PAGE TWO HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1926. BOARDMAN MRS. A. T. BBREIM, Cornipondent. Mn. Leo Root was hostess Wed nesday to the Ladies Aid at the Sil ver Tea which is given the first Wednesday in each month. A pleas ing program was given and the ladies chatted over their needlework. Prep arations are in fall swing for the an nual bazaar which is to be held on December S this year. The baiaar is held early to allow Boardman resi dents to purchase Xmas gifts if they wish. Alvin Wantland, Kelton Nail, Flor ence Rothrey, Dick Panneter and Gail Ensley. friends from Hood River, Dufur and The Dalles, spent Sunday visiting Nellie Messenger. Mrs. Alec Warren' is a victim of smallpox. She was taken over to the Bennett house and Mrs. T. E. Broyles is caring for her. The Brice Dillabaueh family quarantined, the children having a light attack of scarletina. Brice is dining at the Highway Inn while his family is isolated. On Friday evening Mrs. J. F. Gor ham was hostess at a merry Hallow e'en party at her home, having the teachers and the junior and senior tirls as guests. The house was dec orated in the vivid orange and black colors and a witches' fire burning un der a black iron not was very realis tic. Numerous interesting games and (.tnnts were nlayed. and all had a jolly time. A lunch suggestive of Hal lowe'en was served. The guests were the Misses Alice Falk, Elsie Silver, Ethel Beoueher, La Velle Leathers, Esther Kankonen, Mrs. Allegra Feess, Mrs. Fred Kelly, and Nellie Messen ger, Rachel Johnson, Irma Broyles Helen Chaffee. Esther Imus and Ma bel Brown. Mrs. Ray Brown assisted the hostess. 'Mr, and Mrs. Lowell Spagle moved their household goods on Sunday to Fossil, Ore., where Mr. Spagle has been for some time, having a position 'on the highway. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Huff were up Sunday from The Dalles. They were on their way to Irrigon to visit Mrs. Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nizer were din ner guests Sunday evening at the Hereim home. Vaughnan Keyes is here for a short visit at the R. Rands home. Mrs. Porter was hostess at one o' clock luncheon on Thursday. Guests were Mesdames Davis, Packard, Spa gle, Duggan, Gorham, Fortier and J. R. Johnson, On November 12 Miss Maude Al drich of New York City, a representa tive of the Educational Department of the Presbyterian church and a lec turer of national fame, will be in Boardman and will speak at 1:30 at the auditorium. Miss Aldrich is re puted to be a whirlwind of a speaker. Her subject for the day is not known but one of her lectures is called "Backbone or Wishbone," and another "Bulldogs and Diamonds." Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Smith are now settled on the Harrison ranch and ex pect to make Boardman their home. They purchased this place from Mrs. Harrison, or rather traded property in Seaside for it. Miss La Velle Leathers, primary teacher, was entertained Thursday night at the W. 0. King home. She was an overnight guest, returning Friday on the bus. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Guyer and three children stopped Saturday for a short visit at the C. S. Calkins home, They were on their way to Spokane where they expect to make their home, having come from Marshfield. Mr. Guyer is a brother of Mrs. C. C. Calkins. A girls' glee club is being organ ized at school under the direction of Mrs. Allegra Feess. They will be able to sing for special occasions. Miss La Velle Leathers was called to Lexington on Friday, having re ceived word of her uncle's death. A concrete block building is being erected at Irrigon for an office build, ing for the West Extension Irrigation district. Mr. Houghton is superin tendent in charge of this district. Mr. Lyman, an expert accountant from Washington, D. C, has been working at Heppner for some time on the ac counts of the district. His report will be ready soon. Mrs. Fred Kelly has taken the con tract for transporting the school chil dren from Coyote to Boardman school. Mrs. Spagle, who has been doing this, has moved to Fossil. Some especially clever costumes v-ere shown Saturday night at the , masquerade dance given by Green field Grange at the auditorium. Miss Edna Broyles received first prize for the ladies, being garbed in gypsy cos tume. Gentleman's prize went to man from Irrigon who was dressed ss an Indian chief. Mrs. Ralph Davis had on a very effective gypsy costume also. Nellie Dillon and Gladys Wil sen, two of the younger group, made charming ballet dancing girls. Mrs. Duggan had on a stunning Pierette costume. Mrs. Packard was dressed as Fatima. Lowell Spagle and Leslie Packard both dressed as clowns and without masks, but with painted faces and made an interesting pair. Many recognized Mr. Packard but until late in the evening the former was not recognized. Lunch was served at midnight. On Thursday A. Koski and a neigh bor of his, Mr. Hendrickson, came up for a few days visit at the Olson and Hango Domes. Koskis live on the Washington side oposite Mayger, Ore., and are well satisfied with their new home. F. L. Brown and family are again at their ranch home on the West End after a prolonged absence. Mrs. Royal Hands and Donna Jane have returned from a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howell, The school cafeteria is running smoothly with Miss Beougher in charge. About 40 are served each day with some hot dish. Boardman has one of the best equipped cafeter iaa for a school of its size, in the state. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly, Mrs. N, W. Broome, Mrs. Nick Gaglia and Miss Ethel Beougher motored to Fen dleton on Saturday. "Marion Van Meter of Grass Valley Is relieving Mr. Clark at Messner for m time. Several new students entered the local school the last two weeks, some in high schov.1 and some in the grades All Boardman residents were shock ed and griveed last Friday to hear of the tragic accident at Messner when N. W. Broome, supt. of Riverview Farms at Blalock Island, struck Chas., the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark of Messner with the fender of his car, the injuries he received caus. ing his death soon after, as he was being rushed to the hospital. Mr. Clark is in charge of the pumping station at Messner and the family made its home in one of the company houses adjacent to the highway. U seems that the children of Mrs. Gag lia, a sister of Mrs. Clark, and the Clark children were playing near the house and the little lad, 5 years of aee. ran across the highway just as Mr. Broome was driving by on his way home. He saw the child and swerved the car to avoid striking him. As he turned out the little lad turned and started to run back and was struck by the fender of the car. His little head was crushed, one leg and one arm broken, the latter in two places, and the little life passed on soon after, without any suffering or pain. Charles was born July 27 at Salt Lake City and was an exceptionally bright little lad for his age. A bro ther. Frank. 2V4 years old, survives, His parents are heartbroken over. tl?e tragedy and the sympatny oi tne en tire community is extended to Clarks and to Mr. and Mrs. Broome who did all that was possible to assist the be reaved family. An inquest was held Saturday and the accident pronounc ed unavoidable. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Her miston with the Methodist minister in charge. There were many beauti ful flowers sent by sorrowing friends. Musical selections were given by the choir of the Methodist church, and Kenneth and Albert Boardman and Alex Ayers were the pallbearers. The Clarks wish to express their appre ciation to the Boardman people for their great kindness at this sad time. Mrs. Minnie E. Roberts of Lane, Idaho, came Sunday morning to be with her daughters, Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Gaglia and to attend the funeral j services oi ner granqson, inaries. On Thursday night Miss Elsie Sil ver and Miss Alice Falk were over night guests at the C. S. Calkins home. Deibert Johnson has a new radio set which is bringing much pleasure. Boardman might be small but we are a mighty progressive community and can accomplish much. Plans are now on foot for the establishment of a night school for all adults on the project. Courses will be announced soon and if there be sufficient inter est school will be run two nights a week for eight or ten weeks with the teachers and Mr. Dillabaugh, janitor, offering their services free. A mim eograph questionnaire is to be sent rq all adults from Supt. Kelly's of fice soon regarding the courses that parents might like to take and those to be offered. This would be a won derful thing and give many of us an opportunity to brush up on long for gotten questions and subjects. E. Peck, Frank Otto and Charlie Marshall went to Portland Wednes day. Johnny McNamee was in Pendleton Friday. Mike Marshall and daughter Kath. een were Pendleton visitors Thurs day and Heppner visitors Friday. Charlie Barnes is a Boardman vis itor. He is driving a classy new "coop." Alfalfa hulling on the project is soon over. It has been difficult to net hulling done because of the damp weather and the heavy frosts. Yields have varied greatly on different ranches and it has been a bad year for n.any crops, but nearly all who have raised seed feel that it is equal value or exceeds hay and it is much less, work and expense. Several new cars are to be seen un the Droiect. Frank Otto has classy new Ford coupe, as does Charlie Marshall. Cathleen Marshall is driv ing a new Ford sedan. The Rebekahs plan to give a mas querade ball the Friday after Thanks giving. Fletcher's orchestra of Pen- Jleton will furnish the music. state of Washington during the year solidation or other agencies in the ending June 30, 1925, accordnig to a report from the state department of education in that state, and only 8 per cent of the elementary school children were taught in one-room ichools. Pacific county which main tained seven one-teacher schools en rolling 128 pupils had the smallest number of such schools in Washing ton that year. Recently the board of education of Montgomery county, Alabama, report ed to the United States Bureau of Education that their last one-teacher school had been closed. There are at least two other states, Utah and Ohio, in which some counties have succeed ed in providing grade school advant ages to all rural pupils. CONSOLIDATION PROGRESSES. One hundred and four one-room schools were eliminated through con NE AT A TIME Buying a new car is one thing. Sell ing a used car is another. Don't get the two confused or you are almost sure to end up with a new car you never really wanted. COHN AUTO COMPANY Heppner, Oregon A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABLE AS THE DEALER. WHO SELLS IT ALFALFA LAWN MILK AND CREAM Whole, tested milk and separated cream. Tell the driver. Alfalfa Lawn Dairy WIGHTMAN BROS., Propa. Phone 30F3 Go to GILLIAM & BISBEE for Copper Carbonate. for Blue Stone. For the Calkins Wheat Treat ing Machine. for Superior and Kentucky Drills. for All kinds of Harrows. for the Rotary Rod Weeder. for anything to get your Fall seeding done. We Have It, Will Get It, or It is Not Made. 'L. JiaKSI8SSSSai.... J) The Leeds Double-breasted A featured model for Fall Beautiful assortment at $25 $20 to $40 Wilson's A Man's Store for Men DELICIOUS APPETIZING NUTRITIOUS . Shell Fish Order them any day. We prepare them to suit the taste. , FOUNTAIN SPECIALS and BAKED GOODS ELKHORN RESTAURANT ED CHINN, Prop. GILLIAM & BISBEE HEPPNER, ORE. With a large assortment of patterns, three, six, nine and twelve feet in width and a range in price from 45c per yard up to Armstrong's A grade. You can find a pattern to fit any room or any purse. Also a good line of Gold Seal and other similar rugs 9x12 as low as $12.00 No flowery descriptions of fictitious values. Case Furniture Co. We Carry a Full Line of Dry Goods Groceries Shoes, etc. Come in, if only to. look, for we feel that you will appreciate the quality of our goods Thomson Brothers niuiiimmmimMiummiimirimiiiniiiMiMimm EIGHT YEARS OF PEACE As suddenly as they began the cannons' hellish roar was stilled the flames of hate and fury were quenched and the blood red clouds of the most titanic struggle the world has ever known rolled away. - November the Eleventh is Armistice Day the birthday of universal peace. Let us celebrate this day in a fitting way, let us rejoice, but let us not forget our fallen sons who gave their all, that you and I might live in peace, harmony and happiness. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER