Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 25, 1926, Image 1

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Volume 43, Number 35.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Snow and Rain Bring an
Abundance of Needed
Barometer Fall Indicates More Wea
ther in 0 fling; Precautions
Should be Taken.
With a fall of snow that lasted
all day Saturday, and flurries of snow
and rain since, Morrow county is
fc-etting its first touch of winter. Snow
started falling Saturday mornlne fol
lowing several days of threatening
weather. An estimated fall of about
three inches has been received to
' date, and has been general over the
county. Though rain and sunshine
have melted the snow to a consider
able extent, freezing nights have con
verted the remainder into ice, and
it is going off slowly. Drops in tem
perature have been gradual, and al
though thermometers have dropped
below the freezing point, no zero
veather has yet been experienced.
The greatest barometer drop was
tecoraea luesday evening, indicating
a change in the weather. Yesterday
was ioggy with a cold rain descend
ing, but weather men predict a cold
snap in the offing. For this reason
it is believed cold weather precau
tions should be taken immediately.
It would be well for automobile
owners to protect radiators at . all
times, it is believed, while hniian-
holders would be wise in draining
water pipes at night. No aiarm is
riesent over the fuel situation as
luel dealers are well supplied at pre
sent, and a great number of people
nave already provided for winter
As far as the farming industry is
concerned, it is only too well pleased,
says Koger Mone. countv airont.
Crops are in and up just enough to
welcome a neavy blanket of snow,
should 't come, while m.iisturt in
Miy form is most acceptable as the
ground Is in excellent condition to re
ce.ve it. A heavy snow fall now
would insure plenty of moisture for
proper g.-owth while it would protect
me crops lrom extreme woather. How.
eer, no fear need be felt for a big
freeze now, Mr. Morse l.elievos, as
ine moisture already received is it
self sufficient protection, and at worst
ci.ly the least hardy crops would be
damaged should such a freeze come.
The thing that hurt in the big
freeze two yours ago, Mr. Morse said,
was that the ground was dry at thr
time it struck, previous wirds taking
wnac little moisture there was from
the groind, and the grain which had
grown rank for a lime was in just
the right condition to suffer. No re
letition of this kind of disaster is
at all probable this season, Mr. Morse
The snow brought gladness to the
hearts of kiddies while it lasted, as
evidenced by the number of sleighs
brought from the sheds. And all
Morrow county is now hopeful for
a white Christmas, believing it to be
the best thing possible for our econ
omic prosperity and individual hap
piness. Stockmen are biing forced to feed,
it is true. Hut they are smiling, any
vay. They have plenty of feed, and
'.he abundant moisture only insures
abundant grazing -n the spring.
On November 21, at a beautiful
home wedding, Alma D. Devin became
the bride of John G. Clauston of
Pomeroy, Wash., in the presence of
the immediate families of the bride
and bridegroom. Rev. M. W. Bower
officiated, the ring ceremony being
The bride was attractively gowned
in a dress of white satin and carried
a boquet of bride's roses. She was at
tended by her sister, Miss Etta Devin,
who wore a dress of powder blue safin
and carried an arm boquet of rose
chrysanthemums. The bridegroom
wa attended by Mr Glenn Charlton
of Ellensburg, Wash.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was served after which the
young couple departed on a brief
wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Clauston
will return to Pomeroy to make their
home,- where Mr. Clauston is con
nected with the Forest Service.
Mrs. Clauston is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Devin. She is a
graduate of Heppner High school and
last year attended the Oregon Normal
school, Mr. Clauston is a graduate of
Washington State college at Pullman.
Out of town guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Clauston of White Salmon,
Wash., Mrs. Etta Shaner of Inde
pendence, Mo., Miss Mary Gingrich
of Hnrdman, Ore., and Glenn Charlton
of Ellensburg, Wash. Miss Leora
Devin, sister of the bride, was over
from Stanfield where she is teaching
achool for the winter.
Lexington Christian church, E. L.
Wool, minister. Bible school 10:00
a. m., preaching and communion at
11:00. A cordial welcome to you.
..ohv&tiom f
Star Theater Sunday and Monday
"My Irish Rose" Rocks
Audience With Mirth
(Heppnerian News Item)
Scintillating flashes of Irish wit;
delightful tinges of Irish brogue; pic
turesque bits of Irish scenery and
costumes together with wholesome
bits of Irish sentiment all combined
to make "My Irish Rose" one of the
most successful class plays ever pre
sented to tne citizens of Heppner by
me public schools. The play was
success from every angle; in matter
of presentation as well as financially,
ana tne large audience was very ap
preciative ol the entire production
Beginning with a pleasant and
homelike scene on the prosperous
farm of Colum McCormick the scene
shifts to Dublin for its finale, thus
anoroing opportunity for a variety
ox action and scenes.
it would be difficult to name a star
for all of the leading parts were well
sustained. Eva Hiatt as the Rose of
Kildare carried an extremely difficult
pnrt with a great deal of grace and
ability. Her characterization of the
Irish lassie was life-like and clever,
Playing opposite her was Onez Par
ker, in the character of Maurice Fitz
gerald, a wealthy young Dublin art
ist wno capably wooed and won the
Irish Rose.
tills Thomson, who has already
won some reputation in local theatric
als, exceeded his Drevioua roles, an
Colum McCormick, the prosperous
bachelor uncle of Rose Creigan. Ellis
deserves much credit for the manner
in which he entered into this char
acter, acting his part with ease and
In the humorous leads, Mae Doher
ty, as the widow Hannigan and Mil
dred Green as Pageen Burke made
an admirable team, both sustaining
tneir parts exceptionally well.
Harold trwm. actinsr the nart of
bhawn McGilly and John Conder as
the simpering Enelishman convulsed
the audience with laughter whenever
they appeared.
Kosella Doherty, as Column's sis
ter, Claud Conder, an eminent Dublin
lawyer, and Jerry Brosnan, as Col
umn s nephew, each carried their
parts ably and in a pleasing manner.
Margaret hmith. as Eileen Fitzger
ald, as a sister of Maurice Fitzeer-
ald, and Letha Hiatt, as Lady Agnes
carricmow, Dotn capably enacted the
parts of English ladies in a manner
characteristic of the English social
The Junior class deserves much
credit for so successfully presenting
their play possible only through the
untiring efforts of each member of the
class, and the unlimited patience and
effort on the part of Miss Miller,
their class advisor and coach of the
cast. To her can be attributed, in
large measure, the success of the
play, a production which would do
any school credit.
Oregon Agricultural College. Cor-
vallis, Nov. 24. Wilma Leach of Lex
ington was initiated into membership
of the Oregon State chapter of Phi
Kappa Phi, national honorary schol
astic fraternity, at the annual home
coming breakfast Sunday morning.
That Phi Kappa Phi membership ib
the greatest achievement a student at
O. A. C. can attain is the opinion of
Dr. Kate W. Jameson, dean of women.
as expressed by her in a talk at the
Miss Leach is also a member of the
winning team in co-ed Interclass
hockey. Class numerals are award
ed to members of the winning team
by the Women's Athletic association
n recognition of this accomplishment
n addition to granting 100 of the 1000
points toward the Orange "O" sweater
for having participated in more than
half of the class games. She is al
ready a wearer of the Orange "O."
Miss Leach is a senior in the school
of vocational education. She is a mem
ber of Delta Psi Kappa, women's hon
orary in physical education, and of
Alpha Chi Omega, social sorority.
Eugene H. Slocum was born in Sus
quehanna county, Pa., October 28,
1853, and died at his home at 244
Portland Blvd., W Portland. Oregon.
November 9th, 1926, aged 73 years and
li days. For 30 years Mr. Slocum
made his home at Heppner. where for
25 years ho was engineer for Hepp
ner Light & Water company, a note
worthy term of service that speaks
much of his ability and faithfulness.
He was married in 1913 to Mrs.
Cora Thorley of Heppner, and to this
nion one child was born, Imogene
Delores, now aged 12, who, with the
widow survive.
Mr. Slocum was known as an hon
orable, kind and helpful husband and
father, a loyal and respected citizen.
His passing marks the end of the ca
reer of a man loved and highly re-
pectcd by all whose good fortune it
was to know him. He will be remem
bered for his many sterling qualities
r manhood that made him an upright
itizen of the communities in which
i lived.
The death of Mr. Slocum was the
result of paralysis. He suffered a se
vere stroke on September 9, from
which he did not recover, and on No
vember 9 a second stroke proved fa-
l. funeral services were held at the
chapel of Chambers & Son in Port
end by the Christian Science church.
after which the remains were given
over to the Portland lodge of Odd
Fellows, who conducted the services
al the grave. Mr. Slocum waB a mem
ber of Willow Lodge No. 66, I. O. O.
F., of Heppner. Contributed.
Wednesday. December 15th. is the
date set by the ladies aid of the
Methodist Comunlty church for the
Wilding of their annual Chriatmaa ha.
r.aar, at the church parlors, beginning
at 2 o'clock in the afternoonj. Get
your Christmas gifts then. 028-D7
low few there
Huddled upon the frowning shore1.
ignms into a
Cold anddoneh. simhlp and hnrnMT
-v - - c
w mi ivcva u iTicnu to snare, ine m
SBumrtive savaperwr browlintr htm
Yet for theblessing pf life ankfMu
John Hiatt, W. 0. Dix
Buy Sam Hughes Store
John Hiatt has extended his gro
cery business, W. 0. Dix has entered
same, and Sam Hughes company have
retired from this field of endeavor in
Heppner as a result of a business
transaction this week. The deal was
consummated a short time after ne
gotiations started, the purchasers,
John Hiatt and W. 0. Dix, taking im
mediate possession of the Hughes
store. The financial consideration
was not mentioned. "
The new owners expect to abandon
the quarters occupied' by Hiatt's Cash
and Carry grocery, moving the entire
stock into the Masonic building store
room held by Hughes, immediately
after Thanksgiving.
The families of Sam and Hanson
Hughes have not made known their
future intentions, though they do not
expect to leave Heppner immediately.
Announcement of the policy of the
new owners will be made later.
New Plan for Gymnasium Bonding Thot Best
By Supt. Burgess; Luncheon Club Backs Move
Should the bonding plan for a $20,
000 gymnasium-auditorium, outlined
by Supt. Jas. M. Burgess at the Lun
cheon club meeting Monday, be accept
ed by the voters of the district when
it is put to a vote in the near future
as it probably will be, not a cent more
will need to be raised by taxation the
coming year than was raised for this
year. This, due to the fact that the
special school tax to be raised under
the present budget is two mills less
than the same tax levied for this year,
while the amount that would be Taised
for the proposed building under the
bonding plan cited would add on an
average between 1 and 1M mills per
year for 20 years, the duration of the
bonding program, at which time all
bonds will have been retired.
The outlined program contemplates
Issuing bonds in serial form to be re
tired on an installment plan, so much
a year, with a lapse of five years be
tween time of issuance and navment
of the first block of bonds. The bonds
will draw 6 per cent interest, the in
terest now being paid on bonded in
debtedness by the district, it being
believed no trouble will be encoun
tered in disposing of them at this
rate. The taking up of the bonds will
be in the following amounts: $1,000
a year for five yenrs after a lapse of
five years, and $1500 a year for the
remaining 10 years. Interest of $1000
were in that littleband
- - . i r fcvsjf-
their strmgthrm
with gratitude.
acres tamed and tilled," W,. 0
cargoes tor steam and sail: J j
morests, felled and mountains d
of wire and sinews
cities towering high,l
jorteace, prosperij
urrmmed by thosegrve
forces besond their kenr.
wCl ? "S
.- --Q-r
uves of
n it used
Hearts are closer the
Love can ra
illhmwem ahigher
CoiMl have seen these golden days
would our bathers
let us glad voices
Notice of the death of G. Holboke
at his home on the Barnes road near
Portland, November 22, appeared in
Tuesday's Oregonian. Mr. Hclboke,
the father of Joseph, Leo and Herman
Holboke of Heppner and Mrs. Charles
McElligott of lone, was 72 years of
age. Other children of Mr. Holboke
are Henry, Bernard, Frank, and Mrs.
George Moshofsky, all of Beaverton.
Heppner Chapter No. 26, Royal Arch
Masons, will meet the first Thursday
in December. By order of the High
Regular meeting Tuesday, Nov. 30
of Doric No. 20. Important business
on hand.
All Saints' Episcopal church, Rev.
B. Stanley Moore, minister. Sunday
School 9:45; morning cvayer 11:00
o'clock. There will be no evening ser
vice this Sunday, as Mr. Moore will
be at Arlington and Cecil.
a year would be paid for the first
five-year period, and thereafter would
decrease at the rate of $50 with each
$1,000 bond retirement, and $75 with
each $1600 bond retirement.
This program is the best method of
payment that those sponsoring the
move have thus far encountered, as it
fits in with the present schedule of
bond retirement now being carried
out by the district.
At the present time the bonded in
debtedness of the district is $39,000,
which will be paid on a serial basis
as follows: Jan. 1, 1927, $1,000, and
the first of succeeding years in
amounts as follows: two years $1500
a year, two years $2,000 a year, two
years $2500 a year, four years $3000
a year, four years $3500 a year, cov
ering a 16-year period in all. Inter
est decreases as bonds are retired in
the following amounts: with the $1000
payment, $60; with each $1500 pay
ment, $76; each $2,000 payment $100;
each $2600 payment, $125; each $3000
payment $150; each $3600 payment
Though the addition of the pro
posed bond issue would increase the
amount to be paid on bonds a con
siderable amount for several years
after the first five years of non-payment
on the new issue, the program
throughout makes about as even a
distribution of payment as has so far
been devised. If a better means of
financing the project can be proposed
Jl nn
and sound. f ,
wonder and praise!
-Fam Broun m Youth's Companion
Predatory Animal
Inspector In County
Harold Dobyns, assistant predatory
animal inspector under Stanley Jew
ett with headquarters at Portland, is
is Morrow county this week, visiting
Heppner for a short time on Tuesday.
He went out to Hardman and expects
lo visit the territory of the three dif
ferent government hunters, Adam
Knoblock, Newt Matteson and Harold
Mr. Dobyns states that now is a
very excellent time to get the coyotes
and a poison program would be very
effective. In this connection, those
desiring poison for this purpose can
get their supply from the county
agent's office at Heppner, which co
operates with the government hunt
ers in the work of getting rid of pred
atory animals.
Mrs. Henry Ames of lone who was
recently confined to the Morrow Gen
eral hospital has returned home.
it will meet the favor of those spon
soring the move.
The Heppner Luncheon club has
been giving the auditorium-gymnasium
project much consideration, tak
ing into consideration all arguments
pro and con, and at its Monday meet
ing declared itself ready to back the
move to the extent of circulating a
petition for the special election neces
sary to put the project across.
As an added example of the need
for such a project, Superintendent
Burgess compared a few notes, dis
closing the following By this time
last year, he declared, he had been
called before the juvenile court of the
county no less than eight times in
connection with charges of vandalism,
etc, on the part of Heppner school
children. This year a play program
was instituted in the grades, and
though highly inadequade, has showed
many good effets. Mr, Burgess be
lieves this program to have been re
sponsible for his having been called
before the same juvenlie court but
once this year, and this in connection
with a case of what he snld to he a
"confirmed offender." It is not pos
sible to carry out this outdoor ath
letic program in weather such as
Heppner is now having, whereas if the
school had a gymnasium there would
be no interruption. Besides a great
deal more could be accomplished in
the way of physical training and se
cured child interest.
Preliminary Steps for Or
ganization Taken;
Cost Nominal
Initial steps for the reestablishment
of a library in Heppner were taken
Monday evening by representatives of
various organizations of the city at
tne council chambers, following the
lead and directions given by Miss
Mary Jane Dustin in behalf of the
state library when in Heppner a week
ago. Mrs. Arthur McAtee, represent
ing the Amreican Legion Auxiliary,
was chairman pro tem of the meeting
and the organizations represented
were Elks, Eastern Star, Masons,
Knights of Pythias. American Lesion
Auxiliary, and City of Heppner. Supt.
Jas. M. Burgess and Rev. B. S. Moore
were also present. The I. O. O. F.,
Rebekahs and American Legion will
also cooperate, it is expected.
Committees were appointed by Mrs.
McAtee to work out the various de
tails pertaining to cost and organiza
tion, and will report at another meet
ing to be held next Monday. Data
lead at the meeting regarding cost of
libraries at other places revealed
that the cost here should not exceed
$600 a year. Mayor Noble was con
fident the city could guarantee from
$50 to $100 of this amount, but could
not go stronger at the present time
because of the budget having already
been made up for the year. No trou
ble is expectd to be encountered in
raising the needed funds.
The sentiment of the meeting was
that the council chambers be used
for library purposes since the city
fathers offered the same rent-free,
and that the library be open two af
ternoons and one evening each week
for a period of two hours. It was
thought unnecessary to try to pro
vide a reading room at the present
Not less than 200 booka may be bor
rowed from the state library to begin
with, according to Miss Dustin, and
these may be supplemented at inter
vals later. It was also pointed out
that the school library is available
to residents of the district and that
this might be used as a nucleus to
build upon.
A suggesion that met with favor
was that plans for a library room in
the proposed school auditorium be
made, and should this project be
sanctioned by the voters of the dis
trict, the school and city libraries
be combined, with high school stud
ents to act as librarians. Superin
tendent Burgess was partial to this
plan, stating that the school library
is fast outgrowing its present quar
ters, there being now more than 2400
books in its collection.
The question of the possibility of
securing a Carnegie library for Hepp
ner was discussed and will be looked
into later. It is believed to be wholly
within the realm of possibility for
Heppner to get one.
Miss Dustin will be in Heppner
again on December 6 to meet with the
city council and help perfect organ
ization of a city library association.
MRS. A. T. HEfiEIM, Correspondent.
On account of the evangelistic ser
vices beginning earlier at the church
than was contemplated, the date and
place of holding the bazaar has had
to be changed. This will be held at
P.oot's hall which has been kindly do
nated for the purpose, on Saturday
night. The sale will open promptly
and there will be no reservation. Be
sides the articles of fancy work there
will be a cooked food sale and picture
gallery. Send old pictures of your
self and family to Mrs. Boardman.
Remember the date, Saturday eve
ning, Dec. 4.
Mrs. Jess Allen was hostess to the
Ladies' Aid on Wednesday, a guest
being Miss Mary Jane Dustin, repre
sentative of the state library, who
spoke on the question of books for
children and. young folks, listing
books that should not be read and
recommending a number of good
books. Explaining the traveling li
brary, Miss Dustin urged that some
local organization sponsor it, and
also that the community make more
use of the school library. This was
the annual praise meeting of the Aid
and was in charge of Mrs. J. R. John
son. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman A. Fortier re
turned home Friday from a pleasant
trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Macomber and Sy
bil Grace spent the week end at Pilot
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler and R.
Wasmer motored to Lexington Sun
day of last week for a visit with Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Schriever.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spagle motor
ed up from Fossil Sunday.
Tom Hendricks has two young bear
cubs at his camp on the highway
which are the source of much interest
lo the children of the community.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Houghton were
recent visitors at the D. F: Ransier
home. Mr. Houghton is the project
friends are glad to know that Op
ple Waggoner is recovering nicely
from another operation on his leg.
"Buck" was injured in France and has
had several operations. Boardman
people call on him frequently at the
Boardman friends are sorry to hear
that Mrs. Ellis Garrett, formerly of
(Continued on Page Six)
By Arthur Brisbane
Noise Cuts Life.
That Vehement Flame.
World Money Lender.
Farmers Need Canals.
Dr. Bundeson. Chicago's Health
Commissioner, says human life would
last eleven years longer, on the aver
age, if nerve-destroying noises were
We think we are "used" to a cer
tain noise, but use up as much energy
conquering noise, crowding it out of
the brain, as in doing real work.
Millions of brains are cut down SO
to 60 per cent in efficiency bv noise.
Absence of noise means greater ef
ficiency, less wear in machines. But
men pay no attention to their own
machinery, worn away by noiae everv
And to complain of noise is con
sidered effeminate. If unnecessary
noise were accurately classified with
assault and battery, life would be
When the Rihl. .... ;ol V-.k
a most vehement flame, it doesn't ex
aggerate. Horrible testimony given
bv a doctor as tn tho killing nt M
Mills, in the Hall-Mills murder ease,
proves it.
The unfortunate wnman .ft.. tt.HA
bullets had been fired into her head,
was areautuuy multilated. Her throat
Was Cllt twfrp. hoi nni,a
and there were other horrible wounds
innicted on the dead body. The ton
fcue in HunnftQcH tn h... ....
,J ri -v ..(.. fctc ii kUb uub'-
because the woman's singing had
charmed her clergyman from hig
ctraight and narrow path.
The horrible case will again remind
men that whnPVPf .tira nn ..in...
.a -j. jwvud;
stirs up danger. They have been re
in inaeo oi it, oiten enough, for five,
hundred thousand years, by blows on
the head with sharp flints, by poison
in the Middle Ages, by pistols later,
but they never seem to learn.
Wall Street is very proud of having
'supplanted London as the world's
money lender." This year the United
States will lend more than a thousand
million dollars in gold to foreign bor
rowers. In three years past this coun
try has lent Ellrnno f.n. fh.nD..J
million dollars. Gratifying, of course
oui. wnen win tney get that money
London as world money lender
charged usually moderate, and always
legal, rates of interest. Our finan
ciers lend money to Europe on a ba
sis that makes the borrower pay as
high as 13 per cent for the first year,
as much as 7 and 8 per cent there
after. '
The usurer in many States loses
principal and interest. Some of those
American lenders will get unpleasant
replies later when they ask for their
principal. Meanwhile, it is profitable
for middlemen that get the "rake
off." All farmers and some Congressmen
ire wondering what "can be done for
the farmer." The farmer says: "Guar
antee me a definite price for my
crops." Common sense says that in
vites overproduction, such as now
breaks the price of cotton.
With wheat at $1.40, farmers will
increase their acreage by 15 per cent.
HOW mUCh Wheat WOlllH their nlant
were the price $2.49, which the farm
ers teel they ought to have? And
where would the Government get the
money to buy the surplus $2.49
Farmers can help their wheat sit
uation by backing Secretary Hoover's
I lan for a canal to the Gulf through
the Mississippi valley and another
from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic
That would make every bushel of
wheat worth from six to eighteen
cents more.
Since the war railroads have raised
rates six to eighteen cents a bushel,
ind surplus American wheat on its
way to Liverpool pays that tax
Argentine and Australian wheat has
the six to eitrhtepn onrtt. av.nt.n.
per bushel over American wheat at
Liverpool, where the price is made.
A nine foot canal frnm tha I.!.. tA
the gulf would send freight in barges,
carrying a thousand tons, as against
box cars carrying fifty tons, hauled by
a tugboat instead of n Wnmntiv.
And ten such barges, carrying ten
thousand tons, would require no more
men than one of the old-fashioned
river boats carrying one hundred and
niiy tons.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of All Saints'
Episcopal church will hold their
annual bazaar and sale of fancy arti
cles suitable for Christmas gifts and
useful for manv nurnnxoa nn Satur
day, December 4, at the new parish
Mrs. Alex Green and baby daughter
have returned home from the Morrow
Gi neral hospital.
i JAMES CRUZE moouctiom'
Star Theater Sunday and Monday