HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 3, 1927. PAGE THREE What's Gone Before 1868 and the Union Pacific Rail road haa reached Benton, Wyoming, For that distant point, an eastern youth, in search of health is bound En Toute from Omaha, he is warned of Benton's wildness. A stylishly dressed and beautiful young woman, wjth pretty blue eyes, attracts him. He is astonished at her taking a drink of brandy before breakfast. The brakeman tells him she had "followed her man" to Benton. "Ride, Shoot and Tell the Truth." The brakeman went on: "But Lord, that cuts no great figger. Peo ple here don't stand on ceremony in those matters. Everything's above board. Hands on the table until time to draw then draw quick." His language was a little too bluff for me. "Her husband is in business?" "Business?" He laid a finger along side his nose, and winked wisely. "You bet yuh! And good business. Are you on?" "Am I on?" I repeated. "On what? What is all this about?" "I'll be damned I" he roundly vouch safed. And "You've been having a quiet little smile with her, eh?" He sniffed suspiciously. "A few swigs of that'll make a pioneer of you quicker than alkili. She's favoring you eh? Now if she tells you of a system, take my advice and quit while your hair's long." "My hair is my own fashion, sir," I rebuked." "And the lady is not 'or discussion between gentlemen, par ticularly as my acquaintance with her is only casual." "Tut, tutl" he grinned." "No offer.sc intended, Mister Pilgrim. Her and me are good enough friends. Thero's no brace game in that deal. I only aim to give you a steer. Savvy?" And he winked. "You're out to see the elephant, yourself." "I am seeking health, Is all," I ex plained. "High and dry? By golly, en Benton's the ticket. It's sure high, and sure dry." He leaned over the side steps, and gazed ahead. "Sydney in sight." As I left the station dining-room I found the lady of the blue eyes stroll ing alone upon the platform. "You are rather slow in action, sir," she lightly accused. "We might have had breakfast together!" "I plead guilty, madam," I admitted. "But the next meal shall be my priv liege." "For dinner, yes; at Cheyenne." "And after that you will be home." "Of course." She laughed shortly. "Benton is now 'home.' We have moved so frequenty that I have grown to call almost no place home." "I judge then that you are connect ed, as may happen, with a flexible business," I hazarded. "There is money in following the railroad, and that is our present ifc," she said frankly. "A town springs up, you know, at each terminus, boo...s as long as the freight and passengers pile up and all of a sudden the go ahead business and professional men pull stakes for the next terminus as soon as located." We were interrupted. A drunken rowdy was careening over the plat form, a large revolver dangling at his thigh. lira language was extremely offen sive he had an ugly mood on, but nobody interfered. The crowd stood aside the natives laughing, the tour ists, like myself, viewing him as kance, and several Indians watching only gravely. He sighted us. "Howdy?" he uttered, with an oath. "Shay hello, stranger. Have a 'smile.' Take two, one for lady. Hie!" And he thrust a bottle at me. My lady drew back. I civilly de clined the "smile." "Thank you. I do not drink." "What?" His tone stiffened. "The hell you say. Have a smile you pil grim; fer if you don't ' "Train's starting, Jim," she inter posed sharply. "If you want to get aboard you d better hurry." The bell was ringing, the passen gers were hurrying, incited by the conductor's shout: "All 'board!" v Without another word the lady tripped for the car BtepB. I gave the fellow one firm look and perforce left him. The train moved as I jumped on t.... .................. the nearest car and the conductor and brakeman hauled the tipsy fellow aboard. My lady was esconced. "Did they get Jim?" she inquired. "By the scruff of the neck. You know him?" "He's from Benton. I suppose he's been down here on a little pasear, as they say." I had no more than seated myself beside her when the brakeman am bled through, his face in a broad grin. "Well, we got him corralled," he proclaimed. "He'll sleep it off and be ready for night." But soon there was a commotion in the forward part of the car. Jim had appeared.- "Have a smile,' ladies an' gents," he was bellowing thickly, "Hooray! Have a smile on me. Great an' glory us 'caaion 'ic! Everybody smile. Drink to op'nin' gloryus Pacific 'ic Railway. Thash it. Hooray!" It was inevitable that he would teach us. I heard My Lady utter a little gasp, as she sat more erect. ' Have a smile you two," he roar ed. "Wouldn't smile at station: eotto smile now. Leah be good fellers." "You go back to your seat. Jim," she ordered tensely. "Go back, if you know what's good for you." 'W hash that " Who your doe last year? Shay! You can't come no highty-tighty over me. Who your new friend? Shay!" He reeled and gripped the seat. "By Gawd, I got the dead-wood on you, you I and he had loosed a torrent of epithets. For that I d kill you in any other place, Jim," she said. "You know I'm not afraid of you. Now get, you wolf!" She had made a sudden move ment of hand and I say almost under ;ny nose the smallest pistol imagin able. "No!" I warned. "No matter. I'll tend to him." The fellow's mouth opened as if for fresh abuse and half rising I landed upon it with my fist. (jo where you belong, you drunken whelp!" I had struck and spoken at the same time, with rush of wrath that sur prised me, and the result surprised me more, for while I was not con scious of having exerted much force he toppled backward clear across the aisle, crashed down in a heap under the opposite seat. "Look out! Look out!" she cried. Up he scrambled, wrenching at his re volver, but the brakeman and conduct or arrived, in a jiffy he was hustled forward. I annk back, breathless. Congratulations echoed dully. "The right spirit!" "That'll lam him to insult a lady." "Shake, Mister." "For a pilgrim you're consider'ble of a hoss." The lady herself was amazingly cool under the epithets that he had' applied. I admired her for that as she gnzed at me pleadingly. A drunken man is not responsible for words or actions," I said. "Possi bly I should have not struck him. In the Far West you may be more accus tomed to these episodes than we are in the East." 'I don't know. There is a limit. You did right. I thank you heartily. Still" - and she mused "you can't always depend on your fists alone. Fists are a short-range weapon. The men gen erally wear a gun somewhere. It is the custom," 'Under your tutelage I am sure I shall do well," I accepted. "I may call upon you in Benton? If you will favor me with your address ?" ' My address?" She searched my foce in a manner startled. "You'll have no difficulty finding me; in event" and she smiled archly "you aie not afraid of strange women." "I have been taught to respect wo men, madam," said I. "Oh!" I seemed to have pleased her. "You have been carefully brought up, sir." "To fear God, respect women, and act the man as long as I breathe," I asserted. "That may go excellently in the East," "she answered. "But we in the West favor the Persian maxim to ride, to shoot, and to tell the truth. With those three qualities even a ten derfoot can establish himself." "You hear the truth when I say I vnticipate much pleasure as well as renewed health, in Benton," I de dared. "Were we by ourselves we would teal the future in another 'smile' to gether," she slyly promised, "Unless "Whash that? Who your dog last year? Shay! You can't come no highty tighty o v e r m e. Who's your new friend? Shay!" He reeled and gripped the seat. "By Gawd, I got thai dead-wood on you, you !" and he had loosed a torrent of epithets. that might shock you." "I am ready to fall in with the cus toms of the country," I assured. "I certainly am not averse to smiles, when fittingly proffered." Our passage was astonishingly short, but the sun was near to setting when the brakeman shouted: "Benton I Benton in five minutest " "My valise, please." I brought it. The conductor, who like the other officials knew My Lady pushed through to us and laid hand upon it. "I'll see you out," he announced. "Come ahead." "Pardon. That shall be my privil ege," I interposed. But she quickly denied. "No, please. The conductor is an old friend. I shall need no other help -lit perfectly at home. You can look out for yourself." 'But I shall see you again and where? I don't know your address: fact is, I'm even ignorant of your name," i pleaded desperately. "How stupid of me." And she Bpoke fast and low, over her shoulder. "To night, then, at the Big Tent. Remember." I pressed after. "The Big Tent! Shall I inquire there? And for whom?" "You'll not fail to see me. Every body knows the Big Tent, everybody goes there. So au revoir." We stopped with a jerk, amidst a babel of cries. Benton! All out!" Out we stum bled. Here I was, at rainbow's end. Continued Next Week. Copyright, by Edwin L. Sabin. Peoples Hdwe. Co, General .. 81.85 Highway Commission. Generl 8.00 Lee Slocum, General 9.00 J. 0. Hager, General 8.76 T. J. Humphreys, General 2.40 H. Cooper Corp., General 29.20 C. E. Roush, No. 2 . 1.16 W. A. Price, No. 2 79.02 Heppner Elevator Co., No. 7 16.00 City of Heppner, No. 12 886.06 Joe Brosnan, No. 17 . 11.96 City of Boardman, No. 21 203.63 N. L. Shaw, No. 24 48.00 M. Reid, General .. 15.28 Heppner Light Co., General .. 2.16 Ferguson Chev. Co., General 2.76 J. S. Baldwin, General 16.50 W. L. McCaleb, General 8.65 Lee Slocum, General 6.00 E. J. Starkey, General 2.70 J. L. Jenkins, No. 2 6.60 J. Lytle, No. 2 1.00 W. O. Bayless, No. 9 .. 10.60 E. Grotkopp, No. 9 4.00 Chas. Dillon, I-B 24.00 J. H. Gentry, General 24.72 Ora Barlow, No. 14 14.97 J. J. Wells, Assessor - 64.90 C. B. Orai, Sealer - 6.77 G. A. Bleakman, County Court 67.98 State Acci. Com, Sheriff 101.01 Leach Bros, Election 6.00 C. A. Miller, Election . 2.00 Roy Scott, Election 6.00 Glass & Prudhomme, Office.... 120.81 Kilham Sty. Co, Clerk 25.68 Irwin-Hodson, Assessor 2.60 II. M. Walker, Supt 44.46 F. L. Harwood, Court House 16.00 Heppner Light Co, Ct. House 50.85 L. D. Neill, Watermaster . 25.00 National Surety Co, Bonds .. 109.00 Rostein-Greenbaum, Feeble- Minded 32.57 M. L. Case, Coroner ,.. 19.95 A. H. Johnston, Health 10.00 Lydla Ritchie, Pension 10.00 R. Knight, Pension 25.00 Julia McEntire, Pension 32.50 Ida Fletcher, Poor 15.00 Henry Cramer, Poor 25.00 Harry Archer, Poor 12.00 Mabel Howell, Poor 20.00 Belle Courter, Poor 20.00 A. B. Chaffee, Election 3.00 Pac. Tel. & Tel.Co., Cur. Ex. 37.92 P. McDuffee, Sheriff 110.72 V. Kane, Sheriff 114.39 Geo. McDuffee, Sheriff 64.65 Gay M. Anderson, Clerk 32.00 Gazette Times, Office 70.25 Thomson Bros, Court House 2.60 M. D. Clark, Court Houae ... 2.00 Heppner Light Co, Ct. Hae. 52.85 Phelps Grocery Co, Poor .... 1.00 Ed Breslin, Poor 21.25 J. S. Beckwith, Circuit Court 178.70 S. E. Noson, Dist. Atty 236.10 County Agent, .- 1,275.00 E. D. Hallock, Bonds 225.00 State Acci. Com, Sheriff 6.77 H. M. Walker, Supt 36 72 W. P. Prophet, Court House 1.00 R. L. Benge, County Court .... 43.03 G. A. Bleakman, County Court 27.00 L. P. Davidson, County Court 122.60 Bushong & Co., Supt 36.75 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Lena M. Had ley, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Coun ty, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said etate must present them to me duly verified as required by law, at the office of C. L. Sweek, attorney for ad ministrator, at Heppner, Oregon, on or before six months from date of first publication hereof. Date of first publication January 27, 1927. GLENN R. HADLEY, Administrator. Statement of Taxes LEVIED IN MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FOR THE YEAR 1927 (1926 ROLLS) General Taxes Levied for State and County Purposes Character Valuation Rate Tax of Taxes Mills . State and Coun ty 113.842.697 8.23 1118,924.57 General School 18.842,597 1.27 17,580.10 Koadi and BrMKee ..... 1S.842.597 2.6 35.999.76 Market Roads 18.842,697 1.2 16,611.12 Bond Sinking Fund 18,842.597 S.O 41,627.79 Bond Interest Fund 18.842.697 2.0 27.686.19 High School Tuition 6,768,836 1.1 7,445.17 Gain .96 JANUARY IETI County Court met in regular ses sion on Wednesday, the 5th day of January, 1927, with all officers pres ent, when among others the follow ing proceedings were had, to-wit: The various claims were presented and either approved, continued or re jected and warrants ordered drawn from the proper funds for the ap proved claims. The balance remaining in the Fair Fund at the close of business Decem ber 81, 1926, was ordered transferred to the General Road Fund. A dance permit was granted to W. A. McCarty and Chas. McDaniel to operate a dance hall at Hardman for the year 1927. The sum' of f 2550.00 was ordered to be paid for the appropriation made for the County Agent for the year 1927. The Court drew the jury list of 251 names from the list of registered vot ers, same to be used for the 1927 jury list. The election boards for the various precincts for the years 1927-28 were siTbmitted and approved by the Court. The Court appointed the supervis ors for the various road districts ex cepting No. 1 and No. 2. The official bonds of J. J. McDon ald, W. A. Goodwin and W. M. Avers as justices of the peace, L. W. Briggs, Treasurer, and Ralph Harris, Survey or, were approved by the Court. The road petition of Victor L. Carl son was approved by the Court and the road ordered opened as by law provided. Geo. N. Peck entered into a lease with the Court for a quarry site for the Clark's Canyon market road. The Court made leases with the Standard Oil Co. and the Union Oil Co. to Bupply gas at a price of 19c per gallon. The following claims were approved and ordered paid: F, R. Brown, Dog t 8.00 M. R. Morgan, Market 300.00' State, Market 91.13 F. Engelman, Market 69.30 H. S. Taylor, Market 26.66 Leach Bros, Market 2.02 Bristow & Johnson, Market .... 2.20 M. L. Case, Market 12.07 E. J. Kellar, Market 12.25 Thomson Bros, Market 3.74 E. R. Lundell, Market 21.38 Lexington Station, Market .... 1.92 Ed Breslin, Market 86.69 Howard Cooper, Market 835.83 Standard Oil Co, Market 177.87 Union Oil Co, Market 605.13 Tum-A-Lum, Market 705.11 P. G. Balsiger, Market 3.70 Bert Mason, Market 6.90 A. R. Reid, Market 244.60 Geo. McDuffee, Market 26.00 C. W. Swanson, Market 8.00 H. Cooper Corp, Market 81.02 K. L. Beach, Market 86.65 Beall Pipe Co, Market 2,762.93 Pnc. Tel. & Tel; Co, Market .. 6.00 F. Munkers, Market 600.00 Mrs. Ira Lewis, Market 460.00 State, Mnrket 73.00 Farmers & Stockgrowers Na tional Bank, Market 1,894.06 First National Bank, Market 9,043.09 Bank of lone, Market 1,969.79 Arlington Bank, Roads 1,512.03 termers & Stockgrouers Na tional Bank, Roads 250.38 Bank of lone, Roads 828.74 First National Bank, Roads.... 7,216.77 Sheriff, Roads 833.49 Tum-A-Lum, Roads 11.60 J. W. Klrschner, Roads 145.00 A. R. Reid, Roads 60.87 State, Roads 162.61 Chas. Hirl, Lena-Vinson 40.00 F. Nixon, No. 18 98.00 1. . Pearson, Lena-Vinaon 60.00 Fred Albert, Lena-Vinson .... 100.00 F. E. Parker, No. 19 220.98 C. E. Glasgow, No. 1 113.86 City of lone, No. 10 193.49 Heppner Light Co, General .. 8.00 Total .$260,765.65 Special Taxes Levied in Cities and Towns Town Valuation Hills Tax Heppner . $1,005,828 14.6 $14,677.79 Lexington 135.067 17.4 2,350.17 lone 221.672 10.7 2,871.89 Boardman 48.000 89.6 1,702.80 Gain :. .01 Total $21,102.66 Special Taxes Levied in Other Taxing Districts West Extension Irrigation Dist...$25,760.67 Westland Irrigation District 1,762.00 Forest Fire Patrol 2,200.78 Special Taxes Levied in Road Districts Dist. No. Valuation Hills Tax 1 $1,387,969 6.0 $ 6.989.80 Gain .04 Total .... $ 6.939.84 Special Taxes Levied in Union High School Districts Dist No. Valuation Mills Tax 1 $ 787,572 6.5 $ 6,119.22 Gain .02 Total $ S.U9.24 Special Taxes Levied in School District Dist. No. Valuation Mills Tax 1 $1,360,387 16.S $ 21,086.00 2 897,840 1.1 487.62 8 260,478 1.6 890.72 4 167,090 8.0 ' 601.27 ( 222,115 8.1 1,799.13 6 273,161 4.9 1,838.49 Dist. 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 81 82 83 34 85 86 87 88 39 40 41 42 48 49 50 51 62 53 59 0 No. Valuation $ 259,478 199,298 1,249,108 127,881 628,746 299,623 183,187 103,023 170,181 98.132 126,970 70,787 140,311 80,760 131,860 169,622 1,840,519 678,976 283,518 176,271 108,666 182,600 172,169 22,074 286,726 850,442 147,888 176,890 162,451 448,800 894,041 816.767 244,907 90,006 70,188 190,817 266,561 64,602 121,442 116,034 885,950 Gain Mills Tax 1.8 $ 467.06 2.4 478.82 12.3 16,364.08 3.8 485.95 28.6 17,919.23 1.6 479.40 2.7 494.60 6.7 687.23 2.7 459.49 4 2 412.16 8.5 444.40 8.8 622.98 2.2 808.68 4.0 123,00 9.7 1,274.10 2.6 , 414.76 21.6 28,955.21 14.4 8,265.25 16.7 4,784.67 2.4 423.05 9.4 1.021.46 2.4 438,24 2.6 430.40 1.9 41.94 1.7 485.78 17.8 15,187.87 8.2 473.24 8.6 636.80 4.6 747.27 1.0 448.80 7.5 2,966.81 1.4 443.46 8.0 . 734.72 5.4 486.03 6.4 - 879.02 2.2 419.80 1.6 899.84 4.4 239.81 8.8 425.05 8.7 429.88 .n.".. .29 Total $135,041.16 GENERAL SUMMARY State, County and Gen. School . special bchool . $131 136 5 7 85, Union High School High School Tuition General Road . Special Road Market Road 16, Bond and Interest 69, Cities 21 Irrigation 27, Fcrest Fire Patrol 2, ,504.86 ,041.15 ,119.24 ,446. Zl ,990.90 ,939.84 ,611.10 213.68 ,102.66 .612.67 .200.78 Total $468,681.9! I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing U a true and correct statement, according tn the records of my office. JESSE J. WELLS, County Assessor. tinted this 29th day of January, 1927, FISHTAIL MODBLTNO Kid ft daJtinfulahed wp to rear of thm Roaditer, Coup ftttd Sport Cabriolet TULL-CROWN FEN DBR9 (oae-pUce) land obatanctal tract to thm wping body linaa. EE BULLET. TYPE HEAD LAMPS and cowL Up. to-ths-minms in styU. of Distinction made possible hj Volume Production QluJiofl Beautiful Chevrolet in CktmUtEUhrf la addition to masterly new bodies by FUher in addition to a boat of mechanical Im provements typified by AC oil filter and AC air cleaner the Most Beautiful Chevrolet offers certain features heretofore regarded at markt of distinction on the icostllest can. These arc made possible at Chevrolet's amazingly reduced prices only because vol ume production results in definite econ omies and because Chevroletnow, as always, passes these savings on to the buyer in the form of added value. No other car, as low In price, offers such features as fish-tall modeling, full-crown one-piece fenders, bullet-type lamps and the like. Come in and see for yourself! Reduced Prices! The Coach I595 ThsLand.uS-15 1-Ton Truck U9S TUCoup. $62C Th.Toarlns$S2S ..ll. - , . V4-Ton Truck J?J Th.S.d.11 695 Roadstar $525 (Cbls Only) Balloon Tires Now Standard On AH Models All prices I o. b. Flint, Mich. TksSpert CABRIOLET 715 b.FUnMlb, TIRE CARRIER mount d free from tha bodyt rigidly upportcxL MS" Ferguson Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Oregon QUALITY AT LOW COST Election Current Expense ... County Court Sheriff Clerk Assessor Treasurer' Court House Circuit Court Mustice Court Superintendent Juvenile Physician Widows' Pension ... Overseer Poor Jail Sealer Audit Bonds County Agent Health Rebate District Attorney ... insurance Watermaster Surveyor , Coroner Tax Collection Donation Library Institute Emergency Insane Publishing Budget Feebleminded ........ SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF MORROW COUNTY, ORE GON, FOR THE SIX MONTHS' PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1926. CLAIMS PAID FROM GENERAL COUNTY FUND, Allowed by County Court. Expense of Amount ..$ 697.03 474.75 1,554.69 2,571.36 2,155.08 2,395.79 545.45 1,501.07 3,250.80 28.50 1,409.13 66.70 60.00 340.00 600.00 897.67 60.70 54.49 125.00 109.00 1,250.00 172.00 50.76 126.55 88.00 112.98 12.28 99.95 22.68 250.00 ' 200.00 231.65 25.58 74.80 83.00 32.57 TOTAL $21,730.01 $ 21,730.01 Claims paid from Road, Special Roads and Bond Moneys $ 51,644.53 Claims paid from Market Road Funds 40,553.01 Claims paid from Miscellaneous Funds 52,289.14 TOTAL $144,486.68 $144,486.68 SUMMARY OF WARRANT ACCOUNT. Outstanding General Fund Warrants June 30, 1926 $ 38,859.76 Outstanding Road Fund Warrants June 30, 1926 516.49 Outstanding Market Road Warrants June 30, 1926 1. 10 Outstanding Miscellaneous Warrants June 30, 1926 205.04 General Fund Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1926.... 21,730.01 Road Fund Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1926 51,644.53 Market Road Fund Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1926. 40,553.01 Miscellaneous Funds Warrants issued July 1 to Dec. 31, 1926 52,289.14 TOTAL $205,799.08 General Fund Warrants paid July 1 to Dec. 31, 1926 $ 16,993.79 Road Funds Warrants paid July 1 to Dec. 31, 1926 51,167.32 Market Road Fund Warrants paid July 1 to Dec. 31 ,1926 39,224.68 Miscellaneous Funds Warrants paid July 1 to Dec. 31, 1926 52,289.14 General Fund Warrants outstanding Dec. 31, 1926 43,595.98 Road Funds Warrants outstanding Dec. 3 1 , 1 926 993.70 Market Road Fund Warrants outstanding Dec. 3 1 , 1 926 .... 1 ,329.43 Miscellaneous Funds Warrants outstanding Dec. 31, 1926 205.04 TOTAL r $205,799.08 CASH ON HAND IN VARIOUS COUNTY FUNDS, DECEMBER 31, 1926. General County $ 10,214.97 General Roads 10,174.68 General Schools 8,107.50 Trust Funds 1,081.65 High School Tuition 2,781.09 Union High School .00 Fire Patrol .00 City of Boardman .00 City of Heppner .00 City of Hardman 20.61 City of lone .00 City of Lexington .'. .00 School Districts 9,842.41 Elementary Schools 1,026.74 Westland Irrigation District .00 West Extension Irrigation Dsitrict 15.50 John Day Irrigation District ' - 2,130.42 Stingle Canyon Road 249.87 Lena-Vinson Road 1,400.31 Ione-Boardman Road 1,438.17 Motor Vehicle ' 5,232.20 Market Roads 12,850.37 Lexington-Jarmon Road .00 Special Road No. 1 3.709.69 Special Road No. 2 443.38 Special Road No. 4 339.57 Special Road No. 5 19.89 Special Road No. 14 269.75 Prohibition 483.36 Rodent 4,320.55 Bee 25.35 Dog 703.97 Fair 55.49 Herd .00 Old Soldiers .00 Indemnity .00 Road Bond 61,119.88 Bond Sinking Fund 52,384.79 Bond Interest 5,513.92 TOTAL $195,956.08 $195,956.08 STATE OF OREGON, County of Morrow, ss : I, Gay M. Anderson, County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct account of all claims allowed by the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon; the funds on which said claims were drawn and the amount outstand ing warrants not paid, for the six months' period ending December 31, 1926. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this 29th day of January, 1927. (SEAL) GAY M. ANDERSON, County Clerk.