Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 08, 1927, Image 1

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    Volume 44, Number 38.
Impressive Memorial Ser
vices Held at St. Pat
rick's Church Here.
Many Priest Gather Here Tuesday
to Show Respect and Hold Solemn
Requiem for Late Pastor.
Rev. Thomao J. Brady, paste- of St.
Patrick's Catholic church In this city
during the absence of Rev. Thomas
J. Cantwell, received word here
Saturday from Condon, announcing
the death, of Father Cantwell in Ire
land. The message had been cabled
to James Murtha, brother-in-law of
Mr. Cantwell, and Mr. Murtha sent
the word to th i church here. There
were no particulars concerning the
cause of death, but that was expected
to arrive later.
miner nraay immediately made ar
rangements for holding funeral serv
ices here, and the time was Bet for
Tuesday forenoon at 10:00 o'clock, at
which time the very imoresaive and
solemn burial service was conducted,
wnn ki. Kev. Joseph F. McGrath, D.
D., of Baker officiating in full ponti-
flicals and delivering a soul stirring
and impressive address to the large
numoer of people gathered, both
Catholics and non-Catholics. Assist
ing in the ceremonies were twenty
one priests from over the diocese of
Baker, many of whom had traveled
long distances to be present at the
ceremony, thus showing the very high
esteem in which Father Cantwell was
held by the clergy of the Eastern
Oregon district.
Clergy present from other points
were Kev. f. J. O'Rourke, The Dalles,
formerly pastor at Heppner; Rev.
John R. Wand, Condon; Rev. H. J,
Marshall, Hood River; Rev. Luke
Sheehan, Bend; Rev. A. F. Loeser and
Rev. George Feige, Klamath Falls;
Rev. F. L. Geis, Chiloquin; Rev. E.
U. HyneB, Dufur; Rev. Dominio O'
Connor, Hermiston; Rev. James J.
Walsh, St. Anthony's Hospital, Pen
dleton; Rev. James L. McKenna, Pen
dleton; Rev. Father Corbett, Indian
Mission; Rev. M. J. Breen, Enterprise;
Rev. E. J. Kelly, Baker; Rev. H. A.
Heagney, Ontario; Rev. 0. Nooy, La
Grande, and Rev. Thomas J. Brady,
administrator of the parish at Hepp
ner. While here the clergy were the
guests of Father Brady, and they re
turned to their homes on Tuesday
Musical numbers were in the hands
of Mrs. Walter Moore who presided
at the organ. A choir among the
priests chanted the service, all of
which was of the Gregorian type and
perfectly rendered.
Rev. Thomas J. Cantwell was born
in Ireland, county of Kilkenny, in
1876. He came from a family who
were distinguished for their religious
inclinations. Robert Cantwell, a bro
ther, was also a priest. He went to
St. Kieran's College, where he made
his classical, theosophical and theo
logical courses. He was a man very
deeply gifted mentally, a deep stu
dent and held a front rank as a stu
dent. He was ordained in-i902 in Ire
land for his own diocese, and volun
teered for mission work in Scotland,
where he remained for about two
years. But the climate did not agree
with him and he thought he would
come to the American missions in the
Northwest. He was accepted by the
Rt. Rev. Charles J. O'Reilly, first and
former Bishop of Baker, who was la
ter transferred to Lincoln, Nebr. Be
fore entering on his mission work in
Oregon, he took" a two-years post
graduate course at .the Catholic Uni
versity in Washington, D. intend
ing especially to labor among non
Catholic people. Father Canjwell was
a very good logician, a fine classical
scholar, and a man of deep and well
settled convictions. It could be said
of him that he did not know what
compromise was. '
He labored here in eastern Oregon
for about 21 years, and we find him in
charge in Ontario, Joseph, Hunting
ton, and other missions around Ba
ker, from which field he was trans
ferred to Condon, and he became the
first settled pastor in that town. Af
ter remaining there for about two
years, he was transferred to Dufur,
Wasco, Maupin and other missions in
Tygh Valley. In August, 1919, he was
made pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic
church in Hoppner, which position
he held until his death,
Last August he received notice that
his aged mother In Ireland was very
ill, so he and his sister, Mrs. James
Murtha of Condon, youngest child of
a family of 13, went to visit his moth
er, but before reaching New York the
mother died. However, this was not
learned until they arrived in Ireland.
This was Father Cantwell'a second
trip to Ireland in 23 years, and the
first for his lister, who came to this
country five years after her brother.
About three weeks ago Father Cant
well wrote saying he would In all
probability be in Heppner for Christ
mas, and that he and his sister had
bid goodbye to relatives and were on
tholr way to the steamer. On reach
ing Waterford he died. Details inci
dent to his death are yet all not
known but it is very probable that his
death was sudden.
There will be a special meeting of
Dorie Lodge No. 20, K. of P., next
Tuesday evening, Dec. 13. Work in
second and third degrees, Full at
tendance desired.
boys and Girls Signify
Interest in Club Work
Chas. W. Smith, county agent, re
cently mailed out questionnaires to
every child of club work age in the
county, not already signed for some
project. This week he reports a re
sponse from more than 80 percent,
indicating that there is no lack of
interest on the part of the boys and
The questionnaire, covering only
agricultural projects, sought to find
whether or not the boy or girl re
ceiving it would be interested in join
ing an agricultural club, if so what
one was preferred and what facili
ties were available for carrying out
a project. All the answers received
showed a willingness on the part of
the child tb take ip club work, and
only in a few instances was the kind
of project not specified.
The county agent is seeking the
cooperation of the various granges of
the county in obtaining leaders and
sponsoring the club work, believing
it can be most successfully carried
on in this maimer. Work on the
formation of a "bummer1 lamb" club
is now being done, an offer having
been received from one, sheepman to
give all of his "bummers" for this
purpose. It is expected to have the
organization completed by lambing
time in the spring. A leader for one
of these clubs at Heppner has al
ready been obtained. , Preparation
for other clubs will alsobe made
this winter for launching in the
Ray Lucas Buried
At Heppner Saturday
Rny, the little Bon of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lucas of Lexington, mention of
whose illness was made in these col
umns last week, passed away on Fri
day at Wasco, where the family had
gone on a visit, a victim of infantile
paralysi-. The remains were brought
to Heppner and interment was made
in Masonic cemetery on Saturday,
Rev. Stanley Moore, of the Episcopal
church here, conducting the service,
which was private, owing to the na
ture of the disease from which the
child died.
Being under quarantine at. Wasco,
Mr. and Mrs. Lucas were unable to
accompany the remains of their little
son to Heppner, but the body was ac
companied by his sister, Mrs. Robert
Lees, and an aunt, Mrs. Crawford and
her son. The Elks' male quartette,
composed of D. T. Goodman, Blaine
lsom, Paul Gemmell and Frank Tur
ner, sang at the grave. In this sad
bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and
family have the sympathy of the en
tire community.
Heppner Unit No. 87, American
Legion Auxiliary, met on Tuesday
evening, December 6, with 16 mem
bers present. The annual donation
to the Christmas cheer fund for the
hospital and child welfare depart
ments was voted to be sent in at once.
The unit will soon receive an assort
ment of baskets, made by the veter
ans at Hospital No. 77. These will
be on sale in some local store before
Christmas. As the child welfare de
partment is so badly in need of
clothing of all kinds, it was decided
that we have a "silver shower" at our
next meeting, the money to be sent
to the chairman of the child welfare
committee. We believe that she can
buy to better advantage than we can,
and knows Vrhat is most needed. So,
please, members, come prepared.
Those who cannot attend the meeting
may send their offering to the sec
retary. If any individuals other than
members wish to donate to this wor
thy cause, we will be grateful to
At the next meeting, which is on
December 20th, the members will
have a Christmas grab bag. Each
member 1b to bring some gift not to
exceed 25c in value, then "grab."
The annual election of officers took
place with the following result: Pres
ident, Harriet Gemmell; vice-president,
Lucille Wilson; 2nd vice-president
May Gilliam; secretary and
treasurer, Helen Cohn; historian,
Clara Flory; executive committee,
Doris Burgess, Sylva Wells and Lena
Cox. Rosa M. Phelps has been ap
pointed as chaplain and Lera Craw
ford as sergeant-at-arms. .These of
ficers are to be installed at the next
Although we now have a paid-up
membership of 32, there are still sev
eral who are delinquent. We would
be glad to have these before Xmas,
as we lose our chance of receiving a
National citation if we do not have
1928 membership equal to that of
1927 on the records of national head
quarters by January 1st. Secretary.
