Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 06, 1927, Image 1

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    ... Society
alette '
Volume 44, Number 29.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
pepper w
Plan for Cooperative As
sociation in County to
Enhance Marketing.
Plans are being made for another
meeting of the turkey growers in
Morrow and Um'l counties, to be
held at Hermiston on the evening of
October 19 at 8:00 p. m. Mrs. C. G.
Brink, secretary of the Idaho Coop
erative Turkey Growers association,
will be present to give instructions
on the feeding and care of fattening
At a recent meeting of the turkey
growers on the Umatilla project 3600
turkeys were pooled for marketing
through the association. Since that
time a convass has been made and
many more growers have signed so
that another meeting was necessary.
At this meeting a local representa
tive will be selected and the organlza
tion completed.
Turkey raising is becomine an inv
dustry of importance in Morrow
county and Chas. W. Smith, county
agent, believes a cooperative mar
keting association, such as is now in
view, would be a big boost toward
further advancement. He cites re
sults obtained by an Idaho association
to show its practicability.
The Idaho cooperative association
has grown from a membership of 14
in 1924, when three and one half car
loads were sold, to approximately
1500 members at present with the
ranks being constantly increased. In
1926 40 carloads- of birds were sold at
an average price of 44 cents. The
selling costs of the association do
not exceed one half cent per pound,
and the birds are often taken by one
large buyer. The financial rating of
the highest bidder is always careful
ly investigated before the deal is
closed. Sales are usually made around
the first of November and December
so that delivery can be made to the
Eastern markets before Thanksgiving
and Chistmas.
Members of the association receive
notice by post card as to the date
when they will be required to deliver
their turkeys. The association fur
nishes a skilled grader at each receiv
ing point and a clerk to aid in check
ing on payments. All growers receive
their money the day they deliver
their birds.
At the meeting of the Morrow
County Pomona Grange held at Mor
gan Oct. 1st the membership present
went on record as favoring the Idaho
growers' activities in this community
and no doubt a large number of tur
key growers in Morrow county are
planning to attend the Hemiston
Ac:ording to Mr. Smith this meet
ing will be open to the public and it
is hoped that a large number of the
growers around Heppner will come
to the meeting so that they may get
first hand infoimation on the fatten
ing of turkeys for the market regard
lits of whether tney join the asso
ciation. Near East Relief Scope
Cited by Local Worker
"No fewer than 132,000 children,
the majority orphans, have been
saved for lives of usefulness by the
Near East Relief," states J. J. Hand
saker, regional director, who spoke at
the Episcopal and Methodist churches
last Sunday. "Blindness has been
prevented in the eyes of 42,000 chil
dren, 9,000 mutes have been taught,
children already blind have been
taught to read, to play and to earn
their own livlihood. Hungry children
have been fed, but better than giving
them food is our plan of teaching
them to feed themselves, and last
year, for their own support, they pro
duced more than 400 tons of vege
tables, besides many other foodstuffs.
"Of the 33,340 children now in our
care, about 55 per cent are under the
age of 12. By the time they are 16,
we expect them to be able to support
themselves. Practically all our in
come Is spent on the children and as
soon as we can provide for those we
have, Near East Relief will finish its
work. A survey committee represent
ing all of America's Interests in the
Near East is busy at work now trying
to decide how soon the work can be
finished with honor and America with
draw her peaceful army of occupation.
"While there are some 200,000 adult
refugees still homeless, we are mak
ing no effort on their behalf, trusting
that the British Relief committee and
the League of Nations will wrestle
successfully with that problem.
"One of our greatest encourage
ments come from the tourists who
have seen our work. Among promin
ent Orcgonians who have recently
visited our orphanages are Mrs. C. S.
Jackson of the Oregon Journal, Mr.
Clarke of Woodard, Clarke, Miss Todd
of the Oregon State Normal School
at Monmouth, Miss Marvin of the
State Library. All unite in saying
that the work must go on and we
would have no lack of funds could
America see what we are doing. They
back up their words with generous
Mr. Handsaker roturned to Port
land early in the week, but Miss Phyl
lis Brown, Vassar graduate and "dirt"
furmer who has recently returned
from the Near East will remain to
fill several speaking datos in the
county including the Christian church
next Sunday morning.
Dempsey and Tunney at Star Thea
ter Tonight.
Respected Resident of
lone Called By Death
Death came suddenly to Mrs. Celes
tine Balsiger, a highly respected citi
zen of lone, at the home of her son,
Paul Balsiger, at 5:46 Wednesday af
ternoon, the result of a sudden heart
attack. Mrs. Balsiger had been ill
and confined to her bed for about two
weeks, suffering from heart trouble,
and had rallied from numerous at
tacks, appearing to be quite improved
when the final summons came. She
was 86 years and three months of
age, and had been a resident of lone
for K3 years, coming to this c;unty
with her husband and family in 1894.
Mr, Bateiger passed away about 17
years ago, and since that time Mrs.
Balsiger made her home with different
members of her family. She had but
lecently returned from White Salmon.
Wash., where she spent the summer at
the home of her son, Fred Balsiger.
She was always active in the affairs
of her community, a devoted member
of the Congregational church all her
life, and was interested in everything
that looked to the uplift and better
ment of the town where she resided
for so long a time. She was a char
ter member of the Congregational
church at lone and had much to do
with the building of the church there
and its maintenance.
Funeral services will be held from
the Congregational church at lone at
10:00 o'clock Friday with Rev. W. W.
Head in charge.
Mrs. Balsiger is survived by one
daughter and five sons, these being
mrs. inas. Allmger of lone; Fred of
White Salmon, Wash.: Arnold of Van
couver, Wash.; Paul of lone; Dr. John
of Portland, and Louis of lone.
Another daughter, Anna, formerly
county school superintendent of Mor
row county and a very successful
school teacher, died several years
ago. mere are also surviving fifteen
granacniidren and thirteen great
i :
Lad Dies as Result
of Accident At lone
Elmer Swnnson, eleveif-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Swanson of
lone, met with a fatal accident near
that place on Sunday forenoon. He
had accompanied another lad, son of
Walter Lubanks, out to the field for
a load of grain, and in attemDtine- to
climb on to the load while the wagon
was moving, lost his hold on a sack
and fell, the rear wheel passing over
nis head. One ear was cut off and
the lad's skull was fractured. Dr.
Johnston was called immediately from
Heppner and brought the bov to the
hospital here where everything possi
ble was done for him, but death re
sulted about two hours after the acci
Funeral services were held at lone
on Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock,
conducted by Rev. W. W. Head in the
Christian church, and interment was
in the Petteys burial ground at Jor
dan. The accident came as a rgeat
shock to the family and friends of
the young lad in lone.
The American Legion Auxiliary met
the Auxiliary will entertain the Le
gion at a pot-luck supper at 6:30, and
Helen Cohn and Lera Crawford. It
would be an incentive to better work
if we could have a larger attendance.
Plans were made for joining with
the Legion in celebrating Armistice
Day. There will be a program in the
morning and a dance in the evening.
On Tuesday evening, October 11th,
the Auxiliary will entrtain the Legion
at a "pot-luck supper" at 6:30, and
a social get-together evening after
the' supper. All Legionaires, wives
who are not Auxiliary members, and
husbands of the Auxiliary members
are invited.
The Auxiliary will hold a food sale
on Saturday, October 16th. The com
mittee in charge will be Elsie Cowina
and Pearl Ramsey. Members are
asked to keep this date in mind.
There will be a specie lmeeting of
the glee club on Sunday afternoon at
5 o'clock at headquarters.
Open season on Chinese pheasant
and quail opened October 1, with
hunting on Saturday and Sunday.
Hunting was allowed again on Wed
nesday and will be allowed on Sun
days and Wednesdays for the remain
der of the month. Nearly all the lo
cal nimrods have been out, as well as
many from the outside, many return
ing with the bag limit of four. Be
ginning the 16th Hungarian partridge
may also be hunted on the same days
for the remainder of the season. The
supply of birds this year is said to be
larger than ever.
Work on the Heppner school gymnasium-auditorium,
now under con
struction, has been held up consider
ably the last two weeks on acocunt of
the heavy rains, but nevertheless it
is beginning to assume impressive
dimensions. Forms for the side wulls
are up and pouring of concrete com
menced this week. Allen Olson, in
charge of construction, says the com
pletion has been delayed more than a
week by the unfavorable weather.
Tune In every Tuesday at 8:00 to
8:30 p. m. Sealy Air Weavers, Radio
KGW. Watch these columns for im
portant announcement next week.
Dr. Clarke, Eye Sight Spocialta:, in
Heppner two days Saturday and
Sunday, Oct. 16th and 16th, at Hotel
Heppner. 20-30.
