Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 10, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Periodical of the Heppner Public Schools
Editor .... John Conder
Associate Editor .... Ellis Thtmson
Bus. Manager Rosella Doherty
Boys' Sports Clarence Hayes
Girls Sports Haiel McDaid
Grade News Virginia Dix
Humor Stanley Minor
Reporters: Katherins Bisbee, Eve
lyn Swindig, John Parker.
Office and Personal Items -
Letha Hiatt
P. T. A. Meeting.
The Parent-Teacher association
held their monthly meeting in the
school auditorium Tuesday, Novem
ber 8. The third grade with the as
sistance of the second grade present
ed a very unique and interesting pro
gram. In order to show the value of
cleanliness to health the crew of the
"Beautiful Brig" captured the untidy
members of the "Slovenly Sloop" and
forced them to become true sailors
of health, through soap and water.
The young performers displayed the
fact that they had been very thor
oughly coached by the teachers, Mrs.
Dix and Miss Case.
Dr. Farrior, dentist of this city,
gave an educational talk on the care
of the teeth. Dr. McMurdo dis
cussed contagious diseases of chil
dren and Miss Murray explained the
necessary foods and the general food
habits for the school child.
The business of the organization
was then taken up. The two captains
of the teams for new members, Mrs.
W. J. Beamer and Mrs. Geo. Moore,
reported the results of their labor.
Mrs. Beamer's team won, with a total
of eighty-one patrons, who will be
entertained by the losing team. Mrs.
Moore totaled the sum of sixty-one
members, and several yet to pay. The
third grade received the five dollars
in prize for having the most mothers
present. The meeting was the best at
tended of the season.
Thursday evening, November 10, a
rally of high school students, accom
panied by the seventh and eighth
grades, wli be held in the business
part of town. The purpose of this
rally is to let everyone know about
the game Armistice afternoon be
tween lone and Heppner, on the home
field. After the advertising has been
given in town, the rally will be con
cluded on the hill above the school
house, where a large H. H. S. will be
burned. The evening will then be
spent in joyous games and songs un
til the bonfire, which the freshmen
have been preparing, dies out. Then
everyone will adjourn home to await
the parade on the following after
noon. Anyone wishing to attend this
rally is cordially invited.
Approximately one hundred stud
ents were present at the rally given
Friday evening, November 4th. The
business part of the town was ser
pentined, and Eddie Chinn's restaur
ant and the Star Theater were en
tered. An announcement of the game
to be played the following afternoon
was made by Stephen Thompson. Fif
teen "rahs" were given for both the
football team and Mr. Sigsbee before
High School Parade.
"The God of Fight" and the "God
dess of Victory" in elaborate cos
tumes will be represented Friday af
ternoon at one o'clock in a school
parade just preceding the lone vs.
Heppner game. The Booster club
girls are making small megaphones
for each student attending. The
grade school football team will rep
resent the high school team, while
jokes, songs and many special fea
tures will take place.
The harmonic quartette, under the
direction of Miss Wright, will give a
short concert consisting of a patriot
ic selection and encore, in each jf
the grade rooms Thursday, Nov. 10.
The quartette is composed of Mary
Albee, Billy Bocket, Lowell Winters
and Basil Brookhouser.
The third grade is having a Hol
land exhibit, illustrting the manner
of living, customs and industries of
that country. This is preparatory to
the study of the Pilgrims and their
landing in America.
The Aloha Hanta Campfire girls
have a membership of nine in the
seventh grade. Two of these girls
hold offices, Phyllis Jones as song
leader and Beatrice Thomson as sec
retary. The seventh A class are starting a
study of Africa this week. The main
problem to solve is, "Why is Africa
a backward continent?"
The fourth grade have a new bulle
tin board in their hygiene class.
They have been studying how the
healthy O's measure and weigh each
month, so they have decided to be
healthy O's and are keeping their
measuring and weighing charts on
their bulletin board.
There has been almost perfect at
tendance in this grade for the week,
there being only one-half day's ab
sence recorded.
The following class officers were
elected for this week: president, Irene
Beamer; secretary, Edith Barlow; re
porter, James Driscoll; board clean
er, Dorothy Brookhouser; flower tend
er, Marshall Fell; room tender, Mary
Seveal new pictures have recently
been hung on the walls of a few grade
rooms. The first grade has "Can't
You Talk," by Holmes. "Saved," by
Landseer is in the third. A color
picture, "The Pilgrims Going - to
Church," by Boughton, is in the 6th.
Twelve new chairs were added to
the first grade equipment last week.
