Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 01, 1927, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Lexington School Notes.
(Received too late for last week.)
The cant haa been chosen for the
three-act play, "Tea Toper Tavern,"
which ia to be gjiven December 16th.
It ta aa follows:
Marion Day, a canny chaperon, Eli.
la McMillan; Rosamund Reid, her
niece, juat out of college, Gwendolyn
Evans; Sally Lee Dixon, Dixie' from
the aunny South, Neva Warjier; Ann
Annesley, a aocial fiend, Ruth Din
ges; Barry Reid, Rosamund's fresh
man brother, Thomas Healey; Har
riet Annesley, Ann's younger sister,
Mae Gentry; Teas, Ann's protege
from the village, Ruby Padberg;
Mike Ryan, a ausceptible policeman,
Emmett Kuna; Brian Pierpont, a
brilliant young lawyer, Maurice Rea
ney; Rev. Archibald Perry, owner of
the village flock, Edward Burchell;
Dallas Thome, owner, of the "tav
ern," Freeman Hill; John Sedgwick,
an old flame of Miss Day, James
Leach j Gloria Sherwood Jerome, a
fascinating widow, Erma Duvall;
Celeste, Gloria's maid, Vura Bre
shears. Sam McMillan of the seventh grade
was absent from school with a cold
and sore throat last week. Dale Lane
of the same grade is out for the same
reason thia week.
A short program to prepare for the
Thanksgiving vacation was put on at
one o'clock Wednesday afternoon In
the school auditorium. It was given
principally by the first and second,
and seventh and eighth grade rooms.
Elmer Tyler, a new student from
Arlington, enrolled in the sophomore
class Tuesday.
Edward Burchell, while playing
basketball Tuesday noon, fell and
threw his elbow out of joint. His
father took him to Heppner for med-
ical treatment. It was found his arm
was broken.
The Passion Play, "The Life of
Christ," was given in the high school
auditorium Monday night. About
$15 waa made for the high school.
Tuesday morning Mr. Wynd dis
played his skill in photography by
taking pictures of the high school.
Not only the student body as a whole
was "shot," but also the individual
classes and officers.
Mary Slocum and Paul Miller went
to The Dalles over the week-end.
(From Oregon Agricultural College.)
One of tu -- imnnrtant factors
in obtaining satisfactory yields of
potatoes in Oregon is good seed.
Each year the state college inspects
many fields and bins of potatoes for
certification. Sources of certified
seed may be obtained on application
to the college.
Vetch is best fall sown in Oregon,
but growers who were unable to get
in their crop this fall may sow com
mon vetch not later than February
and get a fair yield of hay. The Ore
gon experiment station recommends
early planting of common vetch for
hay, at the rate of about 80 pounds
to the acre.
Fattening lamba and wethers .on
rape pasture is found by the Oregon
experimen tstation to be quite an
important industry in the Willam
ette valley. Rape is sown early in
the spring and is usually ready for
pasture in August and September or
even earlier. The crop is an excel
lent fattening feed for sheep and un
der most conditions the operators are
making a very satisfactory profit.
In storing auto truck for the win
ter many farmers jack it off the floor
to take the weight off the tires and
Ask Your Grocer for the
Oregon Bakery's I
I "Butternut" or "Round-Up"
Our home-made pastries are de- '
livered in Heppner fresh daily
Are You Building-
. Or just doing some repairing?
Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard
A. R. REID, Proprietor
Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123
to get the tires off the oily floor. The
storage battery is left fully charged
aa it ia less likely to freeze in this
condition. If the truck is to be over
hauled, kerosene can be squirted on
the nuts, suggests the department of
agricultural engineering.
Fall seeding of alflfa is not recom
mended by the Oregon experiment
station. There is too much danger of
winter killing of the small plants and
in addition weeds seem to crowd out
fall seeded alfalfa. Late spring
jilantings have always given the best
results because there is more time to
get the seed bed free of weeds and
well settled.
The foliage of house plants to
thrive must be kept free from insects.
Sponging the leaves with a aoap so
lution to which a good tobacco ex
tract has been added will destroy
white fly, scale ineectu, red spider and
plant lice. Black leaf 40 Is one of
mis NEW
the standard tobacco or nicotine
All lenses and repairs at half price.
Mail orders only. Mail the pieces.
Thomson Optical Inst. Makers of
good lenses. Est. 1908. Corbett
Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Jared Aiken is visiting at th
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Curran, and expects to remain at
Heppner until after the Christmas
eason why (l OP MANY)
Efficiency-Pun Standard
Oil Efficiency in your crankcaac
The Rains
Have Come
The new, improved Superior and Kentucky
, , Drills.
The Calkins Combination Fanning Miil and
Wheat Treating Machines ; the Cheney Ro
tary Rod Weeder ; Oliver and P. & 0. Plows;
Disk and Pig Tooth Harrows.
Anything and everything for farm work.
We are here to serve you right.
Gilliam & Bisbee
I Windows
W Sure we have the most modern show win- I
dows obtainable and there is always some- 4-
thing new and interesting on display in
y them. Don't overlook this valuable service,
Sjf Mr. and Mr3. Shopper, for in our windows fa
S you will find the solution to your problem
of what to give this Christmas. g
Make your selections this week from our p
stock of beautiful Christmas Box Candy. l
You are always certain to please when you &
give our candy for we handle only the best. j
Tell us where to
send it we'll
do the rest
Save With Safe
ty at Your
Rexall Store
I ' '
i; i Knows
about, hz$upmor Smoothness
ofaSvcjmtFim'QuaUty of
T" T L Jrtl J'' '.' "TT- 1
a nsner Douii? mats wuy
' 'iij ''priceof
4uch an unusually
1 The widespread appeal of the Pontlac SI Is based o n it.
extra imoothneis, eitra snap and the longer life It pro.
vides. The world-wide reputation of Fisher bodies is
based on known superiorities of Fisher design In styling,
comfort and passenger protection . . . And because the
Pontlac Six Is the lowest priced six with Body by Fisher,
Its luccess has become the talk of the automotive world
... Do you actually know whe! hnuriea you can enjoy
In today't Pontlac Six? Have you experienced the
superior performance, the added comfort, the extra
satisfaction assured by the ownership of this great Uen
eral Motors product! . . . Why not come in for a
demonstration today? Why not learn as ao many
thousands have-that a Fisher body U finer-a Pontlac
Six Is smoother and a price of $745 make It a truly
unusual "buy."
S.w low.rj.rlc. M mil body fvp.i '' Jy ''"I'.
t-Door S.Jan, $US, Coup, V4S, Sport Kood.t.r, tT4S; Sport
r.hrZl.l 17tS, Und.a S.dan, (USl D.Lux Landau S.dan,
$i?ri f."'(Mland All-An.ric.n SJ,, ,Mi to VS. Ml
Ferguson Motor Co.
The Wind-Up of the
Patterson & Son 1
Saturday is the Last Day of Harwood's
If you are looking for real bargains, don't fail to attend this wonderful sale. Where you can buy high grade Jewelry,
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, Cut Glass, and Novelties at your own price. Everything must be sold Saturday to
satisfy the creditors. ,
m Crab Package Sale
$1.00 A GRAB
Beginning FRIDAY, AT 9:00 A. M. SHARP, we will offer the public a real treat with a big
Grab Package Sale at $1.00 a Grab
in order to sell the balance of stock. The packages will contain merchandise values from $4.00
to $25.00. Among them will be Diamond rings, Ladies' and Men's Watches, Solid Gold
Rings, Gold Brooches, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, Pearls, Silverware and other merchandise too nu
merous to mention. It will pay you to come and take a grab. Three prizes given away at every
sale. $1 00.00 in prizes will be given away Saturday, the last day of sale. Save your coupons.
The Harwood Jewelry Stock
New Location, Heppner Hotel Building Heppner, Oregon
J. H. PLANT, Auctioneer in Charge