HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 1$Z7 PAGE THREE BAR, 5 Michael J. Phillips Illustration! lry Henry Jy L Copyright MloWl V. Phillips Released, thru Publlahara Autooutar Sarvlo The Leading Characters. EDISON FORBES, a young resident of Scottdale with an inherent craving for liquor is held for the death of a woman who nan been killed by a bootlegging truck. Circumstantial evidence points to Forbes and rather than tell the truth of the epi sode, he stands trial which results in a long prison sentence. He is soon pardoned, how ever, but back in Scottdale he and PATSY JANE, his pretty wife, agree that publio sentiment against him would warrant their migration up north where Eddie has a quarter section of land. While there they form the acquaintance of ISAIAH SEALMAN, a shifty neighbor who is anxious to buy their property. Ed die learns that the back taxes total over eight hundred dollars and must be paid in five months to avert forfeiture. Seasman makes a generous offer which is refused Eddie thinking the land must have some value unknown to him to warrant his neighbor's interest. Things do not go well. Eddie fails to get work and succumbs to Mb old yearning by falling in with a bootleg ger's gang, getting drunk and being shang haied to Chicago. Upon his return he dis covers that Pat has left him and will not return until he has quit drinking. This he determines to do. He secures work on a nearby ranch, run by Davenant, and after many temptations at last beats his enemy, John Harleycorn. All this time he is slow ly earning money but realizes that when the tax is due he can't possibly have enough. Sealman renews his offer and is again refused. One day NANCE ENCELL, his former sweetheart, calls, finds him alone, offers to pay the def icit but is rebuffed. Then Nance kisses him and is seen by Patsy who had called to attempt a reconciliation with her husband. Pat leaves without listening to his explana tion. Broken-hearted, Eddie tries harder than ever to earn the money and one morn ing early while berry picking, notices fresh tire marks on his property. Eddie discovers that two men, one of them the youth who deserted him the night of the truck accident are carting away the soil from a mound. He stop them, whips the young coward and gets -the address on a bag they have used. At Long Portage he learns there is only three hundred and fifty dollars instead of eight hunded for his first year's taxes, which would enable him to pay, but at the bank he also discovers that a check he gave Sealman for five dollars for a pig has been raised to five hundred, completely wiping him out. Then he tries to see Patsy, but learns that she is not at home. CHAPTER XVI Unwelcome Visitors. Eddie puzzled resentfully as he drove home. As all of Scottdnle had, Patsy was condemning him without a hearing, on circumstantial evidence. Well, it couldn't be helped. How ever, the impudent trespassing on their property and the purchase of the tax-title rather absolved him from obligation toward the man who had been with him the night of the acci dent. He'd seen: perhaps he might tell Patsy Jane, after all. He filled in the suspenseful week in wire about the land. He hurried to the cutting of fence posts and re stringing the wire, and went to the mail-box each forenoon after the ru ral carrier had rattled along the trail in his little car. But the governor did not write. The eighth day he could stand it no longer. When the carrier had failed to stop at the box, Eddie drove into town and wired Governor Al bright. He spent the afternoon in wandering about town, returning at half-hour intervals to inquire for, a message. Finally, at five o'clock it came: "Sorry, but Governor is in Europe until Christmas. Duff, Secretary." He summoned a smile to his face and drove to the garage. "They say a man may be down, but he's never out," he thought. "Well, here's where I test the theory." To the garage at tendant he said briefly: "Fill her up." He had resolved to attempt borrow ing the money at Scottdule. He could have appealed to Nance Encell, but that was impossible. Patsy Jane would have to know where the money came from. She would never accept her home at Nance's hands. Furthermore, to borrow from Nnnce would confirm every mean suspicion. No; he'd win or lose without that, He bought food and headed south. It was his intention to drive all night and as much of the next dny as might be necessary to reach Scottdale. For the time was getting perilously short. The first of September was but just around the corner. It had begun to rain at noon of the 31st day of August. Autumn comes early in northern Michigan, and there was the chill of leafless, deso late landscapes over which the wind may prowl untrammelcd, in the satur ated air. The ton ' tVdio's car was in bad condition. The spears of rain found the weak places unerringly. Lit tle strenms played upon him and soaked through his clothing. His hands were stiff with cold. An end less succession of chuckholes devel oped, through which the car jolted uncomfortably. Perhaps he would not have been so responsive to the miserable weather had his mission been successful. He had trampled on his pride and ap pealed to every likely person for the loan which he needed. All had re fused him. Some would have been willing to advance the money. But they feared the bleak disfavor of their neighbors. The bun-ens had been a sounding- board, apparently, and outstanding incidents of his life there echoed in ihe tqwn's. cars. All favorable angles had been eliminated. Scottdale-heard only the most discouraging. They knew of his drinking bouts. But they didn't know that he had con- quored liquor. They hnd heard of his enforced trip to Chicago. They roll ed under their tongues the delicious morsel that Patsy had left him, and assured that the Reparation was final His fight to oust the motor tramp and his thrashing of the other trespasser were described as drunken quarrel someness. Even his dismissiil by Da- vonant had been distorted into some thing mysteriously criminal. It wbb dark when he approached Long Portage. He was shivering vio lently from cold and rain. He was very hungry. But he felt he could pot bear the looks which would be turned on him In either of the town's restau rants. His telegraphic appeal to the governor for funds and the reply were public property by now. There were too many lounging in and out of the railroad office who could see the mes sage on the open file, even were the agent silent and discreet which he was not. Long Portage knew hiB attempts to get money there had failed. It would read in his face that his journey to the south had been a failure, also. So he squashed through the mud of the uneven main street and left the yellow lights in the store building behind. Somehow, it seemed friendly out in the barrens, though the night was black. The rain whispered compan ionably among the jackpines. The twisting track was firm and free from standing -water. He saw no ptrson but a pair of fiery eyes staed upon him from a bend in the road, and as the car rushed past, he could see the mild and shaggy head of a bear, who was standing on' his hind legs in a patch of blackberries. When the last ridge had been sur mounted he gave a start of surprise. A light was shining from the win dows of his cabin. He shut off the power and brought the car to a stop some distance away. The thought of the motor-tramp came in to his mind and he went forward cautiously to rcconnoiter. He crept stoopingly, keeping out of range of the windows until he could peer into one of them from the corner. Two small panes had been broken out so that the un bidden guests might unloose the sash bolts. After a single glance he went to the back door and thrust it open. The three occupants of the cabin, .lake, Culley and Oscar, looked up in surprise. They were quite at their ease, as much so as in their own homes, or a stable. They had eaten a bountiful meal from his provisions. the disordered table showed. A plate had been broken, and the pieces carelessly kicked aside. Now Culley was chewing tobacco, as the brown splotches where he had spat on the floor showed. The others were smok ing. There was a blazing fire in the fireplace. And a tall black bottle partly full, stood in the center of the table. They had removed their outer clothing. Caps and mackinaws were thrown on one of the bunks. Across them lay three belts to which were at tached holsters, each holster contain ing a lnrge calibre automatic. "Hello, kid!" greeted Culley, jov ially. "Didn't find you home, so we came in. "So I see," returned Eddie. "This rain'll hold up the ship may be till noon tomorrow," volunteered Oscar, "se we thoughht we'd eat un der cover. Good grub you got here." He began indolently to roll a cigar ette. Eddie's self-control was suddenly broken. He snatched a 3iiotgun from its pegs over hte door. The barrels were loaded only with birdshot, it is true. But birdshot will serve admir ably at three feet. "You hogs!" he growled. "You lasy filthy crooks! Get out of here quick!" Men who live by violence are use fully educated. They know wuen an adversary is bluffing and when he is dangerous. They have the courage of their careers, and they will take ruthless steps against the bluffer. Hut they bow to the dangerous man. So the trio rose. Here was danger per sonified. A false move would mean the discharge of the shotgun, and two dead men. They had no desire to speculate as to who might be spared. Keeping them covered, Eddie step ped back until he secured the belts. He removed the pistols with one hand and threw the belts to the floor. Backing again be pulled open the front door. They saw his intention. "Aw, say, kid," remonstrated Cul ley, his voice between a whine and a srarl, "don't throw them gats away." His answer was to hurl the pistols, one by one, out into the darknses, and Culley spoke again: 'WhBt's the big idea, anyway? You claim to be a friend" The bulky guard happened to be nearest. Eddie thrust the gun ngalnst his flabby stomach so that the twin muzzle dented deeply the soft tissue. "Shut up and get outl" he com manded. Culley obeyed, carrying his coat and belt with him. Eddie shepherded them along the path. He kept his flashlight spraying on the trio to pre vent a surprise attack. The booze truck, headed north, stood by the aide of the road. They clambered into the sent, after Oscar hod kindled the lights, and thundered away. They hurled back curses and threats from a safe distance. Eddie smiled Into the darkness after them before turning bnck to the house. 'I wanted them to think I was a simp and an easy mark till something ten on tnem, he mused. "But I guess the shock of finding out wasn't less unkind tonight than it would have been later. Now for a bite to eat. And then it s a cubo of back to town again," CHAPTER XXII At the Office. tight trucks, bull-nosed and Im mensely powerful, stood humped un der their tarpaulins like strange pre historic animals. Their guards and drivers walked restlessly and down or huddled under protecting canvas aprons. Three skiffs floated by the dock in the bootleggers' cove. There was an attitude of expectancy and impatient waiting over the score of men making up the expendition. It was well past noon of the first of September. Yesterday's rain per sisted, although the large drops had now dissolved into many small ones, and a thick white mist threw a blan ket over them. It was impossible to see farther than a short distance. Bad weather, fog and a high sea had de layed the Canadian rum-runner. She was hours overdue. As the men stamped their feet and talked insensibly the atmosphere be came lighter. The mist, little by lit tle, began to dissolve. A cold wind came up and swept away the rem nants. The clouds kirned from a dreary dark gray to lighter shade. They became fleecy; patches of blue sky appeared. The rain stopped. "There she is!" several voices cried at once. Only a few hundred yards away, heading straight inshore, was a squat, broad-beamed fishing tug. She was low in the water; there was a bone in her teeth and spray dashed over her square bows. " A plume of steam arose from the craft, and a single inquiring note of ner siren rolled over the water. One of the men raised a long bamboo pole on which was a square of white cloth. He waved it vigorously. It was the "All clear signal." For everything was all clear, of course. The runners would be un molested up here in this jumping-off place in the barrens. The tug drove on. The canvas which swarthde her sides to a height of ten feet was being stripped en. It could be seen that the deck was piled hith with nine boxes of handy size. They were cases of Canadian liquor, hundreds of them, retailing at curren tquota tions at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per case. The cargo was worth a fortune. The skiffs put out from the dock. rowed briskly by two men in each. A man in the bow of the tug raised his hand and shouted. She had come inshore as far as it was safe and, with the reversal of her engines, the forward motion ceased. The crew gathered at the rail, removing the final lashings. As the skiffs came alongside and were made fast, they handed down the cases. Two small boats came back cau tiously to the dock, laden to the water's edge. The waiting group formed a chain. The cases were passed from hand to hand until they were piled up on the nearest truck. In a few minutes the skiffs were empty, and were rowed to the tug again. Two motorboats shot out from a notch in the shoreline, just above the cove. High banks on either side of the shelter and thick, overhanging vegetation had effectually concealed them before. The boats were long, high in the bow and equipped with roaring engines that sent them flying through the water at racing speed. Each was manned by a half dozen young men, in the forest-green uni form of the Michigan state police. Every man was armed, and a machine gun thrust an omnious snout forward from the bow. All hands went up on the tug and the skiffs. There wus no hope. The tug was too slow to run away and her crew could not hope to stand off this superior armament. The completeness of the surprise made the thought of organized resistance out of the ques tion. The crowd on shore looked on the flying craft with horrified amazement. The jig was up up most emphatical ly. It was every man for himsell The trucks furnished them with a means of escape and th.y turned frantically to the wuiting vehicles. They faced a skirmish line of for est green. More troopers had arisen from among the sand dunes. These nere armed with rifles and automat ics. And oach held a dark metal ob ject, about the size and shape of a goose-egg, in his right hand. The line was a fearsome one. Over each head was drawn a dull cloth bag that fitted tightly around the neck and end ed in front in a sort of elephant's trunk. Two great staring glass disks were turned forward like n ercilnss eyes. Only one man was not so equipped, but his mask Tested on his head, ready for adjustment. He stepped forward toward the huddled, doubtful booze runners. 'Gas-bombs, boys," he an nounced quietly, holding up his own goose-egg. "No false moves, or " He drew back his arm slightly. "And it's a painful way to die." The truck crews were made up mainly of men who had dodged serv ice in the great war. They had abun dant courage, and would have shot it out with the troopers. But they knew nothing of gas, and they feared it with panicky fear. Every hand clutched at the sky, including the plump, tapering figure of a rotund person' with silky brown beard who stood in the foreground. Every hand? Not quite. A man Also Asks Apology MONEY CANT BUY A BETTER OIL than THE NEW vZEKOLENE A modern oil for modern motor cars. 2E Mhere THE NEW ROLENE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA Si Again This Year We invite you to attend the HEPPNER RODEO and to make this store your Headquarters Rest room for the ladies Phelps Grocery Company PHONF 53 ized the Henry Ford Peace Ship now requests Mr. Ford's apology "to clear herself," she says, "of eharces OTnwino rmf nf th nn,it. cessful mission in 1915 to get the Kyi out ot the trenches by Xmas on the wharf, protected in part by the trucks above, raised his auto matic with a desperate gesture and fired at the leader of the troopers. He missed. But the sergeant who an swered it did not. The man on the dock clasped his arms about his stom ach and fell into the shallow water. "Steady!" commanded the leader. "He's done. Don't throw, men." Eddie Forbes ran from among the troopers, throwing aside his gas mask as he came. "I'll get him out!" he cried. For the runner who had fallen was too valuable to be drowned. It was Scoots Libbey, whose mishandling of a liquor truck months before had started all his trouble. It was within a few minutes of five o'clock, closing time in the county offices, when Eddie mounted the step3 of the new brick building wearily. A sense of responsibility had kept him with the state police until the pris oners could be lodged in the county PHONE ' or leave "orders at Phelps Grocery Co. Home Phone 1102 HEPPNER TRANS FER COMPANY jail. For it had been his telephone call of the night before which had precipitated the most successful liq uor raid in the state's history. Fortuna'ely, a troop of the state police, working on shore with motor-cars and horses, and on the water with their fast motor cruisers, had been beating the north for rum-runners, and were stationed only a few miles away. Orders from Lansing had started them during the night to the rendezvous he had selected. The rain had helped them to establish themselves undetected in position to 3pring their coup. Now there was a let-down, a des pairing sense of loss and failure. He was conscious that he had eaten only sketchily for two days, that he was not shaven, and that his misshapen, wrinkled clothing had been wet by the rain, had dried upon him, and had been wet again to dry again. He won dered rather stupidly why he was going to the courthouse at all, he had no money to meet the taxes. Peter Whimple had company, Eddie found. There was the youth he had beaten up for trespass. He was sit ting on a straight-backed pine chair, and Nance Encell was beside him. A keen young man in city clothes was tilted against the wainscoting of the side wall. Eddie advanced a few steps and paused uncertainly. The stranger lowered the front legs of his chair and prepared to rise. His late ad versary scowled, but Nance smiled and said cheerily, 'Hello, Eddie. Well, I see yon made it, after all." Made it? He had mad nothing but a mess of it. Why had he com here to be laughed at by Nance En cell and her companion, of all peo ple? And why was this other chap staring at him so curiously? (Continued Next Week) PIANO SACRIFICE NEAR HEPPNER High grade piano to be sold at bar gain. Terms of $10 monthly arranged for good home. For particulars ad dress Cline Piano Co., 6 Front St., Portlind, Ore. 25-8 FOR SALE Heppner residence property, 7-roora house, one acre of ground, orchard, barn, modern con veniences. See or write Geo. McDuf fee, Heppner, Oregon. 22-tf. HAVE NO FEAR of having your teeth extracted. Take GAS Inexpensive. No Shock No Pain From five to ten minutes com pletes operation. DR. R. B. ROBBINS Pendleton, Ore. Do You Deserve Success? DOES IT SEEK YOU? Success and Happiness don't come to everyone usually just to those who deserve it, who strive to, attain it. You anyone can have .success, can easily secure the better things of life on an easy plan that is sure to suc ceed. The plan is systematic saving, and it's easily car ried out. Success and Happinss thru savings do not require sacri fices or skimping of present needs. You don't have to give up present comforts. You can have the things you want now and save too. Saving regularly will bring you at once a greater happiness today as well as in the future. If you seek success on this plan, you deserve it. And it will come to you. Let us show you how easy this plan is. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Rank Oregon Lai Wit Wih lvTfc Wu Jh Wit YttL lwft Wit )Wfl M yl VJ Wit Wit Vbxw6yJi1V21yub Jbr Economical Transportation -an outstanding feature of the most Amazing Quality in Chevrolet History The COACH '595 TTieTonrlng $C1S or Roadster JaJ Coupe . . . UJ The 4-Door $CQ S Retail . . . OiO The Sport $7 1 C Cabriolet - 3 The Imperial $"1 AC Landau - - t Vi-Ton Truck $395 (Cha!ij lnlv) 1-Ton Truck $495 (Chassis Only) All prices f.cb. Flint, Michigan Cheek ChsTrelat DellTered Prices Theylncludetheloie est handling an4 lonancing charges avalUbl Learn for yourself the thrill of Chevrolet performance. Come in take the wheel of your favorite model and go wherever you like. Drive through the crowded traffic of city streets and note the handling ease. Step on the gas on' the open road and enjoy the swift sweep of the passing miles. Head for the steepest hill you know and see how effortlessly the Chevrolet motor will carry you up. Here is performance you never thought possible except In cars of much higher price performance that only Chevrolet provides at prices so im pressively low! Ferguson Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Ore. QUALITY AT LOW COST