Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 17, 1927, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    aiv smsv ava u io ssai
dunH uaag noA
March to. 1881,
November 18, U7;
Published every Thareday morning by
M4 entered at the Poet Office at Heppner,
Oregon, u seeond-ol&aa matter.
One Tear
Six Months
Three Montba 1
Single Copiee .
II 00
. .04
Foreign Advertising Representative
Gym Vote Coming.
A T THE next meeting of the
board of directors of School
District No. 1, will be presented
the petitions asking for the con
struction of the proposed auditor
ium-gymnasium. As the petitions
have signautres of a sufficient per
centage of the voters of the dis
trict it is presumed that the school
board will take action looking to
the calling of a special election to
vote on the bond issue.
There has been no undue haste
manifested on the part of those
promoting this move to get the
question up for decision. It has
rather been a policy of "watchful
waiting," enough having been put
forth to give an idea of what is de
sired and time given for reflection
However, as all such matters must
finally come to a head if anything
is to be done, it will now be up to
the board of directors to put the
question up for the action of the
voters of the district. We expect
that thprA will h enmp nrAttv
strong opposition to the bond is
sue, but we also expect that the
measure will carry; we are quite
sure this will be the case if the
proper kind of educational pro
gram is followed. We are sure,
also, that those who favor making
this addition to the school facil
ities of the district would not de
sire to have any other than a frank
wide-open campaign put on one
that will give a thorough under
standing of all items regarding
both taxes and manner of building
to be constructed out of the funds
voted. Let us all be prepared to
give the question careful consid
eration, realizing that the district
is up against providing additional
facilities tor caring tor the in
creased attendance must have
more class rooms, and that there
is also vital need of just such a
building as it is proposed to erect
should the bond issue carry.
And now comes a man from
Canada who says that he owned
the bull that chased young George
Young, the Catalina swimmer, in
to a pond and forced him to learn
to swim. Prospect for another
claimant of a portion of that $25,
000 prize.
What Have They to
BUTLER, president of Co
lumbia University, wants the re
publican party to steal Al Smith's
thunder and go him one better.
The Smith idea is to nullify the
eighteenth amendment by not en-
Children Do Not Know
The midnight hour of Christmas Eve
Has come, and all the house is still.
Those little ones who bravely fought
To conquer sleep, and wait until
Old Santa Gaus had found their door,
Are dreaming of a wondrous land
With avenues of brilliant trees
And loads of toys on every hand.
Yes, children dream of Santa Claus,
And do not know that while
i mj iih' rpvi rru 1 1 r i-r in in- unrifi
Is trying oh. so hard to keep
The promises that have been made
They do not know that every year
The faithfulness of mother-love
Is what fills Christmas Day
They do not understand! Eut
As men and fathers, surely
That life is beautiful because
Our wives and mothers make
As we again commemorate
A Baby's birth in Bethlehem,
And think of all that mothers give,
We bring love's offering to them,
(J, IHl, 0. Umw lUothwn-)
forcing it. Dr. cutler on
er nana proposes repeal ot
amendment as well as repeal of -J
the olstead act.
If the people of the United
States do not want prohibition the
Rutler theory is preferable to the
Tammany theory. Dr. Butler is
at least straightforward about the
matter. He is within his rights
in proposing repeal of the amend
ment and that may be the logical
course to take if the wets wish to
get away from the dry regime.
There are difficulties ahead,
however, and they are very ser
ious. For instance, what does Dr.
Butler propose in lieu of the
eighteenth amendment? Has he
something better to offer or does
he merely wish to repeal the
amendment and return to the old
days of saloon rule? If so he will
be wasting his time. No one wish
es to return to the old time con
ditions. It is doubtful if more
than a handful of states would so
vote and it takes two-thirds of the
states of the union to amend the
It is easy to criticise conditions
but if the Butlers and the Al
Smiths wish to accomplish any
thing they must be able to suggest
something better. To this end of
the subject they seem to give no
thought. What they are offering
thus far would merely make pres
ent conditions worse. They are
ready to tear down what we have
but they have no plans for new
buildings. Seemingly they will
leave that detail to the distillers,
the brewers and saloon-keepers.
If that is the scheme no one need
be in doubt as to what to expect.
Latest reports would seem to
indicate that the McNary-Haugen
bill will pass congress, but is ex
pected to receive the veto of Pres
ident Coolidge. Many members
of congress, having in mind their
political welfare, but being pri
vately opposed to tjhe bill, will sup
port the measure, hoping that the
president will give it the axe. The
president will do this very thing
if he is convinced that the measure
is not sound and for the best in
terests of the entire people, re
gardless of his personal political
Uncle Sam's Police.
AFTER more than three years
of world wide search, Hugh
De Autremont, one of three broth
ers charged with murder, train
holdup and attempted robbery of
the United States mails, has been
captured in far-away Manila.
The story of the crime in the
Siskiyou tunnel is familiar. It
was particularly cold blooded and
cruel, but it was not so much that
three trainmen and a mail clerk
were killed and the lives of
trainload of passengers placed in
jeopardy that has inspired the
long untiring search for the sus
pected criminals. It was the fact
that attack was made upon the in
violate dignity of the United
States mails. That is an assault
that Uncle Sam neither forgives
nor forgets, and the patient vigil
ance ot the postomce inspectors
is never relaxed until the offender
is caught.
The result shows what may be
accomplished by a detective force
which is composed of trained men
working as a unit under intelli
gent direction and counting time,
money or effort as nothing so long
as the end is accomplished. It is
by such organization that Scotland
Yard has won its fame, and crime
k Hawthorne
they sleep; jLj njf
with cheer.
it so.
BcErank Crane Says
A LONDON judge has listed what he considers the Fourteen
Great mistakes of Life, as follows:
1. It's a mistake to attempt to set your own standards of
right and wrong and expect everybody to conform to them.
2. It's a mistake to try to measure the enjoyment of
others by our own.
3. It's a mistake to expect uniformity of opinion in this
4. It's a mistake to look for judgment and experience in
5. It's a mistake to endeavor to mould all dispositions
alike. !
6. It's a mistake not to yield to unimportant trifles. ',
7. It's a mistake to look for perfection in our own ac-
8. It's a mistake to worry ourselves and others about '
what can not be remedied.
9. It's a mistake not to alleviate, if we can, all that '
needs alleviation. 1
10. It's a mistake not to make allowances for the weak- i
ness of others.
11. It's a mistake to consider anything impossible which
we ourselves cannot perform. ;
12. It's a mistake to believe only what the finite mind can ;
grasp. '
13. It's a mistake to live as if the moment, the time, the
day were so important that it would live forever.
14. It's a mistake to estimate people by some outside
quality, for it is that within which makes the man.
Lists have been made by all sorts of eminent men, including
Washington and Franklin, for the conduct of life, and they are
all more or less useful for the ordinary man.
The art of life is steering the middle way, avoiding errors
on both sides, and it is interesting to have these reefs pointed
out upon which many a human bark has been shipwrecked.
It may repay us all to examine this list of the London judgte
and see wherein we have been mistaken in the past and to avoid
mistakes in the future.
There is nothing positive about the list. They are all things
not to do, and not things to do. But the avoidance of these mis
takes may save us much embarrassment.
Life is a perilous path at best and to make the journey safe
ly from the cradle to the grave involves much circumspection,
and perhaps this list may be of help.
in England reduced to a minimum.
Recently Judge Taft called at
tention to the fact that one of the
chief handicaps to law enforce
ment in America is the fact that
our policy is divided between
many conflicting and unrelated
agencies. City, county, state and
federal officers, many of them po
litical appointees without training
or experience, work in their sep
arate orbits without coordination
or common direction. They form
an unknotted net through which
the criminal escapes with ease.
If each state had a machinery
for the detection and apprehen
sion of criminals, as well designed
and handled as the department of
inspection in the federal postof
fiice, we should see an astonishing
decrease in crime.
There is no reason why human
life should not command the same
respect as a mail bag full of let
ters, and there is no reason why
the crmiinal who destroys the one
should not be as determinedly fol
lowed as the one who molests the
other. If that were done, we
should soon lower that appaling
record for homicides which pro
claims us the most lawless nation
in the world.
Pilot Rock Record is again un
der new management, the paper
having recently been disposed of
by J. 1. Arneson, owner and bus
iness manager for four years past,
to C. A. Adsit of Walla Walla. The
latter gentleman has taken full
charge of the Record and put out
last week's edition of the paper.
PASSAGE by the House of the
Wilson river toll road bill,
while not affecting this part of the
state directly, nevertheless com
mits Oregon to a toll road princi
ple obnoxious and archaic. Lo
calized though the Wilson river
toll road would be, application of
the toll road principle will be
statewide. And we want none of
it. As a matter of truth the active
proponents of the bill are well
aware of the opposition generally
to toll roads and for that reason
they are pressing the bill through,
expecting thereby to force a new
and expensive highway upon the
taxpayers of the state to satisfy
their own selfish interests. For,
granted state permission to build,
construction will be easily and
quickly financed by private inter
ests, these interests knowing full
well that popular demand through
opposition to paying tolls will re
quire the state to buy the road and
add it to its highway system. East
ern Oregon should arouse itself
and array itself against this meas
ure that is a political expedient to
add another expensive road to the
already highly-developed system
of western Oregon, which, per
force, will deny eastern Oregon
the attention its under-developed
system of highways requires and
merits. Wallowa Sun.
It isn't where you live or how
you do things that make you civ
ilized, but the extent of your abil
ity to think beyond your imme
diate horizon.
One Teour3ie with
Neis don't GrrAHYTirMe
OFF poti
Other Reasons
Barber Your hair is getting very
thin on top sir. Have you tried our
wonderful hair tonic?
Customer No, it isn't that!
How It's Done
"I'm having my face lifted," yelled
the flapper softly, as the cave man
handed her an uppercut.
Man to Man
"I'm leaving tomorrow for Paris to
have my eyes treated."
"Send me a few pictures."
That Settles It
Little Fellow Pa, it's raining.
Dad Well, let it rain.
Little Fellow I was going to, Pa,
Figure This Out
An actor famous for his krs.
Was socked in the eye by his Mrs.
He groaned aloud
When he faced the crowd
lor instead of applause he got hrs.
E. D. Purds Philos
Many a lesson in history may be
learned from a laundry. It certBinly
brings home things never Been before.
Not That Kind
"Say, I hear Marge went and eloped
last week."
"Oh, it's only a rumor, Betty."
"Really is he handsome?"
Mothers So Trying
Mother And what did you learn in
school today, dear?
Ruthie Oh, mother, I don't have to
educarj you all over again, do I?
The Boy Was Right
Her See here! What the devil do
you mean by kissing me?
Him I couldn't help myself, m'love.
Her But you did!
Personally Tested
"Rastun, is my bawth warm?"
"Yas, M.issah, it's de warmest Ah
wuz cvah in!"
Blonde Bess Opines
Cleopatra had nothing on Salome.
In fact, neither appears to have had
very much on at any time.
Subtle, Boys, Subtle
Reporter Why do you produce
nude shows?
Producer Vy? Few close!
So's Your Vld Man
Prnf-lt this wrong? "I have et."
Stude Yes.
Prof. What's wrong with It?
Stude You ain't ot yet.
Kansas did away with bootleg
gers cigarette bootleggers. Sim
ple manner. It repealed the cig
arette law. May Carrie Nation's
soul rest in peace.
Notice Is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution on fore
closure duly issued of and under the
seal of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, on the
10th day of February, 1927, pursuant
to a judgment and decree rendered in
said Court on the 7th day of Febru
ary, 1927, in favor of Eph Eskelson,
plaintiff and against A. G. Davis, and
.'.label L. Davis, his wife, and Minnie
L. McMillan, defendants, for the sum
of $1233.60, with interest thereon
rrom the 15th day of November, 1923,
at the rate of eight per cent per an
num, less the sum of $27.81, paid
thereon August 6th, 1926, for the fur
ther sum of $145.00 attorney's fees,
and the further sum of $33.40, with
interest thereon from the 6th day of
April, 1919, at the rate of aix per cent
per annum, the sum of $24.82, with
interest at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 6th day of April,
1919, the sum of $12.12, with interest
from the 26th day of March, 1920, at
the rate of 6 per cent per annum, and
the sum of $50.20, with interest at the
rate of six per cent per annum from
the 5th day of December, 1925, and
the sum of $21.50, the costs and dis
bursements of said suit, I will on the
12th day of March, 1927, at the hour
of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day at the front door of the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, sell
at public auction to the highest bid
der for cash all the following describ
ed real property, situate in Morrow
County, Oregon, to-wit:
Lots one, two ana tnree ot Sec
tion 18 in Township 1 South,
Range 25 East of Willamette Me
ridian; also, commencing at a
point on the Section line North
89 degrees 28 minutes East 17.39
chains from the Northwest corner
of Section 18 in Township 1
South, Range 25 E. W. M., thence
North 89 degrees 28 minutes East
3 chains to the County Road,
thence South 33 degreeB 33 min
utes East 13.70 chains to a post
on the West bank of Willow
Creek, thence South 49 degrees
30 minutes West 5.96 chains to
the North side of the O. W. R. &
N. right of way, thence North
35 degrees 19 minutes West 4.32
chains along the North side of the
O. W. R. & N. right of way, thence
South 64 degrees 50 minutes West
4.11 chains across the 0. W. R.
& N. right of way to foot of hill,
also intersecting the East line of
lot 1 Section 18, thence North
13.50 chains to the place of be
ginning, being NE corner of lot
1 in Sec. 18, Twp. 1 S., R. 25 E.
W. M.
The above described real property
being the property morgtaged to the
plaintiff and ordered sold in said suit.
Dated this 10th day of February,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a foreclosure execu
tion duly issued out of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, on the 10th day "of
rebruary, 1927, pursuant to a judg
ment and decree rendered in said
Court on the 7th day of February,
19!7, in favor of Uzz French, plain
tiff, and against Clarence M. Scrivner,
administrator of the estate of Mattie
B. Scrivner, deceased, sometimes
called Martha B. Scrivner, Clarence
M. Scrivner, and Lena A. Scrivner,
liis wife, defendants, for the sum of
$3,000.00, with interest thereon from
the 9th day of August, 1925, at the
rate of eight per cent per annum, less
the sum of $250.00, paid thereon Feb-
luary 3rd, 1927, for the further sum
of $285.00, attorney's fees, and the
cost and disbursements of suit in the
sum of $17.00, I will on the 12th day
of March, 1927, at the hour of 10:30
o clock in the forenoon of said day
at the front door of the Court House
at Heppner, Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
che following described real property
situate in Morrow County, Oregon,
Lots two and nine in Block two
of the original town (now city)
of Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon, including an interest in and
to the wall between said lots and
lots three and eight in said Block.
The above described real property
being the real property mortgaged to
plaintiff and ordered sold by the
Dated this 10th day of February,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given htan by vir
tue of the laws of the State of Ore
gon, tne undersigned nas taken up
the hereinafter described animal
found running at large upon his prem
ises in Morrow County, State of Ore
gon, and that he will on Saturday,
the l!)th day of February, 1927, at the
hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, at the Frank Anderson
ranch in Jack Rabbit canyon, 13 miles
southwest, of Heppner, offer for sale
and sell to the highest bidder for
cash in hand, the said animal, unless
the same shall have been redeemed
by the owner thereof.
Said animal is described as follows:
One black mare, 10 or 12 years old,
weight about 1200 pounds, no visible
AL BERGSTROM, Heppner, Or.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of a writ of execution
icsucd out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon in and for the Coun
ty of Morrow under the seal thereof,
and to me directed and delivered up-
a judgment and decree rendered
and entered in said court on the 29th
day of January, 1927, in favor of B.
P. Doherty as plaintiff, and against
C. Melville, Johanna Melville and J,
T. Knappenberg, as defendants where
by the plaintiff did recover a personal
decree against the defendants C, Mel-
vllle and Johanna Melville, his wife
for the sum of $1600.00, with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per annum
from Nov. 3, 1926, and the further
sum of $160.00, attorney's fees, and
for costs and disbursements taxed at!
$17.25, and whereby it was decreed
that the mortgage dated on the 3rd
day of November, 1919, executed by
C. Melville and Johanna Melville, his
wife, to plaintiff, upon the following
described real property in Morrow
County, Oregon, to-wit: The ei
half of Section 36 in Township 2
North of Range 26 E. W. M., which
mortgage was recorded on the 4th day
of November, 1919, at page 693 of
book 28 of the records of Mortgages
in the office of the County Clerk of
Morrow County, Oregon, should be
foreclosed, and the said real property
sold by the Sheriff of Morrow County,
Oregon, to satisfy said Judgment and
all costs; therefore-1 will, on the 5th
day of March, 1927, on Saturday at
two o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, at the front door of the Court
House in the City of Heppner, Mor
row County, Oregon, sell all the right,
title, interest and estate which the
said defendants, and all persons
claiming and to claim by, through or
under them, or any of them, had on
the 3rd day of November, 1919, or
since then iave had, or now have, in
and to the above described real prop
erty and every part thereof, at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
in hand, the proceeds of such sale to
be applied in satisfaction of said ex
ecution and all costs.
Dated this 3rd day of February, A
D., 1927.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
1 ' Deputy.
First publication, February 3, 1927.
Last publication, March 3, 1927.
The Federal Land Bank)
of Spokane, a corpora-)
tion, Plaintiff,)
vs. )
Hallick Stange and Emma)
Stange, his wife; lone)
National Farm Loan As-)
sociation, a corpora-)
tion; The Farmers and)SUMMONS
StockgrowerB National)
Bank of Heppner, a cor-)
poratlon; Bristow &)
Johnson, Inc., a corpor-)
ation; Frank N. McCen-)
nell and Maude McCon-)
nell, Defendants.)
To Hallick Stange and Emma Stange
his wife; Frank N. McConnell and
Maude McConnell, Defendants.
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to' appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled cuit within six weeks from
the date of first publication of thi
summons if published or from th
date of service upon you if personally
served without the State of Oregon
and if you fail to appear and answer
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint, which is as fol
lows, to-wit: That the plaintiff have
judgment against the defendants Hal
lick Stange and Emma Stange, hi
'.vife, and lone National Farm Loan
Association, a corporation, for th
sum of $56.00 with interest thereon
at the rate of 8 per annum from
the 29th day of July 1926; the further
sum of $1074.81 with interest thereon
at the rate of 5 per annum from the
29th day of July, 1926, and for any
sum or turns paid by the plaintiff for
delinquent taxes on said land subse
quent to the filing of this suit, and
prior to entry of decree, together with
interest thereon at the rate of 8
per annum from the date of said pay
ment; the further sum of $16.60 with
interest at the rate of 8 per annum
from the 20th day of November, 1926;
'he further sum of $100.00 attorney's
fee and for the plaintiff s costs and
Disbursements in this suit;
And that the sum of $60.00 stock
in the plaintiff's bank held in trust
by said bank for defendants, lone Na
tional Farm Loan Association, a cor
poration, be cancelled, and the pro
ceeds thereof be applied toward the
satisfaction of the plaintiff's judg
ment; that the plaintiff's mortgage
securing the above mentioned Bums
be foreclored and the lands described
in the plaintiff's mortgage and herein
described as follows, to-wit:
Lote 4, 5, 6 and 7 and the SE
of the NWK and the EH of the
SW4 of Section 6; and the NE
of the NW of Section 7, all in
Township 1 South Range 24 E.
W. M., in Morrow County, State
of Oregon,
bo sold to satisfy the plaintiff's judg
ment including costs and attorney's
fee and accruing costs of sale and
that each t the defendants in this
suit be foreclosed of all right, title
or interest in and to the real prop
erty herein described, except the stat
utory right of redemption, and for
such other and further relief as to
.he court may seem meet and equit
This summons is published by vir
tue of an order of the Honorable R. L.
Bengo, Judge of the County Court,
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
made and entered on the 12th day of
.anuary, 1927.
Date of first publication of this
FUmmons is January 13, 1927.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Address, Heppner, Oregon.
Notice is hereby Eriven that the un
dersigned has been annointcd nrimin.
istrator of the estate of Lena M. Had
ley, deceased, by the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow Coun
ty, and has duly qualified as such. All
persons having claims aeainst said
estate must present them to me duly
verified as required by law, at the
office of C. L. Sweek, attorney for ad
ministrator, at Heppner, Oregon, on
or before six months from date of
first publication hereof.
Date of first Dublication Jnnunrv
27, 1927.
Notice is herehv rvipn that f!liar.
lotte Scherzincrer. nriminlAt-.i-nti.lv nf
the Estate of Sarah E. Shipley, de
ceased, has filed her final account of
her administration of said estate,
with the Clerk of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Mnrrnw
County, and that said Court has set
as the time and place of settlement
of said account, Suturday, February
12th, 1927, at the hour of 10 o'clock
A. M. Any one desiring to file objec
tions to said final account must do
so on or before said date.
Date of first publication January
13, 1927.
Painting Paperhanglng
Interior Decorating
Leave orders at Peoples Hardware
Expert Watchmaker and j
Jewelry Repairer I
ner, Ore. j
Physician and Surgeon
Graduate Nurse Assistant
I. O. O. F. Building
Phones: Office, Main 933; Res. 492)
Heppner, Oregon
27 Voat Illock, Phone 830, The Dallas
Eautern Oregon Office
Portland Office
716 Chamber of Commerce Bid-.,
Phone Bdwy 41183
X-Ray Diagnosis
I. O. O. F. Building
Heppner, Oregon
Frank A. McMenamin
Phone ATwater 6515
1014 Northwestern Bank BUg.
Res. GArfield 1949
Trained Nurse Assistant
Office in Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Offices in
First National Bank Building
Heppner, Oregon
Surgical, Medical, Maternity Cases
Wards, and private rooms.
Rates Reasonable.
Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate
Nurse, Superintendent.
A. a. Johnston, M. D. Physi-cian-in-Charge.
Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore.
Office In Court duii
Heppner, Oregon
Hn. Willard Herren, Superintendent.
Trained, Graduate Nune Always in At
tendance. Day or Night. Phone Mala
02 for Doctor Conder or the Hoepiul.
Private Rooms. Special Care.
Same Prices to All.
Phone 976
Heppner, re.
Farm and Personal Property Sales I
a Specialty.
"The Man Who Talks to Beat
the Band"
Lexington, Ore.
and Notary Public
Odd Fellows Building
Heppner Oregon
Maternity Hospital
Wards and Private Rooms.
Rates Reasonable.
Mrs. Zena Westfall, Graduate
Phone Main 322 Heppner, Ore.
Old Line Companies. Real Estate.
Heppner, Oregon
Roberta Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon