PAGE FOUR HEPPNflR GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1927 (Bnztttt uftmra THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March SO. 18SS, THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established Novmbeer 18, 1897, CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 16, 1912. Published every Thursday morning by VAWTER AND SPENCER CRAWFORD and entered at the Poet Office at Heppner, Oregon, a second-class matter. ADVERTISING RATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES : One Year 120 1.00 .76 .05 Three Months . Single Copiea MORROW COUNTY'S OFFICIAL PAPER Foreisrn Advertising Representative THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION What Name? A QUESTION of interest, agi tating the minds of some right now, is concerning a name for the new auditorium-gymnasium building of Heppner school. As the work of construction pro ceeds it is becoming more appar ent that this building, such a splendid addition to the equipment of the property of the district, should have a name by which it shall be called. This paper is not offering the name of any person, yet it would like to see some one of our. citi zens honored by having his or her name placed on a suitable tablet of bronze over the front entrance, by which the building might here after be known. There should be some one in this community suf ficiently interested that will make a donation to the district of suffi cient funds to properly equip the building upon its completion, and we are sure that in return the school board would be glad to have the name of the donor engraved thereon that the structure might be known by that name hereafter. What better use could some sur plus money be put to than this, and what finer monument to stand to the credit of the one who thus becomes a real public benefactor. Think it over. Warm sunshine has followed the two weeks of rain that pre vailed earlier in the month. There was some apprehension on the part of many farmers who had not finished their threshing that wheat would be damaged to a great extent. This is not the case, however, as is found upon enter ing the fields again and the grain is but slightly injured. Another week or two of the present weath er will see the harvest completed in Morrow county. On the other hand, those who were ready to be gin fall seeding were pleased with the rains as they put the summer- fallow in excellent shape, brought along the weeds so that they might be killed, and the grain will be up and have a splendid start for an other season's crop. For the Rodeo this year good weather prevails. Pleasant sun shine and warmth conduces to a successful show and this week end will have much of entertainment for the splendid crowds gathering at Heppner. The Small Newpaper. THE spirit of the small weekly newspaper published in towns of from 100 to 1,000 population, Songs of Plain Folks CountryDoctor I thought I'd read Mark Twain when I grew old, And put my slippered feet up, smoke and doze. I've made enough wild night rides in the cold For grandmas' aches and babies' pains, God knows. I tried, but all the babies had to be Born as their parents were that called for me. ,' i 1 I dreamed that some day my gray head could rest VTiole nights, but hurried folks at midnight still, Breathless, dry-lipped, plead "Doctor, you're the best We trust you others may not have the skill! OVl tuoll cinro T mnct coy-xfo it'c rrrtrA r lnniir . . iW.'l TViat'o Vimu tKov fact Tf tlQi-Tvia ..V, VI1V.J "Ulllld Sometimes I think I'll travel and enjoy TVio thintrc mv nrnrHro npver Ipt mo bpp n; ii j.1 i it J ' xugm now, uiuugn. nuwaru s Mavbe I'll iust keen on. It miirht Somehow. I doubt if I'd know S WtiUrn Newspaper Union, 1927 RnFraak Crane Says There's Bunk in 'Cleverness Plea. WHETHER it is a phase of inferiority complex or not, it is true that people are always suspicious of clever people. They resent their cleverness as an implied superiority, and the best means for creating a prejudice against them is to pretend that they are cleverer than ourselves. It is a favorite pose of lawyers before a jury to discard all oratory or arts of reasoning and proclaim themselves as simply presenters of facts. Those who wish to enhance their own personal reputation may pose as clever men, but those who wish to gain their par ticular point renounce any appearance of cleverness. One of the favorite arguments against doing business with other nations is to claim that they are much cleverer than our selves, much more tricky and resourceful. Every nation wishes to consider itself as simple, faithful and trusting, and all others as wily and deceitful. We heard a great deal about President Wilson's being taken in by Lloyd George and Clemenceau. We are now deluged with news to the effect that our representatives abroad in an other conference are being cozened by the statsmen of other nations. All this is pure bunk. The Yankees are as clever as anybody and abundantly able to take care of themselves. If anybody leaves them with the heavy end of the stick to carry they will have to bc pretty sharp. Suspicion of foreigners is all too common and a frequent cause of misunderstandings. It would be much better to be honest and frank ourselves,, to lay the cards on the table and to trust other people to do the same. Much animosity and antag onism are aroused by suspicion. Trust hardly ever arouses anything but trust in return. A man some time ago wrote a book entitled, My Neighbor Is Perfect. If everybody believed in his neighbor and trusted him we would have much less trouble than we do at present. It is often said that the Golden Rule needs an amendment. It is not only necessary to do unto others as you would they should do unto you, but to be bold enough to take the first step in trust. The idea of claiming that other statesmen or diplomats are wily and slippery, while our own are rugged and honest, is a vicious one, and all who help to spread it are not doing a very commendable job. but really furnishing a rural neigh borhood of from 500 to 2,000 pop ulation, is expressed by the Amity, Oregon, Standard in its slogan, "Why roam? Make Amity your home." The small local paper, a four page folio, a six-page five-column paper, or even eight-page five-column patent inside, properly con ducted, when measured in influ ence, probably exerts greater pow er in the community it serves than any other form of publication. Such newspapers become very profitable when they confine them selves to service of the homes in that community, giving all the lit tle local personal items of the community and taking an interest in the smaller social and industrial affairs like the gasoline woodsaw, the little chicken farms, the local creamery, the country churches and the Saturday night dance. There are from two to five of these smaller-sized weekly papers in practically every county in the 48 states, and the editor whether man or woman exerts an influ ence in local and state affairs that is incomparably greater with subscribers than that of the large metropolitan press with its read ers. The newspaper above mention ed, for the issue of August 26, had 136 items of local, county and state news, all of intense interest to the community it serves, and read in all the homes in its terri- -Uif , James Jhvis Haus mo oa I rtr ,lT m3 A & U. . i J i nuie cnppieu imx-i be best. ' how to rest! 4a. V .IJ'jl 0 tory tor its contents which are supplied by no other newspaper. From a Minnesota Editor "r"HE American tariff policy is the toundation stone of the American standard of living, and the American standard of living in turn rests upon steady employ ment of labor at good wages," says the Luverne, Minn., Rock County Herald. "Remove this foundation stone and the Ameri can standard of living will disap pear, because steady employment at hih wages will not be possible if American labor is forced to compete with cheap foreign labor and its much lower standard of liv ing. Reduce the buying power of American labor and you reduce selling power of the American far mer in exact proportion. "Talk about 'protection for all or protection for none' is the silli est kind of chatter. The tariff is directly effective today on every thing the farmer produces except those things which he raises in ex cess of the needs of American con sumption, and even on these things it is effective to the extent that it forces competition to pay the existing duties to enter this market. Lindy Smashes Another Record. PORTLAND TELEGRAM. ALL American readers are not seeking the salacious. While books that purport to deal with the so-called sex problem are selling by the hundreds of cords, there are still a few old-fashioned folks who want literature that tells of ro mance and adventure sans trian gles and shotgun weddings. The record breaking sale of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh's book, We, proves that the public will buy a good clean story. Up to last week, Lindy's book had netted him $95,000 in royal ties, according to New York press reports. More than 190,000 cop ies had been sold, and the work is still in great demand. It is a charming story of a most charm ing boy. It is as carefree as Huckleberry Finn and as filled with romance as Colonel Law rence's book on the Arabian des ert fighting during the World war. And what's more, We is as clean as a hound's tooth. In fact, it is as clean literature as its author is clean living. The sale of this book is a healthy sign. It proves that there are thousands of Americans still hungry for decent reading. The Post Office Department has decided to curtail mail-order houses from shipping unsolicited merchandise, in their effort to foist undesirable goods on tlife public. We like the selection and use of that word "Cur-tail." The wisdom of Benjamin Frank lin becomes more apparent every day. When he flew his kite, 134 years ago he had the idea that flying should be controlled. LEGAL NOTICES . .NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County Executrix of the estate of Nancy Brundage, deceased, and that all persona having claims gainst the said estate must present the same, duly verified according to law, to me at the office of my attorney h. h. Notson, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of this notice, said date of first publication being the 8th day of September, 1927. BESSIE C. OWEN, Executrix. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. Morrow County, Oregon, A Public Corpora tion, Plaintiff, vs. Ewing P. Berry, James Carty, Claud L. Finley, J. V. Peterson, Mike C. Marshall, M. F. Cochran, J. K. Weatherford. L. D. Neil, E. O. Neill, Frank Fox. J. A. Lov gren, Mary Perry. Bernard Ward, J. R. Nunamaker, E. H. Flemming, C L. Swain. R. E. Dodd, Wm. Dodd, Maurice Hunter, Clifford E, Snow, Alfred R. Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon, May Powderly, C. F. Whitman, W. C. Wilson, J. E. Wilson, T. E. Nunamaker, Peter Finnie, G. A. Bleakman, W. H. Miller, John Miller. Hanna Hensley, J. A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallas, Boardman Townsite Company, a corpor ation, M. B. Willard, E. P. Dodd, W. H. Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any other person or persons owning or claim ing to own, or having or claiming to have any interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants. NO. 2526. APPLICATION FOR JUDGMENT FORE CLOSING TAX LIENS. (1919) SUMMONS AND NOTICE. To Ewing P. Berry, James Carty, Claud L. Finley, J. V. Peterson, Mike C. Marshall, M. F. Cochran, J. K. Weatherford, L. D. Neill, E. O. Neill, Frank Fox, J. A. Lov gren, Mary Perry. Bernard Ward, J. R. Nunamaker, E. H. Flemming, C. L. Swain, R. E. Dodd. Wm. Dodd, Maurice Hunter, Clifford E. Snow, Alfred R. Kelly, John W. Martin, C. P. Gammon, May Powderly, C. F. Whitman, W. C. Wilson. J. E. Wilson, T. E. Nunamaker, Peter Finnie, G. A. Bleakman, W. H. Miller, John Miller. Hanna Hensley,- J. A. Gibbons, John Foster, Nick Kallas, Boardman Townsite Company, a corpor ation, M. B. Willard. E. P. Dodd, W. H. Stewart, and W. A. Murchie, and any other person or presons owning or claim ing to won or having or claiming to have, any interest or estate in or to the reai property hereinafter described. Defendants : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF CREGON : You and each of you are here by notified that the above named plaintiff, e public corporation, is the purchaser, own er, and holder of certificates of delinquen cy numbered 1206, 1207, 1211, 1218, 1217, 1221, 1235, 1237, 1250, 1251, 1255, 1256, 1269, 1276, 1289, 1290, 1291, 1292, 12113, 1294, 1296, 1297, 1298, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1308, 1314, 1316, 1317, 1318, and 1319, is sued on the 15th day of July. 1924, by the Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes for Morrow County. Oregon, and filed by the said Sheriff and Collector of Delinquent Taxes in the office of the County Clerk of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, on the 27th day of October, 1924, for taxes due and delinquent, together with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real prop erty situated in Morrow County, Oregon. You are further notified that the amount for which said certificate is issued is set opposite niid following the dencriptton of the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set out. the same being the amount then due and delinquent, for taxes for the year 1919, together with penalty, interest and costB thereon, upon real property situate in Mor row County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and described as hereinafter set forth, said tract or parcel of land being assessed for the year 1919 to the first per son whose name immediately precedes the detxription thereof, and is followed by the name of the person appearing to be the owner thereof, as appears on the tax roll of Morrow County, Oregon, for the year 1926, now in the hands of the Sheriff of .;aid County for collection, at the date of the first publication of this summons and notice, which date is the 15th day of Sep tember, 1927. Certificate No. 1206, James Carty and James Carty, Sections 1 and 5, Southwest quarter of Section 8, Section 9, Northeast quarter of Section 10, Section 17, Town ship 2 North. Range 25 East of Willamette Meridian i Southeast quarter and Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 2 North, Range 26 East of Willamette Meridian ; Sections 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 83, and 36, Township 3 North, Range 25 East of Willamette Meridian ; .Section 36, Township 4 North, Range 25 East of Willamette Meridinn, and Section 86, Town ship 4 North, Range 26 East of Willamette Meridian $1,440.36 Certificate No. 1207, James Carty and James Carty, Tract No. 9 in Lot 4, Block 9 ; Lot 6, Block 9 ; and Tract No. 10 in Lot 8, Block 9, of Lexington, Oregon 2.43 Certificate No. 1211, Ewing P. Ber- ry anrl .!.-,mcs Carty, WVjSW'4, SW'.jNW',; and NHNVj. Sec tion 6, Township 2 North, Range 26 East of Willamette Meridian 28.74 Certificate No. 1213, Claud L. Fin ley and J. V. Peterson, Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 2 North, Kongo 26 East of Willamette Me ridian 9.44 Certificate No. 1217, Mine C. Mar shall and Mike C. Marshall, All of Section fi. Township 3 North, Range 24. E. W. M 627.61 Certificate No. 1221, M. F. Coch ran and M. F. Cochran, Lots 1 and 2, and SVjSEVi of Section ' 8, except the town of Castle Rocit, Township 4 North, Range 24, E. W. M. ; Lots 11 to 16, in elusive. Block 1, Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Block 2, Lots 9 to 12, inclusive, Block 4, South half of Block 3, Lots 6 to 16, inclusive, Block 5, Lots 2 to 13, inclusive, Block 6, Lots 8 to 8, inclusive, and South half, Block 8, Block 7, Block 9, Lot 4 and South half of Block 10, Lots 8 to 7, inclu sive, and Lots 12 to 16, inclu sive, Block II, Lots 8 to 7, in clusive, and South half of Block . 12, Blocks 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18. in the Town of Castle Rock 104.00 Certificate No. 1235, J. K. Weather- inrd and J. K. Weatherford, NE'4NE4, SViNEW, SB'4 less tract sold, Section 4 Township 1 South, Range 24 East of Wil lamette Meridian ; and Blocks 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, and 28, Wills' Addition to lone. Oregon 91.87 Certificate No. 1237, L. D. Neill and c. u. Neill, Kast halt of South east quarter of Section 2, Town ship 1 South, Range 27 E, W. M. B.80 Certificate No. 1250, Frank Fox and Frank Fox, SWMSEV,, Sec tion 17, Township 8 South, Range 23 S. W. M. ; W'jNE',, SEV, NK'i, and EiASE". Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 23 E. W. M - 54.93 Certfiicate No. 1251, J. A. Lov gren and J. A. I,ovgren, North west quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 23 E. W. M 39.87 Corlilirnti, No, 1255, Mary Perry and Mary Berry, SE4NW'4 and NKV.SWi4. Section 32. Town shin 4 Soulh H.i. 24 R W M. T 16 Certificate No. 1256, Bernard Ward ann Hernard Ward, NW'i, Wft NK'4, NWV,SE'4 and NE'4 SW',1, Section 13, Township 4 South. Ranve SB E. W. M 74.9S Certificate No. 1269, J. R. Nuna- manor and J. R. Nunamaker, SW'4, Section 21, Township 6 South. Knnne VI E. W. M 20.89 Certlilcate No. 1276, E. H. Flem ming and E. H, Flamming, B Lot 1 and Lots 2, 8, and 4, Block 8, Sperry's Third Addition to lone, Oregon Certificate No. 1289, C. L., Swain and C. L. Swain. Lot 8, Block 17.09 15, of Irrigon, Oregon Certificate No. 1290. R. E. Dodd and Wm. W. Dodd, Lots 9 and 10, Block 16, of Irrigon Oregon Certificate No. 1291, Maurice Hun ter and Maurice Hunter, Lots 1 and 2, Block 28, of Irrigon, Oregon Certificate No. 1292, Clifford E. Snow and Clifford E. Snow, Lots 3 and 4, Block 28, of Irrigon, Oregon - - Certificate No. 1293, Alfred R. Kelly and Alfred R. Kelly, Lota 1 9 and i0. Block 28, of Irrigon, Oregon - Certificate No. 1294, John W. Mar tin &nd John W. Martin, Lot 7, Block 30, and Lot 11, Block 87, of Irrigon, Oregon Certificate No. 1296, C. P. Gam mon and C. P. Gammon, Lot 3, Block 88, of Irrigon, Oregon Certificate No. 1297, May Powder ly and May Powderly, Lot 6, Block 89. of Irrigon, Oregon Certificate No. 1298. C. F. Whit man and C. F. Whitman, Lot 6, Block 89, of Irrigon, Oregon Certificate No. 1800, W. C. Wilson, J. E. Wilson and T. E. Nuna maker, Lots 11 and 12, Block 41, Irrigon, Oregon - Certificate No. 1301, Peter Finnie and Peter Finnie, Lot 27, Block 39, Irrigon, Oregon Certificate No. 1802, O. A. Bleak 2.89 1.16 l.lf 1.10 1.16 .82 10.96 .82 man and W. H. Miller, North 30 feet of Lot 4, Block B, Hard man, Oregon 188.94 Certificate No. 1308, John Miller and John Miller, Lot 1, Block 3, Ferguson s Addition to Hard man, Oregon Certificate No. 1314, Hanna Hens ley and Hanna Hensley, Lot 6, Block 3, Castle Rock, Oregon Certificate No. 1316, J. A. Gibbons and J. A. Gibbons, lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 4, Castle Rock, Oregon Certificate Nof 1317, John Foster, Nick Kallas and John Foster, Nick Kallas, Lots 6 to 8, inclu sive, Block 10, Castle Rock, Ore gon : Certificate No. 1818, Boardman Townsite Company, and M. B. Willard, E. P. Dodd, and W. H. 2.38 2.00 2.00 Stewart, Lots 7, 8. 10, and 11, Block 4 ; Lots 8 and 9, Block 7 ; and Lot 7, Block 8, of the town of Boardman, Oregon 15.66 Certificate No. 1319, Boardman Townsite Company, and W. A. Murchie and E. P. Dodd, Lot 24, Block 8; and Blocks 16 and 16, of the town of Boardman, Ore- gon 66.77 That said amounts bear interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the 16th day of July, 1924, the date of issuance of said certificates. And you and each of you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days af ter the date of the first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of first pub lication thereof, towit: September 15, 1927, and defend the suit in the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above against said tracts or parcels of land, re spectively, above described." of which you are the owner, or in which you have or claim X3 have, any interest or estate, to gether with interest and costs accrued in this suit thereon. Service of a copy of your answer or other process may be made on the under signed attorney for plaintiff, at the place specified below as his address, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment and de cree will be entered against you and each of you foreclosing said tax liens for the amount set opposite and following the de scription of said parcel of land above set forth, together with interest and costs thereon, against said tracts or parcels of land, and said tracts or parcels of land will be sold to satisfy said judgment and Jecree obtained in this suit. You are further hereby notified that the plaintiff will apply to the Court aforesaid for judgment and decree foreclosing said '.ax liens against said property hereinbefore described. This summons is published once each week for six consecutive weeks in the ilepnner Gazette Times, a newsnaoer of general circulation in Morrow County, Or egon, published weekly at Heppner in said County, the date of first publication there of being September 15, 1927, and said pub lication being made in pursuance of the statutes of the Mate or Oregon, said news, paper having been designated by the Cuun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County as the newspaper in which said summons should be published, by order duly entered in said Court of the 7th day of ,"epiemuer, iuzi. COUNTY OF MORROW, STATE OF OREGON. By SAMUEL E. NOTSON, District Attorney for Morrow County, Oregon, and Attorney for Plaintiff, whose address is Heppner, Oregon. Date of first publication, September 15, 1927. Date of last publication, October 27. 1927. WESTLAND IRRIGATION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of Westland Irri gation district, acting as a board of equalization, wiii meet at the office of the district in Hermiston, Oregon on the first Tuesday in October, 1927, at ( o'clock r. M., for the purpose oi reviewing and correcting its as sessment and apportionment of taxes to be levied in said district for the year 1927. J. W. MESSNER. Secretary. Dated this first day of September, 1927. 23-27. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is herbcy given that the un dersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County adminis- tratrixs of the estate of Mary Hughes, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased are hereby required to pre sent same to said administratrixs at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from Lne date of this notice. Dated this 18th day of August, 1927, MARY HEALY, NORA HUGHES, Administratrixs. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. C. O. Bunnell, Plaintiff, vs. J. B. Strader and all unknown own ers of the real property described in the application herein, Defendants, SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN, To J. B, Strader and all unknown owners of the real property described in the application herein, the above nnmed defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notified that C. O. Bunnell, the holder of Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1410, issued on the 12th t'ny of August, 1925, by the Tax Col lector of the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, for the amount of One and 21-100 Dollars, the same being the pmount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1920 together with penalty, interest ajid costs there on upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County and State, and particu larly bounded and described as fol .ows, to-wit: Block 29 of Wills' Ad dition to the City of lone, Oregon. You are further notified that said C. O. Bunnell has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent ."pvrs, with the mo of interest on raid amounts as follows: S CO Q M u ed HPS 1921 Aug. 8, 1927 2196 $ .49 10 $ .74 922 Aug. 8, 1927 2404 $ .40 10 t .55 1925 Aug. 8, 1927 2409 $ .42 10 I .47 1926 Aug. 8, 1927 2416 $ .48 10 $ .49 sid .1 R Ktrnder. as the owner of the legal title of the above described property as the same appears of rec ord, and each of the other persons above named are hereby further noti fied that said C. O. Bunnell win appiy t tv. nuenit Pnurt nf the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore closing the lien against the property above described, ana mentioned in tin ri .ifiet. And vou are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication oi tnis sum mons, exclusive oi me aay oi amu hrt mihlieation. and defend this ac tion or pay the amount due as above shown, together witn cosis ana ac crued interest, and in case of your failure to do to, a aecree win oe ren dered foreclosing the lien of said taxes and costs against the land and premises above named. This summons is published by order rf the Honorable R. L. Benge, Judge rf the County Court of the State of Tlraonn fnr the CoiintV of MoROW, ind said order was made and dated the 15th day of August, 1B27, and the date of first publication of this sum mons is the 18th day of August, 1927. All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un dersigned residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter mentioned. , S. E. NOTSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Addrcfs, Heppner, Oregon, NOTICE OF SALE ON EXECUTION I.N FORECLOSURE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Morrow, on the 24th day of August, 1927, in a suit wherein, on the 24th day of August, 1927, in said Court Johanna Berggren, plaintiff, recovered judgment against the defendants, William E. Cummings and Ota E. Cummings, his wife, for the sum of Nine Thousand Eight Hun dred Dollars (?9,800.00) in United States Gold Coin together with in terest thereon from the 1st day of November, 1923, at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum in like Gold Coin or the sum of $2,703.83, making a total sum of Twelve Thousand Five Hundred Three Dollars and Eighty three cents (J12.503.83); and the fur ther sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) reasonable attorney's fees; end the further sum of Five Hundred Eighteen Dollnrs Thirty-two Cents (J518.32;; and the further sum of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00); and for the costs and disbursements herein, in the sum of Twenty-one Dollars Fifty Cents ($21.50), which said judg ment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's Office of said Court on the 24th day of August, 1927, and said txecution to me directed, command ed me in the Name of the State of Oregon, in order to satisfy said judg ment, interest, attorney's fee, costs of suit, and accruing costs, to sell the following described real property, to-wit: The South half of the Northeast quarter and the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirteen (13); The Northeast quarter, the East half of the Northwest quarter, and the Northeast quarter of the South east quarter of Section Twenty four (24), all in Township Two South of Range Twenty-five (25) E. W. M., situated in Morrow County, State of Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON in compliance with said Execution and Order cf Sale and In order to sat isfy said judgment, interest, attor ney's fee, costs of suit and accruing costs, I will on the 26th day of Sep tember, 1927, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the County Court houso in Heppner, Morrow County State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash at public auction, sub ject to redemption as provided by law. all of the right, title and interest of raid defendants, William E, Cum mings and Ota E. Cumming!, his wife. H. C. Happold and Vera J. Happold, his wife, John F. Vaughn and Muriel Vaughn (ued as Jane Doe Vaughn), his wife, Chris J. Brown and Shell Company of California, a corporation and all persons claiming by, through or under them, or any or either of them, in and to said premises. Dated and first published this 25th day of August, 1927. GEO. McDUFFEE, Sheriff of Morrow County, State of Oregon. NOTICE OF EQUALIZATION MEET ING. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesdny, October 4th, 1927, the Dl rectors of the West Extension Irri gation District will meet at the Dis trict office at Irrigon, Oregon, as a Hoard of bqualization, for the pur pose of reviewing and correcting the i imual assessment, and to heir and determine any objections thereto, A C. HOUGHTON, Secretnry, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY. Elsie E. Sclby, Plaintiff,) vs. ) SUMMONS Harry G. Selby, ) Defendant.) To Harry G. Selby, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to 'appear and answer the complaint hied against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum mons, if published; or within six weeks from the date of service upon you, if personally served without the fctnto of Oregon; and if you fail to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court .'or the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: For a decree of this Court granting to her an absolute divorce, and for such other reliof as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons is published by vir tue of an order of the Honorable H, L. Benge, County Judge of Mor- row Countv. Slate of Ore iron, nidi and entered on the 1st day of Septem ber, ivzi. Date of first publication, September 1, 1927. C. J. WALKER, Attornev for Plaintiff Address: Heppner, Oregon, Professional Directory DR. DAVID S. ROWE (Licensed) CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN and , PHYSIO-THERAPIST Phone 303 . Hermiston, Ore. AUCTIONEER E. J. KELLER The man who made the reasonable price. LEXINTON, OREGON WM. BROOKHOUSER Painting Paperhanging Interior Decorating Xeave orders at Peoples Hardware Company E. H. BUHN Expert Watchmaker and Jewelry Repairer Heppner, Ore. DR. A. H. JOHNSTON Physician and Surgeon Graduate Nurse Assistant I. O. O. F. Building Phones: Office, Main 938; Res. 492 Heppner, Oregon GLENN Y. WELLS Attorney at Law 600 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland, Oregon Phone Brosdway 4254 I DR. F. E. FARRIOR DENTI8T X-Ray Diagnosis I. O. O. F. Building Heppner, Oregon Frank A. McMenamin LAWYER Phone BEacan 44SI 1014 Northwestern Bank Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON Res. GArfield 1949 A. D. McMURDO, M. D. PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon C. L. SWEEK AT FORNEY-AT-LAW Offices In First Nstlonal Bank Building Heppner, Oregon MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Surgical, Medical, Maternity Caaee Wards, and private rooms. Rates Reasonable. Mrs. Zena Weitfall, Graduate Nurse, Superintendent. A. U. Johnston, M. D. Phyit-cian-in-Charge. Phone Main 822 Heppner, Ore. S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Court ouse Heppner, Oregon AUCTIONEER Farm and Personal Property Sales a Specialty. "The Man Who Talks to Beat the Band" . G. L. BENNBTT, Lexington, Ore. C. J. WALKER LAWYER and Notary Public Odd Fellows Building Heppner Oregon Maternity Hospital Wards and Private Rooms. Rates Reasonable. Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate Nurse Phone Main 812 Heppner, Ore. F. W. TURNER & CO. FIRE, AUTO AND LIF8 INSURANCE Old Line Companies. Real Estate. Heppner, Oregon JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Roberta Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon