o PAGE FOUR HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1927. Ijrpimrr (gazette Stmrfl THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established llmrch SO. 1881. THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established Norm beer 1(, 1897. CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 16. llt Published every Thursday morning by VAWTEE AND SPENCER CRAWFORD and enter at th Post Offie at Heppna Oregon, as secoBd-claaa matter. ADVERTISING RATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oh Y tie 1.00 .7 .04 Three Month . Uncle Copies MORROW COUNTTS OFFICIAL PAPER For ire Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Better Understanding Possible. A MEETING of Touch Import ance to lo(;al wool men was held at Pendleton, on Sunday, as will be noted from our news col umns. . This . was composed of representatives of the Umatilla Permittees association, and the executive committee of the Ore gon Wool Growers association on the one hand, and officials of the Forest Service on the other. The incentive for the meeting was the discussion of grazing fees. As the report shows, there had been a consideration heretofore of the Rachford report, which attempt ed to establish the commercial value of summer grazing on the National Forests. This report had recommended fees approximately 400 per cent in excess of rates in force, apd was not acceptable to the permittees, as a matter of course. The Casement report came in later, because of the un animous protest that went up to the department, and its recom mendations were near the point of a 200 per cent increase, and was not acceptable to the users of the forests. So the controversy has gone on, with the stockmen keyed up to a point where they were not at all backward in airing their grievances. Now that the question of fees haslseen settled for the time be ing, the way seems to be open for a better understanding between the powers that rule over the Na tional Forests of Oregon and the stockmen who have permits to run their cattle and sheep on these lands for the summer months. That there has. been room for complaint on the part of the per mittees because of the arbitrary and unnecessary rulings of the de partment, there is no question; and the stockmen of this county as well as those of the other coun ties p.re justly entitled to register vigorous protests. There has been much annoyance in many cases, according to complaints that have reached this paper, and the gen eral complaint th?.t the actual ad ministration is carried on by those who do not understand, and who to all appearances :li not care to undentmd, the conditions, and consequently ignore any advice or counsel of the stockmen, has tended in the direction of misun derstanding rather than coopera tion. The wise stockman, of course, has had to ignore the for est ranger and take his troubles to the higher-ups, and it would seem that the shell of the bu- Songs of Plain Folks Rag-weeds drooping, corn leaves Cattle panting in the shade, Seems the day was surely made a . af t ri . j -U ur ui jusi ior nsning. uooa oia wonui vvnen me green amine uoctuis In the lazy August air Tell me what else can compare . With inc fitsHnir? Mrvf a fViinar ' Fishing poles and bait and lunch, If those finny boys don't take Hook and all, I miss a hunch! Sun's too hot to work the teams; Let's go down where bubbles float By the old flat-bottomed boat, Fish, and dream forgotten dreams. 1 0 fHlwa NntH' Hues. BtFraak Crane Says SOME SCIENTIFIC TALK IS BUNK. A ND now comes along an astronomer of the Yerkes Obser- vatory, near Chicago, arid says that there is probably going to be an explosion of the sun which will doom the earth and its inhabitants to extinction and may happen any minute, although again it may not happen for a million years or so. . Another astronomer out in Benkeley, California, says that the universe is 194 quadrillion miles in diameter.- One hun dred ninety-four quadrillions is all there is, there isn't any more. Ordinarily statements like this leave us dumb and awe stricken. We accept them as true because we have no way of contradicting them. They are like the statements that used to be made about theology, when they argued whether one million or ten angels could stand on the point of a pin. Nobody knew anything about it anyhow and so the declarers were safe. ' . We read somewhera in our youth of a. story of a man who professed to know everything. Ask him how many fishes there were in the river and he could tell you to the last minnow. There were exactly seventeen million and ninty-six. He also knew the number of nails that went into the bridge and the num ber of stars in the heavens and the number hairs on your head and could tell you the number exactly in a minute's notice. This was all right because nobody could dispute it, but it was simply a bold bluff. . If you say there are nine trillion blades of grass on the lawn nobody is going to take the trouble to count them. Your state ment goes unchallenged. '- A lot of this scientific data is pure bluff intended to awe the common man and it succeeds pretty well. We have passed the age when people are stricken dumb by theological dictum, but we are in the zone now where people are bludgeoned by scien tifie'data. ; Science has done some wonderful .things. It predicts an eclipse of the moon to the minute and tells us how electricity will act and all sorts of things, but that is no reason why scientists should lay back their ears and talk lightly about things that are manifestly pure guesses, The sun may explode tomorrow and again it may not. One " man's guess is as good as another's. We have made some prog ress in finding out about earthquakes and we have elaborate theories as to how they occur, but just when an earthquake is going to hit us we know as well as the scientists. . The best thing we can do is to run along and sell our papers and if the works blow up we are as well off as anybody and no worse. . . reaucracy may yet be punctured. Stockmen say there have been men in charge of the southern end of the Umatilla Forest that actu ally understood the conditions and could cooperate successfully in the protection of the interests of both the stockraiser and the for est service, but as a rule these men are retired, with no apparent reason other that the. fact that their services were not just what the bureau, wanted. The government officials appear to be laboring under the impres sion that the stockman has no other desire than to destroy the pasturage in the forest area, when as a matter of fact this is just the thing he does not wish to do. Per mits run for 10 years, and it is not reasonable to suppose that a permittee is going to do anything that will lessen his chances for good feed on his allotment when he has no other place to go each succeeding year. Other questions arise, and many arbitrary rules have been enforced, all to the added expense of the permittees, and tending to make the burden of the stockgrower that much heavier. Commenting along this . line, The Oregon Woolgrower states: The range industry means much to Oregon it means everything to much Jtmesjhvis Hays 0 curled, ftjpffi-.' swing ,4. 1 iSA."Si' of Oregon. With the exception of the wheat areas of Umatilla, Morrow, Sherman and Wasco counties, and some fruit lands in Hood River, the entire area of this state east of the Cascade mountains is a stock country pure and simple. A country in which the counties are dependent on the stock industry and lands owned by stockmen for a very large part of their assessed valuation from which their taxes for operating expenses are derived. The average stockman in Oregon is not a large operator; this applies to both the sheep and cattle industries. The woolgrowcr with from 1,200 to 1,500 head of ewes constitutes the majority of the growers, and by the time he pays his overhead in taxes and interest, his labor, and makes a sort, of living, there' is but little left to splurge on. As a matter of fact, just getting by is his main object." So it can be seen that these annoyances that have been tacked on in the way of penalties, bed ding out, and other rulings that have required the hiring of addi tional help have all tended to in crease the overhead of the sheep man and caused a query in his mind as to whether or not the policy of the Forest Service is just what it should be, and if it is not just such a policy that will eventually force him out of the game and lead to'the destruction of one of the great industries of these Eastern Orgon counties. The day of a better understanding between the stockman and the powers that rule over him with reference to his use of the forest range, seems to be dawning,' and it should be welcomed on the part of all interested. No Cause For Alarm. . FROM information given us by the city health officer, there seems to be some alarm on the part of the people of Heppner be cause of the infantile paralysis situation. So far there has not been a case here, and none in the county. Two cases, only, have been reported at Pendleton and these are under control and rap idly reaching a state of normal health. A family has just moved to Heppner from Southern Ore gon where two of the children had the disease. These have fully re covered, however, have passed the period of quarantine and dis infection, and the health officer reports that there can be no possi ble danger now of their communi cating the disease. One of these children will be entered in school here, and as all the conditions have been complied with concern ing disinfection, the health officer has no power to restrain the child from entering school; further more, there is no need of fear on this account. As a matter of fact, people have been altogether too greatly alarmed over this paraly sis scare, which has been played up to an unnecessary extent by the City dailies. Waste. A YOUNG woman is caught stealing mooey to buy tomb stones for her mother and sister. That the young woman should steal to buy tombstones is a re flection to her common sense. The Angel Gabriel is amazing ly accurate, in memory and mem orandum. - There is no possibility of his forgetting or mistaking any one, even though buried in ' the sea. Besides, science- proves that the earth and men on it will last at least orte hundred million years. No tombstone could outlive that period. , Thousands of poor widows and daughters, by the way, rob and impoverish themselves to provide tombstones and elaborate funer als for husbands and fathers that never did much for them. The poorer families suffer most in this way, and clergymen "should dis courage, regardless of : sexton's protest. . The Highway Problem "vREGON people want no re- J duction in highway revenues that would jeopardize highway ex pansion, states The Manufacturer. If the license fee should be cut to $3, road building in Oregon could not go on. Here is why: The cut to $3 would take $3,900,000 from the license total and reduce" the total highway - fund to only $4,- 100,000. Against this $4,100,000 would be the following unavoid able expenditures: Maintenance, $1,750,000 a year; interest on outstanding bonds, $1,774,118 a year; retirement of maturing bonds, $1,975,000 a year; cost of administration, about $150,000 a year. And Oregon must match the federal aid fund, which aver ages about $1,300,000 a year, or there will be no federal aid. This added to other items means a total outgo of about $7,000,000 a year. A cut to a $3 license fee would re duce the total revenue to $4,100, 000. Accroding to estimates given out by State Tax Commissioner Fisher, there will have to be paid by direct taxation on real prop erty some $52,971,718, which un der the present license system, is being paid by the people who use the roads the motorists. Too many people own automobiles and use the highways, who are not owners of real property, and the present license system is the way to make them bear the proportion of tax burden that will otherwise have to be borne by the property owner now carrying about all the load he can bear. In another col umn will be found an article from the publicity department of the Oregon State Motor association, which discusses this question in detail. We direct the attention of our readers to this. PAID IN FULL. Altoona Tribune, 'Third notice." Every editor has received them. The postmaster sends them to the editor. The postmaster is not to blame. For instance, there is a man by the name of well, say Tim Snort who sent three notices to stop his paper. He did not want it any longer; we wondered what was the matter. Upon investigating our subscription list we found that Tim was short $5.70. He had never paid a cent and yet he stopped his paper as a matter of economy 'to us. A few evenings ago we stopped in a church and Tim's melodious voice rang out clear in the song, 'tfesus Paid It All." We may have been mistaken, but his earnestness impressed us. The next day we sent him a receipt in full, beg ging his pardon for not knowing that he had made an assignment of his liabilities to the Lord. Furnished and lighted apartments for rent. Mrs. Peter Curran. 31-2 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 24, 1927. NOTICE is hereby given that Fos ter T. Collins, of Hardman, Oregon who. on Nov. ft. made Homestead Entry under Act Feb. 19, 1909, No. 022962, for EV4SW, SWSE14, Sec. to, NV4NE14, NEWNWK, Section 15, Township 6 South, Range 25 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Gay M. An derson, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 16th day of November, 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: Richard II. Steers, of Hardman Oregon. John J. McDonald, of Hardman, Oregon, W. A. McCarty, of Hardman, Ore gon. John Halton, of Heppner, Oregon, J. W. DONNELLY, Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of M. S. Corrigall, deceased, and the has duly qualified. All persons having claims "gainst said Estate must present 1 a- . , , - m.j ..1.J Tthe" ZZZc"CTl ln Heppner. Oregon, on or before six months from the date of first publication of this notice. ISABEL FRANCES CORRIGALL, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament. of M. S. Corrigall, deceased. . -Date of first publication October 13. 127. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State o Oregon for Morrow County administrator of the estate' of Emmett Callahan, de ceased, and all persons having claims against ihe estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned administra tor with proper vouchers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppnei, Ore gon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this Oth day of October, 1927. ' FRANK OTTO, Administrator. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an execution and order if sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow on the 21st day of September, 1927, upon a jujdgment and decree of foreclosure duly entered in said court on the 21st day of September, 1927, in the suit wherein The Oregon-Wash- ingten Joint Stock Land Bank of Port- landj Oregon, a corporation, is plain tiff, and Robert 0. Donavan and Sa die L. Donavan, his wife, Oscar R. Donavan, Albert E. Johnson and Ed na W. Johnson, his wife, J. O. Elrod W. S. Smith and C. W. McNamer, are defendants, I will on Friday, the 28th dav of October, 1927. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M.? at the front door f.f the Court House in Heppner, Mot row County, Oregon, offer for sale and proceed to sell to the highest bid der for cash in hand, subject to re demption, the following described real property situate in Morrow County, State of Oregon, to-wit: The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE4 of NW'A), Lots One (1) and Two (2), the North Half of the North east Quarter (Ntt of NEtt), Southwest Quarter of the North east Quarter (SWtt of NEtt) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE14 of NWH), all in Section Nineteen (19), Township One (I), North of Range Twenty-five (25) East of the Willamette Meridian to satisfy the sum of Four Thousand Five Hundred "Twenty-seven and 84- 100 Dollars ($4527.84), with interest from September 29, 1927, at the rate of eight per cent (8) per annum and the further sum of Three Hun dred fifty and 00-100 Dollars ($360.00) attorneys' fees, and the further Bum of Sixteen and 30-100 Dollars ($16.30) costs and the costs of said execution GEORGE McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, fly HOWARD McDUFFEE, Deputy. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, thi 26th day of September, 1927. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. Morrow County, Oregon, A Public Corpora- tion, Plaintiff, vs. Ewlng P. Berry, James Carty. Claud Finley, J. V. Peterson, Mike C. Marshall, M. F. Cochran, J. K. Weatherford, L. D. Neill, E. O. Weill, Frank Fox, J. A. Lov, gren, Mary Perry, Bernard Ward, J. R. Nunamaker. n. r lemming, u, Swain, R. E. Dodd, Wm. Dodd, Maurice Hunter. Clifford E. Snow. Alfred Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon, May Powderly. C. F. Whitman. W. Wilson, J. E. Wilson, T. E. Nunamaker, Peter Finnic. G. A. Bleakman, W. H. Miller. John Miller. Hanna Hensley, A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallaa, Boardman Townsite Company, a corpoT' ation. M. B. Willard. E. P. Dodd. W. H. Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any other person or pernons owning or claim ing to own, or having or claiming to have any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants. NO. 2528. APPLICATION FOR JUDGMENT FORE CLOSING TAX LIENS. (Hl) SUMMONS AND NOTICE. To Ewlng P. Berry, James Carty, Claud L. Finley. J. V. Peterson. Mike C. Marshall, M-. F. Cochran, J. K. Weatherford, L. D. Nelll, E. O. Neill, Frank.Fox, J. A. Lov gren, alary Ferry, Bernard warn, J, Nunamaker. E. H. Flemmlng. C. Swain, R. E. Dodd, Wm. Dodd, Maurice Hunter, Clifford K. Snow, Alfred K. Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon, May rowderly, C. F. Whitman, w. Wilson, J. E. Wilson; T. E. Nunamaker, Peter Flnnle, u. A. Hleakman, w. li, Miller. John Miller. Hanna Hensley. A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallas, Boardman Townsite Company, a corpor ation, M. B. Willard. E. P. Dodd, W. H, Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any other person or presons owning or claim ing to won or having or claiming to have, any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described. Defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON : You and each of you are here by notified that the above named plaintiff, o public corporation, is the purchaser, own er, and holder of certificates of delinquen cy numbered izuo, izo7, izii, lzia, iki 1221, 1235, 1237, 1250, 1251, 1255, 1256, 1269, 1276, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 1293, 1294, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1300, 1801, 1802, 1808. 1314. 1316. 1317, 1818, and 1319. sued on the 15th day of July, 1924, by the Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes for Morrow County, Oregon, and filed by the said Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, on the 27th day of October, 1924, tor taxes due and delinquent, together with penalty. interest and costs thereon, upon real prop erty situated In Morrow Oounty. Oregon, You are further notified that the amount for which 'said certificate Is issued is set opposite end following the description of the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set out, the same being the amount then due and delinquent, for taxes for the year 1919, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Mor row County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and described as hereinafter sot forth, said tract or parcel of land being assessed for the year 1919 to the first per son whose name immediately precedes the description thereof, and is followed by the name of the person appearing to be the owner thereof, as appears on the tax roll of Morrow County, Oregon, for the year 1926, now In the Rands of the Sheriff of said County for collection, at the data of the first publication of this summons and notice, which date is the 15th day of Sep tember, 1027. Certificate No. 1206, James Carty and James Carty, Sections 1 and 6, Southwest quarter of Section 8, Section 9, Northeast quarter of Section 10, Section 17, Town ship 2 North, Range 25 East of Willamette Meridian ; Southeast quarter and Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 2 North, Range 26 East of Willamette Meridian ; . Sections 18, 17, 21, 25, 29, 38, and 36, Townnbip 8 North, Range 25 East of Willamette Meridian ; section 86, Township 4 North, Range 25 East of Willamette Meridian, and Section 86, Town ship 4 North, Range 26 East of Willamette Meridian 81.440.88 Certificate No. 1207, James Carty and James Carty, Tract No. 9 In Lot 4, Block 9 ; Lot 6, Block I and Tract No. 10 in Lot 8, Block 9, of Lexlnrton, Oregon Certificate No, 1211, Ewlng P. Ber ry and Jame Crty. WMiSWtt. . 8.4 SW!4NWl and NftNft, Heo- -tion 6, Township 2 North. Rang 26 Eait of Willamette Meridian 28.74 Certificate No. 1213, Claud L. Fin- ley and J. V. Peterson, Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 19. Township X Norm, Hnnge 26 East of Willamette Me- ertifivate No. 1217, Mine C. Mar shall and Mike C. Marshall, All of Section 16, Township North, Range U. E. W. M t1!7. Certificate No. 1221, M. F. Coch ran and M. F. Cochran, Lota 1 and 2, and Sf4SE4 of Section tl, except the town of Castle Kock. Township 4 North, Range 24, E. W. M. ; Lota 11 to 16, in clusive. Block 1, Lots 9 to 12. inclusive. Block 2, Lots 9 to li. Inclusive, Block 4, South half of nlocc 3, Lota 6 to 16, inclusive, Block 6, Lota 2 to 18, inclusive, l:lock 6. Lota 8 to 8, inclusive, and South half, Block 8, Block 7, Block 9. Lot 4 and South half of Block 10, Lota 8 to 1, inclu sive, and Lota 12 to 18, inclu sive, Block 11, Lots 8 to 7, in clusive, and South half of Block 12, Blocks 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. in the Town of Castle Rock Certificate No. 123E, J. K. Weather- ford and J. K. Weatheriord, NEV4NEVi, SVjNEy. SE'A less traot sold. Section 4 Township 1 South, Range 24 East of Wil lamette Meridian ; and Blocks 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, ww inn nuuiLiyn w tuur. ui rut-"" Certificate No. 1287, L. D. Nelll and 1.87 K. o. -Meill, East half of South east quarter of Section 2, Town shin 1 South, Range 27 E, W. M. 1.80 Certificate No. 1250, Frank Fox and Frank Fox, SWViSEVi, Sec tion 17, Township 8 South, Range 23 S. W. M. : WMiNEW. SE NEW, and EWSEi' Section 20, Township 8 South, Range 23 E. W. M - Certflicate No. 1251, J. A. Lov gren and J. A. Lovgren, North went quarter of Section 17, Township S South, Range 28 E. W. M . 89.87 Certiticate No. 1255, Mary Perry and Mary Perry, SENWK and NE'SWK, Section 32. Town shin 4 South. Range 24 E. W. M. T.l Certificate No. 1256, Bernard Ward nd Bernard Ward, UV'A, W'4 IE NWH8EV,. and E SW',4 Section 13.' Township 4 South, Range 26 E. W. M 74.91 Certificate lo. 1269, J. R. Nuna maker and J. R. Nunamaker, SW4. Section 21. Township 6 South. Ranee 27 G. W. M - 20,89 Certiticate No. 1276, E. H. Flam ming and E. H. Flemmlng. Lot 1 and Lots 2, 8, and 4, Block 8. SDerrv'a Third Addition to lone. Ore-son 17. W Certificate No, 1289, C. L. Swain . and C. L. Swain, Lot 8, Block 15, of Irrijron, Oregon .88 Certificate No. 1290, R. E. Dodd and Wm. W. Dodd, Lots S and 10. Block 16. of Irrigon Oregon 2.89 Certificate No. 1291, Maurice Hun ter and Maurice Hunter, LoU 1 and 2, Block 28, of Irrlgon, Oregon l.U Certificate No. 1292, Clifford E. Snow and Clifford E. Snow, LoU 8 and 4, Block 28. of Irrlgon, Oreeon .. - . LIB Certificate No. 1293, Alfred R. Kelly and Alfred R. Kelly, Lota j 9 and .0, Block 28, of Irrigun, Oregon 1.16 Certificate No. 1294, John W. Mar tin i-nd John w. Martin, Lot 7, Block SO, and Lot 11, Block 87, of Irrigon. Oregon 1.16 Certificate No. 1296, C. P. Gam mon and C. P. Gammon, Lot 8, Block 88, of Irrigon, Oregon ...... .88 Certificate No. 1297, May Powder- ly and May Powder ly, Lot 5, Block 89. of Iirigon, Oregon .82 Certificate No. 129R, C. F. Whit man and C. F. Whitman, Lot 6, Block 39. of Irrigon. Oreoon .88 Certificate No. 1800, W. C. Wilson, J. E. Wilson and T. E. 'Nona maker , Lota 11 and 12, Block 41, " Irrigon, Oregon 10.96 Certificate No. 1801. Peter Finnie and Peter Finnie, Lot 27, Block 89, Irrigon, Oregon .....- .82 Certificate No. 1302, G. A. Bleak man and W. H. Miller, North 30 feet of Lot 4, Block B, Hard eman, Oregon 188.94 Certificate No. 1308, John Miller and John Milter. Lot 1, Block S, FergUBon'a Addition to Hard man, Oregon ...... 2.88 Certificate No. 1314, Hanna Hens ley and Hanna Hensley, Lot 6, Block 8, Castle Rock, Oregon. .88 Certificate No. 1316, i. A. Gibbona and J. A. Gibbons. Lota 13, 14, 15, and 16. Block 4. Cantle Rock, Oregon 2.00 Certificate No. 1817, John Foster, Nick Kallaa and John Foster, Nick Kallat, Lots 6 te 8, inclu nive, Block 10, Castle Rock, Ore- got 2.00 Certificate No. 1818, Boardman Townsite Company, and M. B. Willard, E. P. Dodd, and W. H. Stewart, Lota 7, 8, 10, and 11, Block 4 ; Lots 8 and 9, Block 7 ; and Lot 7, Block 8, of the town of Boardman. Oregon ..... II. SB Certificate No. 1819, Boardman Townsite Company, and W. A. Murchie and E. P. Dodd, Lot 24, Block 8 ; and Blocks 16 and 16, of the town of Boardman, Ore gon .... 86.77 That said amounts bear interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the lath day of Jnly, 1924, the date of Issuance of said certificates. Ajid you and each of yon are hereby summoned to aopear within sixty days af ter the date of the first publication of this lummonH, exclusive of the day of first pub lication thereof, towit: September 15, 1927, and defend the suit In the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above against said tracts or parcels of land. spectively, above described, of which you are the owner, or In which you have or claim ts nave, any interest or estate, to gether with interest and costs accrued in this suit thereon. Service of a copy of your answer or other procetts may be made on the under signed attorney for plaintiff, at the place specified below aa his address, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment and de cree will be entered against you and each of you foreclosing said tax liens for the amount set opposite and following the de scription of said parcel of lanpLabove set forth, together with interest and costs thereon, against said tracts or parcels of land, and Baid tracts or parcels of land will be sold to satisfy said judgment and decree obtained in this suit. You are further hereby notified that the plaintiff will apply to the Court aforesaid lor Judgment and decree foreclosing said '.ax liens against said property hereinbefore aej-cribed. This summons la published once each week for six consecutive weeks in the Hoppner Oazette limes, a newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Or egon, published weekly at Heppner in said County, the date of first publication there of being September 15. 1927. and said Dub. Hcation being made in pursuance of the statutes or the State of Oregon, said news paper having been designated by the Coun ly Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row uounty as the newspaper in which said summons should be published, by order duly entered in said wrart of the 7th day of September, 1927. COUNTY OF MORROW, STATE OF OREGON, By SAMUEL E. NOTBON, District Attorney for Morrow County, Oregon, and Attorney for Plaintiff, tvhoHe address is Heppner, Oregon, Date of first publication, September 15, 1927. Date of last publication, October 27. 1927. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 7 1927. . NOTICE Is hereby (fiyen that Wil liam H. Instone of Lena, Oregon, who on May 8, 1926, made Homestead En try under Act. Dec. '29, 1916, No. 024874, for NEttSWtt, Section 7, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Gay M. An derson, United States Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 29th day of November, 1927. , Claimant names as witnesses: John Brosnan, Wiley Pearson, Wal ter Kileup, Fred Albert, all of Lena, Oregon. J. W. DONNELLY, . Register. Professional Directory DR. DAVID S. ROWE , (Licensed) i CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN and PHYSIO-THERAPIST Phone 303 Hermiston, Ore. AUCTIONEER E. J. KELLER Tha man who made the reasonable price. s . LEXINTON, OREGON WM. BROOKHOUSER Painting eV. Paperhanglng f , Interior Decorating Leave orders at Peoples Hardware ' ' Company "-"--""--", - E.H.BUHN Expert Watchmaker and Jewelry Repairer Hoppner, Ore. DR. A. H. JOHNSTON Physician and Surjeon Graduate Nurse Assistant I. O. O. F. Building Phones: Office, Main 933; Res. 402 Heppner, Oregon GLENN Y. WELLS Attorney at Law 800 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oregon . Phone Broadway 4254 DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTI8T X-Ray Diagnosis I. O. O. F. Building Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER Phone BEacon 4411 1014 Northwestern ' Bank Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON Res. GArfield 1(49 A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregun c l; SWEEK AT tORNEY-AT-LAW Offices in First National Bank Building Heppner, Oregon MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Surgical, Medical, Maternity Case. Wards, and private rooms. Rates Reasonable. Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate Nurse, Superintendent. A. H. Johnston, M. D. Physl-cian-in-Charge. Phone Main 822 Heppner, Ore. S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office In Court ouse Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty. , "The Man Who Talks to Beat th Band" G. U BENNETT, Lexington, Ore. C. J. WALKER LAWYER and Notary Public Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon Maternity Hospital Wards and Private Rooms. Rates Reasonable. . . Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate Nurse Phone Main S2 Heppner, Ore. F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW L Roberts Building, Willow Stmt Heppner, Oregon .