HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1927. PAGE THREE mV Jim7v Michael J It- Phillips IUu.tration Ijy Hanry Jjr L Copyrltht Miokul V. Phillip MUajad thru PablUhart tatlaoutsr Se-rvloe) 2i: : The Leading Characters. EDISON FORBES, a young resident of Scottdale with an inherent craving for liquor is held for the death of a woman who has been killed by a bootlegging truck. Circumstantial evidence point to Forbea and rather than tell the truth of the epi acde, he stands trial which results in a long prisop sentence, ile is soon pardoned, how aver, but back in Scottdale he and PATSY JANE, his pretty wife, agree that publlo sentiment against him would warrant their migration up north where Eddie has a quarter section of land. While . there they form the acquaintance of ISAIAH SEALMAN, a shifty neighbor who is anxious to buy their property. Ed die learns that the back taxes total over eight hundred dollars and must be paid in five months to avert forfeiture. Sealman makes a generous offer which is refused Eddie thinking the land must have 'some value unknown to him to warrant his neighbor's interest. Things do not go well. Eddie fails to get work and succumbs to his old yearning by falling in with a bootleg ger's gang, getting drunk and being shang haied to Chicago. -Upon hia return he dis covers that Pat has left him and will not return until he has quit drinking. This he determines to do. He secures work on a nearby ranch, run by Davenant, and after many temptations at laxt beats his enemy, John llarleycorn. All this time he is slow ly earning money but realizes that when the tax is due he can't possibly have enough. Sealman renews his olTerand is again refused. One day NANCE ENCELL, his former sweetheart, calls, finds him alone, offers to pay the def icit but is rebuffed. Then Nance kisses him and is seen by Patsy who had called to attempt a reconciliation with her husbaraj. Pat leaves without listening to his explana tion. Uroken-hearted, Eddie tries harder than ever to earn the money and one morn ing early while berry picking, notices fresh tire marks on his property. ' CHAPTER XIX Just Dessert A light truck was standing near the scar jn the side of the mound the scar which he and Pat had noticed on the first day of their journey of ex ploration. Two men were busily at work, scrnping and shoveling the sour-smelling earth into sacks which ' they loaded onto the truck. Orle of them was the Long Portage express man. Eddie's face hardened at sight of the other. It was his companion of the night of the accident, the youth who had so cravonly deserted to avoid the possible consequences of discov ery. f . As Eddie came upon the workers, the youth started. Then he leaned on his shovel. He smiled insolently. "Gee, you're an early riser," was his first remark. "Have to be, to keep my farm from being carried away. What's the big idea?" "You mean this?" The youth nod ded at the truck. "Well, they say this stuff is good for stock, salt in it, you know. So I was getting some for the cattle at Encell's." "At Encell's?" "Yes. I'm visiting over there, you know?" Eddie regarded him speculatively. "Well, of course I'd like to see En cell's stock do well," he suid mildly. "But wouldn't it be courteous to ask me first about this stuff?" The sneer in the young man's smile became more pronounced. "Why should I ask you? You lose this place on tax-title the first of next month. I'm already the owner. I bought the" title from the Brower estate by tele graph two days ago." "The Brower estate?" echoed Eddie puzzled. "Sure. You don't know what's go ing on under your own nose," was the contemptuous retort. "Old Brower died suddenly, and the family doesn't care about this northern Michigan estate idea of his. All his tax titles were put on the mnrket, I got this. So, really I have more right here than you." "Listen, kid," commanded Eddie, quietly. '"You're off -away off. You haven't any right here until after the first day of next month. Then you only have a right if I fail to redocm the property. Well, it'll be redeem ed, So right now you're a trespasser and a thief. You're stealing my prop erty." The lean-jawed expressman rubbed his bristles nervously. "Don't blame me, Mr. Forbes," he pleaded. "He said he owned this when he hired me." Ed die waved absolution. "You're using pretty rough lan guage, Forbes," commented the youth, coolly. "Thief, eh? I'll show you the first of the month. Where would you get three hundred and fifty dol lars to tnke care of that tax-title?" He laughed ironically. "Everyone knows that you're broke, that your wife has left you and you're just stalling here because you don't dare show your face in Scottdale. Why, you escaped being a jailbird because that old crook of a governor pardoned you. So don't get fresh with me." "So that's it, eh?" was Eddie's com ment. "Well, I don't think those few sacks of earth are worth much. But you'll leave them, just the same. Un load." The youth's