to eppmter Volume 44, Number 36. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Nov. 24, 1927 Subscription $2.00 a Year HEPPNER EMERGES LEAGUECHAMPIQNS Condon Defeated in Play Off Game Here Satur day by 13 to 6 Score (Heppneriun Reporter.) Heppner beat Condon for the cham pionship of the' Upper Columbia league by a score of 13-6 Saturday afternoon on the local Held. The game was had fought from start to finish, each team determined to win for its school. Heppner had not before held a football championship in the Upper Columbia league. j The game started with Heppner re ceiving and carrying the ball to the middle of the field. End runs, fol- j lowed by line bucks, put the ball on the four-yard line, where the Hepp ner team was able to score a touch-1 down. Gentry, quarterback and cap-1 tain, made the extra try for point on a criss-cross. Heppner again re ceived the ball, Gentry carrying it back to the Condon 36-yard line, netting BS yards. On the third down Turner, halfback, received a '30-yard pass from Gentry, that brought the team four yards from the Condon goal line a the end of the first quar ter. Benge, half-back, opened the second quarter by carrying the ball to the one and one-half yard line where Gentry was able to continue its movement for the next touch down. Goal was not converted. Condon received but failed to make yardage and was forced to punt. Thompson's return kick put the hall on Condon's 40-yard line. Then Con don started down the field but was penalized five yards for their back field being in motion. After another exchange of kicks, Myers ran 20-yards on a criss-cross, followed by an 18 yard end run by Willimott, putting the ball on the three yard line. In the next play, the ball was carried over the line just as the gun sound ed for the half. Between halves the Heppner . girls with their yell leader, Hazel McDaid, showed proper spirit fof the football giants by forming an "H" in the cen ter of the field. The game opened in the third quar ter by Condon receiving the ball on her own 20-yard line. Failing to make yardage, she was forced to kick. Heppner also failed to make yardage and returned the kick on the third down. This almost gftve Condon their second touchdown as a 25-yard pass and several first downs brought them within seven yards of the goal, and a remaining first down to go. At the beginning of the fourth quarter the head linesman mde a mistake in the yard sticks which would have given Condon eight downs to complete the seven yards. Hepp ner fans immediately took up the mistake, that might have added an other touchdown to Condon's score. It was not long until everything was settled. It took every ounce of strength and vigilance of the Hepp ner team. In two earlier attempts of the game, Condon was held on the five yard line. During the dispute, Turner laid out on the side lines and received a pass from Gentry which made 60 yards. Heppner failed to make any more yardage and was forced to kick. Condon made a first down, but was penalized 10 yards for pushing, and was forced to kick. Heppner fumbled the ball and a keen eyed Condon man recovered. Gentry saved Hcppncr's life when he inter cepted one of Condon's passes and carried it back to the middle of the field. It was Thompson's sure toe thai put Heppner out of danger in the last half. Both teams displayed ex cellent kicking, and Thompson had a little edge on Willimott, the Condon Dunter. Good sportsmanship was shown by both teams during and af ter the game. The football boys thank the busi ness men for closing their doors dur ing the game. It was a big help to the team. The linc-up follows: Hennner. 13 Condon Hayes le Evans Robertson It Logan Jones lg Eaton Evans ...a c Brown Walker rg Goodwin Bramer rt Doris Oviatt re West Gentry qb Willimott Turner rh Myers Benge Ih Kanaus Thompson fb Bowen Substitutes for Heppner: Gammell for Turner, Slocum for Brainor. Substitutes for Condon: Baker for Mvers. Officials Referee, Wurtz, lone; Ilmnire. Johnston. Lexington: Head Linesman, Couch Green, Fossil. The following is a brief resume of the team as a whole, fcnough credit cannot be given the boys for what they have done for the Heppner school this season in football. The following words show in a small measure our appreciation of their work. Captain Harold Gentry led hi's team through the entire season and played the position at quarterback. He was a splendid general and was always faithful to his team mates. Not only did he run the team in a fine manner, but was nlwnys a consistent ground gainer In every game. His long