Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 24, 1926, Image 1

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    Hi toricftV Society.
Volume 43, Number 13.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Work Will Start ooon
Local Men Take In
Grading Heppner-Spray
Bankers' Meet at Moro
Hospitality of All Heppner
Extended to County at
Legion Carnival.
Stramaglia Said to Be Ranked With
Top-Notch Heavies; Will
Fight Hard.
Hcppner's American Legion carnival
on July 8-4-5 looks more promising
as the time draws near. The business
men of the city are taking a keen in
terest in the event, and have added
their invitation to that of the Legion
in extending hospitality to all Mor
row county.
The program plans are being com
pleted in line with the schedule an
nounced with a few minor alterations.
The water carnival which was an
nounced for the morning of the 4th
has been changed to the afternoon af
ter the ball game. Plans for this
event are announced in another col
umn. Arrangements are being made to
care for a large crowd, as there is
evidence that many will take advan
tage of this big amusement oppor
tunity. For those who wish to bring
their lunches with them grounds will
be provided at the court house grove
and at the fair grounds. Plenty of
shade and good water can be had at
these places, giving an ideal place to
rest and visit between times.
Among the leading attractions on
the program will be the smoker
events, a championship wrestling
mntch between George Barnes, Wash
ington state champion of Longview
and Frank Pilling of Pendleton, and
a big fistic event, in which Rocco
Stramaglia of Cle Elum, Washington,
will box Otto Robinson as the head
line attraction. The wrestling bout
will come the evening of July 3, and
the boxing on the 6th, both events at
7:30 in front of the new grandstand.
That the Stramaglia-Robinson go
will be no frame-up, is evidenced by
the following letter received from
Stramaglia's manager, Mike P. Schwel-mer:
"Rocco Stramaglia, the big Italian
heavyweight from the coal mines of
Cle Elum, Washington, is in the pink
of condition for his battle with Otto
Robinson, July 5. Rocco has been
bowling his opponents over regularly
in the gymnasium and the fans are
in for a real fistic treat when he
crawls through the ropes.
"Stramaglia has met and defeated
nome of the best heavyweights in the
country. He knocked out the sensa
tional Eddie Huffman in forty-five sec
onds. He has fought Jack Dempsey
and Tommy Gibbons exhibition bouts.
Rocco expects to knock out Robinson
in a couple of rounds as he figures on
meeting George Carpentier in Port
land during the month of July. Ed
die Huffman fought Carpentier a ten
round draw a short time ago and as
Stramaglia knocked out Huffman In a
round the big Italinn stands a good
chance of winning over the colorful
Frenchman. Rocco knows nothing but
fight when he's in the ring, throwing
gloves all the time and willing to ex
change blows at all times.
"I'm Bending Rocco out to end the
fight in as short a time as possible."
Plans for the athletic events for
Monday morning, the 6th, are under
way and will be announced next week,
All told the carnival will afford a gen
uine means of celebration, it is be
lieved, and the county is urgently in
vited to participate.
The road crew is getting on the
ground to begin the work of grading
the Heppner-Spray road, and dirt will
soon be flying on this contract. Out
fits have been passing through Hopp
er this week and camps will be im-
lediatcly established at convenient
points along the survey.
From what we have already seen,
ig trucks and plenty of machinery
will be in use and there should be no
delay whatever in pushing the job to
prompt completion. Heppner will be
the supply point for the crews at work
on this contract, so we are informed,
and in addition to the work now prog
ressing on the Lena-Vinson gap, will
elp materially in livening the trade
at this place.
Miss Clark Will Tell
of U. of 0. Centcnniai
University of Oregon, Eugene, June
22. Mary Clark of Heppner has been
delegated by the University of Ore
gon to appear before civic organiza-
tions and various public gatherings
during the summer for the purpose of
explaining the Semi-Ccntennial cele
bration to be held at the Univesity of
Oregon from October 18 to 23. Sh
has been appointed a member of the
Greater Oregon committee, which has
as its main purpose that of explain
ine to the people of the state th
reason for the celebration of the Uni-
versitv's fiftieth birthday.
The celebration on the campus I
to be a state-wide affair and much
expected from Heppner in the way of
representation and moral support.
Manager Barr Turns
Trick for Local Win
A good piece of strategy on the part
of Manager Barr drug the locals out
of a bad hole in Sunday's ball game
with Umatilla, enabling the locals to
overcome a one-run lead and win 6-2.
Umatilla grouped a couple of hits in
the second inning, which combined
with two passed batters to put across
couple of tallies and Heppner made
one run in the same inning. The
game see-sawed then for several in-
ings, and though both sides got men
n bases, they were unable to score
until the sixth canto.
Then, gaining heart by getting
couple of men on bases,, the locals
took a fresh start. Two outs were
made, however, with no scores, mak-
ng things look as if the rally would
be short lived. Manager Barr would-
t have it that way, though, and sent
i "Bus" Gentry to hit for Allen
Bus" hadn't been hitting much, but
the psychology of the situation was
n his favor, for he tapped out a little
nfield grounder and made first on
bobble. The jinx was off then and
Heppner scored five runs before the
third out was made.
Dave Wilson umpired strikes and
balls, and F. B. N'ickerson bases. Jack
McGinnis was official Bcorer.
Heppner will play Boardman here
next Sunday. Boardman is strong in
the pitching department and will give
Heppner something to worry about.
Walter Moore, cashier -of the First
National bank, Earl Hallock, assistant
cashier of the Fanners 4 Stockgrow
ers National bank, Cleve Van
Schoiack, Roger W. Morse, county ag
ent, of Heppner, and Victor Peterson,
cashier of the Bank of lone, were
Morrow county representatives at the
state bankers association meeting at
Moro yesterday. The meeting was at-
Mnl.r r.;nim ..i. ifvi. tended by some 100 bankers of the
I nikoat Jialvint. anA .l,a nnnn 1iinh.
lomona orange met at lone June i. eon wa8 pre8idcd over by Sara Baker,
This was the first regular meeting of chairman of the agricultural commit'
thi Pomnn. nd fiv. rrni.p were tee of the state bankers association.
Entertainment Features
and Dinner Enjoyed by
Joint Pomona.
By Arthur Brisbane
of Grants Pass. A committee of re-
Meetin w. called t order in the Uts of Oregon Agricultural college
I. O. O. F. hall by Master Charles " aUo present
Wirllmri.. t 11 nvinrk m Aftor The afternoon was spent at the
n h.n. k.ih... n..t!n. h..b.t Moro experiment station, when
Hinn.r ..rv.rf t th rinV hv n. thorough demonstration was given the
trons bankers of what the experiment sta-
Followine dinner, a literary oro- tion ' doinS ' the wheat farmers of
gram was held at the rink until 4:00 eastern Oregon. Emphas! was laid
clock. The program consisted of u " """J "V ,c "v
.v.r.1 mimW hv i bov.1 hand nf tllla loucn wjui ine worn ui ue m-
Irrigon, also musical numbers, ad-
resses, and readings by the various
Business was again taken up at the
O. O. F. hall, and some very im
portant topics were discussed. A mo-
lon was passed that out district Po
mona go on record, encouraging the
lovement of the Hood River Pomona
range in regard to forming a bank
our present bankers insist on charg
ing fifty cents per month on small
accounts, and that a copy be sent
to Hood River Grange, also Hennis-
ton and Heppner papers.
The Grange accepted an invitation
to go to Boardman for the next Po
mona meeting, probably the first Sat-
rday in October.
A resolution of thanks was extend
ed to E. R. Lundell and I. O. 0. F.
lodge for the use of the lodge room,
and to Mr. Griffith for the use of the
The fifth degree was conferred on
class of 22 members, the Irrigon
degree team exemplifying the work.
HOLDER of the $400 belt presented by the citizens of Longview, Washing
ton, which will be part of the stakes in the championship match with
Frank Pilling here July 3rd.
Farmers Will Picnic
at Eight Mile Sunday
Next Sunday Morrow county farm
ers will picnic at the Fred Akers
grove, Eight Mile, when an inspection
will be made also of the wheat nur
sery on the Lawrence Redding farm.
A horseshoe tournament under the su
pervision of Henry Peterson will take
place in the morning, and other games
are being arranged. At noon will come
the picnic lunch, followed by a short
speaking program. Then in the after
noon the trip to the nursery, with D.
E. Stephens and B. B. Bayles, of the
Moro experiment station, in charge.
Other outside wheat men may also be
on hand, is the word given out.
