Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 06, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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March SC. 1881.
Novmbeer 18, 1897,
Published every Thursday morning by
ud entered at the Poet Office at Reppner,
Oregon, aa second-class matter.
One Year
Six Months .,
Three Montha
iicglt Copies
Foreign Advertising Representative
We Should Heed.
AN OUNCE of prevention is
worth a pound of cure."
This is a time-worn adage, maybe
a bit hackneyed, but none the less
true. It is appropriate therefore,
that a time be set aside for the
consideration of fire prevention,
and every citizen of Oregon
should co-operate in making Fire
Prevention Week, October 9 to
15, as designated by proclamation
of the governor, successful in its
Heppner is well aware of the
expensive toll taken by uncon
trolled fire. Excessive property
losses within the city at numerous
times have thus been occasioned.
These memorable fires have re
sulted in better fire fighting equip
ment and a closer watch on the
water reserve for fire extinguish
ing. But this is not looking to the
cause, or means of prevention.
Concerted effort is needed to do
away with fire hazards, public and
private. Trash piles, deserted
wooden shacks, dry weeds and the
like, are fire traps endangering
adjoining property. These should
be cleaned up. In the home elec
tric wiring should be inspected for
worn -insulation, faulty connec
tions, and o'her defects that
might be the cause of a shorted
circuit, a spark, and a fire stoves
should be properly protected so
as not to endanger wall paper, dra
peries and the like, and chimneys
inspected for possible spark leaks;
matches should be kept in closed
containers and out of reach of
mice and children; inflammable
materials such as coal oil. gasoline
and cleaning fluids should be kept
away from flames in fact, every
precaution should be taken, for
any one of dozens of fire sources
is a potential destroyer of the
Fire Prevention Week is a good
time to take stock of these things
which should be practiced dili
gently every day of the year.
Why Not Finish It?
THE Heppner Gazette Times in
its last issue carries an editor
ial from the East Oregonian crit
icising slow work on the Vinsbn
Lena gap and adds this comment
of its own:
This has been a Bubject of com
ment over this way for some time, and
complaints have come to this paper
that the slow progress being made by
the contractors in getting the crushed
rock on the road was apparenty un
necessary, and many autoists were at
a loss to know why it was taking so
everlastingly long to get through
with the job. We are glad that the
Songs of Plain Folks
It's sweatin' Pete and swearin' Pat
When the section gang's at work;
It's "blast ye" this and "dom ye" that,
And it's "steady, boys, don't jerk!"
It's roll of wheel and ring of steel,
Of hammer, spike and rail
But there's a change, both sweet
When the moon rides up bo pale.
Oh, the little hills of Erin
Are full of fairy folk
Who slit) ut to the cambfirt
When the Irish sit and
And carnnnres flicker low.
It's yarnin' Pat and dreamin' Pete
s Irish fancies flow;
If s yearn in' Pat with croonin'
Accordion at knee.
Breathing out melodies as sweet
As sunny Italy
For the smiling lakes that
Blue skies of Italy
Imparl to all her children
bweet Musk s mystery.
BfcFrank Crane Says
Tl ffODESTY is one of the chief characteristics of true great
"ness. A great" man caq have no further commendation or
no greater bid for popularity than -to have it said that he is
This has been a characteristic of President Coolidge. He
has avoided the spotlight and attended to the serious duties of
his office with becoming humility. His recent word that he
did not choose to run for President again should be taken at its
face value. It is the solemn dictum of a man who, having
achieved the acme of his popularity, desires to step aside.
Another man who is winning all kinds of plaudits and reap
ing all sorts of popularity from his becoming modesty is the
Prince of Wales. Of course he deserves no credit for being
born the son of a king, but he does deserve credit for not slop
ping over. He has managed to say the right thing at the right
time and to conduct himself with becoming decorum in what
ever limelight he may be placed. While he is not to be cred
ited with the distinction of being born to royalty, he is entitled
to the distinction of caring for the duties of this superior place
as he should. He is well liked not only throughout the British
Dominions, but in the United States and elsewhere throughout
the world.
To those who have met Jack Dempsey personally he has
been a surprise. They expected the Manassa mauler to look like
a bruiser. They were surprised to find him gentle, well liked by
everybody and courteous. His form is slim and his manner is
that of a gentleman. He is affectionate in his family relations
and altogether those who know him are not envious of his fame.
The fourth modest man that has recently loomed in the
horizon has been Lindbergh After achieving a feat that
brought him the plaudits of kings and nations everywhere he
apparently was not possessed of the idea that he was a super
man, but modestly restrained his claims to those of a flying
man. He had crossed the ocean alone in a flying plane, but did
not suppose that because he had done a stunt with' his machine
in the air he could do every other kind of thing. It is with a
feeling of pride that the people of the country read of the way
he demeaned himself in France and in Great Britain and in con
nection with the officials of this country. As far as we know, he
has no enemies, for the one thing that makes an enemy is over
weaning egotism.
America is justly proud of these four men and principally
because they are not proud of themslves especially.
Pendleton paper has called direct at
tention to this.
Well, we complained, but if
there is any intention of speeding
up the work this paper has not
heird of it. There has been a
statement that the soft spots would
be gravelled as soon as possible
and that the road would be "pass
able" this winter. That news has
an ominous sound. We are pay
ing for an improved highway. We
can get "passable" roads without
paying high license fees and a
three cent gas tax.
Why not rush this work and get
it done? On many jobs contract
ors work their crushers day and
night. Would it not be a good
thing for this cintractor and every
body else to get this job finished
even if necessary to use some ex
tra men? When the state col
lects its license money it does not
accept, excuses.
Your Job.
week celebrated the seventy
second anniversary of the day on
which he got his first job. He was
sixteen years old and is now
eighty-eight. Young gentlemen
will observe that Mr. Rockefeller
took that first job seriously and
worked hard at it, although no of
fice boy would condescend to ac
cept twice as much now.
Those that smile when told Mr.
Rockefeller still has the first dol-
James lewis Haus
and strange,
r -
'M, 'i
lar he ever earned should remem
ber that he also has the first HUN
ever earned which is no laugh
ing matter and the second, third
and fourth hundred million.
Also Mr. Rockefeller, since he
took that small job, in 1855, has
given away, to science, charity
and education, more than five
hundred million dollars. It pays,
apparently, to take your job, big
or little, seriously.
Soon Now.
AMUNDSEN and Nobile con
tinue their quarrel as to which
deserves credit for their dirigible
flight over the North P6le. No
bile says: "Mussolini ordered.the
flight; Italians made it possible
and built the dirigible. I ran the
airship. Italy deserves the cred
it." Amundsen, in a book just
published, says he deserves the
credit and that Mussolini admitted
What interests Americans is
that while Amundsen and Nobile,
who had a long start, were get
ting ready, Commander Byrd, a
young American, jumped into his
airplane and flew over and around
the North Pole twice, the first
man that ever did that.
Commander Byrd, who speaks
about flying with authority, says
the real plane eventually will be
a liner with ten motors, going 500
miles an hour, able to fly five days
without stopping. Such a ship
could cross the ocean in six hours,
fly around the world in two days.
Millions now living will see that
machine and greater machines.
OONER or later, of course, the
ited States will have three
distinct arms for national defense,
an Air Department taking its
place with that of Army and Na
vy. There will bet. a Secretary of
equal ranking, with place in the
President's cabinet and unless
the trend of the times is entirely
misleading, the Air Department
will rank of first importance.
Old ideas die slowly. Power
gives up its throne ungraciously.
It has always been thus. Great
minds have usually been perse
cuted and punished for daring to
try to change the order of things
even for distinct advancement
of mankind.
Former Colonel William E. Mit
chell of the U. S. Army Air Divis
ion dared some two or three years
ago to tell us what we needed in
the air to keep abreast other na
tions. He advocated an Air De
partment under its own head and
detached from Army and Navy
to the extent that those depart
ments have always been separat
ed. It was not long until he found
himself back in private life.
The American Legion in its
Paris convention, just closed, has
gone on record for an Air Depart
ment as a new and separate unit
of our defense. Of course it will
not come soon because Washing
ton does not operate that way.
But eventually .
Does the reader of these lines
know of a man better qualified to
head the department than Wil
liam E. Mitchell? The nation
owes it to him.
Polite Father ,
Distracted Parent "John, will you
speak "to those children?"
Father "Good evening, children.
A Punning Pair
"This 1b rough on me," chorted the
dumb co-ed as the Stude-who-didn't
share kissed her.
Gee Gosh
"Give me the gist of his
Badle "They were
gist terrible."
By Gosh, This Is Sudden
He "I hear you are going to be
married. When, may I ask?"
She "You may ask now, if you're
ure you love me."
Just Like That
"Do you know that Bob kissed mc
twice this morning before I could stop
"The scoundrel! What cheek!"
"Both." j
Lets Get Straight
"Come here, waiter. Are you hard
of hearing?"
"Possibly, sir, possibly."
"I thought so, I asked for liver,
not leather."
Coffee, Coffee, Everywhere
Mrs. Ex was throwing a big feed
that night and she was giving her
new maid final instructions.
"And don't forget, Mary, that coffee
is served after everything."
"Yes, ma'am," replied the girl, "I
And during the dinner she served
coffee after the soup, after the fish,
after the meat, as well as after the
Ain't Got No Will Power
She could stand it no longer. The
man had the effrontery to continue
smoking that vile smelling weed, in
spite of the black glances she had
been throwing his way.
"Sir,"' she said in a haughty voice,
"smoking always makes me ill."
"Then, madam," replied" her seat
inate, "take my advice and give it up."
To Help Matters
Passionate "The more I look at
you the njore beautiful you seem."
Sweetie "YesV"
"I ought to look at you more oftun."
Always Has Been
Dizzy "It's a shaky business."
Broad "What is?"
"Shootin' the dice."
Stationary Like
Tourist "Say, boy, where does this
road go to?"
Indignant. "It don't go anywhere.
It's here every morning when I come
Such Is Youth
The little ferry was just pulling
out when Jim the Jocular Junior
rushed up the dock.
"Hey, there," he shouted to the
captain, "there's a party of twenty
coming on board.
When the captain heard that he
ordered the boat backed up, and Jim
got on board. After waiting a few
minutes the captain, becoming impa
tient, asked if the party would be
much longer. "What part?" asked
"Why that party of twenty you
spoke about."
"Oh, I'm that party. I'm twenty
today. It's my birthday."
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned was duly appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County administrator of
the estate of Emmett Callahan, de
ceased, and all persons having claims
against the estate of said deceased
are hereby required to present the
same to the undersigned administra
tor with proper vouchers, at the law
office of Jos. J, Nys, at Heppner, ure
gon, within six months from the date
of this notice.
Dated and first published this oth
day of October, 1927.
FRANK OTTO, Administrator.
Department of the Interior, U. S
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon,
Sept. 24. 1927.
NOTICE is hereby given that Fos
ter T. Collins, of Hardman, Oregon,
who, on Nov. 8, 1922, made Homestead
Entry under Act Feb. 19, 1909, No.
022962, for EV4SW, SttSEtt, Sec.
10, NV4NEK, NEWNW, Section 15,
Township 6 South, Range 25 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final three year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before Gay M. An
derson, United States Commissioner,
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 15th day
of November, 1927.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Richard H. Steers, of Hardman,
John J. McDonald, of Hardman,
Oregon. ,
W. A. McCarty, of Hardman, Ore
gon. John Halton, of Heppner, Oregon.
J. W. DONNELLY, Register.
Notice is hereby given that by vir-
tue of an execution and order if sale
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County ef
Morrow on the 21st day of September,
1927, upon a jujdgment and decree of
foreclosure duly entered in said court
On the 21st day of September, 1927, in
the suit wherein The Oregon-Washington
Joint Stock Land Bank of Port
land, Oregon, a corporation, is plain
tiff, and Robert 0. Donavan and Sa
die L. Donavan, his wife, Oscar R.
Donavan, .Albert E. Johnson and Ed
na W. Johnson, his wife, J. 0. Elrod,
W. S. Smith and C. W. McNamer, are
defendants, I will on Friday, the 21st
day of October, 1927, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock A. M., at the front door
of the Court House in Heppner, Mor
row County, Oregon, offer for sale
and proceed to sell to the highest bid
der for cash in hand, subject to re
demption, the following described real
property situate in Morrow County,
State of Oregon, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter (NE of
NW4), Lots One (1) and Two
(2), the North Half of the North
east Quarter (NH of NEK),
Southwest Quarter of the North
east Quarter (SWK of NEtt) and
the Southeast Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter (SE14 of
NW), all in Section Nineteen
(19), Township One (1), North of
Range Twenty-five (25) East of
the Willamette Meridian
to satisfy the sum of Four Thousand
Five Hundred Twenty-seven and 84
100 Dollars ($4527.84), with interest
from September 29, 1927, at the rate
of eight per cent (8) per annum,
and the further sum of Three Hun
dred fifty and 00-100 Dollars ($350.00)
attorneys' fees, and the further sum
of Sixteen and 30-100 Dollars ($16.30)
costs and the coats of said execution.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Ofegon.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this
Z6th day of September, 1927.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County Executrix of the
estate of Nancy Brundage, deceased,
and that all persons having claims
against the said estate must present
the same, duly verified according to
law, to me at the office of my attorney
S. E. Notson, in Heppner, Oregon
within six months from the date of
first publication of this notice, said
date of first publication being the 8th
day of September, 1927.
BESSIE C. OWEN, Executrix.
Morrow County, Oregon, A Public Corpora
tion, Plaintiff,
Ewinar P. Berry, JameB Carty, Claud L.
Finley, J. V. Peterson, Mike C. Marshall,
M. F. Cochran, J. K. Weatherford, L. D.
Neill. E. O. Neill. Frank Fox. J. A. Lov
gren, Mary Perry, Bernard Ward, J. R.
Nunamaker. E. H. Flemminsr. C. L.
Swain, R. E. Dodd, Wm. Dodd, Maurice
Hunter. Clifford E. Snow. Alfred R.
Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon,
May Powderly, C. F. Whitman, W. C.
Wilson, J. E. Wilson, T. B. Nunamaker,
Peter Finnie, G. A. Bleakman, W. H.
Miller, John Miller. Hanna Hensley. J.
A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallas,
Boardman Townsite Company, a corpor
ation. M. B. Willard. E. P. Dodd. W. H.
Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any
other person, or persons owning or claim
ing to own, or having or claiming to
have any interest or estate In or to the
real property hereinafter described.
NO. 2528.
To Ewing P. Berry. James Carty. Claud L.
Finley, J. V. Peterson, Mike C. Marshall,
M. F. Cochran. J. K. Weatherford. h. D.
Neill, E. O. Neill, Frank Fox, J. A. Lov
gren, Mary Perry, Bernard Ward, J. R.
Nunamaker, E. H. Flemming, C. L.
Swain, R. E. Dodd, Wm. Dodd, Maurice
Hunter, Clifford E. Snow, Alfred R.
Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon,
May Powderly, C. F. Whitman, W. C.
Wilson, J. E. Wilson, T. E. Nunamaker,
Peter Finnie, G. A. Bleakman, W. H,
Miller. John Miller. Hanna Hensley. J,
A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallas,
Koardman Townsite Company, a corpor
ation. M. B. Willard. E. P. Dodd. W. H,
Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any
other person or preaons owning or claim
ing to won or having or claiming to have,
any interest or estate in or to the real
property hereinafter described.
