Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 07, 1927, Image 1

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    alette Wxw&
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Volume 44, Number 2.
High School Students Per
form in Musical Comedy
Before Full House.
Brilliant Hues, Persian Setting and
Costumes, Oriental Music, Dances
All Make Romantic Appeal.
A colorful and romantic bit of
Persia as seen from a characteristic
United States point of view was at
tractively set out at the Star thea
ter Tuesday night by the combined
choruses of Heppner high school. The
occasion was the presentation of the
school's annual operetta, "In the
Garden of the Shah," before one of
the largest crowds ever present at
auch an entertainment in Heppner.
Intermingled chorus, solo, duet and
dialogue .carried the story of two min
ing engineers, employed by the shah,
whose experiences laid mainly in two
drastic love affairs; depicted Some
crabba, a sheik, whose misguided de
signs on the shah's fortune, uncov
ered, led him to a woeful end; told
of the fate of Samuel Johnson, re
incarnated African king, who unsuc
cessfully resisted the wiles of Now-
obeh, old nurse of Zohdah, daughter
of the shuh and beloved of Ted Hard
ing, one of the engineers.
A brightly vari-colored Persian
garden with a wall behind, above
which rose a bewitching Perrrian
moon, was the setting for the three
acts, while the chorus and lady prin
cipals were all adorned in character
istic Persian pantaloons, vests and
caps of flushing and contrasting hues
in keeping with the motif of the set
Cast as principals were Mary Rit
chie. Zohdah; Grace Buschke, Lonian
friend and confidant of Zohdah; Mae
Uroshens, Nowobeh; Robert Turner
and Gerald Slocum, Ted Harding and
Billy Cummings, American mining
engineers: Ellis Thomson, Samuel
Johnson; Marvin Gsimmell, Perunah
the Shah; Teriel Benge, Somecrabba
the Arab Sheik.
Zohdah and Ted Harding, Lohlah
ana Billy Cummings, mutual love-at-first-Bight
victims were the central
futures, vh se courtships came to
happy ending through the scheming
of Nowobeh, who with bam Jonnson
furnished an abundance of comedy
The dramatic theme was all farcical
with the ciimaxes alleviated by laugh-
nrovokinc remarks, showing the com
poters, May Hewes Dodge and John
Wilson Dodge, to be masters of the
musical comedy art. Dances set to
ihe enchanting oriental music were
employed to lend added beauty to the
riesentation. '
Ail the perfrrmers, the majority of
whom were making their debut in dra
matic circles, are to be commended
foi the ability dispUyed. Mits Rit
chie, as Zohdah, was handicapped be
cause of being impressed into th
part but a week previous to the per
formance when Edna Vaughn wai
forced to auit by a touch of tonsil
itis. She, nevertheless, did the part
'.ommcmlably and is largely respon
sible for the operetta having been
nut on successfully. Two of th
rerformers who deserve special men
tion are Mae uroshens ana r.uii
Thomson in the comedy parts wh
made a big hit with the large aud
ience. The presentation all told wai
a large undertaking and the good
showing made evidenced a great am
ount of work in its preparation, both
hv the cast and by Miss Wright, d
rector. Miss Wright deserves th
thanks of the entire community for
her unselfish service. ' Mary Clark
nssisuiiir artist, whose opening solo
pleased very much, and John Conder,
rccompanist, also deserve their share
of the credit for helping mane tn
show a success.
Members of the large chorus we
Audrey Beymer, Hazel McDaid, Ann;
McDaid, Zella McFerrin, Margaret
Bowki-r. Mary Healy, Laura William
Mttrv Beamer, Mae Doherty, Norm
Short, Doris Hiutt, Ethel Hughes
Louise Thomson, Margaret Notso
Lethu Hiutt, Mary Monahan, Roselle
Iiohertv. Gertrude Doherty, Ethel
Moore. Virginia Dix, Katherino Bi
bee. Teresa Breslin, Evelyn Swind
Louise Lnngdon. Claude Conder, Onez
l'nrkei, Homer Hayes, Clarence Hay
es, Kenneth Oviatt, John Parker, Har
lan Devin, Charles Notson, Clair Cox,
Valoiso Kramer. Joe Swindig was the
royal body guard.
Claude Conder and Clarence Hayes
put on a thrilling exhibition of fenc
ing between the second and third
State Library Worker
Makes Heppner Call
Miss Eleanor Davis of Ontario,
Malheur county, is in Heppner in the
interests of the Oregon State Library
and to assist the local library in get
ting a good start on its year's work.
She met with the library board of the
Heppner Public Library association
yesterday to discuss library problems,
and is helping Miss Laura Williams,
librarian, today in becoming better
acquainted with her work.
Mies Davis expressed her pleasure
at the progress so far made by the
library here, and assured the whole
hearted support of Miss Cornelia
Marvin, state librarian, and her staff
of workers in giving all possible aid
to the work here. While here Miss
Davis will help the book committee
i.i the selection of a number of new
books the library will purchase to
place on a rental shelf, to be started
as soon as the books arrive. She is
pending the month of April in the
'Ducky" Drake in Box Has Good
Record; Many Old Heads
In Regular Berths.
Id for the state library.
May Take Over Black
Butfe Lumber Mill
Hoskins, c.
Drake, Turner, p.
P. Aiken, lb.
Van Marter, 2b.
Smith, Hisler, as.
C. Cason, 3b.
Allyn, Erwin, r.
Anderson, m.
G. Cason, 1.
Fred J. Voight of Eugene., a lumber-
an of extensive experience and at
present interested in the planing mill
business in his home city with the
Terrill-Voight Planing Mill Co., was a
visitor in Heppner over the week end,
aking a survey of the holdings ol
e Black Butte saw mill company ot
We understand that Mr. Voight is
ell pleased with the situation as he
found it here, and that a tentative
deal has been entered into with the
Black Butte people to take over their
business just as soon as the details
can be worked out. Mr. Fisher of the
ennner company has become lnter-
sted in a saw mill proposition at The
es, and will go there, so it is un
derstood, and he is negotiating with
Mr. Voight to take over his holdings
ere. Should Mr. Voight become
owner of the Black Butte mill, it is
s intention to make some valuable
mprovements in the plant, using the
resent mill for a short time only,
nd later putting in a larger mill with
and saws.
The pine lumbering business of
Morrow and Gilliam counties is De
nning to look up quite a bit of late,
and signs of real development are
becoming manifest. . A new railroad
s under construction out of Condon
nto the Thirty Mile district, where
the Kinzue Lumber company has ex
tensive holdings of yellow pine tim
ber, and Geo. W. Clark, local forester,
nforms this paper that a large belt
of very fine timber is to be opened
up by the construction of the new
railroad and putting in ot mills Dy
the Kinzua people. Naturally Condon
s quite pepped up over this develop
ment, and it will be the means ot
bringing that city much business.
Mr. Clark states that this belt ot yel
low pine is the finest in the Umatilla
csorve. and he informs u.i that actual
construction oh the logging road has
begun. The headquarters of the com
pany will be at Condon, ana it is ex
pected that the large amount of lum
ber manufactured from the Kimun
holdings at the western extremity of
the Umaitlla forest, and what will be
nurchased from the government m
the forest proper, will be marketed
through Condon.
Mr. Smith Will Head
Condon Grade School
Heppner has a formidable array of
ball players for the initial game of
the Morrow-Gilliam County league
here Sunday with Condon. "Ducky"
Drake, who pitched with Wasco last
year will start on the mound. He
has been playing baseball in the east
ern Oregon bushes for years and
knows just what to feed the Condon
bunch. Fred Hoskins will receive
Jam. Heppner needs no introduction
10 this husky gentleman from Rhea
eek who was a factotum in the fast
gang here the latter part of last season.
L, Van Marter and Carl Cason are
both back at their old stands at sec
ond and third respectively, making
only one new face to appear on the
bases. That physiognomy belongs to
no other than Paul Aiken, former
Heppner regular outfielder, who looks
like a million at first. Completing
the infield crew is Gerald Smith,
Heppner grade school principal, who
gloms up the fast ones on short and
throws with the exactness of a Wil-
I'am Tell arrow.
Not much need be said about Gay
Anderson's propensity for getting un
der the most difficult sky-scrapers in
centerfield. Enough that he will be
there. Guy Cason, who made his rep
utation with the Egg City boys and
,vho played with Wasco last year, is
slated to start in left, and Louie
Allyn of last year's squad will Btart
n right field. Another promising out-
lielder, Harold Erwin, will be on hand
n case of accident.
Heppner is not depending wholly
n Drake's heaving ability, either, as
Lowell Turner has been showing stuff
that it is believed will keep the Con
Jon boys guessing for awhile in case
lie is needed.
lone will play Arlington in the oth
er league opener Sunday. Though
hey tasted defeat at the hands of
Hormiston Inst Sunday, 3-2, they are
playing mid-season ball already and
will undoubtedly give Arlington a hot
J. W. Cowins Honored
On His 86th Birthday
The home of J. W. Cowins was the
scene of a pleasant party Monday eve
ning, when a praty of Knights of
Tythias made him a surprise visit in
honor of his 88th birthday. His birth
day anniversary was celebrated on
Saturday, April 2.
Mr. Cownis was feeling very well
on thig occasion and evidenced his
pleasure by being thus remembered.
It has been some 40 years since he
first came to Heppner and he enjoyed
recalling events of the old days here.
j He has been a K. of P. for 35 years,
Having receiveu ma
jewel in 1927. W. W. Smead present
ed him with an emblematic watch fob
in behalf of the local lodge as a birth
day present.
Light refreshments were served by
Mrs. Wm. Cowins, Mrs. Emma Garri
eues and Mrs. J. G. Cowins, daughters
and granddaughter of Mr. Cowins,
and the visitors left at an early hour.
Among visitors present were W. W.
Smead, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Mr. llaird,
Lee Sprinkel, Jasper Crawford and
Harold Case.
Charles W. Smith, who is expected
to become the new county agent of
Morrow county by about the first of
May, was a visitor here over the week
end from his home at Dufur. Mr.
Smith cume over Saturday, and with
County Agent Morse, took in the
meeting of Pjomona Grange at Mor
gan, and on Sunday attended the
meetnig of the Rhea Creek Grange.
He assisted with the work of plant
ing the spring wheat nursery on
Eight Mile, which work was directed
by G. A. Mitchell, assistant at the
Moro experiment station. Mr. Martin,
senior at 0, A. C, also helped with
this planting. Following his grad
uation in June, Mr. Martin will be
with the Moro station and have charge
of the plant breeding work. Mr.
Smith expects to make other visits to
this county before he getB established
in the new position of county agent,
Gerald Smith, who is principal of
he grade school here, has decided to
take the position the coming year
with the Condon school, as principal
of the grades in that city, succeed
inir N. S. Rogers, resigned.
The nlace in the Heppner scnool
had been tendered Mr. Smith for an
other year, but Condon was uble to
offer better inducements in the way
of salary, so Mr. Smith has wired his
acceptance of the place there. The
work of Mr. Smith here during the
Dast vear has been very satisfactory.
both in the school room and in the
handling of athletics among the grade
pupils, and we are sure that Condon
has made no mistake in securing the
services of such a capable instructor,
though we regret that he has decided
to leave Heppner.
While working with a tractor on
the Wade plnce south of Arlington
Monday afternoon, C. A. Kane, nus
band of Mrs. Vivian Kane ot tin
citv. was seriouslv injured. In at
tempting to oil the mnchine while
was in motion, the clothing of Mr.
Kane was caught in the cogs and he
was drawn in. Three ribs were bro
ken, one of which punctured his lung,
and he received other cuts and
bruises. The injured man was imme
diately rushed to the hospital nt The
Dalles, where he is being cared for.
Mrs. Kane, in response to word re
ceived late Monday night, departed
immediately for The Dalles to be
with her husband, who is reported to
he holding his own at this time, tho
it was feared that his injuries might
prove fatal.
L'XINGTON-IARMON Combined Choirs Will
1 i- j Ti j r x i.
MARkTT RHAn TO iresem easier amaia
lVlrrJli 1 r.Vr.L 1 J Work is progressing rapidly on the
nri r'TXTTr'T TT"T 0VM ntata which is to be presented at
DL lliMijnLL OUUIN the Church of Christ on the evening
of Easter Sunday. April 17. All of
the Protestant churches of the city
are joining for this service, and the
chorus of 30 voices, with several solo
ists, is being trained under the lead
ership of Miss Wright, supervisor of
music in the Heppner schools.
The cantata. "Eastertide," by Pro-
The completion of the Lexington- j thero, is the work which will be sung,
Jurmon market road is planned by and in its beautiful arrangement, oi
the county court of Morrow county.
Work Started This "Week to Con
nect With Butter Creek;
Grading to be Rushed.
words and music, Easter will be fit
tingly commemorated. Miss Helen
Fredreckson is accompanist. Practice
will be held at 7:15 this evening and
jn Sunday afternoon at 2:00 at the
Christian church, and the director re
quests that all singers be on hand
By Arthur BrUbane
Wool Stolen From
Henry Krebs Ranch
Heppner to be Made Tipsy
on a Brand of Stuff
Good for All Ails.
Horse Permits Will be
Gradually Eliminated
The Hardman-Monument and Tam
arack Horse and Cattlemen's associa
tions have adopted a resolution barr
ing all new or temporary permits for
the running of horses on their re
serves, and as the present permits
expire they will be replaced by cattle,
is the information given this paper
this week by Geo. W. Clark, local
forest supervisor.
This policy looks to the elimination
of the unclaimed, so-called wild
horses that have been infesting the
ranges for so many years, as it will
give the proper authorities a chance
to get hold of them and dispose of i
nuisance to both cattlemen and sheep
men. It gives the associations i
chance to keep closer check on the
.'tock that has been receiving free
pasturage within the boundaries of
their reserves.
Car Upsets Coasting
Down Heppner Hill
The big sedan of James G. Thom
son left the grade on Heppner hill
lute Tuesday night and was consid
erably damaged when it turned over
in the ditch, some glass in the doors
being broken and fenders on one side
James Jr. was driving the machine
and in the front seat with him were
John Turner and Clinton Harper. The
car had been thrown out of gear and
was coasting down the grade when
they struck the sharp turn. The boys
state that the car had taken the ditch
on the side of the road and struck
a rock which caused the car to leave
the grade- and pitch over on the top.
That no more serious damage was
done can be attributed to the strong
construction of the cab of the car.
The boys got out without injury, but
orotty much excited over their nar
tow escape.
Yes, it's real home brew, folks
not rot-gut moonshine, but the kind
one inhales and becomes intoxicated
with, not knowing that he has been
exposed to intoxication at all. But
the sad part to many no doubt will
be that it is not to be drunk at all.
It's intoxication is in the form of
mirth, then tears, evoked by actors
from Condon town. It will all come
nbout next Tuesday night at the Star
theater when the Condon American
Legion post stages "Along the Mis
souri," a comedy-drama in four acts.
The actors will be accompanied by
the Condon orchestra who will play
jt the show, and then after the show
is over, for the big dance in the Elks
hall. The Elks are sponsoring the
presentation for the purpose of rais
ing money for their memorial fund.
Word from Condon assures Hepp
ner folks that they are in for a real
treat. "Along the Missouri" drew
ard pleased the larpest crowd ever
assembled for a show in London, in
fact, it went over so biglhat to sat
isfy the demand it will be shown
there again.
RobeTU the 9-year-old son of Wm.
Van Winkle of Lexington, was quite
riously injured Wednesday eveing
by being cut with barbed wire. He
was riding a horse that ran into the
fence with him. A barb took a bunch
of hair off the horse and striking the
right ankle of the lad, cut in to. the
bone at the joint, taking out a por
tion of the bone and depositing the
hoir in the wound. Dr. McMurdo, who
was called, found the injury quite
serious but gave it the proper dress
ing and hopes there will be no com
plications. OBITUARY.
John Urban Capon was born at
Franklingham, England, December 24,
1853, and died March 27, 1927, at the
Capon ranch near Monument, Oregon,
aged 73 years, 3 months and 6 days.
He came to Grant county in March,
'J3, where he continued to reside
until the time of his death. He had
been a life-long member of the
Church of England and passed away
a strong believer in that faith.
Mr. Capon was first married at
Hollesly, England, to Phoeba K. Page
in 1878, who died m April, 1883. To
this union three children were born,
one son dying in infancy. His second
marriage was to Georgiana M. Gra
ham, at Debenham, England, Novem
ber 10, 1887, and to this union seven
children were born, two dying in in
fancy. He is survived by his wife,
two sons and five daughters. The chil
dren are Alice K. McDuffee of Hepp
ner, Ida A. Bleakman, Mary E. Wright,
Eva E. Wright, of Hardman, George
G. Capon, Nora Boyer and Harry H.
Capon of Monument. Thre are 14
grandchildren, and a sister, Mrs. Cor
delia Cupper, resides at Salem, Ore.
and this week dirt began to fly un
der direction of the county road
crew, with George Moore in charge.
Camp has been established at South
Springs, a full crew is on the job and pr0mptly to avoid delay.
grading will be rushed along as rap
idly as possible. Following this will
be the surfacing of the road just as
far as the means at hand will permit.
It is hoped the money appropriated
will complete the entire unit, and
(kn nn.if ia fit, Ha unnfirlonf that it
,iii A bold piece of thievery took place
"" - 1 . . n. T-r tj--1. 1. tt r : 1 1
This will form an important link " me nenry n.reDs rancn on y,inUv
in the county's program of market eeic aDove neppner on ounaay eve
nf much benefit to ning, and as a result Henry was mm
the residents of that Dart of the coun- us three bags of tag wool amounting
... tum v, k... niY, nhnncrog in all to about 1000 pounds, when he
from the original survey, tending to made an investigation on Monday
shorten the distance to some extent, morning.
i,t t for nff from the line aa first About eight o'clock an automobile
laid out. There Bhould be no very drove down past the house and just
heavy rock work on this end of the oeiore arriving tney sioweu uown ..u
road and if everything works as it apparently stopped. Mr. Krebs paid
should the coming crop can be mar- no suenuvn to inn,
p,. h. ,.nmr,1td hiuhwav. Mrs. Krebs, on going to the window,
tv,- .m,no T-m-k crusher U beinc- recognized the car as one that had
cot .r th Peck nlace south of driven up the road late in the after-
i ovinnn inr o-r-inrtitio- the rock that noon, but she stated it did not stop.
will be used in surfacing the Lexing- so nothing more was thought of it.
ton-Clark's Canyon maTket road and The car did stop, however, and the
it will not be a very great while un- parties went to the barn where the
til thi i Hone. The countv is trv- wool was stored and took the three
i.,o- n.,t , npw nipce of mad machinery bags. Ripping one open, they evident
they have in mind to purchase, on the ly put the loose wool in the car and
fill vaiaA crossing at the end then placed the other two bags on
of this road at Lexington. This little top. Mr. Krebs immediately got busy
ni.-. nf wnrW will nrnceed as soon as when he missed the wool, and the
V r . . , ,- U; . ...1,.HJ.J t Pnrl
permission is granted by tne puonc fi""'""
service commision which holds a hear- land on Tuesday when they attempt-
Will Make U. S. Learn.
We're Getting Moral.
Buying Forgiveness.
China's Awakening.
For one thing we should be grate
ful. Our cousins in Europe will teach
us to fly, whether we want to learn
or not. The British expect to send to
New York next fall an airship "as big
as the Mauretania," with room for
100 passengers. That will be on
good lesson.
The French Academy of Sciences,
a most serious body, says that Mar
goulis, a French engineer, has per
fected a helicopter flying machine.
Such a machine, enabling you to fly
and rise directly from the ground,
would give the inventor wealth un
limited and would be the best inven
tion since the start of the Wright
brothers. With a helicopter in good
oider you could start from the roof
of your apartment house or office
building, go where you like, and land
on any other roof or office building.
ing on the matter at Heppner today.
The commission will also consider
applications for crossings at Irrigon
while in session here.
The state crew is setting up a
ed to dispose of the wool. Some sus
picion was aroused in the minds of
the party contemplating buying the
wool, and when the fellows were ques
tioned they stated that they were
crusher near Jordan Siding for the sheepmen from Heppner. Sheriff Mc-
crushing of rock they will use in re- uunee lett lor rortianu yesierday
surfacing a portion of the Willow to bring ine men to neppner,
crepk hiimwav. nrenaratorv to oiling
from the Junction to Heppner,. The LOCAL NEWS ITEMS.
work of oiling, it is understood, will Miss Esther Margaret Wright, su
be in operation within a few weeks, perintendent of music in the Hepp
ner schools, was delighted to have
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. O. C,
Wright, as her guests at "The Gar
den of the Shah," Tuesday evening.
They expressed themselves a3 being
well repaid for the long trip from
Portland by their enjoyment of the
The first elimination contest of A large delegation ol Jieppner dies
Heppner grammar school aspirants visited Condon on baturday and as
t,.r nnvticinutinn in the countv dec- sisted in the work of initiation of a
1 . J. .. I, v. l
lnmotnrv contest, was he d r ridav. large number or new memoers join
Anril 1 in the high school auditorium, ing Heppner Lodge No. 358. They
A Lir miivhcr cf crntestsants were remained over for the big dance in
cntcroH i the evening and report a fine time,
Ratings were made on the follow- Mrs. Mary Lieuallen, mother ot
ing points: stage presence, including Mrs. Jonn radberg ot tnis city, is a
Dosture. nervousness and artificial- patient at Morrow General hospital
Declamatory Tryouts
Center School Interest
The jazz period in dances and in
morals is passing in Christendom and
pagan lands. Turkey is suppressing
immoral dances; Japan is dealing ser
iously with the social evil; "all gov
ernment," says a report, "are occu
pying themselvse with .the task of
;necking immorality.
That is gratifying, important news,
and then more important is news that
teils of the discovery by British scien
tists of a new vitamin, 1,000 times
more powerful than any known liith
eito. It will cure rickets, and, most
interesting, it seems to have the ef
fect of ultra-violet light.
The new health food is called
"chlosterol" and contains what is
practically the pure vitamin D, a sub
stance called ergosterol. , It can be
made cheaply, and an ounce of it
would be enough to keep you healthy
from birth to death.
Health news and educational news
are the really important kind of news.
"Give LIGHT and the people will find
their own way," as Dante said. Give
HEALTH and they will have energy
to work well.
ity; interpretation; delivery, includ-
ine gestures, forcefulness and re
sponse; and voice, including quality
enunciation and pronunciation.
The nine from each division hav
ing the highest score will meet again
next Wednesday when one from each
where she is taking insulin treatment
for diabetes, and is reported to be
geting along quite well.
Leo Gorger of lone is under the
re of a physician, suffering from
bloodpoisoning caused by an infection
his chin. While he is better he
division for each of the two classes will not be fully recovered for some
nf rocitnHnns will he chosen to enter l'ttle time yet.
the final contest including all of tho Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Knight and
chnnU nf Mnrrnw countv. daughter Peryl, and Harold Reece
Thm who will enter the second left for Vale, Ore., Wednesday morn
elimination contest are given accord- ing after visiting at the home of Mr.
ing to the number of points each and Mrs. Lee A. Sprnikel for tho past
mndo two weeks.
First division: Viola Krrk, Billie Frank Lundell of lone has been con
Mnr Levi Westfall. Gvla Mae Cas- fined to his home with stomach trou
.m F.liznheth Vance. Patricia Cason. ble the past week, and was quite ill
Ruth Green. Howard Cox and Jack- for a time. Dr. Johnston, his physi
son Gilliam
Second division: Frances Frye,
Herman Green, Doris Cox, Gladvs
Erwin, Gene Mikesell, Earl Thorn
sun, Irene Hiatt, Mary White and
Billy Thomson.
The first elimination contest for
the high school will be held Monday.
The same rules will govern this con-
cian, reports him some better now.
Mrs. Ernest Bronson of Monument
who has been very sick for the past
eek at Heppner Surgical hospital
'.s now improving, states her physi
cian, Dr. McMurdo.
Mrs. Billy McRoberts, who was t
pneumonia patient at the Morrow
General hospital, was sufficiently re
test as those used in the grammar covered to be able to return to her
i-.-hnnl contest. home this week.
Thp Tinhli- is cordiallv invited to Dallas Ward took time to 'niiVe a
nticnd the contest to be held in the week-end visit with his mother, Mrs.
si-hool auditorium next Wednesday, Ola Ward at Lexington, while on a
at 'i:30. Both grammar s.'hool and trip to eastern Oregon with the O. A.
l-ip-h school participate in this. C. hand.
Morals change and return to nor
al with time. Health and knowledge
are what count.
Some General Electric genius has
invented a searchlight gun that will
write on clouds, buildings, banks of
smoke five miles away. This opens
up a marvelous advertising field. But
the Government should protect it, and
the heavens should continue to de
clare the glory of God, and the firma
ment to show forth His handiwork.
They should not be used to declare
the glory of suspenders, tooth paste
or automobiles.
An old man in Illinois sends one
dollar to a woman in Indiana, saying,
"I stole half a watermelon from your
father sixty years ago, when I was
thirteen. I am on my way to heaven
and do not want that melon standing
in my way. Here is the money; for
give and forget."
Howard Cox, 7-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Cox of Hinton creek,
received severe Injury to his left
hand on Friday last. Ho was riding a
horse and practising with his rope,
lassoing a fence post. One end of
the rope was tied to the horse and
the hand of tho lad wns caught be
tween the rope nnd tho horse's hend,
taking ofT the little finger and a por
tion of tho index linger, leaving the
members hanging by slender threads.
Dr. McMurdo was called to attend
Ihe injury nnd stitched the digits
back. The chances are quite good
that the fingers will heal, but they
will not be as perfect as before the
injury came.
Tho American Legion and Auxiliary
will give a bridge party on Monday
evening, April 18th, for Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Morse, at the Legion hall. Our
oi gnu izat ions regret very much to
have to bid farewell to these faith
ful members, but we wish for them
nil gocd things in their new home.
Plans for the Easter dance are
moving forward. Remember the date
is April 10th, atld the time 9:30. At
this time Spnrky's scarf will be
awarded to the holder of the winning
The Auxiliary Glee Club is under
wny, directed by Mrs. Moore. They
plan to get down to hard work, as
there is to be a competition for prizes
at the La Grande convention, and
Auxiliaries all over the state are
working up glee clubs for this pur
pose. Secretary.
We wish to thank our many friends
and neighbors for their kindness and
help during the long illness of my
husband and our father. Also for the
Mrs. J. W. Capon and Children.
In reporting the reception given by
the M. E. ladies for Mrs. Parker last
week, we stilted that it took place at
the parlors of the church. We should
have said that it was given at the
parsonage, and that Mrs. Bramer was
'.lostess. A misunderstanding on the
part of the editor nnd the mistake
was altogether unintentional.
Mrs. Wm. Isom, who has been con
fined to her home during the past
week with an attack of la grippe, is
now able to be around again.
James Bailey who was operated on
at Morrow General hospital for acute
appendicitis was able to return to his
home this week.
Mrs. Geo. Evans, who has been sick
with intestinal influenza the past
three weks, is now able to be up
Mrs. Fred Griffin of Lexington was
visiting friends in Heppned Wednesday.
Elks' Temple, Heppner
Saturday, April 16, 1927
Many unusual and
interesting features
Auspices American Legion Auxiliary
cAdmission: 'Dancers 50c each; Spedators 25c
The question is, can you buy for
giveness from heaven at the last min
ute, when "on your way"? A Mo
hammedan writes that his co-religionists
do not pray for heaven. They
say in their prayers to Allah. "We
1 ray to you because we know you are
great and good, deserving praise. We
ask nothing in return." That seems
more dignified than everlasting beg
ging, and more tactful.
The Midle West fights the corn
borer with a machine that squirts
blazing oil over the fields. Huge
stubble pulverizers will help tho
work. Blazing oil will dispose of
corn borers, and of part of our sur
plus oil at the same time.
General Man, formerly in the Gov
ernment of Canton, tells reporters
that "China will be a true democ
racy," not a Soviet Government.
Everybody hopes that China, ex
ploited, despoiled, and bullied by Eu
ropean nations, will succeed in seir
government as a gigantic nation, not
break into small pieces fighting each
But it is all guesswork. It is hard
'or a jellyfish to. change into a verte
brate over night.
Under the auspices of Sherman
Electric company a free picture show
illustrative of the various power
plants, operations of construction,
etc., of tho Pacific Power and Light
Co., was presented to a full house at
the Star on Wednesday evening. A
very larne number of slides was
thrown on the screen, and Mr. Kkelly
talked on these as they were present
ed. Two reels were run, also, illus
trating the great many domestic
uses "f eb-tricity. Mr. Corry, man
ager of P. P. & L. Co. at The Dalles,
wi.s present and assisted Mr. Skelly.
Mrs. Josie Jones returned home on
Sunday from Pendleton where sha
visited for several weeks at the homo,
of her sister, Mrs. Wilson F. Brock.
H. A. Entry of Monument spent
several days visiting with relatives
in Heppner this week.