HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1927. PAGE FIVE EaiiE Hupp Large numbers of people from town rnd over the county have been visit ing the mountain in the vicinity of Ditch creek during the past two weeks and found many huckleberries. There have, been really remarkable reports on the part of ome, while ethers stated thev were tint an mu- cessful in eettinir Into the nnt.rh where the berries were thick and larire. borne good nicki reported from the Albuckle section, r.iso. J. 0. Turner and family have left the ranch for a time and are prepar ing to spend the winter in the Wil lamette valley, perhaps at Salem, where Mr. Turner will take up the study ol law and Mrs. Turner will pursue her studies in music. They have leased the ranch for a period of years to i-d Kelly, who took posses sion the first of this week. Mr. Tur ner had a very abundant wheat crop this season. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney and daughter Patricia, and the Misses Margartt and Ruth Mahoney of Port land returned on Sunday from a visit to Wallowa Lake. Mr. Mahoney re ports wonderful crops in the Wallowa valley this season and the members of the party were delighted with the beauty of Wallowa Wonderland. Numeous campers in the mountains along Willow creek returned home the first of the week, among them being K. K. Mahoney and wife, W. V. Craw ford and family, D. A. Wilson and family and Alva Jones and family. These people all succeeded in finding a quantity of huckleberries and made good pickings. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ferguson and the Misses Mary Crawford and Luola Benge returned Monday after spending a week at Joseph and Wal lowa Lake. The young ladies enjoyed a hike into the high mountains while there. Miss Leora Devin returned home from Portland the end of the week. She had been spending some time in the city attending summer school. Q LOCAL ITEMS Q Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Warner of Lex ington are the proud possssors of a new Buick Standard Six Four-Door Sedan delivered to them last week by the Heppner Garage. Heppner Garage reports the deliv ery of a 1928 Buick Standard Six Two Door Sedan last week to Mr, and Mrs. S. G. McMillan of Lexington. C. N. Jones and wife are listed among the many who purchased new Buicks during the week, having se cured delivery of one of the latest model Standard Six Four Dood Sedans from the Heppner Garage. Heppner Garage last week delivered to Mrs. Sarah C. White of Lexington one of the new Buick Standard Six Four Door Sedans. Mr. and Mrs. M. tf. Parker of Lex ington, were in Heppner Tuesday to secure a new Buick Standard Six Four Dood Sedan from the Heppner Garage. For the 24th year Buick has suc cessfully fulfilled this promise: "WHEN BETTER AUTOMO BILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM:" HEPPNER GARAGE Buick Automobiles Goodyear Tires Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barr, Gay M. Anderson and Gay, Jr., returned on Sunday from a visit to points in Washington, traveling through the Yakima valley and the Snoqualmie Pass, finding the latter very atrac tive at this time of the year. Earl Simonton was in the city Mon day and stated that he had finished with the harvesting of his crop and was ready to take a little vacation. He was on the way to the mountains with his family to spend a short time at Hidaway Springs. Sheriff McDuffee reurned home on Monday from an automobile tour of Central and Southern Oregon, visiting Crater Lake and many other points of interest, returning by way of Port land and Columbia highway. J. L. Yeager came in "from the mountains in the vicinity of Ditch creek on Monday. He spent a few days there gathering in a supply of huckleberries, finding the picking very good. Dr. Samuel H. Tyler of Bend, ac- companed by Mrs. Tyler and their lit tle daughter, were in the city over the week end, Dr. Tyler being here on one of his regular visits. Do you want a cheap knockabout car? We have a 1920 Dort that runs good, all licensed and ready to go. Price $85.00. HEPPNER GARAGE. FOR SALE Side delivery hay rake in good condition. Will Bell cheap. Ralph Butler, Henriksen Ranch, near Lexington. 18-tf. Lester Doolittle and family depart ed on Monday for Wallowa Lake where they will enjoy an outing for ten days. Ralph Gilliam and Jasper Crawford who spent the week end at Portland, returned home on Monday evening. You don't have to be a millionaire to be well heeled Get fixed up at Gonty's Shoe Repair. J lis. Murtha, a leading stockman of Condon, was a visitor in Heppner in Monday. SUMMER'S FOOD Rich .wholesome milk. Drink all yon want. It's good for yon. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS., Prop. Phone 80F8 GfiUJ TRADE 4 MAkkIH, Good Work Clothes Priced Reasonably Mooremade Overalls Bib, 220 Denim $1.75 Waist, 8 ounce $1.75 Loud Speaker Overalls Bib, 220 Denim $1.50 Waist $1.50 Boys' Bib Overalls (all ages) $1.35 Boys' Waist Sailor Denim Pants $1.00 SHIRTS Light weight Gray Chambray Work Shirts 85c Heavy weight Gray or Blue "Iron Man" Coat Shirts $1.25 . M. D.CLARK Mrs. Sarah Bowen arrived here the first of the weak to care for soma of her personal effects. Mrs. Bowcn is ruaki,.g her home with her daughter and family who live at OrUniC, Wash., and she expects to return there after the first of September. Judge Alger Fee was over from Pendleton Wednesday and held a short session of Circuit Court in which he heard some motions and dis posed of other business on the docket. Mrs. Henry Jones and her daughter, Mrs. Stella Bailey, came up from Portland on Tuesday, spending a day or so here looking after business pertaining to the estate. For someone who wants a light closed car at a bargain we have a 1925 Ford Tudor Sedan priced very cheap. HEPPNER GARAGE. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carsner of Spray were visitors in Heppner oyer Tuesday night, returning home Wed nesday. FOR SALE 1923 Ford truck, War ford transmission, outside brakes, starter, generator, etc. Inquire this office. 22 LOST. One dark bay or brown horse, weighing about 1000 pounds, branded inverted W on left shoulder and on left jaw; wire cut on one shoulder and side of neck. Also one sorrel mare, weighing 1100 or 1150; un branded, roach mane and has bad wire scar on one front foot. Both are broken, and shod all round when lost. Last seen in Rood Gulch near Paul Webb place about 16 miles south of Heppner. Anyone knowing where abouts of said animals please notify this paper, 21-tf. A Good Afalfa and Sheep Ranch For Sale Located on John Day high way, one mile of Dayville. Sell with or without Bheep. Good fall, winter and spring range and summer permit on Malheur forest. Can give time on land. Address, or call on F. L. Officer, Dayville, Oregon. 12-25. FOR SALE 1922 Buick Six tour ing car; motor overhauled, new rings, 1927 license, runs good, (150.00. HEPPNER GARAGE. Get your shoes rebuilt before school starts. Gonty Shoe Store. CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING Skuzeski MERCHANT TAILOR Heppner, Oregon Come in and let me show you a new line selling at moderate prices. I can show you exclusive noveties sold only by high grade Merchant Tailors and not found in any ready-made cothes. Tailored suits will pro vide you with comfort and style you can't imagine until you wear them. And then there is that immeasurable satisfaction of knowing that your suit is right and made by an experienced tailor. I also carry the best line of ready-made clothes well known all over the world HART, SCHAFFNER AND MARX S A F E T Y & a s E R V I C E A Helpful Bank Are you receiving the proper service from your bank? Is your banking business being handled in a satisfactory way? This institution has every facil ity for attending to your wants, prop erly and promptly. If you are thinking of changing or enlarging your banking connec tions, we will be pleased to talk with you. Fir National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON Normal human blood is too thick to be drawn through the mosquitoe's BtTrfsJ piercing tube. They must first inject a thinning fluid. In that way disease germs are set afloat in the blood stretm bacteria of burning fe ver and crippling disease. There is also the danger of streptccoccic in fection, blood poisoning, from scrach ing the bite. Mosquitoes must be killed. Health authorities advocate Fly-Tox. Simple instructions on each bottle (blue label) for killing ALL household insects. Insist on Fly-Tox. Fly-Tox is easy to use. Safe, tain less, frnf-rant, sure. (ad7.) FOR SALE 400 ewes and 200 feed er lambs. S. E. STARR, Hermiston, Oregon. 21-3 PHONE or leave orders at Phelps Grocery Co. Home Phone 1102 HEPPNER TRANS FER COMPANY !n f O 11" T 1171 I KfcTnra Milliner innr wnnor t SEE I F. W. Turner Representing BALFOUR- f GUTHERIE CO, At Heppner, Phone 352 i J- -S)- J. .. J. - M. M-M m 1 1 , . . m ttTttTV II III TTTtTTTtTTT ttttttTtt ttt I Central Market C W. McNAMER, Proprietor FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY Call us when you have anything in our line to sell. Phone Main 652 SCHOOL BOOKS llllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllllllHIIIIIMIIIIUIIllMlllllllinillllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIl We have just received a complete stock of text books for the grades and high school. The books changed this year are: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TEXTS ARITHMETIC, WamiftoWAllowance for old book $ .05 HISTORY, Gordy Allowance for old book , 07 SPELLER, New World Allowance for old book .04 HIGH SCHOOL TEXTS ALGEBRA, Wells and Hart Allowance for old book 10 AMERICAN LITERATURE, Payne Allowance for old book , 26 BOOKKEEPING, Miner and Elwell (text only) Allowance for old book 26 ENGLISH, Clippinger Allowance for old book 06 SENTENCE AND THEME, Ward Allowance for old book 12 ENGLISH LITERATURE, Long Allowance for old book ;.. 20 GEOMETRY, Plane, Durell and Arnold Allwance for old book 11 GEOMETRY, Solid, Durell and Arnold Allowance for old book 09 CONCISE BUSINESS ARITHMETIC Allowance for old book 10 Old books will be exchanged only for new books of like grade. We have a large line of Tablets, Note Books, Pencils, Fountain Pens: Everything the student needs for school. HUMPHREYS DRUG CO. Heppner RELIABLE DRUGGISTS Oregon PLAN NOW to attend all three days .Beiuoner Rodeo SEPT. 22, 23, 24 All arena events of former years with addition of BULLDOGGING and PACK RACE. Morrow Coun ty Derby, three-quarter mile, Sat urday only for $100 first prize. $1500 CASH PRIZES Rand - Amusement Carnival - Dances I