PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 13, 1927. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS A. H. Markham it down from Free- water expecting to spend a day or ao here on business. Mr. Markham is just about recovered from a siege with flu, from -which he suffered a quite serious relapse just recently. Much wet weather the past few weeks has resulted in some delay to har vesting in some parts of Umatilla and Walla Walla counties, Mr. Mark- ham states. L. Van Marter injured his right hand badly Sunday when a jammed shell he was attempting to eject from a shotgun exploded. Mr. Van Marter had taken the gun from a hunting companion while in quest of birds and was attempting to fix it when the accident happened. John Wightman of Alfalfa Lawn Dairy spent several days this week in the Yakima valley looking up some breeding stock for his dairy herd. He purchased four heifers and a bull, all being purebred stock. He returned home Wednesday evening. Jasper Crawford and Ed Keller were the representatives of Doric Lodge No. 20, K. of P., attending the grand lodge meeting at The Dalles this week. There was a very large attendance present, and The D&iles royally entertained the visitors. Fred Tash and son Durward were business visitors here yesterday from Arlington. Mr. Tash is quite serious ly contemplating returning to Hepp- ner to live. Durward will attend business college in Portland this win ter. W. E. Bullard, lone druggist, was attending to business matters in Heppner on Wednesday, and reports conditions in his little city as great ly improved this fall, thanks to good crops. Marshall Phelps is over from Bend for a visit at the borne of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Phelps. He arrived Saturday evening. Stacy Roberts has been quite ill at hit home in this eity for the past week or more. Dr. G. G. Gaunt was called from Condon to wait on him Wednesday, and at this time he is reported to be some better. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crites at the maternity home of Mrs. G. C. Aiken in this city on Tuesday, Oct 11, a daughter. Mrs. Crites was for merly Miss Hazel Anderson, and their home is at Newberg. Mrs. M. L. Oney is slowly recov ering from quite a severe attack of paralysis, suffered some four weeks ago. This is the second stroke Mrs. Oney has had, the first occurring about a year ago. A marriage license was issued at the office of Clerk Anderson Thurs day last to Mark Lester Stephens of Spokane and Thelma Jean Boring of Arlington. Both parties are strangers in this section. Ture Peterson, lone meat market proprietor, was a visitor here today. He states that new grain is coming along nne in the lone section, and the weather conditions are just ideal. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cnson arrived home the end of the week from their two weeks vacationing, which was spent in Montana at the former home of Mrs. Cason. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Vincent of Umapine were visitors here over the week end at the home of Mrs. Vin cent's mother, Mrs. Mattie Adkins. Let Baldwin solve your built-in fixtures problem. We have them on display and can set thcin in your home in a few minutes. 30 Wanted, work on sheep ranch by experienced man and wife. Write P. 0. Box 136, Weston, Ore. 30-32 Wanted One good Jersey cow that will give milk all winter. Ad dress Box 402, lone, Ore. Orve Brown departed for Portland Wednesday morning to be absent in the city for a few days. J. G. Thomson returned home this morning from a short business trip to Portland. Estrayed Dark red cow with whiU face, branded full circle reversed in verted J on left shoulder; from ehurte residence, Heppner about Sept. 14. Notify Mrs. Geo. Burnside. 27-8p. FOR SALE Heppner residence property; 7-room house, one acre of ground, orchard, barn, modern con veniences. See or write Geo. McDuf- fee, Heppner, Oregon. 22-tf. Dr. Clarke, Eye Sight Specialia;, in Heppner two days Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 15th and 16th, at Hotel Heppner. 20-30. FOI; SALE One wood chopper's outfit and one Ford car. Inquire at Reid's planing mill. 29-31p . Many Gymnasium Uses (Continued from First Puge) - will be under the auspices of the societies of the public school. It is composed largely of western and American artists and is handled by a Portland firm. It will be here for cne night only and is usually given in connection with a program of some kind. The all county declamatory con test will, in all probability, be held the auditorium this year. It is possible, however, that it will be nec essary to split this into two divisions, holding one in the school building and the' other in the auditorium this year. This will come about the last of April or the first of May. The gymnasium feature of the new building promises to be widely used, as six basketball games are already scneduled there, with the High school girls and junior basketball games yet to be scheduled. It is highly proba ble that a basketball tournament will be played here next spring. This will comprise all the schools and may possible become all county in its dimensions. ALPINE NEWS NOTES. The students of Alpine high school wish to change the title of their play which appeared in last week's paper as "Blimmers to Blame," to "Beads on a String." The former, after hav ing been read over, did not suit their taste, so they sent for the last one named which we hope will be put on as soon as possible. A number of people in Sand Hollow spent all day Saturday attending the Dairy and Hog Show at Hormiston. Mr. and Mir. J. H. McDaniel spent the week end at Hardman. Mrs. Q. L. Bennett went to Pendle ton Friday afternoon. A group of young folkt from here attended the dance at Heppner Sat urday night. The Christian church holds serv ices every Sunday. Milton Bower of Heppner is in charge every other Sunday at 3:00. Bible school every Sunday at 2:00. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter of lone were visitors in this city today. Are You Building- A HOUSE, BARN, MACHINE SHED, CHICKEN HOUSE? Or just doing some repairing? WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR MATERIAL BILL Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard A. R. REID, Proprietor Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123 Isolation ROBINSON CRUSOE had no telephone. .There was no one on his island to talk, to but Friday who was never beyond the reach of Crusoe's voice. But there is no reason for any one in the United States to live like Robinson Crusoe. Anyone's telephone reaches anywhere and everywhere in the land. It will put people in touch with the nearest village or most distant city. It will run errands through rain and snow justas cheerfully as on sunshiny days. Ithelps people keep in touch with their neighborhoods and it makes one neighborhood of the whole country. Moreover, it is the constant aim of the Bell System which serves the' country to make its service better and to fit it more closely to the particular needs and desires of its telephone users. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company bell system One Policy - One System Universal Service HAVE NO FEAR of having your teeth extracted. Take GAS Inexpensive. No Shock No Pain From five to ten minutes com pletes operation. DR. R. B. ROBBLNS Pendleton, Ore. 70, v"1"" BOB The Sperry homing pigeon furnished to local communities and to Sperry Salesmen for messenger service we carefully re leased from the hands and fly unerringly to their home loft from distances up to 300 miles. SperryEboducts F. W. Turner & Co. LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS ALFALFA-AND GRAIN FARMS Good Listings in Both Morrow and Grant Counties. CITY PROPERTY for RENT or SALE Van Brunt Drills 11111111 11111 "mm 1 iiiiiiiiimiiiim iimimiiiiiiiimiiiiiii iniiiiitiiiiiii I : ALL STEEL CONSTRUCTION. ' 2. DURABLE AND LONG LIVED 3. DOUBLE RUN, POSITIVE FEED. 4. DISC BEARINGS, GUARANTEED FOR LIFE. There is no better drill made than the VAN BRUNT. 11,111 IIMlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllltllltllllllllll PEOPLES HARDWARE CO. , Star Theater, Heppner, Ore. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 AND 14: Fred Thompson and his horse Silver King in ... . "DON MIKE" A Riding, Roping, Fighting Hurricane of a Western. Packed with htrills, adventure, romance- spiced with real novelt. It's a Fred Thompson western, built for everyone from six to sixty. Also FELIX, the Cat, in HUNTING THE HUNTER, and second episode of STRINGS OF STEEL.. MiiifiiiHiiiittiiMHitiimiimiiiiiiMmiiMumiiiiMu SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15: Hoot Gibson in , ."CHIP OF THE FLYING U" With Virginia Brown Faire. Regular Hoot Gibson action in B. W. Bower's gorgeous story of the ' shy cowboy painter and the doctor who turned out to be a girl. Fine entertainment with a whale of a kick. Also Cartoon Comedy CUT PRICE GLORY, and KINOGRAMS NEWS REEL. We will also show some local slides, including bucking snaps made during the Rodeo. You will want to see these. MlllllMllllllfllllllllllMlllllllliiltllllllllllllillllliiiitliiilllllllllliiMtn,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,!!!,!!!, llllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIMIIIItMIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIIIItttllllHIIMII SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1&-ONE DAY ONLY : Richard Dix in "THE QUARTERBACK" Kid gloom just wilts away when the Quarterback snaps out the peppy signals that Btart the action, and the laughs in this one. Just watch him lope around Joe Blue's end for a touchdown of joy and another entertainment record. Action plus until the last white chalk mark is past. Aho Earle Foxe in THE SOCIETY ARCHITECT, two reel Van Bibber Comdoy. Children 20c Adults 40c ,IH,", iiiHiiiiitiii inn iiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiAiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiilMiiiiiiiii iiiiiliiliiiiilliliiiiiiiliilniiirti MONDAY, OCTOBER 17-ONE DAY ONLY: , HIS REDHEADED MA-MA, a Riotous Farce Comedy (NOT A PICTURE) , GIRLS, MUSIC, COMEDY, SINGING, DANCING AND NOVELTIES. A Guaranteed Attraction. Children 25c Adults 50c mimiiMHiitiMimHiiiitiiiiMiiiHinimniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiMiiiimi,m TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 AND 19: -Belle Bennett in "MOTHER" SUGGESTED BY KATHLEEN NORRIS' FAMOUS NOVEL. A picture that thrills you by its very power and realism. A superb presentation of a mother's ca reer and her problems of her Bplendid joys and absorbing sororws. A film that will tug at your heart-strings. A screen epic that every father, mother and child should sea, j Belle Bennett, the star of "Stella Dallas" In her Greatest Success. Also comedy, THE RADIO BUG, and a MUTT ANR JEFF CARTOON. T....I. ..... . nuii in iubuiiu K1VKK, by Zune Grey. Marguerite de la Motto In THE KID SISTER. COMING NEXT WEEK. Syd Chaplin in THE BETTER 'OLE. Adolph Menjou, Greta Nissen in Blonde or Brunette Sy ISO Orders just filled at our store attracted his attention that may be seen ready for any delivery. It's the fast movement of our stock that guarantees freshness of our gro ceries all the time. Two deliveries daily. Phone Main 1 072 HI ATT & DIX Phone Main 1072 ' We Deliver Heppner Gazette Times for Everything in Printing The Rains Have Come COME TO US FOR The new, improved Superior and Kentucky Drills. COPPER CARBONATE The Calkins Combination Fanning Miil and Wheat Treating Machines; the Cheney Ro tary Rod Weeder ; Oliver and P. & O. Plows ; Disk and Pig Tooth Harrows. Anything and everything for farm work. We are here to serve you right. COME IN AND SEE US. Gilliam & Bisbee NOW THAT THE COLD AND RAINY WEATHER IS ON, YOU WILL NEED Sweaters Blasers Mackinaws Rain Coats Slickers All the latest things in GALOSHES, GAITERS and ZIPPERS. We have them for the whole family, for Girls, Boys, Ladies and Men. Thomson Bros. in etiery home on eVery farm IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH is