PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1927. THE FAMILY UPSTAIRS" IS CHAUTAUQUA OPENER VISIT OF TYPICAL AMERICAN FAMILY WITH ALL THEIR, TROUBLES ON DISPLAY IS MEMORABLE FEATURE. ern front action of the recent World war. Governor I. L. Patterson will re view the corps, later presenting com missions in the officer reserve "corps to graduating cadets of 0. A. C. Ward is prominent in college activ ities being on the varsity baseball, football and basketball teams and is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, general honorary; Scabbard and Blade, hon orary in military; Sigma Alpha, hon orary in physical education for men; and Phi Delta Theta, national social fraternity. "The Family Upstairs" is coming to Chautauqua. The irascible father, the pretentious mother, the ne'er do well son, and the captivating daugh ter will all be present. Moreover, they give the entire Chautauqua au dience the benefit of their experience. This play which opens Heppner's five-day program on June 7 is a story of a modern American family living in a city flat. They have all the dif ficulties, trials and troubles and joys and successes of the ordinary Amer ican family. Not in a generation has there been a play more popular with the great middle class American the ater goers than "The Family Up stairs' The story is built around the ef forts f a modern American mother to get her "old maid" daughter, who is 21 years old, married. The daugh ter has ideals of her own about the necessity of getting married in a hurry and wants to do her own choos ing of a husband. The father is one of those delightful old bears, who make a great pretense of being rough and grouchy, but who really lives entirely wrapped up in his family. His arguments with his wife and fights with his son give many a family a delightful touch of familiar home life. The brother and sister get along about like an older sister and younger brother generally do and the bashful young lover and his girl, planning to take a Sunday picnic trip, have about the customary experience of true love that never runs smooth. The Chautauqua plan of operation has made good plays available to hun dreds of communities which would never be able to see them otherwise. Such plays as "The Family Upstairs" and "Believe Me Xantippe," also coming to Heppner, cannot be seen in any city theater for less than J2.50 for orchestra seats. The price of a season ticket to the entire Chautau qua including both plays and other notable features is less than the cost of one of these in a metropolitan theater. " Of course, a good portion of the price paid in a city goes toward rent in expensive theaters, a lot more goes toward moving the companies about, advertising in city papers, and so on. Chautauqua plan of operation in which a hundred communities take the same program, jumps are mini mized, everything is handled in the most efficient manner possible, has brought the latest and best plays to the door of rural America at bargain counter prices. Moreover, the Chautauquas have been insisting more and more in re cent years on high grade casts and professional people. The cast to give "The Family Upstairs" this year is composed of thoroughly trained act ors, who bring all the atmosphere of the theater with them. Chautauqua patrons can confidently count on hav ing a rip-roaring good time when "The Family Upstairs" comes to town. Ward to Command ' Student Regiment Oregon Agricultural College, Cor valli3, May 25. Dallas C. Ward of Lexington will be entered in the events of the fifteenth annual mili- yiimiiiimiiiii lllllllll1IIIIIIIIIIMIII11IIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHt Announcement ! Owners and purchas- j i ers can now get direct ! service on j DELCO LIGHT ! PLANTS I and FRIGIDAIRE from CONDON GARAGE COMPANY Condon. Phone Main 75 itiMiitimiiitmiiiiiiiiiHiiMiitmiiiMlmiHiiiiiiHiiitiHiif Pleast send literature on Frigid aire and Delco Light. Name MISS LEACH TO GRADUATE. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor- vallis. May 25. -Wilms Leach of Lex irtoii, senior in vocational education, i a candidate for graduation in the li'27 class, which numbers nearly BOO. Miss Leach has won distinction dur 'ng her college career in scholarship i'nd activities. She is a member of Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic onorary; secretary of Delta Psi Kappa, honorary in physical educa tion; secretory-treasurer of Cap and Gown, local honor society for senior women. Miss Leach is also president of (he Women's Athletic association and was a member of the women's hockey, basketball, and baseball teams. She is a member of Alpha Chi Omega, na tional social sorority. Radio Broadcasting Station KGW Concert of the Public Service Little Symphony Orchestra, Dorothy Lewis, Contralto, Sunday, May 29th, 1927, 10:00 to 11:00 P. M. Presented by Portland Gas & Coke company, North western Electric company and Pacific Power & Light company. 1. Orchestra, Polonaise from Eugene Onegin, Tschaiskowsky. 2 Contralto Solo, Homing, Del Riego H. Orchestra, Selection from the Mi kado, Sullivan. 4. Contralto Solo, Aria from Cinq- Mars, "Nuit Hesplenidssante," Gounod. 5. Orchestra, Toreadore et Andalouse, Rubenstein. 6. Orchestra, Berceuse, Karganoff. 7. Contralto Solo, "My Lover He tary tournament at O. A. C, June 4, in which more than 1000 O. A. C. ca dets take part. By means of the tournament the military department each year shows the training it offers and the serious purpose the physical ly fit college men give to their work in the reserve corps. Ward, colonel of cadets, will com mand the regiment in review, the op ening event of the day. After this general review of the entire corps the tournament will offer every type of military entertainment possible. Twenty clowns, some mounted on ar my mules, will carry on circus antics. Field artillery will road out in exhi bition in firing for speed and assem bling. Exhibition infantry and cav alry drill, centipede races, and mass calisthentics are a few features of the tournament. A mounted pushball contest, Roman riding, tandem riding races, jumping in pairs, a mounted pajama race and a competitive musical ride are in cluded in the horsemanship exhibi tions. A machine gun contest will be staged between units of the Na tional Guard and the R. O. T. C. gun ners. Engineers will set up a de fense position with barb-wire entan glements, from which they will re pulse an attack similar to the west- IN THE KITCHEN HEPPNER housewives know the certified faith they can depend on with Alfalfa Lawn Dairy Milk and Cream. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS., Prop. Phone 30F3 Comes on the Leighton. K Orchestra, Overture, II Gomes. Ski," Clough- Guarany, NEEDLE ART SPECIAL Opening day June 6th. Many new and beauti ful finished pieces as well as regular stamped designs. Unusual values. Case Furniture Co. Art Dept. Your home should come first. 9-10 TEACHERS' EXAMINATIONS. Notice is hereby given that the County Superintendent of Morrow County, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for state certificates at Heppner (High School Auditorium) as follows: Commenc ing Wednesday, June 8, 1927, at 9:00 PHONE or leave orders at Phelps Grocery Co. Home Phone 1102 HEPPNER TRANS FER COMPANY o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, June 11, 1927, at 4.00 o' clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon U. S. History, Writing (Penman ship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon Physiology, Reading, Manual Train ing, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods in Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thursday Forenoon Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography, Mochanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Geography, Stenography, American Literature, Physics, Type writing, Methods in Language, Thesis for Prmiary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orhtography (Spelling), Physical Geography, Eng lish Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. , HELEN M. WALKER, County School Superintendent. GROWING CHICKS -need a change in feed after five cf six weeks of age. Then is the time to use O.K. GROWING SCRATCH AND MASH Flour, Salt, Rolled Feed, Ground Corn Brown Warehouse Co. Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644 1 Your Money Goes Farther This Way: People maintain checking accounts in this bank because they want to get the greatest value from their money. Their money goes farther that way. They get more ben efit from it when they maintain a reasonably larg aver age balance. Such a balance provides them with suffi cient funds for emergencies, entitles them to greater service from this bank and builds up credit so that, if necessary, they can secure loans in proportion to their needs. Maintain a checking account here with a reasonably large balance. It will help you get the most from your money. And you'll be entitled to the maximum of mighty valuable service from this bank. MM" Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank 0rn Winning the greatest succe0je?&r won by a low-priced quality Six Ljj WHERE IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Profit by Buying at PROPHET'S Be Here JUNE 7toll Come to Chautauqua and don't overlook visiting our store for saving prices on quality merchandise. We are making a policy of offering quality goods at rock bottom prices for CASH. We have staple and fancy groceries of all kinds, and a large assortment of dry goods. HERE ARE SOME OF OUR OFFERINGS: Grocery Specials Saturday Only 50c Coffee at 40c lb. 1 lb. Tea at 80c WHITE STAR FRUIT IN GALLON CANS: Gooseberries 78c can; Broken Sliced Pineapple 69c can; Black berries 82c can ; Red Raspberries $1.12 can ; Loganberries 89c can ; Apricots 89c can ; Peaches 78c can. Preferred Stock Corn 19c can 6 Cans Solid Pack Tomatoes , ; $1.00 A & L Oysters, No. 2, 35c can; A & L Oysters, No. 1, 18c can' 20 Sacks of White Down Flour at $2.10 sack Phillips Waffle and Pancake Flour at 35c sack 9 Pounds Sperry Oats at 65c 10 Pounds Pncake Flour at 75c Shop Saturday for Monday as we will be closed Memorial Day. mm . jmnsifm 0 Mf 1 1 I ! II f f I ' liMl ft 1 WTi I Pi- Body by Fither f775 Ithi New and Finer TTTK SEDAN Coupe . 775 Sport Rnadlter . 775 (4-paM.) "J Sport Cabriolet . 835 (4-pao.) Landau Sedan 895 De Luxe Landau Sedan 975 De Luxe Panel , 770 Pontiac Six it making history gain! . . .Last year it broke all world records for first year sales of a new make of car! This year that record is being surpassed in a spectacular way, for today's Pontiac Six is new and finer and offered at new low prices! , . .No other car so clearly typifies Pon tiac's present-day value supremacy as the Sedan at $775. Never ha any low-priced six been built to such rigid quality standards. And never has any car of its type won such wildfire success! . . . Here is true quality in design! Here is true supremacy in performance! Drive the car yourself and learn what General Motors resources make possible in a six Sedan at $775. Delivery De 1-UKe Screen Delivery . Delivery Cluull 760 585 Ottkland Six, $1025 to $1295. All pricet at acton. Delivered pricet include minimum handling ciurgci. Easy to pay on the liberal General Motors l ime Payment Plum Ferguson Chevrolet Co. These 'Stand the Gaff Men's Work Shirts Blue and gray chambray, full size, 2 pockets, Moore Brand 85c Heavy Iron Man extra quality coat style $1.35 Old Fashioned Hickory blue and white stripe , $1.25 Underwear Athletic Unions, "Yieldfit" 60c "Eldorado" Athletic ! $1.00 "Munsingwear" v-neck, web back, no sleeve $1.00 "Munsingwear" knit, fancy stripes, silk mixed, no sleeves athletic, close fitting $1.50 "Munsingwear" summer weight, ankle length $1.50 "Three Seasons" light and medium weight, long sleeve, ankle length $1.50 Closed Memorial Day Malcolm D. Clark Address .