PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1927. HARDMAN. Mrs. W. J. Emry, 59, of Nampa, Idaho, was instantly killed on Friday, March 25th, nine miles south of On tario on the John Day highway when the car in which she waa riding with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Hoskins and her husband, turned completely over iii the barrow pit. Mrs. Emry's neck was broken. Mr. and Mrs. Hosknis escaped with minor bruises. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, one daughter, and five grandchildren. She was a resi dent of Hardman at one time but has been away for some time. She leaves many friends here. "The Fashion Show,', the play being sponsored by the P. T. A. of Hard man, will be presented at the high school auditorium Saturday, April 9. The beautiful quilt displayed in Thomson's window will also be won during the evening. The ladies will serve luncheon. A free dance is being given and everyone is cordially invited to at tend, Saturday, April 9. A surprise was given Mrs. Sarah Sperry on her birthday, March 31st, when a group of ladies gathered at her home bringing many delightful gifts to her. Those present were: Mesdames Opal Ayers, Mary Coats, May Adams, Hettie Brookhouser, Hat tie Johnson, Rose Burnside, Mrytle Smith, Retta Knighten, and Mary Mc Daniel. Mrs. Sperry is 62 years old and has lived in Oregon 42 years. Warren Hadley has been visiting here for the past ten days. W. P. Prophet and Shirley Hiatt were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers and Wayne Leathers of Parkers Mill were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel were visitors here Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Geuige McDuffee and Rho Bleakman were visitors here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Burnside and Mrs. Josephine Harrison were visit ors here Sunday. For Sale Yuba tractor, size UO-36 oversize. Used one season. Will ov eihaul and put in first class condi tion. Price JIOOO. 0. C. Spencer, 900 H. St., The Dalles, Oregon. Hatching Eggs Place orders now; it. A. C. strain Barred Rocks. Write or phone Mrs. Ora L. Barlow, lone, Ore. Phone 15x33. 51-B5. Onion sets for sale Early Multi pliers, 12Mc pound. Phone 12F24, or write W. L. Kummerland, Heppner. 3t. Jacks, the best in the west, for sale or lease for season. Swaggart Jack Farm, Lexington, Oregon. 2-3 Mrs. Mary 2tf. Lilac bushes for sale. Bartholomew, Heppner. Sow and five pigs for sale W. H. Cleveland, phone 8F11. 1-2 "THE CRUCIFIXION." "The Crucifixion" is the title of a lecture to be given at the American Legion hall in lone on Wednesday evening, April 13th, at 8:00 o'clock by Rev. Enoch Sondeen, field secre- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiiiiiit!; 1 Annnoncement I I Owners and purchas- I ers can now get direct I I service on f I DELCO LIGHT I ! PLANTS I I and I I FRIGIDAIRE ! from i ! CONDON GARAGE I I COMPANY Condon. Phone Main 75 &IIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIHIIIIIVmilllMmilMIIIHIIIIIHItllllH7 Please send literature on Frigid aire and Delco Light. Name ... Address $5.00 WORTH OF FOOD FOR $4.50 when you buy a ticket HOME-COOKED MEALS the kind you like. White Restaurant Mrs. J. V. Cowdrey tary of the Columbia Conference of the Lutheran church. The lecture will be accompanied by some 125 ster eopticon slides, illustrating each event in the last week of the life of Jesus Christ. Some of these pictures are especially interesting as they are p.ctual photographs of the places vis ited by the Master during his days of sorrow. Others are reproductions of the best in religious art while some pre taken from the Passion Play at Oherammergau. The story of Christ's suffering will be unfolded in three acts, the first taking up the events loading to the arrest in Gethsemane. the second to the condemnation and the third to the death on the cross. In the first act the celebration of the passover is given special considera tion, in the second the trial, and in the third the act of crucifixion. In the latter both the biblical and thi traditional aspect of the cricifixior wi'l be considered. Several songs ac company the story. Solos like "In the Garden," "Calvary," "The Green Hill," "He Was Crucified for Me," etc., will be sung by Mrs. S;indeen. Illustrated hymns will be sung by the audience. The lecture will be given under the auspices of the local Lutheran church and will be free to all that wtsh io attend. An offering will be taken, however, for the benefit of the Luth eran hospital at Astoria, Ore. thou forsaken me?" Thursday "I thirst." Friday "It is finished." Easter morning "Father into thy hands I commend my spirit." Each sermon will be aided by one of the great songs of the Cross. The evening services will begin at eight o'clock and the morning services at eleven. The public is earnestly in vited to all these services. The Sunday evening service this week will be given over to the Chris tian Endeavor rally which begins Saturday evening and lasts through Sunday. Remember the Bible school and be present with a friend. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. WEEK OF SPECIAL SERVICES. The Church of Christ will prepare for Eastetr with a series of special sermons. The general theme will be the sayings of Christ on the cross. There will be seven in all and they will be given afr the times indicated. Sunday morning, April 10 "Father, forgive them." Monday evening 'Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise." Tuesday "Woman, behold thy son. Behold thy mother." Wednesday "My God, why hast IN THE KITCHEN Bnnci HEPPNER housewives know the certified faith they can depend on with Alfalfa Lawn Dairy Milk and Cream. i. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS., Phone 30F3 Propa. ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. The morning prayer and sermon at 11:00. Palm Sunday brings us to Holy Week, the crucial point in the life of our Lord. As the Hebrew people of Christ's day went before our Lord with palms, so we present to him this Sunday, with loyal hearts, our praise ;nd prayers and anthems. Then we must follow him through the tempta 'ions, trials, and agonizing suffering of Holy Week until we come to the three bitter hours of Good Friday, during which our Blessed Lord hung on the cross with the burden of the sins of the world weighing down his loving heart and soul with unutter albe pain and sorrow. That I think was the greater pain, and sorrow and suffering. Man crucifying his Maker. Sons returning hate, skepticism and giasping selfishness in return for the the love, kindness and mercy of a Father who loves them before they ever see the light of this world. Yea, and we are doing the same thing today- Let us fall down on our knees this week and ask God to empty us of all that is mean and base and hate ful in our natures and to fill us with the loving spirit that tcomes through Christ, who is risen and lives with us and in us if only we will seek and find Him and open the door that He may enter. REV. STANLEY MOORE. Wanted To buy second hand beam four-shovel straddle row 2-horse cul tivator. Write or enquire Farmers Elevator Co. J. A. Douglass, Heppner. 1927 BABY CH1X 1927. Tancred White Leghorn elm. at $15 per 100; $135 per 1000. Also O. A. C. Barred Plymouth Rocks at $17 per 100; $155 per 1000. Hatching dates March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29; April 6, 12, 19, 26; May 3, 10, 17, 24 ami PI. A 500 or larger order takes 1020 rate; all shipments express prepaid. May chix as 20 reduction; 20 deposit books order. Custom hatching at one cent per egg per week, original count. Come and see us at our new location. i2-3m. WHITE POULTRY FARM, GERALD A. WHITE, Hermiston, Ore. Used Furniture bought, exchanged or repaired. We pay a fair price for what we buy, and give an honest value in what we sell. We try to give our patrons all we can for a dollar. That is why we have taken the agency for Lowe Brothers Paint. CASE FURNI TURE COMPANY. Best Leghorn chicks, hatching each Monday from matured hens, mated with males from hens with records of 250 to 306 eggs. R. Woolry, Capital Poultry Farm, 344 S. 25th St., Salem, Ore. For Rent 5-room house, partly furnished. Inquire of Dave McCul lough. Heppner. tf. Star Theater, Heppner, Ore. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 7 AND 8: Jack Holt and Billie Dove in . . "THE ANCIENT HIGHWAY" By JAMES' OLIVER CURWOOD. Danger, Romance, Excitement. Curwood's greatest story of the great outdoors. The only thing ancient is in the title all the thrills are new. Also SNOORY'S COVERED WAGON, two reel comedy, and THE ACE OF SPADES. tiititiitiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiittiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiifi'iif iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiaiiitiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiititiiitiiiiiti SATURDAY, APRIL 9: Gaston Glass & Wanda Hawley in . "THE MIDNIGHT LIMITED" A stupendously thrilling railroad melodram with a climax that will make you forget your taxes and other unpleasant things. Also THE SADDLE TRAMP, two-rele western comedy. .llllllllltllllllll1lltllllllll.llllII1lllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIlllllllllltlllllllllll(tllltll4lllllllllllllltlllltll4lllllltl..tllllltllll1llllltltlliaillllllllllllllllltlltllltltllll.lllll SUNDAY AND MONDAY, APRIL 10 AND 11 : Conway Tearle in "MOULDERS OF MEN" By John Chapman Hilder, editor of THE ELKS MAGAZINE. Dedicated to the spirit of brotherhood, fraternalism and the great order of Elks. Tense! Thrilling! Absorbing! A powerful story of regeneration and of the marvelous work be ing done by this great organization against the forces of evil. Also JANE'S INHERITANCE, two-reel comedy. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIMIItllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMtllMIII Tuesday, April 12 Condon Home Talent Show See Ad. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiiiaiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiitiiitiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiititiMitiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiitiii4iifiiiiiiiiiiiiii WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13: PriscillaDeanin .."BIRDS OF PREY" From the story by George Bronson Howard. A stirring drama of thrills, mystery and romance a vivid taie of thieves masquerading as honest peo pie and honest people masquerading as thieves. Also comedy NOBODY LOVES ME. Children 10c Adults 15c. NEXT WEEK: Hoot Gibson in THE CALGARY STAMPEDE. Gloria Swanson in THE LOVES OF SUNYA. Richard Dix in WOMAN HANDLED. Jack Holt in THE ENCHANTED HILL. STOP and LOOK The 1927 Case Combine is here, and invites your closest inspection. fei It is the last word in Combine construction and is perfected in every detail. It is. con structed for grain saving, durability, econ omy, simplicity and ease of operation. You must see this combine to appreciate a really fine piece of mechanical construction. Space will not permit us to enumerate in this ad all the points of advancement in threshing machinery construction that are built in the 1927 CASE COMBINE. Here are a few of the New Case Improvements: 1 . All oiling now done from the deck. 2. A dust-proof straw dump, larger, and will dump on any hill. 3. Improved sack dump. 4. Simpler in construction. 6. Enclosed deck with trap doors for easy access. 7. Improved rear shoe seive. 8. Larger and better feeder house. 9. A true three-man operated machine. 10. Automatic impulse starter, removing all danger of injury in cranking motor. NOTICE We are agents for J. I. Case Threshing Machinery Co. and have many bar gains to offer you in the stationery type of threshing equipment. Peoples Hardware Co. HEPPNER, OREGON At Your Service Telephone Main 703 3 1 1 I Why Worry about losing your valuable papers, insur ance policies, notes, bonds and deeds, etc., by fire or robbery, when they can be placed in a Safe Deposit Box at small cost, and Quit Worrying Come in and see our strong steel-incased ' boxes. Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bailk OreSn HE Heppner Gazette Times for Everything in Printing NOW IS THE TIME Your Hens Need the Best on the Market KERR'S EGG PRODUCER will produce. Try it. Also KERR'S BEST PATENT FLOUR i Lexington Farmers Warehouse Company For the Farmers Lexington, Oregon S A F E T Y & lip Darn s E It V I c E YES or NO? ARE YOU capable of carrying out a plan?' Doing what you yourself expect yourself to do? OF COURSE you have a definite purpose, but without application, work and more work, there can be no results. BY BRINGING to the bank a por tion of what you earn you will have something to show for your labor. Fir& National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON