Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 23, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MRS. A. T. HBREIM. Comipondent.
R. Wasmer and Mrs. Nick Faler re
turned home Saturday from a few
days in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Schriever and Bobby of Lexington
came home also. Mrs. D. C, Basing
ton and daughter. Miss Annabelle of
Warren, Penn., and Mrs. M. Faler of
Portlnad, came home with them for
a few days visit. Mrs. Basington is
Mr. Faler'a sister and a period of 25
years had elapsed since they had
seen each other. Mrs. M. Faler is
their mother. On Sunday they all
motored to Hermiston to visit Andy
Andregg and on Monday they all
drove to Lexington to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Schriever. Mrs. Basington and
daughter leave this week for Pennsyl
vania and Mrs. M. Faler will accom
pany them.
Jack Gorham and familv motored to
Walla Walla Sunday.
Mrs. T. E. Broyles and daughter
trma left Friday, the former going
to Portland where she will have her
teeth extracted and the latter to The
PaJjes, where she had her tonsils re
moved. J. J. Mclntire's of Ewing Siding
were visitors at the Pete Farley home
Rachel and Deibert Johnson and
Helen Chaffee motored to Wasco Sat
urday right for a short visit. They
returned Monday.
J. H. Imus left Monday for the har
vest fields near lone.
Geo. Agee and Chas. Barnes stopped
for a short time in Boardman on their
way from the Rose Festival. They
are employed on the highway near
f endleton.
Mrs. W. A. Price and son Billie
came home Saturday from a pleasant
week's visit wilh relatives in Port
Mrs. Bailey of Arlington was a
Boardman visitor Friday.
Edward McClelland left Friday for
fortland after a week s visit with his
mother, Mrs. Ed Kunzie.
Ray Browns, the Wicklanders, the
Dillaboughs and Bergers had a pleas
ant evening Sunday at the Robert
w ilson home. Ice cream was enjoyed.
Mrs. Ray rBown has been assisting
at Jacks store the past week.
One of the huge tanks of the city
water works blew up again one night
last week. So serious damage result
ed and Mayor Ballenger and Mr.
Chaffee motored to Arlington and ob
tained repairs and it was fixed by
morning and many of the consumers
did not know of the damage until the
next day.
A well driller from Maryhill is ne
gotiating with some of the local peo
ple. He will move his rig over here
if he can get three wells to drill.
People are anxious to have a well
drilled at the cemetery. At first it
was planned to dig a well but quick
sand was feared and a drilled well
is so much more satisfactory.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Macomber of
Olex spent Sunday at the Mefford
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hawkins have
moved to Arlington where they will
make their home.
Mrs. Jay Cox and family went to
Rufus last week and will be with Mr.
Cox for part of the summer at least.
He is employed with the tree depart
ment of the state highway.
Twelve members of the Boardman
Grange visited the Irrigon Grange
last Wednesday evening. The Irri
gon men were hosts and served a nice
lunch. All had a most enjoyable time.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickerson and
family have moved into the old post
office building on Main street. He
has been employed at the Porter
ranch the past year.
Opple Waggoner came home about
two weeks ago from an extended so
journ at the Vtereans' hospital in
Kate Macomber and family motored
to Pilot Rock Saturday night to visit
relatives. They spent Sunday at
Mrs. 0. H. Warner is still in Red
ding. Calif., with her daughter, Mrs.
John Heck. She has been away over
eight weeks.
Leo Root and son Vernon came
home Saturday night, the former from
a most interesting session of the
state grange at Corvallis where he
went as a delegate from the local
grange, and the latter from a visit
with relatives in Portland.
Mrs. Claude CoaU has been in
Athena for several days visiting her
sister, Mrs. Truman Messenger and
The next Silver Tea of the Ladies
Aid will be given at the home of Mrs.
Glen Hadley, July 6. Everyone is
asked to attend. Entertaining with
Mrs. Hadley are Mesdames Paul
Smith, W. 0. King, Rlaph Humphrey
C. S. Calkins, Lee Mead and A. T.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Kees and son of
San Francisco, Mrs. Jacobs, molhor
of Mr. Kees, and Mrs. Margaret John
sen, were recent visitors at the J. R.
Johnson home. Mr. Kees is a cousin
of Mr, Johnson and Mrs. M. Johnson
is his aunt. Mrs. Jacobs, who is 87
years of age, is one of the few sur
vivors of the Whitman massacre and
she enjoyed the motor trip thiouh
Oregon and up to Walla Walla very
much. Mr. and Mrs. Kees were Y. M.
C A., workers in China for a number
of years, returning to the States three
years ago. Mr. Kees is engaged in
the Y. M. work in Frisco.
Fred Rayburn and son have return
ed to their home in Portland after
visiting at the Robert Rayburn home.
Nellie and Mildred Messenger have
returned from a pleasant visit in
Portland. They took in the Rose
Festival and enjoyed every moment
of their stay. They visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Uram Messenger.
Lots of rain. Lots of
weeds. See .
We have the CHENEY
new, improved revolv
ing weeder.
We have the new light
draft SNIDER Weeder.
A new blade weeder on
three wheels, does the
work of 2 14-ft. blades
of the old type.
Spring tooth harrows
are good weed killers.
Mowers and Rakes
None Better
We Have It, Will Get It, or It
is Not Made.
y o i92i
S' J.K.M.
Jantzen Swimming Suits
are reduced this year to
sg.oo for Men's Women's
$5 00 for Youth's
We also have some genuine all-wool, good
fitting swimming suits selling at the very
low price of
Children's $3; Youth's, $3.75;
Men's and Women's, $4.25
Learn to Swim!
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hawking were
called to The Dalles last Wednesday
by an urgent message telling of the
serious illness of Mrs. HawkinB' sis
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barlow took
them down but death had come an
hour before their arrival. She had a
case of spinal meningitis.
Political dope was rather badly up
set Monday, June 20, at school elec
tion when Chas. Dillon was elected
school director to succeed Leslie
Packard. L. G. Smith, Packard, Lee
Mead and Chas. Dillon were nomin
ated but Smith and Packard both de
clined. The vote was close, 40 to 30
in favor of Dillon. Mr. Dillon pre
viously served as director for a term
of three years so he knows all the
viscissitudes of the game and just
what, to exiect from the "mobile
vulgus" in the way of acrimonious
censure for which our community is
famed. Mrs. S. H. Baordman was re
elected clerk. She has been a most
capable clerk and has handled the po
sition splendidly. The infinite amount
of detail required is not generally
realized except by those who have
filled the position. Several other
names received one or two votes, cast
for sport. The detailed report for
the year was read and showed several
things of interest. There were 77
boys and 70 girls in attendance, 87
boys and 94 girls over four years of
age in the district. The value of
taxable property in the district was
$1,309,017. The indebtedness has
been reduced from $104,000 to $92,000
the past year. Although it was voted
to erect a gymnasium and construc
tion was started the financial report
showed that the budget was not in
creased over that of the year previous
because of the great decrease in the
cost of transportation.
The men of the grange were hosts
last Saturday night when they served
a delicious lunch of sandwiches, cof
fee, and cake to all present. Some
Grangers from Willows were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Means and ba
by were house guests Saturday at the
J. F. Gorham home. Mr. Means is an
instructor in the University high
school at Eugene. Mrs. Means is an
old school friend of Mrs. Gorham and
they had a pleasant visit. All mo
tored to Walla Walla Sunday.
Sybil Grace plans to go Sunday to
Tacoma with her grandmother, Mrs.
McReynolds, for a short visit .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorham motored
to Pendleton Monday to see Dr. Mc
Kenzie about Mrs. Gorham's eye
which has been causing her much
trouble.' On Sunday it caused consid
erable pain and Monday was much
worse. The doctor discovered a piece
of tar weed in it which he removed
and she is much improved.
Mrs. W. O. King and Francienne
accompanied Mr. Calkins to Hermis
ton Monday, where Francienne had
some teeth extracted.
Mrs. Lee Mead and children Paul
and Katherine returned Sunday from
a pleasant week's visit in Couer d'
Alene, Idaho.
The Amercian Legion Auxiliary met
Tuesday evening, June 21st. Three
new members were conducted through
the initiatory service, one of whom,
Mrs. J. G. Jackson, is our only Gold
Star mother, also our oldest member.
Georgia Moore was elected as dele'
gate and Harriet Gemmell as alter
nate to the state convention to be
held at La Grande July 21-22-23.' We
hope there will be a large number
of our members who will attend the
It was decided to discontinue meet
ing for the summer because of the
warm weather, so we are adjourned
until the first Tuesday in September
unless a special meeting is called.
The hostesses, Lena Cox and Pearl
Ramsey, deserve especial mention for
their efforts over the hot stove, but
the results produced were wonderful,
and greatly enjoyed by the group who
gathered around the table.
We were pleased to have Mrs. Chas.
W. Smith, formerly a member of Du
fur unit, added to our membership
roll. There will be glee club practice
at the home of Mrs. Moore next Wed
nesday evening at 7 :30.
FOR SALE 1 tuin.mun TWrino-
combine, in good condition, $200.00.
One 314 Winona broad tread wagon
and rack; used three years, $125.00.
Call or see J. O. Turner. 10-tf.
A Good Afalfa and Sheep Ranch
For Sale Located on John Day high
way, one mile of Dayville. Sell with
or without sheep. Good fall, winter
and spring range and summer permit
on Malheur forest. Can give time on
land. Address, or call on F. L. Officer,
Dayville, Oregon. 12-25.
LOST Woman's brown leather
hand bag containing wrist watch.
Lost on Main street, Heppner, or
Kmton creek. Reward if returned
to Gazette Times. 11-tf.
Men wanted to handle McNess San
itary Products; must have own car;
call or write F. F. Klitz, Boardman,
Ore. 12-13
FOR SALE One 12 foot Deering
Combine with motor. In good condi
tion. Inquire this office. 12tf.
Good pasture, plenty of water; $2
per month. Troy Bogard. Eight Mile.
If you want green peas fresh from
vines, phone Duane Brown, 644.
$6.50 $6.50
The best value in flour
that has been offered
this year.
It costs you nothing to
prices than ever
Cracked Corn : Scratch Feed
Cow Feed
Brown Warehouse Co.
Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644
JusT: Arrived!
A fresh carload of
Flour & Cereals
for better baking results
and better breakfasts ,
Phelps Grocery Company
Wusy smokers of today select
Camel as their favorite smoke
PRESENT-DAY people, the fastest workers of all time, claim
their right to enjoyment. And they choose Camels for the
utmost in smoking pleasure.
Camel is made to please and delight the modern, experi
enced smoker. It is rolled of the choicest tobaccos grown.
It is matchlessly blended for mildness and fragrance in the
Let Camels demonstrate their goodness and you'll know
why the smokers of today choose them over all other ciga
rettes. For that exalted sense of taste-satisfaction, no other
smoke can compare with this one. "Have a Camel!"
1927, ft. J. RaynolcU Tobacco
Company, Wimton-Sln, N. C
Public Sale
Beginning at 1:30 P. M.
25 Head of Horses and Mules:
1 Black Horse, 5 yrs. old, wt. 1500.
1 Black Horse, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1400.
1 Gray Horse, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1500.
1 Brown Horse, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1400.
1 Bay Horse, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1300.
1 Sorrel Horse, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1350.
1 Bay Horse, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1350.
1 Brown Horse, 8 yrs. old, wt. 1350.
1 Brown Horse, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1350.
1 Bay Horse, 6 yrs. old, wt. 1350.
1 Gray Horse, 5 yrs. old, wt. 1450.
2 Saddle Horses.
15 Head of Mules 1 to 4 years.
Horses all guaranteed to be well
Fox, Oregon
B. M. SEVDY, Auctioneer