Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 20, 1927, Image 1

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    Volume 44, Number 31.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
American Glee Club Will
k Start Series Sponsored
by Local P. T. A.
The first number, of the Lyceum
course which is to appear here this
winter under the auspices of the Pa
tron-Teachers association, promises
to be a genuine treat. It consists of
a male quartet, each of whose mem
bers, aside from being a good singer,
has a group of specialties of his own.
This organization is to appear here
on .me evening 01 riovemDer em.
It is under the direction of Lan
celot Button who his been before the
public for many years in quartet
work, and for the past, four seasons
has been directing Mb own organiza
tion, lie is a graduate of the Lyceum
Arts conservatory of Chicago, and he
has also studied at the American con
servatory in Chicago, and at the Chi
cago Musical College. He is a vocal
pupil of Oscar Saenger of New York.
Mr. Anthony Dworak is the basso
r.f the organization and in addition he
plays the- saxophone, xylophone and
bells. He is a student of Professor
Kirkpatnck at the University of Ne
braska, at Lincoln, and has had wide
quartet experience. )
Mr. Ben Myers, baritone, is also an
accomplished artist bn saxophone and
piano. He is a university graduate,
and like Mr. Dworak, has had exten
sive concert experience in quartet
and recitals.
Mr. Evward Servass, the first ten-1
or with the American Glee Club, has
a fine tenor voice of pleasing quality
and i a banjo artist of marked at
tainment. The program is full of interesting
novelty features and these clever
young artists, through their varied
instrumentation, get some fine ef
fects. The bell ringing is always an
interesting departure and takes well
with audiences everywhere.
The Patron-Teachers' association
hopes to make the Yyceum a success
this year, and to this end the organi
zation is now getting under way with
the appointment of several commit
tees to handle various pontoons of the
The entire Lyceum course was
picked witlv a great deal of care,
nearly every number being personally
recommended by some of the citizens
of the town. Five numbers will ap
pear at various times during the year,
all of which promise good entertain
ment of various types.
Those who are behind the movement
do not, at present, contemplate, an In
tensive personal ticket-selling cam
paign, although everyone in the com
munity will be given an opportunity
to buy a season ticket.
We want to remind the community
again of the coming "Mission for
Home and Church" to be conducted
in the Episcopal church by the Ven.
Sidney W. Creasey. The services will
be held every evening beginning with
Sunday evening, October thirtieth,
and ending Sunday evening, Novem
ber sixth, with the exception of Sat
urday evening. -
We aro sure that the meetings and
the talks will be of deep interest to
all who attend. The church feels that
the people's problems are her prob
lems and we are seeking to solve
them. The solution to our problems
lies In ferreting them out, answering
thein as beat we may, and then going
forth to battle for the right and over
come the ills and evils that besmirch
our life. ;
Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock.
Morning prayer and aermon at 11
"What doth Jehovah thy God Te
quire of thee, but to fear Jehovah
'thy God, to wak in all his ways, and
to love him, and serve Jehovah thy
God with all thy heart and with all
' thy soul." Deut. 10:12.
Missionary in Charge.
BOYS! Don't forget Scout meet
ing at 7:15 every Tuesday evening.
Our troop is growing and the in
terest is' growing with it.
Boy Ranger meeting at 7:15 every
' Thursday evening.
This will be the itopic of the eve
ning sermon at the Church of Christ,
It will be a character study of a prom
inent follower of Jesus as portrayed
in the New Testament.
The morning sermon will be "Truth
for a Lie."
Sunday school and Christian En
deavor were well attended but still
there is room! Come and bring your
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister,
Death came to John Olden, who has
been ill for a number of months past
at the residence of Mrs, Emma Whet
stone in this city at 1:00 p. m. today
Mr. Olden had suffered from enlarge
ment of the heart and his illness
dates- back for two years, but until
comparatively recent months he had
been able to be about and attended
to his business. As we go to press
funeral arrangements have not been
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Jones, Mrs. F,
S. Parker, Mrs. E.R. Huston and
Mrs. W. J, Beamer were Pendleton
visitors on Tuesday, where they at
tended an all-day meeting of the
Missionary society of the Christian
Frank Gilliam Chosen
to Head First National
At a meeting of the board of di
rectors of the First National Bank of
Hoppner, held on last Thursday,
rrank Gilliam, one of the vice presi
dents of Uie bank for a number of
years, and a member of the board of
directors for the last seventeen years,
was elected president to fill the place
made vacant by the death of Malcolm
S. Corrigall, who had been the bank's
head for nearly twenty years.
Mr. Gilliam, who is one of the ear
liest pioneers Of this county, and a
pioneer hardware merchant of Hepp
ner, has served the bank on its board
of directors faithfully, and the insti
tution has always bad his earnest and
enthusiastic support. Holding as he
does the confidence of the commun
ity, his election to be head of the
First National is indeed a happy
choice on the part of 'the directorate.
W; P. Mahoney, we understand, will
continue as vice president and man
ager of the bank, the place he has
filled for the past number of years,
and there were no other changes in
the board of directors at this time.
With the close of the hunting uea-
ton today, R. B. Steers of Hardman
has so far brought the largest uuck
deer to the Peoples Hardware com
pany in competition for the Reming
ton express rifle offered as a prize.
And unless the hunt of the last few
days has awarded some nimrod a big
ger kill, not yet brought to town, Mr.
buck weighed 238V4 pounds, topping
:teers will receive the fine rifle. His
the kill of Claude Cox, who previous
ly headed the list, by Just 8 pounds.
Competition has been keen, though
many deer killed were not weighed in
because they were not large enough
to stand a chance.
The Misses Mflrv and Mnrinrip
Clark, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. M.
u. iiaric to this city, are both mem
bers of the University of Oregon girls
fflee club. Marv. a former iripmhAr
of the club, was honored this week
bv beinir elected nresident of the or
ganization, while i Marjorie, taking
her nrst year at the university, has
lust been induntafl. Mnrv in n pc-
ond alto and Marjorie is a first alto.
The younger sister has also been
honored by being elected to the
Thespians, fresh mun honorary so
ciety. for women.
Old Bill took the 'ell out of war
and turned it into a comedy. See Syd
Chaplin in THE. BETTER 'OLE, Star
Theater, Sunday and Monday.
Periodical of the Heppner Public Schools
Editor John Conder
Associate Editor .... Ellis Thcmson
Bus. Manager Rosella Doherty
Boys' Sports Clarence Hayes
Girls' Sports Hazel McDaid
Grade News Virginia Dix
Humor Stanley Minor
Katherine Bisbee, Evelyn Swindig
Office and Personal Items x.
Letha Hiatt
Organization of the Staff.
With the new organization of the
Heppnerian Staff, under the capable
supervision of Miss Murray, we plan
to make a bigger and better addition
to our local paper, of our school in
terests and activities, and we hope
that thin will tend toward a keener
interest between the home and shool.
This work should not be confined
exclusively to staff members, but any
member of the student body may con
tribute news articles to the staff and
eventually gain himself a place
thereon. The grades will each be
represented by one of the students
who will report to the Grade School
Editor, thus bringing to light some
of their"actitities, both work and
The Heppner high football team
won their first league game by de
feating Fossil, with a score of 39 to
6. Both teams played a good game.
Fossil, although they have not had
football practice for several- years,
made a fine showing. They have the
"stuff" and plenty of fight.
Thore were quite a few substitu
tions made In the teams. Several
second string men had a chance to
The audienco was not quite as large
as was expected, but the few that
turned out showed they were behind
the team.
In the game, the following line-up
started: K. Oviatt le, G. Slocum It,
P. Jones lg, H. Evans c, F. Walker rg,
S. Thompson rt, G. Hayes re, H. Gen
try q, P. Hisler f, O. ParkerTh, M.
Gumiiiell lh.
Substitutes H. Hayes for Oviatt;
Devin-for Jones; Benge for S. Thomp
son; Walker for EvnnB; Turner for
Hisler; S. Thompson for Turner;
Tiirnor for Gammoll; R. Thompson
for C, Hayes.
The boys are preparing for a clash
with Arlington October 29, on the
local gridiron. Several new plays
hnve been created and given out by
Loach Johnson. The school would
appreciate your attendance at these
games as often as possible,
Honor Torch Society Formed.
At a joint meeting of the Heppner
ian and Anon Literary societies on
September 5, a plan to merge the two
societies was presented. This was
met with favor with all the members,
Will Engage in Store
'Business at John Day
Mrs. Ellen Buseick and son Reid
spent a f"' days at John Day the
past week, during which time Reid
negotiated a deal for the Ira G.
boyce store, an old established busi
ness at that place.
Reid returned o John Day today,
and the stock of merchandise, which
consists of groceries, principally, will
be invoiced and the deal completed.
Mr. Buseick feels that he has made
a good purchase as the city of John
Day is so situated as to be a good
trading point. It is on the John Day
highway, and will also be on the
north and south highway when that
road is completed to Burns,, besides
being located in a prosperous part of
Grant county. This paper bespeaks
for Mr. Buseick success in thfs new
A hunting party returning last Fri
day from the mountains in the Ukiah
country with a goodly kill, consisted
of Earl ar.d Leonard Gilliam, Jim
Cowins, Cal Grawl and Cy Lowell of
Harrisburg. Earl killed two bucks,
Leonard one and Grawl one. The
buck killed by Grawl is said to have
had the widest spread of horns of
any ever killed in this vicinity,
though the animal was not extra
large. The horns were taken to Har-
nsburg by Lowell for mounting and
may be on display here later. Cowins
hud the unique experience of a deer
jumping over him, while Earl Gil
liam set a new record in bulldogging.
Gilliam had shot his deer, but didn't
knock it down. Catching up with it
he grabbed hold of its horns and
.hrcw it,, cutting its throat to make
sure it didn't get up again. This is
believed to be a world's bulldogging
The seventh and eighth grade Camp
Fire girls under leadership of Miss
Phelps, Mrs. Cohn and Mrs. Rodgers,
held a business meeting! after school
Wednesday in room five of the high
The Campfire meetings will be held
on Thursday from now on. The fol
lowing were elected to fill the offices:
President, Donna Brown; vice-president,
Florence French; secretary,
Phyllis Jones; treasurer, Mary Mc
Duffee; scribe, Ruth Turner; song
and yell leader, Beatrice Thomson.
These girls chose as a name for
their group Aloha Honta, which
means "house of peace." There were
nineteen girls present.
Zane Grey's FORLORN RIVER at
Star Theater Thursday and Friday.
some declaring that one good society
was better than two poor ones.
Mr. Burgess suggested that, in
stead of forming a new local society,
we adopt the National Torch Honor
society, to which any and every stu
dent in the high school might be
long. This national society is being
sponsored by many of the better
schools of our land, and is becoming
a favorite wherever located. Mem
bers may wear the nonor Torch pin
by earning points in scholarship, ath
letics and student activities.
A committee consisting of Orrin
Bisbee, Mae Doherty, Mildred Green
end Ellis Thomson, with Miss Pear
son and Miss Wright as faculty ad
visors, was chosen to investigate the
new society, and report at the joint
meeting of the two societies on Oc
tober 12.
After examining the constitution
and by-laws, the committee unani
mously favored the Torch society. At
the meeting on Wednesday, the 12th,
the two organizations adopted the
Torch by a unanimous vote.
Most of the students are very en
thusiastic about the new society, and
the faculty recommend it highly. It
abolishes cliques, for all are capable
of becoming members. There are
three pins awarded by the society, for
points earned by the students. A one
bar pin, a two bar pin, and the Torch
Mr. Burgess has planned an ambi
tious program for the society In the
coining months. The former mem
bers of the two literary societies
feel l.hnt they have unselfishly given
up the two societies, and are sponsor
ing the ons for the good of the whole
school, and therefore deserve the ti
tle of "charter" members of the local
Torch society.
Although the Arion and Heppiter
iHn societies are now extinct they
have performed many worth-while
things in the past, which will not be
readily forgotten.
Examinations Held.
The six-week's examinations were
held Wednesday. Thuradav and Fri.
day of Inst week, in both the grades
and nign school. (Jonscquntly, there
has been a general "rush" among the
entire faculty to get the grades and
cards rendv for t.auintr f.hi wnpb.
The second six weeks has started off
in an earnest manner to secure the
did the first, and everyone is working
in an earnes tmanner to secure the
knowledgo that is awaiting them In
their various classes.
Vigilance Committee.
The Vigilnnce committee formu
lated at the beginning of each school
year, has been organized for the pur
pose of keeping order among the
freshmen and to see that every fresh
man wears a green ribbon Until af
ter his initiation. With a unani-
(Continued on Page Two)
6000 Umatilla Birds Join;
Local Growers to Fol
low if Enough Sign.
A meeting to complete organization
of the Co-operative Turkey Market
ing association for Umatilla! county
at Hermiston Inst night was attend
ed by a number of Morrow county
raisers who were asked to come into
the association. Several Morrow
county men will do this provided
enough turkeys are listed through
this marketing channel to guarantee
at least a half carload to be shipped
from either Heppner or lone before
Thanksgiving. Those desiring to list
their birds should see Chas. W. Smith,
county agent, at once.
More than 6000 turkeys have been
listed in Umatilla county, assuring
successful operations this season.
Among those attending the meeting
from this county besides the county
agent were Jay Hiatt of Heppner,
Fred McMurray, Walter Eubank and
L. B. Ledbetter of lone, ChaB. Wick
lander and Walter Knauff of Board
man. Mrs. C. G. Brink, secretary-manager
of the Idaho Co-operative Tur
key Growers Marketing association,
was present bo help in the organiza
tion, as well as to give instructions
on the feeding, fattening and dress
ing of the birds. The following is
the information given to members of
the Idaho association on this sub
ject and should be of interest to
turkey growers of this section:
'In feeding turkeys for market you
should exercise the same good judg
ment as is required to fatten any
other fowl. The turkey is a wild
fowl by nature and will not success
fully fatten in confinement. The best
results are obtained by feeding a va
riety of grains such as whole wheat,
orn, ground barley and oats, con
taining ground bone with some j
meat scraps, reea an tne sour miiK
that they will drink and see that the
drinking water is at all times clean
and free from any filth. Pools that
are standing around the barns are
very dangerous. Plenty of oyster
shell and a,r slacked lime are essen
tial in hardening w'ue bones. Early
in the fall when the turkeys are put
on feed, it is well to gradually in
crease the ration and feed all they.
will eat during the month of October.
There is no Bet form necessary to
gain the best results, but exercise
good judgment as you watch them
each day. Changing from one kind
of feed to another every two or
tiiree days has proven very satisfac
tory. "Before killing any birds, select
those that are in prime condition.
Examine carefully and see that the
body is plump and well covered with
fat. The legs should be firm, and
streaks of fat under the wings. A
blue bird or one that is carrying pin
feathers will not grade No. 1. Keep
such a bird and feed until next sale.
l'welve hours is sufficient to empty
craw Bfffore killing. The birds may
be fed in the afternoon before dress
ing the following morning, but do
not give them the usual heavy feed.
See that plenty of fresh water is be
fore them during all the time they
ar beini- diessid, this has a tendency
to clean anything that might be in
the craw and' prevents too much
Hang the bird by the feet to a
solid beam or pole under a shed if
possible so that it will be away from
the side of any building in case it
might flop around when being killed.
Take hold of the head over the top,
letting the thumb and one finger
come around the head and press in at
the jaw bone joint. This will force
open the mouth and make it easily
held open for the cut. Then, with
the other hand, run the point of the
knife back to this jaw joint and cut
off both large veins, cutting toward
the top of the head. It does not take
a deep cut as the veins are both just
below the membrane of the mouth.
Allow the blood to run freely for a
minute then run the knife through
the groove in the roof of the mouth
until it touches the skull, then give
a little draw to cut the membrane
of the brain. This causes a paraly
sis of the feather muscles, making
them easy to remove. A good stick
is shown by the shudder that passes
through the bird. A little sand or a
few small stones should be placed in
a small tin' can and hung by a wire
into the lower jaw of the bird to
catch the blood as it comes from the
turkey. Remove all big feathers first,
the tail and wing feathers come easy
if properly stuck. Pull all smnll
feathers with the grain of the skin.
Too quick pulling or jerking is liable
to be dangerous as the small tears
in the flesh spoil the appearance of
the bird."
Work on the new Arbuckle lookout
tower was completed yesterday, ac
cording to Fnnk Farnsworth, kok
out there the past season who re
turned to town yesterday. This tow
er, though not as high as the old
one, is located nearer the top of the
mountain and affords a better view
of the surrounding country than did
the old one. The tower has been un
der construction for some time and
was nearly completed once when a
high wind blew it over, demolishing
a greater part of the construction
It is now ready to be put in use the
coming season, however.
Almost" Human
! i ,.
"Fellows," S year old German
shepherd, owned by Jacob Herbert
Ol Detroit f&reA a n-l,,0..
of Columbia University professors,
proving oimseit "almost" human
and wltfi a miMl : .
' " suinc respects,
almost equal that of an 8 year old
Detroit Dog in Psychology Test at
Columbia University Shows
Remarkable Intelligence.
This is a story of a dog.
A dog fivt years old which under
stands innumerable orders without
the aid of vision cues and who exe
cutes them with the apparc:.t intel
ligence of a child of eight years and
with the poise, grace and willingness
a little too perfect to be human.
' ?ellow" is his name, a Gemian
shepherd dog owned by Jacob Her
bert of Detroit who brought him to
New York this week, to be submiited
to an intelligence .test before Pro
fessor C. J. Warden's psychology
class at Columbia University.
Fellow is five years old. True, he
has been a show do and has appear
ed in the movies, but, the tests to
which he was put at the great uni
versity completely eliminated any
posibility of a stunt performance
or in other words a regular and rou
tine bag o' tricks done over and oveT
until second nature.
It is estimated that Fellow under
stands between 300 and 400 words,
according to. his owner, who also
contends that all well-bred animals
are a great deal more intelligent than
their owners suppose and they will
respond as Fellow does if treated in
an understanding manner.
For one long hour Mr. Herbert is
sued instructions to Fellow, usually
in a common conversational tone and
pifrt of the time from behind a screen
where the dog could not see him. To
ail of which Fellow responded prompt
ly and willingly.
The instructions were in the fol
lowing vein:
"Go to the table, Fellow. Put your
head on it. Put one foot and your
head on it. Now, you can jump on
the table. Sit down all the way.
Now stand up."
Here Mr. Herbert arranged Fellow
in a pose and told him to hold it,
which he did until told to move
again. The dog has posed as a model
for thirty minutes at a time, his mas
ter added. He then continued his in
structions, as follows:
'Jump down on that side. Look
out the window. Turn your head the
other way. Go over to the lady in
the corner. Put your head in her
lap. Now, suppose yovi go to the
front door. No, never mind (after
Fellow had started). Stand up against
the wall instead. Now go on outside
and wait for me."
Mr. Herbert then told Fellow not
to let any one approach a certain
lady sitting in a corner. The dog fol
lowed his instructions so implicitly
that we would not let his own mas
ter come near.
"He will bite me to protect any one
I tell him to," Mr. Herbert explained.
"He has been taught to follow in
structions to the letter and he does it
regardless of consequences."
That Fellow understands words in
the human sense was doubted by
Professor Warden and Dr. Lucein N.
Warner, in charge of the animal psy
chology laboratories at Columbia and
New York universities, respectively,
who had examined the dog previously.
"Animals may obey commands as
sounds rather than words," they ex
plained. Personally we are f the
opinion that the dog has learned to
asscoiate certoin sounds, rather than
words in the human sense, with the
proper objects and commands. How
ever, the large number of associa
tions clearly mark the dog as extra
oulinnry." "With dogs as with children," said
Mr. Herbert, "the first lesson to have
them learn is to love their teacher.
I never said anything to Fellow with
out a purpose and never punished
him or rewarded him except by say
ing 'what a shume' or 'good dog'."
Fellow's audience appeared more
than willing to stay all day.
Mr. Herbert says he has refused an
effer of J230.000 for Fellow.
Turkey Shoot Set for
Sunday, November 13
The Heppner Rod and Gun club is
sponsoring a pre-Thanksgiving trap
bhoot for turkeys to take plar.e here
Sjnday, November 13. There will bi
plenty of turkeys for everyone, says
Chas. I.atourell, -president, and a
hear:y invitation is extended to
sportsmen everywhere to attend.
The shoot will start at 10 o'clock
in the morning and continue through
out the day. Hot lunches will proba
bly be arrangd to be served at the
grounds, and every conyenience taken
care of to show visitors a good time
Handicaps will be set according to
shooting ability so that verydne tak
ing part will have an even chance.
Lexington and Heppner town foot
ball teams fought 60 minutes in the
hot sunshine at Podco field Suiday
afternoon to a 0-0 tie, the main out
come being sore aiurcles on many of
the contestants who took their initial
workout in this gime. Line-jamming
with very little consequent yardage
and exchange of punts featured the
game, Aiken of Heppner having lit
tle the edge in tne booting depart
ment over Lane of Lexington. A few
?asss were tried and but one com
pleted, by Lexington, which took the
ball across t. e li:ie for a touchdqwn
until the ball was called back be
cause of an off-side play. The teams
were evenly matched and should draw
a good-sized cov.-d when they meet
again. Heppner is planning on more
games, the schedule for which may be
announced later.
The Ar.ierfcaa Legion Auxiliary met
on Tuesday evening, October 18th.
Thirteen members were present.
" It was planned to bave a clothes
drive for the Child Welfare commit
tee. The members will please bring
their donations o the next regular
meeting cn November 1st. The aux
iliary will greatly appreciate any do
nations from others than members,
if anyone desires to contribute to
this worthy cause. - - . - "
There will be glee club practice on
Tuesday evening, October 25th; . a
good attendance is desired. The host
esses, Mcsdames Cowins, served a
delicious repast. Secretary. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawson arrived
at Heppner the end of the week from
the Mayflower mine of ban Stalters
in the Greenhorn section."' Mr. Law
son has been spending the summer at
the mine, in which he is a stockhold
er, and several weeks ago Mrs. Law
son arrived from her home at Minne
apolis, Mn.n., to join her husband
after a a separation of 40 years. Dur
ing this time their family of four
children have all grown up and have
families of their own, and Mrs. Law-
son makes her home with a daughter
at Minneapolis. William is an old
resident of this section where he has
lived during the greater part of the
time he and his wife have been sep
arated. This reunion, after so long
a space of time, seems to be a happy
one on the part of both, and they
may decide to continue their home at
this Dlace.
Frank Farnsworth returned to the
city ycterday morning after a so
journ cf several months in the moun
tains, coming in with Chas. Thomson
who went up Sunday and spent a
couple cf days hunting. Frank was
stationed at the Abruckle lookout sta
tion as lookout during the fire sea
son, and remained in the vicinity of
Kelley prairie for a hunt. , Though he
killed no deer, Frank H feeling bet
ter than i.e has for a loi g time, hav
ing enjoyed his summer's work im
mensely. W. P. Prophet and daugh
ter Shirley were also hunting in com
pany with the two above mentioned
gentlemen the first of the week.
Chas. and Omar Stanton came in
from Walla Walla on Thursday eve
ning and spent most of Friday here,
looking after some business matters.
Chas. Stanton has been ill for most
of the summer and at one time it was
feared he would not weather the
storm. His right eye became infected
and because of his condition t could
not be properly treated, surgically,
and he has suffered the loss of that
member. Friends of Mr. Stanton here
will be glad to know that he has now
fully recovered from his illness, and
in a shout time will have his former
physical strength back.
L. Van Marter and Dwight MUner
conducted a party of Portland sports
men lucluoing "Skeet Bigbee and
"Cowboy" Ed Tomlin of the P;rt
lund Beaver ball club, on a hunting
expedition last week, returning yes
terday. Though no deer were killed
the whole pity returned enthusiastic
about their go.d time.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett O. Hayes are
the proud parents of a 7 hi -pound
son, bom to them at their home in
Joseph, Oregon, on Wednesday, Oc
tober 19th. Reports reaching this
office are to the effect that mother
and child are doing well. Mrs. Hayes
was formerly Miss Maragret Craw
ford of this city.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo and W. W.
Smead, who have been spending the
last days of the hun'ing season in the
tall timber, are expected homo today.