reply was to drop his shovel and rush, a scowl on his weak, dark face. Eddie met him with a straight right hander that puffed the loose lips. As a fight it did not com pare with the fierce battle against the motor-tramp. This adversary had neither the courage, the strength nor the resolution of the wanderer. His eves were blackened and his nose ' bleeding, though ho had scarcely left a murk on Eddie, when he turned his back and clamored onto tho.truck. "All right, you big bully! " he com Dlaincd. "I'll have the laugh when the sheriff throws you off. You put your foot on here and I'll shoot you like a dog. Yes, I Willi" he raved, the expressman started the truck. "And you keep away from Nance En cell, or I'll drill you anyway." "So that's it?" mused Eddie. "'. remember that he always did like her, Of course he woman t have been so nasty if it hadn't been for booze. His breath was like a distillery. He got away with that dirt, after all. Oh, well, I guess he paid for it." He grinned. ' Absentmindedly he picked up an empty sack, one which had been left and which had been overlooked. A name and address were printed on the sack in black letters. He whistled when their significance came to him with the others'. He was, the slick one, a director of the bank, Eddie re called. When he drove back to the big ranch, Davenant himself, black W)th passion, met him at the door of the bunkhouse. "(et your dirty traps together, Forbes, and make tracks," snarled the big man, "Why, Mr. Davenant, what's the matter?" asked Eddie, in surprise. "Matter?" echoed Davenant, doub ling his fists, and Eddie noted that the formidable knuckles were barked, "matter? You've been giving liquor to Millig, that'B all." Millig, another farmhand had man aged heretofore to keep, Mb potations from the notice of the owner. But he had seemingly been careless, "had been thrashed when he grew impu dent, and discharged. "But I didn't give him liquor," pro tested Eddie. "You did. Don't lie to me." "I tell you I didn't," returned Ed die, sharply. "Well, he got it from you. You had it." "He didn't. "I" he began, and stopped. He recalled the bottle in his suitcase. "Hah!" growled Davenant at his hesitancy. "You'd better admit it," Eddie entered the bunkhouse. His suitcase open, lay in the middle of the floor. The bottle was gone. He returned to the outside. "You're right, Mr. Davenant," re acknow ledged. "There was some liquor in my bag, and it's gone. I didn't give it to him, or teil him " "But you had it." The owner's voice rose to a shout. "You know how I hate booze, but you brought it here. I suppose you figured on a spree your self. I've a notion to give you what I gave him." He advanced, his arms swinging. ' "Well, maybe you can, but you'll get something in return," snapped Eddie. "You won't be beating up a drunken squarehead if you try any funny business with me. J'll leave you a few marks, anyway." "Get off my place," shouted Dave nant, more furiously than before. But his advance ceased. Eddie came out to load his possessions in the car, the owner was nowhere to be seen. Bull, the foreman, was and he. was legretful and sympathetic. "Sorry to lose you, Forbes." He glanced over his shoulder as he spoke, toward the main ranch house, a com modious two story log house, as though fearful of being overheard. "But you know how it is. The old mon'a nro.V Ml tha auhiprt. of llQUOr. Thev sav his son drank himself ton death a year ago. What in thunder did you want to keep that bottle around for? You might have known that nut Millig would smell it enjt." "Oh, I don't know, I'd forgotten it, more or less," replied Eddie. "I'm sorry to have to go, Bull. I like work ing for jfou. Well, if you'll give me what's coming " The foreman went to the ranch house and returned, presently, with Eddie's nay check for wages to the end of the month. He bought Ed die's pig, which had thrived wonder fully, for eighteen dollars. As the discharged farmhand drove homeward and later, as he was disposing his goods and chattels to make the cabin cosily livable, he had tmie to ponder on two things which had been crowd ed to the back of his mind by more stirring events. "The address on that sack means something," he thought. "It's up to me to squander a little something on telegrams to find out exactly what. His story about carting the stuff away as salt for the stock is all bosh. The pure salt is on top. What about the other remark of his? What did he mean by talking about three hundred and fifty dollars for the 'first' tax title?. Didn't I get the dope straight from the county treasurer? Guess I'll get downtown right away and find out where I'm at." CHAPTER XX Wiped Out Ho drove to the railroad station and sent tfway two telegrams. He went to the county building and stat ed his errand to Peter Wimple. That official nodded, as though confirming something that had long been a mat ter ofdoubt. You know, Forbes," he explained, miffing on hia pipe, "I've thought a good many times that maybe you did n't understand me. I suppose you knew that a tax-title issues for each year of back taxes, but that you have two years from the date of issue of each to redeem them. "There are two such plasters out against your property. To settle them both would be eight hundred and thirty-odd dollars. But if you'll pay the two-year-old one the first of tho month, you'll still have a year for the other one." Eddie swallowed jerkily. "How much is the first one?" Peter consulted his canvas-jacketed book. "Three forty-eight, seventy- two," he reported. "Seems pretty heavy, It makes it pretty binding, built two roads and widened and doopened Portage creek, all in th same year. Then the penalties are hevay. It makes it pretty binding, even though the improvements were spread over three years." Eddie went out with his nose in the air. He had 'given the tough old world en under hold and pinned its shoulders to the mat, first flop. He had licked booze and he had saved his home. Now to find Patsy Jane and tell her what pride had forbade his telling before; The identity of his companion the night of the accident. And, also, take her home. For he needed but three hundred and fifty dollars, and he had more than that sum in the Long Portage bank. He consulted the stub of his checkbook. He had about four hun dred dollars a young fortune! And more in his pocket. Of course he had no job. But he could get one. Of that he felt cer tain. And he would begin building up his land against the day he would crop it and stock it and make it pay good dividends. He went into the bank to deposit the Davenant check and the loose cash he was carrying. There were three persons behind the cheap par tition of white pine stained to look like hardwood, and iron grills stained to look "like bronze. Gray little Gil man, the cashier; Harold Faunce, the young bookkeeper; and Sealman, slick and rotound, combing hia beard with his fingers as he talked earnestly. "We were just about to get in touch with you Mr. Forbes," began Gilman nervously, as he swept forward the currency and checked the deposit slip. "Why?" asked Eddie. He felt Seal man's Might, bold eyes upon nim. "I wanted to notify you of your overdraft Mr. Forbes." The latter exclrination was a flustered remon strance. For Eddie, thrusting an arm through the wicket, seized his deposit and pulled his bankbook from the cashier's fingers, so. that the uneasy pen left a long, black mark down the page. "Now, say that again," commanded Eddie. "You're account is eighty-four dol lars overdrawn," returned Gilman. He glanced over his shoulder in hunt ed fashion as if to make sure that Sealman were there in support. "You're crazy," was the brief re tort. "Here are your vouchers. See for yourself," invited the cashier, de fensively. . Eddie leafed them over. They were all in order Hold on, the check to Sealman for the pig had been raised from five dollars to five hundred. "Looks to me as though the bank is out four hundred and ninety-five dollars," he announced. "This check has been raised. Of course you know that, Cilrnan. This man has told you it was written for five dollars." "I haven't told him anything of the kind," returned Sealman. Eddie turned the check over. It was endorsed "I. Sealman," but just below was another signature in a smooth and flowing script. "Henry W. Robbins." He reverted to the face of the check again. The forgery had been cleverly done, though close scru tiny revealed how the "hundred" had been cramped because of limited space. "Any jury would call that a raised check," said Eddie, scornfully, shov ing it back. "Loks as though this bank was negligent in taking it." "We'll have to ask a jury to decide it," returned Gilman. "This bank disavows responsibility. You were negligent in drawing it. If the line after 'Five' had started closer to the 'e' and had been drawn clear through, there would have been no negligence. But you left a space and the forger took advantage of it." So that was it. Maybe Sealman was not responsible for the forgery, but he had taken advantage of it to tie up his funds until after the pass- 1 Again This Year We invite you to attend the HEPPNER RODEO and to make this store your Headquarters Rest room for the ladies 1 Phelps Grocery Company PHONE 53 Do You Deserve Success? .DOES IT SEEK YOU? Success and Happiness don't come to everyone usually just to those who deserve it, who strive to attnin it. You anyone can have success, can easily secure the better things of life on an easy plan that is sure to suc ceed. The plan is systematic saving, and it's easily car ried out. Success and Hap'pinss thru savings do not require sacri fices or skimping of present needs. You don't have to give up present comforts. You can have the things you want now and save too. Saving regularly will bring you at once a greater happiness today as well as in the future. If you seek success on this plan, you deserve it. And it will come to you. Let us show you how easy this plan is. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank Oregon age of tax-day, two weeks away. He thrust his head and shoulders through the wicket, so that the flimsy grill creaked under the strain. "Sealman, you damned crook," he said harshly, "you've been trying ever since I came here to swindle me out of my place. You've connived at this trick to tie up my money. But it won't do you any good. You'll never put a -finger on a grain of that white aand. You hear?" "This is slander Forbes," warned the other, his combing fingers moving fgitatedly. "I have witnesses." "Witneises be damned," retorted (he angry man. "You daren't go into court." He turned on his heel and strode out, banging the door violently behind him. He had barely reached the street when he heard his name called. Sealman must have said his name rapidly, for he was in the tiny vestibule of the bank. He came hur riedly toward Eddie. "Now, Forbes, there's no use in hav ing trouble over this," he began, pla catingly. "I don't deny the check was for hve dollars. I passed is on for a load of huckleberries to a stranger. He didn't want to take them to town because it was late. I've never seen him aince. How was I to know he'd raise the check?" "Well, what else?" demanded Eddie. "I don t want you to lose your place and get nothing for it. I want it, Forbes, it goes well with my land. I'll make you a good offer." "You will, eh?" "Yes, I'll give you thirty-five hun dred." Eddie's answer was to place the heel of a work-roughened hand against Sealman's high-bridged nose and push violently. The bearded man tottered from the edge of the walk into the gutter. Whereat he uttered a venemous oath, quite out of keep ing with his sleek placidity. Eddie went on up the street, think ing rapidly. That morning he had had two strings to his bow. One had been snapped. He cmld not borrow money from Davenant. But the gov ernor remained. The postoffice at Long Portage oc cupied a corner of the largest general store. Eddie bought a pencil tablet. He stood at the post office desk and wrote the governor, outlining his sit uation and asking for a loan of three hundred dollars. He told of his bat tle with liquor, ai d how he had won. He stamped it and affixed a special delivery postage. H carried it to the station himself, and handed it to the clerk on the southbound trtfln. The governor would have it early next morning in his office at Lansing. Always there had been with him the thought of Patsy. Now he went to Attorney Kinnane's-, office. The old lawyer was alone. "Where's my wife, Mr. Kinnane?" he asked. "Not here just now, Mr. Forbes. She's out in the country for a few weekV To Eddie's look of bewilderment he added: "She comes in quite frequent ly. If you wish to reach her a letter in my care will be delivered promptly-" (Continued Next Week) PIANO SACRIFICE NEAR HEPPNER High grade piano to be sold at bar gain. Terms of $10 monthly arranged for good home. For particulars ad dress Cline Piano Co., 66 Front St.. Portland, Ore. FOR SALE One full size brass bed and baby's go cart. Inquire this office. PHONE or leave orders at Phelps Grocery Co. Home Phone 1102 HEPPNER TRANS FER COMPANY A MODERN BARN A good barn designed and equipped in a mod ern way, makes farm profits easier and adds joy to farming. The ganibret-roaf ed braced-rafter barn pic tured above can be arranged with' stalls, pens, bins, sheds, and so" forth to suit the needs !pf the builder and this is but one of the many plans we will show you when yea call fin us.1 We are ready tci help you plan a convenient, labor savin;? barn. Our plans are here for your use. We'd Eke ito: talk to; you about them and, too, about the use jaf good material in building the bam. Our Plan-Shop has planned over 200 Barns in the last few years. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. "Plana and Materials for Homes and Farm Buildings" JitrJSeenomical Transportation Only Chevrolet offers Bodies by Fisher at such low prices The COACH $ 595 525 625 695 715 1AA 395 TheTodHng omoadacer The Coupe The 4-Door Sedan The Sport Cabriolet The ImperUl undau K-Ton Truck (Chauu onty) 1-Ton Truck 49S (Chajsij only) AU priVcl to. b. FUn Michigan Check Chevrolet Delivered Price They include the low est handling and finan cing charge available. No other car in the low price field offers bodies by Fisher, with all the comfort, charm and elegance that the Fisher name assures. Come in and make your own inspection of Chev folet coachwork. Note the smartness of its Duco colors . . . the grace of its full-crown, one-piece fend ers . deep, restful seats . . . the fashionable durable upholstery . . . the finely modeled Ternstedt hard' ware . . . the patented Fisher W windshield . . . and the complete modern appointments. Go for a drive and you will learn that Chevrolet's performance is, in every way, as amazing as its outstanding beauty! Ferguson Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Ore. QUALITY AT LOW COST