Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 01, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Periodical of the Heppner Public Schools
Editor John Conder
Associate Editor Leth Hiatt
Bus. Manager Rosella Doherty
Boys Sports Onei Parker
Girla' Sports HaieV McDaid
Grade News Virginia Dix
Humor Stanley Minor
Reporters: Katherins Bisbee, Eve
lyn Swindig, John Parker.
Office and Personal Items
.. Ellis Thomson
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 23, the
fifth grade challenged the sixth grade
to a spelling match. Ten pupils
from each grade were chosen to rep
resent their respective rooms. Those
representing the sixth grade were
Matt Kenny, Miriam Mayer, Viola
Brown, Fred Ayers, Delia Ulrich,
Roderick French, Lorna Cox, Marie
Barton, Frances Nickerson, and Jessie
French. Those from the fifth grade
were Frank Anderson, Jennie Swin
dig, Billy Thomson, Wayne Terry,
Lorena Wilson, Margttret Sprinkle,
Allen McFerrin, Everett Crump, Or
ville Rood, Howard Furlong. Finally
hte teams were spelled down until
only 'one speller was left on each
team, Miriam Mayer of the sixth and
Frank Anderson of the fifth. The
word that lost the day for the fifth
was "holiday." It was thought to be
an appropriate word to go down on,
as the Thanksgiving holidays were
William Schwari spent the Thanks
giving holidays with his parents at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt in
Wapato, Wash., who were formerly
residents of Heppner.
Ray McRoberts is back in school
after being out for two weeks on ac
count of illness. ,
Miss Esther Wright was presented
an artistic candy dish filled with
candy as a farewell gift by the fifth
and sixth grades.
There were nineteen children neith
er absent nor late in the fifth grade.
For the second time none of the five
A girls were absent or late.
The geography class in the fifth
grade is taking up a project study of
Africa. They will use pictures, sup
plementary reading and any interest
ing material they may obtain.
The pupils in the fifth grade re
ceiving A in deportment, B or above
in scholarship, and being neither ab
sent nor tardy are on the honor roll.
The student attaining that honor this
month was Billy Thomson. Others
worthy of mention are Cleo Hiatt,
Lorena Wilson, Jennie Swindig and
Frank Anderson.
Those on the sixth grade honor roll
are Pearl Barton, Jessie French, Jack
Slocum, Laura Gilman.
Miss Wright presented her flower
boxes to the fifth grade which add
greatly to the beauty of the room.
A new game has originated on the
Heppner school grounds which seems
to be very popular with the upper
grade boys. It resembles polo in that
it is played with a stick and a ball.
Instead of using horses as in polo
htey use their bicycles. It might be
named bicycle polo.
Mr. Beighle attended the football
game in Portland which was staged
at Multnomah stadium Saturday, be
tween Oregon State college and Car
negie Tech of Pittsburgh, Penn., He
said this was an excellent game which
was fought to a fierce and thrilling
14-14 tie score.
Mr. Beighle and Mr. Johnson report
a most enjoyable Thanksgiving va
cation. Among the places visited
during their sojourn was the Long
view mills in Washington.
The honor roll of the eighth grade
is: A class, Earle Byrant, Florence
French, Donna Brown, Evelyn Schulz,
Ruth Turner; B class, Louise Mayer,
Viola Ruby.
The seventh grade gave Miss
Wright a remembrance gift, a framed
motto, entitled "Smiles." June An
derson, class president, made the
The students of the seventh grade
who spent the Thanksgiving vacation
out of town are: Hazel Beymer, who
went to Lexington; Owen and Louiie
Ebe, who spent the vacation in Ar
lington; Roberta Thompson was on
her father's ranch; Phyllis Jones, in
Banks, Oregon; Billy Becket in Port
The pupils on the honor roll for
this six weeks in the seventh grade
are: Winifred Case, Annie Crump,
Mary Driscoll and Carolyn Mayer.
The percent of attendance is fit
There were eighteen pupils who were
neither absent nr tardy, no pupils
having been tardy during the month
The honor roll for the first grade
is: Patricia Cason, Nellie Clark, Al
vina Casebeer, John Crawford, Don
ald Fell, Dean Gilman, Dean Sprinkle,
Lester Taylor, Paul Doolittle, Donald
Frederickson, Francis Healey, Jimmie
Gemmell, Clyde Erwin, Jimmie John
son, Arthur Vance, Otillia Copenhav
er, Juanita Northness, Virginia Boggs.
The second grade honor roll is:
Ruth Hunt, June Kirk, Norma Mc
Ferrin, Vera Stickle, Carol Coblantz,
Harriet Hager, Vernon Knowles, Dan
iel Chinn, Robert Clark, Emery Cox
en, Donald Hiatt, Emmet Kenny, Ar
thur McAtee.
The honor roll for the third grade
ia: Elizabeth Vance, Marjory Par
ker, Violet Boggs, Gladys Casebeer,
Elsie Crump, Nina Coxen, Marvin
Casebeer, Leonard Gilman. The, per
centage of attendance was 99.6 as
there was only one day's absence for
the entire six weeks.
Those pupils in the fourth grade
who spent their Thanksgiving vaca
tion out of town are: Marshall Fell,
in Arlington; Olivia Baldwin, in Lex
ington; Ruth Cowins, in Salem; Earn
est Clark spent his holidays with his
uncle, Walter Becket, The percent
of attendance for the fourth grade
for the past six weeks was 97.
The honor roll for the fourth grade
since the beginning of school is:
Marshall Fell, Rosanna Farley, -Ber-mird
McMurdo, Ernest Clark, Doro
thy Brookhouse Ruby Northness,
Olivia Baldwin, Irene Beamer.
The fourth grade room officers for
the week are: President, Bernard
McMurdo; secretary, Mary Eleanor
Adkins; board cleaner, Ernest Clark;
room tender, Gertrude Harrison.
The gymnasium lockers purchased
by the high school student body have
arrived and are awaiting installation.
Until they are put in, they will be
stored in the girls' basement.
Girls' basketball practice will prob
ably begin next week. According to
Mrs. Smith, who will coch this year's
team, a large turnout is anticipated.
Plans for the dedication of the
new gymnasium are to be very simple
in form, states Mr. Burgess. The
date has not been set for the dedica
tion exercises.
Miss Kate Francis Ede arrived on
Saturday morning from Victoria, B.
C, to take the position of supervisor
of music in Heppner public schools.
She is a graduate of the University
of Oregon and St. Ann's Acodemy in
Victoria. This is a convent school,
under the supervision of the sisters
of St. Ann.
Mr. Johnson has ordered eight new
basketball suits for the first string
team. The pants are to be purple
with gold stripes down the sides and
around the trouser legs. Th jersey
sweaters are purple with Heppner
written across the front in gold. The
suits represent the high school colors.
Heppner news items pertaining to
school functions are being sent to the
East Oregonian, and will appear in
the Morrow county columns. These
articles will be written by members
of the Heppnerian staff.
Miss Ede appointed Earl Thomson
as secretary of the boys' chorus for j
the remainder of the firt semestr.
Earl's duty is to see that all music
books are placed in their proper or
der in the music library. He must
also see that prior to the class the
music is distributed and gathered at
the close of the period.
All of the teachers with the excep
tion of Miss Pearson returned from
spending Thanksgiving at their va
rious homes and were on hand to
start work Monday morning. Miss
Pearson arrived about noon.
Vernon Brown has been absent
from school during the past week.
Marvin Gammell returned to school
last Monday after being absent last
The Civics class has been studying
the various compromises of the con
stitutional convention. The work of
this class has been all research dat
ing from the Magna Charta up to the
present work being done on the con
stitution. Due to the amount of work
of Mr. Burgess, the class has not met
very often lately.
New Playground.
A new playground is to be estab
lished on the south side of the gym
nasium for the grade students as
soon as the contractor's buildings are
removed. This is to relieve the pres
ent congested conditions on the old
playground and lessen the numerous
accidents which are happening while
the children are playing.
Industrial Club.
The Parent-Teacher association has
selected a group of energetic grade
students to carry on the work of an
industrial club. These members have
promised a real effort in making their
products and will probably be -awarded
prizes given by the state and coun
ty fairs. The best products of the
clubs will be sent to both fairs'.
Leaders for the various groups will
be volunteered from the association.
Interclass Debates.
Intercfass debates will again be one
of the principal events of the school
year. Mr. Von Lubken will be head
debate coach of the contesting teams.
These contests between, the classes
will probably take place before the
Christmas holidays, although a sched
ule has not been decided upon. The
high school debate squad, to meet
other school representatives, will be
chosen from the class debaters.
Basketball Hall.
The floor of the basketball hall has
been sanded and relay teams of high
school students under the manage
ment of Mr. Burgess and Mr. John
son, are rapidly getting the floor
marked out for the basketball court.
Tuesday a group of boys were de
tailed by Mr. Johnson to get the
backboards and baskets from the
Swindig hall and install them in the
The court itself is regulation size,
but the floor itself on which it is
placed, is the largest in eastern Ore
gon. The measurements have been
marked out with chalk and in the
near future will be coated with two
applications of prepared floor paint,
provided by the contractor.
A large turnout is expected for
basketball practice and everyone in
terested in the game is eagerly await
ing the opening of the season.
Can you' imagine:
James Hager saying, "Here is my
report card, pa, I brought it home
because I wanted you to see it
Professor Von Lubken alseep at
Jeptha Garrigues flunking a
Paul Hisler speaking before the
Ellis T.: "If I had a rubber band,
do you know what I'd do?
