Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 14, 1927, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Published Weekly by the Student of Heppner High School
Editor-in-Chief Joy Erwin
Assistant Editor Mae Doherty
Business Manager Kenneth Oviatt
Girls' Sports Mae Groshens
Boys Sporta Gene Doherty
Social Louise Thomson
Activities John Conder
Personals Eeta Crawford
Grades Letha Hiatt
Jokes Ellis Thomson
P. T. A. Meeting.
The last regular meeting of the
Patron Teachers' Association for this
school year, met at 3:15, Tuesday af
ternoon in the assembly hall of the
high school. The meeting was called
to order by Vice-president Harold
Johnson, in the absence of the presi
dent. Mrs. Roger Morse.
The Missildine trio, composed of
Mrs, Missildine at the piano, and her
two daughters, Ruth and Margaret,
playing the 'cello and violin, gave a
musical number. This combination
of instruments made a pleasing, har
monious effect.
Another interesting feature of the
program was the teachers' quartet.
Miss Fredreckson and Miss Thorpe,
from the grades, sang first and sec
ond alto, respectively; Miss Wright
and Miss Pearson, from the high
school, sang first and second soprr.no.
Their selection was entitled "Spring,
Pweet Spring." ihis was the first
public demonstration of the ability
of the teachers in this line, but we
hope there will be a furtherance of
the same in the near future.
Concluding the program was a piano
solo by Anna McNamee, which was
well received by the audience.
The major item of business was the
selection of a new president. There
had just been an election of officers
for the next year, and Mrs. Roger
Morse was selected as president, but
because they are moving to a new
location of business, Mrs. Morse will
be unable to fill her office. It was
thought advisable to leave the selec
tion until the first regular meeting
in the fall, which will be called to
gether by Superintendent Burgess.
After a short business session the
meeting was adjourned.
High School Honor Roll.
First Honor Roll (no grade below
A) Orrin Bisbee, Marjorie Clark.
Second Honor Roll (no grade be
low B) Nolan Turner (3 As and 1 B).
Fletcher Walker (3 As and 1 B);
Katherine Bisbee (2 As and 2 Bs);
Ellen Morgan (2 As and 2 Bs); Mary
Beamer (1 A and 3 Bs); Evelyn Swin
dig (1 A and 3 Bs).
Lex Defeats Local Ball Team.
The Heppner high school baseball
team was shut out by the Lexington
nine last Friday afternoon by a scroe
f 12 to 0. The first three or four
innings of the game looked as though
it would be quite even but a few er
rors on Heppner's part gave Lexing
ton swatters were hitting Marvin
by the Heppner lads. Chas. Wilcox,
Lexington's pitcher, seemed to have
things his own way, allowing Hepp
ner only two hits; while the Lexing
ton swatter swere hitting Marvin
Gammell, Heppner's pitcher, all over
the lot. Harold Erwin was put in the
box to try and hold Lexington down,
but they had too big a lead for the
local boys to catch. Ralph Jackson
Court House Found Interesting.
The Civics class under the super
vision of Miss Fishel visited the court
house last Thursday afternoon. They
were invited by Mr. Notson to at
tend a state public service commis
sion meeting which was being held at
that time.
The students were shown through
the jail and although they found it
far beyond their power to understand
what it was all about, Mr. Anderson
told them as best he could how rec
ords were put down and kept on file.
Hehisch Progressing.
Hchisch work will be finished this
week so that the dummy can be taken
to the printer's ready to be put into
book form. Each article which goes
in is approved by Mr. Brugess so that
it may be up to the standards neces
sary for literary work. The cuts have
been sent to the engraver's and will
be back in due time ready to go into
the Hehisch.
Juniors Enjoy Wienie Roast,
Another of the high school's good
times was held last Friday when the
Juniors traveled about seven miles up
Skinner creek. They found a delight
ful camping ground and built a huge
bonfire. An abundance of wienies
and marshmallows was provided, and
levoured with relish, although some
became so engrossed in the conversa
tion that their marshmallows were
burned to a frazzle. Some of the
beys formed an impromptu quartet
and entertanied the ladies with a few
of the latest hits, and some that were
not so late.
Miss Miller, the junior advisor, and
Miss Wright, chaperoned the party.
Those who brought cars were Gerald
Slocum, James Hager, Steven Thomp
son, Kenneth Oviatt and Onez Par
ker. The sixth grade girls have chal
lenged the fifth grade boya to a base
ball game Thursday at 12:30.
Girls of the fifth, sixth, seventh
and eighth grades are training for
f. track meet. Practice is held every
evening on the Rodeo grounds.
From State Board of Health.
"That all life has been and is de
pendent on the sun as it goes on
through the ages emitting rBdiant en
ergy has been known for a long time,
but one of the most remarkable dis
coveries of the twentieth century is
the fact that this light is very im
portant in promoting physical devel
opment and more perfect nutrition in
glowing children, and in restoring
1 ealth to diseased children and ad
ults. This discovery was made chief
ly through the study of rickets, a
nutritional disease of children whose
oiet is not properly balanced. In this
disease the bones grow but do not
become hardened and the results are
v. eakness in muscles, discomfort, and
a tendency for the bones to become
bent, resulting in bowlegs, knock
knees, sunken chest, etc. This con
dkion, extremely common in North
America and most of middle Europe,
is due largely to the lack of exposure
to outdoor sunlight thus depriving
the body of the benefit of certain
short rays called ultraviolet rays.
"The importance of the rays is seen
from certain experiments. Chickens
kept from hatching-time indoors in
an airy room but without direct illu
mination remained stunted and infan
tile in appearance, while a group of
similar age kept under the same con
ditions and on the same food but al
lowed out of doors in the sunlight
each- day developed into perfectly
normal birds.
"Sunshine and outside air have
proved their worth as imp.rtant aids
in the prevention and treatment of
many forms of tuberculosis. Pure
sunshine has given the Best results,
but in cloudy weather and in fall and
winter when the number of hours of
sunshine are fewer, sunlight lamps
have become excellent substitutes.
"It has become a common practice
to expose children and adults to these
sunlight lamps. But there is great
danger in doing this without having
the direction and careful supervision
of a physician; first, in over-exposing
the body; second, in the possibility
ol attempting to treat diseases which
are not responsive to light and which,
when properly diagnosed by a physi
cian could be cured by other means;
third, in employing light alone as the
means of curing any form of tuber
culosis while sacrificing the much
more important parts of the treat
ment such as rest, favorable hygienic
conditions, good food, etc. Many pa
tients have come to tuberculosis re
sorts so far advanced consumptives
because they tried to be cured by
light exposures alone some having
so treated themselves, and others,
unfortunately, having been so advised
by physicians who did not insist on
the most important curative agent.
"Light at best is only an aid in the
treatment of tuberculosis of all forms
but when properly used, it is an im
portant one. During the warmer
months of the year, children and even
adults should be playing in the sun
shine wearing as little clothing as
convention will allow.
Edna Vaughn will leave for Port
land on Thursday morning to visit
friends. She will return Sunday eve
ning. o
Grade Team Victorious.
The Heppner grade boys played
Lexington last Thursday and won
with a score of 9 to B. Gene Doherty
umpired and Charles Notson was
score keeper. Pitchers for Heppner
were Elmer Hake and Roy Gentry.
Bruce Gibb was catcher, James Mc
nnmce first base, Orrin Furlong, sec
ond and Oral Wright, third. Six
fielders were used, alternately. They
were Lyle Cowdry, Fay Prock, Earl
Thomson, Gay Anderson, James Far
ley and Clarence Erwin.
The grade boys will play at Lex
ington again next Friday.
Patricia Mahoney has been absent
this week on account of illness.
Rosella Doherty spent last week at
her home in Sand Hollow.
Jerry Brosnan has returned to
school after a siege of chicken pox.
Miss Miller spent the week end with
her sister in La Grande.
The fifth and sixth grades have
been writing to school children in the
Southern states for descriptions of
their states. Samples of tobacco and
cotton, newspapers, magazines and
post cards have been receiveed from
New Mexico, Florida North Carolina,
and Georgia. They in turn, send
samples of wheat, snaps, and newspa
pers. This kind of work has added
i.iuch interest to the study of Geogra
phy. o
The Domestic Art girls are work
ing hard to finish their Easter frocks
and most of them are nearing comple
tion. A visitor to the sewing room
may see a splendid array of gowns in
the latest shades and styles.
Alice Cason, Gladys Erwin, Gladys
Cason and Annie Crump were absent
from school last week on account of
Ruth Adkins broke her arm while
playing on the school grounds the lat
ter part of last week.
Miss Bleakman is sporting a new
Ford sedan. Mt. Driscoll has been
wondering why the volley ball net
became torn down.
The American History class has
strated work on term pnpers. "The
China Question," "The Effect on Am
erican Life of Negro Importation,"
"The Enforcement of Prohibition,"
"Recent Religious Developments in
the United States" are some of the
various subjects chosen.
Edna Vaughn: "Wasn't it you who
told me how silent the motor of the
Putt-putt Six was?"
Car Dealer: "Yes, I believe I did.
Isn't it?'
Edna: "Yes, it's been silent for
three weeks now."
Marj. Clark: "Miss Fishel wants me
to write a description of a pack of
wolves. But where can I find a pack
of wolves''"
Mae Groshens: "Come over to Mrs.
Huston's at dinner time."
(Continued from First Page)
Row j
Smart j
What j
I :
H ho was champion at your house last week? Who will be champion this
week? Try these tests yourslef and try them with the family. Invite your
shrewdest friends to compete with you in this "Test 0' Ten." The questions
amuse, inform, excite, and add zest and interest to every party. Counting
ten points for every correct answer your average for this test should be 80
per cent.
1. What Englishman married Poca-i 6. Of what is the "Blue Bird" sym
nontas bolic?
2. Are there any states in the Union
in which women are not permit
ted to vote? (2) Are the resi
dents of Washington, D. C, per
mitted to vote?
3. In what year was the Erie Canal
4. What state was named for Louis
E. What river is known as "Father
of Waters"?
7. What is an apiary?
What city is known as the Mound
City? Why?
Whom did Jack Dempsey defeat
on July 2, 1921? Where?
10. Where is the Virginia Military
(The Correct Answers will be Published Next Week)
1. First white child born in the New
England Colonies.
2. One; South Carolina.
3. Philadelphia.
4. Edgar Allen Poe. "Once upon a
midnight dreary, while I ponder
ed, weak and weary."
5. Thomas R. Marshall.
6. Michael Arlen.
7. The Charleston.
8. A policeman.
9. Bedloe's Island, New York harbor.
10. Irene Vernon Castle.
a lower general property tax. The
income tax must be regarded as a
measure for removing the present
state deficit and for equalizing the
present tux burden; not as a means
for raising more money to spend. It
must not be considered a measure to
permit extravagance in the adminis
tration of the state's business or the
unwarranted advance of government
al expenditures.
The income tax, as proposed by the
measure which you will find on the
ballot, will not impose an unjust bur
den upon any person within the state.
It has for its purpose the taxing of
incomes derived from Oregon busi
ness, and also the incomes from in
tangible property held by Oregon
residents. The rates are low and the
exemptions are low, so that while
tiiey may reach men and women of
small income, they do not place an
unreasonable burden on either (hose
of small incomes or those who en
joy larger incomes. Much is being
said by those who oppose any income
tax about the unfair burden that will
fall on the man or woman of small
income. This has no foundation in
fact, as an examination of the mea
sure will show.
Under the proposed law, exemp
tions are provided in the sum of $1,
000.00 for unmarried persons and $2,
000.00 for married persons or heads
of families. An exemption of $400.00
is allowed for each dependent.
The rates of tax on net incomes
are one per centum on the first thou
sand dollars; two per centum on the
second, third, fourth and fifth thou
sands, and three per centum on in
comes in excess of five thousand dol
lars. For example, a single man or wo
man who has an income of $1,000.00
per year will pay no tax. On an in
come of $1,500.00 per year, the tax
would be one per centum of $500, or
$5.00. On an income of $2,000.00 per
year, the tax would be one per cent
um of $1,000.00 or $10.00. On an in
come of $3,000.00 per year, the tax
would be figured as follows: net in
come, after deducting exemption,
$2,000.00; tax on the first $1000.00 at
one per centum, $10.00; tax on the
second $1000.00 at two per centum,
$20 total tax $30.00. For a single
person earning one hundred dollars
per month the maxmium amount of
tax to be paid would be $2.00. With
deductions other than the exemption,
Central Market
C. W. McNAMER, Proprietor
Call us when you have anything in our
line to sell.
Phone Main 652
Quality Features
of the world's most popular
gear-shift truck
Chevrolet is the world's most popular
gear-shift truck because it offers scores of
quality features not found on any other
haulage unit in the low price field.
Included in this list are numerous recent
mechanical Improvements of the utmost
' Importance, such as AC oil filter and
AC air cleaner to protect the motor from
excessive wear and to maintain at its
peak efficiency the smooth, effortless
power for which Chevrolet's motor has
long been famous. Other new features
are an improved transmission and new
gear-shift lever; a new and more con
veniently located emergency brake:
Crowned fenders; a new radiator of
greater cooling capacity) a new 17-lnch
steering wheel and even bullet-type
headlamps to give a distinctive touch
of smartness!
