PAGE EIGHT HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1927. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS An all day meeting of the Mission ary aociety of the Christian church was held at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Parker on Tuesday. Besides the usual devotional services, which were led by Mrs. Spencer Craw ford, the members and visitors enjoy ed a good social time. Miss Phyllis Brown, recently returned from the Near East, attended and gave an in teresting talk on the work of relief in which she has been interested for feveral years. The ladies of the mis sionary society will care for the schooling of one orphan in connection with that work the coming year. Architect Jenkins spent Monday and a part of Tuesday in Heppner from his home at Albany. He was here to look over the work on the new school building, and found it progressing satisfactorily in every re spect. Contractor Olson has been pushing the construction along as fast as possible, but wet weather and lack of material has caused some de lays and he will not be able to com plete the job in the time he had set, though he will not be behind on the schedule called for in the contract, .snd expects to finish up about the LOth of November. C. H. Latourell and his Tillamook friends, D. W. Ackley, E. M. Condit and Clint King, departed for the mountains this morning in quest of deer. The Tillamook gentlemen, with Mr. and Mrs. Latourell, had a hunt in the Blue mountain deer country some two weeks or more ago and bag ged three bucks, and the men from the coast city think our section a wonderful place for an outing of this kind, hence their second visit here before the deer season closes. County Agent Smith took Mrs. Smith and the children to Messner on Monday, where they took the train fof Spokane to visit with her par ents for a short time. Mrs. Smith will also visit with the parents of Mr. Smith at Palouse, Wash., before returning home. Otto Ruhl, Lexington wheatraiser, was attending to businses in this city on Mtnday afternoon. A heavy rain came down over that part of the country Monday and summer-fallow ' ground is in excellent shape for fall seeding. Karl L. Beach, merchant and bank er of Lexington, was a business vis itor in Heppner on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John McCulIough have moved to Portland where they will reside for the winter! Their home will be at 1185 Rodney avenue. Mr. McCulIough just recently disposed of his land holdings in this county, but they have their city property in Heppner yet. Senator Bob Carsner, leading stock man of Wheeler county, is a visitor in Heppner today from his home at Spray. Mr. Carsner states that his country has been mighty wet of lnte, but there is no particular complaint on this account. Mrs. Harvey Miller left the Hepp ner Surgical hospital Monday morn ing to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Sam Turner. The new baby is doing well, according to the doctor's report. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd of Ce cil were visitors here the first of the week. When they returned home they rode in a new Chrysler sedan, purchased from Walter LaDusire, lo cal dealer. The Needlework club of the Metho dist church met last week in the church parlors and will continue to meet there each Friday afternoon. All members and freinds cordially in vited. Estrayed Dark red cow with white face, branded full circle reversed in verted J on left shoulder; from Shurte residence, Heppner about Sept. 14. Notify Mrs. Geo. Burnside. 27-8p. W. P. Prophet received a bad cut on his left hand while chopping wood on Sunday. It required four stitches at the hands of Dr. McMurdo to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christopherson are the proud parents of a son, born to them on October 2 at lone. Dr. McMurdo reports mother and babe doing well. Pat McEntire has been on the sick list for two weeks, suffering a severe infection on his neck. He h reported to be much improved at the present writing. Consult Dr. Clarke about your eyes. In Heppner Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 15th and 16th, at Hotel Heppner, on his regular monthly trip. FOR SALE) One wood chopper's outfit and one Ford car. Inquire at Reid's planing mill. 29-31p WANTED Small band of good ewes. A. P. Ayers, Boardman, Ore. Dempsey and Tunney at Star Thea ter Tonight Are You Building- A HOUSE, BARN, MACHINE SHED, CHICKEN HOUSE? Or just doing some repairing? WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR MATERIAL BILL Heppner Planing Mill & Lumber Yard A. R. REID, Proprietor Phones Mill 9F25, Yard Main 1123 DANCE RHEA CREEK GRANGE HALI, Saturday,0ct.8 MUSIC BY ERWIN'S ORCHESTRA Public Invited Notice! Dr. Samuel H. Tyler EYESIGHT SPECIALIST of Bend, Ore. will be in Heppner at Buhn's Jewelry Store October 16 and 17 EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED (Regular visits will be made) ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPA LCHURCH. Rev. Stanley Moore, Missiorary in Charge. Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. 'Suf fer the little children ot come unto me." Mk. 10:14. The celebration of the Lord's Sup per at 11:00 o'clock. "Come unto me, all ye that travail and are heavy la den, and I will refresh you." Matt. 11:28. The Boy Scouts had their first real live meeting this past Tuesday. There were eleven boys out. Those who had passed tests received their scout pins and memberhip cards. We want to have a real live troop this year. Come out Tuesday, 11th, at 7:15 and join us and enjoy our fun and fellow ship. We are attempting to organize a drum and bugle corps. We need funds and would be glad to receive the assistance of any of our older friends and relatives. The Boy Rangers will meet this Thursday, 6th, in the Episcopal parish house. Bring in any recruits that are ready to join our organization. During the week of Oct. 30th to Nov. 6th the Ven. Mr. Sidney Creasey will conduct an eight-day mission in the Episcopal church. The churches are deeply concerned over the life of our nation today and the state of the souls of men in general. Many prob lems face us the home, the church, cur children, ourselves, our commun ity, our nation, all present questions that seem unanswerable to many. We want to try to find some answers to these question during this mission. IS EVOLUTION TRUE? Many textbooks and teachers of our schools work on the theory that evo lution is a proven fact. Is it? Some pertinent remarks will be made at the evening preaching hour at the Church of Christ. At the morning hour Miss Phyllis Brown will speak in the interests of the Near East Relief. Were you among those present at our splendid Bible school last Sun day? We have a place for you. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. MILTON W; BOWER, Minister. Fair Enough "Do you have to work long hours?" "No; only the regulation length; sixty minutes." There's a Difference "Put surely seeing is believing." "Not. necessarily; I see you every ti'OTICE.' My wife, Essie Lackey, having left my bed and board, notice ii hereby given that I will not be responsible for any bills or debta contracted by her from this date. , Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 29th day of September, 1927. ROBERT E. LACKEY. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, of Heppner Gazette Times, published weekly at Heppner, Oregon, foi Oc tober 1st, 1927. State of Oregon, County of Morrow, v ss. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Vawter Craw ford, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and 8ays that he is the publisher of the Hepp ner Gazette Times and that the fol lowing is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, em bodied in aection 411, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: That the names and addraesea of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business managers are: Publishers, Vawter and Spencer Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. Editor, Vawter Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. Managing Editor, Vawter Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. Business Managers, Vawter and Spencer Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. That .the owners are: Vawter and Spencer Crawford, Heppner, Oregon. That the known bondholders, mort gagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: First National Bank of Heppner, Heppner, Oregon. 1 That the two paragraphs next above giving the names of the owners, stock holders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stock holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the com pany but also, in cases where the stockholder ojr security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary re- DANCE Slks Hall, Heppner Saturday, October 8 Good cMusic Hardwood Floor st rooms for ladies and men Everyone Invited Van Brunt Drills iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit; 1. ALL STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 2. DURABLE AND LONG LIVED 3. DOUBLE RUN, POSITIVE FEED. 4. DISC BEARINGS, GUARANTEED FOR LIFE. There is no better drill made than the VAN BRUNT. IIIIIIIINIIIIIIlllllllillllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIill PEOPLES HARDWARE CO. Star Theater, Heppner, Ore. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 (ONE DAY ONLY) : Rex, the horse starred in BLACK CYCLONE, and Yakima Canutt, one time winner of the Pendleton Round-Up championship in ""THE DEVIL HORSE" A wild horse hero, with the pride of the unconquered, the ruggedness of nature, the heart of a human being, unrelenting, revengeful, making war on Indians and Indian herds in the dead of night or the blaze of noon. The tremendous human niterest of this picture makes it on eof the truly great produc tions. If you saw "BLACK CYCLONE," you will surely want to see "THE DEVIL HORSE." Also FELIX, the world fmaous cat, SHATTERS A SHEIK. And Jack Daugherty in STRINGS OF STEEL, the romantic development of the telephone told on the screen in the terms of high power action, a ten-episode chapter play. IIMIIIMIIIIIMIIIlllllHIIIIIHIlllllllilllllHttMIIIIIIHIMtlllllllMIIMIH ItlllHimilllMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllMlllttlllllllllllimilll SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8: Marie Prevost, Kenneth Harlan, Louise Fazenda in 'Bobbed Hair' A rollicking mystery-drama of love and adventure. A romantically adventurous tale of a girl who did not know which of two men she loved, so she ran away, in her masquerade costume of a nun, and in an exciting, thrilling night of adventure found the man she could, would and did marry. Hilarious ly funny. Also cartoon comedy YELLOW PIRATE and KINOGRAMS NEWS REEL. MllHHIHItlMHIIIIIIIIIIItlHIIIItllllllllHHtlllllllllllMIIMIIIIIItMllllllilll IIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIHIHIIIIHflMIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIHMIIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIIIIIHItll ' SUNDAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 AND 10: Art Young, World Famous Bow and Arrow Hunter, in "ALASKAN ADVENTURES" A Greater-Dnna Than Any Ever Written By Man! If you'fe tired of the commonplace, if you want the kind of thrills that come only with Great Adventures If you want to stalk the bear and live with nature in her grandest moods, DON'T MISS "Alaskan Adventures." Alaska! Land of Mysteries! Illuminated by the Midnight Sun, where the rivers run "God knows where," and Man is an Infant in the arms of Nature. An amazing, thrilling spectacle of Nature In her wildest moods. Also THE BATTLING SUITOR, two reel comedy. CHILDREN 20c ADULTS 40c. tMIIMlHIIIlllllltHHnilllHintllllMlim TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11 AND 12 : Bebe Daniels and Ford Sterling in. . . "STRANDED IN PARIS" Bebe as a peppery New York shop gril let loose on Parisian boulevards. If you're dull and feoling blue, grouchy don't know what to do, by all meanssee "Stranded In Paris. This is fine entertainme nt. . Also POUND FOOLISH, comedy, and SCREEN SNAPSHOTS. COMING NEXT WEEK: Fred Thompson and Silver King in DON MIKE. Hoot uibson in CHI1' Or THE FLYING U. Richard Dix in THE QUARTERBACK. Belle Bennett in MOTHER. lation, the name of the person or cor poration for whom such trustee is act ing, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements em bracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not ap pear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest, direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other secur ities than as so stated by him. VAWTER CRAWFORD, Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of October, 1927. JOS. J. NYS, Notary Public. My commission expires May 81, 1931. ByCrackie! We don't always know just how to say it to make you understand, but when you see our display of Fruits and Vegetables you'll "sure" want to buy. HIATT & DIX Phone Main 1072 We Deliver GIFTS & Novelty Departments Growing Daily and you needn't wait till Christmas, for we have many beautiful articles appropriate for party, birthday, or other gifts. Our Watch stock is always complete in wrist as well as pocket styles. BUHN'S P mmmmmwmmB NOW THAT THE COLD AND RAINY WEATHER IS ON, YOU WILL NEED Sweaters Blasers Mackinaws Rain Coats Slickers All the latest things in GALOSHES, GAITERS and ZIPPERS. We nave them for the whole family, for Girls, Boys, Ladies and Men. Thomson Bros. 1 llllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllH