Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 24, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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(Banrttr Qmura
March 0. lhSl,
Novmbaer 18, 1897,
PnblUnad ewry Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Heppner.
Oregon, as eecond-elaaa matter.
One Year
Three Months .
bus la Cop tea
Foreign Adrartilng Representative
Good Work Begun.
TiHE city council has undertak
en a very worthy work in the
improvement of Heppner's streets.
This work has been going on for
the most part of the past year
at least it was undertaken on a
plan that makes for permanency
early in the spring and we now
have a lot of work completed that
gives the people of the city an
idea of what the council has in
mind. Their plan seems to be one
of practical macadam for all of
the side streets, thus doing away
for all time to come with the mud
nuisance in the. winter and great
ly reducing the plague of dust
during the summer season.
This question of maintenance
of streets has been one the coun
cil has wrestled with for many
long years. The policy in times
past has been on a par with that
of the county concerning roads
before the era of good road build
ing was ushered in ; just patching
up here and there, spending a con
siderable sum each year but get
ting no where when it came to
permanent improvements. This
policy in the end, of course, has
proven expensive and very unsat
isfactory. A number of years ago
a bond issue furnished the means
for macadamizing Main street and
a portion of two other streets, and
the work proved its worth in serv
ice, and there was little spent in
maintenance. The coming of the
state highway has helped to keep
the Main street in good shape,
and this svmmer it was all gone
over again and treated to oil and
now seems to be practically as
good as though it were paved, and
the cost was far less. So the city
fathers have taken up the idea of
permanent improvements to the
side streets and cross streets and
are doing a good job of it, all to
their everlasting credit.
In the future it will not be hard
to maintain these streets, and as
time goes on the improvements
will be all the more appreciated.
Having this matter up for com
ment at this time, we are con
strained to call attention to the
city budget being published this
week. It will appear that there
has not been very liberal provis
ion made for the continuance of
this work of street improvement,
and no fund created for mainten
ance. As the city has already con
tracted for the delivery of 1500
yards of crushed rock on the
streets at a price of $2.15, which
will require a total of $3225, to
which must be added the expense
of one half yard of binder to each
yard of gravel, there will be but
Songs of Plain Folks
James wis Hays
It takes Thanksgiving Day to bring
The children and their babies, too,
So you'll not wonder that I sing
I hough I have lots of things
Grandma can't see them much
She does, it seems almighty
To think they're coming home
But then, my old heart knew
It's days ahead, but Father tramps
All 'round the place without his cane,
w niiuing out, piayimngs ior inose scamps, r
John's boys, and looking down the lane si
As if he thought they'd come today;
Mercy! He'll always be a boy!
How he does iove a chance to play!
Thanksgiving surely brings him joy.
I'll make them rafts of pumpkin pies
And my big turkey's going to be
A sight for hungry children s
I think those girls of mine
Their mother's not forgotten
To fix things for Thanksgiving Day.
Goodness! I must be stirring now,
Next Thursday isn't far away!
ixr-y !
ion. mi W
DtFraak Crane
IF YOU hang on and persevere you may not succeed anyhow,
but if you give up you are sure to lose.
Albert Payson Terhune listed recently a number of things
about failures who hung on and finally succeeded.
He tells of Garibaldi, who had lost everything and was in
prison and condemned to death, yet he never lost his grip and
lived to be the Savior of Italy.
A middle-aged man peddled cordwood in St. Louis in a
shabby, old army overcoat, yet this figure was General Grant,
who afterwards was elected President of the United States.
I An obscure country farmer wanted to come to America and
his King would not let him. That farmer afterwards became
ruler of England, Oliver Cromwell.
Patrick Henry could not make good in the grocery business
or on his farm, but became one of our most famous orators.
At middle age Stonewall Jackson was an obscure college
instructor. He lived to be the idol of the South.
Bulwer Lytton thought he was a failure when young and
though he was a hopeless invalid he hung on and was after
wards one of the most famous English writers and a member
of the peerage.
Thomas A. Edison, as a hard-up newsboy-candy butcher
was thrown from a train and his fall injured his hearing. He
gut up and tackled his tasks anew and you know whaj he be
came afterwards.
Alexander Graham Bell was not much of a success in his
youth, but those who bought his stock when he was peddling
it at a cheap rate are now rich.
Robert Louis Stevenson, a consumptive, sat on a bench in a
San Francisco park, middle-aged and penniless. He became
one of the most famous writers in the world.
Napoleon the Third fled to England, was dead broke and
made a bare living in America. Afterwards he became Em
peror of the French.
Napoleon Bonaparte was considered a failure when a young
man, but by a change of fortune became the foremost man of
the earth.
So, if you can't do anything else you can hold on. Nobody
knows when the lightning is going to strike or where.
little remaining out of the $5000
the budget provides. It is figured
that the 1500 yards of gravel now
contracted will cover the streets
for fifteen blocks, and this is about
half of the work that should be
While this paper is anxious to
see the city taxes kept down as
close as possible, yet we do not
believe it is good economy to
make improvements of this kind
on the streets of the city, and then
fail to provide for maintenance.
The taxpayers of the city should
look into this item of the pro
posed budget.
Governor Against $3 Fee.
DURING the past week Gov
ernor Patterson had occasion
to address the Corvallis Chamber
of Commerce, and the main part
of his speech was directed against
the proposed initiative measure
that would reduce the present au
to license to $3.00. Commenting
on what the Governor had to say,
the Benton Independent of Cor
vallis says:
For the third time the governor of
Oregon has been a speaker at the
local chamber of commerce luncheons
and banquets. We believe no other
chamber can claim as much from the
busy executive and further our cry
that we have the livest chamber in
the state.
The governor's speech this time
was one which is vital and timely
and he spoke on a subject which is
in more need of publicity right now
than most of us realize.
to do.
and when
again! .
they would!
will see
He spoke against the proposed re
duction of the automobile license to
$3, petitions for which are now being
The governor is anxious that the
petitions go unsigned, and rightly.
He understands more than most of
us the necessity of a fight against
this unsound proposal. He realizes
that the present motor tax law is per
haps not what it should be, and can
see the danger of dissatisfied persons
jumping to this proposal as a way
Oregon has been committed to the
present highway program for years
and is still committed to it in the
form of obligations to the extent of
nearly $35,000,000, which must be
paid by Oregon for it is a bonded
indebtedness of the state.
The present licensing fee will take
care of that, retire the bonds and also
care for improvements in the present
system, maintenance, and new con
struction as it is needed. But the
proposed change is certain to "wreck"
the highway program to use the
word the governor used. Here's how
it would do it: It would stop imme
diately all highway work, except that
under actual contract, awaiting the
voice of the people, should the peti
tions bear enough signatures to place
the measure on the ballot.
The state indebtedness for our
present highways would be saddled
on general property by direct taxa
tion. That is the worst danger. Di
rect taxes are high enough in Oregon
now, and the state is operating under
a deficit.
Property owners should interest
themselves in the matter to the ex
tent of assuring themselves that a
measure of this kind never comes to
vote. There are many voters in Ore
gon now who pay the automobile tax
as the only tax they pay. They are
liable to favor a reduction of the
present fee and the shouldering of
this debt to property.
We have taken up our highway pro
gram and nothing since the begin
ning of statehood has been more val
uable to us. Now that we have com
mitted ourselves to this progressive
step, let's keep it up and pay our just
Business Ease.
A GREAT New York merchant,
doing a yearly business of
$125,000,000 in four American
cities, said last week on his return
from Europe, "Some Americans
do not realize what it means to
do business in fotty-eieht ereat
States, with the same money, laws,
credit and' language everywhere.
"When I was last in Cairo I
saw big wagons of Paris Bon
Marche going through the streets.
I looked up the head of their
Egyptian branch and found that
they had come three thousand
miles from Paris to do a business
of $l.,000,000 a year. A success
ful American business man would
n't go 100 miles for that much
"I traveled back to London with
an Englishman managing six
British houses in Cairo and other
Eastern points, involved in revo
lutions, different laws and cur
rencies. "Here an American can operate
in forty-eight States, one of them,
Texas, as big as several European
countries, and everywhere the
same money, laws, languages, bus
iness methods, sound credit. We
should be very grateful.
Political indications are that
there will be a number of wet can-
didates with nothing to sit on but
dry planks in 1928.
Cuba does not forget to re
member $6,000 a year pension to
the widow of Major General Leon
ard Wood who ruled them so in
telligently, 1899 to 1902.
Don't believe everything you
hear except the whistle of a lo
comotive at a grade crossing.
Without, any authentic statis
tics or census at hand we would
say that the principal lines of bus
mess in the United States at this
time are beauty parlors and filling
Con Year's Ledger
for Cause for
By a careful and painstaking ap
plication of those methods which
huve been found to be best adapt
ed to the particular needs of the
enterprise concerned, an annual ap
praisal or Inventory of both assets
and liabilities is made by every
properly conducted business. Ac
count is taken of all tangible and
Intangible resources. Including
stocks, accounts and bills recelv
able, and of what Is written down
In the ledger as good will. The
occasion Is not one observed mere
ly as an opportunity for uirvey-
lug what has been accomplished
during the year just passed, or dur
ing many years of varying suc
cesses and disappointments, but
more specially for the, purpose of
shaping the policies and activities
to be followed and pursued In the
Immediate future.
The wise and prudent Individual
who realizes the Importance of look
ing carefully to the management
and conduct of his affalri knows
from day to day the apprctimate
value of his tangible assets. But
perhaps he does not as continually
keep before himself the realization
of the true value of that protec
tion which Is vouchsafed by what,
despite all that may be said or
charged to the contrary. Is a com
mon regard for and obedience to
that higher law which conscience
and true brotherhood dictate. Per
haps he Is prone also to forget that
nraong these more or less Intangi
ble assets there may be found
Intangible but binding liabilities In
the form of due bills payable In
kind. There is an Inescapable obli
gation for this service rendered,
based upon the binding considera
tion of "value recelv. ," though
that has not been formally oi le
gally expressed In the eontinct.
Blessings Taken for Granted,
It Is well, therefore, that all of
u.i, no matter what our station or
occupation, at this season set apart
for national thanksgiving, while ex
pressing appreciation for .mind
ful temporal blessings bestowed,
pause while thought Is gffvn to
what might be the condition. Indi
vidually and nationally, were we
deprived of the continuing assur
ance of that' benign protection the
source of which we seen? some
times to forget. From year to
year we read the profo : d an
nouncement that during the twelve
months past the American nation
has been the grateful recipient of
a bounty liberally bestowed. The
form, though not the words, has
become almost stereotyped. The
people f the United States would
regard with amazement a state
ment to the effect that for gome
unexpected reason the full measure
of their blessings had not been
forthcoming. They could not easily
be convinced that while they are
prepared to observe Thanksgiv
ing day and once a year acknowl
edge their gratitude, at least su
perficially, they have not paid their
obligation In full.
Balance Private Ledgers.
The truly receptive attitude of
a people or a nation Is determined
by Its attitude of thought. It has
been truthfully observed that It
Is only by giving that room Is made
for that which we desire and which
we should receive. This Is us
true In the realm of government
under a social democracy as In In
dividual affairs. Standards which
have been established and which
are accounted desirable can be
maintained and protected only as
they are fostered and supported by
an overwhelming weight of populnr
thought and sentlmen All loyal
and patriotic citizens profess, while
giving thanks for material bless
ings received, to be thankfi that
their lot has been cast among a
law-abiding and Justl.-e-lovlng peo
ple. On this day of annual thanks
giving, as we take account of all
that has been bestowed. It would
be well for all alike to examine
our own private ledgers to dis
cover just how much, In cheerful
obedience to the rules and stand
ards which we .have voluntarily
set up, has been ungrudgingly given
to our own and our neighbors'
cause Christian Science Monitor
Ain't It True?
English Prof: What Is a poet?
Pa (Dutchman): A poet is a feller
vot writes weree and werse and
Lotta Practice
'Are you on the water wagon for
'Why, sure."
'Well, you ought to know the feel
ing. You've been on a thousand times
One Test Okeh
"What makes you so sure you're
not a fool?"
'Because I wasn't born every min
That Kind o' a Girl
He: "Why did vou iumD out of
the ear last night and start running
home ;
She: ''I was bein' chaste."
How Ifs Done
How doth the pretty little Jane
Keep dated all the time?
By sitting where the sitting's good
And showing perfect lines.
The Poor Simp
"Mary," said the poor prude of a
husband, "if you don't pull down
your dress gome one's goingto see
that mole on your neck."
Sounds Logical
A woman never loves but once
that is, the same man,
Thumbs Up
Wet: I don't feel any rain.
Wetter: No wonderl You've got
your hand turned, wrong.
The Prize Winner
The latest prize winner is the man
who is so bowlegged that he has to
have his shoes soled on the side.
i Some Statistics
If all the males who consider
themselves hot were placed end to
end they would smoke, having noth
ing else to do.
All General Fund Warrants of Mor
row County, Oregon, registered on or
before June 30th, 1927, will be paid
on presentation at the office of the
County Treasurer, on or after De
cember 10th, 1927, at which date in
terest on said warrants will cease,
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, No
vember 17th, 1927.
County Treasurer.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of the laws of the State of Ore
gon, the undersigned has taken up
the hereinafter described animals,
found running at large on his prem
ises tn Morrow County, State of Ore
gon, and that he will on Saturday.
the 3rd day of December, 1927, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day, at his place, 5 miles
southwest Hardman, Oregon, on
the middle fork of Rock creek, offer
for sale and sell the said animals to
the highest bidder for cash in hand
unless the same shall have been re
deemed by the owner or owners
thereof. Said animals are described
as follows l
One white horse, branded Bar A on
right shoulder; weight 900; age 20.
"One sorrel mare, no visible brand;
has ruptured stomach; weight 1000;
age 12.
One bay mare, no visible brand
weight 1000; age 8.
One grey gelding, brand quarter
circle 11 on right hip; weight 1160;
age 8.
One roan saddle mare, no visible
brand; weight 800; age 6.
One bay saddle horse, brandad O
on right shoulder, reverse Z on right
hip; weight 1000; age 12. '
One bay saddle mare, brand 21
on left hip, reverse Z on right shoul
der; weight 900; age 9.
The above animals were taken up
on my premises November 9, 1927.
Hardman, Ore.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon
November 12, 1927.
NOTICE is hereby given that Fran
cis Gentry, of Heppner, Oregon
who, on January 24, 1023, made home.
stead entry, act Dec. 29, 1916, No.
024114, for SWttNEtt, NttNWVi
Sec. 32, T. 1, N. R. 28, E., NWVtSWVi
Sec. 26, SV4SW14, Sec. 29, SWttSEtt
Sec. 34, T. 1 S., R. 28, E, Lot 1, Section
3, Township 2 S., Range 28 E Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Gay M. An
derson, United States Commissioner.
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 28th day
of December, 1927.
Claiman't names as witnesses:
Michael Maguire, Phil Higgins. G
E. Ayers, Harry Brown, all of Lena,
Acting Register.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant
to a petition of the requisite num
ber of legal voters of Road Distrcit
No. 1 of Morrow County, State of Or
gon, and an order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, made and entered
on the 2nd day of November, 1927, a
meeting of the legal voters of said
Road District Number 1 of Morrow
County, State of Oregon, will be held
at the Wadsworth Hall in Irrigon,
Morrow County, Oregon, In the said
Road District Number 1, Saturday,
November 26, 1927, at the hour of 2
o'clock in the afternoon of said day,
for the purpose of voting an addition
al tax for Road purposes upon all
the taxable property in said Road
District to the amount of Five (B)
Mills on the dollar, said tax to be ex
pended as follows:
For resurfacing and maintaining
present roads in Road District No.
One (1), Morrow County, Oregon.
R. L. BENGE, County Judge.
(Seal) County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, Administrator of the Es
tate of Lena M, Hadley, deceased, has
filed his final account with the Coun-
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, and that aaid Court
has aet as the time and place for set
tlement of said account December
3d, 1927, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
M., in the Court room of said Court
in Heppner, Oregon. All persons hav
ing objections to said final account
must fife the same on or before aaid
Administrator of the Estate of
Lena M. Hadley, deceased. '
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County Administrator of
the Estate of J. P. Hadley, deceased.
All persons having claims against
said estate must present them to me,
duly verified as required by law, at
the office of C. L. Sweek in Heppner,
Oregon, on or before six months from
the date of first publication of thia
Date of first publication, November
3rd, 1927.