re turn of punts and sweeping end runs always thrilled the spectators. Hnr old will do more good things In Hepp ner high' school athletics in the fu ture. ' Stephen Thompson, assistant cap tain, started the season at tacklo, but Luncheon Club Favors ' Membership Increase The Heppner Luncheon club, which held its first fall meeting Monday at 1 o'clock, has in view an extensive growth. Discussion at this meeting brought out much sentiment in favor of lifting the restriction as to mem bership to allow other business men of the city who so desire to join. When first formed the club was organized on similar lines to the Lion's club, a nation-wide organiza tion, permitting but one man from each line of business to take mem bership. Now, after two years of successful operation, it is the opin ion of members that more could be accomplished with a larger member ship, with the ultimate view of work ing up a live chamber of commerce. That such an organisation is Borely needed at this time has been ex pressed repeatedly. ALPINE. Get on the mark! Get set! Go! December 10, to Apline high school for on that night Bennie has all his troubles in the comedy "Beads on a String." Everyone come and see it. The Alpine folks who furnished the program for Hermiston Farm Bureau meeting lust Friday returned report ing a good time. Ms. G. W. Lambirth while driving a number of horses met with an ac cident, one of the animals kicking her right leg. It was nothing serious but she was compelled to use a crutch. The students of Alpine have raked their bruins over once more, very thoroughly, for examination time is here. Everyone come and we'll give you an introduction to "Mr. Ab Dinkier," the detective of Greensborough, in the comedy "Beads on a String." Ab is a very good "defective." Mrs. Charlie Schmidt has been ill with a bad cold for several days. On December 3rd at Farm Bureau meeting following the business will be a basket social. Lots of good look ing baskets will be there, so boys, be sure to come. The cast of characters for "Beads on a String," three act comedy to be given December 10th, is as follows: Rpnnip nnviu. Zezzalp Davis Twila Morey H. Davis, Bennie's father Celatha Lambirth Benjamin Davis, Esq., a rich uncle Hazel Hays Harold Beem, a friend of Bennie's , Lawrence Doherty Ab Dinkier, a would-be detective ... ... Bertha Sepanek Msr. J. H. Davis, Bennie's mother Helen Bennett Molly Mallerton, Bennie's sweet heart Mildred Schmidt Jeanette Blue, Uncle Ben's niece Bernice Sepanek Cleopatra Oleomargarine Johnson Margaret Melville was shifted to the backfield where he capably filled the position of fullback. He seems endowed with a wonderful fighting spirit, artd It was this spirit which helped to make a winning team. He was one of the best line plungers in the league. Along with Gentry and Thompson in the backfield were Hisler at full back, and Gammell, Turner, Parker and Benge filling the halfback posi tions. Hisler was a decided asset to the team, but was Injured during mid- season and was unable to play the last half. He was fast and shifty, and could snag the bull out of the air with uncanny ease. Gammell Bnd Parker were two fine half backs but were injured in mid- season. They were dependable play ers and their loss was keenly felt. Turner and Benge, another good pair of halves, could always be counted on to do their part. They were con scientious in carrying out their parts and always fighting for the team. Mr. Johnson, the high school coach, ulways believes thut a team is no bet ter than its line. He drilled the boys in 'the fundamentals of line play. which resulted in a staunch line, as can be testified by those attending the games. Evans at center; Paul Jones and Fletcher Walker, guards Gerald Slocum, "Red" Bramer, and Henry Robertson, tackles; and Clar ence Hayes and Kenneth Oviatt at ends made a line which developed to be the equal if not stronger than the backfield. They all charged furiously, hit the line low, and were a hard combination to stop. They made big holes in the opposing lines, which usually resulted in great gains. Not enough credit can possibly be given to the group of substitutes who so faithfully attended all the gumes in uniform. Burnside and Devin were two good reserve guurds. Roderick Thompson and Homer Hayes nearly made the first team, for they worked hard on the end positions. Duune Brown also worked hard at both end and center. The entire football squad" c--' ' -' of twenty-seven men ,and twenty of them played during some of the, games. Claud Condor, Jack Rugers, Jeptha Garrlgus, Joe Swindig, Gor dons Bucknum, Guy Anderson, and Richard Walker were the seven re maining boys, who through inexper ience or lack of proper size, did not enter any of the contests. They are hard workers and will be out (or a place in the team next year. Although several of this year's squad are seniors, Heppner has pros pects of a very good team next yenr. Eight of the men who started in the championship game with Condon will be here again next year. The interest of the high -cliool is now turning to basketball. Practic ally every member of the football squad is planning to go out for this fascinating game.. The new gymna sium will add much to the gumo, b3- cause of a better floor and heati.ig system. f rorlamatum At this season of the year, it is an American custom to devote a day to the giving of thanks to the Almighty for His bounties; to commemorate the first season of pros perity and plenitude. On this day it is fitting and proper that we review the manifold blessings of the year just past; that we offer true expressions of gratitude for peace and prosperity. That this nation has been preserved through wars and strife, that it has developed in all the arts and sciences as well as in husbandry and commerce, that it has known no year of universal pestilence or famine, should be con stant sources of joy to our people; we should be ever cognizant of our good fortune and pay homage to those first comers who so soundly founded and carefully build ed the structure of our national life. That we today stand a leader among nations, supreme in the ways of modern civilization, is a tribute to those Pilgrim Fathers whose first Thanksgiving gives us inspiration today. To help preserve the ideals of American simplicity and virtue and Christianity, the President of these United States has proclaimed that a day be set aside for the observance of Thanksgiving, and in conformity thereto, and by virtue of the authority in me vested, 1, I. L. Pat terson, governor of the state of Oregon, do hereby pro claim and designate as Thanksgiving Day, and do hereby set it' aside as a public holiday. I earnestly ask the citizens of this great state to join together to observe in proper manner the season of Harvest, of Peace and Good Will, that we turn our thoughts to the Almighty Father who in His gracious ness has given us amply of His bounties, and that we dis play the American flag as evidence of our patriotic de votion to the founders of our nation. In Testimony Whereof 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the state of Oregon to be hereto affixed this 9th day of November, A. D. 1927. I. L. PATTERSON, Governor. By the Governor. SAM A. KOZER, Secretary of State. L! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patters"- "'nt to Portland the first of the week, where Mr. Patterson spent a few duys looking after business affairs. Mrs. Patterson went on to r "- to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Amort and family. Mr. Patterson arrived h"" Wednesday. Mel Humphreys, old time resident and stockman of Eight Mile, was In the city on Wednesday. It has been many long years since the pasturage was as good as it is on the Humph reys place this fall, though Mel says he has seen the tumble weeds larger other seasons than they are now. Mrs. A. E. Fellows and baby, and Mrs. Geo. Snyder and baby were able to leave for their homes at lone and Rhea creek the first of the week from Morrow General hospital. Mrs. Lewis Ballin and child of lone were other patients discharged from the hospital the first of the week. Four crackerjack programs at Star Theater this week. Look 'em over ad on last page. Ed Burchell, Jr., suffered a frac ture of his left elbow while playing basketball at Lexington on Tuesday afternoon. The lad was immediately brought to Morrow General hospital, the injuries x-rayed and put in a cast by Dr. Johnston. Henry Schwarz and family, accom panied by Miss Mary Crawford, de parted Wednesday morning early Wapato, Wash., where they will spend Thanksgiving and the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Mer-' ritt. THE ROUGH RIDERS, Adventure vjth a capital A, at SUir Theater on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Boy Rangers will meet now on every Wednesday at 4 o'cluck at the parish house. The Boy Scouts will meet every Wednesday at 6:45 in the Christian church basemen ., in stead of Tuesday as formerly. Ralph Moore is home for Thanks giving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore. He has been working on the highway near Flora, Wallowa county, for the past several months. George Agee, state road worker, suffered the fracture of his right arm Monday evening when cranking his car. The fracture was x-rayed and reduced by Dr. McMurdo. Dr. and Mrs. M. A. Leach of Pen dleton are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo today, en joying Thanksgiving repast, and a visit with relatives. Cordelia Kubat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. LeTrace of this city, underwent an operation for the re moval of tonsils by Dr. McMurdo on Mondny. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Turner and son Donald arrived today from Salem to spend Thanksgiving with home folks. They will be here until Sun day. THE FIRST AUTO, with Burney Oldlield at the wheel, at Star Theater Sunday and Monday. G. E. McCraw, wife and son, of Co quille, Ore., arrived at Heppner on Tuesday and are visiting at the home of Mr. McOraw's uncle, Mel Humph reys, on Eight Mile. Lowell and Dclma Casteel are se verely ill with pneumonia at their home below town, the result of a re lapse following influenza. Born At Morrow General hospital in this city, to Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Ferguson of Pendleton, a son, on Sat urday, November 10th. John Kilkenny is ill at his home on Ilinton creek, being confined for a few days. Id IK ITEMS FniinEl Oregon Agricultural College, Cor valis, Ore., Nov. 21, 1927. APPLES: Although the foreign demand has been satisfactory, "iftftiiestic apple markets have been strengthened by estimates indicating a reduction of 4,000,000 bushels in the total crop and reports indicating about 17,000, 000 bushels less in cold storage than a year ago. WOOL: Wool market news con tinues to favor holders. The recent Australian sales established record prices for the season. Stocks of wool in the United States as of September 30 were reported to be 32,000,000 pounds less than a year earlier. GRAIN: Wheat was generally steady in the markets last week with coarse grains higher. Foreign wheat markets tended to advance and the domestic mill demand was good for the best milling types. Protein pre miums ranged 6-9 cents' for 12 per cent to 29-36 cents for 14 per cent No. 1 dark northern. Some soft wheat from the Pacific northwest was re ported sold in central western mar kets and prices were nominally high er on the Pacific coast although ex port business was limited. Good ex port inquiry caused barley to con tinue to advance while a more active demand for corn coupled with unfa vorable harvesting weather turned corn prices upward. Oats have ad vanced with corn and barley. HAY AND FEEDS: Tame hay pro duction is still estimated at 104,000, 000 tons and wild hay is figured at 122.4 per cent of normal. Demand for shipping hay is limited with choice dairy kinds in best demand Continued demand caused feed prices to advance again. BUTTER: Storage holdings of but ter on November 1 were 118,768,000 pounds or nearly lS.'KiO.OOO above a year earlier, and withdrawals have been running lighter. Production is about at the low point of the year, and is probably below a year ago. Hoy and ensilage feeds are plentiful and cheap but concentrates are high er. Last week markets were about steady. LIVESTOCK: Another remunera tive market favored cattlemen last week, although there was a little too much poorly finished stuff offered in eustern markets. Replacement stock was firm to higher. Hog re ceipts increased and prices senrcely steady. Fat lambs sold about the same or slightly lower than the pre vious week with reports somewhat mixed regarding the outlook the next few weeks. LEXINGTON VS. PENDLETON. Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock the Lexington town football team and Pendleton Alumni will clsh again at Lexington. These tennis played a 0-0 tie on Armistice Day nt Pendleton, and it is expected thin will be a close ly contested game. ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL CHl'BCH. Sunday school at 9:45; morning pruyer and sermon nt 11. "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and bs glad in it." Rev. Stanley Moore, Missionary in Charge. K. OF !'. ATTENTION. Next regular meeting Tuesday, Dec. 6. Full attendance desired as there will be work in the first rank. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, C.C. Experienced girt wants domestic work in country. Inquire this office. Casford Trio Prove Charming Entertainers A charming trio, the Casford Con cert company completely captivated their large audience at the Star the ater Friday evening. The program, replete with classical and popular in strumental music, as only the violin, harp and piano can produce it, to gether with highly entertaining read ings, came as the second number of the Heppner lyceum course. Fern L. Casford, reader and pian ist, headed the trio. Accustomed, as she is, to giving an evening's enter tainment by herself, Miss Casford had little trouble making her part of the program of highest caliber. She gave three readings beside playing the piano in the trio ensemble and violin accompaniment. All humorous, little choice could be made of her outstanding number, though her im personation of an elderly gentleman who meets all trains, in which she does Abe Martin to perfection, tobac co chawin' and all, surely "brought the "bouse down." Her other offer ings were "The Mason Family" and "Whistle Breeches." Winifred Casford, a sister, showed more than ordinary technique in her handling of the violin, 'and her solos were repeatedly encored. Her duets also, in which she was accompanied by the harpist, Byrne Smith, were exceedinly well received. Miss Smith, the third member, played several solos on the stately harp and showed herself to be an accomplished artist. The Casford trio helped stimulate interest in the lyceum and Heppner folks are now awaiting the next no ber with keen expectancy. Helen Simpson, an impersonator of note, comes next on January 16. It is ex pected she will be greeted by the largest crowd yet, as this will be among the first attractions to take place in the new school auditorium. BALL PLAYERS HONORED. Honoring the high school football team, mothers of the boys prepared and spread for them, as well as the faculty of the high school, a splendid banquet on Saturday evening. The affair took place at the dining hall of the Christian church, and was attend ed by a company of some seventy people. The banquet was to honor the boys of the ball team, and it was made the more pleasant because of the victory of the local team over the Condon team in the championship game Saturday afternoon. The occa sion was one to be long remembered by those whose fortune it was to be present. W HEAT SALES SLOW HERE. During the past week a few wheat sales have been reported at Heppner, at prices from $1.08 to $1.10, accord ing to F. W. Turner & Co., local buy ers. This is considerable of a drop from the prices at the opening of the season, and our farmers who are still holding their wheat are not anx ious to let go. It is hoped that a strengthening of the market may come along about the first of the year. WILL HAVE BASKET DINNER On Sunday, Nov. 27, there will be a basket dinner at the Methodist church. Preaching at 11 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Members and friends are invited to bring their lunch bas kets and join with us. The ladies will serve coffee, etc., and everybody is welcome. F. R. SPAULDING, Pastor. I will auctioneer for you at 2 cents on the dollar, flat rate. Glenn Young, Eight Mile. Phone 13F21. 35-6 MARGARET WOODSON HANGS OUT SHINGLE; BECOMES FIRST FEMININE LAWYER AT THE UNIVERSITY CITY Miss Margaret Woodson, a graduate of Heppner high school, class of '22, daughter of the late C. E. Woodson woo for many yenrs waj a leading attorney of this city, has completed her course in law at the University of Oregon and has "hung out her shingle" in the city of Eugene, thus becoming the first feminine lawyer of the University town. Of interest to the people of this community is the story concerning Miss Woodson in the Eugene Guard of Wednesday, October 16, by Marian Lowry, a spec ial writer on that paper, and is in dicative of the battle Miss Woodson had to make to gain her degrees, and shows that she was determined to win. Miss Lowry says: Numerous scffs and bootings about by men students of the law school, two of whom on one occasion picked her up, carried her out of the study hull, and deposited her on the floor outside, linger only as just part of the "getting there for Miss Mure:i'ot Woodson, 21 year old Eugene girl. who is opening her law office here as the only and first woman lawyer in this city. She is the first woman to be admit ted to the federal court in Oregon. Miss Woodson receives her degree of doctor of jurisprudence this Janu nry, having graduated with high hon ors from the University of Oregon last June and receiving her B .A. degree. "Women make too much of the so called 'opposition' in the practice of law. I think if you go calmly about your business, take the same attitude toward your work as the men do, there's no reason why you can't go ahead and be successful," says this studious, dignified looking girl who calmly awaits the launching of her professional career without the usuul UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICES. At the Methodist church at 10:30 Thanksgiving Day the union service will be held. Milton W. Bower of the Christian church will deliver the ser mon, and a union choir will furnish the music. A cordial invitation is ex tended the public to attend these services. ! CAMP FIRE GIRLS NOTICE. The Cheskchamay group of Camp Fire girls will hold a cooked food sale Nov. 26, 1927, and a hike Tues day evening, Nov. 29. All sixth grade girls 11 years old who want to join are invited to attend. LIBRARY MEETING. The executive committee of the Heppner Public Library association will meet Thursday evening, Dec. 1, at the library. By call of the pres ident, Jasper V. Crawford. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. All sheepmen who paid transient livestock tax in Grant county for 1925 and 1926 please report to D. O. Justus the amounts paid. An effort will be made to recover the tax paid. 36 D. O. JUSTUS, Heppner, Or. Harold Van Horn, run over by a disc two weeks ago, is pronounced still improving by his ffhysician, Dr. McMurdo. The doctor reports that kin grafting will be necessary be fore the wound to his leg will com pletely heal. Russell Wright, Lexington smoker promoter, has announced another smoker to take place at the Heppner fair pavilion Saturday night, Novem ber 26. Some mighty good matches will be featured, he promises. THE ROUGH RIDERS, SAN JUAN HILL, REMEMBER THE MAINE! At Star Theater, Tuecday-Wednesday. Wilson Bayless departed this morn ing for Idaho to spend a few wjeks visiting relatives and friends at Caldwell. The missionary society of the Epis copal church will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 29th, instead of Thursday, the 24th. The first girl who walked home from an automobile ride, at Star Theater, Sunday and Monday. FOR SALE A number 1 Jersey cow, just fresh. A. E. Miller, Lex ington. 36-6p. HOME POINTERS. (From School of Home Economics.) Boiled eggs can be kept from dis coloring by putting them into cold water immediately after being taken from the stove. A low temperature is important for the cooking of egg3 as it makes them easier to digest. Kggs cooked in boiling water are tough and horny. The normal tem perature is 175 degrees F. Bread kept in tins or stone jars is much better than wrapped in a cloth as the latter gives the bread an un pleasant taste. If a tender crust is desired in' bread, the loaf may be brushed with butter about three minutes before it is removed from oven. If a darker crust is desired, brushing over with milk or butter before baking is ef fective. Antique rugs are at least 50 years old and they are produced by the natives of the country from which they come. No foreign product is used to aid in their manufacture. Firmness in weave is an important factor in the wearing quality of a lug. Worsted rugs are among the best for wear. feminine flutter of excited nervous ness. Miss Wocdson thinks women have taken it as a matter of custom and tradition that they have to be very aggressive to practice law and over exaggerate opposition from the pub lic and men lawyers. "Of course I anticipate my first case in court with some apprehension but I can frankly say among profes sional people I have encountered no opposiiton over the fact that I am a woman lawyer. Sometimes there are those who express surprise because I am so young but they all seem to take it us very matter of course, gener ally." There were times at the university law school, too, when some mean lit tle tricks were played to get her "in dutch." As one incident she some-1 times found empty whiskey bottles in her lc-cker. But rhe went serenely on her way, strictly attending to her studies, and dealing with all the poise, dignity, and frankness 'nt are so characteristic of her. She took prominent part in student activities and for three years was on the wo men's varsity debating teams. In the early part of her senior year she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, hon orary national scholastic society, for her exceptionally high grades. Miss Woodson is the daughter of the late C. E. Woodson for a number of years a member of the board of regents at the University of Oregon, "I've always had my plans to study for law, even before I was in high school," she says. Her father was an attorney in Heppner, the family home, and she did a great deal of work in his office, early profiting from his experience and advice. She passed the state bar exmina tion this past .summer and is now opening her offices in the Bunk of Commerce building. 22S y Arthur Brisbane To Prevent Floods. A Clown's Death. Let Her Marry. A Night Club Lady. 1 Senator Watson says everything that CAN be done, will be done, by Congress to stop the Mississippi floods. If that programme is carried out Mississippi flood swill be stopped. Congress can, if it will. Herbert Hoover will show how it can be done, with the assistance of other able engineers. If this country doesn t think it worth while to spend half a billion once and for all to stop floods that cost a billion at a time, it is a fool ish country. Marceline, famous clown, rose to the top of his profession. Millions laughed at him, children especially, as he went about, with bright pink nose, baggy clothes, always serious. He is dead today. He shot himself to death, alone, poor, in a miserable furnished room. Photographs show ing him in the day of his glory were spread before him on the bed, as he kneeled to blow his brains out. "Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone." Ella" Wheeler Wilcox wrote her well known poem the morning after her first party when she was seventeen. In the train, going to the party, she saw a woman weeping. Her dead husband was in the baggage car. Mrs. Wilcox said: "I thought I could never smile again, after crying with that poor woman. But I went to the party and danced all night. I wrote the poem when I woke up in the morning, ashamed to think how easily I had forgotten." Poor Marceline, now in his last sleep, learned also that the world forgets easily. Platinum has been found in Alaska, where one man makes $200 a day by primitive mining. That will start travel to Alaska and what used to be called "Seward's Folly because Sew ard paid $8,000,000 for it. Eight thousand million dollars would not buy it now, and a hundred thousand million dollars wouldn't pay what it is really worth. John Seybold, seventy-one, a farm er, wants back $7,500 paid a medium. Seybold talked to a spirit named "Sarah," liked Sarah's voice, paid for Sarah's wedding dress, at her request donated $500 for wayward girls. Then, after he had spent $7,500 to please Sarah, on her promise to come to earth and marr yhim, "Sarah," says the farmer, "never showed up." Do not laugh. This old farmer simply paid in advance for happiness to come later. Believers in some of many religions on earth, the false ones, are now doing the same and will be disappointed as Farmer Seybold was disappointed. Their disappoint ment will come hereafter. William Hohenzollern's sister, Prin cess Victoria Schaumberg-Lippe, aged sixty-one, wants to marry a young Russian only twenty-seven. Lutheran clergyman refuses to marry them, saying the differnece in age makes iti "unethical." To refuse marriage to those enti tled to marry seems unethical. The spirit alone counts and many a wo man of sixty-three is younger in spirit than thousands of others at twenty-three. And what about Sarah, whose hus band, Abraham, was 100 years old when her son Isaac was born, and Sarah not so much younger? Do Lutherans lack faith in this twen tieth century? Let them read the Twenty-first Chapter of Genesis. A lady who manages a night club marries her daughter to a British peer, and the world wonders for a minute. It need now wonder. Read the memoirs of the Duke de Saint Si mon, and learn how eager were men, with many the greatest names, to marry any sort of illegitimate daugh ter of a queer king. The history of England will also tell you on what many of the great "titles" are based, namely, on "easy virtue, royal ca price." A night club keeper is a REAL lady compared with some well known dutchesses in history. CERTIFIED COPY OF WILL FILED. A certified copy of the last will and testament of Benjamin F. Berry, de ceased, was filed in the office of Clerk Anderson this week. Property be longing to the estate in this county consists of a parcel of real estate, and the copy of the will is filed here to give the executor of the estate proper authority to administer on same. Mr. Berry died in Los Angeles county, California, November 28, 1926. THANKSGIVING AT ST. PATRICK'S. Thanksgiving Day will be appro priately celebrated at St. Patrick's church with a high mass and benedic tion of the Blessed Sacrament, at both of which the temporary pastor, Rev. Thomas J. Brady, will officiate. These services will be held at 8 a. m. and during the same the pastor will deliver a sermon upon "Christian Patriotism." All are invited to assist. B