Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 20, 1927, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Beginning January 1, 1928, Heppner
Gazette Times subscriptions will be
Strictly Payable-In-Advance
HE price of the home town paper is
a small matter when paid each year,
but when a very considerable por
tion of the subscribers are in arrears it becomes
a heavy burden to the paper if it continues to
circulate to delinquents.
We believe most of our subscribers under
stand the reason for our past policy which, we
admit, is not altogether excusable. Many sub
scribers have desired to have the paper keep com
ing, however, and we have extended credit.
In doing this we have accumulated a "dead"
list that we are desirous of eliminating, and we
know of no other way of doing this than adopt
ing the above stated plan.
We believe those who have received and
read the paper, but who have become delinquent,
will reciprocate by getting in good standing be
fore the first of the year, thus enabling us to cut
off any "dead-heads," and get our list on a pay
ing basis.
It is essential that we do this, not only for
our own good, but in fairness to our advertisers, "
who pay good money for space and are entitled
to know that the paper is going to bona-fide sub
scribers. There is no ill-feeling involved toward any
one in making this change. It is purely a busi
ness policy, which we believe you will recognize
as such. And if you are a delinquent subscriber
and have appreciated reading the paper, we be
lieve you will call or mail us a check at an early
date. Those in arrears will receive a statement
soon. The price of the paper will remain $2.00.
As a special inducement to everyone to pay in advance
we are giving
3 Years for
Heppner Gazette Times
Morrow County's Newspaper