Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 13, 1927, Image 1

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Volume 44, Number 30.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Over T wen ty Events Now
Scheduled for New
School Building.
Basketball Game, Play" and Other
Entertainment! Have Filled
All Available Dales.
That the new auditorium-gymnasium
of District No. 1 will fulfill a
long felt want ia clearly shown by the
wide demand already being evidenced
for the building.
With the roof not yet completed,
over twenty events have been defin
itely scheduled to take place there,
during the coming winter, according
to Superintendent Burgess, who is
now trying to arrange a non-conflict"
schedule of events. Keeping in mind
that the building is a public school
auditorium, and that any events,
scheduled must be educational, In
structive, and of universal commun
ity interest, it was first necessary
to reject several activities that op
plied for the use of the auditorium.
However, it is no longer a question
of filling all available dates, but of
finding a place for those that present
themselves, and that deserves corsid
eration. It is probable that a very nominal
rental will be charged, to defray the
cost of lights, heat and janitor serv
ice, and in addition to this the Board
of Directors is considering the advis
ability of charging a small peicent
age of the proceeds of all activities
in the building to be turned in to the
Public School Library fund. This s
a custom that has been inaugurated
in several school systems with great
success and it is felt that it would be
very beneficial here.
A lyceum course of five 'umbers
has been signed to take placo during
the winter. The opening number of
this is to be held tn November 8th.
At that time the "American Glee
Club," a male quartet, will be heard
in an evening f music and laughter.
This biWfair to be a popular and
pleasing number, for the American
Glee Club" is composed of a number
of tulented singers and entertainers
who are accustomed to entertaining
the public.
On November 18 The Cosford Trio,
a group of instrumental musicians,
will be here. This group is composed
of a violinist, a pianist, and a harpist.
All three are professional entertain
ers who have spent a number of years
in lyceum courses. These musicians
have been universally popular where
ever they have appeared. They will
be followed on January 16 by Helen
Simpson, an impersonator of note.
Miss Simpson offers -a program of
costumed impersonations whif'h is
said to be universally well received.
She also sings, playing her own ac
companiment. Dr. G. Whitcfield Ray,
a South American explorer and lec
turer, will come on January SI, and
the series will close by a lecture
from John B. Ratto, humorist. Doth
of these men are known to many of
the citizens of Heppner.' Dr. Kay ij
probably the most distinguished of
all the group of entertainers who
will be here this winter. For a num
ber of years he was official explorer
for the Bolivian government, and
while acting in that capacity he had
many thrilling adventures. Mr. Rat
to has been here before on Lyceum
lectures and his humorist entertain
ments are said by all who have heard
them, to be well worth while.
Aside from the lyceum course a
number of local events that should
prove of interest to the entire com
munity are scheduled for appearance
during the year.
The junior class of Heppner high
school is now selecting its class play,
which will be given the latter part of
November or the first part of Decem
ber. The class is searching for a
play of unusual merit, as it will be
the first school production to take
place in the new building, and they
wish to set a mark of quality for all
school entertainments.
For Borne years the members of the
local Legion post have been discuss
ing the pros and cons of giving a rip
roaring "hp-man" war play, replete
with all the thrills of war days. It
is thought that the boys may get
their courage up to "strut their
stuff" sometime during the winter.
Supt. Burgess is holding open a date
about the first of February for this
Not content with being merely
school dads and ma'ams, several mem
bers of the school faculty have a
sneaking hunch that they can shine
ns actors, and they arc talking of giv
ing a play sometime during the year.
Among the Inst and best events of
the "theatrical season" is the annual
home talent vaudeville, staged by the
various fraternal orders 'of the vil
lage in support of the local library.
After the "howling" success of this
entertainment last year, those behind
the library movement are universally
in favor of another play this year.
About the first or middle of March
has been tentatively set aside for
this stunt, with a nearlier date being
possible should the faculty play fail
to materialise.
An art exhibit is also scheduled
to take place some time in December.
This art exhibit is superior to the
, usual type of traveling exhibit and
(OontinuKl on Pag Six)
P .T. A. Holds First
Meeting on Tuesday
The Heppner Parent Teacher as
sociation held its first meeting in
the high school auditorium Tuesday
afternoon. A number of parents and
frienda of the school were present.
The opening address and introduc
tion of the new president, Mrs. Wal
ter Moore, was given by Supt. Bur
gess. .
., The following committees were ap
pointed by the president for the en
suing year: Programr- Ms. Paul
ifiammell, Mrs. W. 0. Dix, Mrs. E. E.
Clark; social, Mrs. Harold Case, Mrs.
Geo, Thomson, Mrs. Louis Bisbee,
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs. W. Cleve
land; publicity, Miss H. Thorpe;
membership, Mrs. Clara Beamer and
Mrs, Geo. Moore.
It is hoped that all friends and
parents will join the P. T. A. as a
large and interested membership is
bound to make a success of the asso
ciation and its undertakings,
Mrs. Buhn, the treasurer, reported
$45.35 in ithe treasury.
Miss Wilson's room won the five
dollars for having the most parents
and friends present. This amount is
given each month by the P. T. A. for
the purpose of building up room li
braries. Reporter.
Auxiliary Entertains
At Pot-Luck Supper
Heppner Unit, American Legion
Auxiliary, entertained Tuesday eve
ning at a pot-luck supper at the lo
cal headquarters, having as guests
members of the Xegion post. Al
though the spread was called a pot
luck supper, the thirty members of
the two organizations sat down to a
real banquet of chicken and all the
fixin's. Following" the supper the
Auxiliary glee club presented several
musical numbers which were greatly
appreciated, and the singing of old
war-time favorites was indulged in
by all present.
A short business session was de
voted tc plans for the Armistice day
activities and a discussion of an en
tertainment which it ia expected the
two organizations will put on shortly
after the first of the year. For the
dance on Armistice night jpany spec
ial jcatuies are planned, and Fletch
ers Kound-Up orcnestm of Pendle
ton has been engaged to furnish the
music. Arrangements for the morn-
ii'g program are coming along nicely.
and it is hoped to make the observ
ance of Armistice day in Heppner
this year appropriate.
Street Improvements
Will Be Continued
This paper is informed that the
city has entered into a contract with
the operators of the rock crusher just
below town to furnish fifteen hundred
yards more of crushed rock to put
on the side and cross streets of the
cHy. The crusher will be moved to
the old quarry near the Rodeo field
and the necessary material ground up
were. Much of the work done by the
city already is of a very permanent
nature, and when the job has been
completed we shall have all our
streets practically macadamized, thus
puttnig an end to the mud, and
largely eliminating the dust nuisance
ns well.
Heppner wns honored on Wednes
day by a visit from Hun. N. J. Sin-
nott of The Dalles, Eastern Oregon's
congressman, who has been on a
jaunt over the territory embraced in
his district and includes all of the
counties lying east of the Cascade
mountains some considerable extent
of country. Mr. Sinnott, upon his
visit here had been in every one of
these counties except Sherman, and
he will be there today. Nick Sinnott
has represented this district in Con
gress for the last fifteen yeurs, and
it has been his habit to get around
and see his constituency practically
every year before going to Washing
ton, thus learning what is desired in
every part of the district he repre
sents. Mr. Sinnott has a largo circle
of friends in Morrow county, and
they are always glad to greet him
when he comes this way.
Brown Warehouse company have
been busy the past week installing
a new wheat cleaning machine at the
warehouse. This machine is called
the Eureka grain separator and is
used exclusively for the cleaning of
seed wheat, doing a very excellent
job of separating all noxious seeds
as well as shriveled grain from the
good seed. In connection with the
separator, the warehouse company
also has a seed treating machine,
which is used exclusively in the dry
treatment of seed grain. This new
machine is the aame make as the one
Mr. Brown had used before and has
about ten times the capacity of the
old separator.
Rev. Stanley Moore, Missionary in
Sunday school nt D:45 o'clock, We
want to start our school promptly,
so please make an effort to be on
Morning prayer and sermon at 11
o ciocK. The musical pnrt of our
worship, under the direction of Mrs,
Messildine, is assuming new beauty,
"0 come, let us sing unto the
The United Thank Offering boxes
should have been handed to Mrs.
