Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 24, 1926, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MRS. A. T. HBSEIM. Correspondent
The annual school election vat held
Monday afternoon. Three candidates
were nominated for director with T.
E. Broylea reelected for another term
of three years Results were as fol
lows: T. E. Broyles 29, Clarence Ber
ber 18, Paul M. Smith 15. All three
are rood men but the fact that Broyles
had already been director for two
terms and knew school affairs held
weight with the community. It is a
thankless position at best and a po
sition few men want. Much censure
is received by the board members and
little praise. This particular com
munity seema to be out of harmony
on many school questions but it is
hoped that we may have a little bet
ter cooperation between teachers and
patrons, a little more charity, a little
less blame and criticism, that we may
start the new school year with a clean
slate and all work for the best in
terests of-the communiy and of our
greatest asset, our children.
Assessor Wells of Heppner was a
Boardman visitor the fore part of this
Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Wagner of Out
look, Wn., were overnight guests at
the E. T. Messenger home Sunday and
also visited at the Flickinger home,
returning to Outlook on Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Mefford and mother,
Mrs. Knowlton, went to Poland
last week where Mrs. Knowlton will
have medical attention. She has been
here with her daughter the past year.
Mrs. Geo. Spring and Leo Currey
were guests from Thursday until Sun
day at the Nick Faler home.
A community picnic is to be held
on Monday, July 6th, at Warner's
camp grounds. This is sponsored by
the Grange but is for everyone. Chas.
Niser and Geo. Mitchell were appoint
ed on the committee to have charge
of the sports; W. A. Goodwin to look
after the picnic grounds; Walter
Knauff, Mrs. Ray Brown, Mr. Chaffee,
Mrs. Emma Dillabaugh and Dan Ran
sier were to see about the dance. A
good time is anticipated by all on
July 6th.
W. A. Goodwin, Mrs. Ray Brown
and Mrs. Chas. Wicklander wish to
thank all who helped make the picnic
a success on Sunday at the Porter
ranch. We will add that these mem
bers of the committee worked hard
and deserve thanks in turn from
the community foT the part they
played in making the picnic such a
The next Silver Tea given by the
Ladies Aid will be held on July 7 at
the home of Mrs. J. R. Johnson.
These teas are always pleasant af
fairs and are anticipated.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bleakman and
daughter Alice were week end visit
ors at the Glen Eadley home from
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Macomber and
Sybil Grace spent several days in
Pilot Rock last week. They brought
. Wallace Matthews home with them
for a visit.
Gloria Wicklander received a bad
cut over her eye last Thursday eve
ning while playing in front of the
postomce when her parents were at
tending Grange. She ran into the
mail cart and cut a gash that re
quired stitches to close. It is healing
Roger Morse, the popular county
agent, was a Boardman visitor Sunday
from Heppner. Mr. Notson also at
tended the picnic dinner. Mr. Morse
was also present on Monday at the
meeting of the potato growers, when
it was decided to ship early potatoes
with the Three Rivers association.
Mr. Shafer of Hermiston told about
the association and Mr. Morse also
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ashford and
two children of Kelso arrived Sunday
for a visit with Mrs. Ashford's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eango.
Mrs. Dan Ransier was called to Pen
dleton on Friday because of the ser
ious illness of her brother, Frank
Marlow who was at the hospital and
was reported to be very low.
A number of Boardman Grangers
attended the meeting of the Pomona
Grange Saturday at lone. Much im
portant business was transacted.
Boardman will entertain at the next
meeting of Pomona on the first Sat
urday in October. The fifth degree
was conferred on a class of 22. The
Irrigon boys' band played several se
lections and a fine program was ar
ranged, lone was a royal host and
those 'from here thoroughly enjoyed
the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ni
ter, Mrs. Shell, Mr. Brice, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Wicklander and C. H. Dil
lsbaugh were Boardman Grangers in
Chas. Nizer was pleased to have his
nephew and a friend, Ernest Eckles
dafor of Grand Rapids, Mich., and
Mr. Bolan of Detroit visit enroute to
Irma Broyles has returned from
The Dalles.
Ed Kunzie lost a fine cow last
week from bloat. Sweet clover this
time instead of the usual alfalfa.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger
of La Grande were overnight guests
Saturday at the parental home. They
returned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howell have a
fine baby girl born last week at Hood
River. Mrs. Howell was formerly
Wahnona Rands of Boardman.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston ' and
daughter Faye stopped in Boardman
for a short while enroute to The
Dalles where Mr. Johnston will be
employed by the Adison-Miller Co. in
charge of the coal chutes. They had
gone to La Grande from here but de
cided to take the position at The
Dalles, so they visited at the Paul
Demaro home for a time.
Edna Broyles is employed at the
Cash Mercantile store since her re
turn from school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and fam
ily motored to Ellensburg, Wn., a
week ago where Katherine will attend
State Normal. She will make her
home with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Co
hoon, former Boardman residents.
Their son Ellis Cohoon (Dumpy) came
home with the Browns for the sum
mer. Mrs. A. P. Ayres was pleased to
have her brother and family come
Sunday from North Dakota. It had
been 33 years since Mrs. Ayres had
seen her brother so the meeting was
indeed a pleasant one.
Boardman friends will be sorry to
learn of the death of Irene Durfee at
Nampa, Idaho, recently. She was a
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Weech who formerly owned the ranch
where Cooneys now live. Weech's
seem to have been heavily burdened
since leaving here as they lost their
daughter, Mrs. Durfee, their youngest
son Tommy, and now their grand
daughter. A jolly party met at Messner last
Monday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Bobby Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Dugan as hosts. The evening was
At Lower Cost
The modern, short-boil method
of making jams and jellies with
(Jerto delights women everywhere
because it is so simple, so sure, so
practical and so improves the color
and flavor of their jams and jellies.
With Certo your fruit jells per
fectly every time, with only one or
two minutes' boiling. This saves
the bright color and delicately lus
cious flavor of your fresh fruit and
gives you a larger amount of jam
or jelly from your fruit hecause
you save all the juice which used
to boil away,
Women who have figured the cost
both ways find their cost per glass
two or three cents less when they
use Certo.
Certo is a pure fruit product
the jellying substance of fruit re
fined and bottled. A book of simple,
tested recipes comes with each
bottle. Your grocer carries Certo.
or you can send 10c (for postage)
and get a trial half-size bottle
which will make from 6 to 1C
glasses of jam or jelly, depending
upon the recipe used. Address
Douglas-Pectin Corporation,
137D Granite Bldg., Rochester, N. Y
spent in dancing and cards. Guests
were Messrs and Mesdames Lee Mead,
Lowell Spagle, Keough and J. F. Gor
ham. Dixies were served during the
evening and a luncheon later.
Lawrence Smith had another piece
of hard luck. Just a year ago he
broke his arm and on Wednesday of
last week he broke it again. The frac
ture was of such nature that in order
to set it the doctor was compelled
to break the other bone. He is get
ting along nicely.
Mrs. Henry Kluges was pleased and
greatly surprised recently when a fine
piano was deivered to her home. This
was an unexpected gift from her hus
band and will prove a source of much
pleasure as Mrs. Klages plays beauti
fully. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hadley wil en
tertain on Sunday at a dinner at
their home on the east end. Guests
will be Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer,
Mrs. Gladys Gibbons and Norma, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Cramer and Mr. Fortier.
Boardman did herself proud on
Sunday when she entertained the
members of the land settlement com
mittee from the Portland chamber of
commerce. Not since- the barbacue
have we attempted anything to equal
it. A large "welcome" sign and" Old
Glory floating in the breeze hung at
the entrance to the Porter ranch
where the picnic dinner was held.
Long tables Bet in the shade of the
trees, loaded with good things made
a beautiful setting, the weather man
was kind and the day ideal, the after
dinner speeches short, snappy and
interesting. S. H. Boardman was the
chairman and introduced the speakers.
Norma Gibbons gave a recitation,
Whitney Bois chairman of the land
settlement committee, spoke briefly
telling of Portland's interest in the
development of the interior, and told
of the work of the committee. He
expressed thanks for the fine enter
tainment provided. Col. E. E. Faville,
editor of Western Farmer, gave a
clever talk. Marshall Dana, president
of the Umatilla Rapids association,
and associate editor of the Oregon
Journal, spoke of the future of this
section. The members of the com
mittee who had this "in charge all
worked hard, but the result was a
splendid example of what cooperation
will do. Mention should be made of
the music of the Irrigon boys' band.
These young lads played very well and
with their leader deserve much credit.
Mr. Porter assisted greatly in helping
make the day a success. The Fort
land visitors were taken over the pro
ject in the morning.
VI DENVER.; $67.20 ll
OMAHA 75.60 !
V KANSAS CITY... 75.60 ;
I ST. LOUIS 85.60 I
DETROIT 109.92 ; A
: CINCINNATI .... 110.40
TORONTO 118.05 1
f P ATLANTA 121.65 K
WASHINGTON... 145.86
i NEW YORK 151.70 &
V BOSTON 157.76 i:-J
rlh effect to SentemberlS
rReturnLimit October 310924
and the Union Pacific makes your
journey economical by low round-trip
excursion fares to all important points
in the East, Middle West and South.
enaSle you to visit the big eastern
cities or America s greatest wonder
lands Zion National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Rocky Mountain National Park
all reached via the scenic and historic
Union Pacific. DeLuxetrains. Superior
service. Descriptive booklet on request.
Heppner, Ore.
Now is the Time
to buy your Summer needs
Men's reg. Work Shirts 75c, up. Cloth Hats 50c and up
Jiffy Work Shirts, without All Wool Bathing Suits:
buttons $1 .50 Children's ... $1 .50 and up
Jiffy Suits or Coveralls $4 and $5
Athletic Underwear 75c and up
Girls' and Boys' $4.00 and up
Ladies'-Men's $5.00 and up
Straw Hats 25c and up
Our Grocery Stock is complete
and the prices are right
Thomson Brothers
FOR SALE Fourteen foot bar
weedcr. Troy Bogard, Eight Mile. Or.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely were in
lone on business Wednesday.
Miss Beulah Pettyjohn worked for
Mrs. Cheater Hutchcroft the past
Pat Medlock is working at Lexing
ton during the harvest season.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hutchcroft
imd children left Friday for McMinn
ville. Mr. Hutchcroft returned home
Monday. Mrs. Hutchcroft will re
main for some time.
Mrs. Pat Medlock spent Thursday
with Mrs. Noah Pettyjohn.
Elvin Ely purchased a 1926 model
Ford roadster at Echo Friday.
M. W. Mahoney of Portland was up
the past week settling up business.
Bert Palmateer left Thursday for
Combine Harvester
I have the agency for this popular and
efficient machine, and would like pros
pective buyers of harvesting machinery
to look this combine over before making
a decision.
Frank Shively
Estacada where he was joined by his
wife and' children.
District No. 6 held their annual
school meeting Monday and reelect
ed Mrs. R. E. Harbison clerk and
Chester Hutchcroft director.
Mr. and Mrs. French of Stanfleld
were calling in Morgan Sunday.
Miss Helen Pearl and Ted George
of Eugene, are visiting their old
friends, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Ely.
Geneva Pettyjohn spent Sunday
with her folks.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb and fam
ily of Walla Walla spent Sunday with
Those who were calling on Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Ely Sunday were W. F.
Palmateer, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Ely,
Miss Pearl, Mr. George, Frank Hal
ferty and family and Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Harbison.
The Morgan nine defeated the Al
pine nine by a score of 13 to 11 on
the Medlock diamond Sunday.
FOR SALE Dcering combine, mo
tor and machine in good condition.
Cecil Sargent, lone, Ore.
Apricots ready for shipment July
1st. $1.36 per crate, parcel post, F.
0. B. Heppner. T. S. Coffey, Route 1,
The Dalles, Oregon. 11-13
WILL TRADE $1500 equity in 23
acre ranch for good touring car. Ad
dress Box 73, Hermiston, Ore. 11-13
Better Silk Stockings
Better silk and more of it. Better style.
Come in and see for yourself.
It's the Famous
Everwear Hosiery
Be Sure to Investigate
RAFFON It's New!
Silk in colors of
A beautiful silk fiibre material in
stripes and checks you'll
like its lustre.
Courage of Convictions
They of 1776 had it the courage of their convictoins.
We of 1926 also have it should duty call. So we are true to our trust of National
Freedom. Gut how about your individual Independence? A nation is no more prosperous
than its people. Individual Independence is the fruit of hard work and systematic savings
for most of us.
There are more savings accounts in the United States today than in any other na
tion in the world. " '
Have you a savings account numbered in that total? If not you should make this the
occasion to resolve for a personal independence through a savings account.