Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 02, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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'Believe Me Xantippe" Keeps Crowds Guessing and
Laughing; Attraction Here Fourth Evening.
Ft tiK
THE mystic world of make believe
in which the theatre live9 has
something about it which appeals to
all mankind. The Savages in the
wilderness with their stories of ad
venture and death, the religious fan
atics of the Middle Ages, with their
miracle plays, the Chinese of today,
in which men play all the parts and
follow an elaborately artificial ritual
and the great American public scat
tered from the smallest villages to
the largest cities all have had a com
mon interest in the play.
Never more, than in this year of
1027, has the play held the center of
the stage, both figuratively nad liter
ally. In selecting the plays for the pres
entation this year, the management
has tried to secure a balance by hav
ing one play a romantic love story,
while the other is primarily an ad
venture. "Believe Me Xantippe" is the one
that deals with adventure. It tells
the story of a young man who was
tired of his useless life in the city,
who had more money than he knew
what to do with and who was seeking
adventure. As a result of a bet with
two of his friends, one of them a
lawyer, the other a chief of detectives,
he dropped out of sight mysteriously
to spend a year as a fugitive from
justice. His bet was that he could
elude the law for that length of time.
He shows up later in the wildest
parts of the western wilderness,
where he meets the first girl in his
life that ever made his heart skip a
beat. She makes it skip in both di
rections because he falls in love with
her and she, being a deputy sheriff,
takes him prisoner. He escapes and
rescues her from a western gunman,
who finally gets a drop on both of
them and but to go on would be to
give the story ahead of time.
There are almost as many thrills
in "Believe Me Xantippe" as there
are in some of the serials that are
featured by the cinema houses. Then,
there are plenty of laughs as the hap
less young fugiitve from justice tries
to extricate himself from his diffi
culties. Finally, there is the romantic
interest of the rich young society man
and the courageous girl from the
western plain.
"Believe Me Xantippe" has all the
essentials of a successful stage pro
duction. It abounds in color, in swift
action, good dialogue, ridiculous
comedy, and strong heart appeal.
Like all Chautauqua plays, "Be
lieve Me Xantippe" is clean from
start to finish, and not a line in it
could give offense to the most par
ticular. The Chautauqua movement is
doing more to furnish good plays to
communities which otherwise could
not see plays at all or could see only
those which depend on appeals to pas
rion or prejudice to secure their
crowds. In many cities, the Chau
tauqua has come to be looked upon as
the successor of the Opera House of
thirty years ago. Few good play com
panies can afford to tour the country
with the modern expense of tranapor
tation, but the Chautauqua overcomes
this by having an assured crowd ev
ery day in the week.
"Believe Me Xantippe" has a mem
orable record of Broadway success
hack of it. It made good in other
metropolitan cities and has proved its
right to a key position on this year's
Chautauqua program.
No Vacation For Your
Sanitary Conscience
From State Board of Health.
Vacation time is here, and once
again the call of the great outdoors
is heard. The mountains, the rivers,
the lakes, and the seashore are cast
ing their magic spells. He is indeed
beyond redemption who does not fall
a willing victim to their enchantment.
The lure of lavish nature has in it
the promise of mental as well as phy
sical reawakening. Those who an
swer her call must leave the cares
and worries of their everyday lives
behind. He obtains most from his va
cation period who least heeds the de
mands of civilization.
There is one demand of civilization,
however, which cannot be overlooked
for its neglect leads to illness, dis
ease nad even death. SANITATION
must follow man wherever he goes.
In order to enjoy a vacation to tha
utmost one must bring along his san
itary conscience; for unlike cares and
worries, one's sanitary conscience
cannot safely be left at home.
A person who brings his sanitary
conscience along will see to it that all
his excreta and wastes are properly
disposed of, in order that they may
not endanger the comfort and health
of others. He will use great care in
the choice of his drinking water. He
will drink water of questionable pur
ity only after it has been boiled or
has been chemically treated. He will
protects his food supplies from flies
and rodents.
If the vacationist is a tourist his
sanitary conscience will demand that
when he stops at a tourist camp he
stop at one which has been approved
by the state board of health. His san
itary conscience, moreover, will
prompt him to help keep the camp in
a clean, orderly, and sanitary condi
tion. Should he run over to the sea
shore his sanitary conscience rebels
against promiscuous dumping of gar
bage or waste of any kind upon the
beach. That which he would not do
at home his sanitary conscience would
not permit him to do away from home,
Vacation time is here, and once
again the call of the great outdoors
is heard. When you take to the road
be sure that your sanitary conscience
accompanies you.
FOR SALE Am offering my resi
dence property, also household goods
at a sacrifice for quick sale. See me
p.t residence until June 20. Dan Rice.
of having your teeth extracted.
No Shock No Pain
From five to ten minutes com
pletes operation.
Pendleton, Ore.
Dr. Samuel H. Tyler
Eyeglass Specialist of Portland and
Bend, Oregon, will be in Heppner
June 7 and 8
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted.
Misspelled, But
"Shear robbery," complained the
man as he protested at the excessive
rate the barber had charged him for
a haircut.
Too Much Territory.
She Do you think I go out with
every man?
He Milor' no, not with the popula
tion of the world the way it is now.
Advice From Dora
Dumb Dora saw an ad in the paper
the other day. It said "How a Girl
Can Keep Her Youth. One dollar,
postpaid." Dora says the only way a
Kirl can keep her youth is by never
introducing him to another girl, es
pecially a pretty one.
Fair Enough
"Why are you scratching yourself,
"Because I'm the only one who
knows where I itch."
Lucky Guy
Him "There is one word that will
make me the happiest man in the
world. Will you marry me?"
Her "No."
Him "That's the word."
Endurance Race
"I'll talk to you when you're sober."
"But, Mary, you won't be interested
in me when you're that old."
One's Enough for Anybody
"That son of yours certainly has
got a will of his own."
"Yes, that's why I'm cutting him
out of mine."
Where You Hear 'Em
"What didst yesterday, Horatius?"
Oh, I went to an agricultural lec
ture and did listen to a lot of dirty
No Mystery
A ukelele and fifty victrola records
wore stolen from a room in Hartley
nail, a Columbia College dormitory.
All those in neighboring rooms have
perfect alibis.
Exception to the Rule
"I have always maintained," argued
Mr. Newlywed, "that no two people
on earth think alike."
You'll change your mind," said
the wife, "when you look over our
wedding presents."
Not So Good
Prisoner I'm sorry, your honor, I
took the money; but you know the
more a man gets the more he wants."
Judge Well, you're getting seven
years. How much more do you want?
Notice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent of Morrow
County, Oregon, will hold the regular
examination of applicants for statu
certificates at Heppner (High School
Auditorium) as follows: Commenc
ing Wednesday, June 8, 1927, at 9:00
o'clock a. m., and continuing until
Saturday, June 11, 1927, at 4.00 o'
clock p. m.
Wednesday Forenoon
U. S. History, Writing (Penman
ship), Music, Drawing.
Wednesday Afternoon
Physiology, Reading, Manual Train
ing, Composition, Domestic Science,
Methods in Reading, Course of Study
for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic.
Thursday Forenoon
Arithmetic, History of Education,
housewives know the certified
faith they can depend on with
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy Milk and
Alfalfa Lawn Dairy
Phone 30F3
Your Money Goes Farther
This Way:
People maintain checking accounts in this bank because
they want to get the greatest value from their money.