Cloudburst on Blackhorse
Reported; Snow in
Cloudy weather with Intermittant
heavy rainfall the past two weeks
has shown the first signs of a break
today, with the sun shining brightly.
The major storm of the week took
place Monday evening on Blackhorse,
where a cloudburst was reported, a!
though no considerable property dam
age resulted.
Rain has been .general over the
county, and though we have been un
able to get exact figures, 'it is esti
mated the fall for the two week per
iod measured between one and one
half and two inches. In the moun
tains south of Hardmn the rain was
turned to snow, with a heavy fall re
ported, which held up work on the
Heppner-Spray road for a time.
The main damage reported has been
to unharvested crops, while the fall
on the whole has been beneficial, sup
plying a quantity of needed moisture
to sunimerfallow and starting the
weeds so that they can be killed be
fore the wheat starts. Those who
seeded early this fall, are said to be
in luck as the rains came just right.
However, if the weather now turns
off warm for a few days, the ground
will be in shape for seeding generally.
An incident reported in connectiou
with the Blackhorse cloudburst cites
a scare received by two young ladies.
w.ss Katinger and Gladys Mead were
going up the Blackhorse road in a
Ford car when they met the water
at the bridge Just above Meads. They
were forced to turn around, and the
water which came over the running
board deposited some six inches of
floating hail thereon. The hail is
said to have been very heavy during
the peak of the storm.
Some comment has been heard re
garding the weather this fall as being
unusual, It does not seem so to us,
as we can remember when a success
ion of similar autumns were had, pre
ceding good crop years. It is time
conditions and looks like this may
"wetter" times, with better growing
conditiions and looks like this may
be the case.
During June, 1912, a serious vol
canic eruption occurred at a point on
the Alaskan Peninsula, about one
hundred miles north from Koditk
Island. The entire top of Mt. Katmai
blew off, covering the country for
hundreds of miles on each side with
pumice and volcanic ash. Close to
the base of the mountain this pumice
and ash were as much as one hundred
feet deep.
Adjacent to this new formed crater.
abou'. fifteen miles away was formed
the most peculiar nhenomenon in ex.
istence. A heretofore green valley
was transformed into a seething cal
dron. The floor of the valley was
covered with thousands of these steam
jets. Some were no larger than a
lead pencil, others were great craters
fifty feet across, throwing up steam
clouds thousands of feet into the air.
This region was first explored by Dr.
Robert Griggs, upder the auspices of
the National Geographic Society, and
named the "Valley of Ten Thousand
Arthur Young, the world's bow and
arrow champion, and Captain Jack
Robertson, explored this ainazinir
wonder of Nature and brought back
a grnphlclly thrilling motion picture
of it which they incoroorated Into
Alaskan Adventures." the feature
Sunday and Monday at the Star Thea
This is but one of the many dramat
ic thrills which await those who see
this epic of the Northland, as en
thralling as it is unique. The break
up of the mighty Yukon, the birth of
the giant icebergs, the pursuit of the
great Kodiak bear, the largest carniv
orous animal in existence, all these
have been caught with tlie camera,
something never before accomplished
and the result is "Alaskan Adventures."
lin iiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiij
Mystery and Adventure Follow All
Morning Program, Football Game
and Dance Will Feature Day ;
Landing Field Planned.
Armistice Day, the 11th of next
month, will be observed in Heppner.
A morning program was planned by
Heppner Post No. 87, American Le
gion, at its meeting Monday evening.
and Tuesday evening the Auxiliary
Unit proffered its support and assist
ance, As tentatively arranged th
program will be held at Elks Temple
at 11 a. m., and will consist of musi
cal numbers and an address by an
outside speaker whose services are
now being contracted for. Other fea
tures may be added to the program
In the afternoon the local hiirh
school will meet lone high school in
football game at Gentry Field
At 6:00 p. m. the annual Letrion
banquet is scheduled, to be served
at Legion headquarters. This ban
quet is not a strictly Legion-affair,
but it is open to.all ex-service men,
whether members of the organization
or not It is very strongly urged that
all ex-service men attend. .
At nine o'clock in the evenine. at
Elks' Temple, the music will be un
der way for one of the feature dances
of the year. Efforts are being made
to secure Fletcher's Round-Up orches
tra for this occasion. Many special
features are planned. The Auxiliary
unit is cooperating in this, also.
