HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 2, 1926. PAGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrg. F. C. Marquardson of Buhl, Idaho, were visitors in Hepp ner for a few hours on Tuesday, giv ing the old town a call while en route to California. For a number of years Mr. Marquardsen was engaged in the mercantile business at this place, running the Fair store. Since leaving Heppner they have resided at Buhl where they have, a large tract of ir rigated land. They will spend several months in California at Oakland where their son, Ernest and his wife reside. Ernest is with the Merchants Trust company bank in Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Marquardsen enjoyed their few hours in Heppner very much and met quite a number of former friends. Harry French was in from the ranch Deyond Kock Creek Friday. The big turkey and beef Bhoot at his place last weeK was a success and a good cruwu gamerea to participate. Mr. French is still boosting his place as a proper location for the Eastern Ore. gon tuberculosis hospital, and while in the city he made out papers to be presented to the Board of Control which will properly place that loca tion before them and he hopes to have this body go over the place, feeling that they will not fail to recognize the Bplendid merits of his ranch for tne nospital. R. L. Benge, county judge of Mor row county, arrived in Portland from Heppner yesterday to attend the meeting of the state highway com mission here today. Mr. Benge re ports that sufficient rain has fallen in the Heppner district to cause the grain to sprout nicely, and farmers are looking forward to a good yield fom the fall-planted, tracts next sum mer. Mr. Benge is registered at the Imperial hotel. Monday's Oregonian. Andrew Patterson, who has been at work for some time in a garage at Condon, has opened the repair shop of .Ventura garage in Lexington, where he will be located in the future. He and Mrs. Patterson, who is a teach er in the lone school, were guests over Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. r-atterson's mother, Mrs. C. C. Pat terson, in this city. The Willing Workers of the Chris tian church will give their annual bazaar at the church parlors on Fri day afternoon and evening, Dec. 10. There will be many useful articles on display that will help in solving Christmas gift problems; then the ladies will serve a lunch, and also present choice cooked food for sale. The grain out in Billy Tucker's sec tion beyond Blackhorse iB coming along nicely now. Plenty of mois ture resulted from the storms of the past week and the ground is getting well wet. Mr. Tucker, who has been busy butchering hogs, brought some of his product to town on Friday and made disposition of it here. L. E. Bisbee and family returned cn Sunday evening- from Portland. Mrs. Bisbee spent the week in the city and Mr. Bisbee and the children motored down for the Thanksgiving holidays. They were accmopanied home by Mrs. Gay M. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ferguson and Mrs. Anna Heincy and Garnet Barratt and family were guests at' the Raymond Ferguson country home Thursday and enjoyed uig uaiiKsgiving oinner. Rev. Melville T. Wire and wife of Pendleton were Thanksgiving day guestB at the home fo Prof. James M. Burgess and wife in this city. Rev, Wire is pasitor of the Methodisrti church at Pendleton and Mrs. Wire a sister of Mr. Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Mather of Prairie City spent the week end in this city, being guests at the home of Mrs. Mather's parents, Mr. and MrB. W. P. Mahoney. They returned to Prairie City Sunday, where Mr. Mather is principal of the school. E. H. Buhn, jeweler, made a busi ness trip to Boise, Idaho, over the week-end, returning home Wednesday morning. Mr. Buhn is promoting a "get acquainted sale" at his store, and we call attention to hie adver tisement elsewhere. A. A. Amort, wife and two children, and his mother came up from their home at Corvallis to spend Thanks giving with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patter son, uncle and aunt of Mrs. Amort, Jr., They returned home on Sunday. Miss Lucile McDufTee underwent a very scriuos operation at Hot' Lake Banatorium on Thursday. Her fath er, Geo. McDufTee, went to Hot Lake Sunday to be with his daughter dur - ing the critical period in her recovery. Leonard Schwarz, who has been spending several months at Pendle ton, working in a meat market, has returned to Heppner and now has a position in the Central Market along with his father, Henry Schwarz. A guest at the home of Mrs. Hessie Kinney during the past week was her brother, J. A. Patterson of Walla Walla. Mr. Patterson arrived here on Wednesday of last week and spent several days in the city. Miss Helen Curran came up from Portland to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Curran. Miss Curran is a graduate nurse from St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, Howard Anderson, formerly en gaged in farming on Eight Mile, but who is making his home at Tillamook for the winter, was here a short time this week, looking after matters of business. Mrs. Walker, county superintend ent, was a visitor at the school Mon day. She visited the seventh and eighth grade rooms and the geom etry and English classes in the high school, Mr, and Mrs. George Stevens of Arlington attended the Elks dance at Heppner on Wednesday evening last and were visitors also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon. Arnold BalBiger of lone was a vis itor in Heppner on Tuesday. Judge R. L. Benge was a passenger ot for Portland on Saturday night. going to the city to attend the month ly meeting of the state highway com mission. He was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Luola Benge, who was returning to her studies at the Uni versity of Oregon after having spent 'ne thanksgiving season with her par ents here. Miss Edna Vaughn accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Cox on a trip to Port land Sunday of last week, and spent me ween in the city visiting with relatives and friends. She returned home on Saturday. Mrs. P. A. Anderson of Portland and Mrs. Kit McCarty of The Dalles were visitors here over the Thanks giving holidays, being guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. E. F. Campbell, , Paul and Natt Webb were in Stan field Saturday en route from Heppner to walla Walla. Wn. Thev were bringing work' stock for their wheat ranch in Washington. Stanfield Standard. Nels H. Justus, who has been re siding for the past two years at Knappen, Alberta, is home for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Justus, and his numerous friends here. Judge Jas. A. Fee of the law firm of Fee & Fee of Pendleton, was a visitor in this city Saturday, having matters of a legal nature to attend to here. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Walter LaDusire enioved Thanksgivnig dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Turner of Swairn-art Ruttes. Mrs. Gay M. Anderson spent the past week in Portland and other points adjacent, where she enioved a visit with relatives and friends. Miss Francis Coshow. teacher of the Hodsd on school, was a week-end euest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter La Dusire in this city. F. W. Sicgenthaler is the new en gineer in charge of the locomotive on the Heppner branch, and has located in the city with his family. Mrs. Melissa Marlatt is quite ill it her home in this city, having been confined to her bed for several days and at the present time her condition ii not much improved. Mrs. P. M. Gemmell departed for beattle on Saturday, where she will spend a week or so visiting with rela tives residing in that city. M. L. Case of Case Furniture com pany, made a business trip to Port land the first of the week, returning Home on Wednesday. Albert Miller of Pendleton was a visitor here on Tuesday. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preach ing at 11, subject, "The Imperative of a Christian Life." Services at 7:30 p. m., evangelistic. About 10 minutes will be given to echoes of the revival. Epworth League at 6:30. Reception of new member at the 11 o'clock service. , I. V. PARKER, Pastor. PICTURE AHEAD. Is a famous advertising slogan and will be the subject of the Sunday evening sermon at the Church of Christ. The morning message will be from the first chapter of First Peter. Bible school and Christian Endeavor invite your attendance. MILTON W. BOWER, Minister. SCHOOL TO GIVE PROGRAM. The Golden West school. Mrs. Anna Heiney, teacher, will give an enter tainment for the benefit of the school n Frdiay evening, Dec. 3. For this occasion a splendid program has been arranged and a fine time is promised all who attend. The entertainment will be given at the new Grange hall on Rhea creek, and begins promptly at 8 p. m. RHEA CREEK GRANGE. The regular meetings ol the Rhea Creek Grange will be on the first Sun day and third Saturday of each month during the summer. The Friday meet ings as held heretofore are now changed to Saturday. LEXINGTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Preaching and communion at 11:00 o'clock. Bible school, 10 a. m. A cordial welcome to you. E. L. WOOD Minister. For real comfort buy an Allen's Parlor furnace. The best of all for economy and comfort. Sold by Case rot pack excessively with winter rain, presents a tidy appearance and is in excellent condition for the next sea son s use. A big special on linoleums, coneol- eums and Certainteed floor coverings beginning Saturday, Dec. 4, both yard goods and rugs. Buy Xmas gifts mat nave the extra merit of service. Case Furniture Company. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMALS, Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the laws of the State-of Ore gon the undersigned has taken up the hereinafter described animals found running at large on his premises in Morrow County, Oregon, and that he will on Saturday, the 18th day of De cember, 1926, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at his place seven miles southeast of Pine City in Morrow County, Oreeon. offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the said animals. Said animals are described as follows: One bay mare, bald faced, branded DELICIOUS APPETIZING NUTRITIOUS Shell Fish Order them any day. We prepare them to suit the taste. FOUNTAIN SPECIALS and BAKED GOODS ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop mimmmmmmmmsem CORN Get our prices before buying SALT Now is a good time m to buy Our prices are always fair Brown Warehouse Co. Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644 1 EVERYBODY'S COINGI CALIFORNIA bids you turn back the calendar to summer and come play in the warm sunshine. At an added Inducement the Unicoi Pacific now offers special low round trip fares and assure you a marvelous journey on the finest of fast trains. Connections via Portland or Salt Lake City, MAM TOim RESERVATIONS NOW PACIFIC CHESTER DARBEE, Agent Heppner, Ore. I want to close out my en tire stock of DRY GOODS December ALE Now till January First all goods sold for cash at lOglnt Discount LADIES SILK HOSE. CHILDREN'S HOSE, ALL KINDS MEN'S WOOLEN AND COTTON HOSE PERCALES AND GINGHAMS OUTING FLANNEL-ALL BOLT GOODS MEN'S PANTS WOOLEN SHIRTS . UNDERWEAR-BLAZERS MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES WINTER AND LEATHER COATS $4.50 and $5 Ladies' Lace Shoes, Now $2.25 ALL HOLIDAY GOODS ACCORDINGLY W. P. Prophet 1 HR on left hip. One gray horse, blotch brand. One bay horse, blotch brand. One yearling sorrel gelding, slick. One yearling bay gelding, alick. One two-year-old bald faced geld ing, slick. One yearling mare mule, slick. One three-year-old dapple gray gelding, slick. One three-year-old sorrel bald faced elding, slick. One yearling sorrel gelding, slick. One yearling bay mare, slick. One yearling gray mare, slick. One yearling brown gelding, slick. One bay mare, weight about 1100 with star in forehead, blotch brand. One gray mare branded NC on left shoulder, with roan colt at side. One sorrel bald faced horse, brand ed 7H6 connected on left hip. Unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner or owners thereof. ANTONE VEY. Butti-r Creek ranch. Echo, Ore. Central Market C W. McNAMER, Proprietor FRESH AND CURED MEATS, FISH AND POULTRY Call us when you have anything in our line to sell. Phone Main 652 They Came Yesterday These new arrivals in beautiful draperies to help furnish the home for nearing Yuletide cheer, and aid milady in present-making: Puritan, Columbia and other Cretonnes, including the very delightful ALPINE CLOTH Very appropriate for present making. Cretonnes 35c to 75c the yard. Marquisette Net Delicately patterned, makes exquisitely gay curtains. 50c the yard. Also ready-made, rufflled curtains with tie-backs. ECRU TRIM, 25c YARD See goods in our windows. We will be pleased to show them. a"rAyimn'1 Malcolm D. Clark It's Only 4 Weeks Till Christmas PSiiOU know how it has been in years past present Duying and all put off until the last moment. Don't let it happen again this year. Bv makinc vmir selprtinn of CHRISTMAS CARDS at The Gazette Times office now, your friends will be as sured a remembrance, and a big item in the Yuletide program will have been at tended to. Besides, there is a wider range of choice while the stock is complete. Your name imprinted on each card at slight additional cost gives them an indi vidual touch. Remember these are engraved and hand-decorated cards, as beautiful as can be obtained anywhere. OUR PHONE IS MAIN 882 Get Those Christmas Cards Now :4