The first grade are. purchasing new
books for their room library with the
five dollars which they won by hav
ing the largest number of parents
present at the last P. T. A. meeting.
Donald Frederickson of the first
grade celebrated his birthday last
The fifth A arithmetic class i3 con
ducting an interesting study of par
cel post zone tables.
The grammar school harmonica
club meets every Monday night in the
fifth grade room. Mary Albee is
president. Other officers will be
elected soon.
The monitors for the fifth grade
this week are as follows: boards,
Frank Anderson and Billy Schwarz;
ball and bat, Floyd Jones; fountain,
Albert McFerrin; flowers, Everett
Crump; waste basket, Howard Fur
long; librarian, Jennie Swindig;
Daily reports, Leo Osmin; untidy
desks, Eleanor Hemrich.
Music Conservatory News.
The boys' octette is working on a
group of five numbers to be given
next month. The octette this year
consists of Gerald Slocum and Robert
Turner as first tenors; Onez Parker
and Kenneth Oviatt, second tenors;
Clarence Hayes and Ellis Thomson,
first bass; Terrel Benge and Marvin
Gammell, second bass.
The boys' and girls' glee clubs are
working on several numbers and Miss
Wright intends to sing to them a
group of the most popular classics
u.itil they become familiar with them.
Office News.
Mr. Corber, representing the L. C.
Smith Typewriter company, was a
visitor at the school Friday. He ex
amined the commercial room type-
writers for defects from use and cor
rected those having thein.
The curtain for the new auditoriui,,
stage has been ordered from the John
W. Graham company' and is expected
to be installed soon. Mr. Burgess
assures the public that it is very
attractive of color.
The gymnasium lockers have been
purchased by the high school st.ident
body association. These were pro
cured from the Graham company
also, and the funds were taken from
the high school treasury.
Marvin Gammell and Paul Hisler
ire crippling around as the result
of injuries obtained in the football
game ployed with Condon last Satur
day. Ones still hangs onto his crutches
but the student body as a whole hopes
that " wf I be able to lay them aside
by Friday and enter into the game
against lone.
Miss Bennehoff's cousin has been
visiting her the past week.
Katherine Bisbee went to Portland
Saturday to attend the stock show.
She returned home Sunday.
Miss Delores Pearson will motor
to Eugene the last of the week to see
the homecoming game to be played
Clarence Hayes has resigned his
position as boys' sports editor of the
Heppnerian staff. Onez Parker is con
templating taking the position,
"Cat's Whiskers."
Football was invented to help re
discover Thanksgiving. The Pilgrim
Fathers had set aside Thanksgiving
as a time for expressing gratitude
for the first season's crops. But
when it was all over and they got
down to brass tacks, they had the
impression that there was not so very
much to be thankful for after all.
The Indians were reds, and our fore
fathers were anxious to keep labor
troubles back until Samuel Gompers
jhould be born; while the maize
crops were amazing, the Swiss chard
was a failure and they raised more
karats than gold. The frost was on
the pumpkin; the ague and nostalgia
appeared in their midst; and they
did not have half enough ancestors
with them they really should have
ancestors; why, there were not suf
ficient ancestors on the May Tag for
half the Camminettis and Floradoras,
Ask Your Grocer for the
1 Oregon Bakery's
"Butternut" or "Round-Up" I
Our home-made pastries are de-
livered in Heppner fresh daily
--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini nir;
This Car
4 tlBB4 Wht9
, Rtir AxW
y Ignition
vTlrW .
jm&m- 1
Building Quality into Used Cars
Unusual facilities for re- ics are thoroughly corn
conditioning automobiles petent and, working
make possible the high with speml took, they
value found in our de- accomplish a given task
pendable used cars.
in the minimum time.
llV onw -vn imA
In the first place, we can genuine parts for replace-
tell exactly what needs to ment purposes,
be done to a car without As a result, our recondi-
long and expensive ex- tioned cars simply can-
perimenting.Our median- not be matched for value.
and other Irish families, that they
wanted Boston to have.
So Thanksgiving went into the dis
card for quite a while, but it was not
long before they wanted to be thank
ful for something. "What shall It
be?" asked Goodness Knows Jones.
Search as they might there was noth
ing they could think of, until Sakes
Alive Brown suggested that they
might be thankful that Columbus
didn't discover any more continents.
S. M.,.
A Battle of the Century.
One of the most bloody as well as
enthralling battles of the present
century took place before the school
building Saturday afternoon. The
bloody affray was witnessed by an
appreciative group of spectators, in
cluding Miss Flossie Stender and
Messiuers Stanley Minor and Orrin
Bisbee. Ruth (Flashy) Furlong and
Ellis (Toughy) Thomson were sched
uled for a ten round bout. An ac
count of the fight follows: Thomson
led with two sharp rights, but was
blocked by Furlong. Furlong retal-
iated with a terrific right to the side
of the head. Thomson was slightly
groggy and they fell into a clinch.
When they broke, Furlong fell to the
canvas, but immediately recovered.
She led with a left uppercut, and
followed with a sharp right to the
heart. This was intercepted by
Toughy'i arm, but the result was
disastrous, because the force of the
blow shattered his wrist. The decis
ion was unanimously given to Fur
long, as Thomson was rendered hors
de combat. It might be added, that
a riotous time was had by all.
Mr. Von Lubken (explaining a few
Latin words) : "Now, watch the board
closely, and I'll run through it again."
NOTICE Lost, a fountain pen by
a freshman half filled with green ink.
Mr. Johnson (in the lunch room):
"The doctor says that I must limit
my diet to sea foods."
Miss Murray: "You're in luck.
The girls have just baked a sponge
cake for lunch."
Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yon
want. It's good for you.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 30F3
in Ladies' and Misses'
In order to make room for
other goods, we are offering
all our Children's, Misses' and
Ladies' Coats at
25 Pet. Off
Don't wait too long as your size may
be gone. These are all new Coats
with novelty effects and fur collars.
Thomson Bros.
The Mound Mystery Solved.
Residents near the high school
have been greatly puzzled by the ap
pearance of a huge pile of tires,
boxes and "what nots" this week.
These piles resemble the work of pre
historic mound builders.
The builders themselves were quite
interesting. They were sooty com
plexioned, clad in loose-fitting earthy
garments, and of all shapes and sizes.
Some folks thought they were de
scendants of the Neanderthal race
while others thought they were Pilt-downs.
The World History class made an
investigation only to find the mound
builders were freshm"" collecting
material for the annual bonfire which
will be burned Thursday, November
10th. The frosh are deeply indebted
to the Ferguson Chevrolet company
for the use of a large truck, by
which they were enabled to get the
material upon the hill with the least
exertion or effort.
The members of the U. S. G. A.
(United Society of Gab Artists) wish
to know what is the matter wit1' ''
freshman pennant what la causing
the delay of its appearance?
At the last regular meeting of the
student body, this was missed to an
immeasurable extent, and was com
mented upon by many. We wish to
register our complaint as members
of the Heppner student body and sim
ilar assemblies for we are not receiv
ing the full extent of its display.
The exact reason its delay la
not being asked for, we know the
freshmen to be a proverbably pro
crastinating lot, but the patience of
the countryside has been sorely tried
in waiting for its appearance, and we
wish to register our protest.
IST, in Heppner Sunday, Nov 13th, on
his regular monthly trip. 33-4
I 1 1 1 1 I II
ii Before Selling Your Wheat ii
-w- -w-w y rr Representing baltuuk-
I h W I 11 rnPr GUTHERIK CO,
1 A - "VA At Heonner. Phone Ul
tttt I
Until our full line of high class Christmas Gift Goods, includ
ing Candy, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Novelties
and Sundries will be on display, as
They Are Arriving Daily
Full line of Greeting Cards and Christmas Package Dressing
is here now. Buy early while stocks are complete. Make
out your mailing list and buy in quantities, then use attached'
coupon and
Save 10 Per Cent!
Clip This Coupon and SAVE MONEY!
Good for 1 0 per cent when pre;
sented at GORDON'S.
Orders taken for 5-lb.
box high grade
S0CIETE Chocolates
at $1.98
Qte Buick
Autumn Display
TJ")e cordially invite you to
attend a special showing of
motor car fashions for 1928
introducing lustrous colors
of lasting Duco . . . rich uphol
steries of the finest quality ...
smart new appointments.
The Buick Autumn display
opens Saturday and will con
tinue all through the week. Dont
miss this interesting exhibit.
NOVEMBER 12 to 19
Vaughn & Goodman
What matter his name, of what avail his
rank? Banker or bookkeeper before his
country's clarion call; raw rookie or griz
zled veteran when the Grim Reaper's scythe
mowed him down the Unknown Soldier
lies at rest with the heroes of past centuries.
In Sacred Memory of the Unknown -i ,
Soldier and the Seventy Thousand
Others Who Gave Their Lives' for
This Country, This Business Will
Remain Closed All Day Friday.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Bdllk Ongm