Gammell, our secretary, this past
week. If you have not sent your
offering in please do so before next
Monday, ' - -
State Board - of Health
Gives Information
For Parents.
From State Board of Health.
From birth to the end of the period
during which children are compelled
to attend school, they are especially
susceptible to many of the acute com
municable diseases. The majority of
the diseases are communicable from
the onset of observable symptoms,
some of them before there is a dis
cernnble manifestation of anything
abnormal. It is obviously impossible
to eliminate by school inspection, or
by any other way, the transmission
of infection through those who pre
sent no evidence of being ill. Much
more, however, might be accomplish
ed in preventing the transmission of
diseases in schools if all children
presenting evidence of health dis
turbances were examined and kept at
home until they had fully recovered.
Any change from the normal appear
ance of the child should harbor sus
picion. Faintness, pallor, dizziness,
fever, running nose, inflamed or run
ning eyes, inflamed and swollen ton-
sels, pain in the ears, enlarged glands,
a beginning cough, or any other un
usual deviation from the normal,
rhould prevent the child from attend
ing school.
Many times children are sent to
school when their parents know that
they should be kept at home. It Is
the duty of parents to keep children
at home and notify, the school when
signs of illness are evident. Chil
dren who come to school with any
of these sign, should as soon as they
are discovered, be sent home. They
should not be allowed to return to
school until the health officer has
assured himself that they have ro
far recovered, that they will not be
the source from which diseases may
be transmitted. Early isolation of
those suffering from communicable
diseases is one of the most notent
factors in limiting and preventing I
the spread of disease. Early isolation
depends on prompt diagnosis, which
requires the co-operation of parents,
teachers, physicians and health of
ficials. Many times the symptoms
are trivial and on that accunt the
child is rl lowed to go to Bchool. Such
children may sometimes escape the
vigilance, of medical inspection. The
safest method to pursue is to excluCe
all children from school wno Pre
sent any signs of illness. They
should be isolated until such a time
as it may be safe to allow4hem to
return to school.
All school children should have a
thorough physical examination when
they enter school and they should be
reexamined as often as necessary to
insure health and protection in the
schools'. Closing the school without
closing other gathering places is no
longer desirable in outbreaks of con
tagious diseases. Schools should not
be closed in epidemics because keep
ing careful record of the school at
tendance frequently brings to light
hidden cases of the disease, and be
cause the children are usually much
safer at school under definite su
pervision and control than playing
about the streets with children who
may even have the disease.
Children with communicable dis
eases should be excluded during the
illness and as long as the disease can
be transmitted to others. Epidemics
arise from concealed cases, and con
trol of a situation, perhaps serious, is
sometimes lost through this conceal
ment. Absolute control of commun
icable diseases demands one hundred
per cent cooperation and the report
ing ot every case.
The big barn belonging t Heppner
Farmers Elevator company and sit
uated on the east side of Chase
street on the west end of the lot on
which the mill stands, was totally
destroyed by fire early Monday morn
ing. The file was of unknown origin
and wns discovered about a quarter
to twdo'clock and" the alarm given.
It had made such headway, however,
that there was no chance of saving
any part of the building when .the
fire Sppaiatus arrived on the scene.
The barn was used by Andrew Bald
win and he kept his delivery wagon
and team there. The two horses,
wagon, and a quantity of hay and
other feed, were destroyed in the
flames. A horse belonging to Chas.
Swindig was in the barn lot and es
will be given at the Alpine Bchool
house Friday evening, Oct. 14. It is
presented under the auspices of the
Alpine Church of Christ and the la
dies of the church will serve refresh
ments nt the close of the program
Seven-thirty will be the starting
Dour. A cordial welcome is extend
ed to everyone. The program will
consist of readings and musical se
lections by Mr. and Mrs. Wood of
Lexington and Mr. and Mrs. Bower
of Heppner.
A revival campaign will begin at
Alpine Church of ChriBt Sunday. Oct.
18. The preaching will be done by
James A. Pointer who is state evan
This will be the subject of the eve
ning sermon nt the Heppner Church
of Christ. The morning sermon will
be "Ordinances of the Lord,"
A place for you also at Bible school
and Christian Endonvor.
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
BY SCORE OF 14 - 0
First League Game With Fossil
Will be Played Here Next
Last Saturday, October 8, when
Heppner 'high school football team
journeyed to Hermlston to play the
high school football team of that
town they met a worthy toe in the
battle for the honors of the day on
the gridiron.
The game was a hard-fought con
test from start to finish, Hermiston
winning 14 to 0. It was a game
wherein more experienced players,
together with a great deal more
weight, won. Hermiston put the ball
over the goal line for the first touch
down in the latter part of the second
quarter, and did not score again until
the first of the fourth quarter. Then
with a splendid display of the old
fight and comeback the Heppner boys
opened up their game and took the
ball seventy yards on first downs to
within about eight yards of the goal
line when the game ended.
Despite the fact that this was only
the second game of the season for
Heppnerites, they played the entire
game without committing a single
fumble. Next Saturday Heppner
meets Fossil at Heppner, and the
game will be called at two o'clock
sharp. The Heppner boys know
something of the Fossil scrappiness
from -the years past, but they are de
termined to be scrappier than the
Fossil team and win their first league
Let's go, Heppner! Buy a season
ticket for the four home league
games. The boys are fighting hard
and are going after the league cham
pionship. The Heppner line-up was somewhat
weakened against Hermiston by the
loss of Gerald Slocum at tackle due
to slight injury to his nose. Besides
this, three new men who were not
thoroughly acquainted with the
plays, were used part of the game,
Ones Parker, "Red" B ram or arfd Paul
Hisler. This week's work should see
them developing into valuable ma
terial. The line-up was as follows:
Right ent, Bramer; right tackle,
Benge; right guard, Paul Jones; cen
ter, Evans; left guard, F. Walker;
left tackle, Thompsons left end,
Clarence Hayes; quartujack, Gent
ry; right half, Turner? left half,
Gammell; fullback, Parker.
Substitutions: H. Hayes for Bra
mer; Hisler for Parker; Parker for
Turner; Oviatt for H. Hayes.
The family of Mr. Nelson, acting
conductor on the Heppner branch,
departed Tuesday night for The
Dalles where they will be joined
shortly by Mr. Nelson. The conduc
tor's position on the branch is now
open for bids and it is understood
that C. E. Ebi, who has held the
position for several years, may, bid it
in again. Harry Davis, brakeman
for several years, has also given up
his job, and in company with Mrs.
Davis departed yesterday for The
nal for a good time, Star Theater,
The Womens Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church will
meet in the church parlors next Tues
day afternoon, October 18. A lun
cheon instead of a banquet will be
served at 1:30 for the winning side in
the recent contest. We especially
invite nil members and friends who
attended our missionary meetings
while the contest was on, and we
hope to have you present to help us
enjoy the hospitality of the losing
side. Secretary.
Wm. Lawson arrived in Heppner
on this morning's train from the
Greenhorn mountains where he has
been working at the mine of the
Heppner Mining company. He re
ports considerable snow there and
says it will not be long before Dan
Stalter, in charge, will have to cease
operations. In the tunnel now being
worked a large strata of talc forma
tion has been reached with a little
uncertainty as to the quality of the
pay dirt ahead.
Anson Wright, who was down from
his Hardman home on Wednesday, re
ports that wet weather has done lit
tle damage to uncut crops; in fact
most of the grain was threshed be
fore the rains set in. Just now it is
a little too wet out that way to do
weeding and seeding with any suc
cess. The American Legion Auxiliary will
hold its next meeting on Tuesday eve
ning, Oct. 18th. The hostesses will
be Mrs. Ben Buschke and Grace Bus
chke. Members are again reminded
of the food sale on Saturday, Oct.
15th. Please have your donations at
Phelps' store at 10:30 a. m.
Leonard and Earl Gilliam are each
reported to have bagged a buck deer
while on a hunt this week in com
pany with Kenneth Mahoncy, Jas.
Cowins and a man from Portland.
The luck of the other hunters was
not learned, and the party is expect
ed home today.
Local snaps and Rodeo bucket's on
screen at Star Theater Saturday
Al Hcnriksen of Pendleton and his
son Oral of La Grande were in the
city Saturday, being called here on
matters of business.
Organization Completed
at High School Will
s Impell Work.
At a meeting held at the high
school Monday evening, the Camp
Fire Girls were organized. The high
school group elected Katherine Bis
bee as temporary president and Al
ma McDuffee as secetary. Three other
groups, consisting of girls in the
grades, have been organized. The
entire program will be under the
leadership of Miss" Elizabeth Phleps,
and each group will have a guardian,
a lady who is keenly interested in
the organization.
The naitional organization was com
pleted in 1912 and today, fifteen
years after the incorporation of
Camp Fire,' there are Camp Fire
groups in every state in the union
and twenty-one different countries.
Six hundred thousand girls have
lived the Camp Fire program of work,
health, love and service.
A system of honors, separated in
to seven groups called "Crafts," con
sist of the following: home, health,
camp, hand, nature, business and
citizenship. The Can-.p Fire program
stresses all of these Crafts in a
girl's ' education and endeavors to
train the girls for womanhood in the
broad, old-fashioned sense of the
word, as well as in the new sense,
in which citizenship and efficiency
are considered.
A permanent organization will be
completed at the high school build
ing next Wednesday afternoon at 4
Eastern Oregon Boys
to Appear in Big Game
Pendleton, Ore., Oct. 12. When
the University of Oregon and Wash
ington State college freshmen foot
ball teams line up on October 21 on
the Pendleton Round-Up grounds for
their first clash in years several
Eastern Oregon boys will be seen in
the Oregon line-up. The Oregon
freshmen are expected to become the
power of future varsity elevens in
the next three years, and this year's
team is said to possess untold power
in line and backneld.
Pominent among the Umatilla
boys playing on the Oregon eleven
is Harold Johnson, former McLaugh
lin high fullback, who is making a
strong bid for the yearling eleven at
Eugene. Another is Tuck Hodgen,
former Athena star. Francis Sulli
van, William Laing, Elbet Belts and
Thomas Johns of Pendleton are also
working on the first year eleven un
der Coach Rinehart and show prom
ise. The Oregonians are able this year
to send a team on the gridiron weigh
ing in the neighborhood of 190
pounds to the man which is some
thing for a first year eleven.
On the other hand the Cougar Kit
tens stack up just as well under the
guidance of Coach Schlademan at
Pullman. A powerful combination
is coming to Pendleton.
Both mentors are finding it a diffi
cult 'task to cut their squads down
this season and it is extra hard to
select the 25 men to make the trip
for the biggest game of the season
for each team and the biggest game
cf the year for Eastern Oregon. Sam
Dolan, noted Notre Dame player and
official at Pacific coast conference
games, will referee the contest and
Bill Mulligan, Gonzaga star and well
known coast official, will act as um
pire. Bob Quinn, Pendleton high
school coach and prominent O. A. C.
athlete, will be head linesman.
Corrigall Will Filed For
"Probate Here Saturday
The last will and testament of the
late M. S. Corrigall of Butter creek
was filed for probate in the office of
Clerk Anderson on Saturday, and
Mrs. Corrigall is named executrix, to
act without bond. The estate is es
timated at close to $200,000.
According to the provisions of the
will, $5,000 is to be paid to each of
the daughters of MA Corrigall, and
the home ranch on Butter creek, to
gether with all range lands that go
with it, are bequeathed to his son,
Ralph, and the residue of the estate
is to pass to Mrs. Corrigall for her
use and benefit as long as she lives.
Chautauqua Committee Meeting.
The president of the local Chautau
qua association announces that there
is important business that needs im
mediate attention, and would like all
those interested in the organiza
tion to be present at a meeting to
be held at the council chambers on
Tuesday evening next, Oct. 18, at
7:30 o'clock.
Dr. J. E. Sharp, dentist of Pilot
Rock, was a visitor in Heppner on
Tuesday, coming over on the Pendle
ton stage and returning in the after
noon. Dr. Sharp was formerly a resi
dent of Heppner, this being some 25
years ago, at which time he was en
gaged in the baiber business here.
He later took up the study and prac
tice of dentistry and was for many
years located in his home town of
r'endleton. This is his first visit here
in oil these years and he did not
recognize the city.
Regular meeting of Heppner Post
No 87, American Legion, will be held
Monday evening, October 17. All
members are urged to attend.
