HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1926. PAGE THREE CANDIDATE WILL ASK FOR INVESTIGATION Republican Nominee Will Not Allow Complaint to Interfere in Campaign. Pendleton Eaat Oregonian. If an Investigation Is not made of the charges made against him by W. S. U'Ren, Fred Steiwer, rcpublcian nominee for United States senator, will himself ask that an investigation be made. Mr. Steiwer made that point today in the following statement to the Eant Oregonian: "I will not permit the U'Ren com plaint to interfere with the prosecu tion of the campaign but will, in due time, proceed with my campaign as I had originally planned it. I have no further statement to make at this time concerning the U'Ren complaint, It is so obviously a political move and so false in fact that I will take mi steps in connection with the mat ter at this time. I hope that it will result in a thorough and prompt in vestigationnot only of my expendi tures, but also of the motives of Mr. U'Ren. If it does not result in an In vestigation I will later attempt to obtain an investigation upon my own account." Saturday evening Mr. Steiwer, re plying to the U'Ren charges, gave a general denial classing the main points in the U'Ren complaint as out tageously false and not made in good faith. Complaint Is Received at Salem. SALEM, Aug. 16. The letter of W. S. U'Ren, Portland attorney and one of the authors of the Oregon corrupt practices act, to Sam Kozer, secretary of state, alleging violations of the corrupt practices act by Frederick Steiwer, republican nominee for Uni ted States senator, in the filing of his expense statements covering the May primary election was received by Mr. Kozer this morning. Following is U'Ren's complete for mal complaint: To the Honorable Sam A. Koier, secretary of state for Oregon: I, W. S. U'Ren, being first duly sworn, say: At all times herein men tioned, I was and am now, a citizen and legal voter of the state of Ore gon and the county of Multnomah. My residence is 62 Trinity Place and my office is Suite 515 The Oregonian building in the city of Portland. I complain and I verily believe that the statement of receipts and dis bursements filed by Frederick Steiwer in the office of the secretary of state cf Oregon on the 7th day of June, 1926, purporting to be a statement of his expenditures and receipts in his campaign for the republican party nomination at the election on May LI for the office of United States sena tor in congress does not conform . to the law in this: That said statement purports to give account of his ex penditures and receipts only from the time he filed his petition for nomina tion with the secretary of state which was the 13th day of April, 191rt, tut in fact he became a candidate for said nomintion at least as early a the 18th day of October, 1925, and on that day he publicly declared his candi dacy and published a brief statemont of his plaform. I complain and I verily believt that the statement of expenditures and re ceipts filed by the said Frederick Stei wer on the 7th day of June, 1926, and the statement of receipts and expendi tures filed by John R. Laourette as treasurer of the Steiwer-for-senator committee on the 2nd day of June, ",626, do not conform to the truth in this: That it appears from the statement f.led by Charles E. Henshaw in the of fice of the secretary of state for Ore gon on the 17th day of July, 1926, he received from said Frederick Steiwer the sum of $100, and on April 27, 1926, the sum of $50, and from said John R. Latourette on May 6, 1926, the sum of $80, making a total of $230, all for use in promoting the candidacy of said Frederick Steiwer for the repub lican party nomination for United States senator in the primary nom inating election held on the 21st day of May, 1926. I am filing this com plaint within 60 days after the filing of said statement by Charles E. Hen shaw. Further, I have an affidavit in my Iossession made by said Charles E. Henshaw and corroborated by other evidence, that in March, 1926, said Frederick Steiwer promised to pay to said Charles E. Henshaw and one Charles A. German the sum of $500 'ot their services and to be used by them and other members of an organ ization called the County Republican club in promoting the candidacy of said Frederick Steiwer for the afore said nomination and from evidence In my possession I believe that this Eugene Celebrates New Rail Line Completion' EUGENE, Ore., Aug. The open ing of a virgin empire of farm and timber land to rail transportation la expected to draw more than 30,000 people to Eugene, August 19 and 20, to participate In the "Trail to Rail" celebration of the construction ot Southern Pacific's new Cascade line between San Francisco and Portland. A stirring historical pageant with a cast of 3,000 performers under the direction of Prof. W. P. G. Thatcher of the University of Ore gon will be one of the major events on the program. Pioneer celebri ties, Including Ezra Meeker ot Oregon Trail fame, Captain O. C r t r ST. rv-Bi ij 1 1 & 7 JA .-- Applegate and Cal Yoking, and noted cowboys and Indian chiefs will play stellar roles in this pro duction, which depicts the evolution of transportation from Indian trails to steel rails. Western sports, Indian dances by members of the Modoc and Klamath tribes, exhibitions of riding, roptng and horsemanship by cowboys will provide much of interest for visi tors daring the) elaborate two-day celebration. Opening ot the Cascade line Is ot Interest not only to the North west, but to the entire country, as Lower Leftt Rosary and Odell lakes along Southern Pacific's new Cascade line between Klamath Fails and Eugene. (Center) Chief Tur tle ot the Klamath Tribe who will participate In the Eugene "Trail to Kail" cele bration August 19-20. (Cpper llig-bt) new line, showing heavy construction work throngh Salt Creek Canyon on west slope ef Oregon Cascades. the new line will bring within easy reach of eastern markets the rich, untapped resources of the Oregon region between Klamath Falls on the east and the southern Willa mette valley on the west. Southern Pacific has announced special low fare round trip excur sions to Eugene from all points on Its lines in