual long and low a car that will link the word DEPENDABILITY with the name Dodge Brothers more firmly and universally than ever' Weekly payments, including everything, only Cohn Auto Co. Heppner, Ore. Dodge Brothers.Ing Are You Building-- A HOUSE, BARN, MACHINE SHED, CHICKEN HOUSE? Or just doing some repairing? WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR MATERIAL BILL Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard A. R. REID, Proprietor Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123 M Solve the Gift Problem at Your II REXALL STORE SHARI m SHARI PERFUME The Gift Exquisite The master creation of America's master perfumer. Subtle, deli cate, like a dewy fragrance waft ed from far off gardens. A beau tiful bottle in a beautiful case. Such a gift as any woman will receive with a thrill of delight. Shari Combination Sets in 3 and 5 pieces. These items of the SHARI odor, the new and distinctive fragrance that lingers most alluringly, are so charmingly presented that one could not find a more appealing gift for a woman. W The above can be purchased only at your REXALL STORE I Patterson & Son NGFA SHP.Y Y -loo SOME LINES ALREADY DEPLETED Keep out winter's chill with one of these heavy COATS All Coats Fur Lined $15.00 Coats $11.29 $10.75 Coats $8.71 $12.50 Coats $10.71 $18.00 Coats $13.98 $12.75 Coats $10.89 $4.75 Leather Vests $1.98 As prices throughout Entire Stock of Dry Goods, Men's. & Ladies' Clothing, Groceries of Wo P. PmDflAett are cut to rock-bottom in a TREMENDOUS store-wide A Wonderful Buy in SHOES One Lot Children's, a big value at 48c One Lot Children's, all leather sturdy shoes, $1.49 Incomplete lines, but they will go fast. All Men's Work Shoes Greatly Reduced! Sale December We must have cash, and to get it we are disregarding profit. Each article is of guaranteed quality and will sell as long as it lasts at the price quoted. We need the money and this alone is our reason for liquidating our stock at once at real money-saving prices. FORGET THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. BUY HERE! Large Stocks Await Your Early Selection Men s Clothing $4.35 Corduroy Pants . . . .' $3.49 $4.00 Moleskin Pants $3.19 $3.25 Khaki Blanket Lined Pants . . $2.49 $5.00 Union Suits (all wool) $4.29 $4.25 Overshoes $3.91 65c Men's Woolen Sox 49c 65c Men's Silk Sox 49c $4.50 Men's Hats $3.59 $2.25 Winter Caps ....... $1.89 300 Pair $1.95 OVERALLS $1.79 90c Shirts 79c $4.95 Fancy Sweaters $3.89 $9.00 Blazers $6.98 (Groceries $2.25 Olympia Flour $2.15 90c 9-lb. Pancake Flour 80c 75c Farina 70c 70c Rolled Oats 65c $1.50 Tea Garden Syrup $1.35 95c Liberty Bell Syrup 85c $1.00 4-lb. Lard 90c $1.95 8-lb. Lard $1.80 All 25c Canned Goods 22c 20c Canned Goods 17c $1.95 Gallon Sweet Pickles $1.75 $1.30 Gallon Dill Pickles .r. 98c $2.00 Gallon Catsup $1.78 80c Gallon Peaches 73c 85c Gallon Gooseberries 71c 90c Gallon Loganberries .'....78c 50c Great American Coffee 40c Candies, Cookies, Nuts, Vegetables, Fruits, Honey, Cereals, Sugar, Salt. Ladies Clothing $1.00 Hosiery 89c 60c Hosiery 49c $1.95 Hosiery $1.69 65c Bloomers 50c Fancy Silk Bloomers at $ 1 .75, $ 1 .00 Underwear, Garters, Dresses, Dress Goods, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Ban deaux, all at 10 Discount. Dry Goods Specials $7.00 Blankets at ....... . $5.98 $7.50 Blankets at $6.50 $8.75 Blankets at $7.98 $3.25 Comforts at $2.89 $25.00 Overcoats at ..... $16.50 w. p. Prophet 8