PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1927. BOARDMAN A number of Boardman men played (Ttilf on the Hermiston links Sunday. Those playing were S. H. Boardman, W. A. Price, Claude Ballenger, Carl Doering and Ralph Davit. Mr. and Mrs. Lester of Shaniko came up from Shankio Sunday to visit at the Eck Warren home. Mr. Les ter and Mr. Warren left Monday for the mountain where they will hunt for deer. C. G. Blayden- and Eck Warren were business visitors in Condon Friday of last week. Mrs. Harvey Huff came home Sun day after a two weeks visit in Duf ur. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow motored to Htppner Tuesday. Bob Rayburn left Monday for Port land, where he will make his home with his brother. Mr. Rayburn has many friends here who are sorry to see him leave. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham and Mrs. C. G. Blayden were visitors in Heppner Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Marschatt and Mr. and Mrs. King and family motored ot Arlington Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fay of Vancou ver were dinner guests at the Royal Rands home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spring and Mar caret Smith attended the State Fair in Salem this week. Mrs. A. T. Hereim left last week for Grandview, Wash., where she will help through fruit packing season A social evening, beginning with a delicious dinner was held Tuesday by members of the Grange. The skit, "The Old Fashion Album," was very entertaining and caused much mer riment Minnie E. Bond, state lec turer, was the honor guest for the evening. C. G. Churchill who has been hold ing a closing-out sale, left this week for Alderdale where he has a general merchandise store. , Mr. and Mrs. Royal Rands had as dinner guests Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead and family. Dan Ransier has been on the sick list the past week. Royal Rands was an Echo visitor Sunday. The Dempsey-Tunney light Thurs day evening was the cause of many radio parties for local fight fans. R. S. Smith installed his Fada in Gor- ham's store for the occasion and many gathered there and at Peck's service station. Two representatives of the Asso ciated Trades Union were conferring with C. G. Blayden on Monday. Bud Chaffee and Deibert Johnson returned last week from the Bear Springs construction camp. The young men left Monday on a deer hunt in the mountains. Another hunting party trying their ;uck for deer is composed of Glenn Hadley and Mr. King and son of Portland. The reception for the teachers held Friday evening in the community church was well attended. The fol lowing program was enjoyed: piano duet by Mrs. Feess and Mrs. Mead; reading by Mrs. King; piano solo by Linda Hango; reading by Mrs. Swog ger; piano solo by Mrs. Mead; wel come by Rev. Swogger and response by Supt. Marschatt. Lexington School Notes. The freshmen are to be initiated with due ceremony next Friday night. Those who live through the torture which is to be inflicted on them will in the future be full-fledged high school students. The contest which the high school students have been carrying on has ended. The selling of three different magazines published by the Curtis Publishing company was their aim. The juniors and the freshmen, under the name of Wildcats, competed with the sophomores and seniors who bore the name of Bearcats. There were ninety-one subscriptions sold in all. The Wildcats sold twenty more than the Bearcats, thus winning the first place. Erma Duvall proved to be the best salesman, selling sixteen sub scriptions, Mary Slocum being next with twelve. A new member was added to the freshman class when Dale Hawks of Yakima, Wash., enrolled Thursday. This makes the freshman class now number seventeen. The teachers of both the grades and high school have adopted a new method of quizzes and tests, namely, ilie objective test. This proves a time-saver for both teacher and pupil. Marion and Harold Glasscock from the eighth and sixth grades have re moved to Idaho. FOR SALE Side delivery hay rake in good condition. Will sell cheap. Ralph Butler, Henriksen Ranch, near Lexington. 18-tf. The LaFlorence beauty shop is again open, with Mrs. Davis in charge. Marcels during September. 75 cents. ALLEGRA FEESS Vocal Instructor Accredited Piano Instructor Boardman, Oregon CALL FOR WARRANTS. John Day Irrigation District War rants, registration numbers 250, 251, 252 and 253, will be paid on presenta tion at the office of the Treasurer of Morrow County, on or after October lfuh, 1927, at which date interest on said warrants will cease. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Septem- ber 28, 1BZ7. LEON W. BRIGGS, Treasurer of Morrow County. '' Before Selling Your Wheat SEE STARTING MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 Central Market will be open under new management on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS with a full line of fresh and cured meats at POPULAR PRICES V. J. FITZPATRICK, Mgr. T rT, Representing Bt F..W. Turner uss Representing BALFOUR- CO, Phone 352 COMING TO The Dalles and Pendleton DR. MELLENTHIN SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen yean DOES NOT OPERATE Will be in THE DALLES on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12th, at the DALLES HOTEL. And In PENDLETON on THURSDAY, OCT. U at the DORION HOTEL. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Oregon. He does not operate for chronic appen dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re suits in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica leg ulces and rectal ailments. Below are the names of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon who have been treated for one of the above named causes: Elmer Booker, Condon. Chas. Desch, Portland. D. G. Horn, Bonanza. Fred Shields, Klamath Falls. Daniel Steinon, Albany. R. E. Near, Central Point. Joe. Sheoships, Gibbon. Remember above date, that consul tation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompan ied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. Waffles Served while they're hot from our brand new WaffleRange are delicious. Try them for break' fast any morning. THEN Shell Fish the piece d' resistance for luncheon or din ner, will appease the hunger delightfully. We receive them fresh daily. ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. Modern Comfort With Oldtime Fireside Cheer Every rr i Tuesday 1 IMC llll 8 to 8:30 P.M. Air Weavers broadcast over Radio KGW (Portland, Oregon) M.usic"Singing and Sealy Sam! Tune in on Health and Comfort by sleeping on an Air-Woven Tuftless Mattress Come in and get your copy of "The Air Weavers" Interesting, entertaining, beautifully Ututtratedi It's Free! The advent of modern heating systems took away from thousands of homes the cheerful, ruddy glow of the old-time fireside, with all of its romance and sentiment. That was a distinct loss to those who know the joys that dwell amid the flickering shadows of an open fire. ALLEN, the pioneer builder of "above-the-floor" furnaces, has now made possible the enjoyment of that old-time fireside cheer without the sacrifice of those big advantages obtainable only with up-to-date economical, circulating heat. Combines the ruddy glow and cheer of open fireside with the efficiency of a modern heating system. CASE FURNITURE CO. SUMMER'S FOOD Rich ,wholesun milk. Drink all 701 want. It's good for you. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS, Props. Phons SOFt These Pictures Tell A Story t THl LOOKS COOL BUT THERE'S SOMETHING Tjl'i.J'zZ Ze-r "MET UP" ABOUT . DOGGONE IT. BOOK EN AGAIN THAT'S WHAT GET FOR LEAVING it mrr.ini: ALt-wiismA ahu i fagS-'feSfea HAD POUT AN IMPLEMENT HEDi3 AN IMPLEMENT SHED WILL PAY FOR ITSELF ir JUST A FEW YEARS L '-" f ft rmi U I 1 M 1 I 1 ItasvaTM. MACHINERY STOKAOC r u. ri mvt torn Foefo Ju IMS f m fA m G fiB m aa e ijinmiiMni "jf "T ll r h , j Retail LunBiKnAM -Tl Complete Plans and Materials For FARM BUILDINGS OF ALL KINDS Materially Yours Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company Wait for the New Ford YOU'LL save money if you wait for the new Ford. Beautiful newmodelbrings you many fea tures never be fore included in a low price car Latourell Auto Co. Heppner, Oregon Men Get More Wear out of blasers and sweaters than any other article of clothing. These new arrivals are chic as well as serviceable, and you will be doing yourself an injustice if you fail to see them. Blasers ZERO Brand CertifiedAll Wool A quantity made from Pendleton Indian Robes Brilliant Colors. Blaser Sweaters (The newest, thing) Elastic ribbed neck, gauntlet, waist. ALL WOOL. Indian Patterns in all colors. All Wool Waterproofed BLASERS HANDKITTED SHAKER Sweaters V-neck, close fitting; colors: Buff, Navy, Maroon. Guaranteed 100 All Wool. ' The prices won't keep you from buying. M. D. CLARK