Administrator of the Estate oi
J. P. Hadley, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution and
order of sale issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, on the 29th day of
October, 1927, pursuant to a judg
ment and decree entered and rendered
in said court in a certain suit in said
court wherein W. H. French was
plaintiff, and James W. Stevens and
Erne M. Stevens, his wife, were de
fendants, and which judgment is In
favor of the plaintiff and against the
defendants for the sum of $2000.00
with interest thereon from the 9th
day of September, 1924, at the rate
of eight per cent per annum, for the
further sum of $200.00, attorney's
fees, for the further sum of $146.25,
with interest thereon from the 8th
day of December, 1926, at the rate of
six per cent per annum, for the fur
ther sum of $148.75, with interest
thereon from the 24th day of August,
1927, at the rate of six per cent per
annum, and for the further sum of
$377.32, with interest thereon from
the 11th day of October, 1927, at the
rate of six per cent per annum, and
the cost and disbursements of said
suit in the sum of $19.00, and com
manding me to sell as provided by
law, the following described real
property, situate in Morrow County,
Oregon, and apply the proceeds there
of in satisfaction of said judgment,
The northwest quarter of Sec
tion 28, the south half of the
northeast quarter, and the north
east quarter of the northeast
quarter of Section 29, all that
portion of the northeast quarter
of the southeast quarter of Sec
tion 29, lying North and East of
County Road No. 29, containing
6.58 acres, more or less; and all
that portion of the southwest
quarter of Section 28, lying
North and East of County Road -No.
29, containing 102.6 acres,
more or less, all in Township four
(4) South, Range 25 East of Wil
lamette Meridian. A tract of land
situate in the southwest quarter
of Section 27, and east half of
Section 28 in Township four (4)
South, Range 25 East of Willam
ette Meridian, described as fol
lows: Beginning at a point in
the center of the County Road
five chains West of the south
east corner of the south west
quarter of Section 27 in Town
ship four (4) Range aforesaid,
thence along the center of the
County Road on the following
courses: North 7 degrees West
1.43 chains, thence North 62 de
grees 30 minutes West 15 chains,
thence North 29 degrees West 9
chains, thence North 41 degrees
West 12.50 chains, thence North
50 degrees West 10.50 chains to
a point on the East line of the
southeast quarter of Section 28,
seven chains South of -the north
east corner of the southeast
quarter of Section 28, thence
North 60 degrees West 12.50
chains, thence West 6 chains,
thence North 47 degrees West
12.60 chains, thence North 60 de
grees West 6.50 chains, thence
North 44 degrees West 6.60
chains, thence North 30 degrees
West 12.60 chains, more or less,
to a point on the West line of the
northeast quarter of Section 28,
12 chains South of the northwest
corner thereof, thence South 68
chains, more or less, to the
southwest corner of the south
east quarter of Section 28, thence
East on the South line of Sec
tions 28 and 27, 76 chains, more
or less to tho place of beginning, .
containing 232 acres, more or
less; also, the northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of Sec
tion 34, in Township four (4)
South, Range 25 East of Willam
ette Meridian,
NOW, Therefore, In obedience to
said execution, I will on Saturday, the
3rd day of December, 1927, at th
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
BBid day at the front door of the
Court House at Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash
all of the above described real prop
erty and apply the proceeds of such
sale towards the satisfaction of said
judgment, the above described real
property being the real property
mortgaged by the defendants to the
plaintiff, and said sale will subject
to the redemption thereof.
Dated this 3rd day of November,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Oct. 7 1927.
NOTICE is hereby given that Wil
liam H. Instone of Lena, Oregon, who
on May 8, 1926, made Homestead En
try under Act. Dec. 29, 1916, No.
024874, for NEttSWK, Section 7,
Township 2 South, Range 29 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Gay M, An
derson, United States Commissioner,
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 29th day
of November, 1927.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Brosnan, Wiley Pearson, Wal
ter Kilcup, Fred Albert, all of Lena,
Professional Directory
Phone 303 Hermiston, Ore.
The man who made the reasonable
Painting Paperhang-inf
Interior Decorating
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Expert Watchmaker and
Jewelry Repairer
Hoppner, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon
Graduate Nurse Assistant
I. O. O. F. Building
Phones: Office, Main 933; Res. 492
Heppner, Oregon
Attorney at Law
600 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Portland, Oregon
Phone Broadway 4254
X-Ray Dlaft-noaie
I. O. O. F. .Building
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
Phona BEaeen 4491
1014 Northwestern Bank Bldf.
Res. GArfield 1949
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nurse Aeaiatant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offices in
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Surgical, Medical, Maternity ClM
Wards, and private rooms.
Rates Reasonable.
Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate
Nurse, Superintendent.
A. H. Johnston, M. D. Phyii-cian-ln-Charge.
Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore.
Office In Court euia
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Property Sale
a Specialty.
"The Man Who Talka to Beat
the Band"
Lexington, Ore.
and Notary Publie
Odd Fellows Building
Heppner Oregon
Maternity Hospital
Wards and Private Rooms.
Rates Reasonable.
Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate
Phone Main 812 Heppner, Ore.
Old Line Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberta Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon