HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 23, 1927. PAGE THREE OUND to Harold Illustrated by Henry Jay Lee Copyright hy HroU Maor!k -JLlMcl ttru Auiocaatw Srvia WHO'S WHO Jeanne Beaufort, daughter of a Vir ginian, swears vengeance against the North for the deaths of her father and two brothers in the Civil War. She is enrolled as a spy for the Con federate government and instructed to use the wiles of her sex to bring Parson John Kennedy, a Union spy, within the power of the South. Dis covered in the act of spying upon the group of Secret Service agents of whom Kennedy is the leader, Jeanne is given the alternative of death or marriage to one of their number. They are all masked, but Jeanne re jects one volunteer and chooses an other of the eleven as her husband. To herself, she calls him Ireny. Par son Kennedy performs the ceremony and the bride and groom, ignorant of cacn other's names and she not even knowing what he looks like, sign th marriage certificate as "Mary Smith" una John Jones." As witnesses the troup sign as follows: John Kennedy, D.D. C-WG-L H-RD-M A-NK-S P-PA-G G-RD-A J-NK-F J-WG-A F-BN-S F-WG-S W-BE-H They leave her bound and disap pear. Henry Morgan, a Southern officer and spy for the Confederacy, is in love with her but she rejects his ad vances. One day getting a letter ngned "your husband," Jeanne real ises that her identity is known. Dis guising herself with a brown wig and staining her face, Jeanne assumes the name of Alice Trent, and goes to Baltimore to carry on her work. She is un aware that a real "Alice Trent" lives in Baltimore. John Armitage, a Union officer, res cues Jeanne from a drunken man Jeanne induces Morgan to abduct Kennedy so that she may question him about the namei on the certificate and about a curious tattoo mark oa the arm of the man she married. Arm itage rescues him, but Jeanne escapes. She sees placards announcing a re ward for her capture, "dead er alive." General Armitage, father of the Captain, is discussing plans for the final campaign against Richmond when Jeanne, attempting to steal them, is captured. Though she is in boy's clothes, Captain Armitage rec ognizes her, but says nothing, and she is bound to face a firing squad in the morning. Armitage helps Jeanne escape and she makes her way back to her home. It is now the center of a Confederate encampment. Sentries bring word that a Union spy is on the grounds. The spy attempting to escape is killed. Jeanne reads a dispatch in his pocket, indicating that he was G-RD-A and on his arm sees the tattoo mark. She now believes that he was her hu&band. Morgan is discovered to be a Confederate spy and swears vengeance on Kennedy. Jeanne hopes to obtain, by torture if necessary, the truth about her marriage from Ken nedy. The parson and Armitage ac cordingly are kidnapped and taken to u deserted cabin. There, bound, they are seated when Morgan lights a short fuse attached to a powder bar rel. Jeanne saves them and tells Ar mitage, with whom she is falling deeper and deeper in love, that she gives him "a life for a life." Armi tage, rejoining his father's com mand, is present when she runs away with a federal locomotive. He fires at the enine and hits her in the arm. She makes her way back to the Con federate lines and while recuperat ing Morgan gives her a sheet of paper containing the names of the "eleven!" ... CHAPTER X. Parson Kennedy, Charles Lowell, Arthur Snell, George Armstrong, John Armitage, Philip Gardner, James Fo garty, Franz Schmidt, Wallace Hen derson, Frederick Skinner, The WG, Washington, NK, New York, RD, Richmond, BN, Boston, PA, Philadelphia. It seemed strange to her that there had never been any mystery. J-WG-A, that meant John (Washington) Ar mitage the man's name and his headquarters. She idly counted the names- and instantly became animated. Ai'ain she went over the list. Including Parson Kennedy, there were but ten names, and there had bten eleven men that nightl Oh, she had counted them with particular care eleven, always eleven. M irgan had missed one. Having lost the certificate, the el eventh name the initials had pass ed from her recollection. Meontlme, Armltage's telegrnpher had restored communications and his command was suved. It was Parson Kennedy who brought information of the Confederate trap. He had stumbled upon this informa tion by the merest luck. He had loft his comrade back there dend. "Who?" asked Armitage. "Gardner." Tho two, sent out to feel the way from headquarters, had run plumn into a scouting party of the enemy. Tho two never hesitated; hesitation would bo to invite death. They struck the astonished group before they thought to rnise their carbines, broke through and went on, followed by a storm of bullets. The younger man twisted oddly in his saddle. A mile or so beyond, he called out in agony. Kennedy was beside him elmort ns soon as he fell. "Gardner, boy?" "Parson if you ever see her again " Gardner was dead. Armitage, with compressed lips and frowning eyes, listened to this vivid recital. Six gone: Armstrong, Fo garty, Schmidt, Henderson, Skinner and Gardner six brave and gallant officers. Clark, the telegrapher, had told him it was a woman who held him up. Six comrades were dead; but Jeanne Beaufort lived; and she was free besides. He stiffened in the saddle, and the lines in his face grew hard. He would find Jeanne Beau fort; and woe to her when he did! The ragged army had settled down for the winter. The living-room was temporarily deserted, the chief in command of his staff having gone ona tour of inspection. Beyond the window the camp-fire blazed brightly. The door opened and closed softly, and Morgun stood with his back to it for a while, absorbing the lovely pic ture Jeanne presented. "You are very lovely tonight," he said. She did not reply. She could not hate this man. She vaguely wonder ed what her attitude would have been had be been less handsome. "Have you ever paused to think, Jeanne, that a man falls in love in voluntarily? That it is instinctive on his part to elude it as long as possi ble?" "Between you and me, Major, love is taboo," she said, rising. , "Ah, you may draw that taboo line as much as you please; but I am always bound to cross it. You made a confession to me one night, under stress." "You are under my roof, Major." "A Yankee!" "Still, an honorable man." "And yet his name wAs on that list I gave you. Will you not tell me, not as a woman to a man, but as comrade to comrade, what this list means?" "No. Besides, there were eleven, and you brought me the names of but ten." "Eleven? I secured what I could. Didn't I tell you I got them in Parson Kennedy's room? I didn't have much time. You can be like granite some times." "If our meetings are unpleasant, you have only yourself to thank. I do not love you; but there was a time when 1 respected you, admired your courage and resourcefulness." "You hit straight. Well, a thou sand times you have signed John Ar mitage's death-warrant." He spoke without apparent anger. "All I want is Armitage in front of my sword. I wish to conquer him before I kill him." "The death of John Armitage will in no wise alter my sentiments in regard to you, Major. You ought to realize that." Ho reached for iiis hat, but did not put it on his head. For two troopers entered, wheeled right and left and stood at attention. A man followed them, blinking. Two more troopers ccme after him. Then came the staff. John Armitage and Jeanne Beau fort looked into each other's eyes' once more. He took off his hat. "Do you know Ihis man. Major?" Morgan was asked. "Yes, General; he is Captain Ar mitage of the Federal Secret Service, one of the eleven I have often told you about." He was found within our lines," grimly. "He shall be shot at dawn." "Did you find any papers on him?" "No." Jeanne walked to the farther door, opened it and passed out of the room; but she remained close to the door, her brain awhirl. After several min utes she heard Morgan speak again. There was no doubt of the hatred in her heart now. "He has left his dispatches or lis notes elsewhere. Perhaps I had better go and look over the ground where you found him." Presently Jeanne heard the men filing out. She opened the door cau tiously. Armitage was seated before the fire, stretched out in his chair, his chin in his collar. He was alone. The guards had been stationed out side. Jeanne entered and approached within a few feet of him. He heard her, turned and rose. "Jeanne Beaufort!" he said quietly "Yes; this is my home, Captain Armitage." "Do you know why I am in this room tonight? I disobeyed orders for the mere sake of seeing you once more. In the back of my watch are my notes of observation." "You tell me this!" horrified. "Yes. You played with me, you sought my love to break it. Well, here they are, love and life. Break them. I was there that night, as you know. Take your revenge. They will have me shot anyhow." "I do not want your life. God forbid!" she cried brokenly. "I have ceased to regard it as any thing very valuable. I have stamped upon this love, but it is too strong for me. So here I am, contemptuous in my own eyes and doubtless in your own." "You forced me to play traitor!" He leaned toward the fire and spread out his hands. "Will you give me the name of the man I married that night?" "Say that I was the man, and let it go at that." "It is impossible, because you are the man who first stepped out." "On my word of honor, I was not that man." Should he tell her that it was Mor gan, Morgan, whom she trusted? He doubted if she would believe himf so he let the opportunity pass. "You will not tell me the truth?" Armitage smiled into the fire. "Suppose I tell you that I did not play with you, that I admired you beyond all other men?" "I'm afraid of you, Jeanne Beau fort," was all he said. "Then God help us both!" And with this passionate cry she ran from the room. The cry lingered in Armitage's ear for a long while. He fought against it resolutely. She was a consummate actress; but all her arts were useless now, of no avail. Morgan came in smiling. 'So here e are at last!" , "At least it will not be murder." lou and the V arson were in my way. Lord, how I fooled you all!" "Not recently, Major." "Alice Trent there was drama for you. How she laughed behind your back! ' Something impelled Armitage to ay, "You lie!" "I have stirred you, then?" , There was a sentry outside the World's most popular low-priced quality six Pontiac Six sales are nowat record-breaking heights. No other low-priced quality six ever enjoyed such popularity and no other car ever deserved its pop ularity more! For the New and Finer Pontiac Six is exactly the car that hundreds of thousands had hoped some day would he available.!. . . the highest type of six-cylinder performance. . . the finest type of bodies known to the industry. . . the most desir able mechanical features . . . and new low prices the lowest prices ever placed on sixes of comparable size, performance and quality !.. . Small wonder that Pontiac Six popularity is sweeping the nation with wildfire speed! Small wonder that thousands of people are buying new Pontiac Sixes every week! .Won, J775i Confr, $775 Sorl Cahrlnlet (4-uj.), $HV!I Inmlau Sedan, De Luxe Lamiim Snlun, $971: Delivery Chiisiii, $SHS; De Luxe Screen Delivery, $7Wt De Luxe Panel Delivery, $770. Oakland Si,tl()25 to$1295. AM prices at factory. Delivered price include minimum handling rhargefj Easy to pay on the libera! General Mofon Time Payment Plan. 775 SPORT ROADSTER Ferguson Motor Co. Ote Ikwand Fiwr PONTIAC SIX window, one on the veranda, three more distributed around the house. Armitage had made careful note of this. A great many things might happen within an hour. "Suppose we play a game of piquet to while away the time. We used to try our hand at that." "I shouldn't mind in the least." Armitage instantly formed a purpose. He believed he saw a way out. There was a chance of a bullet missing his back tonight but no chance of a dozen missing his breast in the morning. They sat down at the table, and Morgan riffled the cards. "I'll always remember you as a cool one, Armit age. For my part, I'd much rather have you die at the end of my saber." He dealt a hand. Armitage led. "A queen, eh?" Morgan sprawled in his chair. The butt of his revolver protruded just above the table edge. Banter of a deadly character began to pass between the two men. One was sure of the situation, the other was watchful and ready to seize upon the slightest advantage. "Armitage," said Morgan, finally. "I hate you more than anything e.se on earth. But you are a brave man." "I pass the compliment back only, I do not hate you, Morgan. I despise you." "That renegade Parson Kennedy will mourn for you." But he has my dispatches by this time. For two nights I have been in side your lines. If I lost rr.y head, it is because I wanted to mak-j sure that Jeanne Beaufort did not play fast and loose with mo S,he will never be yours either, Morgan." "No?" Morgan gazed nt his enemy tnrougn nait-closed eyes. "If, as they say, the dead come back, you will see." ( Continued Next Week.) And In A Positive Manner "She treated me like I was a pho tographer." "How come?" "She handed me her negative." ynmiiHiimtmiilnHiiiiiiiiiHIIimiiiiililHIHIIMimHHtik Subtle Old Fish Her Father "Do you support your self?" Suitor "Why, yes sir." Her Father "Then you ought to be abolished by the board of health!" Suitor "For what?" Her Father "For maintaining a nuisance." Announcement 1 Owners and purchas- I ers can now get direct service on DELCO LIGHT ! PLANTS f and FRIGID AIRE I from CONDON GARAGE COMPANY Condon. Phone Main 75 i r,iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiii!iiiMiiiiiiiitimiiimitiiiimiiiittiiiMiimii2 Please send literature on Frigid aire and Delco Light. Name Address Facing Facts "I don't know what we are coming to," pondered the autoist as he drove up to the edge of a cliff. They Are Like That "Didn't you say there was some thing you liked about me?" "Yes, but you've spent it all." VOICE YOUR THOUGHTS BY TELEPHONE. jwr uf luvMT gracioul 'Jff f ' " ' ' SHAKESPEARE J YOUR VOICE . . . ! SMore precious than gifts! JgACH year brings days when all your world pays w homage to you your day of nativity, of mar riage, of motherhood or fatherhood. Hark back to your last birthday. Remember the warm glow of satisfaction that remained with you long after a thoughtful friend or loved one had call ed you by Long Distance to wish you joy. Your friends, too, have their day of days. If you cannot be with them, send your voice the true re flection of your personality over the voice highways of Long Distance a thought more valued than precious gifts. To the boundaries of the Nation and beyond, by Long Distance horn your telephone. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY fTr3 At R. A. Farrens Ranch 17 Miles Southwest of lone Tuesday, June 2 Beginning at 10 o'Clock A. M. HORSES 1 Mare, 1400 lbs., and Colt 1 Mare, 1400 lbs. 1 Mare, 1450 lbs. 1 Mare, 1300 lbs., and Colt 1 Mare, 1000 lbs. 1 Mare, 11 00 lbs. 2 Mares, 1500 lbs, and Colt 1 Mare, 1450 lbs. GELDINGS 1 Gelding, 1400 lbs. 1 Gelding, 1250 lbs. 1 Gelding, 1400 lbs. 1 Gelding, 1350 lbs. 1 Gelding, 1550 lbs. 1 Gelding, 1500 lbs. 3 Geldings, 1250 to 1450 1 Gelding, 1350 lbs. 1 Gelding, 1350 lbs. 1 Gelding, 1350 lbs. 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