If you want efficient, truly economical
transportation, come to our salesroom
and see the improved Chevrolet Truckl
I-ToTruck $;(- 1-TonTrack $7CC
with Sake Body "OU with Panel Body l-3
1-Ton Truck tAQC Vi-Ton Trutk 1QC
Tha famous Chevrolet valve-in-head
motor hai been made even
more dependable with even
greater operating economy.
The miged Chevrolet rear
axle poaaegaet abundant
atrength and atamina for
the beavieit haulage duty.
A modern, three
peed trarumli-
Ion provide!
proper gear ratio,
tor maximum
power under
every condition.
1-Ton Truck tL1(
Chaalia with Cab D1U
Prices 1-t.h. Flint, Mich.
In addition to thete low prlcei, Chev
rolet' delivered price include the Inwett
handling and tiaancing charges available.
A huikv.6'cfiaanel ftcel frame ta
a contributing factor to the long
life and faultlm pcrformanc off
CherroUt Truck.
Ferguson Chevrolet Co.
Heppner, Oregon
the amount paid would usually be
Married persons or heads of fam
ilies have an exemption of $2,000.00;
thus on an income of $2,000.00, no tax
w ill be paid. Married persons with
one child will pay no tax on an in
come of $2,400.00; with two children
no tax will be paid on an income of
$2,800.00; and with three children no
tax will be paid on an income of $3,
200.00. A married couple with two
children and an income of $3,000.00
per year perhaps better than the av
erage family earning power through
out the state, would pay an income
tax of only two dollars per year; this
being one per centum of $200.00, or
the difference between their income
of three thousand dollars and their
exemptions of $2,800.00. With other
deductions and exemptions, this am
ount would, in practically all cares
be less, and in no case higher.
Exemptions provided by the law,
other than for dependents, are fair
and equitable. Deductions may be
made from the gross income, in order
to ascertain the taxable net income
as follows:
(a) Expenses for doing business, In
cluding a fair compensation for
personal services.
(b) Interest on indebtedness.
(c) Taxes accrued or paid within the
income tax year except inheri
tance taxes or income taxes un
der this enactment.
(d-e) Losses sustained in trade or
vf) Loss by fire or other casualty not
compensated for by insurance,
(j?) Bad debts.
(h) Reasonable depreciation and ob
solescence. (i) Contributions to religious, char
itable, scientific or educational
organizations, up to 15 per cent
um of the net income.
(j) Dividends from stock in corpor
ations. Exemptions permitted under the
proposed law include:
(al Proceeds of life insurance poli-
(b) Value of property acquired by
gift or bequest.
(c) Interest on Liberty bonds or oth
er national or federal obligations.
id) Sularies and wages of federal
(e) Income from the operation of the
workmen's compensation act.
(f) Income from health or accident
insurance policies.
A very simple blank will be pro
vided, and no person need fear legal
charges for filing income tax returns.
On large incomes the rate of tax
i not so heavy as to be burdensome,
because the tax is against net In
come, and will, with income tax pay
ers of large amounts, as well as those
of lower incomes, have a reflection
in lower taxes on ge ieral property.
I have always held to the theory
that a very large majority of the
people in the slate will pass intelli
gently upon any governmental mat-
er, when all the 'acts are fairly un
derstood by the public. I believe,
also, that a very large majority of
the people are not only willing, but
anxious to bear their just share of
the burdens of government. There
i'l no one who does not reeeivo direct
benefits itom governmental functions
and govtrnmentu' acti iti- a. I be
lieve there are few, if any, who will
not be proud to know that they are
actually bearing a share of the cost
of the government under whote pro
tection they live and whose benefits
they enjoy.
I earnestly urge your careful ex
amination of these two measures for
stabilizing the finances of Oregon
which will be submitted for your ap
proval on June 28th, because I believe
that if adequate and accurate infor
mation .concerning their character
and purpose is in the hands of the
people who are to pass on them, they
will be sustained.
For good results in your baking use
Everything needed for those BABY CHIX.
Give them a fair chance with right food.
Brown Warehouse Co.
Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644
Compare Prices Then Quality
Goods sold by itinerant peddlers cost more than Munsingwear
and are not as good. Investigate before you buy. Munsingwear
guaranteed quality is assured protection.
Ladies' Hosiery all new shades 59c to $2.50
Semi-fitted leg with snap fasteners Rayon exquisite colors; a
beautiful underthing. Also Brand New
Vests reduced to $1 .25 - Step-in Chemise reduced to $2.00
You Know You're Safe When You Buy Munsingwear
Malcolm D. Clark
The High Cost of Living
Is Still Dropping
JELL X CELL 3 for 25d