HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 30, 1926. PAGE FIVE rchool auditorium on the evening of Wednesday, January 6th, at 8 o'clock with the following cast: Hon. John Enlow Marion Palmar Ned Blake Elmo Nolan Ichabod Buyxer .. Elmer Palmer Sir Arthur Choice Ben Miller injun Jim Harold Sherer N'an Doris Wilcox Moll Buyzer Eva Wilcox Hon. Sarah Chumley Choke Helen Valentine Hortense Enlovr Erma Duvall An admission of 25 eenta for chil dren and 35 cents for adults will be charged. ?N?HESFR?KE?PTOLVE m US THIS NEW YEAR OF OUR LORD. Let byganes be byganes, Wha's huffed at anither Dinna cloot the auld days And the new anes thegither ; Wi' the fauts and the failing 0' past years be dune, Wi' a grip o' fresh freen'ship A New Year begin. So sang a Scot. Beneath the burr of his High land tongue the meaning of some of the words may be obscured, but the meaning of the verse as a whole is plain enough. Let bygones be bygones. The year of 1926 goes to join in history the years that have gone before. Throw away the hatchet along with the 1926 calendar. With the faults and the failings of past years be done. This is another year. Begin it with a grip of fresh friendship. LocaS i Miss Frances Parker, teacher of Hurricane school near Joseph, Ore gon, arrived home Saturday evening to spend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Parker. A blockade of the highway between Minam and Elgin caused trouble which delayed the arrival of Miss Parker a day. There has been a very heavy fall of snow in that part of the state and the highway crews are busy keeping the road in shape so that the traffic can move without serious delay. Mr. and Mrs. John Clouston drove down from their home at Pomeroy, Wash., on Friday, and were guests until Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs.-Clouston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Dovin. In getting to Hepp ner they were somewhat delayed by heavy snowdrifts on the highway be tween Weston and Athena, otherwise ihe trip was quite pleasant. Mrs. A. M. Phelps, who was recently tailed to Marion, Iowa, by the illness of a sister, Miss Marshall, arrived home Friday morning in time to be with her family for the Christmas season. Mrs. Phelps reports that her sister passed away within an hour or so after she arrived at her bedside. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gentry came over from Pendleton to enjoy the Christmas season with Mr. Gentry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gentry. Emery is a salesmnn for the Ford agency Rt Pendleton. Roland Humphreys, who is taking some advanced woik at the University of Oregon, a well as being an assist ant on the faculty of that institution, came home for the Christmas holidays the end of the week. He was com pelled to return to his work on Tues day, after enjoying several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. J, Hum phreys. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston took ad vantage of the Christmas holiday and traveled to Portland, where they spent the day with their daughter, Miss Elizabeth, who is confined in a sani tarium there. They report a pleasant day, and that Miss Elizabeth is stead ily improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. liuston arrived home Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Mather of Prairie City were guests at the home of Mrs. Mather's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, in this city for the holidays. Mr. Mather, who has been quite ill, is much improved and will be able to take up his duties as head of the Prairie City schools when the holi days are over. Mrs. Frank Rasmus, who is a pa tient at the Hot Lake sanatorium, underwent an operation on Friday morning for the removal of gall stones. Report received by Mr. Ras mus is to the effect that she is doing well and rapidly recovering from the effects of the ordeal. Miss Gladys Benge is spending the holiday season with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph Eskelson, having arrived from Walla Walla on Friday. Mial Benge is a student at Whitman col lege. ' Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hayes of Jo seph who spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Hayes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Crawford, departed on Monday for their home. LEXINGTON. Son Recommended for Appointment. Mrs. Ola Ward is in receipt of word from 0. A. C. stating that her son, Dallas Ward, has been recommended for appointment to West Point mili--ary academy by Senator Stanfield. This news, coming at the holiday season filled Mrs. Ward wuli jujt pride, and this feeling is shared by Morrow county people at large, who are glad to know that a native son has been thus honored. Dallas has been making his own way at college, and his college standing is high. He also ranks high among the athletes of the Northwest, and has but lecent ly been appointed to the highest mil itary position on the campus at 0. A. C, that of cadet colonel, and is vice president of the student body. Miss Velle Ward, his sister, is also a stu dent at 0. A. C. this year, majoring in commerce. School Gives Christmas Program. On last Thursday afternoon the Lexington school gave a very appro priate Christmas program in the high school auditorium. The most attrac tive feature was a skit put on by Miss Vail's first grade in which Billie Bur chell, Keith Gntry. Freddie Wade and Kenneth Thornburg sang in costume representing respectively Old Uncle Ned of the South, Mr. Cortez of Spain, Harry Lauder of Scotland, and Mr. Brown, society dude, of New York. The little fellows received a hearty applause after which they sang and danced "Oh We Are Jolly Good Fellows." Superintendent and Mrs. Johnston departed Thursday evening for their home at Aurora; Mr. Mauney left for the Willamette valley; the Misses Vail and Alexander for Baker and Mra. Gerald White for Hermiston. Mrs. Turner is with her family in Heppner. School will begin again January 3rd. Lexington is indeed fortunate in having such a capable high school force, and with the ad dition of the muBic department this year the school is equal to any of its size. Mae Gentry has been spending the fore part of the holiday week with Jeanette and Anabel Turner in Hepp ner. Among our young people who are home from college for the holidays are Maxine Gentry, Opal and Wilma Leach, Glen Shearer, James Keller, Laurence Beach, Frieda McMillan, For delicious quality service and low price you thank us and no matter how large or small your order WE THANK YOU. We Wish You a Happy New Year. i Hiatt & Dix M a Clearance Sale But following our policy of charging only a reasonable profit we are reducing our prices in line with reductions to us. Princess Flour The flour that is always the same. Makes good bread, pie or cake. Sold at a very reasonable price always and still lower now. Corn - Rolled Barley While our present supplies last we are offering corn at $42.00 and rolled bar ley at $33.00 per ton. BUY IT NOW. NEXT WEEK MAY BE TOO LATE Brown Warehouse Co. PHONES: Warehouse, 643; Residence, 644 As the old year dies, and the new one is born, we feel a deep gratitude for the happiness and success of 1926 which our friends made possible. We wish you all the compliments of the season, and hope 1 927 will bring you much Happiness and success. Malcolm D. Clark ITZZZIIZL T : Dallas and Velle Ward and Alice Pal mer. The teacners of the Lexington school wish to take this meBns of thanking Leach Bros, for the box of oranges they presented the school for a Christmas treat, and likewise M. L, Case for the box of lovely ap ples he presented at the same time. Young People to Give Play. The senior class of the Congrega tional Sunday school are preparing to present a comedy-drama in three actB, entitled "Lighthouse Nan." The performance will be given in the high ARTHUR BRISBANE'S This Week Greatest Editorial Feature .L ;,',. ; - i , ; r t ( . V r i.VM't- V; ,-v Lftr.M 1 ' 1 LIKE THE SUMMIT OF EVEREST the commanding editorial stature of Arthur Brisbane is all towering. Wilded as a sword by Brisbane, the pen that is mightier than the sword shadows armies, navies, governments and industries and traverses continents, oceans and even the universe. The deep knowledge and wide experience of Bris bane, apparent in every line he writes, reflect the searchlight of scrupulous clarity, boldly illuminating for class and mass alike the deepest problems and most profound philosophy. The author of THIS WEEK, editorial JOVE of forty millions, is truly the EDITORIAL COLOSSUS OF AMERICA and his writ ings constitute AN INTELLECTUAL OCEAN THAT WASHES EVERY SHORE OF THOUGHT. THIS WEEK EVERY WEEK in Heppner Gazette Times We hail with joy the coming of the New Year, and are wishing for you the happiest and most most prosperous year you have ever had. We thank you for your gen erous patronage and confidence, and hope your loyal support will continue for many years to come. 4 is Phelps Grocery Company PHONE 5? ill