OREGON : You and each of you are here
by notified that the above named plaintiff,
a public corporation, is the purchaser, own
er, and holder of certificates of delinquen
cy numbered 1206, 1207, 1211, 1213, 1217,
1221, 1286, 1237, 1250, 1251, 1265, 1266,
1269, 1276, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 129S,
1294, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1300, 1301, 1302,
1308. 1314, 1316. 1317. 131S. and 1319. Is
sued on the 16th day of July, 1924, by the
Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes
for Morrow County, Oregon, and filed by
the said Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent
Taxes in the office of the County Clerk of
the County or Morrow, state or Oregon, on
the 27 Ih day of October. 1924. for taxes
due and delinquent, together with penalty,
interest ana costs thereon, upon real prop
erty situated in Morrow County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the amount
for which said certificate is issued is set
opposite end following the description of
the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set
out, the same being the anviunt then due
and delinquent, for taxes for the year 1919,
together with penalty, interest and costs
thereon, upon real property situate in Mor
row County, Oregon, and particularly
bounded and described as hereinafter set
forth, said tract or parcel of land being
assessed lor the year 1919 to the first per
son whose name immediately precedes the
description thereof, and is followed by the
name of the person appearing to be the
owner thereof, as appears on the tax ro
of Morrow County, Oregon, for the year
1926, now In the hands of the Sheriff of
said County for collection, at the date of
the first publication of this summons and
notice, which date Is the 16th day of Sep
tember, 1927.
Certificate No. 1206, James Carty
and James Carty, Sections 1 and
6, Southwest quarter of Section
8, Section 9, NortheaBt quarter
of Section 10, Section 17, Town
ship 2 North, Range 25 East of
Willamette Meridian; Southeast
quarter and Southeast quarter
of Northeast quarter of Section
6, Township 2 North, Range 26
East of Willamette Meridian;
Sections 18, 17, 21, 25, 29, 83,
and 86, Township 8 North, Range
26 East of Willamette Meridian ;
Section 86, Township 4 North,
Range 26 East of Willamette
Meridian, and Section 86, Town
ship 4 North, Range 26 East of
Willamette Meridian 11,440.86
uortmcate no. :zuf., James carty
and Jnmes Carty, Tract No. 9 In
Lot 4, Block 0; Lot 6, Block 9;
and Tract No. 10 In Lot 8, Block
9, of Lexington, Oregon 2.48
Certificate No. 1211, Ewing P. Ber
ry and James Carty, W14SW14,
SWtfNWK and NN'j, Sec
tion 6, Township 2 North, Range
26 East of Willamette Meridian 28.74
Certificate No. 1218, Claud L. Fin
ley and J. V. Peterson, Southeast
quarter of Northeast quarter of
Section 19, Township 2 North,
Range 28 East of Willamette Me
ridian g 44
Certificate No. 1217, Mine C. Mar
shall and Mike C. Marshall, All
of Section 16, Township 8 North,
Range 24, E. W. M 6,7.64
Certificate No. 1221, M. F. Coch
ran and M. F. Cochran, Lota 1
and 2, and S4SE4 of Section
8, except the town or Castle
Rock, Township 4 North, Range
24, E. W. M. ; Lots 11 to 16, in
clusive. Block 1, Lots to 12.
inclusive. Block 2, Lots 9 to 12.
inclusive, Block 4, South half of
Block 8. Lota 6 to 16, inclusive,
Block 6, Lota 2 to 18, inclusive.
Block 6, Lots 8 to 8, inclusive,
and South half, Block 8, Block
7, Block . Lot 4 and South half
of Block 10, Lots 8 to 7, inclu
sive, and Lots 12 to 16, inclu
sive. Block 11. Lots 8 to 7, in
clusive, and South half of Block
12, Blocks 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and
18. in the Town of Castle Rock 104.01)
Certificate No. 1235, J. K. Weather- . .
ford and J. K. Weatherford,
NEV.NEi-i, SVjNE'i. SE less
tract sold, Section 4 Towaship
1 South, Range 24 East of Wil
lamette Meridian ; and Blocks
20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 27, and 28,
Wills' Addition to lone, Oregon 91.87
Certificate No. 1237, L. D. Neill and
E. O. Neill, East half of South
east quarter of Section 2, Town
ship 1 South, Range 27 E, W, M. (.80
Certificate No. 1250, Frank Fox
and Frank Fox, SW',iSE14. Sec
tion 17, Township 8 South, Range
28 S. W. M-; WV4NE"4, SE'4
NEK, and EVjSEM. Section 20, ,
Township 8 South, Range 23
E. W. M. ' 64.98
Certfiicate No. 1251, J. A. Lov-
gren and J. A. Lovgren, North
west quarter of Section 17,
Township 3 South, Range 23 E.
W. M ..... 89.87
Certificate No. 1266, Mary Perry
and Mary Perry, SEV4;NW and
NEV4SWM, Section 32, Town
ship 4 South. Range 24 E. W. M. 7.16
Certificate No. 1266, Bernard Ward
and Bernard Ward, NW, W14
NEW, , NW'-iSEM, and NEW
SW',4. Section IS, Township 4
South. Range 26 E. W. M 74.95
Certificate No. 1269, J. R. Nuna
maker and J. R. Nunamaker,
SWVi, Section 21, Township 6
South. Range 27 E. W. M - 20.89
Certiilcate No. 1276, E. H. Flem
ming and E. H. Flemming, SH
Lot 1 and Lots 2, 8, and 4, Block
8, Sperry's Third Addition to
lone. Oregon .. - 17.09
Certificate No. 1289, C. L. Swain
and C. L. Swain, Lot 8, Block
15. of Irrigon. Oregon .83
Certificate No. 1290, R. E. Dodd
and Wm. W. Dodd, Lota 9 and
10. Block 16. of Irrigon Oregon 2.89
Certificate No. 1291, Maurice Hun
ter and Maurice Hunter, Lots
1 and 2. Block 28. of Irrigon.
Oregon j 1.16
Certificate No. 1292, Clifford E.
Snow and Clifford E. Snow, Lota
3 and 4. Block 28. of Irrigon.
Oregon 1.16
Certificate No. 1293. Alfred R.
Kelly and Alfred R. Kelly. Lota
iU and i0. Block 2B, of Irrigon.
Oregon 1.16
Certificate No. 1294, John W. Mar
tin ind John W. Martin, Lot 7,
Block 30, and Lot 11, Block 87.
of Irrigon. Oregon 1.16
Certificate No. 1296, C. P. Gam
mon and C. P. Gammon, Lot 8,
Block 88, of Irrigon, Oregon ..... .82
Certificate No. 1297, May Powder
ly and May Powderly, Lot 6,
Block 89, of Irrigon, Oregon .82
Certificate No. 1298, C. F. Whit
man and C. F. Whitman, Lot 6.
Block 39, of Irrigon, Oregon .88
Certificate No. 1300, W. C. Wilson.
J. E. Wilson and T. E. Nuna
maker, Lots 11 and 12. Block 41.
Irrigon, Oregon 10.96
Certificate No. 1801, Peter Finnie
and Peter Finnie, Lot 27. Block
39, Irrigon, Oregon .82
Certificate No. 1302, G. A. Bleak
man and W. H. Miller, North
30 feet of Lot 4, Block B, Hard-
man, Oregon 188.94
Certificate No. 1308, John Miller
and John Miller, Lot 1, Block 8,
Ferguson's Addition to Hard-
man, Oregon 2.88
Certificate No. 1314, Hanna Hens
ley and Hanna Hensley, Lot 6,
Block 8, Castle Rock, Oregon.....
Certificate No. 1816, J. A. Gibbons
and J. A. Gibbons, Lots 18, 14,
15, and 16, Block 4, Castle Rock,
Oregon 2.00
Certificate No. 1817. John Foster,
Nick Kallas and John FoBter,
Nick Kallas, Lots 5 to 8, inclu
sive, Biock 10, Castle Rock, Ore
gon 2.00
Certificate No. 1818, Boardman
Townsite Company, and M. B.
Willard, E. P. Dodd, and W. H.
Stewart, Ixits 7, 8, 10, and 11,
Block 4 ; Lots 8 and 9, Block 7 ;
and Lot 7, Block 8, of the town
' of Boardman, Oregon 15.65
Certificate No. 1319, Boardman
Townsite Company, and W. A.
