PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1926. THE HEPPNERIAN Published Weekly by the Students of Heppner High School Editor-in-Chief Joy Erwin Assistant Editor . Kenneth Oviat Reporters : Girls' Sports Mae Groshens Boys' Sports Gene Doherty Social Louise Thomson Personals Reta Crawford Activities Mae Doherty Grades Letha Hiatt Jokes Ellis Thomson THANKSGIVING J The theme of Thanksgiving has changed. The Pilgrim idea was one of a religious nature. Those devout souls were filled with joy and thank fulness toward the bountifulness of their harvest. To celebrate their pros perity and thankfulness, they origin ated Thanksgiving. Theirs was a re ligious thankfulness, pure and exalted in its simplicity. Theirs was a Thanksgiving of generosity. Remem ber the Indian shared it with them. Theirs was a Thanksgiving of broth erhood and good feeling. All aided in the preparation of the wholesome banquet after the religious services, in which praises were given God for his bountifulness and generosity. The Puritan Thanksgiving was one simple in its preparation but great in its sincerity and Christian feeling. One does not realize the hardships under which the Pilgrim was placed. They were living in rude log huts on the rock bound coast of New England, where the temperature hovered around lero or lower throughout the entire winter. And yet those Pilgrims at the beginning of winter's cold and snow prepared to give praise to God for their scanty harvest, for in truth it was a very little that they raised on that rocky, barren soil compared with modern productive standards. But those doughty Pilgrim wives cooked and labored many days over open fires in that bitter cold, and their husbands tramped many a weary mile, hunting game for the Thanks giving feast. The genuine Thanks giving spirit remains with our Pil grim forefathers, for theirs was the true Thanksgiving. How things have changed. Now many of us consider Thanksgiving merely as a day on which to get a good "feed," as it were, or to have a short holiday from school or business. We do not think of the true meaning of Thanksgiving. We give little thought to the origin of the day, and what it primarily stands for. How many of us give praise to God for our great gifts by attending church on Thanksgiving Day? And we have so much more to be thankful for than did those Pilgrims. We have warm comfortable homes, luxurious cars, security, and every facility for com fort that modern science can devise. But do most of us ever stop to think that all these things come from God? Do we often offer thanks for them? It is too true that we seldom do. Do we ever think of the poor and needy while we are dining on rich food in abundance amid warmth and comfort? Unlike the Pilgrim who gave to all, most of us selfishly let the rest of the world shift for itself. Does this seem to be in keeping with the true Thanksgiving spirit? How many of our housewives would share their carefully prepared dinners with foreigners as the Pilgrims did? How many of them would give a pie to a total stranger for his solitary meal? But that is what was done in the early years when our nation was in the making. Times have changed since 1621, and sadly for the worse in regard to this national holiday of ours. Some may say that one should not look back ward for their ideals, but this is cer tainly a case where the American peo ple could look back with profit. The tiue spirit of Thanksgiving has wan ed. The Thanksgiving holidays have varied from their original function more than any of our national holi days. Let us change our selfish atti tude toward Thanksgiving Day and return to a purer and nobler concep tion of this day as practiced by those sturdy, upright Pilgrim ancestors of ours. Orrin Bisbee. Resume of Upper Columbia Athletic League Football Season. This has been a year of upsets in the football conetsts among the mem bers of the Upper Columbia Athletic league. Teams that at the first of the season seemed to be lined up for the league championship made a very poor showing as the season progress ed. At the Arlington conference in Sep tember, Condon, lone and Arlington seemed to be the strongest contenders this year. However, in the first league clash of the season, Arlington defeated Condon by a comfortable margin, thus placing the Arlington ians at the head of the championship race. Since the Arlington defeat, Condon has played mediocre ball, tying Lex ington and only defeating the green Heppnerians by a lone touchdown. Later Wasco trimmed them by the tremendous score fo 104-0 which ra ther disheartened the Gilliam county lads. Arlington held her head through the season, and seems to be the log ical aggregation to be hailed as cham pions. First defeating Fossil and then coming out of the melee with Lexington with a win of one touch down and no goal-kicks, and thus winning from lone by a one touch down margin. On the other hand, Lexington us ually a strong contender for the championship has at no time been within reaching distance of the pen nant. While playing consistent foot ball, Lex did not have quite as strong a team as some of those of the past, as revealed when turning back the pages of Lexington's gridiron history. Her team was light but possessed a tremendous amount of fight as was thown when they uncovered an aerial attack against the strong lone team to win the fray 7 to 6. During the season they played two scoreless tie games, one with Condon and the oth er with Heppner. This same aggre gation lost to Arlington 6 to 0. Early in the season lone lost to Condon, then defeated Heppner and Condon by neat margins, and finally, playing their game of the season in the league, they lost to the strong Arlingtonians, which apparently placed Arlington in line for the cham pionship. Heppner, with probably the green est material in the history of the school, having but three boys on the team who had ever played in a high school game before this year, was not, from the beginning a champion ship contender. In view of these facts, Heppner was placed in the cel lar position from the beginning, dis playing in the last game of the sea son when they met Lexington, a de cidedly improved game as compared with that at the beginning of the sea son when they played Lexington a tie game with no scores. This season has convinced the Heppner boys that it takes an unlimited amount of prac tice, training and energy to make a football team. With the prospect of having nine lettermen back next fall, together with old men who will be coming in with next year's freshmen, Heppner will likely be in the running for the championship along with oth r schools of the district. The season has been a splendid one, in view of the training which the boys have received in methods of coopera tion, sportsmanship and in the game and in winning and losing, together with the physical development which necessarily accompanies such train ing. o The second six weeks quizzes were given sooner than usual on account of the Thanksgiving holidays. They were given Friday, Monday and Tues day. The Misses Pearson and Murray. two of the high school teachers, mo tored to Corvallis last Friday evening to attend the 0. A. C.-Oregon football game which was played at Corvallis. o Arion Initiation. The students who were accepted in to the Arion Literary society will not be condemned to the order of initia tion until the Wednesday following the Thanksgiving vacation. It ii thought that at that time the un lucky ones will make up for time well spent during Thanksgiving. The new Arions are Mae Groshens, Eva Hiatt, Harlan Devin, Clarence Hayes, and John Parker. The Heppnerian Literary society Is planning to initiate the following new members on Friday afetrnoon, Dec. 8: Mildred Green, Margaret Smith, Flor ence Bergstrom, Frieda Akers, Mil dred Honna, Mae Doherty, Harry Wells, Laura Williams, Gertrude Do herty, Jennie Albee, Paul Jones, Ger ald Swaggart, Velton Owens, Eugene Doherty, and Hester Lawson. Miss Wright, the adviser, has planned new and interesting forms of initiation. -o Thanksgiving Vacation. Thanksgiving vacation, although it will be held only over Thanksgiving Day to the following Monday, will be at least a short rest for the teachers of the school as well as the students. Supt. Burgess will remain home this Thanksgiving, having as guests at his home the Rev. Melville Wyre and wife of Pendleton. Mr. Johnson will go to Portland, Miss Pearson and Miss Mur ray to La Grande, Miss Miller to The Dalles, Miss Wright to Portland, and Miss Fishel to Corvallis. Of the grade teachers Miss Wilson will go to Port land, Mrs. Rogers to Spokane, Miss Nelson to Beaverton, Miss Thorpe to Gresham, and Miss Fredreckson to Stanfield. DELICIOUS APPETIZING NUTRITIOUS Shell Fish Order them any day. We prepare them to suit the taste. FOUNTAIN SPECIALS and BAKED GOODS ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop of the Eight Mile country. Mr. and Mra. Archie Padberg stood up with the happy couple aa the brief and simple but impressive service of the Congregational church was read by the pastor, Rev. W. W. Head. lone Independent. CALL FOR WARRANTS. All General' Fund Warrants of Mor row County, Oregon, registered on or before January 31, 1926, will be paid on presentation at the office of the County Treasurer on or after Decem ber 10th, 1926, at which date interest on said warrants will cease. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Novem ber 24th, 1926. ' LEON W. BRIGGS, County Treasurer. Go to GILLIAM & BISBEE for Copper Carbonate. for Blue Stone. For the Calkins Wheat Treat ing Machine. for Superior and Kentucky Drills. for All kinds of Harrows. for the Rotary Rod Weeder. for anything to get your Fall seeding done. mm We Have It, Will Get It, or It is Not Made. GILLIAM & BISBEE HEPPNER, ORE. RITCHIE-ALLSTOTT. Last Sunday, November 14, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Troge was the scene of a very pretty wedding when Miss Dona Ritchie, daughter of Mrs. John Ritchie of lone, was united in marriage to Mr. Robert Allstott, Jr., one of the progressive young farmers NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have been appointed ad ministratrix and administrator, joint ly, of the Estate of Oscar O. Edwards, deceased, by the County Court of the state of Oregon for Morrow County, and that the undersigned have duly qualified as such administratrix and administrator. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned, duly verified, at the office of C. L. Sweek, attorney for the administratrix and administrator, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of first publication of this notice. Date of first publication October ZZ, M26. ORA BELLE EDWARDS, Administratrix. R. A. THOMPSON, Administrator. ing on petition of Clarence M. Scriv ner for the adoption of Thadeus W. Abel, the atepson of the petitioner, pnd It appearing ta the Court that Wil liam L. Abel is the father of Thadeus W. Abel, the above named minor, that he is a non-resident of the State of Oregon, and his last known address was Vancouver, Washington, and that he cannot be personally served in this matter within the State of Oregon. It is therefore ordered that William L. Abel appear, in this court on the 18th day of December, 1926, at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause, if any exists, why this court should not grant said petition. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published for three consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of gen eral circulation, published in Hepp ner, Morrow County, State of Oregon, htid that a copy thereof be forthwith mailed to William L. Abel at Vancou ver, Washington. Dated this 10th day of November, 1925. . R. I.. BENGE, County Judge. Date of first publication November 11, 1926. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR HOW COUNTY. In the Matter of Adoption of Thadens W. Abel, a minor, by Clarence M. oenvner. ORDER. now mis matter came on for hear- I AGood Place to Eat i We serve good meals and short orders. GOOD COFFEE and Hotcakes I American Bakery & Cafe against said Estate must present the same, duly verified, to my office at Heppner, Oregon, on or before six months from the date of first publica t on of this notice. Date of first publication November 11, 1926. C. L. SWEEK, Administrator of Estate of John H. Williams, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, administrator of the Estate of John H. Wililams, de ceased. All persons having claims Active Agents Make as High as $150 a Week Selling $10 accident and health policies for this sound and pro gressive Company. Thousands of our agents have built permanent businesses of their own selling these policies. Many have retired and now live on their renewals. AN OPENING NOW EXISTS in your Bection an unusual oppor tunity for the right man. Address Dept. G-l, Room 614, 75 Mont gomery St., New Jersey, N. J. yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii""i""i,lllllll,l,l,,l'Hll,"lll,,,,,l,mil"llll,l""J Don't be Caught HIMIflllMMIIIIlllMII mmiiiiiiiiiMtumiMi Off Your Guard mini urn giiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiHi tmiitnii iiiiiiihii Let us outfit you with all-wool underwear, shirts, sox, blazers, water-proof breeches, high tops, and glovesthe kind of an outfit for comfort and ease of movement. 'All quality goods in leading makes. I Everything in Men's ! Work and Dress Clothes Wilson's A Man's Store for Men IIIIMIIIMIIIIIMIMIMIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllHIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMtlllllMllltllllllllllllllllHIIIIIItlllllllllllllllllHIR Is the Next Big Day REMEMBER US when planning your BIG ANNUAL DINNER Phelps Grocery Company PHONE 53 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'i I for the Harvests, Happiness, j I and All Though there have been times when it seemed the God of Fortune had turned against us, still we may all be truly thankful. We have been spared the pestilence and disaster of other regions ; our crops have been I sufficient. Bounteous precipitation makes the prospects bright for the county's future the coming year. We are indeed favored. And may this institution add th at it is thankful for the patronage and kind consideration given us du ring the past year. I First National Bank of Heppner r.llllllllflllllllMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK: We Carry a Full Line of Dry Goods Groceries Shoes, etc. Come in, if only to look, for we feel that you will appreciate the quality of our goods , Thomson Brothers