Word received at Heppner early this
morning announced the death about
midnight last night of Oscar Edwards,
at the Good Samaritan hospital in
rortland. Mr. towards had been con
fined at the hospital for several weeks,
suffering an attack of heart diseasee
with other complications, and friends
from ' here who had called on him
found that he was a very sick man.
though all possible was being done
to relieve him of his sufferings.
Mr. Edwards was reared in this
vicinity where his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Edwards resided for many
years, and he was highly respected by
a large circle of friends here. He was
a member of the I. O. 0. F., K. of P
and Elks lodges of this city, and it is
expected that a delegation represent
ing these bodies will go to Forest
Grove to attend the funeral. Mr. Ed
wards is survived by his mother, Mrs.
Belle Edwards, of Forest Grove, one
brother and two sisters.
Races, Diving and Beauty
Parade Feature Show
at Natatorium.
From the Milton Eagle we have the
following concerning a former Hepp
ner boy, son of Mr. and Mrs, Percy
Hughes, who now reside at Umapine,
nenr Milton.
Edwin Hughes, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Hughes, met with a ser
ii.us accident Sunday evening. In
trying to catch his shot gun which
vas leaning against the wall and was
falling, he received the full contents
of the load In his right arrn just
below the elbow, when it was dis
charged. The muscles were torn away
hut the bones were not injured. Th
boy rnn to the home of W. B. Phillips
who lives near the Hughes home. He
. was weak from the terrible loss of
blood. Mr, Phillips applied a tournl
ouet and staunched the flow, then
put him in a car and mshed him to
College Place sanitarium where Dr.
Vlower of Milton put him on the op
erating table and cleaned the wound
Although it will be some time before
the boy will be able to use his arm
he Is resting very comfortably,
The regular meeting of the Ameri
can Legion Auxiliary was held at
their rooms on'Monday evening, with
Mrs. Olson and Mrs. Phelps as hos
tesses. It was decided to have
pillow shower for Hospital No. 77 at
the next meeting on July 19th. Pil
lows of all sizes, or donations will be
acceptable. At the next meeting del
egates will be chosen to attend the
annual convention at Marshfield, Aug.
5 6 and 7. A letter was received from
the department secretary, Mrs. J. W,
Mclnturff, in which she expresses the
thanks of the department to the local
Twilight baseball league for theif do
nation to the hospital and Child Wei
fare committee for the disabled ser
vice men and children. The Auxiliary
ib planning on having a cold drink
stand on July 3 and 6 at the Legion
Aunt Dies Suddenly on
Saturday at Pendleton
Word was received here Saturday
evening by Johnnie Hiatt that his
aunt, Mrs. Mary Pearson of Echo had
died very suddenly at Pendleton on
that afternoon, suffering what proved
to be a stroke of appoplexy. Mrs.
Pearson had accompanied her niece,
Mrs. Ed Kelley of Lexington to Pen
dleton for the purpose of caring for
whil. .h .tended the sessions of Pital where Dr. Johnston attended his
Mrs. Anna Lundell, aged 84 years.
wife of C. E. Lundell, died at the fam
ily home in lone early Tuesday morn
ing, of heart disease. She had been
invalid and bed ridden for much
of the past year, and because of her
age death was not unlooked for. Fu
neral services were hold in lone Wed
nesday and burial was in the grave
yard at the Swedish church grounds
on Eight Mile, the funeral being large
ly attended by relatives and friends.
Mrs. Lundell, who had been a resident
of the Gooseberry and lone sections
for many years, was hlghy respected
and greatly beloved by a large circle
of friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Goorge Stephens of Ar
lington were Heppner visitors on Sun
day at the Gordon home.
That the water carnival at the Am-
rican Legion swimming pool on the
afternoon of the Fourth will be one
f the most entertaining features of
the big three-day athletic carnival on
the 3rd, 4th and 5th, is the opinion of
those having the show in charge.
There will be something to entertain
the spectators all the time, and the
ontests have been 60 arranged that
11 swimmers may take part.
The water sports will begin imme
diately following the ball game, and
it is planned they will consume be
tween an hour and a half and two
The swimming races will consist
mostly of short dashes with compe
tition in the following classes: boys
under 16, girls under 16, boys under
10, girls under 10, free for all for
men, and free for all for women. In
all these events cash prizes will be
awarded the winners. In addition to
the scheduled races there will proba
bly be matched races between the
best Bwimmers present.
In the diving contest there will be
threeprizes, given as follows:
Straight diving, including only tho
swan dive and jackknite dive, nrst
and second prizes; best all found div
er, one prize. In the latter event all
forms of diving will be shown and
the competition in both classes la
expected to be keen, as several local
swimmers have been practicing reg
ularly the past two weeks, and mnny
outside competitors are expected. In
the diving events winners will be
chosen on the point system. Those
intending to enter the swimming ev
ents are requested to register with
B. R. Finch at the nntatorium on or
before July 1st, although where it
is impossible to register before that
date entries will bo accepted later.
It is uinted out by the committee
that the water carnival is not a Hepp
ner affair exclusively, and they are
very anxious to have representatives
entered from all points in the county,
A feature of the carnival which has
received a great deal of attention and
one that should prove of interest to
all is the bathing beauty contest. In
this event there will be numerous
prizes and the competition will doubt
less be lively. This event is also
open to entrants from any point in
Morrow county and it is urged that
prospective competitors enter at an
early date. For their convenience an
entry coupon is printed on this page.
This should be filled out and handed
or mailed to B. R. Finch, Heppner.
However, the use of the coupon is
not cmopulsory and anyone may enter
by registering with Mr. Finch, The
judges for this contest as well as for
the diving events have not yet been
definitely chosen. They will be an
nounced next week.
Arrangements are being made to
increase the seating capacity at the
swimming pool and it is expected
seats will be available for all who
wish to -attend.
Mrs. John Olden of Rhea Creek died
Tuesday afternoon at the Morrow
General hospital from chronic heart
and kidney disease from which she
had been a sufferer for many years.
The remains were taken in charge by
Undertaker Case and prepared for
shipment to her former home at Hills
boro, to which point they were taken
last evening, and burial will take place
Mrs. Olden is survived by her hus
band. She had ben ill for some years
and during the past few weeks was
cared for at the hospital here, every
thing possible being done to bring
relief from her sufferings. She was
,i very excellent woman, and her death
is mourned by many friends in this
community where she had resided for
a number of years. Mrs. Olden was
51 years of agei
Wheat Certification to be
Made the Coming Week
Inspection for seed wheat certifica
tion will be made by a representative
of the Oregon Agricultural college and
County Agent Morse next week. Ac
cording to Mr. Morse there iB need for
large supply of good clean seed
wheat this fall as the wheat fields of
Eastern Oregon are mixed worse than
usual. This mixture is due to the
freezcout of last year making clean
seed scarce last fall.
Growers having fairly clean fields
should notify the County Agent at
once if they wish them inspected for
certification. It is expected that there
will be a good demand for clean Hy
brid 128, Fortyfold, Turkey Red, and
The Eastern Oregon convention of
Christians only closed on Sunday,
June 20. Those who had attended
other conventions proclaimed it to be
the best yet. It furnished a season
of delightful fellowship and the pro
gram was of a high order throughout,
Among the outstanding addresses
were those of H. H. Griffis, pastor of
the First Christian church of Port-
lnnd and C. M. Ridenour of Spokane,
The local pastor feels greatly heipe 1
by the convention and will try to
bring some of the spirit as well as
some of the information derived to
those who could not go. Come Sun
day morning and hear some 'Echos of
the Convention."
The evening subject will be that
one announced for two weeks ago.
"Seven Things God Hates.
Bible school and Christian Erdeav-
or will meet at the usual hours.
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
Mrs. Margart Cason returned from
Tacoma, Wash., on Friday and will
spend the summer vacation hero. She
has been employed in the public
schools of Tacoma for tho past two
years, and she, with her little daugh
ter, drove over from the Washington
city in her car, finding the trip most
enjoyable. We are informed that Mrs.
Cason has been elected a member of
the faculty of the new State Normal
at Ashland, and she will take up her
work there beginning with the Sep
t ember term.
tion, it being said that the scope of
its work was a revelation to many.
The Heppner party in the Morse car
took in the wheat belt going to Moro,
and though they found the roads not
so good, they got a good idea of the
crop situation. They report the wheat
very spotted with some good fields
and some not so good. Outside of
Heppner fiat the best looking wheat
was encountered near Moro, and this
appeared to be hurting some with the
warm weather. While at Moro Mr.
Morse arranged for field tests in this
county of several of the new smut-
proof wheats that have been grown
quite successfully at the station.
These will be planted in small plots
this fall on different farms. They
absoutely do not need to be treated
for smut, says the county agent.
Hurt Seriously While
Operating Bar Weeder
While operating a bar weeder on
the George White place north of Lex
ington Wednesday morning, Link lo
cum was seriously injured. He was
in front of the weeder, trying to make
dump and at the same time keep
the team going, with the result that
the machine fell on him and he was
dragged for some distance before the
team stopped. He was bruised consid
erably and his hip was injured
Mr. Yocum was brought to Heppner
and taken to the Morrow General hos-
Farmers Are Tired.
'Money Enough' Mellon.
Dancing in Church.
Gertrude Tries Again.
.m. cWl TW .fnnn.H t .),. injuries, iier an ex-ray win oe taaen
home of Mrs.' Elizabeth McGinnis. t0 determine the extent of the injuries
Mrs. Pearson having just .returned to his hip and pelvis which are proba-
from lunch with Mrs. Kelley, was left
in the room with the little girl while
Mrs. Keiley stepped out for a few mo- Wedding Anniversary
aunt unconscious, the stroke coming
on her suddenly, and when a physi
cian arrived she was found to be
She was the widow of the late
James A. Pearson and for many years
Is Occasion for Party
The 'twenty-fifth wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd of
Cecil was fittingly celebrated on Sun
day last by the gathering at their
resided with her family on Butter home of some 75 relatives and friends,
creek, having settled there long years and Mr. and Mrs. Hynd were thus re
ago. She leaves no immediate rela- minded that their silver wedding was
tives, as all the members of her fam- at hand. Gathering at the grove sur
ly had passed away, but is survived rounding the Hynd residence at But
by two brothers, Wm. E. Hiatt of terby Flats, were all of their chil
Vancouver, Wash., and Levi Hii.tt of dren besides brothers and sisters of
Heppner, and two sisters, Mrs. J. H.
Fearson of Lena and Mrs. Eva Pear-
sen of Echo, with whom she made
her home. Funeral services were
held at Pendleton on Monday after
noon, with interment in the cemetery
there where her husband is buried.
both Mr. and Mrs. Hynd, and a large
circle of their friends from one end
of the county to the other. A big
picnic dinner, furnished largely by
those in attendance was spread un
der the big trees, and the party was
one that will ever be remembered by
Mr. and Mrs. Hynd as one of the most
pleasant episodes in their married
Of course there could not be a fit
ting ending to such an important
event without the marriage ceremony,
and this feature was attended to in a
manner that could not but be appre
dated, especially by the bride and
bridegroom, both of whom were prop-
Col. C. C. Boone, civil war veteran
and formerly a resident of this coun
lv lint livmir for thn nast several
years at the old soldiers' home at erly presented for the ceremony be-
Roseburg, writes this paper that he
is starting on a trip to his old home
at Ava, Illinois. He expects to visit
two nieces living there, returning in
the fall, when he expects to make a
vsiit to Morrow county. Mr. Boone
says he is right on the go, hunting
and fishing a great deal, and intends
to keep at it throughout the remain
der of his days.
Guy Cason was in Heppner last eve
ning. With his family he came over
from Wasco to make a visit with Mor-
fore Cecil Lieuallen and the rite was
solemnly performed by that worthy
in a style that was impressive, if
unique, as he had dressed for the
event in white clerical robes and there
could be no fault found with the style
and manner of his ceremony it was
word and letter perfect. The bride
was properly robed with flowing veil
and presented a striking appearance.
As to the bridegroom, there was not
a great deal to be said, but Jack took
his part all right and bore up well un
der the ordeal. He says that he can-
Dr. Jaeger, Government volcano ex- '
pert, brings from Hawaii an inter
esting device. Stored in basement or
cellar, this household seismograph
will warn the family of any coming
earthquake sufficiently in advance. .
That interests New Yorkers, told
that a big earthquake fault runs
from the Statue of Diberty up the
Hudson river. But many little earth-
quake rumbles mean nothing and af
ter a few warnings famiiiea will be
come as indifferent to earttiquane
warnings as workmen do to bars of
dynamite. -
There is an automobile for every
six people in the United Stats, about
half as many as there ought to be.
Before long, in hundreds of thou
sands of families, there will be a
separate car for each person past six
teen years of age. Each bird needs
its own wings.
The Reverend Tertius Van Dyke,
sen of the extremely able Dr. Henry
Van Dyke, quits his fashionable New
York church for a small town pulpit.
"The people of New York want their
religion with a jazz tempo," he says,
and he doesn't intend to shoot off fire
works or wear a red vest, to save
men's . souls.
Mr. Van Dyke's complaint is just.
T hen you have bare-footed young
'adies dancing in he church aisles
tu "express religion" you push com
petition far. But pulpit sensational
ism is not new. It was old when in
Brooklyn DeWitt Talmadge raced up
ai d down his long platform, or Henry
Ward Beec'.ier sold a good looking
mulatto t re girl at public auction
.n his pu'pit.
Farire-is ask a fair profit on money,
'abcr end life invested in their farms.
rd are told "Oh, that rs ruled by
the laws of supply and demand. We
cannot do anything about THAT."
When railroads tell the Republican
Government they want at least seven
per cent on fifteen to twenty billions
of securities, largely pure water, no
supply and demand platitudes are
handed out.
The Interstate Commerce Commis
sion most politely raises freight and
passenger rates, and the public pays.
The farmers are tired of that. .
If you wonder WHY the farmers
are tired, look at today's Wall Street
No. 1: "Class 1 railroads gain 14.7
per cent in earnings."
No. 2: "Corn is worth about fifty-
seven cents a bushel on the farm
where it grows."
Bankers wondered how much Secre
tary Mellon must borrow to meet the
Government's spring payments. Op
timists thought he might get along
with two hundred millions. Conser
vatives said at least three millions.
Mr. Mellon amazes high finance by
borrowing no money. Uncle Sam can
finance himself, thanks to Mr. Mel
Ion's management.
The people pay him $12,500 a year,
and this year he will clear off eight
hundred millions more of public
Gertrude Ederle, extraordinary
young American swimmer, will try
the English Channel once more, and
says, "Last year's experience will
help me." It should help her not
to eat another heavy meal before she
enters the water. A thoroughbred
horse eats nothing on the morning
of the race. Men know how to handle
horses, but don't know how to handle
themselves. Millions of young Am
ericans eat heartily and immediately
dance the Charleston violently, add
ing a heavy percentage to the Amer
ican dyspepsia record. Tell that to
your children.
1 S-! 1- 1 I...!......
row couniy ir.enus ..u . th.t it h. Wn twontv-five
ine his family at lone. Guy has been , . , ,
playing ball with the fast Wasco nine
this season. He joined his family at
lone today,
Joseph Eskelson was in the city
short time yesterday from Lexington,
long years since he first led his wife
to the altar, but when he looked about
him and realized that his family were
now all grown, it was brought forci
bly to his mind.
The party was a most enjoyable af-
having just arrived from his home at fnjr and the entire company had a fine
Salem. He will be nere until atter dy 0f jt at the Hynd home.
harvest and expects to gather in a
good crop from his farm. SCOUTS ATTENTION! Next meet-
Clarence Carmichael nearly cut of in8 at the church Saturday evening
ex finger in the sickle of seven-imriy. oe tnerei duui-
hls loft index fingc
a combine while at work near Lexing
ton on Thursday last. Dr. McMurdo
stitched the finger back.
FOR SALE Case tractor and Case
separator. Can be bought reason
ably. J. A. Patterson, Heppner. 13-16
Rhea Creek Grange meets the sec
ond Sunday afternoons and third Sat
urday evenings of each month.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gem
mell of Heppner, a 10-lb. daughter on
Tuesday night.
Ed Neill, prominent Butter creek
sheepman, was doing business here
Jack Hynd, Cecil flockmaster, was
here from his Butterby Flat ranch
Ella Bergstrom had her tonsils re
moved by Dr. McMurdo on Saturday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs, Harlan Jones
on June 21, a 9-lb. girl.
Our young ladies are becoming
srphisticated, almost cold. A young
gentleman in love with Miss Clara
Bow, who did not care much for him,
slashed his wrists with a razor. Her
comment was, "Gentlemen usually
prefer guns, when they commit sui
cide for love."
Tyndall Robinson, who recently met
with a serious accident while handling
a plow team, was able to return home
from the Heppner surgical hospital
Bathing Beauty Contest-ENTRY COUPON
MR. B. R. FINCH, Heppner, Ore.
Please list
as an entrant in the BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST to be
held on the afternoon of July 4th.