Definite steps were taken at Mon
day's meeting for the establishment
of an emergency landing field ait
Heppner and Jas. M. Burgess was ap
pointed chairman of a committee to
start the ball rolling. The establish
ment of landing fields is a major
project in Community Service of the
American Legion in Oregon, and its
importance is admitted by all who
are familiar with aviation and its
needs. It is hoped that Heppner's
field may be made ready soon, for af
ter the. fact that a field is located
here is noted on the pilots' maps, we
may expect a great many planes to
come this way.
Dick Wells was appointed chairman
of the membership committee for
next year, and he urges all ex-service
men to sign up for their 1928 cards
at the earliest possible mcment. .
f ' 1 " v
The editor of this paper was hon
ored by a call Friday evening, from
Editor E. E. Brodie of the Enterprise,
Oregon City. Mr. Brodie, accompan
ied by Mrs, Brodie, was making a tour
through a portion of Eastern Oregon,
going through on the Jonh Day high
way out to Baker, and returning
home by way of Oregon Trail, Oregon
Washington and Columbia highways,
and this brought them through Hepp
ner where they remained over Friday
night. Mr. Brodie always looks up
his fellow craftsmen as he passes
along, and we certainly enjoyed the
visit with him on Friday. He is a
good booster for the country press,
was formerly president of the state
association as well as the National
Editorial association, a fine all-round
fellow and tip-top newspaper man.
He spent several years in Siam as
minister from the United States. Mr.
Brodie has many good words to say
regarding the highways of Eastern
Oregon and cannot resist the tempta
tion of going over them once or twice
each year when he feels the need of
an outing and change of scenery.
Former lights of the local gridiron
are becoming busy to get the ball
rolling for a town football team. Al
ready some of the boys have been out
to practice with the high school, and
the first town team practice is sched
uled for next Sunday afternoon. Some
stress is being placed upon Francis
Doherty to accept the position of
manager, though he has not yet ac
cepted. Paul. Aiken, former high
school star, is one of the prime pro
moters, and he has succeeded in lin
ing up a formidable coterie of talent.
Further particulars may be obtainable
at a later date.
Dempsey and Tunney at Star Thea
ter Tonight.
rpHE first glimmer of dawn was breaking over a
a gray world, when a curious whistle, a long
pipe and then a short quick one, in the roadside a
little way ahead brought Archie to a halt. He drew
his gun from his pocket and stood perfectly quiet.
In a few seconds the whistle was repeated and
Archie, grown suddenly bold, checked an impulse
to fly and imitated the whistle.
A man rose from behind a stone wall on the right
and walked toward him.
'That you Holky?" he
through the mist.
It was the first meeting of Archie and the Gov
Executive Department
The annual loss by preventable
fire is steadily increasing, and the
situation in our own state requires
constant vigilance and continual
effort to minimize our hazards and
protect our people and our prop
erty. By the direction of public
thought and action toward the
problem of fire prevention, we
have found that the work of our
organized departments may be
greatly aided. To the end that
public interest be aroused in
great campaign against fire, the
week of October 9th to 15th has
been designated as National Fire
Prevention Week.
During this period I especially
urge that all civic, commercial and
fraternal bodies, all schools,
churches and public institutions,
and all citizens of the state of
Oregon, and the public press give
thought and study to ways and
means of eliminating fires and fire
tazards, that appropriate programs
be presented throughout the state
to teach our people the value of
fire prevention and the elimination
of fire hazards.
PATTERSON, Governor of Oregon,
by the authority in me vested, do
hereby proclaim the week of Oc
tober 9th to 15th. as Fire Preven
tion Week in Oregon, in conform
ity to the proclamation of Presi
dent Coolidge designating National
Fire Prevention Week, and urge
the full cooperation of all our peo
ple in its observance.
have hereunto set my hand and
caused the seal of the State of
Oregon to be hereto affixed this
twenty-ninth day of September,
A. D. nineteen hundred twenty
seven. I. L. PATTERSON, Governor.
By the Governor: ,
Secretary of State. !
Eastern Oregon to Have
Yearling Football Classic
Pendleton, October 5. The biggest
football spectacle of the year in Est
ern Oregon will be the contest be
tween the Universtiy of Orgeon
Freshmaif eleven and the Cougar Kit
tens of Washington state college, at
Pendleton, Oetober 21. This is the
first game between the two frshmen
elevens to be scheduled in some years
and Pendleton was selected as the
logical place to hold the contest, the
Round-Up gridiron being ideal for the
contest and the stands insuring good
seats for all spectators.
Both Oregon and Washington state
have some excellent freshman mater
ial this year and are beinsr coached
by prominent gridiron mentors who
know their football and the style of
play used is identical in many ways
with that of the varsity elevens of
tne two institutions.
Well over 100 candidates are turn
ing out for the first year eleven at
Washington state and a like number
are out at Oregon under Coach Rine
hart. Athletic relations between Ore
gon and Washington state have al
ways been the best, a clean spirit of
athletic rivalry. Both institutions
have in the past turned out some
.vonderful freshman athletic teams.
James Johnson of Range, Orceon.
accompanied by Mrs. Johnson was in
the city on Saturday for the purpose
of closing up the sale of the Felix
Johnson ranch on Butter creek. This
place has been purchased, by Joe
Kenny who takes immediate posses
sion and will enter the stock business
on "his own." The deal was a cash
transaction, and the Johnson ranch
is considered one of the best hay
producers en the crook.
County Agent Smith will be at Her
miston during Friday and Saturday,
where he will assist in the judging
of exhibits at the Dairy and Hog
snow. Mr. Smith's work will be in
he farm crops section. Good weather
presages a very successful fair at
Hermiston this vcar.
niii iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
called sharply, peering
in Meredith Nicholson's Great Seria
Heppner Wins Game;
Schedule Announced
In a game played in the mud and
rain, the Heppner High school foot
ball team plowed their way to a 7-0
victory when they journeyed to Uma
tilla last Saturday to play the Uma
tilla High school.
Even though the field was slippery
the game was a real contest from
start to finish, and was not lacking
in plenty of thrills. Time after time
Heppner went to first downs and was
within five to ten yards of the goal
three different times. Again, Uma
tilla provided hair-raising moments
when one of their backs raced around
their right end for a twenty yard gain
which was followed by a forward pass
netting them fifteen yards. This
placed Umatilla within twenty yards
of the goal and featured the only
time they seriously threatened to
The game played last Saturday was
the second of the season for Uma
tilla and the first for the Heppner
ooys. ihe contest was quite well
played considering the fact that it
was an early season frame and on a
heavy field. The boys are hard at
work this week getting prepared to
meet a heavier and stronger team
when they go to Hermiston next Sat
In the game with Umatilla the fol
lowing line-up started:
K. Oviatt, left end; G. Slocum. left
tackle; P. Jones, left guard; H.
fcvans, center; F. Walker, right
guard; s. ihompson right tackle; C.
Hayes, right end; H. Gentrv. Quarter
Dock; K. Turner left half: M. Gam
mell, right half: T. Bemire. full hark
Substitutions: H. Hayes for Oviatt:
H. Devin for Jones; Oviatt for H.
Principal Beiirhle of the Henrner
Grade school acted as head linesman.
Ihe upper Columbia league season
opens for the Heppner team when
rossil comes here on October 15,
since Umatilla and Hermiston do not
belong to the league. Hennner will
have four league games at home this
fall, and season tickets are being sold
to both the student body and towns
people. It is hoped that evervone
will willingly support the team and
buy a ticket. The single admission
price is fifty cents for adults and
twenty-five cents for children. The
season tickets for the four games will
sen at si.oo for the adults and 60c
for children. The student body is
anxious for your support.
ine schedule drawn up for the Ud-
rcr Colombia Athletic league is as
October 1
Heppner at Umatilla.
Arlington at lone.
October 8
Heppner at Hermiston.
Condon at lone.
October 15
Fossil at Heppner.
Umatilla at lone.
Hermiston at Condon.
October 22
Arlington at Condon.
Octuber 29
Arlington at Heppner.
lone at Fossil.
November 5
Condon at Heppner.
Arlington at Fossil.
November 11
lone at Heppner.
Fossil at Condon.
Minnie E. Bond of Eugene, siate
lecturer and W. R. Gekeler of La
Grande, district organizer of the
Grange were visitors in the ccunty
during the past week, meeting with
the various Granges and Pomona
Grange. Mrs. Bond is intereste l at
the present time in organizing the
granges for debating the plan for
farm relief as advanced by the Na
tional Grange, known as the "Export
Debenture Bounty," which is to be
presented for consideration at the
coming session of congress. Mrs.
Bond was also dedicating officer at
the ceremonies setting over the new
grange hall at Rhea creek on Sun
day, in wliich Mr. Gekeler also had
The first meeting of the Heppner
Parent Teachers association for the
year has been announced for next
Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 at the
high school. It is desired that a large
attendance be had.
miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii mi mii
1 ttff.mMmn
Ill I J .TW
By Arthur Brisbane
Legion Leads Way.
Man's Achievement.
The Baby's Ears.
Lightning Rods Work.
The American Legion in Pari last
week adopted the report of its Na
tional Defense Committee, demand
ing establishment of a national air
force as a separate department, with
"Air Force Secretary" in the
Cabinet. Common sense.
The man that had employed a
coachman got a chauffeur when the
automobiles came in. , Intelligent na
tions will add to their SecreUiry of
War and Secretary of Navy a SEC
RETARY OF THE AIR, now that fly-
ing machines have come.
The National Machine Tool Build
ers' Exposition in Cleveland recently
was a concentrated demonstration of
industrial genius and of the' tools
that have built prosperity and civil
ization. Man differs from all other animals
in that he is a tool-using creature.
nimals work with their bodies, the
beaver with teeth and broad tail, the
woodpecker with his beak, the mud
wasp with her sting, putting stunned
caterpillars in cold storage for her
unborn children.
Man with his brain, creates tools
OUTSIDE of his body, then he har
nesses the ox, horse, elephant, Niag
ara Falls, and the lightning to work
those toois.
Cleveland's exhibition contained
300 carloads of machinery sent from
eighty cities by 180 companies.
There were machines that will turn
thirteen-inch guns, others measure
a light wave, a million waves or so to
the inch.
Lightning struck a barn in Virgin
, killing four persons, and two
mules, paralyzed a dog and stunned
two men. Modern lightning rods
properly installed would have ore-
vented that disaster.
Modern protection against light
ning is included in the recent White
House alteration. All around the
balustrade above the White House
roof, sharp, short, copper points
stand at close intervals, connected
by a copper cable, the whole sys-
ttm being connected with the earth,
also by copper conductors, buried
deep enough in the ground to reach
perpetual moisture.
Such lightning rods give real pro
tection. Insurance companies recog
nize that in lower rates for factories
thus protected. Old fashioned, bod
ly installed, cheap lightning rod con
struction is worthless or even dan
gerous. Mrs. Smith had a baby in a Cleve
land hospital. She and her husband
said it was a boy, when they gave her
a girl baby to nurse. The father
says: "They can keep the girl, so
far as I am concerned, unless they
prove it is mine." Something of a
prejudice against girl babies in that,
perhaps. ,
One proof offered is that the girl
baby's ears are exactly like those of
the mother. That is most important.
Human oars and the "Darwinian tu
bercle" that sometimes goes with
tnem are often inherited from gener
ation to generation, and prove her
idity at a glance.
Anyhow, ANY girl baby will repay
richly any one that takes care of her.
Young William B. Leeds, son of the
"Tin Plate King," started his Fokker
three-motor engine flying machine
for Chicago last week with six pas
sengers and a relief pilot, he, Leeds,
running the machine. They were to
stop at Cleveland, then on to Chica
go. Young men with money can pro
mote flying in this day as W. K. Van
derbilt, Jr., and other young men
with money promoted motoring twenty-five
years ago.
In Little Rollo's day a good boy
would stoop to pick up a pin. The
rich, observant banker would notice
him, employ him, marry him to his
daughter, leave him his forutne. Ec
onomy was the watchword.
Modern James McStowe, of Canton,
Ohio, says it's an exploded watch
word. In Chicago he picked up a
dime from the floor and as he stoopei
some one stole his pocketboot wuh
$800. His motto reads: "Look after
your $800, and the dimes will look
after themselves.'
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct.
5. When freshmen girls arrive on
the campus of the Univesity of Ore
gon each one is met at the train by a
"big sister," or upperclass girl, who
gives her desired aid throughout the
year. This system has proved popu
lar, both for the new girls, who in
this way feel more at home during
the first few weeks, and for the "big
sisters" themselves, who thus make
friends with their fellow students.
The "big sisters" are divided into
teams, each with a captain and sev
eral lieutenants. Miss Luola Benge
of Heppner is a lieutenant on one of
the teams.
Dempsey and Tunney at Star Thea
ter Tonight.