Eva H.: "Shoot paper-wads, I sup
pose." Ellis: "No, I'd hire it out for the
Onez P.:, "Gee, I had a funny
dream last night."
Louise L.: "What was it?"
Onez P.: "I dreamed that I was
somewhere in the future, watching
our high school teachers going up to
heaven by way of a very long ladder.
A command was given from the Lord
for each to take a piece of chalk and
write down one sin which they had
done on earth, on each step "
Louise: "Yes; go on."
Onez: "And behold, when I took
the second look, I saw Mr. Johnson
coming down after some more chalk."
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hughes, re
siding on the Hughes farm below
Heppner, had as their guests over
Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McRae
and baby daughter, and George Zeus
ke. The McRaes are residents of
Helix and Mr. Zeuske lives at Pen
dleton. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Tate, also
of Helix, were other guests at the
Hughes home for Thanksgiving. Mr.
Tate is cashier of the Bank of Helix.
The next regular meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary will be
held on Tuesday evening, December
6th. The annual election of officers
will take place at this time. Our
membership drive closes on that date.
Will all who have not done so please
pay dues on or before then. Host
esses for this meeting will be May
Gilliam and Harriet Gemmell. Secre
tary, v
Earl Hallock, of Farmers & Stock-
growers National bank, motored to
Portland Wednesday afternoon to
spend Thanksgiving with his mother,
Mrs. Delia Hallock. He was accom
panied by Mrs. John Wightman, who
met her son and daughter in the city,
and together they spent Thanksgiv
ing Day with Mrs. Ida Dutton.
Ora L. Barlow, who recently held
a sale of his farming implements
and stock at his farm south of lone,
has decided to locate for the winter
at least at Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs.
Barlow were visitors in this city a
short time on Friday while over from
Hermiston arranging to have the re
mainder of their effects shipped to
that city.
Gene Ferguson was over from Pen
dleton to spend Thanksgiving with
the home folks, and get a little bet
ter acquainted with the recently ar
rived son, whom he found doing nice
ly at Morrow General hospital.
The store room in I. 0. 0. F. build
ing, recently vacated by Frank Har
wood, is being worked over prepara
tory to receiving the business of Sam
Hughes, to be opened up there as
soon as the place is ready. The work
is in charge of Harry and Charley
Mrs. Frank Parker, Sr., of Gold
Hill, Oregon, arrived here during the
week. She expects to spend the win
ter in Morrovcounty, visiting at the
homes of her Rons. Frank nf TTonnna.
Flat and Arthur of Willow creek.
I 1 1 ! 1 1
Before Selling Your Wheat ii
TTA WIT rr RepreaenUng BALFOl
I IT X Itl At Heppner, Phon.
Representing BALFOUR-
m it to en up rn
S51 1
I Candy
For a gift that is always
S in the best possible taste
s upon all occasions a box of
GORDON'S chocolates. To
E the last minute detail of
E packing it is characterized
E by a charm as sophisticated
E as the age. A graceful com-
E pliment to the good taste of
E the recipient an indefatig-
E able mark of the good judg-
E ment of the donor.
E Deliciously rich and whole-
E some in a variety of creams,
E nut centers, caramels, fruits,
E bon bons, and glaced fruits E
E and nuts. The ideal sweet E
E at all times especially rec- E
E ommended for the holiday E
E season. E
E s
Don't Miss Seeing Oar Stock of 3
1 Gordon's I
1 "First For Thirst"
THERE COMES a time in almost
every man's life when it will mean
a good deal to him to have the rec
ommendation or endorsement of a
good bank.
at the bank, he has a distinct advant
age over the man who is not.
have made it through years of hon
est dealing, and your disposition to
meet your obligations promptly.
Fir& National Bank
The cigarette that knows
how to "be itself"
There is no "pose" about
Camel. It's just a good
honest cigarette the best
everand it doesn't try
to be anything else.
If all cigarettes were as good
as Camel you wouldn't hear
anything about special treat
meats to make cigarettes good
for the throat. Nothing takes
the place of choice tobaccos.
O 1927, R. J. Rtrnold. Tobacca
Company, WtDttoo-Salen. N. C.
Is Not Far Away
and you will want to shop early this
year, so don't overlook seeing the
Gift Goods
Now Arriving
Watch this pace for gift sug-'
gestions each week till Xmas.
Tuxedo Pattern
Starting the first of this month we
are giving Premium Tickets redeem
able in the above silverware on all cash
purchases and all monthly accounts
paid by the 1 0th of each month.
$36.50 in merchandise gets a set
of six beautiful tea spoons.
Start accumulating these coupons
Thomson Bros.
Dry Goods .. - Shoes - Groceries