Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 09, 1926, Image 1

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Volume 43, Number 37.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Bill is Modelled After Act
Calling for Building at
Boulder Canyon.
$45,000,000 Bond Issue Desired; Pro
ject to Pay for Itself Through
Power Sales When Constructed
A complete draft of the McNary
Sinnott bill calling for construction of
the Umatilla rapids projoct has been
received in Pendleton. The measure
follows the general lines of the Boul
der canyon project which has been ap
proved by the senate committee and
by the department of the interior.
Submitting a copy of the bill o the
Pendleton East Oregonian, Senator
Charles L. McNary wrote the follow
ing explanatory letter.
Washington, D. C,
November 24, 1926.
Mr. E, B. Aldrich,
Editor East Oregonian,
Pendleton, Oregon.
My Dear Mr. Aldrich:
After my return to Washington
early in November, I entered upon a
study of a bill to provide for the pro
tection and development of the Uma
tilla Rapids in the Columbia River.
Later, I discussed the subject with
the solicitor of the Reclamation Bu
reau and he sanctioned the draft of
the bill I had prepared. '
Some days ago, when Congressman
Sinnott returned to Washington, I
took the matter up with him in two
or three conferences and he also
thought the draft covered the situa
tion. As usual, I found Congress
man Sinnott's judgment mature and
You will understand that the bill
does not in any sense exhaust the
subject, nor is it a covenant that can
not be altered. Congressman Sinnott
and I shall introduce the bill in the
House and Senate probably the first
day of the session. It will then form
a basis of a hearing and a report from
the Department of the Interior. I
thought you would be Interested in
having a complete copy of the pro
posal and that you might want to
quote largely from it, as it is a mat
ter of great importance to your com
munity and the State. I had this copy
mnde for you and it gives me pleasure
to forward it. After you have given
it study, I hope that you will write
me frankly, setting forth such criti
cisms as you may have, or suggestions
for its alteration, or if you genrally
coincide with its main features.
With sincere good wishes always,
I am
Very truly yours,
69th Congress
2nd Session.
Mr. McNary introduced the follow
ing bill, which was read twice and re
ferred to the Committee on Irrigation
and Reclamation.
To provide for the protection and
development of the Umatilla Rapids
in the Columbia River.
Be it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the Uni
ted States of America in Congress as
sembled, that, for the purpose of
(Continued on Page Six)
Move for City Library
Halted by Non-Support
Miss Mary Jane Dustin, state li
brary representative, on her return
to Heppner the first of the week,
found that the local library move
she was sponsoring had struck a
tnag. The form in which the project
was presented did not appeal to some
people, which is given as the reason
tor lack of support by fraternal or
ganizations. When she met with the city council
Mondny evening, Miss Dustin was
again nonplused when Mayor Noble
made it known that he could not keep
his promise of $50 from the city as
no available funds whatever had been
provided in the budget. The senti
ment of the council expressed at its
meeting was that the county should
finance the library.
Miss Dustin planned to return to
Heppner yesterday In a final attempt
to feel out just how much sentiment
really exists in favor of a library, in
hopes of locating enough persons In
terested to put the project across.
She spent a day at Lexington and
lone this week.
The local committee working with
Miss Dustin reported that they be
lieved expenses should not exceed
$200 the first year.
Annual election of the Masonic
bodies of Heppner will be held as
follows: On Friday, December 10,
(tomrorow evening), the Eastern Star
will hold its election, as well as hav
ing Initiatory works Thursday, Dec.
1, Heppner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M.,
will elect its fllocers, and on Satur
day, December 18, Heppner Lodge No.
69, A. F. & A. M., will choose officers
for the next year. It is planned for
the three organizations to hold a joint
installation on the evening of De
comber 20th. The ceremonies will be
preceded by a banquet at 8:80.
Beautiful Ceremonies Held Sunday
Afternoon In Memory of
Departed Brothers.
A most fitting service was carried
out last Sunday at the i hall of Hepp
ner Lodge No. 358, B. P. O. E., in
memory of the departed brothers of
the lodge, but one of some 10,000
like services held throughout Elkdom
on the same day. Hon. Stephen A.
Lowell of Pendleton delivered the
memorial message, a message of in
tensive meaning, while the service
was beautifully replete with the trib
ute of the lodge and appropriate mu
sical numbers.
Gay M. Anderson, Exalted Ruler,
presided and Rev. B. Stanley Moore
filled the office of Chaplain for the
occasion. Music was furnished by a
quartet, Mrs. W. E. Moore, Miss Mar
garet Wright, Milton W. Bower and
Harvey Miller, who sang two num
bers by Gounod, "Send Out Thy
Light" and "Unfold Ye Portals;" and
Miss Margaret Wright, who sang
beautifully "The Lord Is Risen" by
Sullivan. The lodge and audience
joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne."
Departed brothers who failed to an
swer the roll call, and in whose mem
ory the services were held, are Andy
Rood, Jr., Wm. Haylor, O. O. Edwards,
John McEntire and John Keegan,
these members having been called to
the great beyond the past year.
In his message, Judge Lowell stress
ed the high precepts of the order.
making a special plea for better
srhools and more respect for law as
safeguards for these precepts. He
drew a beautiful word picture of the
landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth
and of the three monoliths erected
there in their memory, depicting Jus
tice, Morality and Law, giving an in
spirational discourse on the place
these time-honored tenets hold in the
fabric of our republic.
One thing Judge Lowell wished
especially to impress upon his listen
ers was the duty of American citizens
to fulfill the office of jurors, a thing
that appealed to him after long ex
perience at the bar and on the bench,
as having the greatest bearing on law
enforcement and disparagement of
"Ninety-five per cent of the citizens
of the United States are law abiding,
while only five per cent are law
breaking," Mr. Lowell declared, "and
it is up to the ninety-five per cent to
jee that the other five per cent obey
the law, no matter how drastic meas
ures may be necessary." But to do
this, he said, it is absolutely neces
sary that every citizen willingly ac
cept his obligation when called on a
jury panel. And when a citizen is
thus summoned he becomes as much
an officer of the law as is the judge
who presides over the court.
All winter coats off at the Cur-
ran Hat Shop.
New Repayment
for Proposed Gym Bonding
A satisfactory scheme that will har
monize with the present system of re
tiring the school bonds of District
No. 1 and at the same time retire
any additional bonds that might be
voted by the taxpayers of the dis
trict, has been devised. Under this
plan the district will be entirely freed
fiom debt by 1946, and at no time will
the rate of taxation be increased be
yond 10-13 of a mill.
Through the octivities of the late
Mr. Woodson, the bonds of the dis
trict were placed upon a serial basis
i'or retirement, or in other words a
certain amount of the bonded indebt
edness is paid back each year, so that
the weight of the district debt does
not "fall heavily any particular year,
and by 1941 the district would be en
tirely relieved of debt.
The main question that has con
i ion ted the board of directors in dis
cussing the feasibiltiy of the new
auditorium-gymnasium, has been the
best way to accommodate the propo
sed new issue with the present in
debtedness in such a way that the
yearly tax rate will not be substan
tially increased.
A glance at the accompanying table
will show the proposed scheme.
Tho column headed "Total payment
to be made each year," indicates the
amount that is now being paid in
other words, the total amount to be
paid in 1927 is $2,950, which includes
$1950 interest on the bonded debt
and $1000 payment on the princ pal,
leaving the bonded indebtedness of
ihe. district standing at $38,000. As
a further example of this system, in
tho year 1932, a total payment of
1050 will be made which includes
$1560 in interest and $2,500 on the
Present Bond Retirement Scheme
Date Amt. toRte Date of Amt.of I Total District! Aud. I Aud. Total
Due be raid Issue Int. Pm t.J DebtJ Bonds Int. Pmt.
1-1-1927 I $OforiTlT-T9W"$ I
1-1-1928 1,600 6 1-1-1925 1,900 3,400 36,500 $20,000 $1,000, 4,400
1-1-1929 1,600 6 1-1-1926 1,825 3,325 35,000 20,000 1,000 4,326
1-1-1930 2,000 6 1-1-1915 1,750 3,750 33,000 20,000 1,000 4,760
1-1-1931 2,000 6 1-1-1925 1,660 3,650 31,000 20,000 1,000 4,650
1-1-1932 2,600 6 1-1-1925 U50 4,050 28,600 20,000 1,000) 6,060
1-1-1933 2,500 6 1-1-1925 1,426 3,925 26,000 20,000 1,000 4,926
1-1-1934 3,000 5 1-1-1925 1,300 4,300 23,000 20,000 1,0001 6,300
1-1-1936 8,000 5 1-1-1925 1,160 4,160 20,000 20,000 1,000 6 160
1-1-1936 3,000 6 1-1-1925 1,000 4,000 17,000 20,000 11,000 6 ---
1-1-1937 3,000 5 1-1-1925 850 . 3,860 14.000) 20,000 1,000 4150
1-1-1938 8,500 5 1-1-1925 700 4,200 ; 10,500 20j000 1,000 5 200
1-1-1935 8,600 6 1-1-1925 526 4,026 1 7,000; 20,000 1,000 5,026
1-1-1940 8,600 6 1-1-1926 350 8,850 3,600 20,000 1,000 4,675
1-1-1941 8,500 6 1-1-192B 175 8,675 20,000 1,000 5,000
1-1-1942 4,000 6 1-1-1925 4.000 16,000 1,000 6,000
1-1-1948 4,000 6 1-1-1935 4,000 12,000 800 4 800
1-1-1944 4,000 5 1-1-1926 4,000 8,000 600 4 600
1-1-1945 4,000 6 1-1-1936 . 4,000 ' 4,000 400 4 400
1-1-1946 4,000 6 1-1-1925 4,000 2001 4 200
Umatilla Permittees Will
Meet Here to Discuss
Report of Casement Says Proposed
Appraisals Here Not in Accord
With ThoBe Elsewhere.
A proposed increase in grazing fees
has stirred Morrow county stockmen,
as well as stockmen throughout east
ern Oregon, to resentful action, be
lieving that such an increase under
existing conditions would be unjust
That a thoruogh discussion of the
matter may be had a meeting of the
Umatilla Permittees association and
other stockmen will be held in Hepp
i.er on January 21. Hugh Sproat,
secretary of the Oregon, Woolgrowers
association will be here, and the re
port of Don D. Casement to Hon. Wil
liam M. Jardine, secretary of agricul
ture, on conditions relating to the
proposed increase will be gone over.
A full announcement of the meeting
will be made next week.
For the information of interested
persons we are printing herewith ex
cerpts from Mr. Casement's report:
In Oregon private land selections
are considered in three groups cor
responding to a similar grouping of
the forests of Western, Central and
Eastern Oregon. The latter group
may safely be designated as the sor
est spot on the map of all the wes
tern states in so far as the result
cf the range appraisal is concerned.
A visit to the five forests of this
group disclosed great dissatisfaction
among permittees with the fees pro
posed by the Report for local appli
cation. Sheep fees here, if the ap
praisal recommendations are accept
ed, would range in all but one in
stance frmo 8 to 12 cents per head
per month, with corresponding cattle
rates from 20 to 27 cents. This rela
tion between sheep and cattle fees
of approximately 2 1-2 to 1 differs
widely from the ratio of 3 and 4 to
1 generally recommended for the
states previously mentioned. It is
ulso apparnt that the proposed fees,
especially for sheep, are much higher
than elsewhere except in California.
Various views are hold by permit
tees as probable explanations of this
situation. It is said that the rela
tively high rentals for private lands
in this locality are due to the former
I revalence of easy money, over ex
pansion and an unprecedented era of
wild speculation which has in some
conspicuous cases resulted disastrous-
( Continued on Page Eight.)
Plan Given
Tirincipal, and the bonded indebted
ness of the district that year will
stand at $28,500.
Should the school patrons approve
the issue of $20,000, tho plan of pay
ment contemplates no payment on
'.ie principal until 1941, when tho en
tire present bonded indebtedness will
hive been paid. From 1942 until 1946
payment of $4000 a year on the aud
itorium are contemplated. Unt.
1942 the only payments that would
be made on the auditorium would be
$1000 yearly interest. The assessed
valuation of School Distrcit No. 1
now stands at $1,331,001. Levying a
tux of one mill against this valuation
would raise $1331 per year, or $331
more than necessary to pay the $1000
interest. Therefore a levy of 10-18
of one mill is all that the present
rate of taxation would be increased.
Of course, the ultimate bonded in
debtedness of the district would be
carried up to 1948 as against 1942, but
ihis would be affected at the present
rate of taxation.
It is felt that this is by far the best
plan thus fur worked out, as it means
a very small present increase in
taxation and also includes the fact
that those children now using it
would be taxpayers themselves by the
time the bonds are to be retired, and
tnus help pay for the building they
would use.
Both the board of directors and
Superintendent Burgess feel much en
couraged over the financial situation
of the district. The tax lew was
reduced from 17.6 to 15.7 last year
and this in spite of the fact that two
big improvements were made a fire
escape wat ,enl on the building Rnd
Tin- halls wore leflooied.
Proposed Issue
Oregon Strives for
Seal Sale Record
With interest in
the state-wide aale
of Christmas seals
growing daily, the
results bid fair to
exceed all previous
sales in Oregon by
hundreds of dol
lars, is the good
word given out
from local head
quarters. The lo
cal salei organiza
tion has gotten busy and as a result
the entire town is liberally besprink
led with signs inviting attention to
the sale. Many of the business houses
have supplies on hand.
Word comes from the Portland
headquarters that Oregon is opt to
beat her record of last year, and the
wide publicity, advertising and hard
drives put on in various parts of the
state should indicate that the officials
mean what they say. In the seal drive
of 1925 Oregon ranked eighth among
che stutos, with a sale of 66 stamps
per capita. New York, of course,
headed the list owing to her heavy
population with 89 stamps for every
citizen of that state, while California
ranked fifth, only beating us by three
points in rank, and not even that
much in per capita sales, as she
bought but 65 stamps per Californ
ian. The slogan this year seems to be
"Boost and Buy" boost the sale and
buy the stamps. Boost the sale be
cause it means health and happiness
to Oregon folks, and buy the stamps
because they spread a message of
good cheer.
Shields Entertainment
Is Greatly Enjoyed
A fair sized audience greeted Harry
K. Shields, tenor soloist, at the Chris
tian church on last Friday evening,
and there was an expression of gen
eral satisfaction with the perform
ance. The entertainment was given
free, and at the close an offering was
teken, 40 per cent of which was turn
ed over to the Christian Endeavor
society of the church, who were in
charge of the arrangements.
Mr. Shields is a soloist and singing
evangelist of national reputation, and
Ins program was varied enough to
show his splendid ability. He was
ably assisted by Mrs. W. D. Humph
rey of Pendleton and Rev. Guy L.
Drill, pastor of the Christian church
at Pendleton and Rev. F.L. Wood,
pastor ot Lexington, lone and Alpine
churches, both readers of ability who
appeared several times on the pro
tram and were heartily encored. The
program was rather of an impromptu
nature, a sort of informal affair, and
there were no dull moments from
beginning to end. The Heppner peo
ple were greatly taken with Mr.
Shields, hig pleasing personality and
splendid musical talent combining to
make him an ideal entertainer, and
we hope that it will not be long ere
he comes this way again.
Rhea Creek Grange
Has Annual Election
At the regular meeting, held at
their new hall on Sunday, Dec. 6th,
Rhea Creek Grange held the annual
election of officers and chose O. E.
Wright, master; S. D. Wright, over
seer; Mrs. Sterling Fryrear, lceturer;
Kenneth Oviatt, steward; Ray Wright
assistant steward; Mrs. R. M. Oviatt,
chaplain; Anson Wright, treasurer;
Nellie Wright, secretary; James Stev
ens, gate keeper; Eva Wright, Ceres;
Pearl Wright, Pomona; Eva Stevens,
Flora; Mrs. Chas. Becket, lady assist
ant steward; Jeff Jones, Wes Stevens
and H. M. Olden, executive committee.
Work in the first and second de
grees was put on and 10 new mem
bers given these degrees, after which
tho usual good feed was enjoyed fol
lowed by a social hour. A social
time for Grange members only is to
be given at the hall on tomorrow eve
ning, December 10th.
Clarence Bauman and Jack Smith
will mix it in a fistic encounter as
the headtiner for a smoker to be
staged at the Burgoync store in Lex
ington, Friday, Dec. 17. Russell
Wright and Jimmie Leach are the
fromoters. Both Baumun and Smith
weigh in at 168 pounds. Smith huils
fiom Hermiston. Other events on
the card are: Boxing Vester Lane
vs. Billy Logan; Glen Gammell vs.
Cliff Miller; Vernon Warner vs. Mor
ris Reaney; Hup Glascock vs. Ken
neth Warner. Wrestling Judge Cor
niichoel vs. Austin Smith; Buck Ruhl
vs. Edward Keller. As a curtain
raiser LaVern Wright and Earl
Thornburg will i fight two 1-minute
rounds. A dance will take place im
mediately after the smoker with Twi
light Quintet furnishing the music.
Don't forget the open meeting of
Doric Lodge No. 20 next Tuesday eve
ning, when E. I. Ballngh, Grand
Chancellor, and Walter G. Gleason,
Grand Keeper of Records and Seal,
will be present. Supper at 7 o'clock
vith program following. An occasion
you'll remember. Be there.
The Rhea Cre'k Grange will hold
their annual bazaar on Saturday eve
ning, December 18, at 8:00 o'clock.
In addition to the bazaar, a three-act
comedy entitled "Poor Father," will
be given. Supper of sandwiches, cake
and coffee will be served by the home
economics committee. An admission
of 35 cents for adults and 16 cents
for children will be charged, 2t.
f 1QS6 If
Secretary Klein Makes Of
ficial Report to State
Only Fraction of a Mile of Pavement
Laid in 1926; List of Expenti
tures for Roads Given.
Salem, Ore., Dec. 7. Oregon's state
highway system on November 30, of
this year included 3521 miles of im
proved highways and 947.6 miles of
unimproved highways, according to a
report prepared here today by Roy
Klein, secretary of the state highway
commission. The report was submit
ted to Governor Pierce and will be
referred to the legislature which con
venes here next January.
Of the improved highways there are
688.5 miles of bituminous pavement,
208.5 milese of concrete pavement,
f.76.8 miles of oiled macadam, 1747.6
miles of rock surfacing and 300.5
miles which has been graded but not
The report showed that during the
current year only two-tenths of a
mile of new pavement has been laid.
There were 8.4 miles of pavement
lesurfaced. Other improvements dur
ing the first 11 months of the year
included 343.6 miles of oiled maca
dam, 129.8 miles of rock surfacing,
40.1 miles of rock surfacing, 139.8
miles of grading and 9 miles of grade
Year's Expenditures Listed.
Expenditures during the current
year aggregated $10,018,492.75, of
which $3,744,425.85 was listed as new
construction. Additions and better
ments aggregated $513,032.48, while
maintenance was fixed at $2,290,409.
62. Other expenditures were listed as
Co-operation on forest road work,
$172,360.70; rights of way and prop
erty, $24,251.20; purchase of park
sites, $20,745.61; Toad signs, $12,024.
98; operation of movable bridges,
$7377.18; enforcing of traffic laws,
$50,644.04; administration and gener
al supervision, $187,085.86; surveys,
$65,674.06; engineering in connection
with county work, $5894.14, and mis
cellaneous general expense, $4905.68.
Bonds matured during the year ag
tiegated $1,197,000, while interest
paid on bonds totaled $1,722,761.65.
Gas Tax Income High.
The two largest items listed as re
ceipts credited to the state highway
department during the current year
were motor vehicle license fees ag
gregating $4,260,000 and gasoline
taxes totaling $3,013,149.20. Interest
on balances amounted to $38,372.94,
while fines from violations of tramp
laws aggregated $33,658.05.
Federal aid was received in the
rame amount of $1,264,688.74, while
county co-operation was $715,701.37.
Miscellaneous co-operation was listed
at $78,916.59 and net equipment earn
ings $32,055.40. The balance on hand
un December 1, 1925, was $1,452,458.
44. The report showed that the total
receipts of the state highway depart
ment for the year aggregated $10,
888,900.73, which left a balance on
hand on December 1 of this year of
Woolgrowers Dinner Will
Be Held on January 14th
Pendleton E. O.
The banquet and entertainment for
visiting woolgrowers here to attend
the annual convention of the Oregon
Woolgrowers association will be held
the evening of January 14 at the Elks
lodge rooms under the auspices of the
Pendleton Commercial association, it
was announced this morning at as
sociation headquarters.
Annual convention of the woolgrow
ers will open in this city on the morn
ing of January 14, and close the eve
ning of the next day. Sessions will
be held in the Elks lodge room on the
third floor of the Elks building and
the committee meetings will be held
in the Pendleton Commercial asso
ciation rooms on the second floor.
More than 200 woolgrowers from all
j-arts of the state are expected to be
present at the annual meeting at
which time a number of matters of
importance will be brought up for
discussion. At this time there will be
rn election of officers and the reports
of several standing committees. K.
G. Warner of Pilot Rock is the pres
ent head of the state association and
Hugh Sproat is secretary with head
quarters in this city.
Among the matters to come before
the woolgrowers for action is a pro
posed migratory livestock bill to be
presented to the state legislature.
This bill would take the place of the
migratory stock law passed by the
last state legislature and found un
Notice is hereby given that there
will be a meeting ofthe stockholders
of the Farmers A Stockgrowers Na
tional Bank of Heppner, Oregon, on
the second Tuesday in January, 1927
(January 11, 1927), between tho hours
of 9:00 o clock a. m. and 4 o clock
p. tn. of said day ,for the purpose of
electing directors, and for tho trans
action of such other business as may
legally come before the meeting.
Assistant Cashier.
Doted this 9th day of December, 1928
Annual Banquet and Business Meet
ing Held Monday Evening With
Auxiliary Serving Feed,
The annual business meeting and
election of officers of Heppner Post
No. 87, American Legion, took place
at Legion headquarters Monday eve
ning. Preceding the business meet
ing the ladies of Heppner Unit of
the Auxiliary served a oountiful din
ner to which the twenty legionnaires
seated around the table did full jus
tice. It was voted the best feed
ever placed before the Legion boys
in their seven years of existence.
The election resulted in the follow
ing being chosen to handle the post
affairs for the next year: Command
er, Spencer Crawford; vice-commander,
Andrew Olson; finance officer, Alva
Jones, adjutant, Paul Gemmell. Ap
pointive officers and committees were
not announced.
A vote of thanks was enthusiastic
ally given retiring commander Harold
Cohn and retiring adjutant . Roger
Morse for the efficient way in which
post affairs have been handled the
past year. Past Commander Cohn is
state committeeman of the Legion,
having charge of the 6th district, and
will goon begin a series of visitations
to the various posts in his district.
During the evening Bishop Rem
ington of the Episcopal church, chap
lain of Pendleton post, dropped in
and entertained the members with
stories of his war experiences, which
covered almost the entire period of
America's participation in the war.
Plans for an active year for the lo
cal post are in preparation and it was
strongly urged that all ex-srvice men
be prevailed upon to join the organ
ization. LOCAL n ITEMS
Messrs. W. T. Wright, C. C. Grim,
J. T. Bullard, F. C. Frederickson and
Charles Benefiel were Irrigon men in
the city today. These gentlemen were
here to look after a community road
proposition now being agitated at Irri
gon, and they were in consultation
with the county court. They report
a lot of rain and moisture in the
north end of the county, and the pros
pects for plenty of irrigation water
the coming season are brightened by
the rain and- snow in the mountain
sections. We acknowledge a pleasant
call from these gentlemen.
Rev. Guy L. Drill and wife, Mrs.
W. D. Humphrey and Harry K. Shields
singing evangelist, drove over from
Pendleton on Friday afternoon to be
present and have a part in the enetr
tainment given at the Christian
church that evening Mr. Drill is the
popular pastor of the Christian
church at Pendleton and was assisted
in a five weeks evangelistic meeting
recently closed at his church by Mr.
The bazaar given by the Willing
Workers of the Christian church will
be on at the church parlors tomorrow,
Friday, afternoon and evening. Re
member this and also their sale of
cooked food in connection.
Mrs. Noah Pettyjohn of Morgan
was brought to Heppner Surgical hos
pital on Monday by Dr. McMurdo. She
was in every critical condition at the
time and the doctor reports that she
is still very ill,
Bishop W. P. Remington of the Ep
iscopal church, who recently returned
from a trip to New York, was a vis
itor in Heppner on Monday, returning
tc his home at Pendleton on Tuesday.
Mrs. Lee Sprinkel underwent a ma
jor operation at Heppner Surgical
hospital on Tuesday. Dr. McMurdo
reports that she is getting along
quite well at this time.
Dr. McMurdo was called to the
ronch of Pat McConnell the first of
the week to minister to Mrs. McCon
nell who was quite ill.
Dr. Johnston reports the arrival of
an b-pound son on December 6th, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc
Baniel of Hardman.
Christmas Trees Any size you
like will be delivered week before
Christmas. Conser Adkins, City.
All winter coats 4 off at the Cur
ran Hat Shop,
O. A. C. Students Are
Married Thanksgiving
Two former Morrow county young
people were married on Thanksgiving
day at Falls City, Oregon. They are
students at O. A. C the bride being
Ealor Swanson and the bridegroom
Elmo McMillan. They spent their
honeymoon in Portland and at Salem.
Mrs. McMillan is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson of lone,
and Mr. McMillan is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. McMillan, formerly of
Lexington but now residents of Cor
vallis. The young couple announce
that they will make their home in Sa
lem. Would Appreciate Settlement.
Having retired from business at
Heppner, the Sam Hughes Company
would appreciate a prompt settlement
of all accounts due the firm. Will
you not make it a point to do this
just as soon as possible?
Rev, B. Stanely Moore, minister.
Sunday school at 9:45, classes for
all ages; morning prayer, 11:00 o'
clock; evening service, 7:30. A hearty
welcome to all.
By Arthur Brisbane
Another Bryan Wanted.
Science No Menace.
170,000 and Too Cheap.
Beware of Empathy.
The Iowa State chairman says the
Democratic party ought to find a man
like W. J. Bryan something hard to
do. Bryan had one great quality,
and you could say, as it is said of an
other, "That man believes every word
he says. Such men are dangerous."
There is a tremendous power in sin
cerity, and, right or wrong, on gold,
silver or prohibition, Bryan had that
Dr. Lorenz, "bloodless surgeon of
Vienna," says science is injuring the
humanity by keeping the unfit alive.
Nature tries to wipe out those not fit
to perpetuate the species. Science
prolongs their lives and adds unfit
children to the population.
Red Indians used to kill babies that
did not seem vigorous, and killed all
children born deformed. That didn't
make a great conquering race of the
Indians. Some of the most useful
men, Voltaire for instance, would
have died in infancy but for extraor
dinary scientific care.
Pope, who wrote the "Essay on
Man" and other things worth while,
would have been killed had he lived
among the Indians.
He had to be sewed up in a canvas
jacket each day that he might sit up
and write.
And consider the good moral effect
that helping the unfit has upon the
abler types. What we call charity is
largely a philantrophic gymnasium
for the prosperous.
A Stock Exchange seat sells for
$170,000, the highest price on record,
but a great deal too low. In these
booming times, and with the prosper
ity that is ahead, every able broker
ought to earn the price of a seat in a
The value of Exchange seats shows
that it is better to buy and sell things
than to make them. You know how
cotton growers feel just now. In
some places cotton isn't worth pick
ing. Yesterdav in "- York a seat on
the Cotton Exchange sold for $2,000
more than the last previous sale.
Whether cotton stocks sell high or
low, the intelligent broker makes his
Rabindranath Tagore (fine, old poet
of Bombay) joins Europe's hymn of
American hate. He won't come here
again; did not like us last time. We
are too aggressively anti-Asiatic and
We are not "aggressively anti-Asiatic,"
but we notice that India in
five thousand years has done nothing
but turn from slavery under the ra
jahs to slavery under Britain and ra
jahs combined. We, on the other
hand, have done several things,
steamboat, flying machine, automo
bile, telephone, phonograph, radio, in
much less than five thousand yoara.
We don't believe that Asia and
America would go in harness any bet
ter than a yak and a submarine. Nev
ertheless, we like Asia, all but the
rajahs, caste, suttee and child mar
riage and Britain is attending to
Are you inclined to empathy? It's
the new word of psychologists, and
explains stories of witnesses, describ
ing in detail what they never saw.
That new word may play a part in the
Hall-Mills murder case.
First we think about a thing which
sympathy. Then we get mixed, inject
ourselves into the affair, in our imag
inations, and soon are ready to swear
with perfect sincerity, that we saw
what we never saw.
Dreams lead to empathy. You
dream you saw a friend in a certain
place, think about it, and in a week
you believe that you dreamed of him
and then saw him, just where you had
dreamed of him. And you tell your
friends how your dream came true,
when it did nothing of the kind.
Beware of empathy. The world is
full of it.
Professors Fryer and Shaw, of New
York University, invented or discov
ered it.
A meeting of representatives from
all organizations to participate in the
Community Christmas has been called
for Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock at
Legion headquarters, for the purpose
of discussing arrangements.
Wednesday, December 15th, is the
date set by the ladies aid of the
Methodist Comunity church for the
I olding of their annual Christmas ba
zaar, at the church parlors, beginning
at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Get
your Christmas gifts then. 028-D7
Mrs. Willard llerren. Superintendent.
Trained. CrJut Nurne Always In At
tndnc. Day or Nisht. Phone Mala
02 for Doctor Condor or the Hoaplul.