PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1927. at m Clay Chimney Trail Edwin Legrand Sabin Illustration Paul obinson What's Gone Before. Frank Rwen, from Albany, New York, reaches Benton, Wyoming, then 1868 western terminus of the Pacific Railroad. He had been ordered by physicians to Beek a climate "high and dry," He is robbed of moat of his money in hit hotel and loses his last twenty dollars at monte in "The Big Tent," a dance hall and gambling resort in ths "roaring" town of Benton. Edna Montoyo, companion of a gambler, is believed by Frank to have cajoled him purposely into the game. Broke, disconso late over his discovery that "the lady of the blue eyes," as he calls her, is what she is, and finally humiliated over his glaring "green neas," Frank repulses Edna when she begs him to go away with her, sobbing ly telling him that she had made a mistake in letting him lose his money. He goes to take a job with Gsorge Jenks, a teamster in a wagon train about to leave for Salt Lake City. Capt. Adams, a Mormon, Is in charge o the wagon train. Rachael Adams, an attractive young wo man, one of bis wives, is in the train, as is Daniel Adams, his loutish Bon. When Edna, wbo has shot, but not killed the gambler, Montoyo, comes a fugitive in "britches" to join the train, Daniel tells his father that she is seeking Jenks and Beeson. Capt. Adams shouts, "No hussy in men's garments shall go with the train." Daniel, by a spectacular gun play, x'cils Montoyo's attempt to take Edna back with him. CHAPTER IX. I Don't Want to Kill Him One night after we had gone on some time, the sound of revolver shots burst flatly from a mess beyond us, but the shots were accompanied by laughter. "They're only tryin' to spile a can," Jenks reassured. "By golly, we'll go over and l'arn 'em a lesson." He glanced at me. "Time you loosened up that weepon o' yourn, anyhow. Furty soon it'll stick fast." I went with him, glad of diversion. The men were banging, by turn, at a sardine can set up on the sand about twenty paces out. The heavy balls sent the loose soil flying but amidst the furrows the tin can sat untouched. "What you thinkin to do," Jenks smiled. "Hit that can or plant a lead mine?" "Give him room! He's made his brag," they cried. "And if he don't plug it that pilgrim sure will." Mr. Jenks drew and took his stand; banged with small preparation and missed by six inches a fact that brought him up wide awake. "Gimme another try, bojw," he growled, but they shoved him aside. "No, no. Pilgrim's turn!" Willy-nilly I had to demonstrate my greenness so I drew, and stood, and cocked, and aimed. The Colt's exploded with prodigious blast and wrench jerking, in fact, almost above my head; and where the bullet went I did not see, nor, I judged, did anybody else. "He missed the 'arth!" they clam ored. "No; I reckon he hit Montany "bout the middle. That s whar he scored center!" "Hold down on it, hold down, lad," Jenks urged. "To hit him in the heart aim at his feet! Here! Like this " and taking my revolver he threw it forward, fired. The can plinked and somersaulted, lashed into action. "By George," he proclaimed, "when I move like it had a gun in its fiat, ' I can snap it! But when I think on it as a can, I lack guts!" i Now somebody else shot, and some body else, and another, and the can gyrated, spurring us to haste as it constantly changed the range. Pre sently it was merely a twist of rag ged tin. Then in the little silence, as we paused, a voice spoke irritatingly. "I 'laow yu fellers ain't no great GILLIAM & BIBEE Our inventory shows an over stock of Sperry's Mill Run Linseed Oil Meal Alfalfa Meal which will be sold at re duced prices. Machinery and repairs for all kinds of farm work. We Have It, Will Get It, or it is Not Made. GILLIAM & BISBEE HEPPNER, ORE. shucks at throwin' lead." Daniel stood by, with arm akimbo, and beside stood My Lady. He tower ed over her in a maddening atmos phere of proprietorship. She smiled at me at all of us; at me, swiftly; at the rest, frankly. And I knew that she was afraid! Daniel laughed boisterously, his mouth widely open. Set me up a can! That thar one wouldn't jump to a bullet." A can was produced. "How fur?" "Fur as you like." It was tossed contemptuously out; i,nd watching it I heard Daniel glee fully yelp, "Out o' my way, yu-all!" half saw his hand dart down and up again, felt the jar of a shot, wit nessed the can jump like a live thing; and away it went, with spasm after spasm, to explosion after explosion, tortured by him into fruitless capers until with the final ball peace came to it, and it lay dead, afar across the twilight sand. Verily, by his cries and utter sav agery, and malevolence of his bom bardment, one would have thought that he took actual lust in fancied cruelty. I 'laow thar's not another man hyar kin do that," he vaunted. There was not, judging by the sil ence again ensuing. Only A can's different from a man. .lenks cooly remarked. "A can don't shoot back." I don't 'laow any man's goin' to, neither." Daniel faced me in turning away. "That's somethin' for yu to l'arn, young feller," he vouchsafed. His gaze shifted. Come along, Edna, he bade. "We'll be goin1 back." A devil or was it he himself? twittered me, incited me, and in a moment, with a gush of assertion, there I was, saying to her, my hat doffed: I'll walk over with you." Do," she responded readily. "We're to have singing." The men stared, Daniel whirled. "I 'laow you ain't been invited, Mister." If Mrs. Montoyo consents, that's enough," I informed. "I'm not walk ing with you, sir; I am walking with her. The only ground you control is just in front of your own wagon." "Thar ain't no 'Mrs. Montoyo'," he snarled. "And whilst yu're l'arnin' to shoot yu'd better be l'arnin' manners. Yu comin' with me, Edna?" 'As fast as I can, and with Mr. beeson, also, if he chooses," said she. I have my manners in mind, too." "By gosh, I don't walk with ye," he jawed. And he flounced about, vengefully striding on as though pun ching her for a misdemeanor. She dropped the men a little curtsy. "The entertainment is concluded, gentlemen. I wish you good-night!" let underneath her raillery there lay an appeal, the stronger because subtle and unvoiced. It seemed to me every man must appreciate that, as a woman, she invoked protection by him against an impending some thing, of which she had given him a glimpse. So we left them somewhat subdued, gazing after us, their rugged faces sobered reflectively. Daniel was angrily shouldering for the Mormon wagons, his indignant figure black against the western glow. She laughed lightly. "You're not afraid, after all, I see. "Not of him, madam." "And of me?" "I think I'm more afraid for you," I confessed. "That clown is getting insufferable. He sets out to bully you." "I'm afraid, too," she breathed. "I never have been afraid before. I didn't fear Montoyo. I've always been able to take care of myself." "You have your revolver?" I sug gested. "No, I huven't. It's disappeared. Mormon women don't carry revol vers." "But you're not a Mormon woman." "Not yet." She caught quick breath. "Do you know," she queried with sudden glance, "that Daniel means to marry me?" "But you're not free; you have a husband! ' "Oh!" she cried, "why don't you learn to shoot? Won't you? Let me have your pistol, please." "You must grasp the handle firmly; cover it with your whole palm, but don't squeeze it to death; just grip it evenly tuck it away. And keep your elbow down ; and crook your wrist, in a drop, until your trigger knuckle is pointing very low at a man's feet if you're aiming for his heart!" "At his feet, for his heart?" I stam mered. The words had an ugly sound. "Certainly. We are speaking of shooting now, and not at a tin can! You have to allow for the jump of the muzzle. Unless you hold it down with your wrist, you over shoot; and it's the first shot that counts. Of course, there's a feel, a knack. But don't aim with your eyes. You won't have time. Men file off the front sight it sometimes catches, in the draw. And it's useless, anyway. They hre as they point with the finger, by the feel. You see, they know. Some men are born to shoot Btraight; some have to practice a long while. I wonder which you are!" "If there is pressing need in my case," said I, "I shall have to rely upon my friends." "Those gentlemen of yours ar Gentiles with goods for Salt Lake Mormons," she retorted. "Are they going to throw all business to the winds?" "You yourself may appeal to his lather, and to the women, for pro tection if that lout annoys you," I ventured. "To them?" she scoffed. "To Hy rum Adams' outfit? Why, they're good Mormons, and why should I not be made over? I'm under their teach ings; it's time Daniel had a wife or two, for replenishing Utah." She paused. Then resumed. "But now if I lend you a little something to keep you from being Central Market C. W. McNAMER, Proprietor FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY Call us when you have anything in our line to sell. Phone Main 652 shot like a dog, I'll feel as though I had wiped out your score against me. Tako your gun." I took it. "There he is. Cover him!" "Where?" I asked. "Who?" "There, before you! Oh, anybody! Think of his heart and cover him." "See that little rock? Hit it!" I fired. The sand obscured the rock. She clapped her hands, delighted. "You would have killed him. No he would have killed you. Quick! Give it to me!" And snatching the revolver she cocked, leveled and fired instantly. The rock split into fragments. "1 would have killed him," she murmured, gazing tense, seeing I knew not what. Wrenching from the vision she handed back the revolver to me. "I think you are going to do, Sir. Only, you must learn to draw. I mustn't stay longer. Shall we go to the fire now? I am cold." We walked almost wtihout speak ing, to the Hyrum Adams fire. Dan iel lifted his upper lip at me as we entered; his eyes never wandered from my face. I was distinctly un welcome. Accordingly, I said a civil "Good-evening" to Hyrum and rais ing my hat to My Lady left for my own bailiwick. Friend Jenks joined me. "We were keepin' caseB on you, and so was he. He saw that practice damn, how he did crane! She was givin' you pointers, eh?" "Yes; she wanted amusement." Jenks rocked to and fro, as we sat by the fire. "Hell! Wall, if you. got to kill him you got to kill him and do it proper. For if you don't kill he'll kill you; snuff you out like a well, you saw that can travel." "I don't want to kill him," I plead ed. "Why should I?" Jenks sat silent; and sitting silent I foresaw that kill Daniel I must. I was being sucked into it, irrevocably Hosiery CUT TO SELL GENUINE HOLEPROOF Women's $4.00 hose as low as $1.50. Off -color lots only to be closed out to make room for new stock. SPECIALS " TUESDAYS - THURSDAYS - SATURDAYS On these clays each week we will offer for spec ial selling quality goods in both groceries and dry goods at lowest possible prices. Watch our window for each day's specials. Hiatt & Dix This modern age likes the mellow mildness of Camels TRY Camels and you'll know why they win the modern world. Mildness and mellowness. The smoking wish of this exacting age is realized in Camels. Such taste and fragrance as never came before from a cigarette. A mellow mildness that can result only from superb blending of the choicest Turkish and Domestic tobaccos. This age demands the best of everything and it finds its ideal smoke in Camels. Nowhere else can you find such smoothness, such ever-dependable goodness as here "Have a Camel!" 1927, ft. J. Btrnold. Tobacco Company. WiBMenSalm. N. C STOCK SALT Contract your salt early and you save money. FEED - SEED - FLOUR Brown Warehouse Co. Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644 willed by him, by her, by them all. If I did not kill him in defense of myself I should kill him in defense of her. Could this really be 1? Frank Bee son, not a fortnight ago still livinn nt a jog-trot in dear Albany, New York state? It was puzzling how detached and how strong I felt. (Continued next week.) ' Copyright by Edwin L. Sabin. Miss Ona Gilliam, graduate nurso of Heppner, has been assisting at the Morrow General hospital during all of the pnst month. A HOUSE Cannot . be a HOME- But it is a big factor in making one. CALL and see our house illustrations the kind that make real homes. Il lustrations of barns, machin ery sheds, etc. Full specifi cations of all illustrated buildings available. THIS SERVICCE FREE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Heppner, Lexington, lone lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NEW STOCK MUNSING MORE COMES HERE! WWC(ir DAILY! Hosiery for Milady INCLUDES MANY NEW COLORS AH Silk Chiffon - Semi Chiffon - All Silk Extra Fine, (full fashioned) - 59c - $1 .00 - $1 .50 - $2.00 - $2.50 PEARL BLUSH-SHELL GRAY FRENCH BEIGE FLESH PINK SEA SPRAY ROSE TAUPE-MAUVE TAUPE-also OAK BUFF, NUDE, GRAIN, CHAMPAGNE, ALESAN and DORADO. Brand New RAYON BRASSIERES PEACH CORAL NILE GREEN Vests reduced to $1 .25 - Step-in Chemise reduced to $2.00 Slips, Nightgowns - Adjustable Brassiere Top Step-in-Chemise in Rayon Malcolm D. Clark IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH BUYERS' WEEK at THOMSON BROTHERS To introduce our GOLD BAR and SILVER BAR Brands of canned goods we are giving 1 CAN FREE with every dozen, March 1 9th to March 26th inclusive. Now is your opportun ity to get a real bargain. We guarantee the Gold Bar Brand equal in quality to any brand on the market. You will recognize these prices as bargains: GOLD BAR ASPARAGUS TIPS .. 45c SILVER BAR DILL PICKLES .... 20c pi5 2S3 SILVER BAR TOMATOES, 2y2 Size 15c Then 1 Can Free with every dozen he sides special price by the dozen ! CATSUP 25c Pineapple No. 2 size 25c Fancy pack Gold Bar Pumpkin 20c