Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 10, 1927, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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"Joseph Eskelson, after having spent
gome three months at the old hone
In Lexington, helping some of the
time with the weeding and seeding
on the Eskelson farm, is now prepar
ing to return to his home in Salem
where he will be for the winter at
least, It is hard for Joe to get
weaned away from Morrow county
and he spends much of his time up
this way. It has seemed more like
home than ever this fall, because of
the abundant showers really more
rain than he is used to at this season
In the Salem country. As it had
rained much of the time Mr. Eskel
son was here, he feels that the peo
ple of the county should vote him a
pension as a rain producer, feeling
sure that it was his influence that
brought about this condition. Ac
cording to latest reports, however,
no one has made a move in this di
rection, so Joe will have to try and
get along in the same old way. Mr.
' Eskelson was a visitor here Wednes
day, and is leaving fT Salem Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford and
daughter, Miss Mary Crawford, re
turned on Tuesday from a" visit with
relatives at Joseph over the week end.
The particular occasion for this vibH
was to get acquainted with Master
Leland Crawford Hayes, a recent ar
rival at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Everett 0. Hayes, whom they found
to be coming along tine.
J. H. Frad, former resident of this
county now living in Portland, who
was here the first of the week at
tending to business matters, believes
the present weather conditions are
exactly what the county needs to as
sure its prosperity for another year.
The next regular meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary will be on
Tuesday evening, November 15th. The
hostesses will be Mrs. Geo. Clark and
Mrs. 0. B. Flory. Will all officers
please be present as there will be
initiation. Secretary.
E. H. Turner and Johan Troedson
from lone were visitors in Heppner
Friday. Mr. Turner finished thresh
ing for Mr. Troedson on Thursday,
putting out 880 sacks the last day
in less than ten hours with a 24-inch
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek left yes
terday afternoon for Eugene to be
present for the Oregon homecoming.
They were accompanied as far as
Portland by Mrs. W. H. Cleveland and
daughter, and to Eugene by Patricia
The Willing Workers will hold their
Christmas bazaar Dec. 9th in the
basement of the Christian church.
Towels, pillow slips, lunch cloths,
buffet sets, aprons, baby articles and
many other things of use for gifts.
The ladies of the Methodist church
will hold their annual Chistmas Ba
zaar on Saturday, December 10, in
the parlors of the church, beginning
at 2 e'eliik p. m. Come and buy
your Christmas gifU, 34-tf.
'i'hc Vonien'j Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist chu.'cii will
meet in t'.'.e chure'i parlors for their
regular cession, Tuesday, Nov. 15th,
at 2:30 p. c. It is hoped to huve all
members piesent.
Mrs, Josie Jones came over from
Pend.eton on Tuesday to close her
home here. She will return to Pen
dleton on Sunday, having accepted
a place in the J. C. Penny Co. store
M. R. Morgan who was in town
from lone Saturday, reports business
conditions much improved in the Egg
City, with everyone busily engaged
at their fall work.
A crowd of Heppner Rebekahs went
out to visit the Hardman lodge last
Tuesday evening and report a very
enjoyable time with the Hardman sis
ters. 9traw, pasture and alfalfa hay for
sale good pasture.. Ralph Butler on
Al Henriksen ranch near Lexington.
G, A. -Petteys of lone was a busi
ness visitor in Heppner Friday.
Mrs. Ida Dutton and Mrs. Delia
Hallock motored up from Portland
on Wednesday and are spending a
day or so in Heppner with friends.
C. E. Carlson, in town from his
Eight Mile farm Satuday, is well
pleased with present weather conditions.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayeri arrived
fom Portland on Sunday to spend a
time with Heppner friends.
M. E. Bundy who farms north of
Lexington, was transacting business
here Saturday.
LOST One black mule, 7 years old,
wdght between 1100 and 1160, brand
ed inverted figure 3 on right shoulder.
Left my place, 7 miles east of Hard
man, about a month ago. $10 reward
lor information. PAUL WEBB. 33tf.
All lenses and repairs at half price,
Mail orders only. Mail the pieces.
Thomson Optical Inst. Makers of
good lenses. Est. 1908. Corbett
Bldg., Portland, Or. 82-tf.
Wlntr Apples Plenty of good
ones. Began picking Oct. 1st. Bring
sacks. F. Burroughs, Jordan Siding.
Fresh Cows For Sale AI Henriksen
place near Lexington. Ralph But
ler. -2-tf.
FOR SALE Second-hand Universal
range; also baby carriage. Phone'
462. 31-tf.
Served while they're
hot from our brand
are delicious.
Try them for break
fast any morning.
Shell Fish
the piece d' resistance
for. luncheon or din
ner, will appease the
hunger delightfully.
We receive them
fresh daily.
Only 9 Days Left
will close on Saturday, Nov. 19th
With same liberal discount given on Watches, Rings, Silver
ware, Gift Goods.
A great many people have already taken advantage of .our
great bargain selling, still large stocks remain from which you
may choose.
A deposit on any article will hold it till 1 0 days before Xmas.
' Armistice Day 3:
viwA f71l Pause Today upon the thresh- S (
"T THJvmv i 'Will I W I hoW of this solemn occasion to 3
f?tl f jX"tt, tfMW ilS II bow down our beads before the fti
Wl yj mTT lJ tcJ of him who typifies the
H BT7 V Km, I thousands who ksve suflsrsd that the
73 V &ilMZlip I It- must not. be said that we have j
F W&TMtA 8 forgotten the blood they have shad, fe ffiS.
SrM tvLvwfli 1 mor that we ore wonting in appreciation 3 EH OS
-- ftkMf l kbeoeovesthh Nation to krve and l w
iJ lafflftifcAt cherish through the lonf , dsn years of j -
Slrf J& Hi YlfwA ' " """ory of those whe
sm A 'kvMflfi'X suffered their yooves to be extfcg- CXi5
&5K 1 VluZjf&Mt,. 1 aished in the cause of world tVssocracy
S -rX" vtWfoA andlaitinspe f
IS lklWMf- W, hop. Out Cod give to M, 3
$8 ffl j 'MW I the nations of the earth the vWoa to J FK
Pffl IT XAlilif see, ond the will to execute for afl tfast Iteg C&g
'jr J
I First National Bank 1
m Heppner, Oregon
IS - m
& 1
Plow bottoms will rust in damn
Oregon wather if it is put away with
out protection. Some farmers secure
this protection by smearing paint on
the bottom and taking it off in the
spring with a strong lye solution.
Others use axle grease. Careful far
mers also grease the binder knotter
and similar parts when they put their
machinery in the implement shed.
They also remove belts and canvasses
as these would either stretch during
the winter or injure the machinery.
Carrots are fed to laying hens by
many successful Oregon poultrymen.
They are high in vitamins and tend
to keep the hens busy. The general
practice is to hang the carrots about
the chicken house at the proper
Fall grain in Oregon sown late is
done at a thicker rate in order to
make up for lack of atooling. Wheat
is sowed at not less than two bushels
and oats at not less than three bu
shels per acre, Deep sowing at this
time is likely to cause rotting of the
seed as the soil is getting rather
cold and wet, advises the experiment
All old alfalfa meadows in Oregon
are best fed or clipped off before the
winter sets in. They can be renovated
and sown to grain crops the latter
aiding in. keeping down the grass in
the winter, also making the first cat
ting next season lrper. "
At the SHRIVER RANCH, 7 miles west of lone, Oregon, on
Beginning promptly at 1 1 :00 o'cclock a. m., the following personal
property wil be disposed of
1 Holt Tractor, (75 H. P.)
1 20-ft. Combine Harvester.
4 3-bottom Gang Plows.
& Wagons.
1 Blacksmith Outfit and Tools.
3 Head Work Mules.
2 Wheat Racks.
1 14-ft. Header.
1 3-H. P. Gas Engine.
1 Double Disc Plow.
2 12-ft. Superior Drills.
4 Head Horses.
All Harness, Collars and Lines
for Above Stock.
151 Sacks Barley; 145 of Wheat.
2000 Empty 2nd Hand Sacks.
1 10-Section Harrow.
1 Wagon. (Part only)
3 Header Boxes.
1 Double Disc.
1 14-ft. McCormick Header.
5 12-ft. Kimball Weeders.
5 Head Work Horses, between
the ages of 6 and 10 years.
Approximately 33 gas drums.
Free Lunch at Noon
TERMS OF SALE-A11 sums $20.00 and under, CASH; over
$20.00, approved notes drawing 7 per cent interest, due Septem
ber 1, 1928.
G. L. BENNETT, Auctioneer
Made for one purpose
to promote pleasure
Camel is attuned to the
mood of the smoker who
seeks pleasures rather
than panaceas Offered
as a cheer not as a cure
If all cigarettes were as good
as Camel you wouldn't hear
anything about special treat'
ments to make cigarettes good
jjr the throat. Nothing takes
tie place of choice tobaccos
O 1927, P.. J. RtvnoUI. Tobscco
Company, WinMnn-balcoi, N. C