HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1926. PAGE FIVE The Maryhill Dedication as Seen by Son of Democracy Editor! Note Tha following- atorjr of the dedication caramonlea at Maryhill. Waah., in whirh Queen Maria of Koumania played tha leading role, waa aent tha Gazetta Time by R. E. Harbiaon of Morgan, tha reault of the.requaat of frlenda that he write an ac count of hie visit on that occasion... Mr. Harbiaon hare deplete a viewpoint that we believe will be ol Intereat to all our readera. By R. E. HARBISON. On the occasion of Queen Marie's visit to Maryhill I rather expected that there would bo many Morrow county people in the gathering but was surprised to find but few pres ent. Just why I, a descendant of an cestors who took up arms in '76 to make this continent safe for democ racy, should have a desire to see a 'jueen is not easy to explain. In an cient days when everyone obeyed and sometimes revered kings and queens it is possible that this instinct was transmitted and so lies latent in yours truly. Be that as it may, in the early morning of November 3rd, 1926, the good wife and I with Mr. and Mrs. Hal Ely with us as guests, were on our way to Maryhill. We arrived at the upper Maryhill ferry landing at 7:00 a. m., and drove light on the ferryboat, it being just ready to start across with five other cars, six cars being its capacity load. In five more minutes this speedy lit tle boat had deposited us on Wash ington soil. Just as we drove up the river bank a heavy train bearing Queen Marie's special coaches from the Baltimore & Ohio railroad rolled into Maryhill Btation and a few min utes later these coaches were left standing on the siding. The castle is located about three miles out of Maryhill and we drove on to our des tination without stopping. The road is good all the way and one section of it consists of part of Samuel Hill's specimen paved road which he built and donated to Klickitat county. The way out was all upgrade and upon arriving at the castle we must have been half way up the slopes of the Cblumbia gorge. Our early start had gotten us on the grounds among the early arrivals but we found a gate closed against us on the roadside which kept us at a distance of about one fourth mile from the castle. We got ourselver, parked about ten yards from the gate and automobiles kept coming from ufar lining the roadsides clear back out of sight. The Portland Oregonian had sent its mounted radio outfit up and this machine held first position just outside the gate. A gatekeeper stood behind with orders from some one to let no one in until the queen arrived. The jam became dense and it was with difficulty that the road could be kept open. Newspaper men gathered at the gate were extremely nervous and it was plain that the jam had to be broken. Thanks, no doubt, to the insistence of the newspaper men somebody's stupidity was over come and the gate thrown open. There were hundreds of acres around the cast'e to park on so we went through and settled down comfortably to await the coming of the royal guest and her entourage. While the queen is "eating bread and honey" down at the station it will be in order here to describe Maryhill castle as I saw it. The crowd was so dense and so much going on every minute that I hardly thought of ap praising- the structure in linear di mensions but would think it is over 100 feet in length, about half as wide and also some 50 feet in height. The walls are two feet thick and of a quality of cement that looks as if it would outlast the cliffs along the Co lumbia. The windows are of plate glass and guarded by the heaviest of iron shutters. The first floor in a fair story height above ground, the (.pace below being an earth floor only, The building extends east and west lengthwise and at each end is a ramp, rr approach running right up level with the main floor. These ramps are immense things, solidly constructed of cement in keeping with the struc- ture itself. They extend perhaps 100 feet each way and you could have driven under them with an automobile and turned around inside , and out through the same portal wherein you went. Their width was the same as the castle itself. Everything about the castle bespoke an unfinished job. rorm marks showed on the outside walls and it is unlikely that any at tempt at outside ornamentation will ever be made. The inside is merely covered with metal lath awaiting the rtucco that will make it suitable for any purpose other than a habitat for bats. At first thought one could not help wondering why Samuel Hill should invite a queen to dedicate a room in such an incomplete structure but when one Btops to consider that years are beginning to tell upon him and that he has already spent a mil lion on the enterprise we will pardon him for not deferring an occasion so opportunely offered. The main room in the castle which will be used for the museum is in the center of the building on the main floor and the automobiles which brought the queen drove right into it and parked on the romps during the ceremonies. A com mittee of Goldendale and Klickitat county people had been commissioned to decorate the room to be dedicated. Loads of flowers had been supplied them for the purpose; chrysanthe mums and greens predominating. The hour set for the beginning of the ceremonies was 9:00 a. m. and before that time fully 2000 automo biles were on the grounds. As every car must have brought at least four persons one can readily form some idea of the size of the assemblage. .School busses with loads of children were there from both sides of the Columbia but the state of Washing ton cars were greatly in predomin ance. At the appointed hour the royal party hove in sight, some 15 automobiles in all. In the vanguard rode several motorcycle patrolmen and second among the autmobiles s A F E T Y & s E R V I E Just Look Back 5 Years YESTERDAY - TODAY TOMORROW Suppose you had saved one-quarter of what you made, what a nice sum you would have. If you will but make up your mind to live on three-quarters of your earn ings and put the other fourth in the bank the dollars will pile up surprisingly. . rrjMtuAL Brieavr ; Fir& National Bank HEPPNER, OREGON rtme the queen, the Star Spangled Banner and the Rumanian flags float 'ng over it. They drove into the cas tle and of course the throng of which we were a part necessarily had to stay out in the sunshine during the dedicatory incidents of the occasion. The Oregonian's radio and amplifying outfit stood on the eastern ramp near the doorway of the room and broad cast every word that was spoken and the assembled multitude around on the grounds could hear all that was aid. After the inside ceremonies were concluded it was arranged for the queen to come out and address the multitude. On the north side of the eastern ramp a huge United States Aug had been draped down the side, lichind the parapet a little platform had been erected and the queen came out, mounted it and gave us a nice little talk after she had been first in troduced by Mayor Baker of Portland. Samuel Hill who had made all these things possible also appeared a mo ment later at her side. With hats off (moat of us) and handkerchiefs wav ing we gave three hearty cheers for yueen Marie and the same tribute was paid to Mr. Hill. Prince Nicho las and Princess Ileana each mounted the platform in turn and made cour tesies also. Being early on the scene we were close up and had good views. The Sperry Flour company air service had a representative present with a good stock of carrier pigeons and these were turned loose at the last bearing messages of the proceedings to Portland and other coast cities. The queen tossed the last one out and the program was at an end. The birds, something like a dozen in all, circled the building a few times and then struck out down the gorge for their various destinations. Quleen Marie is withal a handsome and at tractive woman and presented herself in a modest and charminz manner. As she drove away we moved up close to the foot of the ramp and received gracious smiles in return to our fare wells. Referring to "hate, off" I was a bit amused to see a few strapping six footers right in her presence with head-gear firmly pressed down in the usual place. Why shouidn' huts come off to any distinguished lady who might be the guest of honor upon such an occasion? After the queen's departure we stormed the castle from hold and keep to topmost turret. During the dedica tory ceremonies in the museum room Queen Marie had been seated on a lit tle throne on the south side of the room. A lot of good natured rivalry ensued taking turns sitting for a mo ment 01. a throne upon which a real queen had sat. Everyone carried away a chrysanthemum or two to keep as mementoes. The Becond floor of the castle was a metal lath hor ror of countless small rooms more dismal than below, but we continued on up a narrow stairway jammed with struggling humanity until the roof was reached. The view from the roof at least gave one e clue to Samuel Hill's reason for choosing such a place for his castle. . The gorge here is a huge thing and is a portrait of nature in the nude. Only brown hills and rocks can be seen. One could see the edge of the .stubble fields across the river in Sherman county in Ore gon, and the view of the river east and west was inspiring. A mile or so below on the river's edge there reared a series of rocks and dunes that pre sented a wierd spect, all of which, no doubt, thrilled Mr. Hill's European architect who helped him choose and plan before he went ahead. We returned to Maryhill where we ate our lunch and loitered around the iittle station. On the platform there had been dumped a carload of boxes containing art gifts from Queen Ma rie. The containers were strongly built of wood resembling maple or sh and bore an assortment of for eign markings. Maryhill, Washing ton, was their designated destination but Maryhill was spelled in several c'lfforent ways. Masyhell was one way and I know a certain publisher not far away in whose hands I would be afraid to entrust this for copy for fear he would make it worse. As we were leaving for home a big truck drove up to the station and was pre paring to haul the boxes to the castle. I understand that these treasures will not be opened until the gallery is put into better condition. If a full list of these gifts has been published in ;he newspapers it has escaped my at tention but some of the boxes were market statuary and other paintings? In Queen Marie's little talk she stated that a full size portrait of herself was included. We filled up on royalty that day to the brim and are back on the job again with only pleanant recollections of the occasion. Some day when things over there are in better shape and the crowd is smaller we are go ing back and will attempt to visualize and understand more clearly just what Mr. Hill had in his mind when he decided to make such a lavish out lay of money in that locality. Diphtheria Decreasing Scarlet Fever Next to Go From State Board of Health Within the past three years an ac tive campaign has been waged against diphtheria by the Oregon State Board of Health, by, county, and city health departments, and by the medical pro fession generally. Emphasis was laid upon early diagnosis of the disease tnd upon the prompt administration of diphtheria antitoxin. Greater stress was laid, however, upon the im munization of susceptible individuals, especially children, by the use of toxin-antitoxin. The results of this cam paign are now tangibly evident. In the first nine months of 1925 there were reported to the Oregon State Board of Health 873 cases, 69 deaths from diphtheria. For the same per iod in 1926 there were reported 693 cases and 44 deaths. It is confidently expected that with the increasing use of toxin-antitoxin diphtheria will soon become a rare disease. The wonderful headway being made in Oregon against diphtheria has awakened deep interest in another preventable respiratory disease, scar let fever. It was only a few years ago that the Doctors Dick demonstrated the germ, streptococcus scarlatina, to be the cause of scarlet fever. They showed that this germ secreted a poison, or toxin, and that this toxin could be used not only to indicate persons susceptible to this disease, but could also be employed to im munize them against it. The Dick test for the recognition of suscpetibility to scarlet fever is car ried out by injecting into the skin a very minute amount of the diluted scarlet fever toxin. If the person is susceptible there will appear, at the sight of injection, a zone of redness about the size of a penny. This red ness is most marked at the end of twenty-four hours, at which time the test should be read, and rapidly fades thereafter. Persons immune to scar let fever have no reaction whatever. To immunize susceptible persons a very minute amount of the scarlet fever toxin is injected hypodermical ly, and then at intervals of five to seven days slightly increasing doses are injected, until all five doses have been given. There is no discomfort or pain; even local reactions being rare. At least a month after the final injection the Dick test should be made to determine if the person has been completely immunized. Now is the time to get protection. Consult your physician or your health officer. Oregon had 1408 cases and 18 deaths from scarlet fever in 1925. These figures should and will be ma terially reduced by the end of next year if health official!, physicians, and the public wage as active a cam paign against scarlet fever as they did against diphtheria. School District Eleven Enjoys Thanksgiving The patrons and residents of Lib erty school district enjoyed them selves to the limit on Thanksgiving by coming together at the schoolhouse where they listened to a program put on by the teacher, Mrs. Hattie Robi son and her pupils, and then partook of a big feed. Turkey and chicken wer. main fea tures on the menu, and of course there were all the necessary fixin'i to make the spread complete. As a community affair it was a complete success and was immensely enjoyed by about thirty of the residents of the Liberty district. Jake Young and son Glenn spent Thanksgiving at Pendleton with Ray Young and his family. They returned home on Friday and report having had a very enjoyable time.v Mr. Young re ports that there was a good fall of snow and much rain over his part of Eight Mile, and he is feeling good over present prospects as to the crop situation. BAZAAR DECEMBER 4. The Ladies' Auxiliary of All Saints' Episcopal church will hold their annual bazaar and sale of fancy arti cles suitable for Christmas gifts and useful for many purposes, on Satur day, December 4, at the new parish house. Emery Gentry and wife were visit ors here over Thanksgiving, being guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gentry. Here It Is, Folks! 0 n Just Before Christmas! k (y km If. . aV -v i v x -"Wv i I jmrn ft W i n I liAA II f li wn cms Vanity Case Specials Regular $1.50 values 69c White Gold with Enameled Top Reg. $5.00, $3.95 Green Gold, Engraved Enameled Top Reg. $6.00, $495 and many other vanities at like reductions. What an opportune time to get that wrist watch sister has been wanting; that necklace, ring or charm for mother, or any one of a multi tude of items in our complete stock so appropri ate for Christmas giving. This is a genuine sale, with every article in our store reduced, for the purpose of acquainting all Morrow county with Buhn's and the quality of Buhn merchandise. We have been located in Heppner but a short time, and so far have been too busy with repair work and straightening up of stock with addition of much new goods to make wide acquaintanceship. For this reason, we are making this occasion a great buying in ducement for Morrow county people to become cognizant of our establishment and in fact, get acquainted. There are no "niggers in the woodpile;" no specially-bought sale merchandise. All articles are from our regular stock, marked with our for mer prices from which percentage deductions will be made. That real savings can be made on quality goods will be evident as soon as you in vestigate our bargains. COME IN IF ONLY TO LOOK AROUND. WE WANT TO GET ACQUAINTED ! WATCH Specials ELGIN, 12-size thm model in beautifully engraved green gold case, metal dial a watch any man would be proud to own. Reg. $16, Sale $11.45 Ladies' beautiful white gold en graved WRIST WATGH Regularly sells at $15.00, a real bargain at $11.65 Many other beautiful designs from this price up. Sale $10.45 Lf , gi'iun - r?V-----l.------f-'ryj. ! G3 53 cir" i f' : fw'fcjJ" Sale $10.45 Men's Strap Watch White gold, engraved, luminous dial, good .quality black leather strap absolutely guaranteed. Regular $15.00 Sale $10.45 ROGERS' SILVERWARE Hollow handle, stainless steel blade knives. Very special. Regular price $32.50 Now $24.50 TEASPOONS Regular seller for $1.75 Now $1.25 Absolutely guaranteed for ten years. These are only a few of the many bargains to be found here. Good reductions are being made on all articles in stock, with the exception of contract goods. Other specials on display in our windows. WATCH FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF BARGAINS ON NEW GOODS TO BE PLACED ON SALE AS THEY ARRIVE. The same liberal discount will be allowed on gopds not in stock on special orders, making this, indeed, a get-acquainted sale. Only 19 Shopping Days til Xmas BUHN Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing SMALL DOWN PAYMENT HOLDS ANY ARTICLE TIL CHRISTMAS