Morrow County Rebekahs
Meet Here October 31st
The annual convention of Morrow
county Rebekahs wil be held in
Heppner, at I. O. O. F. hall, on Fri
day, October 21st, and an urgent in
vitation is extended to every Re
bekah in the county, as well as to all
visitors to be present and enjoy this
An attractive featura of the con
ention will be the degree team from
the Rebekah lodge at The Dalles,
which will be here and put on the
work. Everything points toward a
very interesting meeting.
Wheat shipping from branch points
is going on at a lively pace these
days, but so far the largest single
train reported was made up last
night. Thirty carloads of the golden
grain were included in this train
when it reached Heppner Junction.
Even at this rate, however, it will
be several months before all of the
1927 crop is moved to market. A lit
tle more active selling is reported
this week, the Portland price quo
tations having gone up several cents
with the market steady.
District Conference of
Eastern Star Oct. 20th
The Order of Eastern Star will
hold a district conference in this
city on next Thursday evening, Oct.
20, beginning promptly at 8:00 o'
clock at Masonic hall.
The lodges of lone and Arlington
will meet with Ruth Chapter, and
the visiting chapters will eremplify
the degree work. MrB. Margaret
Barnes of Grants Pass, worthy grand
matron, will also be present. Follow
ing the meeting, a banquet will be
served in the dining hall.
Celestine Balsiger was born in St.
Gallen, Switzerland, in 1941, and died
of heart failure caused by old age, at
the home of her son, Paul Balsiger, in
lone, Oregon, on Wednesday, October
5, 1927, after two weeks' illness, be
ing 86 years and three months of age.
She crossed the ocean to America
when only eight years of age, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Rietmann, who settled with their
family on a farm near Highland, III.
With them also came Ferdinand Bal
siger, then a young man, and whom
later, when of mature age, she mar
ried in 1858.
In 1894 she emigrated to Oregon
with her husband, where their daugh
ter, Anna, and son, Arnold, preceded
to prepare a home in the West, set
tling at lone, where she lived for 33
years. Mrs. Balsiger made her home
with them for ten years, but when
her daughter, Anna, who had been a
successful teacher for more than 20
years and also held the position of
first woman superintendent of schools
of Morrow county, succumbed to an
operation for appendicitis, she made
her home with her son, Paul Balsiger,
and- part of the time with her other
During the illness of Miss Balsiger,
the mother was constantly at her
bedside and could not be persuaded
to leave for needed rest, feeling that
she might contribute to the comfort
and relieve the suffering of her be-j
loved daughter until she passed away,
and then bowed to the will of the Al
mighty. Seventeen years ago, Jan
uary, 1909, her husband preceded her
in death.
She was a member of the Congre
gational church all her life and for
years acitve in helping to build and
support the church at lone. She con
secrated her entire life to her Lord
and Master and through her every
act, whether in the daily work or in
her worship of God, one could not
help but see emanating a Christian
spirit and devotion rare among Chris
tian people. Always mindful of the
welfare and feelings of her dear ones,
always ready to do her part in re
lieving the suffering of others, she
was always ready and on hand when
called by any of her loved ones when
ill or in trouble, and tenderly nursed
them back to health, whenever pos
sible. When her last illness came she
longed to go and meet her God, feel
ing that her life's work was ended
and on Wednesday, October 5, at 4:30
the final summons came.
Mrs. Balsiger is survived by one
sister, Mrs. Alice Keller, and one
brother, Paul Rietmann of lone; one
daughter, Mrs. Chas. Allinger of
lone; five sons, Fred of White Sal
mon, Wash.; Arnold of Vancouver,
Wash.; Paul of lone; Dr. John of
Portland, and Louis of lone; also 15
grandchildren and 13 great grand
children. Funeral services were held Friday,
October 7, at 10:00 a. m., at the Con
gregational church. Rev. W. W.
Head, the pastor, preached a most
impressive sermon and many were
there to show their last respects to
"Gandma" Balsiger as she was known
among her numerous friends of lone
and vicinity, who literally covered
her last resting place with beautiful
floral wreaths and flowers. Interment
was in lone cemetery.
B. S. Clark, who has farmed for
several yeors out north of Lexington,
this week disposed of his wheat land
holdings to Wm. Smithurst, promis
ing young farmer of this county. Mr.
Smithurst will take immediate pus
session and Mr. Clark is looking
around for a smaller place suitable
for caring for his stock of cows and
chickens, with the raising ol which
he has been engaged the past two
years. Edgar Copenhaver, who cared
for the crop on this place last sea
son, harvested a good crop.
Arthur Brisbane
Good News for Mothers.
A Friendly Fight.
Be Ready for War.
Colleges and Men.
Dr. Aycock, chief of Harvard's In
fantile Paralysis Commission, re
ports that the paralysis germ has
been classified, and a suitable animal
is sought to produce an antitoxin. Dr.
Aycock agrees with Doctors Flexner
and Nougchi, of the Rockefeller In
stitute, that the germ is Bp small that
it will pass through any filter that
can be made.
Some horse or other animal will
supply the right serum for antitoxin,
and then , anti-vivisectionists will
roar and another heavy burden of
fear will have been lifted from the
hearts of mothers.
The big automobile fight, expected
when Ford starts rolling out hig new
cars, will be a friendly enemies'
fight, according to Alfred P. Sloan,
Jr., president of General Motors.
Ford will make a good car, of good
value per dollar of price, and will
sell a great many of his new ears.
General Motors will continue to sell
great numbers of its cars in the va
rious price fields.
The real fight will be, as it should,
to increase quality, while cutting cost
of production and giving the public
the benefit of lower costs.
Another permanent fight is to make
the public understand that a motor
is as much a necessity as feet and
A busy man should have his car
always at hand, to save his time. A
family needs two cars, at least. And
that means no extravagance, for
time is worth saving, and, unlike
horses, cars do not eat when idle.
This country needs 30,000,000 ears
now, and, allowing five years' life
for each car, that means 6,000,000
new cars a year indefinitely. There
will be plenty of business for the man
able to make the right car for that
car's right price.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mack, arrest
ed for kissing in a car, recovered
$3,675 damages when they proved
they were married. Demonstrations
of affection in public are forbidden
because they are vulgar, or supposed
to be, and set a bad example. Would
Mr. and Mrs. Mack have gone to jail
had they kissed ten days before their
General Summeall tells the coun
try to be ready for war and warns
three months' delay my be fatal."
In Europe, it is said quite calmly
that Germany will probably not go ,
to war with Poland before 1932."
If the world goes to war again, it
will prove its insanity. But it has
done that often. This country does
n't want war, but sometimes it cant
be avoided.
The- United States should be
ready, in the air and below the
water especially. And there should
be a separate Cabinet officer, with
complete control under the Presi
dent, of the national air forces, in
terested in nothing but that air
International Harvester rnmnan.
has a mnehine fni- nifltinr atnnini
ft' B"'l'l"u.
and cleaning cotton that will-do away
witn oia-iasnioned hand picking.
That will cut the production cost
of cotton down, for the "stripper"
will strip five bales of cotton a day
with only two men on the machine.
If accurate, that news is more ira-
Oortant PVfn ihnn nnv Afh.. ....
this week. It might temporarily de
moralize tne ooutnern labor market,
but will ennhle Amaripnn Atnn
growers to compete with cheap labor
m cgypt, tne Sudan, India and else
where. President Lowell, of Harvard in
this good advice: "Don't take advice
too seriously."
He tells young men they must edu
cate themselves. "A college cannot
educate the student." Teachers can
hand you knowledge, but can't make
your brain digest it.
The worst of college is this: A
half-baked boy lives surrounded by
other half-baked boys, when he ought
to be living among men, learning to
be a man. He takes himself, the
other boys and their opinions ser
iously. An able educator says: "A
toy needs ten years Jto get over, the
harmful influences of college life."
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, October 11. Marvin Wight
man of Heppner has been pledged to
the Psi Chi social fraternity. He is
one of the many students pledged to
one of the thirty-six fraternities
here. Heavy pledging has been car
ried on as a result of the open rush
ing for men. The housing situation
is facilitated every yeur by the early
pledging of the men students, as no
modern dormitories are maintained
for men.
Local snaps and Rodeo buckers on
screen at Star Theater Saturday