Oregon on account of the celebration. promise was fulfilled by the payment of the aforesaid $230 by said Freder ick Steiwer and John R. Latourette to said Charles E. Henshaw and by the payment of $270 by said John R. Latourette to the said Charles A. German. None of these payments ap pear in the accounts filed by Freder ick Steiwer and John R. Latourette. I complain and verily believe that srid Charles A. German and one Ray mond W. Caldwell were agents and employes of said Frederick Steiwer and of his Setiwer-for-senator com mittee in said campaign and that be tween the 10th day of May and the 21st day of May, 1926, they were both almost daily in and reporting to the said Steiwer-for-senator headquarters in the city of Portland; that on or about the 18th day of May, 1926, the said Charles A. German and Raymond W. Caldwell caused to be secretly printed, and from then until the nom inating election on the 21st day of Mav, 1926, they circulated and caused to be circulated a certain forgud, false and fraudulent letter, one of which I attach hereto, and which was and is commonly referred to as "the yellow ticket"; that it does not boar the name or address of the printer; that Charles A. German and Raymond W. Caldwell causesd this forged letter and ticket to be secretly printed and circulated without the knowledge or consent of the candidates whose names are printed thereon; that said letter was issued over the name of "Oregon Good Government League, Inc., Fred L. Gilford, secretary, 433 Pittock block, Portland, Or." which is commonly believed to be the Ku Klux Klan, and was circulated almost exclusively among voters who were known to be violently opposed to that organization; that said German and Cnldwell issued said letter for the purpose of deceiving all such voters and causing them to believe that Rob ert N. Stanfield and all the candi dates so recommended were members of the Ku Klux Klan, and by such fraud and deceit to aid in securing the nomination for Frederick Steiwer. The aforesaid apparent omissions of the campaign expenditures by Frederick Steiwer and Jon R. Latou rette considered in connection with the issue and circulation by the can didate's agents and employes of the forged letter or yellow ticket, I be lieve to be such grave violations of the corrupt practices elections law that the candidate should be required to show an excusable oversight as to the omitted expenditures and justi fiable ignorance of the fraudulent and unlawful action of his employes, Charles A. German and Raymond W. Caldwell. Wherefore, I pray that you as sec retary of state for Oregon will refer this complaint to the honorable John Carson, district attorney for the coun ty of Marion, for investigation, and for such action as in his opinion the evidence may legally justify. W. S. U'Ren, being by me first sworn, says: I am the petitioner in the foregoing complaint and I verily believe the statements therein to be true. W. S. U'REN. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of August, 1926. C. Q. SMITH, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires Oco. 8, 1927. Notarial seHl. A thorough cultural and professional scholar ship is ths outstanding characteristic o the StsU University. Tninlni rs offered in. 22 departments of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. Architecture and Allied Arts Business' Administration Educa tion Journalism Graduate Study Law Medicine Music Physi cal Education Sociology. Social Work Extension Division. 51st Year Opera September 27, 1926 for infrrmollon or catalogue write 7Tie Rtimnr. University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. Jbr Economical Transportation t ni fav Smoothness Jfc Features Jtfew Colors Chevrolet again electrifies the world by increasing Chevrolet Values f L&Pricesf '510 UadMt755 K-TootVsadk . (171 I IMS VTom Track S Chassis Oafe T,f AI prices (. o. b. Flint. Mich. Now in the greatest year in Chevrolet history building cars in tremendous volume to meet an ever-increasing worldwide demand Chev rolet continues its successful policy of increasing Chevro let values! Now Chevrolet adds to the performance, beauty and completeness of equipment that have been winning the world to Chevrolet by developing the smooth est Chevrolet in Chevrolet history, by enhancing its mart appearance and by adding features which in crease the economy and sat isfaction of Chevrolet pur chase and ownership! A triumph of engineering science, today's Chevrolet is the only low-priced car ever to offer every quality of smooth car performance. Forty to fifty miles an hour as long as you like without the slightest sense of forcing or fatigue! Remarkable smoothness at every speed! Acceleration that is a de light in traffic! Power that conquers hills such are the almost revo lutionary qualities attained by a superior method of mounting the motor on the chassis and by a new cam shaft with scientifically de termined quieting curves. Come in! Arrange for a demonstration! Admire the brilliant beauty of the new and striking Duco colors on every model! Mark the greater convenience of the centralized throttle and spark control! Note that all en closed models with their bodies by Fisher now carry an approved stop light as standard equipment and have a front door pocket. Then take the wheel and you will quickly learn that today's Chevrolet with its new smoothness, new fea tures and new colors, is a car that only Chevrolet could build a value that only Chevrolet could offer. Ferguson Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Oregon QUALI T Y AT LOW COST, Miiiiii iiiifiiHiHiiniiiiiiBiii;!:1; in msxm iiiiib uwmn mamm PRINTING is the inseparable companion of Achievement PRINTING IS A valuable aid to any business, and when properly pre pared and used can Demade to produce additional profiits. It is impossible for every business to conduct its own printing plant, but in Hepp ' ner the business men have the next best thing-a mod ernly equipped plant whose service is as close to them as their telephone. Phone MAIN 882 and put this plant to work for you. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES , TlFEfa'iHIIIiillllliililjillllllillll'liillll llllilillllHIliffl