Historical Society. ftopiet teette Volume 43, Number 46. HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, Feb. 10, 1927. Subscription $2.00 a Year E Ordinance, ead Twice Will Be Acted on by City Next Monday. WILL GRADE STREETS Improvement to Come ai Weather Permits; Sign at Junction to Have Permanent Form. i A main feature of the regular coun cil meeting on Monday evening was the considreation of the ordinance presented, granting a franchise to the Sherman Power company for op- eration of its business within the city limits. This company is the success or of Heppner Light & Water com " pany, and now have under construc tion a long distance transmission line to Heppner, via Condon, leaving their line in Sherman county at De Moss springs. This company will continue to furnish electric power to Heppner citizens, and it is understood that they will apply for a fifty-year franchise from the city. The ordinance was passed to its second reading on Mon day evening by the council and the final reading will be on the 14th, next Monday, when the council meets again for that purpose. The big sign being erected for the city at Heppner Junction is to be given iron support instead of wood, according to action on the part of the council Monday evening. The work of putting up this sign is in the hands of Berry and Hottman, and it will contain statistical matter per taining to Heppner and Morrow coun ty. Just as soon as the time is ripe for the work, the grading up of the streets of the city off Main street will bo done. Mayor Noble anonunced the ap pointment of his standing commit tees: Ways and Means C. L. Sweek, Jeff Jones, Chas. Thomson. Health and Police M. D. Clark, C. L. Sweek, W. C. Cox. Elections C. L. Sweek, Jeff Jones, W. C. Cox. License W. C. Cox, M. D. Clark, C. L. Sweek. Fire and Water Chas. Thomson, L. E. Bisbee, W. C. Cox. Streets and Public Property Jeff Jones, L. E. Bisbee, C. L. Sweek. Ordinances C. L. Sweek, M. D. Ciark, Jeff Jones. i Finance M. D. Clark, C. L. Sweek, ' L. E. Bisbee. There may be many people in Hepp-1 ner who do not know just who com pose the roster of city officials, ard as we have been handed the list by the city recorder, we shall pass it along for future reference: Mayor, E, G. Noble; councilmen, C. L. Sweek, Jeff Jones, Chas. Thomson, W. C. Cox, M. D. Clark, L. E. Bisbee; recorder and municipal judge, E. R, Huston; treasurer, W. O. Dix; city water superintendent, W. E. Pruyn; chief of police and fire chief, S. P. Devin; city attorney, J. J. Nys; city health officer, Dr. A. D. McMurdo. Explosion of Gasoline Destroys Knoblock Car The small car of Adam Knoblock was destroyed by fire on Saturday evening near the ranch of C. Melville in the Alpine 'section. The fire was caused by an explosion of gasoline, and with the car went the bed, coyote traps and guns of Mr. Knoblock, as well as several coyote scalps. Mr. Knoblock is one of the gov ernment hunters working in this county and had his traps set for coy otes in the vicinity of the Melville place near Alpine. Being sick and unable to look after the traps, his atepson, Elba Fuller and another boy took the car. They rounded up the traps and coyotes, and then thought they would return home, but got off the road and after traveling some time found it necessary to replenish the gasoline in the car. This they did from an extra supply carried in a can in the car, and in order to see what they were doing, were hold ing a lighted lantern, and this ignited the fumes from the gasoline and caused the explosion. The lads had no chance to recover anything from the car, but they each escaped serious injury, young Fuller having his eye brows and hair singed and a slight burn on the face. WOULD PUT COUNTY ON MAP. Walter Dobyns, local agent of the New York Life Insurance company, anounces he is competing in an appli cation contest being conducted by the company, known as the "Cornerstone contest." The reward "for all agents making their quota will be to' have their names with the name of their territory carved on the cornerstone of the big new building of the company in Now York City. Mr. Dobyns stated this week that he has but $13,000 more insurance to write before the first of March to make the goal. "If I make it," he said, "Morrow county will be put on the map. For, besides the pub licity entailed in having her name carved on the cornerstone, her name will go all over the country in adver tising of the company." DEPUTY COLLECTOR TO BE HERE. Deputy Collector Plgg of the Inter nal Revenue office will be in Heppner tit the court house, Feb. 6 to March lr.t, inclusive, to assist in making out income tax returns. Pioneer Woman Called By Death This Morning The death of Mrs. Jamea Cowins occurred at the family home in East Heppner at 2:00 o'clock this morning due to Infirmities of old age. Mrs. Cowins was 88 years of age, and with her husband and family came to this place more "than forty years ago, where her home has been continu ously since. She is survived by her husband, one son, Wm. Cowins, and two daughters, Mrs. Emma Sarrigues and Mrs. M. L. Cantwell, besides a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren, all of whom were pres ent when Mother Cowins passed away. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed, but announcement will be madelater. We hope to give a complete obituary notice in our next issue, not being able to get the data together for this issue. LOCAL NEWS HEMS Harold Dobyns, government trapper with the U. S. Biologicl Survey, was a visitor here on Wednesday. He will now have his headquarters at Pendle ton. Mr. Dobyns is feeling a little better than a week ago. At that time it looked as though the state legislature would knock off the appro priation of $50,000 heretofore allowed for cooperation with the federal gov ernment, and had this been done the trapping of predatory animals in this state would have ceased. This has been restored, however, and the work will continue as heretofore. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nichols, and his mother, Mrs. Thompson, of Lexing. ton are convalescing from a severe at tack of the flu. Dr. McMurdo also reports that the family of W. F. Bar nett and their daughter, Mrs. Hank Parker, Prof. Johnston, principal of the Lexington school, and Miss Alex ander, music teacher, all victims of the epidemic, are now on the road to recovery, the teachers being able to resume their duties in the school on Monday. The Ed. V. Price representative will be at WiUon's on February 14 and 15, with a display of fine woolen Buitings. Come in and select a suit. M. R. Morgan, suffering rrom in jury to one of his eyes, and confined for a week or more in the Heppner Surgical hospital, was able to return to his lone home on Wednesday of last week, quite fully recovered from tne effects of the operation he under went or the removal of the injured optic. Commissioner Geo. Bleakman, who makes trips to Heppner from Hard- man every day, is authority for the statement that the snow in the moun tains south of his home town is about three feet on the level, and his part of the county has not had such a thorough soaking in many years. W. A. McCarty of Hardman was a business visitor in the county seat on Monday. There is nothing' lacking when it comes to moisture out that way, reports Mr. McCarty, and it is not all in the roads, either. Roy Leathers of Monument is here and being treated for a serious ab scess on the shoulder. He has been under the care of a physician for the past two weeks and the abscess is gradually disappearing. Born At their home in this city on Saturday, February 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hughes, a son. Dr. Mc Murdo reports mother and baby doing nicely. The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday, February 15th. The hostesses for this meeting will be Mrs. Ben Buschke and Mrs. Lorena Isom, The Ed. V. Price representative will be at Wilson's on February 14 and 15, with a display of fine wooiin suitings. Come in and select a suit. Born At" Morrow General hospital in this city on Wednesday, February 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnside of Eight Mile, a 10-lb. daughter. Paul Aiken came in from Portland on Tuesday. He has been at work in the city for some time with the May tag washing machine people. ADDITIONAL BOARDMAN NEWS. Rny Barlow has returned to school after a siege of flu. "The Hand of the Law" is the play to be given by the high school March 4. This will be one of the best plays ever given by the students and that is saying much, for Boardman High school plays are always exceptionally well put on. Jioardman is to be represented in the declumatory contest this year at Heppner. The final tryouts will be held February 21. The four slower grades, four upper grades and high school will each have representatives. Mr. Kelly expects to go to Heppner Saturday,to attend the Morrow Coun ty Declamatory kague meeting. A Washington Day program will be given Friday, February the 18th, at school at which time the medal for the Lincoln Day essay will-be award ed. An exhibit will be given of the school work in each of the rooms that day, from 1 till 2, when the program starts. Everybody invited to attend. Supt. and Mrs. J, O. Russell were visitors Sunday at the J. R. Johnson and Fred Kelly homes. Mr. RusBell is superintendent of the schools at otnnfield this year. The freshmen and sophomores had a purty Feb. 4th. Although the crowd was small it was congenial and all had a merry time with games of var ious kinds. The first issue of the Boardman Bellhop has appeared and has created favorable comment. The staff con sists of Helen Boardman, editor: Alex Ayres, manager; reporters, Mil- mea messenger, iiustor Hands, Viladys Wilson, Irene Agoo, Kennoth Board man and Lillian Price, THE DARKEST DAY IN HISTORY By a. b. chapin "Wat Weinke Day S WHEN You HAD SKlMPEP fMD SAVED AND UAD "w Pen iep yooRseuF a lot of the THwfrs you v NWANTeP AND Yoo HAT) RAKED AMD SCRAPffD . llf ENOUGH- TO Y HER THAT SwSU. TOK I JIMMY Z OF fcON TJONS WANT fbMB CANDY 5 , AMD TWCM-Tb MAve SOMtfMlvt Like "THlS HAJP6N J J HeJ y00RSBLP jflllP I ! TAKE ALL VOO WAit ;f Pir f I'M OFF CP CAMW NOW, 111 m JluTOCAtTgn-' VISITED IN CALIFORNIA. Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Brown and family returned recently from a pleasant trip of three months to Southern California. They visited with the Ed Browns, former Morrow county folks, in Los Angeles, and withal report a most delightful trip. Misfortune overtook them on the road home, however, as their car was in a wreck near Albany, delaying them two days, and they were caught in the last big snow storm at Portland, tak ing a day to get as far as The Dalles and another day home. "We never thought just How much we enjoyed getting the paper until we were away from home," Mrs. Brown remarked when in town Saurday, "but we were mighty anxious to get it each week." Artie Brown Called By Death Early Sunday Artie Brown, aged 44 years, who two weeks ago suffered a stroke of paralysis while at Reid's saw mill and was brought to town for medical treatment, passed away on Sunday morning last, after suffering addi tional strokes. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday morning at the Christian church, Milton W. Bower, pastor, of hciating. The services were attended by a large number of relatives and friends of the deceased, who was a native son of Morrow county and was well known here. lendnig an investigation into the exact cause of the death of Mr. Brown the remains are being held by Coron er Case, at the request of the county health officer, but we are not in formed as to whether a post mortem examination will be made. Burial will later bo in the cemetery on Rhea creek near the B. F. Devore place. IRRIGON GRANGE NEWS. A card party was held at Frank Frederickson's February 5. A good sized crowd attended and a good time was had by all. After a taffy pull lunch was served. Our community is being visited by the flu. Some are getting better and some are taking it. A few of the small children are having the chicken pox. The Williams children are broken out very badly at this time. The H. E. club met with Mrs. Frank Frederickson February 8. The after noon was spent in fancy work and visiting. A delicious luncheon was served by the hostess. .Our next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Chas. Benefiel February 17. The club will give a social at the school house Saturday night, Febru ary 12. Elmer Benefiel is visiting home folks on a three-months furlough from Vancouver barracks. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright and son Don took dinner and spent the day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. McCarter of Boardman. Mr. and Mrs. McCarter are leaving this week for Vale, Ida. They are shipping a car of household goods and stock. Chas. Benefiel of Irrigon will go through with it. Chas. Benefiel and son Bert went to Boardman Saturday and brought back a load of hogs. Mr. Wright is also going into the hog business as he has purchased three fine large porkers. Everybody is pleased to see Grand ma Graybeal out and around aga.n after several weeks of sickness caused by a fall from a gravel bed. Road work will start again Febru ary 9 after several weeks of idleness due to the cold weather and sno The snow is now all gone and tho ground is drying out nicely. Mrs. Ryder is home again after 6 weeks visit with her mother and son at Bandon, Ore. Fred Caldwell made a trip to Her- SHALL STATES OF GREAT NORTHWEST BE DENIED A WISE POLICY OFFERED BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO SOUTHWEST E. B. ALDRICH In Pendleton East Oregonian. Secretary Work's objection to the Umatilla rapids project seems based on his view that the imitation end of the project should stand on its own feet and not be aided by the power feature of the project. The secretary does not assume the irrigation end of the Colorado project should pay its own way. On January 12, 1926, the interior department gave to the press the official report of the secretary approving the construction of the Colorado project by the federal government. Here is one paragraph from that report: On the Colorado "The money for this development should, I believe, be provided by a bond issue of the United States. It should be for a sum sufficient to pro vide for the construction of the dam, the power plant and the ALL AMERI CAN CANAL. An additional sum should be included in the authoriza tion to pay interest on bonds sold during the period of construction, and until such time as the revenue will meet interest charges. Providing the money for this development through a special bond issue will obviate dis turbance of the regular fiscal opera tions of the government. It will ob viate provision by the budget for the money needed during construction. The bonds could be sold as money would be needed. Construction would extend over a period of between five and ten years if work were carried on at a rate to secure the greatest effi ciency." The All-American canal is to cost $31,000,000 according to the estimates. At the present time the water for irrigating Imperial valley comes from a canal that runs in part through Mexico. The All-American canal is undoubtedly needed and should be built as should the other features of the Colorado project. The charges that Secretary Work would impose upon water users there may be understood from the follow ing paragraph from his report: "Water supplied for domestic, in dustrial or irrigation uses should be delivered at the dam, at points along the river agreed upon and at the ter minal of the All-American canal. Prices for this water should be such as to at least repay all of the cost of OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE of the canals and an equitable part ot the operating expenses of the dam. This with the revenues from power, will, we believe, repay the entire in vestment in this development with four per cent interest." Power End Carries Load. What that means is that settlers iu Imperial valley will be required to miston Monday after feed. Mr. Glasgow, with the help of Mr. Hesscook, is getting out some nice summer wood. Mr. Pyle, state traffic officer, was in to.wli last week. Mrs. Caldwell is suffering with rheumatism. Pure bred Barred Rock Toosters for sale. MacGuire stock. F; R. Brown, phone 644, city. 46-7 FOR SALE Alfnlfa Seed and Net ted Gem potatoes. J. M. Richards, Echo, Ore. (Butter Creek.) 60. FOR SALE Good 2-horse gas en gine. See Sam Llninger attJohn Auto en ot pay for the operation and mainten anc of their canal but not for its con struction charge. In other words the power end of the project is to provide tho big thing to-wit, the $31,000,000 canal. To pay an "equitable part of the operating expenses of the dam" will be easy for such operating ex penses will be low. The big charges in connection with the dam will not be operation but for interest pay ments and for amortization of the construction cost. If Secretary work means for the irrigationists to help meet such charges he does not say so. It will be evident from the fore going sections and from other sec tions of Dr. Work's report on the Col orado project that he expects the power aales to carry the project through. It is estimated that this can be done by selling the power at three mills per K. W. H. at the switchboard. It has already been estimated by engineers of the interior department, that the entire cost of the Umatilla rapids project, including power de velopment, irrigation, navigation can al, railway relocation, etc., can be paid from the profits from power sold at two mills per kilowatt hour, or one mill lower than the estimated selling price of the Colorado river project. Rapids Project More Feasible If the interior secretary will apply to the Umatilla rapids project the same policy he upholds on the Color ado our project can not only be built but it can be paid for more easily than the Boulder canyon project. The mat ter of pumping for irrigation at Uma tilla rapids offers no difficulties be cause such pumping will be during summer months when the demand for power for heating and for illumina tion will be slack. The energy of the river may as well be used. The policy of making power sales help carry the cost of a reclamation project is sound. It means that the people of the region affected, will help pay, without knowing it perhaps, for a development of general public ad vantage within the region. That pol icy is more businesslike than is the policy of making such payments out of the federal treasury. The Umatilla rapids project is feas ible and can be built whenever con gress wishes to act. The essential thing is that the northwest be given the benefits of the wise policy that has been suggested with a view of aiding the southwest. Surely the peo ple of the northwest and their repre sentatives in congress will be justi fied in asking such treatment. Per haps the secretary of the interior is not aware of the fact he is discrim inating against the states of the great northwest, and that the Columbia, now entirely unused, is the greatest tower river of the west. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. Owing to the absence of the pastor this week, there will be no preaching services. The Sunday school meets as usual in the morning at 9:45, and at the morning preaching hour there will be presented a musical program oy the choir, which will be of interest to all. MISSIONARY MEETING TUESDAY. The Womens' Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will meet in the church parlors next Tues day afternoon, Feb. 15, at 2:30. We would like to have a good attendance of the members and friends. Come and join us. MRS. LININGER, Secretary. Date Set for Library Vaudeville Stunts March the 8th is the date set for the home talent vaudeville to be pre sented by the different organizations of the ctiy under the auspices of the Heppner Public Library association. The ball has been started rolling and is gaining momentum daily. Some numbers have already been chosen and rehearsals started. Neigh bors of Woodcraft were among the first to get started and promise a live ly number. The Masons have their part of the progTm lined up as well, and the American Legion and Auxil iary are preparing stunts. Besides these the Knights of Pythias, Elks, Odd Fellows and others will also take part. The nature of the numbers is a deep secret, being carefully guarded in or der that the program may be a com plete surprise. That it will be of high order throughout, however, is assured as all may know who -are ac quainted with the nature of home talent productions here in the past. The production will be staged at the Star theater. Keep the date in mind March 8 and watch for more partic ulars. Also keep in mind the library days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, open from 3 to 5. If you haven't yet joined the association, give your name with 25c to Mrs. Arthur McAtee, secretary-treasurer. Funds are needed to keep the library going. However, it is not necessary to belong to the association to borrow books. This privilege is open to everyone. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS John G. Clouston, forest ranger with headquarters at Pomeroy, Wash., who has been on detail work at the headquarters of the Umatilla Nation al forest in this city, will leave Thurs day for his home. He will attend a meeting of wool growers and cattle and horse growers to be held at Wal la Walla Friday and Saturday before going on to his home. Pendleton E.O. Mrs. M. L. Curran, Mrs. O. T. Fer guson and Mrs. Jared Aiken drove to Portland Sunday in the Curran car. Mrs. Ferguson acter as chauffeur for the party. Mrs. Curran goes to the city to select her spring millinery, while Mrs. Ferguson will consult with specialists regarding a trouble from which she has ben suffering for some time. The Ed. V. Price representative will be at Wilson's on February 14 and 15, with a display of fine woolen suitings. Come in and select a suit. Dr. McMurdo reports an increase in the population of the county during the past week. On January 27th, at their home on Butter creek, to Mr. and Mrs. James Daly, a daughter. Feb ruary 9th, at their home near Hepp ner, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Christen son, a 9-lb. son. W. O. Dix, of the firm of Hiatt & Dix, is confined to his home by sick ness, and it is reported that he will have to remain in for some time as he has suffered a return of a trouble of long standing, but one which has not bothered him much for the past year or two. Howard Y.oung, residing in this city, suffered a severe cut to one of his ears on Friday. While running he fell, striking the ear on a rock, and it required some stitching to tie it back again. Dr. McMurdo treated the injured member. Dr. McMurdo was called to the home of M. S. Corrigall on Butter creek Tuesday where he found Mrs. Corrigall suffering a severe attack of influenza. She is reported to be im proving at this time. Born At their home on Eight Mile, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Worden, Wed nesday, February 9th, a 9-lb. daugh ter, Dr. Johnston attending. . Mrs. M. L. Curran dparted last Sun day for Portland where she will at tend the anunal Spring Millinery Opening Week in that city. Alva Stone, government trapper, underwent an operation here on Tues day for the removal of his tonsils. S. Hamblen of Arlington was a vis itor in this city on Tuesday, coming here to consult a physician. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the laws of the State of Ore gon, the undersigned has taken up the hereinafter described animals, found running at large on his prem ises in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, and that he will on Saturday, the Sibth day of February, 1927, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, at his place one mile west of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the suid animals, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner or owners thereof. Said animals are described as follows: One aged brown mare mule, with harness marks, brand M on left shoul der; one brown mare mule colt, brand M on left shoulder; one brown horse mule colt, brand M on left shoulder. FRANK S. PARKER, Heppner, Or. elks' Card Party Valentine's Night FEBRUARY 14 ELKS' TEMPLE Public Invited 3J $1.00 per couple. Arthur Brisbane Good Lending. Gov. Smith Mr. McAdoo. If Carnegie? 1,000,000,000 for Golf. If North and South America cannot set before the rest of the world an example of peace and common sense, something is wrong with North and South America. This year the Latin Republic will spend $100,000,000 de veloping railroads, and most of the money will be borrowed in the Uni ted States. Chile is negotiating a $40,000,000 loan in New York to elec trify the Chilean State Railways. Ap parently those South American repub lics have public officials sufficiently honest and competent to manage State railways. The financing of desirable indus trial enterprises in South America by United States banks is a useful in vestment for American money. When Andrew Carnegie sold his mills to United States Steel he would accept only special bonds, wouldn't take preferred stock as a gift, laugh ed at the common stock saying it was n't even water, it was "air." Recent figures would surprise and probably annoy Mr. Carnegie's Scotch thrift. The steel company in 1926 earned $199,004,741, enough to pay $17.96 a share on the common stock, a new record of peace-time prosperity in the steel business. One billion dollars will be spent on new golf courses and clubhouses this year, including the cost of 1,000 new golf clubs starting and maintenance of oldr clubs If the nation could build a thousand new flying machines one for each new golf club, to protect the links and placid gentlemen play ing on them, it would be a good thing. Dry raiders sieze $25,000 worth of ' blending" machinery used to manu facture benedictine, chartreuse, and other liqueurs. The "blending" hat been going on, full blast, for four months. Many an American has dam aged bis mucous membrane, absorb ing the product of that, machinery. Governor Ritchie, of Maryland, rfim self widely discussed in connection with the Democratic Presidential nomination, says Governor Smith, of New York, "is the outstanding Demo crat in the United States." On the other hand, Mr. Milton, ed itor of the Chattanooga News, says William G. McAdoo is the only man for Democrats to nominate. Mr. Mil ton says Governor Smith cannot be nominated because "the country is seventy per cent. dry, and no wet can be elected to the Presidency." Gov ernor Smith's friends say, "wait and see." John D. Rockefeller still has the New York Stock Exchange seat that he bought in 1883, fourty-four years ago. He never uses it, keeps it per haps to remind him of old days when he was making money for himself be fore he began spending his millions in Rockefeller Foundations, institutes, fighting disease for other people. That seat, which probably cost Mr. Rockefeller less than $50,000 he could now sell for $180,000. If he holds it a little longer, it will be worth $200, 000. Russian husbands and wives will be interested in their mail from now on. For a divorce you simply notify the authorities that you want it, then send word to your better half through the post office and that settles it. You are divorced. In China the thing is more serious. The natives hate strangers as cats hate dogs. They are tired of watch ing foreigners spend money, having courts and territory of their own, and are glad when the time comes to mur der a few. The murdering seems to be close at hand. Uncle Sam has some of his ships there, and unpleasant news may be expected. After the Boxe rebellion, when the other nations compelled the Chinese to pay millions in damaga, this na tion handed the money buck. But that won't help our popularity. When Europe was in trouble, Uncle Sam sent an army of two million men, five thousand million dollars, and other thousands of millions since. THE FIRST CENTURY CHURCH. Much controversy centers around the Question Of Which church in richf. One church may emphasize one doc trine which thev believe in mnra In. portant than the one some other group empnasizes. mere is no church in existence which can date its system and ecclesiasticism back to the first century and the apostles. This being true, as every student of church his torv knows, it U aviHpnt fhof n ganization in existence can legitimate ly claim to be precisely right. That sends us back to a atudv nf th NTm Testament or First Century Church to nna out wnat is exactly right. This will be the subject of the Sunday eve ning sermon at the Church of Christ. The morning subject will be "God s Building." A friendly welcome at all services. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. BV