Xo report has been received of their
luck. i
Mrs. Arthur Parker was brought
to Morrow General hospitl Monday
from the Parker home below town,
She is suffering an attack of influ
enza. Dr. A. H. Johnston ai d Chas. Cox
departed fcr the mountains Sunday
for a last minute hunt.
j Arthur Brisbane
The Difference
On either side of the Santa Fe ex
press, in which this is written, the
corn fields and farmhouses of Kan- "
sas fly past. It is a country unlike
that through which the writer drove
i few weeks ago in France on the
way from Paris to see Clemenccau in
his little cottage on the Atlantic at
Lejard, not far from Bordeaux.
The trip through France, made in
an automobile, was as rapid as this
trip by train. In France you drive
your automobile as fast as you like,
BODY. " ,
French roads are wide and straight.
the car used by this writer came from
Nice to Paris, 900 kilometers,. 640
miles, in one day and did easily the
400 miles from Paris to Lejard be
tween breakfast and dinner.
French drivers go rapidly, but care
fully; 'if they hit anybody the law
hits them. A member of the Cham
ber of Deputies went to jail for a
year, all the influence ol his friends
could not save him. He struck a
child. B. Forman, of Rochester, K. '
i., can tell yoa of a French chauffeur I '
accused of intoxication, sent to jail,
for ten years. He killed a child. Mr.
Formand saw the thing happen.
1 i :' .
Here in Kansas you see great trac- -
tors providing power, machinery cut
ting and binding corn, great engines
binding, threshing wheat, and tying
the grain sacks, all in one operation.
In r ranee occasionally you would
see a peasant and his wife cutting
their grain with giekles in small fields
of irregular shape. Fields were har
vested with scythes. , Here and there
teams of norses jrew ' mowing ma
chines. Power driven agricultural
machinery was not seeta between
Paris and Lejard.
Where mowers had passed you
might 'see old grandmother and her
lutle grandchild bending over, pick
ing up wisps of grain with the right
hand, putting them in aprons held by
the left hand.
A hundred such gleaners were seen
in a day's drive. - They were less for
tunate than Ruth, their gleanings
meagre. There was no Boaz to com
mand his men, saying, "Let her glean '
even among the sheaves and' reproach
her not; and let fall also" some of
the handfuls oh purpose for her and
leave them that she may glean them,
but rebuke her hot." .
With, hand rakes the of3 grand
mother and the little girl could have
gathered all the gleanings in a short
time, but that evidently was not al
lowed. Gleaning.' must be done by
hand, the old body must stoop, and '
stoop all- day long to pick up stray
straws. When the grain had gone
from the field an old shepherd would
bring his little band of sheep.'' These
would walk through the stubble eat
ing the oves-ripe grain that had fallen
from the ears. Other bands of sheep
led by an old man or woman-with
dogs to help, ate the grasa along the
highway edge. No sheep ever strayed
onto the road before the autoiqobiles.
Dogs prevented that, and the sheep
eemed trained. ; Beautiful animals,
anmirably kept, they waste nothing
in France. , ' - -
mnes though unending fields of corn
or grain, deep in grass and tens of
thousands of acres, not used. -
In France they use every foot of
ground, waste nothing, not food or
human labor, merf and women work
long'hours, work hard with patience.
The peasants' houses are beautiful
and old, their animals well cared for.
Along the coast of Brittany and the
Vendee, men 'and women and chil
dren work side by side. Men repair,
at low tide, their fish nets colored
light blue. The fishermen say "fish
like color." On the flat lands you
see little mounds of salt taken from
the ocean by imprisoning waters in
shallow pools for evaporation.
Once "La Gabelle," a heavy tax on
salt, dressed the mistresses of French
kings and made life easy for three
lucky classes, royalty, clergy and no
bility. It was death to the peasant
to escape "La Gabelle"by taking salt
from the ocean.
Conditions .ore better now." The
king are sleeping in St. Denis, the
few whose bones were not scattered
during the Revolution. There are
more schools than chateaux, more
public libraries than gallows. The
peasant is no longer forbidden to kill
animals that- ate his crops because
lords and ladies wanted the pleasure
of riding over those crops to kill the
animals themselves.
But in every French family there
is mourning.- Each earnest hard
faced French woman tells you how
many sons or brothers she had "left."
Dr. A. H. Johnston has completed
the installation of a complete X-ray
unit, including radiographic and
flouroscopic units for all kinds of
photo work on stomach and Intestines
at Morrow General hospital. This In
stallation makes the hospital com
pletely equipped now.