Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 01, 1927, Image 1

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1 ' 50C
Volume 44, Number 37.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
i i y .
Invitation Given Public to
Join in Ceremony for
Departed Brothers. ,
In keeping with the yearly custom
of the order, Heppner Lodge No. 368,
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elk) will hold its annus! lodge of
sorrow Sunday afternoon at their
hall at 2:30. An invitation has been
extended to the public to patricipate
in the ceremonies. The program for
the occasion follows:
Funeral march while members en
ter Mra. Walter Moore
Opening ceremoniea of the lodge.
Invocation ...Rev. B. Stanley Moore
Vocal solo, Recessional Kipling....
j Miss Helen Richolaon
Roll call of departed brothers.
Vocal duet, Resignation Cara
Roma. .. Mary and Patricia Monahan
Ceremonies of the lodge.
Address Rev. C. M. Van Marter
Vocal solo "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought" Ambrose
:.. Harvey Miller
"Auld Lang Syne" ...
Lodge and audience
Closing ceremonies.
The roster of departed brothers for
the past year includes the following
names: P. T. Hurlburt, E. C. Mad
dock, L. "L. Steiwer, M. L. Carven; F.
J. Cook and F. A. Stupleton.
In asking close cooperation of the
various lodges of the order to make
proper observance of Elks Memorial
Day, R. F. Malley, the Grand Exalted
Ruler has made reference to the fol
lowing verse by Whittier, which con
tains a thought in keeping with the
purpose fo the day:
"We tread the paths their feet have
We sit beneath their orchard trees,
We hear, like them, t'e h-,m of bees
And rustle of the bladed corn;
We turn the pages that they read, .
Their written words we linger o'er,
But in the sun they casfcno shade,
No voice is heard, no sign is made,
No step is on the conscious floor!
Yet Love will dream, and Faitn will
That somehow, somewhere, meet we
Sunday School Will
Present Play Friday
"The Path Across the Hill" iB the
title of the play to be presented at
the high school auditorium in Lex
ington tomorrow, Friday, evening by
the Congregational Sunday school
young people's class. The class has
worked hard on the play and have
it well in hand, promising an enter
tainment that will be one of the best
presented at Lexington in a long
time. The admission is 20 cents for
children and 85 cents for adults, and
the public of Lexington should give
the young people their hearty sup
port by attending in large numbers.
The cast follows: Samuel Crawford,
ErandDa. Marion Palmer: Robert
Post, the visitor, Lawrence Beach;
Walter Conrad. Ruth'a brother, Ed
ward Burchell; Dr. Jimmle Reed,
with ambition. Clifford Miller; bala
mander Alexander John Henry Jones,
Zuzu's choice. Edward Keller; Mrs
Davis, erandma. Carol Baldwin; Ruth
Conrad, Nicknamed "Bobbie," Erma
Duvall; Flo Gray, Ruth's cousin, Mae
Gentry; Zulu, the cook, Dorris Wil
The nenole who endured the hard
ships of the early days, the real
pioneers, the people who made the
beginnings of the county and laid
the foundations for the advantages
which we enjoy, will not be with us
long. Only a remnant of that advance
guard of civilization survives. It is
only a question of a few years when
the last roll call will be made. It is
fitting that we should honor these
pioneers who are watching their sun
go slowly down toward the western
horizon. 1 '
The little gathering t Lexington a
short time ago, in honof of the "old
timers" was a worth vhile occasion
It was not only a day of pleasure to
the nioneers. but it was a day full
of instruction and inspiration to the
After our last Chautauqua it was
suggested that we have a pioneer re
union at Heppner next summer and
invite in the pioneers of this and ad
joining counties, and that, as a part
of the entertainment, a tree cnau.
tauqua be held. This seemed to meet
with much favor, and almost money
enough has been subscribed to meet
the expense. A large numDer oi uo
.crintions. ranging from $20.00 down
to $5.00, have been made. It will not
require many more subscriptions to
assure the reunion and the free Chau
tauqua. Let's put it over and have a
great event next summer. If you
have not subscribed toward this en
terprise, rtep into Shively's shop, J
J. Nvs' office, or Frank Turner's of
fice, and sign up one or tne lists, k
it not too early to begin planning
for this occasion. Committee.'
Sunday school at 9:46 o'clock.
Morning prayer and sermon at 11.
"Like as the hart desireth the water-brooks:
so longeth my soul after
thee, O God."
Christmas Bazaar at the Episcopal
Parish House, Saturday, December 8,
at 2:00 o'clock. Many pretty and
useful articles suitnble for gifts will
be for sale. The food booth will be
a special feature. Hot wafilei and
coffee as well as ice cream and cake
will be served. , , .
Dr. E. E. Baird arrived from Port
land Saturday and is opening his den
tal office In the Fair building, in new
quarters, just being completed by M.
L. Case. Dr. Baird will have his of
fice equipped with the very latest
appliances for the successful prac
tice of dentistry, and states that he
comes to Heppner' prepared to take
care of all kinds of work, painlessly.
Mrs. Baird will join her husband in
a few weeks. Dr. Baird is a nephew
of Mrs. R. L. Benge, and is a graduate
of North Pacific Dental college, Port
land. His office is located on the
ground floor of the Fair building.
The marriage of Miss Kathryn Slo
cum, daughter of Mrs. Katie Slocum
of Lexington, was an event that took
place in Sacramento, Calif., on the
evening of October 25th, the bride
groom being Alfred Newmann, with
whom she became acquainted while
nursing him through a spell of illness
at the Woodland Clinic. Miss Slocum
had been a nurse there for several
months. Following the wedding the
young people left on their honey
moon which was planned to take them
as far as the home of Mrs. Newmann's
relatives in Oregon. Their home will
be at Orland, Calif.
Karl L. Beach of Lexington spent
Thanksgiving with the folks at Walla
Walla, where his son, Laurel, is a
student in Whitman college. He was
accompanied by his son, Lawrence,
and Grandma Beach. While there
they took in the big operetta put on
by the college at Keeler Grand the
ater. Some sixty or more took part
in hte performance, which was a
success in every way.
June Griffith, baby daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Griffith of lone, was
brought to the office of Dr. McMurdo
on Saturday, suffering from a badly
burned mouth. The little girl, 13
months of age, took hold of the elec
tric cord on the connection used for
running the sewing machine, and
placing the plug in her mouth was
badly burned on her lips, tongue and
Claude Holcomb, one of the fore
men on the state highway below lone,
was very seriously injured about the
face and head Wednesday, when a
truck backed into him. He was caught
between the gravel loader and the
truck. The injured man was imme
diately brought to the office of Dr.
Johnston at Heppner, where he re
cevied proper medical attention.
Miss Ethel Moore, student at Mon
outh State Normal, came home for
the Thanksgiving holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore.
She was accompanied by her school
friend. Miss Wilson, of Enterprise.
The young ladies accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Turner from Salem,
and returned with them on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Akers came
up from Portland on Wednesday last,
arriving in time for Thanksgiving
with the family of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Barlow, son-in-law and daugh
ter. They spent several days here
with relatives, and Mr. -Akers suc
ceeded in making a lease to his farm
lands in the north end of the county.
Mrs. Mary Bartholomew is quite ill
at her home in this city, having suf
fered an attack of flu. Dr. McMurdo
renorts thai she is on the road to re
covery. The doctor also reports the
two sons of Mr. and Mrs. Casteel,
Lowell and Delmar, who have been
very sick with pneuifonia, as now
M. R. Loney and family, of Walla
Walla were week-end visitors tt th
home of Mr. nnd Mrs. F.-ank Parker
n Herppner Flat. Mrs. Loney is a
sister of Mrs. Parker, ana tne moneys
arrived in time for the big Thanks
eivine feast at the Parker home, re
turning to Walla Walla on Sunday
Nickolas Mullen, 7-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mullen of Board-
man, was brougnt to Morrow uenerai
hospital Saturday, suffering infection
and bloodpoisoning resulting irom a
sliver enternig his hand. After re
ceiving treatment by Dr. Johnston
the lad was able to return nome to-
day. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis of Al-
nine are the proud parents of an oft
pound girl, born at their home on No
vember 26. Dr. McMurdo also reports
the arrival of a 9-pound daughter at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conser Ad'
kins of this city on Wednesday, No
vcmber30. Royal Phelps and wife of Wapato,
Wash., spent Thanksgiving here, be
ing guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W: P. Hill. Mr. Phelps is a bro-
ther of Mrs. Hill, and they remained
over for a day or two, returning to
Wapato on Sunday. '
Rav Fereuson and Crocket Sprouls
motored to Portland Wednesday and
will remain in the city for a few
days. The object of their visit is to
attend the "school of pnits" put on
by the Chevrolet organization there
this week end.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson drove
up from Portland on Wednesday of
last week and spent Thanksgiving at
the home of Mrs. Anderson's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Campbell. They
returned to Portland on Saturday.
' Huston Bryson of lone suffered a
fracture of his right wrist on Friday
last, resulting from a "kick back"
while cranking a truck. Dr. McMur
do x-rayed the break and gave it the
proper surgical trentment.
Supt. Jas. M. Burgess and Mrs, Bur
gess motored to Pendleton Thursday
morning, had Thanksgiving and Bpent
the week end with Rev. and Mrs. Mel
ville T. Wire, returning to Heppner
Mies Erma Duvall, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Harry Duvall of Lexington,
spent the Thanksgiving vacation vis
iting at the home of her friend, Miss
Margaret Kirk, near Freewater.
Heppner's New Gym-Auditorium
Ready; Is Attractive, Serviceable
rr "n'lr
.. H I ll
A complete plant for physical, for
ensic and dramatic training of pupils
of the Heppner public schools is now
nearly an accomplished achievement
with the completion and acceptance
of the new auditorium-gymnasium
Some wasted articles of equipment
are all that is needed to fulfill the
achievement. .
The building of reinforced concrete
construction, is beautiful in its sim
plicity inside and outside, though its
exterior will afford a more pleasing
perspective when the grounds adjoin
ing have been cleaned up and beauti
fied. No attempt was made to make
it artistic, it being the idea of the
school board to provide a practical
building for the purposes intended
without any unnecessary expenditure
of money.
Though this intention was carried
out faithfully by the architect and
contractors, still nothing was left un
done so far as the actual construction
of the building and finishing are con
cerned. Partitions and ceilings on
the inside are of wood and plaster
coated with kalsomine, the main walls
being unfinished but kalsomined the
same as the plaster. In being neatly
and plainly finished the auditorium
is cheery and pleasing in appearance.
I lie Heavily uubbcu gymnasium ceil
ing is unfinished.
The building is distinctly divided,
the wide portion seen in the picture
housing the gymnasium and the nar
row part the auditorium. The gym
nasium floor is raised above the slop
ing auditorium floor, and part or all
of it may be used as a stage. The
auditorium with 600 stationary seats
of dark walnut and iron includes a
main floor and balcony of about equal
size. The auditorium was made in
this way so that a library room and
rest rooms might be included on the
main floor. These are in the end of
the building opposite the gymnasium
with a hallway the full width of the
Building placed between them and
the auditorium. The hallway, en
tered by a main entrance on either
end, has three doorways to the lower
floor and two to the balcony. French
swinging doors on either side of the
lddle entrance to the main floor
partition the hallway and Berve to
eliminate drafts caused by opening
the outside doors as people enter, be
sides giving the hallway the appear
Lucas Child Stricken
With Infantile Paralysis
The young son of Mr. and Mrs.i
Fred Lucas of Lexington was taken
ill with infantile paralysis Sunday
at Wasco shortly after arriving there.
At the same time a child of Mr. and
Mrs. Fortner, grandchild of Mr. and
Mra. Lucas, was-stricken. This re
port reached Dr. Johnston's office the
first of the week, but it was not
leraned how severe the cases are.
The cases have been isolated at
Wasco, and the Lucas child will not
be brought buck to Morrow county,
Dr. Johnston says. In a telephone
conversation with Dr. Adams of Was
co this morning the county health
officer informed him that so far no
case of the disease had developed, in
this county and that the child would
not be permitted to come home until
the disease had been cured. Dr.
Adnms, in charge of the two cases,
was prone to blame local health au
thorities for the breaking out of
flio Hinonaa in Wnin itpnlnrina1 nn
j evidence of it had before existed
Friends of the families here were
shocked to learn of the affliction and
hope for an early recovery.
Chas. H. Latouvell, local Ford deal
er, will hold open house tomorrow
to display pictures and tell all about
the new Ford car. At the same time
thousands of dealers throughout the
United States will do the same, it
boiug the plan of the company to in
troduce the new models Bimultan.
eously everywhere. Though the lo.
cal dealers have not yet 'received one
of the new models, they have been
assured one on or before the 15th of
this month. Interest has been Tife
here the past few days with an
nouncements carried in the daily pa
pers stimulating the public mind
and anxious persons have already
been pressing the dealers for partic
ulars. It is expected the Ford ga.
rage will be visited by large numbers
tomorrow to learn all about the car.
acclaimed to be a real sensation in
the low-priced, light car class. "
S. E. Moore, furniture dealer of
lone, spent several hours in the city
yesterday, looking after Mutters of
. .................
ance of a charming alcove.
The interior throughout is cream
trimmed in French gray, a pleasing
color combination, let off by the door
and electrical fittings of brass and
white lamps. The front of the gym
nasium floor is finished to resemble a
stage front, rounded and equipped
with foot- and top-lights. Just in
front of the stage is an orchestra pit,
the full width of the auditorium. This
is set beneath the floor level and is
cut off from the main floor by a
wooden railing painted gray.
Entrances at the ell of the building
on either side open into a small ante
room in which is a door opening into
the front of the auditorium on one
side and a short stairway leading to
the aide stage entrance on the oppo
site side. The ceilings of these an
terooms are lowered, with dressing
rooms built above, these being reach
ed by means of a substantial wooden
ladder and trap door. Two dressing
rooms are thus provided for men and
To cut off the back of the stage a
draw curtain is being installed. This
is of heavy brown cloth and when
pulled back rolls into compartments
provided for the purpose at the sides.
When drawn clear back a full view of
the basketball playing court is had
from any seat in the auditorium, mak
ing the auditoruim practical for seat
ing crowds at athletic contests as
well as stage performances .
Shower rooms are built in the base
ment and are reached by means of
stairs and hallway leading from the
northwest side entrance. Similar
rooms for boyB and girlsare provid
ed, these taking up the only com
pleted portion of the basement. If
necessary in time to come more exca
vating can be done and additional
rooms made beneath the main floor.
Completing the room equipment of
the structure, is a picture projecting
room placed in the back center of
the balcony. This is of the very
latest fire-proo construction, being
lined throughout in sheet-iron, with
the window shutters of the same ma
terial being held with combustible
cord so that in case a fire breaks out
inside at any time they close auto
matically, encasing the fire complete
ly. Lights for the entire building can
be turned on and off from the stage
wings or projecting room, while ad
ditional dimmer switches for the
Dillard French was in the city on
Saturday, being on his return home
from Long Creek to Gurdane. Ordin
arily, Mr. French can make it through
the mountains directly south from
Gurdane and have no difficulty in
reaching his destination in the Long
Creek country, but not this fall. It
was necessary for him to return via
Monument, John Day highway to Ar
lington -and thence to Heppner on
to Gurdane some considerable dis
tance when it is figured out. In the
process of road building now going
on in Oregon, there will be a road
directly south from Pendleton to
Canyon City and Burns. This will
no doubt come some time in the not
distant future, as will the other road
direct from Heppner to Spray, and
then closer connection can be had
with the interior of Grant, Wheeler
and Harney counties. Mr. French
states that much nun has fallen
through the mountain section and
that it is very wet around Hamilton
and Long Creek, and it is not easy
getting to Monument that way at
present. Dillard is also pepped up
quite a bit over the cattle business
these days, but has no complaint to
make as to conditions for some time
past; it has been a pretty good game
for a number of years when rightly
A very quiet homo wedding was
solemnized at 5 o'clock Thanksgiving
eve nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Case when their daughter, Mary
Frances, was united in marriage to
Mr. G. E. Jones of Astoria. Kev. r.
R. Spaulding performed the cere
mony in the presence of members of
the family only.
The Case home was attractively
decorated with chrysanthemums in
autumn tones. The bride wore an
nfternooon dress of two-tone crepe
satin, with a corsage of pink rose
buds. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left immedi
ately after the ceremony for Astoria,
whero they will make their home.
In the recent Christmas Photos
contest sponsored by Boggs Photo
Art studio many lists were received.
Some of the lists contained hundreds
of words. Flossie Stender of Hepp
ner won first place; Echo Palmateer
of, Morgan, second, and John Conder,
Heppner, third..
stage and gymnasium are installed in
the wings at the main electrical con
trol station of the building. The en
tire building is well lighted and ade
quate connections for most any con
tingency have been taken care of. In
connection with operation of the
lights a system of electric bell sig
nals has been installed. By this
means signals may be sent from the
wings, stage or projecting room to
any of the named places desired.
Separate switches for lights in aux
iliary parts of the building have also
been installed.
Two large electric fan circulating
heat radiators, one in the gymnasium
and the other at the front of the audi
torium furnish the heat for the audi
torium and gymnasium while two
steam radiators heat the library.
Steam is furnished from the boiler
in the adjacent school building, being
forced across by means of electrically
controlled pumps. Hot water for the
wash basins in the rest rooms and
showers in the basement is also piped
from the other building.
Ventilation is obtained by roof ven
tilators and windows. The windows
sufficient to light the buiding well in
the day time are set in iron frames
of double construction, each half be
ing pivoted at the center for opening
or closing.
An attractive part of the building
throughout is the clear fir flooring.
Sandpapering and waxing of all the
floors is now under way, and when
this is completed the floors will not
only be attractive but very service
able as well.
For shower room equipment a large
quantity of ventilated iron locker
boxes have been purchased and will
be installed in the near future. Bas
ketball and other athletic equipment
is being arranged for, and baskets
and backboards will probably be in
place this week. It is thought a large
net across the Bide of the gymnasium
facing the auditorium will be em
ployed to keep basketballs from going
into the audience.
Completion of this new plant has
evinced many signs of pleasure from
brought forth many signs of pleasure
from the faculty and children as well
as the townspeople in general. Its
use, starting immediately, will be
great, judging from the long program
of activity already announced for it,
besides many other uses being
Local People Urged to
Buy Christmas Seals
With the Thanksgiving turkey safe
ly tucked away for another year, and
with the spirit of Christmas growing
every day, the time has come to call
the attention of the community to
the annual sale of Christmas seals
by the Oregon Tuberculosis associa
tion. So widespread and common has
this custom become, that "Christmas
wouldn't be Christmas" without
these little good health wishes to put
on the packages that go to out
friends and loved ones.
This year the seal sale stamp is
unusual in its unique idea of wishing
a healthy and happy Christmas to
the world. One of the large adver
tising boards in town shows a replica
of the emblem: four galloping rein
deer, a sleigh full of gifts, snowy
Christmas landscape, together with
the double armed cross of the tuber
culosis association all combine to
convey the yearly message of hope
and good cheer. ' '
Superintendent James Burgess,
who is chairman of the seal sale in
Heppner, hopes to put over the big
gest sale in the history of the year
ly seal sales. Last year Heppner fell
slightly below its usual average pur
chase of seals, while the reports
from Morrow county generally show
that but an average of two stamps
apiece was purchased by the citi
zens of the county. This places Mor
row county among the five lowest
counties in the state in the number
of seals purchased.
The sale of Christmas seals is uni
versally endorsed by leading people
all over the country, for it is Tecog
nized as being one of the most sig
nificant movements of modern times
toward the eradication of disease.
R. W. Voile and Alfred Medlock
have erected a new sawmill on Rhea
creek just above the forks of the
creek and are now sawing up logs.
The mill was put into operation last
week and Mr. Voile states their out
put for the winter has already been
contracted for. With four men em
ployed the mill is capable of turning
out between 10 and 13 thousand feet
of lumber a duy.
Judge R. L. Benge departed for
Portland on Sunday to be in attend
ance at the meeting of the state high
way commission on Monday. Judge
Benge was prepared to get some in
portant information before the com
mission with reference to the Hepp-ner-Spray
road. Should means be
provided for continuing work on this
highway, through the cooperation of
the federal bureau of roads and the
state, the remaining short gaps
should be closed in a couple of years.
Judge Benge does not hope for ear
lier completion of this connection
with the John Day highway.
Foster T. Collins was in town from
his place beyond Rock creek yester
day. It was not an easy matter get
ting out to the highway, because of
the extreme wet condition of the
roads, as storms have been quite
prevalent in the mountain section of
late. Mr. Collins states that smoe
six inches of snow fell Tuesday night
and it was raining hard when he left
for town Wednesday morning.
License to wed was issued on Sat
urday evening by Clerk Anderson to
Arthur J. Van Vleet of lone and Miss
Tressie Dawes of Hubbard, Oregon.
The young people were later joined
in the hojy bonds of matrimony by
Rev. Stanley Moore, rector of All
Saints Episcopal church. They will
make their home for the present near
lone, where Mr. Van Vleet has work
on the A. E. Fellers farm.
The, little 15-months old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCormick fell
from a chair at the McCormick home
near Morgan Tuesday noon and sus
tained a broken left arm between the
elbow and shouldjr. The little fel
low was playing on me cnair wnen
he took the fall. The baby was im
mediately brought to the office of Dr.
McMurdo at Heppner, who reduced
the fracture.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hiatt of Van
couver, Wash., were visitors here
during the past week, enjoying the
Thanksgiving holidays with their
sons, Johnny and Jay, and other rela
tives residing in the county, where
for many years Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt
were well known residents. They de
parted for home the first of the week.
Oris Padberg spent several days in
the city this week, being a member
of the grand jury which was called
into session at the court house on
Monday. Mr. Padberg is a Heppner
Flat wheatraiser who is rejoicing
over the splendid soaking the wheat
fields have been getting this fall.
Harold Cohn of Cohn Auto company
returned from his trip to San Fran
cisco on Sunday. Mr. Cohn attended
the gathering of Dodge Bros, dealers
of the west coast territory held in
the Bay city and returns all pepped
up with proper dope on the Dodge
line of automobiles.
Harry French was down from his
mountain home -beyond Hardman on
Tuesday, looking after business. He .
reports that quite a little excitement
is on is his vicinity over the dis
covery of gold on his premises, and
quite a number of claims are benig
staked out.
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Mather drove
over from Prairie City to spend the
Thanksgiving vacation at the home
of Mrs. Mather's parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. W. P. Mahoney. Mr. Mather is
principal of the schools at Prairie
City, this being his second year there.
Mr, and Mrs. John Clouston of Pen
dleton spent Thanksgiving in Hepp
ner, being guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S. P. Devin, parents of Mrs.
Clouston. Mr. Clouston is with the
forest service at Pendleton and was
formerly ranger in this district.
Mrs. W. T. McRoberts and oldest
son, Ray, both of whom were quite
ill for a week and under the care of
Dr. McMurdo, are now recovered. The
boy was able to return to school this
week. Mrs. McRoberts suffered a
severe attack of tonsilitis.
N. S. Phelps and wife and Wm.
Lunceford and two daughters arrived
from Kelso, Wash., early Thanksgiv
ing Day and spent the week end vis
iting with relatives at Heppner and
Lexington. They returned home on
Mrs. A. C. Crowell of Morgan suf
fered a badly infected hand Tuesday
from a barbwire cut, resulting in
bloodnoisoning. Dr. Johnston at
tended Mrs. Crowell and reports that
she is much improved.
Alex Wilson was over from his
home on the Boardman project Sun
day for a visit with his relatives at
Heppner. He reports that plenty ot
rain has been falling in the north
end of the county.
Born At Morrow General hospital
in this city, on Friday, November 25,
to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson,
a 7 1-2 pound daughter. She has been
named Mary Lou.
Dwight Misner of Portland, for
merly extensively engaged in wheat
raising in the country out north of
lone, was a visitor here for a snort
time on Saturday.
Miss Margaret Loughney, who was
a guest for two weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore in this
city, returned to her home at Tacoma
on Saturday.
Johan Troedson, wheatraiser of the
north lone section, was here the first
of the week as a member of the
grand jury.
Frank Engleman, lone hardware
dealer, was attending to business af
fairs in the county seat on Saturday.
H. O. Ely, prominent resident of
Morgan, was called to Heppner on
jury duty the first of this week.
Attorney Sam E. Van Vactor was
here from The Dalles on Wednesday,
having business in the circuit court
E. R. Lundell, lone garage man, was
attending to business affairs here on
Morrow - Umatilla Dairy
men Form Organization
at Pendleton.