The Boy Scouts wont to earn money
to buy uniforms with, and will do
whatever work they can find to do in
order to accomplish that purpose. The
Rev. Mr. Moore has consented to act
as an employment agent for them. If
you have any work that you want
done, call 733 and the workers will
be supplied.
At its meeting Monday evening
Heppner Post No. 87, American Le
gion, nominated the follownig officers
for the coming year: commander,
Clarence Bnuman; vice-commander,
Walter Moore; finance officer, Alva
Jones; adjutant, Charles Smith and
O. B. Flory. Election will be held
at the next regular meeting which
comes Monday, December 19. .
Mrs. Eva Lane is reported to be
quite ill at the Ed Burchell farm near
Lexington, suffering an attack of ne
phritis. Dr. Johnston was called to
attend her.
City May Cooperate With
Funds Due from Coun
ty? $20,000 Voted.
At the meeting of thecity council
on Monday evening, the matter of
what use the city would make of the
road funds coming to the munici
pality as an independent road dis
trict, from the county, which sum
now amounts to several thousnad dol
lars, it was decided that a meeting
would be held with the county court
on Wednesday and the matter gone
over with them. Suggestion having
been made that these funds might
be used in the improving of the Wil
low creek road leading south into
the timber belt, it was from this angle
that the matter received attention
yesterday when members of the coun
cil and the mayor met with the coun
ty court.
The county has $20,000 of bond
money to expend on this road, and we
understand some work is already un
der way to improve that thorough
fare. Whatever amount is found due
the city from the county will be
matched by a similar sum from the
county funds and this sum total add
ed tp the bond money would create
a sufficient fund to do some real im
provement on one of the most needed
roads leading to Heppner. The coun
cil has estimated the sum of $4200
as being due the city and billed the
court for this sum. Should the pre
sent proposition become a settled
policy, there would be close to $30,000
to put on this work. The present
arrangement, however, is only tenta
tive and will not be fully determined
until another meeting of the city
council, to be held later.
Both the county and city recognize
the importance of permanent work
on this road and any arrangement
that can be entered into which looks
to its early improvement should
prove of much interest to this com
munity, and would also be a big help
in A Inro-fl nnrfinn nf thp cnnntv nn
I north of Heppner.
At the present time the county is
engaged in improving the lower end
of this road from the city limits to
a short distance above the Monahan
farm. The standard county macad
am is being laid on this portion.
Elks' Lodge of Sorrow
TJraws Large Audience
Elks' Temple was the scene of a
large gathering on Sunday afternoon,
the occasion being the annual lodge
of sorrow of the order, and the pub
lished program was fully carried out.
The principle feature on the pro
gram was the memorial address of
Rev. C. M. Van Marter, pastor of the
Methodist church of Montesano, Wn.,
and a member of the order. Mr. Van
Marter delivered one of the best ora
tions that it has been the privilege of
Heppner people to hear in a long
while, and it was eminently suited
to the occasion. All special numbers
on the program were given with cred
it, and in harmony with the beautiful
service of the order.
Sam Hughes and Hanson Hughes
departed Wednesday evening for
Portland where they will purchase
for immediate delivery their stock of
groceries, which will bo opened up
in the new room being prepared for
the Hughes store in the I. O. O. F.
building. Messrs. Hughes expect to
be open for business in the grocery
department by the end of the coming
week, providing they get prompt de
livery on their stock. The new store
will be somewhat of a departure
from the conventional grocery in
Heppner, as on the grocery side there
will be no counters, thus giving more
room for display of stock, and making
it convenient for the purchaser to
inspect at all times the goodr he is
buying. The counter and scales will
be at the farther end of the main
room, where the pr.ckages will be
wrapped and delivered. Just as soon
as possible, there will be added to
the stock a general line of dry goods.
The Sam Hughes Co. expect to be
prepared to make full announcement
of their new business in Heppner by
the next issue of this paper.
Frank Gilliam, keeper of the wea
ther record at Heppner, reports to
this pnper that the total rainfall at
this point for the months of Septem
ber, October and November, has been
,01 inches. Mr. Gilliam has kept
the record for many years and there
has not been in the same period of
the fall season a record anywhere
equal to this; in fact, this record
has not been approached by about
three inches. It is a great boost to
the crops, which are coming along in
excellent shipe, the only anxiety be
ing the danger of a freeze, which
might do considerable damage should
it come before snow flies.
Connection with the high power
electric line of the Sherman Electric
company was made at Heppner on
Tuesday night, and the city is now
being furnished its "juice" from the
Deschutes power station of the com
pany. The promise of reduced rates
for this service to the people of the
city was based upon this connection,
and we shall await a pleasant sensa
tion of smaller electric light bills
a blessing the city has long stood
in need of.
For Sale 20 Poland China pigs, 2
months old. J. G. Barratt, Heppner.
tiUrrNVti. UKtiliUN. THUKSDAY. TIKr, 8 1997 Ckc.::- o nn - v
Luncheon Club Would
Extend Its Membership
The Monday luncheon club, com
posed of representatives of each bus
iness in Heppner, hag been discuss
ing of late the feasibility of extend
ing its membtrship. It Btarted with
the idea that perhaps one member
representing each business and pro
fession of the city would be sufficient.
This has been the plan for the past
year, but as time goes on and the
possibilities for usefulness of the or
ganization in the welfare of the city
begin to develop, it is felt that the
membership roster should be extend
ed. This is under discussion at the
present time and the policy may be
A numDer oi otner matters are
also claiming the attention of the
club and they may yet merge into
an up-to-date commercial organiza
tion. It is realized that this is some
thing the city should have, but all
efforts heretofore to keep a commer
cial club alive and functioning here
have ended in failure. At Monday's
meeting the advisability of a month
ly market day was suggested, and
John Hiatt was appointed by Pres
ident Goodman to talk this over with
the Heppner merchants and make his
report at next meeting.
The peddler question also received
attention at the meeting, and brought
forth some pretty warm comment, it
being recognized as a condition that
was growing worse in this commun
ity, and the merchants are nursing
a sora spot on account thereof. Most
every line in the city has this com
petition to deal with. Just how it is
going to be curbed, is the big ques
tion. All discussions at the Monday
meeting were of a voluntary nature,
and any steps taken were tentative.
The opinion of the members of the
club seems to be growing stronger all
the while in favojt of a live commer
cial organization, and its efforts may
be such as to bring this about, they
ful'y realizing that Heppne is going
up against some real live competi
tion from the outside, now that our
highway to Pendleton is being com
pleted. City Grants Franchise
to Pacific Telephone Co.
An ordinance granting the Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph company a
30-year franchise was passed at the
council meeting Monday evening.
Routine business of the city was
transacted and the usual grist of bills
and claims allowed.
The matter of cooperating with
Heppner Farmers Elevai 'r company
in graveling the street .failing past
the elevator, was favorably discuss
ed, but no definite action has yet
been taken.
The last of the gravel being fur
nished the city on contract for street
improvements is being crushed this
week. The question of continuing
this street work received favorable
consideration, but it was not decided
to do anything further just now. That
section of the street leading toward
the Frank Monahan place is being
improved as far as the city limits,
where the county is now going on
with it for a ways.
A light was ordered to be placed
near the school building, at a point
to be designated by Superintendent
Burgess. The meeting to pass on the
city budget will be held next Mon
day night, the 12th.
Manager Cox of the Morrow Coun
ty Creamery accompanied County
Agent Smith and R. W. Wilcox of Lex
ington to Olex on Sunday, where these
gentlemen inspected the modern
dairy of H. W. Hoak. Mr. Cox states
that the visit was worth while as Mr.
Hoak has demonstrated what a man
can do in building up the dairy busi
ness over a period of a few years, and
under conditions that are not always
ideal. Claude is of the opinion that
number of just such fine dairy
plants could, and ought to be built up
along Willow creek.
Wm. Greener of Hardman was in
jured Sunday when a horse he was
riding reared up and fell over back
wards on him. While no bones were
broken, Mr. Greener was considerably
bruised up and suffered a ruptured
blood vessel of the left leg. He was
immediately brought to the office of
Dr. Johnston and given proper med
ical attention.
Ed E. Sutherland of Csnby, Ore.,
in Heppner in the interests of
the Clsrno Basin Oil Co. He thinks
there will be oil discovered from the
efforts his company is making now,
as they have begun on their first well
nd are now down some 90 feet or
more and running day and night. He
will be at Hotel Heppner for several
L. L. Mnnn, prominent farmer of
the Pendleton country, was here on
Tuesday .distributing sales bills for
a public auction of his horses, mules
and other farm equipment. It was
stated here that Mr. Mann was going
to engage in tractor farming exclu
sively, hence the sale of his live stock.
Harriet Heliker, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ern'est Heliker of lone, fell
from her bicycle while riding on the
highwny Sunday, cutting her right
knee badly. She was brought to Hepp
ner and Dr. McMurdo reports sever
al stitches were necessary to close
the wound.
A. M. Edwards, well driller of Lex
ington, suffered a painful accident
Friday when he smashed the second
finger of his left hand. Dr. McMurdo
treated the injury.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Craw
ford at Heppner Surgical hospital
' -.w, . ouuaviiji,iuii yti.vv a tear
DEC. 8, 1927.
Grand Jury in Session 9
Days, Returns Report
and Is Discharged.
After nine days of labor, the grand
jury of Morrow county returned their
report to Judge Fee on Tuesday, and
were discharged. Some cases that
were at issue claimed the attention of
the court while here last week and
also during the visit here Tuesday.
and the docket was pretty well clean
ed up.
The case of State of Oregon vs. Gil
bert Lyons on the statutory charge
of rape, came up for disposal on Sat
urday, at which time Lyons was ar
raigned, plead guilty and waived time
for passing of sentence. The sen
tence of the court was not to exceed
five years in the penitentiary. Lyons
was committed to the penitentiary
upon this sentence and Sheriff Mc
Duffee departed with the prisoner on
Wednesday for Salem.
Willie LeTrace, who was recently
returned to Heppner from Texas on
an indictment involving the passing
of several worthless checks, entered
a plea of guilty, receiving a sentence
of two years from Judge Fee on Tues
day. Touching this case, a plea was
made by C. L. Sweek, attorney for
the defendant, showing that the
young man had made restitution in
all but two cases wherein he had
issued checks that could not be
cashed, and District Attorney Notson
also stated that he had agreed to re
imburse the county for its expense
in the case, whereupon the court in
dicated that a petition for parole
would be considered.
Not true bills were returned by the
grand jury in the following cases
that had been passed to them for
consideration: Daisy Butler and
Ralph Butler, charged with assault
with a dangerous weapon; Charles
Lsfferty, robbery; Warren Cool, lar
ceny; Harry Meeker, assault and bat
tery. For the regular December term of
circuit court, convening on Monday,
December 12, cases were set down as
follows: : Monday W. T. Greenhouse
vs. Timm & Sons; A. B. Fletcher vs.
Matt Hughes; Irrigon Cooperative
Potato Growers association vs. W. T.
Bray; disposal of Ford sedan seized
in case of State vs. Harry Gordon.
Tuesday Clraence Hout vs. E. W.
Peck, et al; First National Bank of
Stayton vs. H. L. Fischer; Mabel Da
vidson vs. Bank of lone Wednesday
Shaw Supply company vs. A. D. Mc
Murdo; Wall & Edmundson vs. J. O.
Following is the report of the grand
matter of the report of the Grand
In the circuit court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County. In the
We, the undersigned as the grand
jury of the above entitled court for
the current terra, respectfully report
as follows:
We have been in session eight days
during our present session, and have
inquired into all violations of the
criminal statutes of the State of Or
egon committed or triable in the
County of Morrow, which have been
brought to our attention or of which
we have had knowledge.
We have returned nine true bills
and five not true bills.
We have examined the county jail
and the offices connected with the ad
ministration of justice, and renew
our former recommendations as to
the same; and we have no further
recommendations to make at this
We have examined the report and
vouchers of the District Attorney and
Sheriff as to the expenditure of the
prohibition funds of said county, and
find the same correct and that the
expenditures were made as provided
by law.
Having completed our labors, we
beg to be excused from further at
tendance on the court.
Dated this 6th day of December,
Lee Slocum, foreman, Daisy Shive
ly, Edward Breslin, Oris Padberg,
Chas. Ritchie, Johan Troedson.
Mr. W. F. Turner, western repre
sentative of the United Christian
Missionary Society, will be with us
Sunday and speak at one of the ser
vices. The other services will be as usual.
"Walk the straight and narrow way,
Live for Jesus every day. He will
keep the joy bells ringing in your
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
yesterday, an 8 1-2 pound daughter,
Mother and babe are doing well.
Claude Holcomb, very seriously in
jured about the head while working
on the state highway construction
crew below lone, is able to be around
again according to his physician, Dr.
A. H. Johnston.
Floyd Worden, who is now located
on the Alfred Anderson place on
Eight Mile, was a visitor here today.
Mr. Worden moved on the place last
fall, and he is well pleased with the
Wm. Hempel of lone, who has been
suffering bloodpolsoning from an in
fected wound in the left leg and un
der the care of Dr. Johnsten, is much
Irvin Pearlberg, 11 year old grand
son of Wm. Kummerland, had his
tonsils removed under local anaes
thesia on Thursday, Dr. McMurdo operating.
Regular P. T. A. Meeting
To be Held Next Tuesday
The regular meeting of the P. T. A,
will be on next Tuesday afternoon at
3:00 o'clock in the high school audi
torium. A good program has been ar
ranged as follows :
Vocal duet, Mrs. Walter Moore and
Mrs. Helen M. Walker. .
"Spiritual Training," Rev. Stanley
Reading, Miss Mary White.
"Pre-School Character Training,''
Mrs. Clara Beamer.
Vocal Numbers, High School Boys'
There are many members who have
not paid their dues and it is hoped
they will do so before or at this
The P. T. A. has had printed several
hundred programs of the year's work
which were put m the mails Tuesday,
Junior Class Play Is
Set for December 20
(Heppnerian Reporter.)
Wtih the installation of the new
cyclorama curtain and other finish
ing touches on the new auditorium,
it nas been possible for the junior
class of Heppner high school to set
the date for their play, "Dummy."
It is at last scheduled for Tuesday,
December 20, to be probably the first
public performance in the new auditorium-gymnasium.
The success of any play depend
largely upon persons chosen to por
tray tne various characters. Then,
"Dummy" should be a success as each
character chosen is entering into the
part assigned.
Even now, Harlan Devin is living
the part of an absent-minded profes
sor who is afflicted with theories.
Jack Casteel, the crook of the play,
worked very well with Velton Ow
ens, his accomplice, who is going to
make ceftain she has her share of the
As the maid, Dorothy Herren has
some very original interpretations to
display for your enlightenment
A good laugh is in store when P'aul
Jones, the detective, commences his
sleuth tactics to solve the mystery of
fthe stolen diamond.
Patricia Mahoney is graciously rep
resenting the "young lady" of the
Clarence Hayes, in other words
"Dummy" but only in the play is
trying his best to throw off his nat
ural "gift of gab" in the attempt to
remain silent.
Clair Cox is quite the dashing beau
brummel himself, and is working
hard to act his part well.
As the stern mother of the play,
Julia Harris is earnestly working to
portray her part.
At present the piactices are on ev
ery night. What a treat is in store
for you, the evening of the perform
ance! Watch for the , poster adsl Some
thing new!
The little, yet mighty Christmas
seals have made their appearance,
and from now on until the end of the
holiday season, they will be-sold here,
there and everywhere all over the
United States jy the Tuberculosis
association to raise funds for the
fight against the white plague.
someone has lately called the post
age stamp the mightiest engine of
modern society, and accepting that
statement at face value, the Christ
mas seal is running it a close second.
The work of the Oregon Tuberculosis
association alone justifies that state
ment, and it is only one of the many
state associations.
Probably the greatest activity of
the Tuberculosis association's work
throughout the land is their cam
paign of education and health, car
ried on largely through the public
schools. Already the patient labor
of these hundreds of conscientious
people is showing results, for it is
an indisputable fact that we are to
day raising healthier and happier
Tuberculosis is a preventable dis
ease, but it requires education in or
der to combat it, and through the ef
forts of the Oregon Tuberculosis as
sociation such a campaign is in con
tinual progress. Seventeen counties
in Oregon now maintain public health
nurses, in cooperation with the Tu
berculosis association. These nurses
visit all the schools of the county
and carry on a continuous campaign
against tuberculosis, and for better
health conditions.
All these things, and many more,
are made possible by the sale of the
little Christmas seals, so the citizens
of Heppner and of Morrow county
can aid the good cause by purchasing
Christmas seals.
At the meeting of the state high
way commission in Portland recently
the contract for furnishing mainten
ance materials for the section of the
Oregon-Washington highway from
Heppner Junction to lone was award
ed to J. W. and J. R. Hillstrom for
$21,448. It is understood that this
will take care of the oiling of this
piece of road, which work will be
completed the coming season.
Sunday School at 9:15 o'clock.
Morning prayer at 11:00 o'clock
will be conducted exclusively by the
young people of our church. In place
of the sermon a pageant called "The
Seasons," will be given by members
of the Sunday school,
"Seek ye the Lord while he may be
found; call upon him while he is
Before buying, see the new Autona
Circulating Heater at Baldwin's, tf.
.1 i m
j Arthur Brisbane
Alas, Poor Bears.
For Childless Mothers.
This Changing World.
Here to Stay.
Three hundred thousand dollars is
bid for a New York Stock Exchange
Beat. The price moved up $130,000
this year, only a beginning.
Stock Exchange seats go up with
stock prices. The public is always
a bull.
Poor Wall Street bears!
Virgil Jordan, chief economist of
the National Industrial Conference
Board, tells the Railway Business
'A great industrial boom it com
ing that will make 1925 and 1926 look
like a depression.
'Business expansion in 1928 and
later will strain our transportation
facilities and credit resources to tie
limit, and put the powers of the Fed
eral Reserve system to a real test"
The average citizen will say:
"Amen, let the expansion expand."
This news, if confirmed, will light
en the hearts of many women. Dr.
Magian, of Manchester, a scientist of
standing, says that by an operation
in gland transplanting, it has been
made possible for hitherto childless
women to bear children. Only those
who know the intens sorrow of a
woman, married and childless, can
realize what this means.
The world accepts ehangea as they
come. Not long ago crusaders in
New York tried to prevent bicycle
riding by women, called immodest,
luring ladies too far from the house.
Now they go 1,000 miles in motors, or
try to fly over the oceap.
Next, Alderman decided that wo
men must be forbidden to smoke in
public restaurants. Now the big
Pennsylvania Railroad puts ladies'
smoking cars on its first class trains
from New York to Washington. ,
Nevertheless, women should not
smoke until they are (through with
child bearing. Each child should have
half a chance, and gets it, no matter
what his father may do, when his
mother dosen't smoke or drink strong
liquor before he is born.
Hans Lagenseth, who died ait eighty
two with a beard seventeen feet long
had claimed the world's long beard
championship. He did something bet
ter than anybody else, yet no one
made "a beaten path to his door" on
this earth.
However, when Gabriel calls us all,
his beard, longer than anybody's, will
probably attract attention and amaze
the beardless angels.
Generally speaking, we are pros
persons, those willing to work get
along. But. Mrs. Hildegar Wywias did
not find it so. She struggled for five
years with four children, feeding,
clothing, paying rent, washing, cook
ing and working as a "garment p rear
er" for $25 a week. She scorched one
expensive dress. That took a week's
pay. Each month the rent took a
week's pay.
Prosperous America was not pros
perous enough for Mrs. Wywias. She
broke the gas meter, opened all the
jets, then knelt by the bed where
her five-year-old. son was Bleeping,
her three little girls asleep nearby.
All were dead, when found, with no
more rent or food bills to pay. There
is still room at the BOTTOM for
those that would make conditions bet
ter. Birth control and publishing infor
mation about it are approved by Brit
ain's "National Council of Public
Theoretically women should have
the right to decide how many chil
dren they will have.
But it is well that understanding
of birth control has been postponed.
it might have prevented the arrival
of Napoleon and Carlyle, and surely
would have prevented the arrival of
Caruso, a nineteenth child.
Mrs. Peabody, head of the Women'a
Committee for Law Enforcement,
says ten million women are not only
talking and praying, but working to
retain prohibition and see that it is
They need not work or pray to keep
prohibition in the Constitution; noth
ing can get it out.
As for enforcement, there is room
for much working and praying in that
At their regular meeting on Fri
day evening, San Souci lodge No. 33,
elected the following officers for the
ensuing term: Letha Smith, N. G.;
Rita Nee I, V. O.; Liliiah Turner, sec
retary; Olive Frye, treasurer. In
stallation of officers elect will be at
the first meeting in January, along
with those who will recoive their ap
pointment in the meantime.
We wish to thank all the friends
and neighbors of Heppner, who so
kindly assisted in every way during
the illness and burial of our beloved
wife and mother; and for the many
beautiful floral offerings.