Their money goes farther that way. They get more ben
efit from it when they maintain a reasonably larg aver
age balance. Such a balance provides them with suffi
cient funds for emergencies, entitles them to greater
service from this bank and builds up credit so that, if
necessary, they can secure loans in proportion to their
Maintain a checking account here with a reasonably
large balance. It will help you get the most from your
money. And you'll be entitled to the maximum of mighty
valuable service from this bank.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner BUlk Or?n
It is Astonishing
what an improvement can be made in a plain'
house by the magic of saw and hammer, boards
and paint. The old house is transformed. A
new porch some better windows a dormer or
two and you would scarcely know the old housed
The shifting of a partition a new oak floor
built in kitchen cabinets or a window seat will
often render the interior home more inviting
and comfortable. A few hundred dollars spent
for material in improving an old house frequent
ly adds a thousand to its selling price. Come in
and let us tell you how reasonable remodeling
costs are just at this time.
ncmodcllng Books With "Hefora
and After" Pictures At Your Service.
Psychology, Methods in Geography,
Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art,
Course of Study for Domestic Art.
Thursday Afternoon
Grammar, Geography, Stenography,
American Literature, Physics, Type
writing, Methods in Language, Thesis
for Prmiary Certificate.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, OrKtography
(Spelling), Physical Geography, Eng
lish Literature, Chemistry.
Friday Afternoon
School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry, Botany.
Saturday Afternoon
General History, Bookkeeping.
County School Superintendent.
or leave orders at
Phelps Grocery Co.
Home Phone 1102
.- Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis. May 25. Maxine Gentry of
Lexington, junior in vocational educa
tion, has been elected national in
spector of Temenid, national women's
student organization of the Order of
Eastern Star. Officers were elected
and members initiated at the first
national convention held in the Ma
sonic temple in Corvallis. James
Keller of Lexington, freshman in en
gineering, has been elected president
of the Seekers club. The Seekers club
is an organization of college students
affiliated with the Congregational
church for the purpose of studying
and facing student Christian problems.
ESTRAYED From Bowman ranch
on Butter creek, black horse, age
about 7, weight 1100, saddle marked,
foretop, tail and mane trimmed; no
marks or brands. Left pasture mid
dle of April. Notify John Kilkenny
Heppner. 8-11
Your home should be first. The ex
terior or interior deserves careful at
tention. Wise decorators buy LOWE
BROS. PAINT. Case Furniture Co.
FOR SALE Ford truck with "Rux"
pxle. See J. Perry Conder.
Today's Finest,
Smartest Styles
. Wilson's
Winning the greatest succesprer
won oy a low-pricea qui
theNew and Finer
Body by Fithtr
Coup .... 775
Sport Roadster 775
De Luxe Undau Sedan 975
De Lam Panel 77f
Delivery " v
De Luxe Screen 7Aft
Delivery . . 'OU
Delivery C inula 583
Sport Cabriolet
Landau Sedan
Pontiac Six li making history
again! . . .Last year it broke all
world records for lirstyear sales of
a new make of car ! This year that
record is being surpassed in a
spectacular way, for today's
Pontiac Six is new and finer and
offered at new low prices! . . .No
other car so clearly typifies Pon
tiac's present-day value supremacy
as the Sedan at $775. Never has
ny low-priced six been built to
such rigid quality standards. And
never has any car of its type won
such wildfire success! . . . Here is
true quality in design! Here is true
supremacy in performance! Drive
the car yourself and learn what
General Motors resources make
possible in a six Sedan at $775.
Oakland Sir, J1025 to $129!. All frlca at factory. Delwrrei prlrej include minimum
handling charges. Easy to pay on th liberal iimtral Motor 7'ime 1'avmcnt Plan.
Ferguson Motor Co.
These 'Stand the Gaff
Men's Work Shirts
Blue and gray chambray, full size, 2 pockets, Moore Brand 85c
Heavy Iron Man extra quality coat style $1.35
Old Fashioned Hickory blue and white stripe $1.25
Athletic Unions, "Yieldfit" 60c
"Eldorado" Athletic . $1.00
"Munsingwear" v-neck, web back, no sleeve : $1.00
"Munsingwear" knit, fancy stripes, silk mixed, no sleeves
athletic, close fitting $1.50
"Munsingwear" summer weight, ankle length $1.50
"Three Seasons" light and medium weight, long sleeve,
ankle length $1.50
Make Next Week, Vacation Week in Heppner
Malcolm D. Clark