After three years of effort on the
part of interested dairymen, assisted
by county agents of the two coun
ties and specialists of the Oregon
Agricultural college, a Dairy Herd
Improvement association for Monro w
and Umatilla counties was formed at
Pendleton on Tuesday. The official
tester for the association started
work today. Hig work will be to test
the enrolled cows once a month,
weigh the milk, determine the per
centage of butterfat, figure feed cot
and ultimately determine the net
profit on each cow. In addition to
this service, he will test separators
for efficiency and give expert advice
as to economical and efficient rations
as well as any other information that
may tend to increase herd profits.
Some 700 cows have already been
signed, guaranteeing the tester 22
days work a month. In Morrow coun
ty four herds will be tested, those of
C, C. Cool, lone; Ellis Minor, lone;
Paul Smit'i, Boardman, and I. Skoubo,
Boardman. The cost for testing is
$60 per herd per year where only
one herd can be tested in a day, and
$33 per herd per year where two
herds can be tested in a day, pro
vided in the latter case that the two
herds do not exceed 35 cows
Directors of the association elect-
ed at Pendleton are L. B. Hughes,
Pilot Rock; A. T. Hawn, Freewater;
Eldon King, Weston; Curtis Dier,
Hermiston, and Paul Smith, Board
man. These were elected from the
various districts represented. N. C.
Jamison, extension specialist in dai
rying, was in charge of the meeting.
As soon as a directors' meeting can
be called the officers of the associa
tion will be elected by them.
In commenting on the new associa
tion, Chas. W. Smith, county agent,
who attended the organization meet
ing, aaid: "It is'a notable fact that
wherever an association of this kind
has been formed it has never been
abandoned. In localities where the
move was pioneered, associations
have multiplied in number until all
the herds of the section receive the
service. This is especially true in
Tillamook county and in other lead
ing dairying sections of the state.
"As an instance of the worth of
the association work, a tester in
Clackamas county found one cream
separator being operated that threw
enough cream over into the skim
milk that had it continued to be op
erated in this condition for a year a
time the cream thus wasted would
have amounted to $252, a dead loss
to the dairyman had not the waste
been discovered by the tester."
This is the fifth association of its
kind started in Oregon since the first
of the year. The others being started
in Marion, Crook and Deschutes, Un
ion and Wallowa, and Baker counties.
Other dairymen in Morrow and Uma
tilla counties are contemplating join
ing the association and it should not
be long before the tester will be
working full time.
Mrs. Eliza Beymer
Dies Near Roseburg
J. W. and fom Beymer returned
from Roseburg the end of the week.
where they were called by the death
of their mother, Mrs. Eliza Beymer,
whose funeral was held there Tues
day of last week. Mrs. Beymer was
for many years a resident of this
county and was well known and high
ly respected here, where her family
was raised. She had been an invalid
for some years past and had resided
at Roseburg, where she was cared for
in her declining years.
Eliza Ann Wilson was born July 81,
1843, at Linton, Ohio, and died No
vember 19, 1927, at Lookingglass, Ore
gon, near Roseburg. She was married
in 1869 to Jefferson Beymer, who died
many years ago, while the family was
residing on a farm in the Eight Mile
section in this county. She had been
a resident of Oregon for more than
40 years, most of which time she
lived in Morrow county. She was the
mother of nine children, six of whom
survive. These are William, Frank,
Fred, Thomas and Arthur Beymer and
Mrs. Lena Morgan. Those deceased
are Charles and Clinton Beymer and
Mrs. Anna Aubrey.
The Morrow county grand jury was
in session the first three days of this
week, investigating such matters as
were brought to their attention, and
on Wednesday returned their report
to Judge Fee in circuit court. Ths
jury is composed of L. L. Slocum,
foreman; Chas. Ritchie, Ed Breslin,
Daisy Shively, H. O. Ely, Johan
Troedson and Oris Padbery. The reg
ular December term of circuit court
convenes the second Monday In De
cember, which is the 12th. Judge Fee
arrived here Wednesday to take up
such matters of June term as were
found at issue on the docket.
This will be the subject of the eve
ning sermon at the Church of Christ.
The morning topic will be "The
Goodness of God."
Bible school at 9:45.
C. E. is at six thirty. Remember
the contest between the boys and the
MILTON W. BO(WER, Minister.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman spent
Thanksgiving in Portland visiting
with relatives of Mr. Bauman. They
returned home on Friday evening.