,ca Society- :emmer Volume 44, Number 10. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, June 2, 1927. Subscription $2.00 a Year BIG TET TO DRAW ERE Tickets Selling Fast for 5-Day Chautauqua Program. PLAYS ARE FEATURE "The Family Upstairs" Comes First; Every Number Comes Well Recommended. Heppner's 1927 Chautauqua opens Tuesday evening under the big tent to be erected just off Main on Center street, on the lot known as the city feed lot. The demand for season tickets, placed on sale this week, gives evi dence of a large crowd, people expect ing to be present from all parts of the county. For greater convenience in securing these tickets they have been placed on sale at lone, Lexington, Hardman and Irrigon besides the fol lowing business houses in Heppner: the postoftice, Phelps Grocery Co., Buhn's, Prophet's, Hiatt St Dix, and M ra f?ilrrn'n People living out of the city may have tickets reserved for thm by phoning any of these places. The tickets are to be paid for June 7. There need be no fear of fresh oil on the highway or city streets as word received by George Bleakman from the state highway department gives assurance that no further oil is to be put on in this vicinity until the 15th of the month. But, in case it is decided to do oiling before then, there need be no fear anyway, as the next oiling will be covered immediate ly with sand, protecting traffic effi ciently. Miss Verona Hull, local Chautauqua superintendent, is expected to arrive in the city June 6, two days before the opening, to complete all prepar r.tions for a good start. The program has been so arranged that one of the very best numbers comes first. "The Family Upstairs" is a nation-wide play hit to be present ed by one of the best professional casts available, is the word received from Chautauqua headquarters, and everything should be done to impress upon everyone the exceptional enter tainment opportunity offered in this number. The play is full of clean, wholesome, real American comedy, and takes a full two hours for its presentation. Wednesday afternoon and evening Beek's Music Land Entertainers offer two programs replete with a variety of selections expected to appeal to all tastes. The company consists of two artists, Mr. and Mrs. William Beek, both of whom are talented mu sicians, vocal and instrumental, and good readers as well. You'll like thiB jolly couple, the Chautauqua people say. In the evening also comes Raymond B. Tolbert with what is acknowledged one of the leading lectures of the day, "The Roots of the Republic." Not a dry discourse on a hackneyed topic. Mr. Tolbert is a real orator, and gives much food for thought about things that the average citizen thinks little about. Thursday afternoon comes a double program and one certainly not to be overlooked. Besides the "Maids '0 Dundee," five charming young ladies with a fresh Scottish lineup, F. M. Price will describe "America in 2927." His address is not pure imagination, it is taken from years of research in economics, sociology and kindred sub jects and is a near revelation. The "Maids '0 Dundee" hold the stage alone in the evening, and what more need be said than five pretty lassies in kilts, talented musicians everyone, and loaded to the hilt with new and clever Scottish songs, dunces and skits. They are instrumentalists as well as vocalists and the variety they have to olTer should satiate the most discriminating tastes. The Pollard Players come with a unique dramatic offering Friday af ternoon. Their program is of a light er order and pleasing to the extreme. Then another big play hit in the eve ning, "Believe Me Xantippe." A story of adventure, the play, acted by top notch professionals, is one which ap peals to Americans of all ages and tastes. And to cup the climax, the Loveless Twins Quartette have the last day nil to themselves and when you hear them you will be sorry there aren't more days, according to word preced ing them. Twin brothers married to twin sisters compose the company. They were chautuuqua headliners in the east for four years and could still be if they wanted to. With voices well harmonized these charming people give a varied entertainment, spiced with clever comedy throughout. They give classical and popular se lections equally well, and give plenty of each. The local committee are completing preparations for the thorough enter tainment of visitors, and they extend a warm invitation to everyone to take advantage of the between-season lull for a worthwhile and well reserved vacation from June 7 to 11 in Hepp ner. METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. A. S. Hisey, District Superin tendent, will preach at 11 o'clock, A. M., Sunday, June B. The quarterly conference will be held Saturday eve ning, June 4, at 8 o'clock. Rev. T. C. Elliott, D. D., will preach ut 11 o'clock A. M., Sunday, June 12. Rev. F. R. Spaulding, who will take Rev. I. V. Parker's place as pastor, will arrive within a few days and take up the paatoral work, LARGE CROWD H MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED WITH TWO PROGRAMS Addresses by Rev. Moore and Prof. Burgess Feature Services on Sunday and Monday. The union services in honor of Me morial Sunday were well attended and the seating capacity of the Methodist church was taxed to the limit by the people of the city who had gathered to listen to the sermon delivered by Rev. Stanley Moore of All Saints' Episcopal church. A union choir fur nished the music and several special numbers were given. Members of the G. A. R., Spanish War veterans, W. R. C. and other organizations were present and the minds of all were directed to sacred memories. The address of Mr. Moore was along lines that stirred the spiritual and patriot ic sentiments and he brought a splen did message. On Memorial Day the business houses of Heppner closed, and at 10:30 the Star theater was filled by an attentive audience that had gath ered to hear the program of the day. The stage was beautifully decorated in the national colors and -Spencer Crawford, commander of Heppner Post No. 87, presided. Prayer was offered by Milton W. Bower, the au dienec sang Star Spangled Banner, and P. M. Gemmell read General Lo gan's Memorial Day orders. "This Cay We Remember" was sung by a ladies quartet composed of Grace Buschke, Elsie Cowins, Helen Cohn and Elizabeth Phelps. The address of the day was deliv ered by Supt. James M. Burgess, a Legionaire, who greatly surprised a large number in the audience by his splendid ability as a public speaker; a few had heard Mr. Burgess before and were prepared to listen to what they knew would be a worthwhile dis course. Mr. Burgess dwelt to some extent on the points of history per taining to those organizations of the soldiers following the Revolution, the Civil War and other wars, showing what an important part they had play ed in the making of the country, dwelling particularly on the Grand Army of the Republic, whose fast thinning ranks are making that or ganization one of history, the speaker took up the more recent organization of the soldiers of the Great War, the American Legion, giving a resume of what has already been accomplished in the few years of its existence and cataloguing some of the cardinal prin ciples of Americanism for which this jounger army of veterans stands. Ihe Legion is moving forward to the tusk of eliminating illiteracy in this ration, an evil in the body politic that is a real menace to a republican form of government; the Legion hopes that ere another decade has passed this Will be overcome. They are standing firmly for the restriction of immigration, and have been able to do something toward curbing the great influx of undesirable citizens to the United States. Many other points were made by the speaker along the line of what can be expected of the American Legion, and it is quite cer tain that the people of this commun ity have a better understanding of the aims and objects of this great body of young American manhood. The Misses Mary and Patricia Mon ahan sang beautifully the duet, "I Am a Pilgrim," and Mr. Bower pro nounced the benediction,. The musical numbers on this pro gram were accompanied at the piano oy Mrs. waiter Moore. Following the program at the thea ter, a very large number proceeded to the cemetery where the graves of the departed soldiers were appro priately decorated under the direction of the W. R. C. The American Legion Post, the Aux iliary, W. R. C, and Girl Reserves uttended the exercises in a body, but only two of the G. A. R, veterans were able to be present. CASE-SIMPSON. At Portland on Sundny afternoon occurred the marriage of Miss Frances Simpson to Harold Case of this city. Miss Simpson was formerly engaged as an instructor in Heppner high school, and it was while living here that the romance begun which has so happily ended. Following a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Case will be at home to their friends in Hepp ner. We have this full account of the wedding from Monday's Oregonian: Very simple yet exceedingly lovely whs the wedding of Miss Frances Simpson and Hnrold Cecil Case, which was solemnized at the First Christian church at 4 o'clock yesterday after noon, Rev. H. H. Griffis officiating. The church was decorated with spring flowers and old brass candel abra lighted with pink tapers. The bride wore a gown of flesh pink georgette. She was attended by her small niece, Miss Marjorie Beam who carried the wedidng ring. Miss Margaret Fasching sang, accompan ied by Miss Bertha King of Spokane, who also played the wedding march. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mrs. R. D. Beam, sister of the bride. Mrs. R, Charles Niete, Mrs. James Silas Vann and Mrs. Harry Riley poured. As sisting in serving were Miss Louisa Inabnit of Eugene, Miss Dorothy Akin of St. Helens, Miss Olga Wikberg of Salem, Miss Hazel and Miss Helen White, and Mrs. D. H. Van Dusen, Jr., of Porrtland. Mrs. Case is a graduate of the Unl versity of Oregon, and a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, Mortar Board and numerous other honorary societ ies, Mr. Case is in business with his father In Heppner, where he and his bride will make their home after their wedding trip. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS A. M. Edwards, well driller, who has been in Wallowa county for sever al months, putting down wells, re turned the first of the week to his heme at Lexington. Because of the failure of the bank at Joseph, Mr. Edwards was unable to complete some work he had under way. We are pleased to report the con tinued improvement in the condition of George Thomson, a patient at Mor row General hospital. He has so far recovered from his recent stroke of paralysis as to be able to receive visitors, and his early recovery is looked for. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bayless de parted on Tuesday on their automo bile trip which will take them as far as the old Bayless home in Virginia. They expect to spend several weeks on the journey and will remain for most of the summer in the bouth. A miniature cloudburst is reported to have struck Willow creek above the Ralph Thompson place on Tues day afternoon. No serious damage resulted, though the road was blocked to some extent by the washing down of a lot of loose gravel, Mrs. Jos. Nys and little daughter departed on Sunday for the Red River valley in North Dakota, where they will spend the summer. They were accompanied as far as Roosevelt, Wn., by Mr. Nys, and took the train east from there. Neil Devlin, who underwent an op eration for appendicitis a week ago Monday, was able to be out this week, und underwent another operation yes terday for the removal of a tumor from his hip. Eye Specialist at Buhn's June 7-8. Harry Jones came up from Portland on Sunday and remained here over Memorial Day. Mr. Jones has been living in Portland for some time where he is now engaged in business. Hon. J. W. Morrow, head of the tax and right-of-way department of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. at Portland, spent Monday and Tuesday in Heppner, coming to this city for Memorial Day. Chas. J. Anderson, extensive farmer of the lower Gooseberry country, was attending to matters of business in this city on Wednesday. He was ac companied by Mrs. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tafel, former residents of the Sand Hollow dis trict, are now residing at The Dalles, where they are employed in the fruit cannery. Echo News. W. T. Scott had a large abscess on his left jaw opened this week and is now getting along well. Dr. McMur- do performed the operation with the use of gas anesthesia. Curtis Thomson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomson, underwent an operation this morning at the hands of Dr. Johnston for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. Dean Sprinkle, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sprinkle, had his ton sils and adenoids removed at the hands of Dr. McMurdo May 31. He is getting along fin. Mrs. M. Belle Thompson is a guest this week at the home of her son, Rulph Thompson of Willow creek, coming up from her home at Portland on Saturday. Miss Margaret Kirk of Freewater. Oregon, is a guest for the week at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall, visiting with her friend, Miss Erma Duvall. Mrs. Fannie Rood came up from her Portlnad home on Saturday to be here over Memorial Day. She remained in the city for a few days' visit with relatives. Eye Specialist at Buhn's June 7-8. Billy Padberg, who raises much wheat on many acres of land in the Clarks Canyon section, was attending to matters of business here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Phelps vis ited over Sunday at the home of Mr. Phelps' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Phelps, from their home at Bend. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Lex ington are rejoicing over the arrival of a 7-pound son, born to them May 27 at Heppner Surgical hospital. A marriage license was granted by Clerk Anderson on Friday to James E. Barlow and J. Sophia Mefford. young people of Boardman, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden of Fair- view were visitors in the city on Wed nesday. A good ruin visited that sec tion on Tuesday. Mrs. Julia Metzler of La Grande was a guest of friends in this city over the week end, spending Memor ial Day here. Jim Bennett had a growth removed from his abdomen under local anes thetic at the office of Dr. McMurdo yesterday. Regular meeting of Heppner Post No. 87, American Legion, will be held next Monday evening at Legion head quarters. Louis J. Padberg, who farms exten sively in the Lexington section, was a business visitor in Heppner on Sat urday. M. E. Cotter and John Williams of lone were in Heppner for a few hours on Suturday looking after business af fairs. Chester Gemmell and family were down from their home at Helix and spent Monday with their relatives here. Mrs. Percy Hughes of Umapine and Mrs. Nat Webb of Walla Walla were Heppner visitors over Sunday. A. A. McCnbe was a Rhea creek Tanner and stockman doing business in this city on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse, farm ers residing near lone, were Saturday visitors in Heppner. George N. Peck was among Lexing ton farmers in this city on Saturday, HEPPNER WINS LEAGUE GAME; LOSES TO I0NE Performances Two Days Give - Fans Treat; Homers Help Thrill. League Standing Won ' Lost Pet. Heppner 7 1 .878 lone 5 8 .625 Condon 2 6 .260 Arlington 2 6 .250 Heppner ball fans were treated to good games the first of the week. Sunday the locals took Condon into camp 6-5, and Monday they lost to lone 9-4. The lone game did not count in the league standings. In its league game Sunday, lone Won from Arlington 9-1. Heppner took the jump on Condon Sunday and with a five-run lead in the fifth, got a bit careless. Condon took advantage of the situation and evened the score with two in the sixth r.nd three in the seventh. But the locals were not to be denied. Hold ing Condon scoreless in their trip at bat in the ninth, Heppner's lads stepped up and clouted four straight hits for the winning run. Both teams were clouting the ball hard, Heppner taking 15 hits off Clow, and the visitors 10 off Drake. "Pern" Brown got some much-desired revenge against Pitcher Drake when he got a circuit drive in the sixth. His only regret was that the bases were empty at the time. Paul Aiken came near duplicating Brown's act, but was forced to stop at third. D. Ashenfelter got the only other three- base bingle. In Monday's game, Heppner tasted defeat for the second time this sea son. The lone boys were still wrathy over the two defeats handed them by Heppner and had blood in their eyes. They got off to a bad start, however, when singles by Aiken and Clow fol lowed by Drake's three-bagger net ted Heppner two runs. In the third trip up they succeeded in tying the local lead, and in the fatal fourth sewed up the game via Cochran's home run with the bases loaded. One more run in the sixth and two in the seventh completed their scoring, while Heppner succeeded in nabbing a couple in the sixth. Van Marter's stick wag missed from both games, he being in Eugene at tending the big trap shoot. Little complaint was found, however, at the way Harold Erwin covered the second sack for him. 'Kewpie" Clow of Condon, who substituted at third Monday for Gay AnderBon who was out on account of injuries, did his part in all depart ments, hitting a double and a single and fielding a 1000 per cent. Heppner will play at Arlington next Sunday and Condon will play at lone. The Condon-Heppner box score: Heppner AB R H PO A E G. Cason, 1 5 2 3 2 0 0 Aiken, m 5 13 10 0 Anderson, 3 5 2 3 2 1 0 LaMear, c 4 0 3 15 0 0 Drake, p 4 0 1 0 7 0 C. Cason, s 4 0 10 10 Hoskins, 1 4 0 0 7 0 1 Erwin, 2 4 0 0 0 1 0 Turner, r 1 0 0 0 0 0 Carmichael, r 2 110 0 0 Totals 38 6 15 27 10 0 Condon D. Ashenfelter, 2.... 5 2 2 5 2 0 C. Fitzmaurice, c .... 6 0 0 8 1 0 L. Ashenfelter, m .... 3 0 13 10 Brown, 3 4 1 2 0 0 1 Baker, 1 ' 4 0 2 1 0 0 Smith, s 4 0 0 1 0 0 E. Ashenfelter, 1 .... 4 0 1 5 0 0 O'Rourke, r 2 0 0 0 0 0 Clow, p 4 1112 0 Jackson, r 2 110 0 0 Totals 37 4 10 24 6 1 Umpire, Cleo Drake; scorer J. Craw ford; earned runs, Heppner 6, Con don 4; first base on balls off Clow 1; hrst bsae on erorrs, Heppner 1, Con don 1; three base hits, Aiken, D. Ashenfelter; two base hits, Carmich ael, L. Ashenfelter, Jackson; home run, Brown; struck out by Clow 6, by Drake 13; double play, D. Ash. to E. Ash. Closing of Vacation Bible School Sunday The Vacation Bible school will give the final program in the closing ex ercises on Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock at the Christian church. This program will consist of songs, drills, dramatizations, etc., and Mrs. Bower's music class will present hymns, ducts and a quartet. The primary will give their opening followed by songs; the kindergarten has some songs and motion exercises, while the juniors will present songs and mem ory work. The intermediates are pre paring a dramatization of David and Goliath. This all promises to be very inter esting and is the climax of the two weeks of training that the childien have been going through. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy this pro gram and view the display of hand work. Eye Specialist at Buhn's June 7-8. CHURCH OF CHRIST. The evening service will be given over for the program that marks the close for this year of the Vacation Daily Bible school. This will be very fine and everyone is invited to be present. The churches of the town hnve co-operated in the school and all will have part in the program. Morning Bible school and preaching service as usual. Also Christian En deavor in the evening. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. LOCAL NEWS HEMS Mrs. Josephine Johnson of this city enjoyed a family reunion on Sunday and Monday of this week when mem bers of her family came in for a visit. The guests at Mrs. Johnson's home were Mr. and Mr. Tom Johnson and daughter Claire of Raymond, Wash., who are remaining over the week to look after their property interests here; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson and son Dale, also their elder son Percy and his wife from Salem, who were accompanied by two sisters of Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Kate Herren and Mrs. Tom Walker who are residents of Salem. These all returned home Tuesday, with the exception of Mrs. Herren who is remaining for a furth er visit with her sister. Mrs. Walker, with other members of the family, resided at Heppner many years ago, and it has been 50 years since she visited here. Morrow county has experienced an unusual amount of rainfall during the winter and spring months, ac cording to Harry A. Duncan of Hepp ner, who was at the Imperial hotel yesterday. Cool weather with occa sional showers has prevailed there, much the same as it has in the Wil lamette valley. Although it has made for a backward spring, the grain in all sections of the county is looking fine, Mr. Duncan said. Apparently there is nothing that can prevent a big harvest this fall, if warm weather comes in time to properly ripen the wheat. Oregonian. Oscar Sepanek and young son ar rived from their home at Lansing, Mich., during the past week and are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sepanek in north Sand Hollow. He left Heppner seven j ears ago and this is his first visit with the home folks since. Mr. Se panek, son and grandson were visit ors in Heppner today. Mike states that a splendid rain wet up his part of the country on Tuesday and the prospects for the crop grow better all the while. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Amort and children returned to their home at Corvallis on Monday, Mr. Amort driv ing up for his family who have been guests for the past couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patterson. He was accompaneid to Heppner by his father and Mrs. Jerry Brosnan accompanied them to Cor vallis for a visit with an old friend Mrs. Murphy and will remain in the city until after the graduation exer cises at O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barr depart ed on Monday evening for Mt. Ver non, Wash., where they expect to spend a week visiting at the home of a brother of Mr. Barr residiug there. Accompanying them as far as Port land were their daughter, Miss Edna Vaughn, and her friend, Miss Louise Madsen who was visiting at the Barr home during the past week. Pete Bauernfiend is over from Rit- ter where he has been a resident for the past two years or more. He ex pects to spend a- week or so here and at Cecil before returning. Pete still sings the praises of Ritter hot springs and when the day comes that a good highway touches there this point will become a great health resort. J. B. Huddleston, sheepman from Lone Rock, was in town Monday at tending to business. He reports that since 300 head of horses have been driven off the Three Trough and Wall Cheek ranges, summer pasture should be more plentiful this year than the last few years. Condon Globe-Times. Nels Johnson of Gwendolyn, who farms on the bolder of Morrow and Gilliam counties, was attending to business affairs in this city on Sat urday, and reports that the crop out look in his section is good. Another farmer from the same locality who was in the ctiy on Saturday was H. R. Smith, who verities the report made by Mr. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Boyer are over from Monument, accompanied by Mrs. J. McKinley, who went on to The Dalles Monday, taking with her the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyer for a visit in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Poyer are spending several days in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson E. Brock were over from Pendleton for Memorial Day, being guests at the home of Mrs. Brock's sister, Mrs. Josie Jones. Other visitors for the day at the home of Mrs. Jones were Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rhea and family from Stanfield. Mrs. E. F. Day of Portland has been spending the week in this city visit ing her sisters, Mrs. Melissa Marlatt and Mrs. Ellen Buseick. Mrs. Bueick who spent a couple of weeks at Mrs. Day's home in Portland returned to Heppner on Thursday last. Frank P. Farnsworth, who has been caring for the aged Mr. Farrens at Hardman during the past few months, left this week for Arbuckle mountain where he will be in charge of the for est lookout station during the sum mer. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rice came up from their Portland home on Fridny and expect to spend several weeks at Heppner. Mr. Rice still has his prop erty in this city which he will try !o dispose of while here. County Agent Charles Smith moved his family to Heppner from Dufur on Monday and they are now at home in he Johnson residence on Court street, recently vacated by the family of Roger Morse. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Barrett were week end visitor at Heppner and at fie Sand Hollow home of Mr. and Mrs Garnet Barratt, driving up from their home at Portland on Fridny. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Wells were here over Sunday and Monday fom their home at Pendleton, being guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wells. BIDDING KEEN AT CONDON WOOL SALE LAST WEEK First Offering Brings Good Prices Ranging from 23 to 31 Cents For About 200,000 Pounds- Condon Globe-Times. Seventeen wool growers sold nearly 200,000 pounds of wool at the first sealed bid wool sale in the state at the Robertson warehouse Thursday. Bids ranged from 18 cents to 31 1-8 cents a pound. The highest price was received by C. W. Moore, who real ized 31 1-8 cents a pound for his clip. Several clips were not sold. "The largest number of buyers ever here for a sale were present yester day," says A. B. Robertson, whj had charge of the sale. "Bidding was keen una good prices generalry wera real ized. The next sales will be at the warehouse June 14." Growers who sold their wool at the sale and prices received were: C. M. Moore, 31 1-8 cents; W. Hendricks, 28 1-2; R. J. Roper, 28 1-2; C. H. Brown, 30 1-8; J. A. Shown, 29; W. R. Mascall, 26 3-4; S. B. Davis, 27 3-4; Edwards & Cook, 30 1-4; Tom Mabe, 30 1-4; Charles Shown, 26 3-4; Fred Ball, 30 1-8; Guy Boyer, 28 3-4; Roy Holland, 24 1-2; Frank Pennington, 22 3-4; Al Officer, 30 3-8; Earl Loom is, 30 1-8; and E. L. Howland, 25. A few clips which were sold several days ago were the Butte Creek Co., 30 1-4; Bill Beymer, 28; Charlie Din nen, 27; and Archie McKensie, 28. Buyers present at the sale were Clark, Jones, Burke, Dufour, Wagner, Livingstone, Isidor and R. J. Kosh land, Crowe, Russell, Drew, Barnard and Walters. New Range Law Will Stop Thefts Is Belief Salem, Ore., May 30. With the new laws that became effective Saturday, Oregon range livestock interests now have better laws than they have ever had, according to Dr. William H. Ly tle, state veterinarian. Particularly is this true relative to theft of live stock. With a new re-recorded list of brands, as provided by one of the new laws, and a brand directory, the own ership of any lot of cattle may be quickly determined. Those in charge or the driving or moving of such ani mals must hereafter be in possession of an owners of shipper's brand statement, giving the number and kind, sex, brands and flesh marks on each animal, the name and address of the owner and the person trans porting the stock and the consignee, certifying that he is the owner. The Oregon brand recording law has been in existence for 12 years, but dead brands have resulted be cause there has never been a re-recording law. Because of this situation those engaged in organized thieving were making good use of the old brands, so the Oregon Cattle and Horse Raisers association asked for the brand re-recording law. A three months period, dating from May 28 to September 1 of this year, will be given in which to have all brands re-recorded. All brands that are not re-recorded before September 1 will be declared abandoned and will be subject to being re-recorded in an other's name. The re-recording fee is $1.00. A dozen or more bills were intro duced looking to the protection of range livestock and six of them were passed. Others not passed would, in the opinion of the range men, have been of greater benefit to the live stock men of Eastern Oregon, but they were opposed by the legislators from the agricultural districts, par ticularly of Western Oregon. LITTLE DAUGHTER DIES. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kisler was called by death early Monday morning, follow ing an illness which attacked the child on Saturday. Mary Louise was about two months of age and had been a delicate child from birth. The illness seemed to be caused from derangement of the digestive organs. She was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Prophet, and the young par ents and grandparents are heartbro ken over her death. Funeral services were held at the cemetery on Mon dny afternoon at 2:30, Milton W. Bower, pastor of the Christian church, officiating, and the little body com mitted to the grave in a simple ser vice. The sympathy of the commun ity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Kistler in this bereavement HEPPNER LOSES CUP. The trap squad from Heppner Rod and Gun club finished in sixth place in the shoot-off match of the Ore gonian state telegraphic trapshooting tournament at Eugene Saturday. Co quille took the shoot, thus entitling them to the loving eup on display here the past year. Those shooting for Heppner were Chas. Latourell, Chas. Vaughn, Albert Bowker, Dr. A. D. McMurdo and L. Van Marter. Latourell and McMurdo tied for high on the local squad with 96 dead birds out of 100 each. Vaughn broke 93, Bowker 92, and Van Marter 88. Other Heppner shooters present at the shoot were L. Gilliam, F. Shively and Earl Warner. All returned the first of the week. ELECTRIC COMPANY MOVES. Sherman Electric company moved to their new office and store rooms on Main street the first of the week, and are now established there for the transaction of business. Mr. Pruyn, local manager, states that all bills can be paid at this office now, as the office at the power plant has been closed. j Arthur t Brisbane. The Best Ad Medium. A Sixteen Hour Atlantic. New Freedom of Pulpit. Shylock Sam in Post Office When Uncle Sam advertises, he ADVERTISES. The Treasury an nouncement, recalling $l,6u0,000,000 of second Liberty Loan four and a quarter per cent bonds will be pub lished in fifteen thousand American newspapers, daily and weekly. Mr. Mellon shows good judgment, putting the advertising in thousands of country weeklies and small dailies. In proportion to their circulation, they are THE best mediums. Before General Mitchell was put out of Army flying, for telling un pleasant truths, he had under way plans for a giant flier, with wheels twenty feet high, that could take a running start over fences and tree trunks. And this week Professor Rumpler, head of a German airplane company, announced plans for a plane, many times the size of any ever built, to carry many engines, and cross the Alantic in sixteen hours, carrying 170 passengers. . Transatlantic flight will soon be commonplace, but the little machine must show the way, as did Columbus's little boats. Miss Spencer, seventy years old, rode to work at the Treasury Depart ment and back on a bicycle, saved and made more than $100,000. She leaves small sums to relatives and the bal ance $100,000 for a tombstone. Rel atives object, the court is asked to decide. The foolish waste should be forbdi- den. But it is interesting to think of that old Treasury clerk pushing her bicycle back and forth, meditating on the grand figure that she would cut in death with her $100,000 tomb, she, who in life had been only a $1,- 200 year spinster clerk. Happiness is largely imagination. It is suggested unofficially that Mr. Hughes, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, will be chosen by Governor Fuller of Massachusetts as head of a commission to investigate the Sacco-Vanzetti case. Such a choice would be satisfactory to the country, and the decision con clusive. It is more important by far than executing any two men, to make sure that there was no mistake or prejudice in conviction. The views of clergymen each Sun day present interesting contrasts, such as would have been unsafe for the clergymen one hundred years ago. The Rev. Dr. Walter Duncan Bu chanan says we are ignorant about heaven and out uncertainty is a btessed thing. It gives us something to hope and work for. The Rev. Dr. Minot Simons, Uni tarian, says we must look for our "compensations" in this life. Old ideas of heaven and hell "are now in adequate and futile." The Rev. Dr. Straton says Mrs. Sny der, convicted of helping to murder her husband, is an atheist. She could n't have committed the crime had she believed in God. If that is so, there have been athe ists in high places throughout his tory. Republicans and Democrats are planning a 1928 campaign in which the wet and dry question will be shelved, forgotten. Some wets say, "If you do, we shall start a third party, dripping wet." That would not hurt the feelings of Republicans, who have decided the Democrats may have the wet issue. If, as seems likely, a wet Democrat is nominated, the wets will know his wetness and vote for him. A separate wet party would get as few votes now as a separate prohibition party used to get, in the old wet days. Congressman William W. Cohen says the Govrenment's treatment of letter carriers and mail clerks is a disgrace, which is accurate. Mail workers are underpaid as regulars, and shamefully treated as substitutes. For the Government to compel men, perhaps with children, to waste an entire day waiting for one or two hours' work, and for the richest coun try in the world to pay its post office force as miserably as ours are paid, is unworthy. Mrs. Joseph Cunha, Sr., sold her wheat farm west of Butter creek this week to Earl Simonton. Simonton will harvest this year's crop and will move on to the place this fall. Echo News. HOOD RIVER APPLES EXTRA SPECIAL! To clean up crop and clear our storage room for oth er merchandise, we will make a very special price on all apples which are be ing carefully sorted now. Case Furniture Company Next week is Special Week in Needle Art Department, June 6-11 inclusive.