HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 16, 1926. PAGE FIVE DECEMBER TERM COURT PROCEEDINGS Be It remembered, that Courfty Court mot in regular session at the Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, on Wednesday the 1st day of December, 1926, the same being the regular meeting of said Court when all officers were present and the following proceedings were had, to-wits The road petition of V. L. Carlson was read and Emil Grotkopp was ap pointed viewer to act with regular viewers and Saturday, Dee. 4, 1928, was set as date for making survey and view of proposed road. The eourt considered the budget as proposed and continued the same pending the receipt of the State Tax from the State Tax Commission. The following claims were approved and ordered paid: C. B. Orai, sealer... ... 8.15 A. J. Chaffee, overseer 100.00 Lydia Ritchie, pension 10.00 Rebecca Knight, pension 25.00 Julia McEntire, pension S2.60 Ida Fletcher, poor 15.0'i Henry Cramer, poor 25.P0 Harry Archer, poor . 15.00 . Belle Courter, poor 20.00 Mabel Howell, poor 20.00 G. A. Bleakman, Co. Ct. 21.00 L. P. Davidson, Co. Ct. 65.30 R. L. Benge, Co. Ct.. 36.15 J. E. Smith, Co. Ct. 25.00 W. F. Barnett, election 4.00 Leo V. Root, election 6 00 Pac. Tel. A Tel. Co., Cur. Ex. 3S.66 Kilham Sty. Co., sheriff 1.57 Union Oil Co., sheriff 20.00 Vivian Kane, sheriff 115.00 Paul McDuffee, sheriff 115.00 M. D. Clark, Ct. He..... 2.90 Glass-Prudhomme Co., clerk 4.79 Gazette Times, various 156.70 Sam Hughes Co., Ct. Hse 2.05 Heald-Menery Co., Ct. Hse 3.90 H. M. Walker, Supt .. 67.49 W. A. McCarty, juvenile 13.00 Phelps Grocery, poor . 1-15 A. E. Perry, watermaster. 28.22 G. W. Grim, Spl. 1 74.36 C. E. Glasgow, Spl. 1 136.81 Robert Anderson, 14 19.97 Gazette Times, roads . 29.40 B, P. Stone, general 10.50 J. K. Gill Co., general 10.00 J. W. Kirschner, general 90.00 City of Lexington, 11 Sbb.K C. E. Carlson, 14 ...... 16.50 H. E. Peterson, 9 43.50 Carl Leathers, 20 - 8.36 A. J. Chaffee, general 1.75 Arlington Nat. Bank, roads. .. 252.44 F. A S. Bank, roads 1,100.59 Bank of Tone, roads 499.32 1st National, roads 3,106.62 1st National, market 1,360.21 Bank of lone, market ..... 2,769.00 F. & S. Bank, market 944.60 Gabriel Powder eo., market.... 43.10 F. Shively, market 28.00 The Community Supper Really Like Chrittmas inPHBSB community suppers 1 are always stupid 1" declared a pretty girl to a small group around her. "I wish we could put some pep and fun Into this one and give the people a good time. Some tiling really like Christmas and not so dull." . The others looked dubious and scratched their heads. "What'U we dot" they asked. "I know," declared the pretty girt. "Just got the Idea. Now listen everyone: Why not Imitate the way they used to do In oldeo times t A minstrel In the gallery, lota of minstrels I Singing and playing on horns and things ! Hide them by screens covered with greens. Let the people get seated at the tables, then pipe up with old songs every one knows. Dress the minstrels In gay colors. Then have them come down the stairs sing ing and playing. Let them wine among the table. Have jestet in front joking and making fun. A real old English cuntom. It wffl $1.35 help a lot and give the diners a good time. , "And," added another, fired with enthusiasm, "red candles on the tables, wreaths at all the windows, waitresses with red ribbons about their heads and a sprig of holly tucked over one ear." "Not to mention," laughed third, "a dinner of roast turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, rolls, coffee and mince pie!" "Kliht-o!" said the rest. And so It was done. The very merriest community supper that was ever given In that town. Pa tience Eden. (A. ICS, VfMUra Hawap&ptr Unloa. Sing Heigh-Hol Unto the Chriitmas Holly NOTHING quite so typifies the spirit of Christmas as a bough of beautiful, glistening follaged and scarlet-berried holly. Holly seems the quintessence of Yule and should, and generally does, oceuigr the place of honor In Christmas decorations. There are states where the holly Isn't to be found In great abun dance. In some sections of the South a limited supply must be made to serve the purpose. For profuse decorations other greens fashioned from sprays of Irish yew whose fan-like and lacy foliage Is ideal for "this use; and, to There ; are the beautiful, waxy leaves : from the magnolia as well ss cedar. But the holly bough, of course, : of all Christmas green Is the love- llest and most popular, not only ! here but In other lands, snd In ! Frame, In particular, as Brittany grows it In quantities. The holly is of slow growth and propagated by seed which do not germinate un til the second year. We think of holly berries always as being red, but some kinds bear yellow fruit, some white, and some others black. The holly has a commercial value that Isn't generally known. ta even-grained and hard wood Is Ivory white sk.1 Is used for Inlay ing and as an ebony substitute for teapot handles and other articles, when stained. The leaves are used In medicine. Frances Marshall Morgan. ' ((5. 1111. WMtira !wr UaUa.) Eat It by the Ton Twelve hundred tons of plum pudding are consumed In London at Christmas. Start Day Early In Finland it is a custom to at tend church services at Ave o'clock on Christmas morning. Case Furniture Company assmi mas 5sssassxassESjj Mine's In! I Is Yours? I TUM-A-LUM 1 LUMBER CO. I bMMi, Loaiagt . Use i The Perfect Christmas Gift Farmers & Stockgrowers National Heppner Bank Oron GOOD EATS for the HOLIDAYS After a whole year of waiting the holidays are here so eat, drink and be merry. This is the season for putting extra leaves in the tables and unusual activity in the kitchen because feasts are again in vogue. But we're ready for all the man sized appetites with the largest and most complete store of good things to eat imaginable. Not only nuts fruits and tid bits for the trim min's, but real fillin's for the meal itself. Wholesome, nourishing foods of unexcelled qual ity, delicious in taste. We also have an excellent line of fresh Christ mas Candy of all varieties, gift boxes and bulk. Come and look over the line. We will furnish candy containers ready to hang on the tree. Place your order early let us fill it promptly. WE DELIVER Hiatt & Dix (it Hostess Cakes All Varieties. Assorted Nuts. American Cheese. Swiss Cheese. Pimento Cheese. Fancy Oranges in Five Sizes. Fine, Tender Celery. Fancy and Plain Cookies. 8 I?!!! . . i bb! , . .asBgBsssgsBssaBssg , nTTTTrS ."':',... " r2E " I T5SSSIS5IZI2SIS5!ISSSIIISIIISISZSSr j St. Nicholas Is loaded with orders to fill at CLARK'S Appropriate Presents for Any Member of the Family MUNSING For all the WlVeaF family is especially appropriate for HER RAYON BOOT- -Reinforced mercerized lisle garter top. All Colors 59c Silk Plaited Over Rayon Boot $1.00 Reinforced 811k Plated Garter Top. All colors. $1.50 Service Weight Silk 23-lnch, silk boot and narrow lisle top; Oak feoff. Sugar Cane, Blue Fox, Grain, Parchment, Mauve, Taupe. $2.00 Popular for all-round wear. Silk chiffon with reinforced foot and top. Colors I Almond, Champat-ne, Alesan, Moonlight, Nude, and Gun Metal. $2.50 . All silk, full fashioned, heavy, extra fin guage, Colors: Black, Blush, Rose Taupe, Moonlight and Champagne. RAYON BLOOMERS Rayon Step-In Bloomers. Rayon Setp-ln Pants. Rayon Step-in Chemise. Rayon Step-in Chemise with Brassiere top. Rayon Vesta. Rayon Princeaa Slips. MENYoung and Old Appreciate Gifts of Usefulness NECKTIES Boys' Ties in Boxes 60c Men's Ties SOc, 75c, fl, $1.25 HALF HOSE 50c, 60c, 70c, $1 Just a few of the many nice things you'll find here for HIM For the HOME Curtains Towels Blankets Sheets Quilts etc. LADIES' HANDKERCHIHFS A beautiful assort ment of Ladies' Handkerchiefs at 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, SOc, 60c, 75c, $1.00 Boxes containing J Handkerchiefs 35c, SOc, 60c, 75c, fl.00, $1.25. $1.60 SHIRTS $2.50 and $3.00 Handkerchiefs 25c- 35c, 50c, 75c Paris Garter Sets Boxes 25c, 35c, 60c, 60c, $1.00 MALCOLM D. CLARK