HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCT. 7, 1926. PAGE FIX MORGAN Mr. nd Mrs. Bert Plmteer were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monran Sunday A few people of Morgan attended the aupper at the Congregational church Friday evening Fay and Noah Pettyjohn have been treating wheat the past week. Miss Eudora Hardesty was calling on Mrs. George Mahoney Thursday. The farmers of Morgan and vicinity are getting ready to seed. Mrs. R. E. Harbison returned home Friday morning after spending a week visiting in the valley. Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie and family were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Eckleberry Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Medlock returned 1iome Sunday after spending some time vis iting relatives in Missouri. Miss Geraldine Funk was surprised Saturday afternoon by a surprise birthday party which was arranged by her mother. Refreshments of sand wiches, cake and jello were served Those present were Carrie Medlock, Dot and Dimple Crabtree, Cora Scott. Helen Streeter, Marion and Mansel Krebs, Laura Chandler, Francis Jones snd Margaret Ely. Martin Bauemtiend has finished his cellar. Mr. Mahoney of Portland spent a few days visiting his son George the past week. Miss Eudora Hardesty was calling n Arlington Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bauernnend were calling in lone Friday. Mrs. Ralph McCormick was in Mor gan Tuesday. (Missent to Hardman Last Week.) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pettyjohn of the Junction were calling in Morgan on Monday. Mrs. George Mahoney was calling on Mrs. Jim Hardesty Tuesday. Chester Hutchcroft started seed ing Monday. Roy Stender has been delivering hjs crop to the Morgan warehouse Martin Bauernnend is building large cellar to put his winter sup plies in. It looks a sif he might be expecting a cold winter. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troedson jour neyed to Arlington Sunday to take Tom Small. R. L. Eckleberry and son are spend ng a few days in the mountains hunting. WANTS For Sale 13 head of Lincoln bucks. Ralph Thompson, Heppner. tf . Modern house with garage, nicely located, for rent furnished or unfur nished. Prefer to rent unfurnished. Will sell verv reasonable. See C. A. Minor. For Sale 15 head yearling Lin coln-Ramboulet rams, and 22 head Ramboulet rams. Tom O Brien. CARE OF THE EVES. Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Optical Co, permanent location, Portland, office in the Merchants Trust Bldg., corner 6th and Washington Sts., will be in Heppner Sunday, Oct. 10th, on his regular monthly visit. See him about your eyes. At the Hotel Hepp ner all day and evening. Remember the date, Sunday, Oct. 10. 27-8. Furnished house for rent. Inquire at this office. LOST A bunch of about 12 keys. Finder return to this office. Reward. See us before you build. Our tii-ima are rieht. HeDnner Box A Lumber Co., Tiards aero is from de pot 22-tf. FOR SALE OR TRADE Reo tour ing car, 1922 model. Gene Gentry, Lexington. Energetic man wanted to distribute nationally known food products to steady users in Gilliam, Morrow and Sherman counties, Oregon. One who will not be satisfied with less than $50.00 a week. No experience neces sary. Write at once to The J. R. Watkins Company, Rural Department, 4512 Hollis Street, Oakland, Calif. Wheat Ranch For Rent Eight Mile country. D. E. Gilman, Heppner. Woman Wanted at Once To do general housework for two. J. H. Cox, Heppner. 28-9. Rams for sale 10 Hampshire rams. R. M. Oviatt, Heppner. 25-26 FOR SALE Spitzenberg and New town apples; price 90c per box. Ad dress Mrs. Perry E. Wells, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 115, Hood River, Oregon. For Sale 14 Poland China hogs, weight about 110 pounds each; also 15 weanling pigs. Ellis Minor ranch, lone. 28-9. The restaurant in the Gilman build ing will be open again to the public on Friday, October 8, at noon. Meals served restaurant style but regular hours only. Bertha M. Stoneman. jdseph l scon Pendleton, Oregon DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR Joint Representative UMATILLA AND MORROW COUNTIES General Election Nov.' 2, 1926. (Paid Advertisement) DAY, NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon the undersigned has taken up the hereinafter described annual, found running at large on his premises in Morrow county, State of Oregon, and that he will on rn day, the 22nd day of October, 1926, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at his place known as the Hamilton Ranch, 18 miles southeast of Heppner in said Morrow county, State of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash in hand the said animal. Said animal is described as follows One dark bay horse, weight about 1000 nuonds, 5 years old; branded PA on right shoulder; white on left hind foot and right ear split on top. W. V. PEDRO. Cecil. Oregon. PRODUCE at Wholesale and Retail BEANS POTATOES ONIONS CABBAGE And Other Light Produce. MORE COMING The Place Where Your $ Meets It's Value Your Home Products Won't be Overlooked. R. Randall Edward's Cafe Bldg. Upper Main Street Marvelous Smoothness at any Speed Today's Chevrolet provides a multiple-cylinder smoothness of opera tion at every speed that is unequaled anywhere in the low-price 6eld ! Everywhere ita velvet-like perform ance qualities amaze all who drive it everywhere the smoothest Chevro let in Chevrolet history is acknowl edged as one of the outstanding engineering achievements of the day I Let us demonstrate Chevrolet's mar velous smoothness at every speed. Or better still, drive the car yourself! Then you will know why today's Chevrolet is such a marked favorite among buyers who demand the ex ceptional in economical motor car performance. Small down payment and convenient term. Ask about our 6 Purchase Certificate Plan Roadster &up$645 four Door $ i f Sedan- Jj H-Ton Truck $-"7C I-Ton Truck tiA OwimCMly HT Pricu f.o.b. Flint, Mich. Ferguson Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Oregon QUALITY AT LOW COST OCTOBER 12th, at the Dorlon Hotel. Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation COMING to The Dalles and Pendleton DR. MELLENTH1N SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the past fifteen years. DOES NOT OPERATE Will be in THE DALLES on MON DAY, OCTOBER 11, at The Dalles Hotel, and in PENDLETON on TUES rw MllpnrViin is a veeular grad uate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of uregon. tie does not operate for chronic appen dicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful re sults in diseases of the stomsch, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid ney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal aumenis. Relnw are the nmaes of a few of his many satisfied patients in Oregon: Mrs. W. J. Martin, Moro, nign Diooa pressure. Mrs. Peter Westburg, Colton, stom ach trouble. Mr. Halvor Nelson, Chinook, Wn., goitre. Martin Jorgesson, Astoria, nerve trouble. Mr. Chris Hanson. Chinook. Wash., bowel trouble and neuritis. Mrs. James Ellis, Coquille, gall stones and colitis. James Suess, Lakeside, ucers of stomach. J. R. Jenkins, Silverton, circulatory trniirile. Remember the above dates, that consultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must be accompan ied by their husbands. Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, California. Light Lunch W Coffee and pie, doughnuts, snails, cook- g H ies or maple bars, or a good sandwich, g H Drop in and get a cup of coffee any time. j Buy Heppner Mome-ade Bread. If your grocer don't stock it, buy it here at j cash and carry prices. j American Bakery and Cafe mm Duvetyn The Newest Thing for the Fall Dress DIFFERENT SHADES These are brand new goods, arriving this week November H IK! Kg) sale November 1st MALCOLM D. CLARK STAR THEATER THURSDAY and FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 and 8: CHARLES RAY and ELEANOR BOARDMAN in "THE AUCTION BLOCK" By REX BEACH. From heir to millions a play boy who wasted his father's wealth on girls and gaity to a job as shoe clerk in a small twon. What a dizzy descent. Charles Ray and Eleanor Board man in the greatest and funniest picture either have made, based on Rex Beach's best seller. Also two last episodes of "THE GREAT CIRCUS MYSTERY." SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9: BUCK JONES in "A MAN FOUR SQUARE" From the novel by Wm. MacLeod. The story of a two-fisted cowpuncher who toko a fling at the jazz life and hurried back to the open spaces. Here's a picture you'll like excite ment enough for several film dramas.. Also "One Wild Time," 2-reel comedy-western, and International News. 1 v m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii SUNDAY and MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 and 11: Rudolph Valentino in I "THE SON OF THE SHEIK j With VILMA BANKY. The sequel to THE SHEIK, from the novel by E. M. Hull. Ah ! Here is Romance here is love such as 'only Valentino could portray it. J ES Here is a Son of the Sheik who is a greater master than was his father before him. An eye fast of virile action, colorful settings and glowing climaxes. jj Here is indeed Valentino's greatest and most appealing picture. H Also "Buster's Hunting Party," two reel Buster Brown comedy CHILDREN 25c ADULTS 50c. E TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 2and 13: LEATRICE JOY and WILLIAN BOYD in "EVE'S LEAVES" A delightful, entertaining Comedy Drama. A story thoroughly human, with an Orietnal background, chock full of thrills and laughs A picture filled with stirring action and with a smashing novel climax that will amaze you. Walter oLng plays the part of the Chinese Bandit; you should see him. Also comedy, "HIS DUMB FRIEND." NEXT WEEK- Wm. S. Hart in TUMBLEWEEDS. George K. Arthur in THE BOOB. Jack Daugherty in THE RADIO DETECTIVE. Rod LaRocque in THE COMING OF AMOS. Mary Pcikford in LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY. Special tove Sale Ranges and wood, coal, duplex and box Heaters At Special Prices : We have a large as sortment of Univer sal, Howard, Bridge & Beach stoves that we offer for sale at a large saving to you. $toves -: $toves -:- $toves We carry an attractive assortment of dishes, kitchenware and furnishings at attractive prices. Peoples Hardware Co. BRIDGE-BEACH MAHOGANY ENAMCL FINISH Come in and see this won derful Heater. All porce lain jacket, handsome, economical and a revela tion in stove heating. Heats the home instead of one room with the same amount of fuel. No cold corners or "oors.