HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1927. PAGE FIVE Mrs. Ann Keithley of Pendleton, accompanied by her nephew, Ralph Gilliam, drove over to Heppner yes terday for a visit with friends. Ralph was formerly a resident of Heppner and a student in the high school here at the time of the breaking out of the war. He enlisted in the aviation serv ice and spent live years with the gov ernment, part of the time aa an In structor. He had several tumbles out of the sky and as a result was quite severely injured. Flying a plane in the government mail service, Ralph met with an accident that came near putting him out. It was quite a while before he got over this and he con cluded that he had had enough of it, so returned to civil life again. It had been eight years since Ralph was in Heppner last and he enjoyed meeting a number of old time friends and schoolmates, Lewis King, brother of Mrs. Wm. Driscoll, was a visitor over Sunday with the Driscoll family here Mr. King was formerly a resident of Heppner, being connected with the torest office here many years ago. He is still with the forest service aid loiated at Washington, D C, though his work is in the field much of ;he time. He has i:iat recently been do'jig some field work over in Wash ington, and took advantage of the op Icitunity to vi3t his n-lativea t H'fpi'er. Mr. King di parted by train Sunday night. At the Monday Luncheon club meet ing Roger Morse discoursed upon the crop situation in the United States and Morrow county, and his talk proved interesting to the members present. He believes the present pros pects in the country promise a better crop than the average for the past five years. At this same meeting D. T. Goodman reported on the baseball situation for the season. According to Echo News, shearing in that vicinity will start about the first of April, with two erews in the field. The Jake Wattenburger crew of about 12 men will start on the Cunha sheep at the shearing plant west of town. Hat Pearson will have a crew of IB to 18 men starting at the Kilkenny ranch. He will handle most of the Butter creek flocks and some at Arlington. Mr. and Mr. Jason Biddle of Phei creek were visitors in the city on Monday. Mr. Biddle reports condi tions of moisture good in his locality, and the outlook for crops the best ior many seasons. A little warm weather now would help to get rid of cut worms, but these are not troub ling a great deal no worse, in fact, than usual in the spring. D. T. Colliver of Hardman, who has been ill for a short time at the Morrow General hospital in this city, suffering from heart trouble, was rent to Portland on Monday, it being thought best to get him in a lower altitude for a while, in hopes of bet tering his condition. Henry F. Buahm arrived here from Walla Walla on Saturday morning, and spent the day looking after bus iness affairs. He is quite well pleased with the crop outlook in the Walla Walla section, and looks forward to a prosperous season in all lines. James Bailey of Butter Creek un derwent an operation at Morrow Gen eral hospital Saturday for acute ap pendicitis. The operation was done under spinal anesthesia by Dr. John ston, who reports his patient as get ting along well at present. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott of Black t orse are the proud parents of an 8 pound girl, born Sunday, March 20th, at the Morrow General hospital in Heppner. Both mother and jiaby are reported to be doing nicely. "The Fashion Show at Hardman," the play being sponsored by the P. T. A. at Hardman, will be presented Sat urday, April 2nd. An attractive quilt will be sold and the ladies will serve luncheon. Miss Evelyn Humphreys arrived from Eugene on Saturday to spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Humphreys. Vawter Parker got In from the U. of O. on Saturday afternoon and will spend the week of the Easter vaca tion at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker. Miss Luola Benge arrived home from Eugene on Friday and is spend ing the Easter vacation season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Benge in this city. Mrs. W. 0. Dix was taken ill Fri day with ptomaine poisoning, and was very sick for a day or two but able to assume her duties at the school o'n Monday. Mrs. O. T. Ferguson departed Tues day morning by auto for Lokeview, Oregon, where she will visit for a short time at the home of her daugh ter. Sheriff Logan of Gilliam county was in the city on Monday from Con don, looking after some matters of bi-siness pertaining to his office. Mrs. L. W. Briggs was operated on Saturday by Dr. Johnston at the Mor row General hospital for the removal of her tonsils. A free dance will be given by the I, 0. 0. F. of Hardman Saturday, Apr 2ncl, Everybody come. Pat Heuly and family made a trip to Pendleton on Saturday, returning '.oine Sunday. Judge Benge and family were vis itors in Pendleton on Tuesday. Armstrong's Latest Creations. We are offering the finest line of Poor coverings ever offered in Mor row county, and some surprisingly good values, including Congolium and ther well known brands. Come in and see the patterns and quality and know what you are get ting. Eighteen years of honest val ues and fair treatment. CASE FURNITURE CO. LOST An aluminum spirit level, somewhere between the Shively shop in Heppner and L. V. Gentry's ranch. Finder please return to Frank Shively. BOARDMAN MRS. A. T. HBfiEIM. Correspondent. Knauffs were pleased to have Mr. and Mrs. Ross Spaulding of Golden dale with them on Sunday. Mr. Spaulding is a government trapper and was located at Boardman for sev eral months last year. Since leaving here he was married. He is with the U. S. Department of Biological Survey at Goldendnle. While located here Mr. Spaulding lived in R. Was mer's house. Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins motored to La Grande recently on business. Bessie Cruikshank left Thursday for Ellensburg to continue her school work at the Washington state nor mal. i Mrs. H. Cason CBme home Friday from Portland where she has been for the past three months. Casons have rented their ranch to W. H. MefTord and plan to leave. They have not definitely dceided where they will locate. Mr. Cruikshank and son Andrew left for La Grande and will also drive on to Boise. They are looking for a location. Ray Brown was a Heppner visitor Thursday. Ransier has a crew of men at work clearing the canal. Mrs. Sylvester Attebury came home from Spokane last week. Her daugh ter,' Mrs. Johnson, and grand daugh- AUCTIONEER E. J. KELLER The man who made the reasonable price. LEXINTON, OREGON ter came home with her. Buster Rands and his mother came home Friday from Echo where Buster had an interesting seance with blood poisoning. His hand was scratched on Friday and Saturday bloodpoison ing set in. He was taken to Echo to be under a doctor's care and he suffered much pain for several days. Mrs. Howard Edmundson and son and two grandchildren of Livingston, Cal., were house guests at the home of Mrs. Edmundson's brother, Ed Kunzie. While driving to Hermiston they lost their fine Collie dog who answers to the name of Ted. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts please call Mr. Kunzie. Rev. and Mrs., A. D. Swogger and son Dallas were guests at the Board man home for luncheon on Tuesday. A mass meeting was held Monday evening in town to discuss the light ing proposition. Some of the citizens faver keeping the plant and others are opposed. Service has been fair ly satisfactory but there has been some trouble about the governor on the engine. Chas. Goodwin and J. L. Jenkins motored to The Dalles Friday, plan ning to bring W. L. Goodwin home, but the doctor thought he was not yet strong enough to leave the hos pital. Mr. Goodwin had a serious operation several weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goodwin of Weston went down to Bpend the week-end with Mr. Goodwin. Jack Gorham and W. A. Price each had a big sign painted for their place of business by an itinerant sign painter. Adolph Skoubo cut down all the large trees along the road at his ranch. They had made a marvelous growth in the years since they were planted and having served their pur pose as wind breaks they were cut for fire wood. A poultry meeting was held at the Walter KnaurT ranch on Friday, Mar. 25, in charge of H. E. Cosby, poultry ppecialist from 0. A. C. The brood ing and rearing of baby chicks was discussed. Ladies Aid met Wednesday. The annual election of officers was held. Mrs. J. R. Johnson who has been the efficient secretary for Beveral years was elected president. Mrs. Jess Al len is the retiring? president. She has served four terms very ably and faithfully scarcely ever missing a meeting. Mrs. A. T. Hereim was re elected vice president and Mrs. W. A. Price is the new secretary, The Aid which is the leading organiza tion on the project has had only two presidents. Mrs. Boardman being the first and Mrs. Allen the second. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil son, a 10 1-2 pound girl on Saturday at Hermiston. Boardman is a mighty progressive little burg and now boasts a city library. It might be small but its a good beginning. A book case was built by Leo Root and placed in the lobby of the postoffice and the trav eling library from Salem has been installed and the books from the school library which Miss Mary Jane Dustin sorted out as unsuitable for school children are also to be placed in the town library. Mrs. Root has charge of the library, giving her ser vices gratis. L.' G. Smith who recently purchased the Harrison Tanch has been mention ed for school director to succeed Leslie Packard whose term expires. We were a bit hasty in making men tion of the fact that King's were out of quarantine. They had expected to be but the day they started fumiga ting it was found that Ruth Eleanor had not passed the stage of desqua mation so they were forced to remain in isolation for another week. The candidacy of Mrs. S. H. Board man as school director was advocated in a recent issue of the Boardman paper but we are asked to say that she would not consider the position at all, so we make the suggestion that she be retained in the position the already holds, that of clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly motored to Pendleton Saturday, The seventh and eighth grades un der Mrs. Feess direction had a pleas ant picnic Sunday at the green house ..n the river bank. A Bumptuous pic nic lunch was enjoyed followed by games of various sorts. Friday, March 25, the first baseball same of the season is scheduled to be played by the local high school team with Umatilla. The Boardman lineup follows: catcher, Weldon Ay res; pitcher, Carl Ayers; first base, Noel Klitz; second, Eldon Wilson, :hort stop, Russell Meffod, third, Alex Ayres; left field, Hector Wicklander; center, Alvie MefTord; right, Ray Barlow; substitutes, Buster Rands, Kenneth Boardman and Robert Ber ber. John and Hugo Koski came back from Spokane Monday and visited a few days at the Olson and Hango hemes while enroute to their home nt Mayger, Ore. BIG SMOKER iiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii AND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii' DANCE Burgoyne Hall, Lexington FRIDAY, APRIL 1 It Will Pay You H to look over the new g models 30 and 32 1 Holt Combine Harvesters g Now on Display at 1 1 ARLINGTON before placing your order for a harvester. If A large, up-to-date stock of harvester parts 5 H and supplies for all models of HOLT Har- E vesters. Will be able to save you money on EE drapers and extras. For extras, write j I B. A. AMY EE HOLT Parts, at Arlington, or Phone 752. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Taste has. changed . . . It took Chesterfield to prove that what smokers want is not "over -sweetening" but NATURAL TOBACCO TASTE 1 that is best in the to baccos themselves; all the natural character and good ness brought to full perfec tion by sheer blending skill. That's natural tobacco tasteand there's nothing ehe so good! Chesterfie d and yet, they're MILD Lioqbtt 8c Mybrs Tobacco Co. The Play Hit of the Year Comin from Condon Under Elks' Auspices Star Theater APRIL 12 A few of the Standard Lines we carry arid absolutely guarantee Styleplus Suits Florsheim Shoes Hardeman Hats Argonaut Shirts Allen A Underwear Weyenberg Shoes Levi Straus Overalls WILSON'S A Man's Store for Men rnni Bar BBfwinr nwrwut am wwr war jut ininiwanw hut awr wm tint mm jwt wmi mnx 9mx SPRING TIME means Garden Time We have the Good Brands of SEED Northrup, King & Co. 5 Pkg. D. M. Ferry & Co. 10cPkg. Phelps Grocery Company PHONE 53