Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 08, 1927, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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LM Hupp
Mrs. Frank Turner, son Robert and
daughters Jeanette and Anabel spent
last week end visiting Mrs. Turner's
sister, Mrs. Louis Morris of John Day.
Ihcy drove over the John Day high
way and have nothing but words of
praise for the beautiful scenery and
the progressive appearance of the
country over that way.
Johan Troedson, who was in the
city a short time on Monday, states
that quite a number of the wheat
raisers in the north lone section have
to do their threshing yet. He is
among the number but has his grain
in the stack and will be able to get a
machine on the job shortly.
C. W. Valentine returned home on
Saturday after a week spent at Walla
Walla, Pendleton and other points up
that way, during which time he great
ly enjoyed visiting with old time
friends. Many of these were ac
quaintances formed by Mr. Valentine
more than 40 years ago.
A. E. Craber and Ben Stanton of
Walla Walla were Hcppner visitors
on Monday, coming over to spend
Labor Day. These gentlemen, for
merly residents here, have not visited
their old stamping ground for twenty
years, and they took note of many
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wilson of
Huntington Beach, Calif., were visit
ors in Hcppner on Thursday last.
They had been spending some four
veeks at lone whore Mr. Wilson has
land interests, and took their depar
ture for Southern California Friday.
Mrs. Elsie Stevenson and Mrs. Le
ota Irwin were visitors in Heppner
last week end from their home in The
Dalles. The ladies were guests at
the home1 of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Hayes, Mrs. Hayes being a sister of
Mrs. Stevenson.
Melvin Johnston, superintendent,
and Harold Wynd, high school in
structor, of Lexington school, were
visitors in Heppner on Monday.
School began there with an unusually
l.eavy registration in all departments
on that day.
Miss Helen Valentine, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Valentine, re
turned home the middle of last week
from a stay of three weeks at Long
Beach, Wash., where she greatly en
joyed herself at this popular seaside
Wilson Bayless has disposed of his
city property on Jones street to Wal
ter Moore who expects to move into
he residence with his family shortly.
Mr. Bayless, we understand, has not
definitely decided where he will lo
cate. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Turner and son
Don returned Tuesday from Salem
where they spent a few days looking
up a residence in which to live dur
ing the school year. They will return
to that city the end of this week.
County Agent Smith, accompanied
by his family, departed Wednesday
afternoon for Dufur to take in the
souilicm Wasco county fair. Mr.
Sm.'.i will act as judge of grains and
grasses for the fair board.
Cleve Walton was a visitor in the
city on Saturday. Mr. Walton, who
was engaged in the general merchan
dise business at Long Creek for a
number of years, has located in Pen
dleton with his family.
Joe Batty, Eight Mile farmer, was
a visitor in Heppner on Saturday. He
states that his crop interests were
greatly augmented this season, and
80 to 36 bushels per acre were har
vested from his lands.
Miss Etta Devin departed the past
week on a vacation of a few weeks,
going to Grants Pass where she will
visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Rugg, former residents of this
A. E. Wright, Rhea creek stock
raiser in town Tuesday, said range
conditions oro much improved by the
lecen'. rains.
J. S. Young of Eight Mile is in
Portland on business this week.
Chas. Notson took his departure on
Monday afternoon for Pendleton to
take a night train out of that city for
the east. Charles is going to Wil
more, Kentucky, where he will become
a student in Ashbury college, taking
the divinity course.
Mrs. Fannie Rood is up from Port
land this week enjoing a visit with
relatives here and looking after bus
iness matters. Mrs. Rood contem
plates spending the winter in the
east, and will leave about the last of
Cleo H. Jenkins, architect, came up
from Albany Wednesday to inspect
the work in progress on Hcppner's
new auditorium-frvmnasium. He found
that Contractor Olson is getting along
with the work in fine shape.
H. M. Olden, Fairview farmer, was
in the city a short time Wednesday.
His harvest is all over and fall work
will begin as soon as there is suffi
cient moisture. But little rain has
fallen out that way yet.
Wanted Man with car to sell com
plete line quality Auto Tires and
Tubes. Experience not necessary.
Salary $300.00 per month. Milestone
Rubber Company, East Liverpool, O.
The Women'i Auxiliary of the Epis
copal church will meet at the parish
house on Thursday afternoon, Sept.
15th, at 2:30. All members and
friends are cordially Invited to be
Married, Friday, Sept. 3rd, at the
home of E. A. Bennett In this city,
Loren J. Matteson and Celia Mahon.
Milton W. Bower, pastor of the Chris
tian church performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Earl Gordon and Miss Lucille
Hall of Heppner, listers of Mrs. Geo.
Stephens, were guests the first part
of the week at the Stephens home in
this city. Arlington Bulletin.
Mr. and Mrs. John Freund arrived
in Heppner last week from The Dalles,
Mr. Freund taking the position as
engineer on the o".a branch of the
O.-W. R. & N.
N. M. Johnson of lone was visitor
in the city on Saturday. He has fin
ished with the wheat harvest and re
ports a very satisfactory yield.
Mrs. Etta Sanderson, president of
the Rebckah assembly of Oregon, is
making an official visit to the various
lodges of the county this week.
Mont. Bundy, farmer of the north
Lexington country, where they had
bumper crops this season, was a vis
itor in Heppner Saturday.
Jas. Luper returned to Portland the
end of the week. He had been spend
ing some time here looking after his
crop interests.
Final return limit Oct31
Your last opportunity to
go Ea.t on exceedingly low ,
round trip summer excur
sion fares. Liberal stop,
overs going and returning.
Aient will tell rou f (" "
ity and help nap out Tour itinerary,
DARBEE, Lociil Agent,
ITp:pner, Oregon
Red, Rose, Tan, Orange, Blue 56 in. wide
CRETONNES Beautiful for
draperies and aprons.
We Always Have
Time to Talk
With You
YOU CAN BRING your financialm
problems here, even though you do not
have an account with us; our officers
will be glad to see you anyhow.
OUR ADVISE MAY be beneficial,
and perhaps we can help you.
THE ATTITUDE of this bank is to
co-operate in every way in increasing
the prestige and prosperity of this city,
and giving assistance to the people of
this community whenever it can.
Firl National Bank
Clive Huston, who has been here
the past two months working in har
vest, departed last night for his home
in Portland.
FOR SALE 6 young Hclstein cows,
well bred, heavy milkers. They are
good ones. A. P. Ayers, Boardman,
Lee Scrivner, extensive rancher of
Democrat Gulch, was a business vis
itor in this city on Saturday.
John Brosnan of Lena was a visitor
here on Saturday.
A Good Afalfa and Sheep Ranch
For Sale Located on John Day high
way, one mile of Dayville. Sell with
or without sheep. Good fall, winter
and spring range and summer permit
on Malheur forest. Can give time on
land. Address, or call on P. L. Officer,
Dayville, Oregon. 12-25.
or leave orders at
Phelps Grocery Co.
Home Phone 1102
Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yen
want. It's good for yon.
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 80FS
I want itubblefields for pasture;
must have water. I have fir sale
some Berkshire male pigs, six and
seven months old B. F. Swaggart,
Lexington, Ore. 24-6
Do you want a cheap knockabout
car? We have a 1920 Dort that runs
good, all licensed and ready to go.
Price $85.00. HEPPNER GARAGE.
FOR SALE A few aged ewes; also
black- and white-faced bucks, cheap.
Frank Wilkinson, Heppner.
Before Selling Your Wheat jj
F. W. Turner
Representing BALFOUR
At Heppner, Phone 151
4 . HH. I MM Hi I
The cigarette you can smoke
with real enjoyment
If all cigarettes were as good
as Camel you wouldn't hear
anything about special treat
ments to make cigarettes good
for the throat. Nothing takes
the place of choice tobaccos.
O 1927, B J. Raynoldi Tobacco
Company, Winiton-Salem, N. C.
For All Morrow County
Meet Your Friends at the 1927
The Real Thing in Frontier Celebrations
This Year Better Than Ever
3-Day Bucking Contest Pony and Saddle Horse Races Relay Races Pack Race Pony
Express Race Quick Change Race Chariot Race Bulldogging with real Texas Long
horns Calf Roping Mule and Bareback Riding-MORROW COUNTY DERBY, Fea
turing Fastest Three-Quarter-Mile Ponies in All Eastern Oregon for $100 Cash Prize.
Big Dance in Open Air Pavilion Each Night
Big Amusement Carnival - Fletcher's Band
Reserved Seat Tickets Now on Sale
Last Two Days for $2.75 in Big Grandstand. $1.00 General Admission; Children 50c
Get Them at GORDON'S (Heppner) or Write W. E. MOORE For RESERVATIONS
All School Children Admitted Free Friday