Murchie and E. P. Dodd, Lot 24,
Block 8; and Blocks 15 and 16,
of the town of Boardman, Ore
gon 66.77
That said amounts bear Interest at the
rate of ten per cent, per annum from the
loth day of July, 1924, the date of issuance
of said certificates.
And you and each of you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty days af
ter the date of the first publication of this
-tummons, exclusive of the day of first pub
lication thereof, town: September 15. 1927
and defend the suit in the Court aforesaid,
or pay the amount due as shown above
against said tracts or parcels of land, re
spectively, above described, of which you
are the owner, or in which you have or
claim tJ have, any interest or estate, to
gether with interest and costs accrued in
thiH suit thereon.
Service of a copy of your answer or
other process may be made on the under
signed attorney for plaintiff, at the place
specified below as his address, and in case
of your failure so to do, judgment and de
cree will be entered against you and each
of you foreclosing said tax liens for the
amount set opposite and following the de
scription of said parcel of land above set
forth, together with interest and costs
thereon, against said tracts or parcels of
land, and said tracts or parcels of land
will be sold to satisfy said judgment and
decree obtained In this suit.
You are further hereby notified that the
plaintiff will apply to the Court aforesaid
for judgment and decree foreclosing said
ax liens against said property hereinbefore
This summons is published once each
week for six consecutive weeks in the
Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of
general circulation In Morrow County, Or
egon, published weekly at Heppner in said
County, the dnte of first publication there
of being September 15, 1927, and said pub
lication being made in pursuance of the
statutes or the state of Oregon, said news
paper having been designated by the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for Mor
row County as the newspaper In which said
summons should be published, by order duly
entered in said Court of the 7th day of
neptemuer, lUiiY.
District Attorney for Morrow County,
Oregon, and Attorney for Plaintiff,
v.hosc address is Heppner, Oregon.
Date of first publication, September 16,
Date of last publication, October 27,
Elsie E. Selby, Plaintiff,)
Harry G. Selby, )
To Harry G. Selby, Defendant:
OREGON: You are hereby required
to appear and aVswer the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled
suit within six weeks from the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, if published; or within six
weeks from the date of service upon
you, if personally served without the
State of Oregon; and if you fail to
appear and answer, for want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for tha relief prayed for in her com
plaint, to-wit: For a decree of this
Court granting to her an absolute
divorce, and for such other relief as
to the Court may seem equitable.
This summons ii published by vir
tue of an order of tha Honorable
R. L. Bangs, County Judge' of Mor
row County, Suite of Oregon, made
and entered on the 1st day of Septem
ber, 1927.
Date of first publication, September
1, 1927.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: Henpner. Oregon.
Professional Directory
Phone 303 Hermiston, Ore.
The man who made the reasonable
Painting Paperhanging
Interior Decorating
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Expert Watchmaker and
Jewelry Repairer
Heppner, Ore.
Physician and Surgeon
Graduate Nurse Assistant
I. O. O. F. Building
Phones: Office, Main 923; Res. 492
Heppner, Oregon
Attorney at Law
600 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Portland, Oregon
Phone Broadway 4254
X-Ray Dlarnosls
I. O. O. F. Building
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
Phone BKscon 4451
1014 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Res. GArfleld 1948
A. D. McMURDO, M. D.
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offices in
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Snrgical, Medical, Maternity Caaee
Wards, and private rooms.
Rates Reasonable.
Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate
Nurse, Superintendent.
A. H. Johnston, M. D, Phyii-cian-in-Charge.
Phone Main 822 Heppner, Or.
Office In Court ouse
Heppner, Oregon
Farm and Personal Property Sales
a Specialty.
"Tha Man Who Talka to Beat
the Band"
Lexington, Ore.
and Notary Public
Odd Fellows Building
Heppner Oregon
Maternity Hospital
Wards and Private Roonu.
Rate Reasonable.
Mri. Zena Westfall, Graduate
Phone Main SX2 Heppner, Ore.
Old Line Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberta Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon