Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 31, 1927, Image 1

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Volume 44, Number 1.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Cooperation of Citizens
Asked to Make This
City Shine.
City to Stand Expense of Conveying
Rubbish Away, If Properly
Heppner is to receive its annual
The city council has decreed that
April 12 be designated as "Clean-Up
Day," and in accordance with this
decree E. G. Noble, mayor, has issued
a proclamation to be found in another
column of this issue. As has been the
policy heretofore followed by the city
Sovernment, free hauling service will
be furnished on this day. In deciding
on Tuesday as clean-up day, Mayor
Noble said :
"It is the intention of the council
!n naming Tuesday, that this dav will
be used in carrying away the rubbish,
the hauling service to be furnished
by the city. It is believed that many
people find it convenient to do their
work at home on Sunday while others
prefer to do it on Monday, and by set
ting this day for hauling everyone
will have ample opportunity to get
their ruubish in shape for the trucks
when they call.
"I want to appeal to the civic pride
of everyone in Heppner to cooperate
to the fullest extent in making the
day a success."
All rubbish should be put in proper
containers and placed at the front
approach to property, where it is most
easily accessible to the truckmen, the
decree states. Boxes, barrels, or
ether pood containers may be used,
but it is necessary that the rubbish
be put in such form as to be easily
Not only should the immediate
grounds of the home be put in apple
I ie order, but parkings, alley ways,
vacant lots and such adjoining prop
erty should also be cleaned up. Now
iB the best time to get the weeds, and
if the work is done in good shape, lit
tle trouble will be encountored in
keeping them down all summer.
" E. Nordyke, who hsa been a patient
for many weeks at the Heppner Sur
gical hospital, was able to return to
his Lexington home the first of this'
week. While not fully recovered
from his terrible burns, Mr. Nordyke
it. so far along as to be able to get
about, but his wounds are not all
healed and will require his visiting
toe doctor in Heppner frequently for
dressings. The many friends of Mr.
Nordyke rejoice with him that he
was able to be restored to health
ufter such a severe experience as he
has passed through.
Twin sons were born to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Bookman at their home
in this city on Saturday, March 26thJ
One of the little men weighed 74
pounds and the other tipped the
scales at 7. Dr. McMurdo reports all
as getting along well.
Dr. Frank B. Kistner of Portland
was a visitor in Heppner on Monday,
remaining over until Tuesday fore
noon. He was accompanied by Mrs.
KiBtner and their son.
Mrs. Ralph Scott and baby have re
turned home from the Morrow Gen
eral hospital.
Irrigation Cases Argued
Before Referee Beckwith
Court Reporter J. S. Beckwith of
Pendleton was in Heppner on Monday
and Tuesday, taking testimony in the
irrigation cases of Krebs Bros. vs.
Aubrey Perry, watermaster, and A.
Henrikaen, and Hynd Bros. Co., vs
the same parties. The cases grew out
of a disagreement over the use of
water in the Cecil district, and when
they were called in court before
Judge Phelps, the judge ordered the
testimony to be taken before Mr.
Beckwith as referee.
Appearing for the plaintiffs were
attorneys C. L. Sweek and S. E. Van
Vactor, while Mr. Henriksen was rep
resented by Judge James A. Fee of
Pendleton. Much interest was mani
fested in the hearing by Cecil folks,
and that community was well repre
sented here on Monday and Tuesday.
Boy Scouts to Collect
Donated Library Books
Many books have already been
promised in the campaign being made
this week by the Heppner Public Li
brary association for book donations,
and a great many more will probably
be ottered by Saturday when the
Heppner Boy Scout troop will collect
them. Besides the gifts of books new
members have also been added to the
roster in this campaign. It is prac
tically assured that the total' mem
bership will exceed 100 persons by
the end of the week. Previous to this
campaign 60 members had been en
listed. Constitution and by-laws of the as
sociation were adopted Monday eve
ning. Too many other activities in
the city prevented as large a turnout
as desired, however, and some import
ant positions provided for in the new
government were left to be filled at
another special meeting set for Sat
urday night, April 2. A full report
of the campaign to be finished on that
day will also be made at the meeting
and it is especially urged that all
association members who possibly
can, attend. ,
Remember, everyone is privileged
to free use of the library.
M. L. Case Buys Interest
In Fair Store Building
A deal was consummated this week
tfhereby M. L. Case, of CaBe Furni
ture company, purchased the control
ling interest in the Fair store build
ing on lower Main street, occupied
at present by the postoffice and
Phelps Grocery company, from A. G.
Edamson of Seattle. Mr. Edamson
was here on Tuesday and completed
the deal with Mr. Case.
Mr. Case contemplates some alter
ations and improvements to the build
ing, and may later on occupy a por
tion with his furniture business.
Some up-to-date apartments in the
upper story are being figured on, and
just what other changes will be made,
Mr. Case is not prepared to say at
Wm. Farley suffered a broken right
arm at the wrist on Saturday. The
injury resulted from his efforts in
cranking a Ford and the thing kicked
back with disastrous results to Wil
liam. Dr. M&Murdo attended nim and
had him out of the way just in time
to look after another boy, Kemp Dick
of lone, who had suffered a broken
right wrist by being thrown from a
horse the same day. This youngster,
five years of age, had whut is known
in surgery as a Colles fracture, and
both bones of the wrist were broken.
Sow and five pigs for sale. W. H.
Cleveland, phone HF11. 1-2
C. W. Smith of Dufur Takes Mor
row County Position; Change
to be Made Next Month.
After being on the job for a period
ol four years, Roger Morse has re
signed his position as county agent
for Morrow county, to accept a similar
position in Baker county. While his
appointment to the new position, as
well as that of C. W. Smith of Dufur,
as his successor here, is not officially
confirmed just now, there is no doubt
but that the change will be made in
this order, and Mr. Morse will be
leaving for his new field of labor
about the latter part of April.
Mr. Morse has filled his place in
this county very satisfactorily to all
parties concerned, since coming on
the field, and the departure of him
self and Mrs. Morse from Heppner
will be regretted by the large number
of friends they have made since com
irg among us. We bespeak for Mr.
Morse greater success in the larger
field to which he is going.
Concrening Mr. Smith, who is to be
our new county agent, the Dufur Dis
patch of last week has the following:
Chas. W. Smith, Smith-Hughes in
structor in the Dufur high school for
the last four years, has Teceived an
appointment as county agent of Mor
row county with headquarters at
Heppner and it is understood that
Mr. Smith has accepted the Morrow
county offer. Although the appoint
ment was not effective immediately,
Mr. Smith is endeavoring to secure
an extension of time until school
closes or until the board is able to
secure a satisfactory substitute.
Although the members of the school
board regret the loss of Mr. Smith as
un instructor in the local schools,
they have signified their intentions
of aiding him in every possible way
and will undoubtedly waive any cium
upon his services if his new work de
mands his immediate presence, which
is not considered likely.
Mr. Smith is a graduate of Wash
ington State college where he major
ed in agriculture. Following his
graduation, he was with the Smith
Hughes department at Genesee, Ida
ho, for two years, coming from that
place to Dufur.
Mr. Smith has always taken an ac
tive part in the affairs of our city,
being -a member of the Chamber of
Commerce, Masonic lodge and Aremi
can Legion of which latter organiza
tion he is serving as commander at
the present time. Both he and Mrs.
Smith have made many friends in the
community who regret their depart
ure Irom Dutur, yet join in sincere
wishes for their success in their new
home. Heppner is fortunate to be
able to enroll Mr. and Mrs. Smith as
citizens of that community and Mor
row county, to secure the services of
a practical and efficient aKriculturist.
A hearing was had at Irrigon the
end of the week before the Public
Service commission to consider the
application of the roalroad company
to discontinue the station service at
that point for six months out of the
year. It is claimed by the railroad
officials that business does not jus
tify them in keeping the station open
lor more than half of the year, or
during the season when the shipping
of produce is on. The decision of
the commission is looked for soon.
Attorney Alger Fee of Pendleton
was a Heppner visitor on Wednesday,
being called to this city on legal bus
iness. By A. B. CHAPIN
Clean-Up Day, April 1 2
The time of year has again ar
rived when it is appropriate that
our city be thoroughly cleaned up,
in keeping with the freshness of
Spring, and to foster the utmost in
health, and happiness of our citi
zenry. In recognition of this need
we, the Common Council of the
City of Heppner, have authorized
Tuesday, April 12, as a special day
to be set aside for cleannig up the
city, and appeal to the civic pride
of everyone to cooperate to the
fullest extent in making this day
successful in its purpose.
All rubbish should be placed In
boxes, sacks, barrels, or other prop
er containers and placed in front
of property, from where it will be
hauled away at city, expense on
April 12. The city statutes provide
a penalty to be imposed upon of
fenders who permit streets, alleys
or other public thoroughfares ad
joining their property to become
cluttered up with rubbish, but it is
hoped no extraneous measures will
be necessary to have these cleaned
By order of the Common Council)
of the City of Heppner.
E. G. NOUI.E, Mayor.
Exquisite Operetta Gets
Finishing Touches for
April 5 Showing.
"The latest news from Persia was
to the effect that two American min
ing engineers were held up by quar
antine for ten days and did not ar
rive at the Garden of the Shah of
Persia until April 5 instead of
March 29 as they had expected. All
was in readiness for their visit and
the entire royal family and harem
was delighted to reteive the two
young men from the U. S. A."
Lest any misunderstanding shall
arise from the above cablegram, no
tice is hereby given that the high
school operetta, "In the Garden of
the Shah," under the direction of
Esther Margaret Wright, supervisor
of music, will be presented on Tues
dny, April 5, 1927, Instead of March
?9. '
Ellis Thbmson as Samuel Johnson
Jackson, the colored servant of Ted
and Billy, has been finding great dif
ficulty in escaping the wiles of a cer
tain toothless lady of uncertain age,
Known as Nowcbeh (Mae Groshens).
To his utter dismay she has been
feeding him on dates, millions of
them, until he is beginning to come
completely under her spell. Though
former experiences in marital bliss
have show.i the roughest side of the
weaker sex, still "Sammy Dear" is
weakening under the persistency of
the old nurse.
Posters are being made by the up
per grades under the supervision of
Miss Hester Thorpe, art teacher, and
show evidences of careful training in
the art of lettering. Costumes of the
approved Persian cut and fit are be-
png designed by the domestic art cdass
of the high school with Ethel Hughes
as holder of the scissors. The stage
manager and builder of fences is
Clarence Hayes and with his careful
aisistants he is transforming the Star
theatre into a true Persian garden,
filled with beaut'iful flowers and
closely guarded by high walls and
heavy gates.
There has been a change .in the
cast. Mary Ritchie very kindly con
sented to take the place of Edna
Vaughn whose throat will not permit
her continuing as soloist though she
has worked hard and falthfulfy on
her part for the past several weeks.
Radio Program Given
By Power Companies
On Sunday evening, April 3, from
9 to 10 o'clock a program will be
presented over KGW, Portland, spon
sored by Portland Gas & Coke com
pany, Northwestern Electric company
and Pacific Power & Light company.
The program will be made up of num
bers by the Public Service Little
Symphony orchestra, assisted by Ste
phen Gnylord, baritone. The follow
ing will be given :
Orchestra, "Bohemian Girl" (Balfe)
IjiU'itone Solo .... "The Want of You"
( Vandoi-pool)
Orchestra, "Selections from George
While's Scandals."
Baritone Solo, "It Was not to Be,"
from Act III of "Der Trompeter
von Sakkinger."
Orchestra, Grand Opera Selection,
"Thais" (Massenet)
Baritone Solo "Who Is Sylvia?"
Flute and Clarniet Duet, "L'Encore"
(Victor Hevhert)
Orchestra, "Dance of the Serpents"
R. B. Rice of Artesian Well ranch
suffered a kick from a horse at his
home this morning, and his lip was
so badly lacerated (hat it required
eight stUches at tho hands of Dr.
T.icMunio to close up the woun-1. '
Harvey Peterson who was operated
on for ruptured appendix at the Mor
row General hospital two weeks ago,
has returned to his home on Rhea
Miss Vera Mahoney of Seattle is
visiting this week at the homo of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Mahoney.
Organization ' Detail Completed';
All Clubs Show. Pre
season Strength.
The Morrow-Gilliam County Base
ball league season will open April
10 with Condon playing at Heppner
and lone playing at Arlington. This
is according to the schedule adopted
at a meeting of directors of the
league at Arlington Friday night. Iha
schedule in full will be found else
where in these columns. .
Constitution and by-laws were also
adopted at the meeting, comprehend'
ing the smooth running of the or
gamzation throughout the season.
Each club will post $50 forfeit money
to guarantee their just participation
and $5 to defray league expense. In
case of disputes not covered in the
constitution or by-laws the decision
of the directors shall govern. .
It is the purpose of the league to
play ail home players with the excep
tion of a pitcher, or any other need'
ed player not to be had in any town.
All the clubs will comply with this
ruling, according to their directors,
and Condon is even going so far as to
break in some youngster pitchers.
lone already has an outside pitcher
on the job, who is showing good in
practice, and Heppner has the prom
ise of "Ducky" Drake, whose reputa
tion has beeh made in eastern Oregon.
Arlington is trying to get the promise
of "Toots" Montague to take the box
for their club.
The directors of the league are D.
A. Wilson, Heppner; "Hap" Woods,
lene; Earl W. Snell, Arlington, and
G. T. Burns, Condon.
Heppner's club will get it's first
taste of real battle Sunday in an all
home scrimmage game. A team com
posed of high school and "once was"
players will offer the opposition,
lone wlil play Hermiston at the same
time to get their batting eye in trim,
lone had a home practice game last
Sunday and in pre-season form is the
most formidable looking club of the
lot. Predictions are useless at pres
ent, however, for full strength of
Condon and Arlington is open only to
conjecture. Arlington will have the
Ashenfelter boys and Buster Solves
ter, three of the best "bushers" known
in eastern Oregon circles and a lot
to bo reckoned withr while Condon
still has "Big Charlie" Fitzmaurice,
"Kewpie" Clow, and a number of oth
er old heads who are mighty tough.
Heppner expects to have a good
team in the field for the kick-off, as
nightly practice makes prospects
daily brighter. The crew with posi
tion they may play include Gerald
Smith, catcher and shortstop; Fred
Hoskins, catcher and first base; L.
Van Marter, second base; Carl Cason,
third base; Paul Hisler, shortstop;
"Ducky" Drake, pitcher; Lowell Tur
ner, pitcher and outfielder; Paul Aik
en, right field, Louy Allen, left field,
and other outfielders, Guy Cason, 0.
b. Flory, Harold Fywin.
In solicitation for funds for the
ball club made by F. B. Nickerson
Friday, more than $250 was raised
among local business men, and with
the funds and players on hand, Man
ager Barr is very optimistic over
Heppner's prospects.
Morrow County Pomona
Meets Next Saturday
Thwro in nlnminrl a Hicr mcntinv nf
Mftrrnw Cniititv Pnmnnn P.rnnffp tit
Morgan on Saturday, beginning at
10:00 o'clock in the forenoon. Fol
lowing the dinner hour will be an op
en meeting to the public, and it is
hoped the people of the county will
attend in just as large numbers as
An interesting program has been ar
ranged but has been completed in
time for publication. Geo. Palmiter
of Hood liivpr. mnstpr nf the Rtntp
Grange, will be present and appear
as one oi tne speakers on tne pro
gram, and there will be other inter
esting features. Mr. Palmiter will
also be a visitor ut the Sunday after
noon meeting of Rhea Creek Grange,
LOST An aluminum spirit level,
somewhere between tlV Shively shop
in Heppner and L. V. Gentry's ranch.
Finder please return to Frank Shive
,. mi m uihii minium mi I nil itn mi
the arrival of the
Four-Door, De Luxe Light Six Sedan
Visit our show room and look it over
Cohn oAuto Company
HiiiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiliiim iiiiiiHMiiiitimiiiitiiiiwMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiitimiiuit
Swaggart Building Leased
to Sherman Electric Co.
G. W. Swaggart, who is in the city
today from his home at Pendleton,
informs this paper that he has given
a twenty year lease on the building
on Main street just north of the pas
time of McAtee & Aiken, to Sherman
Electric company, who will convert
the same into a down-town office and
store room for the handling of elec
trical supplier and fixtures.
We understand that the company
will also put the building in shape
so they can have room for demon
strating all kinds of electrical util
ities that they will carry, it being
their aim to induce the people of this
community that are connected up
with their power system, to use these
accessories just as far as practicable,
nr.d they will introduce the modern
way of cooking and heating by elec
tricity. We understand the company
will put a new front in this building
and there will be many other improve
ments as well.
Heppner In Waiting for
Coming Cohdon Show
All Heppner is anxiously awaiting
the coming of the Condon Legion
show, according to latest word emin-
ating from the Elks' management, lo
cal sponsors of the play, "Along the
Missouri," to be given here April 12.
It isn't just the same as a profes
sional outfit coming to town for many
members of the cast are well known
by people here, who will appreciate
their acting much the same as the
big Condon audience did.
Home talent performances always
take well, anyway. There is that pre
formed conception that the actors
aren't doing their stuff for their liv
ing, but more just for the love of the
thing and with a philanthropic spirit.
That's what takes with real folks who
are able to appreciate a flaw or two
in the acting every whit as much as
the points of excellence.
Then' again, "Along the Missouri"
is a fine play in itself. It contains
plenty of drama, good heavy drama,
that is relieved from reaching the
point of boredom by intermingling
comedy good, wholesome comedy. A
laugh and then a cry, and then an
other laugh to keen the audience
tense and relaxed in happy dovetail
order, filling all the moments of its
duration with heartfelt enjoyment.
The Elks are sponsoring the show
for the purpose fo starting a fund
for the purchase of a large memorial
tablet to be placed in their hall. Be-
ides the fine sentiment displayed in
the move, the tablet will be a beauti
ful decoration for the hall, a monu
ment to which the local lodge could
point with pride. The Condon folks
are coming to help the cause along,
asking only their expenses for put
ting on the show.
Tennis Club Membership
$1.50; Open to Everyone
Membership in the Heppner Tennis
club may be had by anyone desiring
to play or to help out a worthy cause
for the nominal fee of $1.50, entitling
him to active participation for the
year 1927, according to Frr.nk Har
wood, president. Memberships may
be left at Harwood's jewelry store.
The club has two playing courts in
good condition on the corner of May
and Chase streets. Though these are
of dirt construction, they are fairly
smooth and are available for use any
day. All club members are entitled
to the same playing privileges.
John U. Capon, residing about five
miles below Monument, was called by
death Tuesday, following a sickness
of some weeks. He was a pioneer res
ident of North Grant county, and is
survived by the following children:
Mrs. George McPuffee of Heppner.
Mrs. George Bleakman, Mrs. Ray
Wright and Mrs. Clyde Wright of
Hardman; Mrs. Dempsey Boyer, and
George and Harry Capon of Monu
ment. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Roberts came
in from Portland Wednesday. They
have been living in the metropolis
since last fall but think they will ar
range to make their home in Hepp
ner for the present summer at least.
They seem glad to be where they can
see the sunshine :ie:ain.
By Arthur Brisbane
"Going to Get Drunk."
$10,000,000,000 Concern.
Wheat for Vitamin B.
Andy Was Wrong.
This nation is drifting toward a
costly, hate-breeding coal strike, set
for April in central coal fields. The
Yankee farmer "going to town to get
drunk, and Lord how I dread it" was
no more foolish than a country that
forsees industrial civil war, surely
coming, and does nothing to prevent
The people own the coal fields
and everything else in the nation
under the right of eminent domain,
they can do as they choose.
They suffer the loss and inconven
ience of all strikes, pay the bills in
the end, and still they "go to town
and get drunk."
The United States Post Office def-.
initeiy forbids sending the "Decamer
on," by Boccaccio, through the mails.
That is another wise decision which
should not have been postponed so
long. Mailing or selling that book
should carry with it a sentence to
Standard Oil in the last three
months has paid dividends of more
than $55,000,000. That's at the rate
of more than four per cent on four
billion dollars; so there is a four bil- ,
iion dollar concern right there.
If you wait a few years it will be
a ten billion dollar concern. But, as
you know, Mr. Rockefeller doesn't
own aH of it, or even half of it.
A great deal of Standard Oil pros
perity, by the way, has been achieved
in a market of hard competition by
intelligent newspaper advertising. It
is to be hoped the able managers
know that, and Tealize that it pays
to talk directly to the people through
newspaper advertising. This writer,
by the way, hasn't one dollar's inter
est in any newspaper advertising,
Paris, advised by Andre Laphin,
eats raw wheat and feels better. Mon
sieur Laphin says a tablespoonful of
germinating wheat, eaten before lun
cheon, supplies vitamins lacking in
other food, especially the vitamin B
that stimulates nervous energy.
Roman soldiers, as they marched
toward Paris under Caesar, ate raw
wheat slung in a bag at the belt, not
bothering to soften it by germinating
in water. Their skulls, dug up now,
show marvelously strong teeth, ground
down, but not one missing or decayed.
Good bread, if you chew it well, is
better for you, however.
Govrenor Martin, of Florida, has
forbidden race-track gambling in his
State, and is to be congratulated.
Less gambling money will go to Mi
amm and other gambling points, but
in the long run the State will be bet
ter off. It will attract fewer black
legs, thieves and other undesirables.
Hubert T. Parson, president of the
Woolworth company, who deals, thru
his stores, with millions of Ameri
cans, predicts that this Spring's bus
iness generally will be the greatest in
the history of the United States. That
siiould comfort the pessimists.
The world would be better off, a
safer place for human beings and the
animals will be happier when all life
except human life shall have vanish
ed, from the elephant in the jungle
to the typhoid germs in drinking wa
ter. If there were no crocodile! there
would be no sleeping sickness. If
there were no mosquitoes there would
be no yellow fever, no malaria. If
there were no cats or dogs many dis
eases would disappear. Children get
them from the fur of "pets." If there
were no rats or ground squirrels to
feed fleas, no fleas to bite humans,
there would be no bubonic plague,
and if there were no vermin spread
by luck of human cleanliness there
would be no deudly typhus.
The common stock of the big steel
company is declared by experts to
have a book value now of $219 a share
and to be earning above 12 per cent
net. That's the stock that the hasty
Mr. Carnegie called "pure air, not
even water, and one Hint will nvpr
be worth anything," when he refused
to take a lot of it for nothing. You
never can tell about values in the
United States.
A delightful reception of an infor
mal nature, was given Mrs. Sarah
Parker, muhter of Frank S. Parker, at
the parlors of the Methodist church
on Wednesday afternoon. A large
number of ladies from the Methodist
and Christian churches, as well as
many other friends, came to tender
congratulations to Mrs. Parker on the
occasion of her !;trd birthduy, and
the occasion was one of much pleas
ure to the honor guest as well as ail
attending. Dainty refreshments of
tea and cake were served, Mrs. Eu
gene Campbell pouring, assisted by
Miss Lulu linger.
A. M. Markham is in the city today
from his home at Freewater.