PAGE SIX HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1926. THE HEPPNERIAN Published Weekly by the Student) of Heppner High School Editor-in-Chief Joy Erwin Assistant Editor . Kenneth Oviat Iteporters: Girls' SporU Mae Groshens Boys' Sports Gene Doherty Social Louise Thomson Personals Reta Crawford Activities Mae Doherty Grades , Letha Hiatt Jokes Ellis Thomson POLITENESS. People are usually judged by their actions which like everything else may be good or bad. Although each one of us is different from the other, everyone has his or her own pecul iarities, there are some rules or customs that we should follow if we wish to be respected. There are manners or rules of politeness and whether we are polite when we grow older depends on how we start in life. If we are taught when we are but small children to say "thank you" and "please" and the many other small words and phrases that we thould use or if we are taught to give up our chair when an older per son comes into the room, these little actions will soon become habits that we will not outgrow. Do you not admire a child who does these things? A child who is courteous is usually noticed and many remarks are made to his credit. Among the other things that we gain as we increase our habits of politeness is an ease and grace in bearing invaluable to us, no matter what our life's work may be. Every one enjoys the company of one who is polite and who seems to know how to say the right thing at the right time, and this kind of person is usually successful in business. o Friday the junior class was invited to spend the evening at the. home of Harold .Erwin. The purpose of the -party was to celebrate the success of the junior play. They met at Vaughn's at saven o' clock, whence they embarked in cars provided by the junior boys. Singing and dancing were the main events of the evening, accompanied by the excellent music played by the Erwin orchestra. The class wai sur prised and pleased to have with them Miss Miller, Miss Wright, Miss Fishel and Miss Murray, and considered themselves very fortunate to have ao many of the teachers present. At midngiht an excellent supper was devoured by the hungry guests. Shortly afterward the party broke up and the guests departed for their re spective homes. Every Wednesday at 1:46 an as sembly is held, devoted to singing old time songs. .The officer of each class in turn to pick out the songs. Last week the seniors had charge of the fest. This week the juniors will be the leaders. Mildred Green was absent from school Monday and Tuesday because of tonsilitis and rheumatism. The Booster club girls gave a few demonstrations of their school spirit by putting on a program before the student body, Friday. Several girls were selected as members of the fac ulty, and girls in the club were given parts of different students in the high school. Each teacher held her class and questions were asked the differ ent students. It's really surprising how much girls know. Velton Owen, Eva Hiatt, and Joy Erwin gave read ings, after which the Booster club orchestra entertained, with Gertrude Doherty as director. Mlidred Green showed the assembly what Mr. John son would be like ten years from now, Velma Fell and Reta Crawford impersonated Miss Murray and Miss Pearson, and Mae and Rosella Doher ty were Miss Miller and Miss Fishel. Mr. Burgess was impersonated by Elizabeth Elder and Joy Erwin imper sonated Miss Wright. In all, the girls created a new feel ing of school spirit with which to pep up the basketball games coming off soon. , o- Christmas holidays will begin next Thursday, and a lot is being planned by way of program throughout the grades. As usual they will have a tree and gifts. In the high school cantata will be given, direction of Miss Wright. under the There will also be a tree, and gifts will be given out after the program. The teachers will depart for their homes on Thurs day to spend their vacation. Up the steps limped Freda Akers, Hazel McDaid, and Ruth Furlong. Up the steps crawled Mae Groshens, Mary Ritchie and Miss Miller. Next came Cathrine Bisbee, Evelyn Swindig, Mary Beamer, and others. A series of groans were audible because of bruis es, black and blue spots and stiff mus cles. Why? Because basketball prac tice has started. The girls' turnout was better than it has been for years and maybe it's because of the coach, Miss Miller, who is the best they have had in a good long while. The girls expect to run off a series of games in the same man ner as the boys. They will have their interclass games, and from these the coach expects to pick the main team. The faculty is also planning a team that will be composed of the Misses Miller, Fischel, Wright, Murray high school teachers and the Misses Thorpe and Fredreckson, grade teach ers. The high school girls will have the hall Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday evenings, while the faculty hat it Friday nights after dinner. Miss Dustin from the Oregon state library held a meeting of all the high school librariana. She instruct ed them upon mending and renum ing books. She also gave a few points cn how to keep a library. There is a happy bunch of -trosn-' and it isn't because of the snow and the surety of Santa Claua' arrival; but they have something like the other classes, something that will des ignate that they are "freshies" in Heppner High. That thing is a beau tiful coral and tan pennant, just like the seniors'. This pennant will soon be gracing the assembly walls of Heppner High. Fletcher Walker is getting so fast that he signs his name Fletcher Run ner now. Last Monday at the student body meeting one student wanted to know who would be Santa Claus at the an nual Christmas program in the as sembly. Miss Pearson: "Don't tell who Santa is going to be because you might surprise some of the fresh men." The civics class have completed their text and they are now making a detailed study of Heppner's type of government. Last Friday they elected city officers. The officers are as follows: Mayor, Paul Hisler; Councilmen, Marjorie Clark, Reta Crawford, Anna Wightman, Ruth Fur long, Velma Fell and Gene Doherty; Treasurer, Orrin Bisbee; Recorder, Earl Ayres; Marshal, Miss Fishel. Mayor Hisler appointed the remain ing officers. They are going to study different bills that are to be discussed and there is also to be an impeach ment case. o John Conder had the misfortune of injuring his foot by stepping on a nail a week ago last Wednesday eve ning. John missed a week of school and although his foot has not yet en tirely healed he returned to school last Wednesday. o Heppner High school basketball teams are working under a handicap, but they hav enot yet lost their de termination to make a winning team. Coach Johnson has been doing his best to get some semblence of a team from the material that has been turning out. The old Swindig ware house has been fixed up for a place in which to play basketball. There is as much room as there was in the old basketball hall and when the stoves are set up in it, it will not be quite so frigid. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. Preaching at 11:00 a. m., Christ mas sermon. Evangelistic service in the evening at 7:30. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. All are cordially invited. I. V. PARKER, Pastor. Make Your Xmas Present A USEFUL ONE Footwear is always well-appreciated by every member of the family. jjosjery For this occasion we have bought a large stock of men's, women's and 7e nr. . ----- children's 75cto4pr. SLIPPERS, PUMPS, OXFORDS A fine assortment of men's and women's hosiery to select from. A very small payment will keep your purchase til Christmas. "U)iamcnd OJ'iand " GONTY'S PAT McDEAVITT BURIED. Pat McDeavitt, formerly of Pendle ton, who died in Vallejo, Cal., Decem ber 6, was buried this morning from the Catholic church here, states Mon day's East Oregonian. Immediate relatives were in attendance. He is survived by his mother, Mrs.- Dennis McDeavitt, two brothers, . Dan and Joseph in Ireland, Charles McDeavitt of Gurdane, Mrs. J. Daly of Heppner, Miss Lizzie McDeavitt of Pendleton, Mrs. E. Daugherty of Walla Walla and Mrs. T. Crossin of Idaho. Mr. McDeavitt was born In Donegal, Ireland. AUXILIARY TO INSTALL. The newly elected officers of Amer ican Legion Auxiliary wjll be install ed at their meeting to be held at Legion headquarters in the McMurdo building on next Tuesday evening, at the regular hour of meeting.- Hoi-, tesses for tlus evening ill be Mes- s dames Olson and Kane. ' i The members of Heppner Commer cial' club and others making up . the party that met Governor Pierce and other members of the board of con trol and their party at Heppner Junc tion on Sunday afternoon and accom panied them to Heppner were W. E. Pruyn, Mayor E. G. Noble, Dr, A. D. McMurdo, Dean T. Goodman, V. Craw ford, P. M. Gemmell, Gay M. Ander son, Dr. A. H. Johnston, C. L. Sweet, S, E. Notson and L. E. Van Marter, Good mroning! Have you done , that Christmas shopping? Look this edition of the G.-T. over fro sug gestions and bargains in Christmas buying offered by the local merch ants. You can't do better anywhere. Buy Your Christmas Candy NOW WE SELL THE BEST Bon Bons, Choco lates, Creams, Candied Fruits Hard Candies Marshmallows Caramels Artists have captured in the boxes all of the glorious happy Yule tide spirit. So exquis itely decorated com pliments to the good ness they contain. Boxed Candies from 40c to $5. Take home a Brick of Ice Cream tonight. EXTRA SPECIAL Family Package high grade choc olates: 5 lbs. $2.00; 2i2 lbs, $1.00. . .. Be it today Christmas' Day or any day our candy, so attractively boxed, is the ever welcome gift. Greeted with broad smiles of aprpeciation by young and old friend or loved one. GORDON'S First for Thirst Wonderful Showing of Robes - Blankets Smart Gifts for Anyone, wife, mother, sweetheart sister or brother $8.50 to $15.00 A Beautiful Selection AWAITS YOU r. Ml Christmas Candy Nuts and Sweetmeats Galore feature our Grocery Depart ment, with 7: Mincemeat, Cranberries, Plum Pudding, Vegetables, in fact Everything for Xmas Eating From HEAD FEET we can outfit zmri;y l tit n (old or young) Boys' Caps $1.00 to $3.50 Men's Caps . $1.50 to $3.50 Boys' Hats 50c to $2.00 Men's Hats $2.50 to $5.00 Men's Shoes $4.50 to $5.00 sSxV $5.00 -s . 1. rv a. Thomson Brothers When the Gift is from HER to HER Give Dainty Gifts Fancy Handkerchiefs in Boxes 50c to $3.00 IT """ '"Ol SILK STOCKINGS Silk Stockings, in all shades $1.00 to $3.00 Outing, Crepe and Silk Nightgowns $1.50 to $3.95 Fancy Rubber Aprons - 65c to $2.00 Brush Wool Gloves $1.25 to $1.65 OUR LARGE STOCKS AFFORD WIDE RANGE FOR SELECTION Bloomer Sets $3.00 Rayon Bloomers $2.00 Rayon Shirts $1.00 Silk Brassiers $1.00 to $3.50 Silk Step-ins $1.35 to $2.75 French Pants, Silk $1.50 Please bring me : A Pair of Roller Skates, an Air Gun, a Football, a Pedal Bike, an Electric Train, a Sled, a Tool Chest, a Steam Engine, a Skooter, just like I saw at Thomson Brothers. LITTLE TOT." "J